Hex (2004) s01e01 Episode Script

The Story Begins

[Background voices.]
to gain strength - our country fleeing from prosperity.
The House resigned to explain the loss of life.
It is but a tolerable cruelty.
Ships dock with barely half their slaves alive! I'm I not poverty stricken? Rachel! I thought you had a child.
I am needed in the kitchen.
[Speaking African language.]
I wanted by my choice, what that night did to Relant What we not win to them but sought on country pleasures childishly or snorted we in the seventh sleepless death.
T'was said bout this.
All pleasures fancies be if ever any beauty I do see which I desire and got t'was bout a dream of thee.
Did you noticed the poet playing with familiar themes the innocence awaken the garden of Eden the devil engine the world? What does he means by sought on country pleasures? You're writers.
Use your imagination.
I still don't get it.
Thelma, I'll show you later.
Now that, I'd like to see.
Yeah, you might've known a think or two I think he may've been referring to more innocent pastimes.
What, like fishing? I don't know.
Really? Maybe your boyfriend doesn't like you enough.
So there is this special offer on in town or you can watch for further.
No we've never watched some of that.
No, but you know.
Where is the catch? They've got this new trainee.
- Great! - Oh, they got that much to learn.
Didn’t they? You now, what on, what off Would you like a cup of tea? You know, I never can know might take it out.
Maybe I'd stop wearing fashion The run away Look at them.
Aren't it flies.
I know.
Flies are attracted too.
It already exists.
What? The long way, scooting land and strip.
Getting us what others had.
Oh my God, that is so sad They were evil And from sad to speed you'd never know.
Yeah well, always go where is on their fingers.
No, if I get it wrong.
Now, THAT is what I call an enchilada.
Do tell we? Troy, aren’t it is an ounce of fat on his body.
- Please - True! Embarrassing Oh, you are just jealous? Oh, absolutely.
Because we have the perfect arrangement.
Really? For who? I go sleep with him whenever he wants, without having to deal with the relationship crap.
Well I think it will end in tears.
Yeah His.
Do you want me tomorrow for you? I'd rather drop all the fruit.
What? So, when I was walking across the sports of today and who do I see banging a ball and dangle against the wall but the lovely Troy? And I thought to myself I thought I bet Cassie would like to be that ball.
- Where this is going? - You tell me.
He's not my type.
It's probably a good job.
What? Well he is into that sex scheme, isn’t he? Thanks.
But don’t get me wrong You are sexy in an unsuspecting novice nun kind of way In your dreams.
Have you finished? - For the moment.
- Good! Found it.
Does it vibrate? Cassie! Cassie, what happened? It's OK.
You were dreaming.
It was real.
It was I don't know.
You're alright? It was like I was there.
I don't know.
- Fine.
- You sure? Yeah.
Angel by miss-hair But I am a di-king-shining-amond.
- Sorry.
- No.
Don't worry.
It was my fault.
I'll pick it up.
It's not a waste day? I think there has been improvements.
Cassie! You are going to love this week's film.
That's what you said last week.
I put you to give us a presentation.
Do you like humiliating me? You credited it.
Like the only one of it.
Flattery won't work.
- Bribery? - You know? Enough! I'll take that as a no then.
And a hard face won't help either.
Damn! - See you later.
- OK.
It's about desire.
Sexual desire.
And what are you trying to say? Well, when you desire something or someone - Yes? - It can be very frustrating.
Yeah, well, I don't see any of that.
Well, what do you like me to show you? Roxanne.
I'd make more interesting marks washing my brush.
And go to sit down! Cassie! Wow! A triptych! I think somebody needs to get out more.
These are really very good.
I love the concept and real detail.
Wonderful execution.
So, you want to talk about what inspired you Cassie? What were you trying to communicate? I need a shag? Is there any artist or a movement that you drown on? Porn! She's definitely been watching too much porn! - Shut up! - Do you find it erotic Leon? No! Just desperate.
Azazeal Azazeal Good job be Miss Yoda I was trying to make us relax.
You Know? I'm sure Mr Freeman fancies me.
He's is waaay to enter my somatisalisation.
And he is just really nicely sorry to cut my breath while is trying to stretch my bag.
Oh! They're mine! You are going to be a miserable gal all night? Forget about them.
It's not about them.
And what then? Would you just get off my bed? Just leave it! Will you? OK! Sport is such an aphrodisiac! Not for me, headmaster.
I'd thought we'd all do bad testosterone For students, maybe.
This is for your thirty.
What is their problem? There is there? Roxanne Davenport.
She would do well to announce as a former glamour warrior.
Perhaps she could benefit from your tutorial.
