Insomnia (2024) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

Nine, two, three, three,
one, zero, one, one,
one, three, one, two, three, one, five,
two, one, [INAUDIBLE],
one, two, two, nine, two, three, three,
one, zero, one.
One, zero, one, one, one,
three, one, two,
three, one, five, five, two, one, zero,
two, one, three
What are you doing awake?
Just thought there was a monster.
There is only one monster in this house.
And do you know who it is?
It's me.
What's this?
It's a boa constrictor.
Of course it is. It's very good.
Right, try and get some sleep.
- You too, Mummy.
- I'll try.
Sweet dreams.
- Are you okay? Yeah?
- Yeah.
With regard to
Stockwell vs. Stockwell petition
for the child, Nathan,
to have his own representation,
and, Rosemary, can you book
a meeting with Mrs. Alice?
Her court date got delayed again.
What's happened?
Right, where are you?
Ward 15.
Right, I'm on my way, okay?
Hi, I'm looking for Ward 15.
Yeah, just straight up
these stairs and take a right.
[EMMA] Thank you.
Hi, I'm here to see Phoebe Bournett.
I'm her sister, Emma.
- She's in room eight at the end.
- Thank you.
I think you mean
Phoebe, what
What's going on?
I thought you had an accident.
I knew you wouldn't come otherwise.
It's Mum, Em.
Fuck you, Phoebe.
Em, would you stop freaking out?
It's not like
she's gonna wake up or anything.
I can't believe
you brought me here like this.
She smashed her head
through a mirror last night.
The doctor said it's pretty bad.
She might not make it.
Oh, well, I've got friends coming over,
so I'm gonna have to go.
Emma, will you come on?
Sorry, when did you get back?
Don't know. A couple of months ago.
Couple of months ago?
And this is how you decide
to get back in touch?
Look, will you just please
come back with me
and we can talk about it?
Phoebe, I do not want
to be anywhere near that woman,
as you well know.
I thought something had happened to you.
This is really fucked up
what you're doing.
- Hi.
- Hi.
[WILL] Mummy, I've got a new joke.
Yeah, brace yourself.
What's big and green,
and comes out of my nose?
Um, I don't know.
What's big and green,
and comes out of your nose?
A big green bogey.
- Very good.
- Where are your gloves?
Wait. Hurry up.
Where did you go this morning?
Um, I had to nip into the office
and sign some papers.
Really? On a Sunday, dressed like that?
They've gotta make you partner
now, haven't they, Em?
You sure you're not overdoing it?
You were a bit restless last night.
Did I wake you?
Yeah. Yes, you did.
- Sorry.
- It's all right.
Oy, come on.
Come on, do you wanna play football?
Chloe is still in bed, obviously.
[EMMA] Obviously.
[ROBERT] What time are they coming over?
- Two o'clock.
- [ROBERT] Right.
I've, um, finished off the chili.
Just keep an eye on it.
- [EMMA] Will do.
- [WILL] Thanks.
[EMMA] There you go. Have a good day.
- Come on. See you.
- Bye.
Please don't mention anything
to the others today?
About what?
About my birthday, the big 4-0.
Yeah, but you don't look a day
over 32 anyway, babe, so
Chloe, please, come on.
Go and get dressed.
They're gonna be here any minute.
Well, I'm not eating red meat.
Um, since when?
Um, since your generation
fucked up the planet.
- What
- Chloe.
Go upstairs. Get dressed, now, please.
You know, I, um, [CLEARING THROAT]
I smelt weed on her again last week.
I think it's this, um, Amy girl.
- Hi.
- [MAN] Hey. Hi.
[MICHELLE] No running.
[ROBERT] Ben, Will's upstairs.
Go find him.
There we go.
- How are you?
- Hello. Good.
- Hi.
- How are you?
I'm good.
- Hello.
- Hi.
Forget the food. Feed me wine.
- [EMMA]Oh, fair enough.
- [JULIAN] That's great.
Have one of these.
What are you cooking, Robert?
Um, I am making a crumble.
Oh, famous crumble.
- Here they come.
- Here come the trolls.
- Hi, Ben.
- [MICHELLE] Boys. No, not here.
