Good Cop/Bad Cop (2025) s01e01 Episode Script
Peace in the Valley
Okay, almost go time.
Once I drop you off by the pharmacy,
you've got six minutes.
Thank you very much,
ladies and gentlemen, and
please don't forget to vote.
Come on! Swayze, from Point Break!
Point Break is weak.
This is a robbery, everybody
Why is everybody already laying down?
Get on the ground.
You get on the ground.
I'm robbing this place.
I'm already robbing it.
I've been planning it for a month.
[WOMAN] Maybe you could
come back tomorrow.
- Yeah.
- Shut up.
- Get out of here, Affleck.
- What?
The mask! Affleck, from The Town?
No, man, it's De Niro from Heat.
Right. Great movie.
Come and get me.
- Mr. President!
- Huh?
Alright, dumbass. You don't
want to give up your connection,
you gotta deal with Detective Hickman.
I'm not saying nothing, fat boy.
Well ah, Lou gets everyone to
talk because Lou plays dirty.
And I lost six pounds since March.
Hi, there. I'm Detective Hickman.
Everybody calls me Lou.
Short for Louise,
which is kind of an old
lady name, if you ask me.
Why are you so friendly?
That cop made it sound like
some big tough guy was coming in here.
Oh man, I wish we had one of those.
You know, I am the only
detective on the force, so
just you and me today.
So your last name is Mackie?
You must be Sheila Mackie's kid.
- Maybe.
- Wow.
Small town. Small world.
She was my JV basketball
coach. Only for a year.
I made varsity as a sophomore,
but we still keep in touch.
So, it says here you were
picked up last month for
Am I reading this right?
Indecent exposure at a petting zoo?
No, no, I was trying to get
something out of my pocket.
Oh, no, I believe you, man.
I really do. But do you
think that your mum would?
Oh, no. Come on.
You know what? I should
really give Sheila a call.
Just say 'hello'.
Oh, should we call her together?
- Is that crazy?
- No, no, no.
I'll give up my source.
Oh, no, no. I can't let you do that.
Come on, please. Everybody
calls him White Mike.
I don't know his real name.
Okay, Melvin, give my best
to your family. Sheila
Okay, you should escape.
Just kidding, you can't. It's
locked from the outside. Bye.
Did he give you a name?
Uh, Bradley, I am offended
you even have to ask.
It's White Mike. See if
you can track him down.
[WOMAN] Lou, a call
came in. It's a good one.
Lily, whenever you say that,
it's always something pretty messed up.
Simultaneous armed robberies
at Eden Vale Pharmacy.
One suspect, well he got away,
but the other one is dead!
Which is like, super sad for his family
and his robber friends.
Poor Phil. I'm heading over.
Oh, and your brother is retaking
his IPC certification
again today in Seattle.
Your dad was hoping you'd reach
out and wish him good luck.
Henry doesn't need luck on
his interpersonal skills.
He needs divine intervention.
[WOMAN] Can anyone tell me
the single most important tool
an officer needs to
develop to make Detective?
Yes, Officer Gukazov.
Effective communication.
Correct. Effective communication.
Something to add,
Officer Hickman, again?
Ma'am, only that it's a meaningless
regurgitation of the course material,
and that the use of inductive
and deductive reasoning
would actually be the
most important tools
I would use if I were to make detective.
That 'if' is doing a lot of work.
Also, when you led my self
defence certification last year,
you said that that was
the most important tool.
Right, but being able to influence
So clearly if the rankings
are always changing, ma'am,
then the question becomes meaningless.
Okay, let's break early for lunch.
[MAN] Uh, we've got a major
problem, Detective Hickman.
What is it, Szczepkowski?
We're out of crime scene tape.
Okay, I have more in
the back of my truck,
and I know you're still new,
but you really need to work
on differentiating between
a real crisis and a minor
inconvenience, all right?
Alright, sorry.
We arrived at the scene
20 minutes after
receiving the shots fired.
Just missed the gunfight.
Again, Ray, gunfights aren't
as fun as you think they are.
What have we got?
One Caucasian individual
who fled the scene
heading north in a white goalie mask,
and one deceased Caucasian individual
inside in a Ronald Reagan mask.
I'm begging you, Sarika,
this isn't the Marine Corps.
- Just say 'dead white guy'.
- Copy that.
What in the world is
happening to this town, Louise?
I don't know, Marla, but
I'm just glad you're okay.
Tell your dad that I said
it sure as hell wasn't
the real Ronald Reagan,
because no bullet could stop that man.
I'll put it in my report.
[LOU] What kind of firepower
were these guys packing?
Reagan mask had a SIG Sauer P320,
and hockey mask had an
S-110 with a camo stock.
A late model white F-150
was spotted heading south,
past the store at excessive
speed shortly after the robbery.
One good thing about this town,
you can always get an
accurate description
on a gun and a truck.
Isn't the S-110 a varmint rifle?
Weird choice for an armed robbery.
Please tell me you were
the first ones on the scene.
County Sheriff beat us again.
Detective Carson's inside the premises.
- He was asking about you.
- Oh, really?
Oh, he was probably just
making sure we clarified
jurisdictional issues between
Warren County and EVPD.
- Mm. Yeah.
- Things of that nature.
- [LOU] Phil.
- Louise.
Can you believe this?
I'm so sorry.
We're gonna find the guys who did this.
Well, one of them is right there,
but we'll find the other guy.
[MAN] You know, I got a
whole County to cover, Lou.
Maybe try to beat me here when I
catch a body in your city limits.
Give me a break, Carson. I
got here as fast as I could.
Oh, we're back to last names now?
You know, my ex-wife
still calls me Shane,
and she just locked me out
of her own Netflix account
For flooding her algorithm with
weird sex cult documentaries?
Yeah, not gonna lie, that played a part.
So, you want us to
take a lead on this one?
- Your call.
- Hmm, always the gentleman.
I'll take it from here.
How long till a County
lab can run a blood sample?
I'd say EOD, if you're lucky.
- For a suspect at large?
- Well, crazy idea,
you can talk your dad into
getting your own crime lab.
You're dreaming. Point Break fan I see.
Guess he wasn't expecting to
run into 'De Niro' from Heat.
That's what he was going for,
'cause I heard hockey mask
and I went Friday the 13th.
Hmm, what'd he take? Cash or pills?
Pills. Half of them worthless.
Statins, blood thinners,
stuff like that.
But, he also took pain
pills and benzos, too.
I heard White Mike is dealing
again. Could be a connection.
Wait, I thought White Mike
got hair plugs and found Jesus.
That was Bald Mike.
Yep, that makes more sense.
I need to talk to you.
Do you know what the
best part of my job is?
Every day is Take Your
Daughter to Work Day.
Have a caramel.
No, this isn't a personal
Ooh, you know what?
I'll take one of those.
This isn't a personal visit.
This is about our crime problem.
We don't have a crime problem.
You realise we haven't
had a drug-related fatality
within city limits in two years?
Because you helped get
the city limits redrawn
so the only ER is in Birch Creek now.
Birch Creek, now they
got a crime problem.
Just because you move the numbers around
to make the stats look
pretty doesn't make them true.
Sweetheart, the country
has fallen apart.
People need a place
where they feel safe.
That's what Eden Vale
is to folks around here.
But it's a myth.
There's masked bad guys
out there having shootouts.
Louise, come on, don't exaggerate.
One shootout.
Look, believing that they're safe,
that's what gives
people the peace of mind
to put their kids to bed at night.
And that belief is the most
important thing we can give them.
I thought it was, you
know, like, actual safety,
which is tough to provide
when our equipment is outdated,
we don't have our own lab,
and I'm surrounded by rookies.
I feel like KG when he
played for the Wolves.
Give me some complimentary pieces
or trade me to the Celtics.
You know, the City Council
is not gonna give me
the money for all that stuff.
At least hire me a partner.
A new detective who isn't afraid
to be a hard ass for me sometimes.
I'm sick of having to play
the "I'll tell your mum" card.
You know? Yeah, I think you're right.
I think a partner is
exactly what you need.
Really? You're agreeing with me?
I'm stunned.
Yeah, you need someone who's not afraid
to step on some toes, right?
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
That would help me so much.