I don't think so.
Maybe you can teach her something? Natural require up rain Cassandra Hugs.
Oh yes.
Out of the darkness into the light.
- Not quite.
- What? I know you have a soft spot for her.
Is that a technical term? - Generally, I have no complains.
- But? Well She lacks confidence some times.
I think she is doing fantastically well considering she's been a mother's nest mate.
She is very bright but is like she'd rather be stupid and popular.
Wouldn't we all? I just think she might regret it later in life.
- Well, hopefully not.
- Exactly.
Hopefully she will be regretting all the men she slept with.
I give up.
Oh women! I'd would shot Tony Blair marry Sadam Hussein kill George Bush.
- I love this guy.
Do with me.
- OK.
Go on! Carmen Diastry marry Moore Loosely Easy, Chad Loosely marry Carmen Colder You'd known about that before, didn’t you? - You OK? - Yeah.
No more funny challenges? You had me worried.
You know.
I like to keep you on your toes.
I'm on to ceramics.
I cannot believe you chose that mojo.
Well, it is not as is actual metal work I thought you were in on this on your bid with the sisters.
I need this floppy stereo beats the heart of a bull's-eye - See you later.
- See you later.
- Ben we cannot leave it like this.
- I've had enough! Please, let's talk.
About what? Nothing is going to change.
It's just not going to work.
Are you alright? Yeah.
It's nothing.
- Are you sure? Yes PMS tends me to a serial killer.
Come on.
- Hi.
- Hi.
I'm not interrupting anything.
Am I? No.
Come in.
I just I just came to say thank you.
Oh God! It was nothing.
No! You were really sweet.
You probably wonder what I was doing out there.
That did look a bit suspicious.
Not that it was.
No, of course not.
You saw him, didn't you? You would probably guess what was going on.
Not that is going on any more.
Anyway, it seems a shame for anyone to find out about it having kept it quiet for so long.
I understand.
And would really stuff things up with Ben, and Well I sort of prefer to keep my private life to myself.
You know how people can be like.
Oh! Absolutely.
So I'd appreciate if you You know? Thanks.
I'd do the same for you.
If you feel like it we're going to watch a movie later.
I'll see I've got some stuff to do.
Well You know where we are.
Hey! Look what I made for you And I got some cider, and some scones I thought we'd have a cream tea without the cream or the tea.
Cassie? Last slice and two springs I'm not hungry.
Have stopped you before? Oh.
I'll still get that.
I'm trying to be happy with my sausages, thank you.
Beautiful isn't she? Are you interested in history Cassie? Some of it.
What does it teach you? Understanding the past to help us to understand the future? It teaches you that whatever you do with your life in a hundred years time no one will give a toss.
This whole state was built in this matron and now three hundred years later everyone has forgotten.
Who was she? Rachel McBean Se was the first mistress of the state.
And not a very nice lady, by all accounts What happened to her? She became fascinated with the religion of the African servants.
Now a days we call it Woo do Right.
Nothing evident.
All religion is dangerous Cassie, if taken too far.
About presuming Rachel death? Locals thought se was a witch.
Then a young maid went visiting the house and her body was found in the lake.
She murdered her? I don’t know if murder is the right word.
Sacrificed? Story goes that she was trying to summon someone or something.
But we mustn’t be too quick to judge.
The heart of our own religion is a sacrifice.
A very brutal sacrifice.
And what happened to Rachel? The lovely Rachel went insane.
Her husband expend most of his fortune trying to cure her.
He stayed with her? To the bitter end.
Knight! Some times love is a sacrifice too.
- Hi - Hi I can face me the strabismus God how when the lessons come crowding to a week.
Why don't you sit down? Cappuccino, no chocolate, please.
- You think with that turn to his London? - No May we keep my mind to Sanskrila Would you stop worrying? So I for you Look after half night you'll be sure of you what care.
Cow! Thelma has nothing to went to Leon's party.
- Oh! - Having that fits me.
You must have the same problem.
It's just Leon's.
It will be shit anyway, so who cares? - That's true - Yeah, I can imagine.
Have you ever been to one of Leon's parties? No.
Every year is the same thing.
We say we're never gonna go again and then she has to go because Troy is going.
Excuse me! That has nothing to do with it.
What a surprise! Funny how toilets and chocolate cake always seem to go together.
Listen, hum Thanks for keeping quiet about yesterday I do appreciate it.
Doesn't anyone know? No.
So if gets out I'd know it was you.
Why don't you come to Leon's with us? I'm sure he won't mind.
I'll see.
Was that my mug? Oh Sorry! I made that for you! I know Had I known you were to greet plate smashing I wouldn't have bothered.