[MICHELLE] Can you tell him,
for God's sake?
Right, I was going to.
All right, come on, boys.
Come on, let's go
into the, uh, workshop.
Come on, Will, come on.
Right this way, quick.
You look pale. What's up?
I didn't book an appointment,
Dr. Sandford.
Come on.
I'm fine.
I'm just, I'm just not sleeping great.
So here's one for you.
Can insomnia run in families?
Depends what's causing it.
Uh, stress, probably.
Well, call me if it carries on.
There's no point
being a martyr about it.
There is medication to be had.
Hey, Michelle.
- Hello.
- [CHLOE]Hi.
Got changed quickly. Well done.
There's one open if you want some, Chlo.
I'm good.
No way.
You never
How could you not remind me?
Because I'm so busy at work.
But it's your 40th.
We should have
a big fuck-off party, you know?
You know, get the decks out,
glow bands, week to recover.
No, thank you. Maybe next year.
Um, yeah, Em's mum died on her 40th,
so I think she just wants
to [CLEARING THROAT] get passed it.
Goocoo soon will 'es leave make ♪
Swifts abandon autumn's ache ♪
Hey, no way, never realized
she released this on vinyl.
Yeah. I went and saw her
in Camden, like, two weeks ago.
- [JULIAN] Seriously?
- [CHLOE]Yeah.
Rob's vinyl addiction
is rubbing off, isn't it?
Oh, can you get the door, please, Chloe?
Hey, was she good?
She was just so good. Like, so good.
I'm very, very jealous.
- Hello.
- [CHLOE] Aunty Phoebe.
- [CHLOE]My God. I missed you.
- [CHLOE]Oh, my God.
- [PHOEBE]Are you all right?
[CHLOE] Yes. Where have you been?
Like, the Amazon or something?
Uh, Brazil for a bit
and then India for a little bit.
- [CHLOE] So cool.
- [PHOEBE] I know.
[PHOEBE] But it's good to be back.
- Hey.
- [PHOEBE] How you doing?
- Hey. It's so nice to see you.
- [PHOEBE] Hi.
- [ROBERT] How are you?
- Yeah, good, good.
- Good to see you.
- [ROBERT] All right.
- [PHOEBE] Yeah. Hi.
- Hey.
Should've told me you were back.
I just thought I'd surprise you.
- Want a drink. All right.
- [PHOEBE] Yes, please.
Yeah, good Uh, water, actually.
[ROBERT] Okay. Okay.
Well, there's plenty of food,
so I'll dish up.
[JULIAN] We've been drinking
too much white wine.
Yeah, yeah, it's, um, I think
it's obsidian or [INDISTINCT].
- Obsidian. Where did you get it?
- Obsidian, it's very good for
[PHOEBE]My friend bought it
for me in Brazil.
Want me to get you some?
I'll get you a few.
[CHLOE]Where can you get them?
I want one like, just like that.
[JULIAN]Like a proper interview process.
[CHLOE] What does that even
consist of? I can't, I
Well, I'd put you through your paces,
a written Your CV to me.
- Sending my CV.
- [JULIAN] Yeah.
[ROBERT]I love it. It's so interesting.
- [JULIAN]Your special skills.
- [CHLOE]Properly, yeah.
Is this one of yours, Rob?
The table? Yeah, this is mine, yes.
It's gorgeous.
Something like this
would look great in a new bar.
I mean, Chloe would be
tapping you up for,
for a job in your new place.
You loved working that summer,
didn't you?
Yeah. No, it was fun. Yeah, I liked it.
You'd be working in a bar.
You cost me a lot of money
in broken glasses.
Phoebe, can you
Phoebe, can you give me a hand?
Yeah, sure.
You can't be old enough to be a barmaid.
Why am I so old?
Part-time. Part-time barmaid.
- You'd be a good barmaid.
- A partial barmaid.
All right, what's wrong?
You can't just turn up
uninvited, Phoebe.
I'm your sister, Em.
I should be able to turn up
whenever I like.
I just wanted to say I'm sorry.
I didn't wanna leave
like we did at the hospital.
I know it must've been a shock.
[EMMA]A shock?