I agree. I think it would help us both.
Have a caramel for the road.
Seriously. So exciting. Thank you.
- Close the door.
- Okay. You got it, Dad.
Hey. Um, I'm looking for
Officer Henry Hickman.
Tall, strange fellow.
This is his dad.
[WOMAN] You're good at a lot of things.
You come at police work from,
shall we say, creative angles.
You got an almost perfect
score on the IQ test.
Well, the test had
two incorrect answers.
But I've never met anyone with
worse social skills than you.
And that includes serial killers.
Well, serial killers
often use superficial charm
to disarm potential victims.
Kind of missing the point here.
A good detective needs to
be able to deal with people.
I just don't think it's
in the cards for you.
Oh, Hickman. Your dad's on the phone.
I doubt that very much.
[OFFICER] Oh, you got me.
I invent imaginary
calls to amuse myself.
You and your father aren't close?
We haven't spoken since
I wrote an editorial
suggesting he step
down as Chief of Police.
If I take this phone
call and it makes me late,
will it jeopardise
my chances of passing?
It will have no effect whatsoever.
Thank you.
Yeah, I'm holding for
results on a blood sample.
No, I've already been holding. Don't
- Dammit.
- Bad news.
The vending machine's
eating dollars again.
Unplug and plug it back in, Sam.
But first, I need you to check
all gun dealers within 50 miles
and see if anyone sold a
S-110 with a camo stock.
That! In the last three months.
Bradley, get me an ID
on our Reagan robber
and see when he got to town.
All right, I'm on it.
Okey dokey. Heading home.
Seriously? We got a double
robbery and a homicide.
Yeah, I told Nadia I'd
stop by the grocery store.
You're having dinner
with us tonight, remember?
Oh, but first I need you
to stop by the airport.
I hired a detective, and
he gets in in half an hour.
Oh, that is great news.
So, who is he?
Well, he's a guy that has a
great mind for police work,
who can operate within the
strict confines of our budget,
and who is chomping at the bit
to take the next step in his career.
Oh, no.
Oh, no, please, no, please,
no, you can't. I can't.
You did, didn't you?
Yeah, I kind of did. [CHUCKLING]
Night, everybody.
Flight attendants on
my plane wore shorts.
Very unprofessional.
Unit P to respond
- have a female on the line
Don't you think you
should keep the scanner on?
Oh, I got my phone if they need me.
I'd really prefer you
kept the scanner on.
I got you a room at the Evergreen,
or you know, until you
find your new place.
No, I can't sleep in hotels.
I'm staying with you while I look.
Absolutely not.
Well, I already talked to Dad about it
and he said you have a spare room.
Since when are you on
speaking terms with Dad?
Since he gave me this job.
It's faster if you turn up here.
It's been seven years. I don't
think you know what's faster.
What are you doing here, Henry?
It's the only way I can get my shield.
So I've chosen to separate the job
from the fact that you
two are both in the wrong.
Excuse me? I was in the
- I was in the wrong?
- Yep.
- Wow.
- Mm-hm.
- Wow, that is funny.
- Is it?
Because you know what? I'm not even
I'm not even No, you know what?
No. No, thank you.
I'm not having this conversation
with you. Not now, not ever.
We're having the
conversation right now anyway.
We are not having this conversation.
Well, we are having this conversation.
Why do you do that?
I'm not doing anything.
You know what? This
is over. End of story.
It's just as fast if we go this way.
Could we turn the scanner
I am not putting the scanner back on.
The robbery in the pharmacy
has left one of the men dead.
- Police say the man responsible
- No!
[TV REPORTER 2] It all ended in
tragedy when this small time robber
crossed paths with a ruthless killer.
[TV REPORTER 3] But the only
prescription filled today
was for cold blooded murder.
After the break, sports and weather,
with Geeky and G-Fresh.
[MAN ON TV] Have you
been injured at work?
Do you feel that you're
owed additional compensation?
Well, the only way to get what
you deserve is to fight for it.
Yeah. Yeah.
Okay, so this is my
little brother, Henry.
He joins us from Seattle PD,
and he's our new detective.
This is Sam and Sarika.
Now Seattle sees action.
Gangs, major criminal enterprises.
- Human trafficking.
- Pretty sweet.
A lot of people have
trouble with my last name.
It's pronounced "Stepkowski".
Obviously, like the Polish
cyclist Zbigniew Szczepkowski.
This is our dispatcher, Lily.
You're, like, really tall.
I know.
- Where's Bradley?
- Wait. Joe Bradley from high school,
who was hospitalised after
drinking 40 near-beers
in an effort to get intoxicated?
Uh, 42.
Yeah, felt a nice little buzz too,
right before my kidneys started barking.
What's going on, Henry?
How are you a police officer?
[CHUCKLING] I know, right?
I mean, I finally
passed the test, amigo.
Shoot, we gotta get going.
You'll meet everyone else later.
Are you taking me to the crime scene?
I'd like to check and see
if you missed anything.
That sounds like a lot of fun, but no.
It's family dinner night at Dad's.
I have to have one meal a week
with him, and now you do, too.
I've made a terrible mistake.
Louise, I like this shirt.
Oh, really? Thank you,
Nadia. That's so nice.
Pants are problem.
Uh, Nadia, this is Hank Junior.
Okay, okay. Henry Junior.
Just Henry.
No 'junior'. I had my middle
name legally eliminated.
What? That was a dumb thing
to do. Why would you do that?
Yeah, why would you do that?
This is good. This is
great. This is working out.
These are just my work pants.
What's for dinner?
Henry, Louise,
let us enjoy nice family
meal of venison steak.
Louise and I had a very
busy deer season, didn't we?
Yeah, that's right.
We have a whole mess of
it thawing in the garage.
Ah, no thank you. I don't
consume the flesh of animals.
Since when are you a vegetarian?
Since I was seven.
Uh, Nadia, how is the dance studio?
Talent of students is
low, but checks clear.
Nadia learned English
watching American TV in Russia.
She's such a fan.
I will tell story.
I take road trip to see
places I know from shows:
Brooklyn 99, CSI Miami,
all of the Chicagos: PD, Fire and Hope.
On my way to see Twin Peaks,
I get speeding ticket from
Hank, my real policeman.
Well, that's a bit of a stretch.
What's that supposed to mean?
I think it's pretty clear.
Well, why don't you write an
editorial about it, smart guy.
I already have.
Okay, this is supposed to
be a nice family dinner.
Can we talk about something else?
Okay, I heard that Detective Carson
over at the County Sheriff's
Department got a divorce.
When is somebody gonna set you two up?
Can we talk about something else?
Alright. Anything in the case?
Maybe. We're still
looking for White Mike
and I want to revisit the
crime scene later tonight.
- I'm going with you.
- Mm, no you're not.
- [HENRY] Yes, I am.
- Louise, take your brother to the crime scene.
What am I, twelve?
One time on CSI Miami,
robber used tidal wave
to float heavy gold
out top floor of bank.
Why does he know Russian?
Why does he know anything?
So, what are you thinking?
I see someone who left most
of the valuable pills behind
and used a long distance
rifle in close quarters.
I see an amateur doing
their first robbery.
Agreed. Now, here's why I came back.
After the first shot, the witnesses
are all ducking for cover,
and they hear 'Reagan' say,
"Come and get me".
Typical macho cowboy.
No. He had wounds on the back
of his non-shooting hands.
Not defensive.
His left hand was under
his chin, palm facing in.
He was saying, 'come
and get me' on the phone,
to a getaway driver.
That's what I'm thinking.
We got a third guy,
and he's the one that
was driving the F-150,
not 'De Niro'.
Also, where's the phone? We
didn't find one on the body.
- What are you doing?
- From that distance,
blast would have sent
him back about five feet.
He would've been standing
around about here.
[LOU] Wow! Nice work.
[MAN] Oh, ah!
Oh, my God, Phil?
You really should carpet this place.
Floor is very unforgiving.
Again, Phil, we are so sorry. Aren't we?
What are you doing
here at 9:00 at night?
I left my glasses in my desk.
Oh, really?
You've had a hell of a day, Phil.
I've had a hell of a decade, Louise.