Look I said sorry! What do you want? Blood? Aren’t it an over reaction? Well.
I have had a bad day.
Is something going on with you? No.
Why? Well, I'm thinking sudden character change, usually attributable to drug addiction parental divorce secret membership of the C.
A - The last.
- Right.
Nothing else? Thelma, what's this about? You've been a ride cow recently.
- This is about Roxanne, isn't it? - No.
You are right.
- Don't be ridiculous.
- Then what? I just think you have been behaving extrangely, that's all.
- I don't have the energy for this.
- Fine.
Don't sulk on me.
I have had enough.
Don't go! Cassie! I liked you better the way you were! Thelma? Thelma! What! Do I look right? Is it too much? I don’t know.
I just thought I'd try something different, you know? I don’t think I can walk in these heels.
I don't know I just I just don't have that thing, you know? Thelma! What do you think? Are these tights OK? Well, they are not laded.
Hi! Hi! I didn't think you were coming.
- It's Ok, isn't it? - Of course! - You look amazing.
- Thank you! - I was worried it was a bit too much.
- Not at all! - He's cute! It's more your type.
- More than? - Well Well we are not gonna talk about him anymore.
Are we? Ok.
Didn't know Leon was so popular.
He's not.
They just stuff for the free bar.
That's why I'm here.
- You think he knows? He won't care, for as long as he gets his end of the way.
Expensive way of doing it.
I did suggest to her cover.
Do you want a drink? No.
I'm all right, thanks.
Where have you been? Would you like to know? Wow! A dress! So, who is it going to be? I haven't decided yet.
Spoil the choice.
A high wish.
Yeah but they are not exactly throwing themselves at me.
Are they? I don't get you.
- On what? - It doesn't matter.
Yes it does! Well it's staring you in the face Go on.
A certain person who is shy but totally hooked.
- And? - And I probably shouldn’t say but She fancies me! Absolutely! Are you sure? Well, she told me what she was going to give you for your birthday - Oh yeah? - I think you'll like it.
So Where is my present? I left it at home.
I'll buy you a drink.
- Ok.
Should be go and get it? - What? - I think I know what it is.
- Really? Yep.
And I can safely say is just what I wanted.
Right? I was just thinking maybe I can have a little taster you know before we go Would that be OK? I guess so.
Is that what you had in mind? I don't think so.
Maybe something more like this? That's really nice Leon but, I'm gonna go and find my friends.
You haven't got any.
I'll see you later.
You want to dance? I don't think so! Leon! - Come on Cassie! - Please stop! Cassie! I'm sorry uh I want to apologize.
- It's OK.
- Cassie! Wait! I I really like you Cassie.
- And I like you Leon.
- Yeah? I'm leaving.
Here you are.
Let's go outside for a smoke or something.
What? You don't smoke? Cassie.
Azezeal Azezeal Azezeal Azezeal Azezeal! Cassie! What's wrong? You're done? Come on gal, what's wrong? Cassie? Cassie what is it? Are you all right? What happened? What is it? Did somebody do something to you? - Leon tried - What? - I don't know.
He tr-- he tr-- - What? It's not that.
I I touch things And is like an electric shock.
Yeah I get that.
Static? No! It's stronger than that and Go on.
really weird things happen keep doing things with my mind that I don't want them to happen.
I don't.
But seem to make them happen, so maybe I do but I can't control it.
- So, what kind of things? It's when I'm angry or frightened or even just upset.
I know this sound stupid.
Leon tried to come on to me.
Things gotten really heavy and at one moment I hated him so much Suddenly it lights me the electricity went! What are you saying? How could I make that happen? - I don't know! - And then this woman She keeps coming to me.
She won't leave me alone.
So, what's she like? Well what does she say I think she is trying to warn me About what? Don't touch it! Do you feel anything? - You think I'm crazy.
- I don't! I believe you.
I do.
You're the only person I mean this is just between us.
I wouldn't tell anyone.
Nor would I.
I was thinking about what you said last night.
You know, about sensing someone's presence.
It is funny how you mind works, isn't it? Yeah.
Because sometimes I imagine you are watching me.
I, I don't mean when you are with me, I mean when I am by myself I could be doing anything, sitting in the park or having a meal or a learn and sometimes I think that you are there that you can see me that you're with me I really felt that sometimes.
Particularly as I am with you and you are looking at something else.
- What? - You weren't listening! - Yeah, I was.
- What did I say? - You wanted my eye? - No! No, I'm quite happy with my own, thanks.
- I can't think why.
- Because it doesn't hit the ground when I run.
What are we doing this weekend? I don't know.