It was completely unacceptable.
And, you know, while you're here,
don't mention anything to anyone.
Can you do that?
You know just ignoring your shit
doesn't make it go away?
Your husband doesn't know
what happened to us when we were kids.
That isn't healthy.
Please, just think about going
to see her at the hospital,
sitting with her, getting whatever
you need to say off your chest.
- It's for your own good.
- Stop pushing me.
I'm not going to see her.
I have nothing to say to her.
Hey, Mummy, can I have more
crumbly and ice cream?
Yeah, two minutes, Bear.
I just need to think about it.
Not now.
Don't tell me
it's because of your fortieth.
That's bullshit, Em.
You not gonna morph into her.
You're not a fucking werewolf.
There's no such thing
as bad blood, Jesus Christ!
- [MICHELLE] Is this yours?
- [MAN] Uh, no
[PHOEBE]Righty-ho, is this wine for you?
Is it for you?
It's for you. All right.
two, two, nine, two,
three, three, one, zero,
one, three, one, two, three,
one, one, two, one, zero,
two, two, one, two, three,
three, one, zero,
one, three, three, two, three, one,
one, two, three, zero,
two, zero, one, two,
- one, zero, one, one, one, three,
one, two, three, one,
five, five, two, one, zero
Happy birthday, Mummy.
You've got the bad blood too.
- Oh, shit.
I portrayed some people
in their landscapes, yeah.
Are you okay?
- [JULIAN] Oh, Jesus Christ.
- Will is bleeding, Rob.
- [ROBERT] Yeah, yeah.
- [ROBERT] Jesus.
- Oh, my God, open your mouth.
Don't panic. Open your mouth,
open your mouth.
I'm just All right.
- Okay, it's some glass.
- Oh, my God.
[ROBERT] It's all right.
It's a bit of glass.
Is there anything else in there?
Can you feel anything else?
I'm just gonna have
a little look. Open your mouth.
Let me just have a check.
Open your mouth, Will.
All right. Okay,
have a little swill of this.
- Cut my lip.
- Yeah, I know, I know.
I smashed a glass earlier.
But I know I cleared it all up.
It didn't go anywhere near the bowls.
- [RICHARD] Okay. Okay.
- Put it straight in the bin.
Em, look. Em, calm down.
For fuck's sake, I'm fine, Phoebe.
Right, guys. Who fancies
a piggy-back race?
Ben, yeah?
Yeah, you do? All right,
we're gonna break our record
and we're gonna beat them, okay?
We're gonna go 'round the tree,
'round the shed.
- Are you up for it?
- [JULIAN]Yeah, come on.
- Right, come on.
- Great.
- [ROBERT] Yeah, let's do it.
- Come on, we're gonna win.
[MICHELLE]No, it's good.
- [JULIAN]All right.
- Okay?
- [ROBERT] Come on. Come on.
- [JULIAN] Let's do it!
Are you okay?
What was going on with you and Phoebes?
She just wound me up,
turning up like that.
[ROBERT] Now, Phoebes
is Phoebes, isn't she?
Hey, come here.
I cleared all that glass.
I don't know what happened there.
You know I'd never hurt our children?
What? That's not even a question.
Of course I do.
And broken glass just gets
everywhere, doesn't it?
I'm gonna come home
early tomorrow to do bedtime.
Oh, that would be so great.
Will will be so happy.
Are you sure you're okay?
You were hitting the Sauvignon
pretty hard.
I just needed to unwind.
Oh, really? Well, um, I can
help you with that, I think.
- [Emma laughing
How's your back?
Yeah, you know, powering through.
One, two, three, one,
five, five, two, one, zero,
two, two, one, two, three,
- one, zero, one, one, one.
- [MAN]Right, anything else?
- [MAN 2]Emma?
[MAN 2]Emma?
Uh, we've still got
more than a 40-week wait
for most cases to get to court.
The pandemic backlog is not shifting.
It's the perfect storm
for a lot of unhappy families.
So what's your plan?
Mediation and arbitration,
keep as many cases out of court
as possible.
I know that means
fewer fees for us as a firm,
but so much of family law
relies on word of mouth.