Recession, pandemic,
people losing their jobs,
their health insurance,
and now I get robbed
twice in the same day.
You're lucky. All they took
was a hodgepodge of medications.
He left the cash in the register.
I'm assuming you have a safe.
Yeah, right behind that deer head.
Well, at least you didn't get hurt.
During the robbery, anyway.
Okie dokie. We'll get out of your hair.
One more question.
What is the appeal of hunting?
Why do people enjoy sitting in trees
shooting defenceless animals?
It's a valid question.
No, not to a nice man
you just beat up it's not.
You have a weapon.
The animal has nothing.
It's like going up to a dog on
the street and just shooting it.
Okay, so if you didn't have
a weapon, you'd understand?
If you wrestled a moose, that'd be fair?
No, I'm smarter than a moose,
and I have a tighter turning radius.
Okay, everyone you grew
up with likes hunting.
- I like hunting.
- Of course.
Because you're turning into Dad.
She's gotten stronger.
I think the white F-150 belonged
to 'Reagan's' getaway driver,
and we recovered a
cell phone at the scene.
I recovered it.
Great job, Henry.
Well, I was the one that realised
there was a missing
cell phone to begin with,
but anyway, we're gonna see if
Sam can get anything off of it.
Yeah, well, you see,
you're making magic already.
I love it. Which reminds me
Glock 22, standard issue.
Welcome aboard officially, Junior.
I'm not a Junior.
Well, you're a Junior Detective.
- Detective Third Grade.
- That's pretty junior.
I'm First Grade.
And what about my shield?
Ah, sorry, I don't have your shield yet.
Well, I was really hoping for my shield.
[HANK] It's on order.
Well, do you know what day my
shield will be getting here?
I'll buy you one from the toy store
until your real one comes in.
Could you give us a second, son?
- [WHISPERING] Oh, my God.
- Is this gonna be a problem?
- Oh, absolutely!
Why is he standing on that desk?
[LOU] He's getting a panoramic
look at his new surroundings
from a high, central viewpoint.
Don't you remember?
He read it in some Sherlock
Holmes book when we were kids.
He did it every year on
the first day of school.
God, how did he survive Junior High?
I don't know, but I wish he hadn't.
[HANK] Hey.
I don't mean that. Sorry.
The layout of this bullpen
really needs to change.
I'll pass that along to
our interior designer.
Ah, I ran a check on
all the local gun sales
in the last 90 days like you asked,
and I couldn't find
any camo stock S-110s.
It was a long shot.
But, there is only one
dealer within 15 miles
who's authorised to service that model,
and that is Cascade
Survival in Birch Creek.
Okay, Sam. Look at you.
You guys, Sam found a clue.
Thank you, Ma'am Detective Hickman.
I remember that place.
It's a one-stop shop for militia
types and end-times preppers.
Let's go check it out.
I'm not letting you walk into a place
where half the customers
are packing heat,
after that stunt you pulled
with Phil at the pharmacy.
You and Bradley are
gonna start looking for
the getaway driver's white F-150.
Oh, that is grunt work.
Then get grunting.
If you find any leads,
you call me and we follow up together.
I mean it.
[JOE] Batman and Robin. I'll be Robin.
Hey, it's Dale, right?
Detective Lou Hickman.
I went to Junior High with your cousin.
He set fire to the teacher's
lounge. If I remember right.
We're in compliance with
all your so called laws.
Okay, I just want to
know if you've serviced
an S-110 with a camo stock recently.
Oh, so now I gotta alert the authorities
every time we clean a gun?
[DALE] Every time some
idiot gets in trouble,
everybody wants to blame the
gun and take away my rights.
Tell you what, Dale.
Let's skip the political debate.
Go to the field out back with
one of those rifles up there,
and if I can hit a beer
can twice in the air
before it hits the ground, you
tell me what I need to know.
How about three times?
[GASPING] Three times?
But I'm just a girl.
It would be a lucky man
who makes you his bride.
I'd like to think so,
Dale. Now start talking.
[HENRY] All these trucks
fit the description?
Uh, yeah. I mean, F-150s are everywhere.
You know, it's actually
a pretty smart truck
to use as a getaway vehicle.
Personally, I would
never buy a white one.
Makes you look like you rented
it at the airport or something.
Yeah, I'd go for, like, a dark
blue, maybe paint some flames.
Of course, they rented the truck.
Right. Right. Yes.
No, see, that's kind of
what I was getting at.
Head for the airport.
Oh, but Lou said that
if you find any leads,
that you should call her.
Well, one could say
that you found this lead,
by blindly stumbling upon
the idea the truck was rented.
Hey, thanks, man.
But I guess you're right, yeah.
See, that is why I'm so glad
that we're working together, man.
You know, I always
thought we were similar.
- Similar?
- Yeah.
I mean, you know, we're
unconventional thinkers.
We're not identical, but it's
like when an animal is related,
but they're different.
You know, like a
Like a cat and a mountain
lion, or like a dog and a bear.
Lily, I got a description
on our 'Robert De Niro'.
We're looking for a white
male, about six feet,
late 30s, short brown hair, blue eyes.
Let me talk to Henry.
[LILY ON PHONE] Ah, Henry's not here.
I think he and Bradley
went to question a witness.
They what?
[MAN] Yeah, I remember him.
He was with another guy
- Asian, real tall.
Like six-four.
- Fat guy.
- Fat?
Like fat as you or like, fatter?
Well, on a scale of one to ten -
Officer Bradley's a four,
you're a six. How fat is he?
Hey, come on, man.
Just answer the question.
Wow. I guess somewhere between us.
Suspect was of average fatness.
You look great.
All bodies are beautiful.
My condolences in advance,
but I am gonna kill your son.
- I'm gonna kill him dead.
- Okay
I know it's not easy,
but he can help us.
He's wanted to be a
detective his whole life.
Remember when you were kids
and you used to talk to
each other from your bedrooms
with my walkies,
and you solved little
mysteries around the house?
- You loved that.
- I was eight,
and we both know it's not that simple.
Simple went out the window
when you refused to
hire him out of spite.
Well, he said that I
should step down as Chief.
That I fudge my crime statistics
and give preferential
treatment to my friends.
You do!
I know, but he said it in the newspaper.
Ah, it's too much
water under the bridge.
Why would you ever think
this was a good idea?
Family ties.
Okay, I know we're family
No, no, no. The television
show, Family Ties.
Nadia said that if the
Keatons could accept Alex,
who was against everything
that they believed in,
how could I give up on Henry?
That's why I'm stuck with him?
Because of a sitcom from the 80s?
Oh, come on, Louise.
Don't tell me he didn't leave a
hole in your life when he left.
Whatever happened, whoever's to blame,
this could be the only
way we get him back.
What's the problem, Szczepkowski?
- 'De Niro's' dead.
- No.
- The gunman, not the actor.
- Oh
Yes, that qualifies as urgent.
[LOU] Oh, damn it. How does
he always get here so quick?
[HENRY] I bet that's
who you have a crush on.
Say one word and I will
personally see to it
that you spend the rest of your
time here on mounted patrol.
Well I'm not afraid of horses anymore.
[LOU] Detective Shane Carson.
This is my brother,
Detective Henry Hickman.
Oh, you're exactly how I pictured you.
Okay, what do we have?
[LOU] Ooh. Late thirties, six
feet, brown hair, blue eyes.
That's our guy.
Yeah, we got a DNA match from
the blood at the pharmacy.
Already? How?
[SHANE] Mobile lab
with satellite uplink.
Ugh! I want one of those.
Do we have a COD?
[SHANE] Multiple stab wounds
to the neck and shoulder.
He was dead before he hit the water.
Looks like he floated here
from somewhere upstream.
Maybe within your city limits.
Maybe up north in Birch Creek.
[HENRY] Wounds are narrow.
Could be a screwdriver or a prison shiv.
And depth
Approximately 2.8 to 4.3 inches.
[HENRY] Based on the angle of entry,
I'd say our attacker is six foot four,
just like our getaway driver.
How does he know all this?
He observes autopsies in his free time.
- Oh, wow.
- Hmm.
Mmm. Thank you, Gladys.
Sure, honey, and welcome home, Henry.
Thank you. I don't
consider this my home.