Well, I'm going to-- You still wicked? Oh! No! Never mind.
Fascinating! Isn't it? Not really, I have seen better hotel porn.
Thank you Leon.
And look could you get the cards this morning please.
uhhh, lucky, lucky OK.
So, we have seen a number of versions of Frankenstein now and, for next time, I want you to write something on the different ways this films depart from Mary Shelley's original version.
Bitch! Cassie! How are things? Fine.
Not interested in Mary Shelley.
Just a bit tired.
You are not having problems with your mum, are you? No.
Why? It's just you looked a bit upset the other evening.
Am I under surveillance now? No, but something is up.
I'm addicted to freebase crack.
Right! And I have taken to prostitution to beat my habit.
- Good choice! - Can I go now? Cassie! You could always buy me a drink if you want to talk.
AZAZEAL Cassie! Cassie! Ah! I've been calling you! - You're OK? - Yeah.
I need a favour.
Take off! Keep quiet muse! Thelma, I can't help but think that this is just an excuse to get me on my back.
Oh, absolutely! Next week we are doing naked pornographics.
- Are we now? - Aha.
Would you be up for that? Mmmm maybe.
What would you pay me out? A wooden imp - There're you! - What day when we laugh! - I'm going to give you bigger boobs.
- Good! - And larger thighs.
- Ohey! - You finished yet? - Almost.
- There! What are you gonna call it? A whore in my floor.
You wanna be careful Cassie.
If don't get a good darling soon the rust shot.
She keeps her lips so tight she couldn't floss between them.
- Shut up! Ah, thank you Leon so you just think with one text you're throughout.
Yeah, I want to keep the last for next day.
Come in.
So, tell me what happened.
It was nothing to do with me.
Nobody is saying it is, we just need to talk to everybody to understand which is what went wrong.
Now, you were sitting across from Leon, yes? Wasn't looking.
You must have seen something.
No I glance stopped and it was on fire.
How do you think it started? I don't know.
Too much aftershave? Something must have sparked it.
I guess so.
Spontaneous human combustion? Can't think of anyone more suitable.
Are you happy here, Cassie? Boyfriend? Not really.
What? What am I teaching these boys? Maybe is me.
Maybe I'm not that interested.
Still too busy talking about themselves, are they? Well, if you didn't see anything Do you mind if I ask you something? No at all.
Who is Azezeal? It's just something that I read and I didn't know want it meant.
He was the leader of the Nephelin.
- The what? - The Nephelin.
T brood for the followed ones.
If memory serves they were angels who fell in love with mortal women according to the ancient text, there were two hundred of them.
and they taught women the power of witchcraft.
That explains a few things.
Listen to this.
and the whole earth has been corrupted through the works that were taught by Azazeal.
To him ascribe all sin.
So, what happened to them? God, not at his most merciful, held them into the abyss where they remain ever since.
What if they haven't? I think there's something in here about them feasting on the soiled men but I wouldn't bid anything over it.
Do you think the Nephelin really exist? Absolutely.
Most of them were near eleven.
So, ah we can watch a movie play scramble find a man with an extra large hose just in case somebody else decides to expontaneously burns into flames The one who's toxic is Leon You really don't like him much, do you? What's that supposed to mean? It was you, wasn't it? You said you couldn’t control it whatever you do can't do What are you talking about? It was deliberate, wasn't it? I think you are letting your imagination run away from you.
Am I? It was justifying retribution.
That right? We can joint this party tonight.
Yeah, but that I could pout.
Come on It could be fun.
You know I'd really have a breast reduction and do actually a movie on nipples Great! And reduce a few waist! - Uhey! No.
It's not good.
It's not gonna go.
Ah It must have shrunk.
You never thought about plastic surgery? Absolutely! I started saving already.
- Really? Aha! Buttocks face lift, liposuction uh and my favourite, the designer from China - What? - It's true.
I can show you a picture if you like.
Those things! Gonna start thinking on these things.
The body was not designed to last.
I am no worried about it on my mind Trust me.
That's gonna happen anyway.
You're gonna start worrying about your ass.
You want to take your fancy? That would be you my dear? Obviously.
No one asked.
Definitely not.
I've got bigger.
How are you gonna get your birth cake? Enough substitutes.
Ah! I can always try to fish Ah It might be your lucky night.
Oh, yeah? You never know.
What are you doing? I'm gonna get another drink.
Are you alright? I didn’t plan on spending the night doing my laundry.
- You want help? - No.
I can cope, thanks.
You know, you really need to soak it.
Can wash a shirt! My God you're not gay, aren’t you? I I mean the garb and the physique I'm curious if you can handle.