This way we get to offer quick solutions
rather than long, costly proceedings.
It's much better for us as a brand.
Sounds good. Faisal?
No problems in my department.
No recession on crime, it seems.
Emma, you're due in court
at midday. Stockwells.
Thank you.
Is that your Legal Aid?
Yes, he hasn't seen his son for a year.
I intend to rectify that.
Well, don't let us keep you.
Thank you.
[MARKHAM]Mr. Stockwell has
a history of dependence
on prescription drugs.
History is irrelevant in this situation.
Mr. Stockwell has been clear
of any issues
with prescription medication
for over a year.
My client is solely concerned
with Nathan's welfare.
Your client was perfectly willing
to leave Nathan alone with Mr. Stockwell
when they were cohabiting.
Strangely, only now they're divorcing
it seems to be a problem.
The truth is Mrs. Stockwell has
blocked all my client's attempts
at spending any time with his son.
As the court knows,
there were valid reasons.
Yes, the visit scheduled
for the 17th of September
which was cancelled
because Nathan had mumps.
Nathan was at school that day
and perfectly healthy.
Multiple visits have been cancelled
due to similar reasons.
My client needs regular access to Nathan
in order to rebuild their relationship.
It is in the best interest
of both father and child.
Arrangements must be made
for Mr. Stockwell
to see his son in a supervised capacity
as soon as possible.
There is a slot at the child
contact center this afternoon.
My client is happy to use this
as a first meeting opportunity.
I believe Nathan's school day
ends at 3:30.
It's too soon.
My client needs time to prepare her son.
There is no reason
this meeting cannot take place.
This afternoon it is.
Thank you.
[EMMA] Hello?
Hey, son. How are you doing, son?
You doing some coloring?
Yeah, I'll be back
in the office in an hour.
Daddy help you?
Mummy. I want Mummy.
No, no, Nath. It's all right.
It's Dad. It's okay.
I signed it. It's on my desk
in the red folder.
Mummy! I want Mummy!
Hey, darling.
Shit, I've got to go.
I'll call you back. Bye-bye.
[AMANDA]What happened?
I didn't do anything.
Look, maybe it's better for
Nathan if I stay in the room too?
Look, Nath, do you wanna
come read a story?
Go away!
Why's he scared of me?
What have you been saying to him?
What have I been saying to him?
Are you seriously turning this on me?
Because he's not usually like this.
I'm sorry. He is so upset.
- Look at him.
- No, Nath
No, no, no, let's not make this
any worse, okay?
Look, come on. Let's go.
How can it be any worse?
We'll arrange another appointment
when he's better prepared.
[KHAN] It's gonna feel
a little cold, okay?
I'll show you the screen in a second.
Is everything still okay?
[KHAN] Yeah, obviously, your age
is a risk factor,
but 11 weeks,
so far, so good.
It's still a lot
to go through on your own.
And it might be time
to let people know, hmm?
So they can support you, okay?
[FAISAL] Emma.
Since when do you nap at your desk?
I'm just deep in thought.
Have you finished for the day?
I have. I thought you should know
I think they're finally
gonna make you partner.
You think?
[FAISAL] Oh, well, no guarantees.
We are taking it to the board.
Heads up, they will want you
doing fewer hours on Legal Aid.
Uh, I'll turn them around
once I get my seat at the desk.
Of course you will.
Right, come on, for now, drinks.
Oh, I wish.
I also told Robert I would
be back for Will's bedtime.
Oh, come on. We haven't had
a laugh in ages.
[EMMA] I know.
Go on, go have fun.
Fine. Enjoy your deep thoughts.
Sorry, I couldn't get ahold of you
and your building was locked.
Sorry, my phone's been on silent.
Look, it's just It's been
great you representing me
and, like, I'm lucky to have had you.
It's just I don't think
I can do this anymore.
[EMMA] Wait, what's going on?
I know today was tough,
but it was a real step forward.
[PETE] Really? How?
So I could see firsthand
that my son doesn't wanna be around me?
Like, it's taken everything I've got
just to keep myself together.
I've got nothing left.
He's scared of me, Emma.
Can you imagine how awful
that makes me feel?