So what, you don't drink coffee anymore?
I don't like to be
chemically altered on the job.
It's coffee, and what do you
have against apple pie now?
You think it's fruit
murder or something?
No, I like pie, I'm just avoiding it.
Oh, my God [GASPING]
You're on a diet.
[LAUGHING] You're on a diet
You finally made detective
and you wanna look your best.
That's cute. Kind of embarrassing.
Mm. You're missing out.
So, these two guys rob
Phil at the same time,
then run into each other later
and it turns into the
shower scene from Psycho?
And they were both wearing masks,
so how could they recognise each other?
Unless, they had met before.
They were supposed to be partners
and one of them had a change of heart.
Where have I heard that before?
You're the one who left, not me.
Because he only offered one
of us a job out of the Academy.
Exactly. Because you wrote
that stupid editorial.
What was I supposed
to do, turn him down?
- Yes!
- Why would I do that?
Why would I blow up my plans
because of a stupid
fight you picked with Dad?
Because your plans were
supposed to include me.
But you're the one who ruined it.
And you could have apologised,
and he would have changed his mind.
Why would I apologise for
something I'm not sorry for?
Because sometimes you say
things that aren't true
to get what you want.
That's how the world works.
Wow. You really have turned into him.
Okay, I'm out.
I told Dad that this was a bad idea.
I told him that I needed someone
who wasn't afraid to
ruffle a few feathers,
but not my feathers.
Maybe he felt you were in
need of a good ruffling.
He said he needed me here
to offset your weak areas.
What weak areas? I don't
have any weak areas.
Well, he said you're too nice.
He He didn't say that. I am not nice.
Oh, thank you so much, Gladys.
The pie was great, as always.
I was being polite. That
doesn't make me nice.
I didn't say anything.
What is it, Bradley?
Got it. We pulled the
location data off the phone.
We got a 20 on where 'Reagan'
and his getaway driver were holed up.
[LOU] Ha!
[LOU] Ray, Bradley, you check the back.
Szczepkowski, assume
a defensive position.
I can do that.
Don't move.
[HENRY] Pursuing on foot.
How are you not breathing hard?
Self discipline.
So you're telling me that this is
sending his prints in real time?
Yeah, it's wireless 5G.
[GASPING] We're still
using ink pads, Shane.
Well, that makes me sad.
When's your birthday?
Maybe I can buy you one.
Oh, well, in that case, it's tomorrow.
Oh, then happy birthday, Lou.
[LOU] Oh, really?
Well, I mean, it's not really my
- Yeah, I knew it wasn't.
- Oh
I know it's not your
birthday, but yeah
- Oh, so I
- I'll see you.
Okay. I'll just
They found the F-150 on the
corner of Fourth and Juniper.
No sign of a murder weapon.
Murder weapon?
- Backseat?
- Backseat.
[LOU] You want to save us a lot of time
and tell us what you did with it?
It was a screwdriver, wasn't it?
You're working for White Mike?
What! I'm just a wheel man.
You think I killed somebody?
I think you double-crossed
your Reagan mask buddy,
and then you poked your
real partner full of holes
- and dumped him in the river.
- Uh huh.
- But that's impossible.
- And why is that?
Well, because he spent the whole night
in the Birch Creek drunk tank.
He couldn't have
killed 'Robert De Niro'.
Robert De Niro's dead?
The guy who robbed the
pharmacy, not the actor.
[LOU] We still think whoever
killed him is six-four or taller,
so we're checking all violent
offenders in the state who fit the bill.
And we're expanding our search
for White Mike into Oregon,
Idaho, British Columbia,
in the hopes that
Go home, you two.
But why would we do that?
We've got another homicide on our hands.
Not our jurisdiction.
Since we don't know if 'De Niro'
was killed within city limits,
Sheriff's Department's taking it.
You gave it to them so it
doesn't affect our statistics.
Because nobody gets killed in Eden Vale.
Both robbers are dead.
The getaway driver you caught
has confessed to aiding and abetting.
You did good work,
Detectives. Take the W.
- What's that?
- Take the win.
- A-ha.
- It's from sports.
I'm up.
You sleeping on the floor like a weirdo?
It's a Japanese sleeping
mat. It's very comfortable.
Oh, then how come you're awake?
Phil stored his
medications alphabetically.
Why did 'De Niro' take
so many useless ones
that weren't anywhere near the
valuable ones on the shelves?
That's a good question. But
here's what's keeping me up.
The puncture depths were all similar,
but with most multiple stab wounds
they're all over the place.
Some barely break skin,
some cut to the bone.
We need to do a deeper
forensic analysis.
How? It's not our case.
There's no way we can
get to the body now.
Maybe we don't need the body.
[LOU] You have a weird idea, don't you?
I'm not gonna lie,
when you said you needed
me for a covert op,
I wasn't thinking
we'd be sneaking around
the Chief's garage.
What are we doing here?
You said we were
unconventional thinkers.
Oh, absolutely.
We're thinking outside the box.
[LOU] Here we go.
We're making steaks?
Not exactly.
Hell, yeah.
Hey, maybe we were too quick to judge
inside-the-box thinking on this one?
[HENRY] Squat down a little.
And don't move.
Alright, would you
just tell me before
Oh, boy! Yeah, okay.
'De Niro' takes a four-inch
puncture wound to his neck here,
then stays in place for another
[JOE] Oh, yeah. Yep.
- Here.
- [JOE] Yep.
[HENRY] And then another
- Here.
- That one hurt.
Three potentially fatal wounds
and he hasn't moved.
It doesn't make any sense.
Hey, is this steak juice or blood?
Tell me it's steak juice.
What if he got all five
wounds simultaneously?
Not one point five times
Five points
one time.
[HANK SHOUTING] Alright, you sons of
Junior? Did I hit you?
No, but from there,
you really should have.
Oh, dear God. I shot Bradley.
Oh, no, that's alright,
Chief. It's just steak juice.
What the hell are you guys doing here?
Solving a murder in our jurisdiction.
- And I know who did it.
- And I know why.
- My thing's bigger.
- Shut up. No, it isn't.
You see? Family Ties.
- Huh.
- Now
This blood will match the body
dumped in the river, won't it?
It wasn't supposed to happen.
I hired him to stage a robbery
so I could give the drugs to people
who'd lost their insurance.
It's kind of noble in a misguided way.
Which is why they were all so random.
Heart pills. Statins.
We pulled your records, and his haul
was a perfect match for your
former client's prescriptions.
Everything just went so wrong.
An actual robber shows up, and
they start shooting each other.
And then my guy comes
back, starts threatening me.
Said I had to give him everything.
So you climbed up on the
desk to get to the safe,
took the deer head off the
wall, and you killed him with it.
[HENRY] Which makes the
score, humans: several million.
- Deer: one.
I'm just saying there's a justice to it.
Hey, two robberies, two murders,
solved and closed in 48 hours.
This here's the dream team.
Well, Henry and I
[JOE] The three of us
were just like, "Boush",
you know, just feeding
off each other's energy.
I mean, when it works, it works, right?
[CHUCKLING] Oh, yeah.
Oh, yeah. I know we're
dancing to this one.
Come on.
You go. You go.
You know, I'm proud of you, Henry.
Just doing my job.
[LOU] I was also just doing my job,
as I have every day
for the last seven years
including holidays.
I'm proud of both of you.
You didn't let any
obstacles get in your way,
just like I taught you.
You were the obstacle.
Still proud.
He's trying, you know.
Isn't that part of
why you came back here,
to fix things with him?
I came back because I was
offered a job as Detective.
And I knew on a tiny force like this,
I wouldn't have to answer to anybody.
You have to answer to me.
We'll see.
I'd watch what you say.
I have something in my pocket you want.
- Is it my shield?
- Mm-mm.
Can you give it to me, please?
Admit, you have to answer to me first.
It's mine. It belongs to me.
You have no legal authority
to keep it from me.
Okay, jeez, fine. Here. God.
To my brother.
Henry Hickman, Detective Third Grade.
You're a pain in the ass
but I missed you.
They're serving expired
grapefruit juice.
I need to speak to the manager.
[HENRY] Excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse me.
Detective Henry Hickman.
You're the manager
of this establishment?