It was nice talking to you but, I'm really not in the mood.
OK? - What's going on? - Nothing.
- Look.
It wasn't what it looked like.
- Yeah! Right! - Why get so upset? - Something is going on! - Look.
I haven't done anything.
- You have! You know you have! Maybe you can't help it! - What are you talking about? - You know what I mean.
- Oh, please! - I watched you! - Well, the other night you didn't believed me.
- Having a great time! Aren’t you! - Calm down, would you? - No! - This is what you were telling me about, isn't it? You are using it on people.
Don't get like this.
This is what you've always wanted, isn't it.
A bit of control.
That's why you like me.
- Thelma! Well, it's true! You think you can do what you like with me! Because you know how I feel about you.
And I feel the same about you.
I know you do.
Well maybe not quite in the same way.
I don't believe that.
All those things that you said, why did you said it if you don't mean it? - What things? - About giving up blocks.
We were having a laugh! You were! Please, don't get like this! You flirt with me.
You know that.
You play with me because you enjoy feeling you got some sort of power of me.
Because you think I'm some sort of looser.
More of a looser than you are.
That makes you feel better by yourself.
- No! - But the real truth it's you can't admit your feelings for me.
We both know what I'm talking about.
The difference is you can't deal with it.
We're best friends.
We always will be.
You don't get it, do you? Thelma! Thelma! Listen! Wait! - So you left the party with Thelma.
- Yes.
And you returned to the school together? No.
We split up.
And when you get back was she there? No.
I waited up for her.
So, you were worried about her? No.
Well, yeah, a bit.
Where did you last see her? In the high street.
And do you remember at what time you left the party? But you were the last one to see her.
Probably I don't know.
Did something happen between you Cassie? It was stupid! You had a brawl.
Not a brawl.
What was it about? Nothing.
Was it about your friendship? Yeah.
It's OK, Cassie.
What's OK? I I know you are very good friends.
Yeah? And well you're very close.
Oh, please! This is the lesbian bit.
Well, I've never really asked you about your relationship.
We're best mates, that's all.
Did Thelma want something more? Yeah.
It's not your fault Cassie, and I'm sure this will sort itself out.
Is there anything else you can remember about last night Cassie? Anything at all.
Do you think someone else might have seen her? It's important Cassie.
We don’t care if she is away with the fairies just as long as we know she is safe.
She left by herself.
I'm sure of it.
Cassie Cassie Where is Thelma? Are you always going to be this difficult? - Look I I don't know who you are.
- Please Cassie.
Don't insult my intelligence.
Azazeal! Thank you.
What do you want from me? I thought we could get to know each other.
I kind of formed an opinion and let's say is not favourable.
That's a shame.
Why have you been following me? I'm weak Cassie.
I need to regain my strength.
And you are going to help me.
- I don't think so.
- Do we have to pretend that you have a choice? Yes.
What's that supposed to mean? It wasn't an accident that you found the cannery Nothing is.
You must admit is living things up for you a bit.
You enjoy your new powers.
They make you feel better about yourself.
They're just a taste for things to come.
I know what happened to Rachel.
- Nothing she didn't want.
- Really? She gave me bodily form, I gave her bodily bliss.
You drove her mad! Rachel was her own undoing.
I want to see Thelma.
Don't piss me about.
You want something from me, then do something for me.
I need to see Thelma.
Thelma! Cassie! What do you want from us? I told you.
Rachel sacrifice was a long time ago.
And? I'm loosing strength every day.
It's the only way.
You don't understand yet.
Sacrifice must be willing.
Must be sacrifice in the true sense of the word.
And it will be willing in one way or the other.
Because you know the alternative.
She's done nothing! So? Leave her! You like her that much? Yes! I thought so.
Stop this! You don't get it.
Do you? What? Love is a sacrifice too.
Remember? Not her! I know.
You'll give yourself for her.
So it must be love.
Cassie! Noooo! I told you I needed a willing sacrifice.
Excuse me! Nooo! Nooooo! invite us to be your servants so that one day we may rule with him and share at his heaven.
Show your mercy Lord and through your love allow this dearly departed soul to join the angelic rows.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, Amen.
If I could say a few words Thelma was everything the students of Madisen School should aspire to.
You cannot help but admire her utter determination to be herself.
And yet perhaps, it was this her resulting sorrow for which we must all bear some responsibility.
It was the real cause of her death.
Whatever led her down to the lake that night we shall never know But let us join together to pray that her soul rest in peace.
That bloody loving this.
Don't be a dyke or will end topping yourself.
Let us all bow our heads for a moments, and remember the Thelma we knew.
She may looks dumb but she's a pussycat in bed.

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