No. No, I can't, Pete,
but, look, you're doing great.
You just need to hold steady
because she's expecting you
to back down.
How are you getting home?
Come on. I'll give you a lift.
Let's talk it through.
Oh, hi.
I'm so sorry. Client emergency.
It's all right. It's your loss.
Will showed us his, um,
he showed us his dance
for the school play.
It is hilarious.
I thought Phoebe was gonna pee herself.
Phoebe's here?
She's upstairs, reading him a story.
You're annoyed when she's away.
You're annoyed when she's here.
But I think it might be
I'm back, just in time.
Hello. Hello there.
What were you reading?
Em, could I just grab
a quick word before
Yeah, 10 minutes.
Let me just see him to bed.
Night, darling. Sweet dreams.
[EMMA]Oh, you picked Mummy's favorite.
I wanted Aunty Phoebe to read it.
I know, but Mummy's home,
so Mummy's gonna read it.
"In a world of sun and land so dry
lived a lizard named Lucy."
I'm all right. I don't want one, anyway.
Look, the reason I wanted to
Phoebe, I haven't got time
for this, okay?
I'm not sleeping and it's getting worse.
Is that why you're being so spiky?
Come on, Em.
Loads of people get insomnia.
It's not your birthday shit, is it?
That's not what's keeping you awake,
but you've gotta let it go, Em.
[EMMA] It's okay for you to say.
I'm the one she said
would end up like her.
With the bad blood.
[PHOEBE] Are you serious?
Yeah, so what?
She said some crazy shit. Big deal.
Least that's all she did to you.
[EMMA] Exactly, so why on Earth
do you want to bring her back
into our lives?
Is that why you're so obsessed
with the past,
because you can't get your shit
together in the present?
I mean, why are you here, Phoebe?
I've seen more of you in two days
than I have in the last year.
I just wanted to be around you guys.
Do you need money or something?
Do you know, you do look exhausted.
So who knows?
Maybe you are going fucking mad.
Just like she did.
Happy birthday, Mummy.
We made you a card.
I just want to sleep.
Suggest a court-appointed
Suggest a court-appointed
social worker assessment
of Nathan Stockwell's
relationship with both parents.
Nathan had an extreme reaction
to his meeting with his father.
Hey, Michelle.
I hope I've caught you on a night shift
and not woke you up.
Um, I hope all's good.
I just wondered if I could take you up
on those sleeping pills.
Hence the very late voice note.
Anyway, I'll speak to you soon.
Lots of love. Bye.
You okay?
Yeah, um, just having a bit of a problem
with your Dictaphone.
I'm not sure, um It's just a bit odd.
In what way?
Uh, well, um, I'm not sure
if you accidentally recorded something.
Oh, let me take a look.
Your instructions aren't on there.
Okay, thanks.
One, one, three, one,
two, three, one,
five, five, two, one, zero
One, five, five, two,
one, zero, two, two,
nine, two, three, three, one, zero, one,
one, one, three, one, two, three, one,
five, five
Two, one, zero, two, two, nine,
two, three, three,
one, zero, one,
one, two, one, two, three, one,
one, five, two, one, zero,
two, two, nine,
two, three, three
You've got the bad blood too.
Three, one, zero, one, one
You've got Mrs. Morgan in 20 minutes.
[EMMA] Yeah, I've got to go.
I'll call her later.
I do not have bad blood.
I am not you.
I will never be you.
[EMMA]I'm not sleeping
and it's getting worse.
[RICHARD] Em, it's me.
Is there anything else
that you need to tell us?
[MICHELLE] Command hallucinations
can be responsible
for violence towards children.
[RICHARD]Is that where
this scary lady comes from?
I only see her at night.
Where was your wife yesterday evening
if she wasn't here?
[EMMA]Why would you tell them
I was there?
Why would I lie?
You starting to sound
really paranoid, Em.
[RICHARD]We've been married 20 years.
That is what I'm struggling with.
Not the one old lies,
these new little ones.
[PHOEBE]You're not sleeping, Em!
You don't know what you're doing
half the time!
[GIRL]One, five, five.
[PHOEBE]She's doing
everything our Mum used to do.
Next Episode