You're serving expired grapefruit juice.
Okay, almost go time.
Once I drop you off by the pharmacy,
you've got six minutes.
Thank you very much,
ladies and gentlemen, and
please don't forget to vote.
Come on! Swayze, from Point Break!
Point Break is weak.
This is a robbery, everybody
Why is everybody already laying down?
Get on the ground.
You get on the ground.
I'm robbing this place.
I'm already robbing it.
I've been planning it for a month.
[WOMAN] Maybe you could
come back tomorrow.
- Yeah.
- Shut up.
- Get out of here, Affleck.
- What?
The mask! Affleck, from The Town?
No, man, it's De Niro from Heat.
Right. Great movie.
Come and get me.
- Mr. President!
- Huh?
Alright, dumbass. You don't
want to give up your connection,
you gotta deal with Detective Hickman.
I'm not saying nothing, fat boy.
Well ah, Lou gets everyone to
talk because Lou plays dirty.
And I lost six pounds since March.
Hi, there. I'm Detective Hickman.
Everybody calls me Lou.
Short for Louise,
which is kind of an old
lady name, if you ask me.
Why are you so friendly?
That cop made it sound like
some big tough guy was coming in here.
Oh man, I wish we had one of those.
You know, I am the only
detective on the force, so
just you and me today.
So your last name is Mackie?
You must be Sheila Mackie's kid.
- Maybe.
- Wow.
Small town. Small world.
She was my JV basketball
coach. Only for a year.
I made varsity as a sophomore,
but we still keep in touch.
So, it says here you were
picked up last month for
Am I reading this right?
Indecent exposure at a petting zoo?
No, no, I was trying to get
something out of my pocket.
Oh, no, I believe you, man.
I really do. But do you
think that your mum would?
Oh, no. Come on.
You know what? I should
really give Sheila a call.
Just say 'hello'.
Oh, should we call her together?
- Is that crazy?
- No, no, no.
I'll give up my source.
Oh, no, no. I can't let you do that.
Come on, please. Everybody
calls him White Mike.
I don't know his real name.
Okay, Melvin, give my best
to your family. Sheila
Okay, you should escape.
Just kidding, you can't. It's
locked from the outside. Bye.
Did he give you a name?
Uh, Bradley, I am offended
you even have to ask.
It's White Mike. See if
you can track him down.
[WOMAN] Lou, a call
came in. It's a good one.
Lily, whenever you say that,
it's always something pretty messed up.
Simultaneous armed robberies
at Eden Vale Pharmacy.
One suspect, well he got away,
but the other one is dead!
Which is like, super sad for his family
and his robber friends.
Poor Phil. I'm heading over.
Oh, and your brother is retaking
his IPC certification
again today in Seattle.
Your dad was hoping you'd reach
out and wish him good luck.
Henry doesn't need luck on
his interpersonal skills.
He needs divine intervention.
[WOMAN] Can anyone tell me
the single most important tool
an officer needs to
develop to make Detective?
Yes, Officer Gukazov.
Effective communication.
Correct. Effective communication.
Something to add,
Officer Hickman, again?
Ma'am, only that it's a meaningless
regurgitation of the course material,
and that the use of inductive
and deductive reasoning
would actually be the
most important tools
I would use if I were to make detective.
That 'if' is doing a lot of work.
Also, when you led my self
defence certification last year,
you said that that was
the most important tool.
Right, but being able to influence
So clearly if the rankings
are always changing, ma'am,
then the question becomes meaningless.
Okay, let's break early for lunch.
[MAN] Uh, we've got a major
problem, Detective Hickman.
What is it, Szczepkowski?
We're out of crime scene tape.
Okay, I have more in
the back of my truck,
and I know you're still new,
but you really need to work
on differentiating between
a real crisis and a minor
inconvenience, all right?
Alright, sorry.
We arrived at the scene
20 minutes after
receiving the shots fired.
Just missed the gunfight.
Again, Ray, gunfights aren't
as fun as you think they are.
What have we got?
One Caucasian individual
who fled the scene
heading north in a white goalie mask,
and one deceased Caucasian individual
inside in a Ronald Reagan mask.
I'm begging you, Sarika,
this isn't the Marine Corps.
- Just say 'dead white guy'.
- Copy that.
What in the world is
happening to this town, Louise?
I don't know, Marla, but
I'm just glad you're okay.
Tell your dad that I said
it sure as hell wasn't
the real Ronald Reagan,
because no bullet could stop that man.
I'll put it in my report.
[LOU] What kind of firepower
were these guys packing?
Reagan mask had a SIG Sauer P320,
and hockey mask had an
S-110 with a camo stock.
A late model white F-150
was spotted heading south,
past the store at excessive
speed shortly after the robbery.
One good thing about this town,
you can always get an
accurate description
on a gun and a truck.
Isn't the S-110 a varmint rifle?
Weird choice for an armed robbery.
Please tell me you were
the first ones on the scene.
County Sheriff beat us again.
Detective Carson's inside the premises.
- He was asking about you.
- Oh, really?
Oh, he was probably just
making sure we clarified
jurisdictional issues between
Warren County and EVPD.
- Mm. Yeah.
- Things of that nature.
- [LOU] Phil.
- Louise.
Can you believe this?
I'm so sorry.
We're gonna find the guys who did this.
Well, one of them is right there,
but we'll find the other guy.
[MAN] You know, I got a
whole County to cover, Lou.
Maybe try to beat me here when I
catch a body in your city limits.
Give me a break, Carson. I
got here as fast as I could.
Oh, we're back to last names now?
You know, my ex-wife
still calls me Shane,
and she just locked me out
of her own Netflix account
For flooding her algorithm with
weird sex cult documentaries?
Yeah, not gonna lie, that played a part.
So, you want us to
take a lead on this one?
- Your call.
- Hmm, always the gentleman.
I'll take it from here.
How long till a County
lab can run a blood sample?
I'd say EOD, if you're lucky.
- For a suspect at large?
- Well, crazy idea,
you can talk your dad into
getting your own crime lab.
You're dreaming. Point Break fan I see.
Guess he wasn't expecting to
run into 'De Niro' from Heat.
That's what he was going for,
'cause I heard hockey mask
and I went Friday the 13th.
Hmm, what'd he take? Cash or pills?
Pills. Half of them worthless.
Statins, blood thinners,
stuff like that.
But, he also took pain
pills and benzos, too.
I heard White Mike is dealing
again. Could be a connection.
Wait, I thought White Mike
got hair plugs and found Jesus.
That was Bald Mike.
Yep, that makes more sense.
I need to talk to you.
Do you know what the
best part of my job is?
Every day is Take Your
Daughter to Work Day.
Have a caramel.
No, this isn't a personal
Ooh, you know what?
I'll take one of those.
This isn't a personal visit.
This is about our crime problem.
We don't have a crime problem.
You realise we haven't
had a drug-related fatality
within city limits in two years?
Because you helped get
the city limits redrawn
so the only ER is in Birch Creek now.
Birch Creek, now they
got a crime problem.
Just because you move the numbers around
to make the stats look
pretty doesn't make them true.
Sweetheart, the country
has fallen apart.
People need a place
where they feel safe.
That's what Eden Vale
is to folks around here.
But it's a myth.
There's masked bad guys
out there having shootouts.
Louise, come on, don't exaggerate.
One shootout.
Look, believing that they're safe,
that's what gives
people the peace of mind
to put their kids to bed at night.
And that belief is the most
important thing we can give them.
I thought it was, you
know, like, actual safety,
which is tough to provide
when our equipment is outdated,
we don't have our own lab,
and I'm surrounded by rookies.
I feel like KG when he
played for the Wolves.
Give me some complimentary pieces
or trade me to the Celtics.
You know, the City Council
is not gonna give me
the money for all that stuff.
At least hire me a partner.
A new detective who isn't afraid
to be a hard ass for me sometimes.
I'm sick of having to play
the "I'll tell your mum" card.
You know? Yeah, I think you're right.
I think a partner is
exactly what you need.
Really? You're agreeing with me?
I'm stunned.
Yeah, you need someone who's not afraid
to step on some toes, right?
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
That would help me so much.
I agree. I think it would help us both.
Have a caramel for the road.
Seriously. So exciting. Thank you.
- Close the door.
- Okay. You got it, Dad.
Hey. Um, I'm looking for
Officer Henry Hickman.
Tall, strange fellow.
This is his dad.
[WOMAN] You're good at a lot of things.
You come at police work from,
shall we say, creative angles.
You got an almost perfect
score on the IQ test.
Well, the test had
two incorrect answers.
But I've never met anyone with
worse social skills than you.
And that includes serial killers.
Well, serial killers
often use superficial charm
to disarm potential victims.
Kind of missing the point here.
A good detective needs to
be able to deal with people.
I just don't think it's
in the cards for you.
Oh, Hickman. Your dad's on the phone.
I doubt that very much.
[OFFICER] Oh, you got me.
I invent imaginary
calls to amuse myself.
You and your father aren't close?
We haven't spoken since
I wrote an editorial
suggesting he step
down as Chief of Police.
If I take this phone
call and it makes me late,
will it jeopardise
my chances of passing?
It will have no effect whatsoever.
Thank you.
Yeah, I'm holding for
results on a blood sample.
No, I've already been holding. Don't
- Dammit.
- Bad news.
The vending machine's
eating dollars again.
Unplug and plug it back in, Sam.
But first, I need you to check
all gun dealers within 50 miles
and see if anyone sold a
S-110 with a camo stock.
That! In the last three months.
Bradley, get me an ID
on our Reagan robber
and see when he got to town.
All right, I'm on it.
Okey dokey. Heading home.
Seriously? We got a double
robbery and a homicide.
Yeah, I told Nadia I'd
stop by the grocery store.
You're having dinner
with us tonight, remember?
Oh, but first I need you
to stop by the airport.
I hired a detective, and
he gets in in half an hour.
Oh, that is great news.
So, who is he?
Well, he's a guy that has a
great mind for police work,
who can operate within the
strict confines of our budget,
and who is chomping at the bit
to take the next step in his career.
Oh, no.
Oh, no, please, no, please,
no, you can't. I can't.
You did, didn't you?
Yeah, I kind of did. [CHUCKLING]
Night, everybody.
Flight attendants on
my plane wore shorts.
Very unprofessional.
Unit P to respond
- have a female on the line
Don't you think you
should keep the scanner on?
Oh, I got my phone if they need me.
I'd really prefer you
kept the scanner on.
I got you a room at the Evergreen,
or you know, until you
find your new place.
No, I can't sleep in hotels.
I'm staying with you while I look.
Absolutely not.
Well, I already talked to Dad about it
and he said you have a spare room.
Since when are you on
speaking terms with Dad?
Since he gave me this job.
It's faster if you turn up here.
It's been seven years. I don't
think you know what's faster.
What are you doing here, Henry?
It's the only way I can get my shield.
So I've chosen to separate the job
from the fact that you
two are both in the wrong.
Excuse me? I was in the
- I was in the wrong?
- Yep.
- Wow.
- Mm-hm.
- Wow, that is funny.
- Is it?
Because you know what? I'm not even
I'm not even No, you know what?
No. No, thank you.
I'm not having this conversation
with you. Not now, not ever.
We're having the
conversation right now anyway.
We are not having this conversation.
Well, we are having this conversation.
Why do you do that?
I'm not doing anything.
You know what? This
is over. End of story.
It's just as fast if we go this way.
Could we turn the scanner
I am not putting the scanner back on.
The robbery in the pharmacy
has left one of the men dead.
- Police say the man responsible
- No!
[TV REPORTER 2] It all ended in
tragedy when this small time robber
crossed paths with a ruthless killer.
[TV REPORTER 3] But the only
prescription filled today
was for cold blooded murder.
After the break, sports and weather,
with Geeky and G-Fresh.
[MAN ON TV] Have you
been injured at work?
Do you feel that you're
owed additional compensation?
Well, the only way to get what
you deserve is to fight for it.
Yeah. Yeah.
Okay, so this is my
little brother, Henry.
He joins us from Seattle PD,
and he's our new detective.
This is Sam and Sarika.
Now Seattle sees action.
Gangs, major criminal enterprises.
- Human trafficking.
- Pretty sweet.
A lot of people have
trouble with my last name.
It's pronounced "Stepkowski".
Obviously, like the Polish
cyclist Zbigniew Szczepkowski.
This is our dispatcher, Lily.
You're, like, really tall.
I know.
- Where's Bradley?
- Wait. Joe Bradley from high school,
who was hospitalised after
drinking 40 near-beers
in an effort to get intoxicated?
Uh, 42.
Yeah, felt a nice little buzz too,
right before my kidneys started barking.
What's going on, Henry?
How are you a police officer?
[CHUCKLING] I know, right?
I mean, I finally
passed the test, amigo.
Shoot, we gotta get going.
You'll meet everyone else later.
Are you taking me to the crime scene?
I'd like to check and see
if you missed anything.
That sounds like a lot of fun, but no.
It's family dinner night at Dad's.
I have to have one meal a week
with him, and now you do, too.
I've made a terrible mistake.
Louise, I like this shirt.
Oh, really? Thank you,
Nadia. That's so nice.
Pants are problem.
Uh, Nadia, this is Hank Junior.
Okay, okay. Henry Junior.
Just Henry.
No 'junior'. I had my middle
name legally eliminated.
What? That was a dumb thing
to do. Why would you do that?
Yeah, why would you do that?
This is good. This is
great. This is working out.
These are just my work pants.
What's for dinner?
Henry, Louise,
let us enjoy nice family
meal of venison steak.
Louise and I had a very
busy deer season, didn't we?
Yeah, that's right.
We have a whole mess of
it thawing in the garage.
Ah, no thank you. I don't
consume the flesh of animals.
Since when are you a vegetarian?
Since I was seven.
Uh, Nadia, how is the dance studio?
Talent of students is
low, but checks clear.
Nadia learned English
watching American TV in Russia.
She's such a fan.
I will tell story.
I take road trip to see
places I know from shows:
Brooklyn 99, CSI Miami,
all of the Chicagos: PD, Fire and Hope.
On my way to see Twin Peaks,
I get speeding ticket from
Hank, my real policeman.
Well, that's a bit of a stretch.
What's that supposed to mean?
I think it's pretty clear.
Well, why don't you write an
editorial about it, smart guy.
I already have.
Okay, this is supposed to
be a nice family dinner.
Can we talk about something else?
Okay, I heard that Detective Carson
over at the County Sheriff's
Department got a divorce.
When is somebody gonna set you two up?
Can we talk about something else?
Alright. Anything in the case?
Maybe. We're still
looking for White Mike
and I want to revisit the
crime scene later tonight.
- I'm going with you.
- Mm, no you're not.
- [HENRY] Yes, I am.
- Louise, take your brother to the crime scene.
What am I, twelve?
One time on CSI Miami,
robber used tidal wave
to float heavy gold
out top floor of bank.
Why does he know Russian?
Why does he know anything?
So, what are you thinking?
I see someone who left most
of the valuable pills behind
and used a long distance
rifle in close quarters.
I see an amateur doing
their first robbery.
Agreed. Now, here's why I came back.
After the first shot, the witnesses
are all ducking for cover,
and they hear 'Reagan' say,
"Come and get me".
Typical macho cowboy.
No. He had wounds on the back
of his non-shooting hands.
Not defensive.
His left hand was under
his chin, palm facing in.
He was saying, 'come
and get me' on the phone,
to a getaway driver.
That's what I'm thinking.
We got a third guy,
and he's the one that
was driving the F-150,
not 'De Niro'.
Also, where's the phone? We
didn't find one on the body.
- What are you doing?
- From that distance,
blast would have sent
him back about five feet.
He would've been standing
around about here.
[LOU] Wow! Nice work.
[MAN] Oh, ah!
Oh, my God, Phil?
You really should carpet this place.
Floor is very unforgiving.
Again, Phil, we are so sorry. Aren't we?
What are you doing
here at 9:00 at night?
I left my glasses in my desk.
Oh, really?
You've had a hell of a day, Phil.
I've had a hell of a decade, Louise.
Recession, pandemic,
people losing their jobs,
their health insurance,
and now I get robbed
twice in the same day.
You're lucky. All they took
was a hodgepodge of medications.
He left the cash in the register.
I'm assuming you have a safe.
Yeah, right behind that deer head.
Well, at least you didn't get hurt.
During the robbery, anyway.
Okie dokie. We'll get out of your hair.
One more question.
What is the appeal of hunting?
Why do people enjoy sitting in trees
shooting defenceless animals?
It's a valid question.
No, not to a nice man
you just beat up it's not.
You have a weapon.
The animal has nothing.
It's like going up to a dog on
the street and just shooting it.
Okay, so if you didn't have
a weapon, you'd understand?
If you wrestled a moose, that'd be fair?
No, I'm smarter than a moose,
and I have a tighter turning radius.
Okay, everyone you grew
up with likes hunting.
- I like hunting.
- Of course.
Because you're turning into Dad.
She's gotten stronger.
I think the white F-150 belonged
to 'Reagan's' getaway driver,
and we recovered a
cell phone at the scene.
I recovered it.
Great job, Henry.
Well, I was the one that realised
there was a missing
cell phone to begin with,
but anyway, we're gonna see if
Sam can get anything off of it.
Yeah, well, you see,
you're making magic already.
I love it. Which reminds me
Glock 22, standard issue.
Welcome aboard officially, Junior.
I'm not a Junior.
Well, you're a Junior Detective.
- Detective Third Grade.
- That's pretty junior.
I'm First Grade.
And what about my shield?
Ah, sorry, I don't have your shield yet.
Well, I was really hoping for my shield.
[HANK] It's on order.
Well, do you know what day my
shield will be getting here?
I'll buy you one from the toy store
until your real one comes in.
Could you give us a second, son?
- [WHISPERING] Oh, my God.
- Is this gonna be a problem?
- Oh, absolutely!
Why is he standing on that desk?
[LOU] He's getting a panoramic
look at his new surroundings
from a high, central viewpoint.
Don't you remember?
He read it in some Sherlock
Holmes book when we were kids.
He did it every year on
the first day of school.
God, how did he survive Junior High?
I don't know, but I wish he hadn't.
[HANK] Hey.
I don't mean that. Sorry.
The layout of this bullpen
really needs to change.
I'll pass that along to
our interior designer.
Ah, I ran a check on
all the local gun sales
in the last 90 days like you asked,
and I couldn't find
any camo stock S-110s.
It was a long shot.
But, there is only one
dealer within 15 miles
who's authorised to service that model,
and that is Cascade
Survival in Birch Creek.
Okay, Sam. Look at you.
You guys, Sam found a clue.
Thank you, Ma'am Detective Hickman.
I remember that place.
It's a one-stop shop for militia
types and end-times preppers.
Let's go check it out.
I'm not letting you walk into a place
where half the customers
are packing heat,
after that stunt you pulled
with Phil at the pharmacy.
You and Bradley are
gonna start looking for
the getaway driver's white F-150.
Oh, that is grunt work.
Then get grunting.
If you find any leads,
you call me and we follow up together.
I mean it.
[JOE] Batman and Robin. I'll be Robin.
Hey, it's Dale, right?
Detective Lou Hickman.
I went to Junior High with your cousin.
He set fire to the teacher's
lounge. If I remember right.
We're in compliance with
all your so called laws.
Okay, I just want to
know if you've serviced
an S-110 with a camo stock recently.
Oh, so now I gotta alert the authorities
every time we clean a gun?
[DALE] Every time some
idiot gets in trouble,
everybody wants to blame the
gun and take away my rights.
Tell you what, Dale.
Let's skip the political debate.
Go to the field out back with
one of those rifles up there,
and if I can hit a beer
can twice in the air
before it hits the ground, you
tell me what I need to know.
How about three times?
[GASPING] Three times?
But I'm just a girl.
It would be a lucky man
who makes you his bride.
I'd like to think so,
Dale. Now start talking.
[HENRY] All these trucks
fit the description?
Uh, yeah. I mean, F-150s are everywhere.
You know, it's actually
a pretty smart truck
to use as a getaway vehicle.
Personally, I would
never buy a white one.
Makes you look like you rented
it at the airport or something.
Yeah, I'd go for, like, a dark
blue, maybe paint some flames.
Of course, they rented the truck.
Right. Right. Yes.
No, see, that's kind of
what I was getting at.
Head for the airport.
Oh, but Lou said that
if you find any leads,
that you should call her.
Well, one could say
that you found this lead,
by blindly stumbling upon
the idea the truck was rented.
Hey, thanks, man.
But I guess you're right, yeah.
See, that is why I'm so glad
that we're working together, man.
You know, I always
thought we were similar.
- Similar?
- Yeah.
I mean, you know, we're
unconventional thinkers.
We're not identical, but it's
like when an animal is related,
but they're different.
You know, like a
Like a cat and a mountain
lion, or like a dog and a bear.
Lily, I got a description
on our 'Robert De Niro'.
We're looking for a white
male, about six feet,
late 30s, short brown hair, blue eyes.
Let me talk to Henry.
[LILY ON PHONE] Ah, Henry's not here.
I think he and Bradley
went to question a witness.
They what?
[MAN] Yeah, I remember him.
He was with another guy
- Asian, real tall.
Like six-four.
- Fat guy.
- Fat?
Like fat as you or like, fatter?
Well, on a scale of one to ten -
Officer Bradley's a four,
you're a six. How fat is he?
Hey, come on, man.
Just answer the question.
Wow. I guess somewhere between us.
Suspect was of average fatness.
You look great.
All bodies are beautiful.
My condolences in advance,
but I am gonna kill your son.
- I'm gonna kill him dead.
- Okay
I know it's not easy,
but he can help us.
He's wanted to be a
detective his whole life.
Remember when you were kids
and you used to talk to
each other from your bedrooms
with my walkies,
and you solved little
mysteries around the house?
- You loved that.
- I was eight,
and we both know it's not that simple.
Simple went out the window
when you refused to
hire him out of spite.
Well, he said that I
should step down as Chief.
That I fudge my crime statistics
and give preferential
treatment to my friends.
You do!
I know, but he said it in the newspaper.
Ah, it's too much
water under the bridge.
Why would you ever think
this was a good idea?
Family ties.
Okay, I know we're family
No, no, no. The television
show, Family Ties.
Nadia said that if the
Keatons could accept Alex,
who was against everything
that they believed in,
how could I give up on Henry?
That's why I'm stuck with him?
Because of a sitcom from the 80s?
Oh, come on, Louise.
Don't tell me he didn't leave a
hole in your life when he left.
Whatever happened, whoever's to blame,
this could be the only
way we get him back.
What's the problem, Szczepkowski?
- 'De Niro's' dead.
- No.
- The gunman, not the actor.
- Oh
Yes, that qualifies as urgent.
[LOU] Oh, damn it. How does
he always get here so quick?
[HENRY] I bet that's
who you have a crush on.
Say one word and I will
personally see to it
that you spend the rest of your
time here on mounted patrol.
Well I'm not afraid of horses anymore.
[LOU] Detective Shane Carson.
This is my brother,
Detective Henry Hickman.
Oh, you're exactly how I pictured you.
Okay, what do we have?
[LOU] Ooh. Late thirties, six
feet, brown hair, blue eyes.
That's our guy.
Yeah, we got a DNA match from
the blood at the pharmacy.
Already? How?
[SHANE] Mobile lab
with satellite uplink.
Ugh! I want one of those.
Do we have a COD?
[SHANE] Multiple stab wounds
to the neck and shoulder.
He was dead before he hit the water.
Looks like he floated here
from somewhere upstream.
Maybe within your city limits.
Maybe up north in Birch Creek.
[HENRY] Wounds are narrow.
Could be a screwdriver or a prison shiv.
And depth
Approximately 2.8 to 4.3 inches.
[HENRY] Based on the angle of entry,
I'd say our attacker is six foot four,
just like our getaway driver.
How does he know all this?
He observes autopsies in his free time.
- Oh, wow.
- Hmm.
Mmm. Thank you, Gladys.
Sure, honey, and welcome home, Henry.
Thank you. I don't
consider this my home.
So what, you don't drink coffee anymore?
I don't like to be
chemically altered on the job.
It's coffee, and what do you
have against apple pie now?
You think it's fruit
murder or something?
No, I like pie, I'm just avoiding it.
Oh, my God [GASPING]
You're on a diet.
[LAUGHING] You're on a diet
You finally made detective
and you wanna look your best.
That's cute. Kind of embarrassing.
Mm. You're missing out.
So, these two guys rob
Phil at the same time,
then run into each other later
and it turns into the
shower scene from Psycho?
And they were both wearing masks,
so how could they recognise each other?
Unless, they had met before.
They were supposed to be partners
and one of them had a change of heart.
Where have I heard that before?
You're the one who left, not me.
Because he only offered one
of us a job out of the Academy.
Exactly. Because you wrote
that stupid editorial.
What was I supposed
to do, turn him down?
- Yes!
- Why would I do that?
Why would I blow up my plans
because of a stupid
fight you picked with Dad?
Because your plans were
supposed to include me.
But you're the one who ruined it.
And you could have apologised,
and he would have changed his mind.
Why would I apologise for
something I'm not sorry for?
Because sometimes you say
things that aren't true
to get what you want.
That's how the world works.
Wow. You really have turned into him.
Okay, I'm out.
I told Dad that this was a bad idea.
I told him that I needed someone
who wasn't afraid to
ruffle a few feathers,
but not my feathers.
Maybe he felt you were in
need of a good ruffling.
He said he needed me here
to offset your weak areas.
What weak areas? I don't
have any weak areas.
Well, he said you're too nice.
He He didn't say that. I am not nice.
Oh, thank you so much, Gladys.
The pie was great, as always.
I was being polite. That
doesn't make me nice.
I didn't say anything.
What is it, Bradley?
Got it. We pulled the
location data off the phone.
We got a 20 on where 'Reagan'
and his getaway driver were holed up.
[LOU] Ha!
[LOU] Ray, Bradley, you check the back.
Szczepkowski, assume
a defensive position.
I can do that.
Don't move.
[HENRY] Pursuing on foot.
How are you not breathing hard?
Self discipline.
So you're telling me that this is
sending his prints in real time?
Yeah, it's wireless 5G.
[GASPING] We're still
using ink pads, Shane.
Well, that makes me sad.
When's your birthday?
Maybe I can buy you one.
Oh, well, in that case, it's tomorrow.
Oh, then happy birthday, Lou.
[LOU] Oh, really?
Well, I mean, it's not really my
- Yeah, I knew it wasn't.
- Oh
I know it's not your
birthday, but yeah
- Oh, so I
- I'll see you.
Okay. I'll just
They found the F-150 on the
corner of Fourth and Juniper.
No sign of a murder weapon.
Murder weapon?
- Backseat?
- Backseat.
[LOU] You want to save us a lot of time
and tell us what you did with it?
It was a screwdriver, wasn't it?
You're working for White Mike?
What! I'm just a wheel man.
You think I killed somebody?
I think you double-crossed
your Reagan mask buddy,
and then you poked your
real partner full of holes
- and dumped him in the river.
- Uh huh.
- But that's impossible.
- And why is that?
Well, because he spent the whole night
in the Birch Creek drunk tank.
He couldn't have
killed 'Robert De Niro'.
Robert De Niro's dead?
The guy who robbed the
pharmacy, not the actor.
[LOU] We still think whoever
killed him is six-four or taller,
so we're checking all violent
offenders in the state who fit the bill.
And we're expanding our search
for White Mike into Oregon,
Idaho, British Columbia,
in the hopes that
Go home, you two.
But why would we do that?
We've got another homicide on our hands.
Not our jurisdiction.
Since we don't know if 'De Niro'
was killed within city limits,
Sheriff's Department's taking it.
You gave it to them so it
doesn't affect our statistics.
Because nobody gets killed in Eden Vale.
Both robbers are dead.
The getaway driver you caught
has confessed to aiding and abetting.
You did good work,
Detectives. Take the W.
- What's that?
- Take the win.
- A-ha.
- It's from sports.
I'm up.
You sleeping on the floor like a weirdo?
It's a Japanese sleeping
mat. It's very comfortable.
Oh, then how come you're awake?
Phil stored his
medications alphabetically.
Why did 'De Niro' take
so many useless ones
that weren't anywhere near the
valuable ones on the shelves?
That's a good question. But
here's what's keeping me up.
The puncture depths were all similar,
but with most multiple stab wounds
they're all over the place.
Some barely break skin,
some cut to the bone.
We need to do a deeper
forensic analysis.
How? It's not our case.
There's no way we can
get to the body now.
Maybe we don't need the body.
[LOU] You have a weird idea, don't you?
I'm not gonna lie,
when you said you needed
me for a covert op,
I wasn't thinking
we'd be sneaking around
the Chief's garage.
What are we doing here?
You said we were
unconventional thinkers.
Oh, absolutely.
We're thinking outside the box.
[LOU] Here we go.
We're making steaks?
Not exactly.
Hell, yeah.
Hey, maybe we were too quick to judge
inside-the-box thinking on this one?
[HENRY] Squat down a little.
And don't move.
Alright, would you
just tell me before
Oh, boy! Yeah, okay.
'De Niro' takes a four-inch
puncture wound to his neck here,
then stays in place for another
[JOE] Oh, yeah. Yep.
- Here.
- [JOE] Yep.
[HENRY] And then another
- Here.
- That one hurt.
Three potentially fatal wounds
and he hasn't moved.
It doesn't make any sense.
Hey, is this steak juice or blood?
Tell me it's steak juice.
What if he got all five
wounds simultaneously?
Not one point five times
Five points
one time.
[HANK SHOUTING] Alright, you sons of
Junior? Did I hit you?
No, but from there,
you really should have.
Oh, dear God. I shot Bradley.
Oh, no, that's alright,
Chief. It's just steak juice.
What the hell are you guys doing here?
Solving a murder in our jurisdiction.
- And I know who did it.
- And I know why.
- My thing's bigger.
- Shut up. No, it isn't.
You see? Family Ties.
- Huh.
- Now
This blood will match the body
dumped in the river, won't it?
It wasn't supposed to happen.
I hired him to stage a robbery
so I could give the drugs to people
who'd lost their insurance.
It's kind of noble in a misguided way.
Which is why they were all so random.
Heart pills. Statins.
We pulled your records, and his haul
was a perfect match for your
former client's prescriptions.
Everything just went so wrong.
An actual robber shows up, and
they start shooting each other.
And then my guy comes
back, starts threatening me.
Said I had to give him everything.
So you climbed up on the
desk to get to the safe,
took the deer head off the
wall, and you killed him with it.
[HENRY] Which makes the
score, humans: several million.
- Deer: one.
I'm just saying there's a justice to it.
Hey, two robberies, two murders,
solved and closed in 48 hours.
This here's the dream team.
Well, Henry and I
[JOE] The three of us
were just like, "Boush",
you know, just feeding
off each other's energy.
I mean, when it works, it works, right?
[CHUCKLING] Oh, yeah.
Oh, yeah. I know we're
dancing to this one.
Come on.
You go. You go.
You know, I'm proud of you, Henry.
Just doing my job.
[LOU] I was also just doing my job,
as I have every day
for the last seven years
including holidays.
I'm proud of both of you.
You didn't let any
obstacles get in your way,
just like I taught you.
You were the obstacle.
Still proud.
He's trying, you know.
Isn't that part of
why you came back here,
to fix things with him?
I came back because I was
offered a job as Detective.
And I knew on a tiny force like this,
I wouldn't have to answer to anybody.
You have to answer to me.
We'll see.
I'd watch what you say.
I have something in my pocket you want.
- Is it my shield?
- Mm-mm.
Can you give it to me, please?
Admit, you have to answer to me first.
It's mine. It belongs to me.
You have no legal authority
to keep it from me.
Okay, jeez, fine. Here. God.
To my brother.
Henry Hickman, Detective Third Grade.
You're a pain in the ass
but I missed you.
They're serving expired
grapefruit juice.
I need to speak to the manager.
[HENRY] Excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse me.
Detective Henry Hickman.
You're the manager
of this establishment?
You're serving expired grapefruit juice.