Jake and the Fatman (1987) s01e01 Episode Script

Happy Days Are Here Again

I'll say this about the Fatman:
he's a sweet guy.
Listen creep, I'm going to
take you apart like a clock.
JAKE: He can be
tough when he has to be.
FATMAN: Jake Styles?
Don't ask me how
he can live the way he
does on a cop's salary.
Some people do seem
to like him, however.
But he's a damn good
investigator, and he's mine.
(theme playing)
He's a good guy.
Don't you forget it.

(dog barking in distance)

(loud squawking)
(dog barking in distance)

(machine beeps)
Hi, Libby, it's your mother.
You know, I talk
to your machine more
than I talk with you.
Call me.
Love you.
(dial tone)

("Stars and Stripes
Forever" playing)
Do you have his
speech? No, not yet.
Brent, it's a priority.
It's the most important
speech on the campaign so far.
I know that Shelly.
That's why it's taking
me so long to finish.
Well, I don't want you
to do anything but that.
All right. Would
you like me to go up
and tell Kyle you've
banned me from his office?
Hi, Chief.
Seen the new polls?
Yes, I did. They are
very encouraging.
Do you have the
draft on that speech?
I'll have it for you
this afternoon.
I think it's going
to be a winner.
I have to get
this material read.
You know what I've been doing.
I've been talking
to the reporters,
asking their opinions
about the campaign.
They've been there
before, you know.
I think we could
use some feedback,
especially now while we still
have time to make changes.
Well, I appreciate that, Brent.
I've got to get ready for
this press conference.
(spectator whistling)
I want to thank you
I want to thank
you all for coming.
I'm not going to
say very much today.
You can hold the
applause. (laughter)
No, I'm going to happily
relinquish the microphone
to my good friend, District
Attorney J.L. McCabe.
His dog, Max.
I never leave home without him.
Well, all you media people,
if you've got your
stuff running, we'll start,
because I'm going to
make this fast and sweet.
You know, I have known Kyle
Williams for a long, long time.
As a matter of fact, we
were deputy D.A.s together.
Max, stop that, will you?
I knew then that he was
going to be a top lawyer.
He was, and he still is.
I believe in Kyle Williams.
And, so does Max here, huh, Max?
And Max is one of the
best political analysts I know.
There have been few men
as moral and as outstanding
as Kyle Williams,
and I firmly believe he's
going to make this state
one hell of a senator, huh?
I just wanted you
people to know about him.
Thank you very much.
Thank you. You're
welcome, My pleasure.
That was a nice thing to do.
We don't how to thank
you. Well, I know how.
Come buy me a cup
of coffee. You're on.
Mr. Williams, how do you
feel about trade unionism?
Well, as I had
said, I believe
Sorry, guys, the candidate
has another appointment.
Good and strong unions, but
you have to define "good unions."
(reporters clamoring)
One more question
In here.
What, are you crazy?
Susan is right outside.
She left with McCabe.
Hold it, hold it.
Listen, I told
you, this is over.
It has to be. It's not over.
You just don't
drop me like that.
You, you treat me as if
I mean nothing to you.
Come on, you know
what you mean to me.
I wouldn't be where
I am without you.
You know that.
I'm not talking
about your career.
I'm talking about
being with you.
Being together.
All the time.
Now is not the time.
Oh, when is?
And, what am I suppose to do.
What about me?
You go home to her at
night, I'm at home alone.
I want to be with
you. Believe me.
Why should I?
How many hundreds of
times have you told me
that you were
going to leave her?
Were you lying
just to sleep with me?
Were you?
I can't leave Susan in
the middle of a campaign!
Does that mean you'll
do it after the election?
If I don't go to Washington
as something other
than your assistant,
or your mistress,
you can be damn sure
you won't get there either.
Is there anything I
can help you with?
No, thanks.
I'll see you later.
(loud squawking)
(machine beeps)
It's your mother.
If you don't call me about this
weekend, I'll never forgive you.
He is your brother, you know.
I'll be home. Love you.
(loud squawking)
(Eric Clapton's "After
Midnight" playing)
(Jake lip syncing) After midnight
we gonna let it all hang down ♪
After midnight we
gonna chugalug and shout ♪
We're gonna
stimulate some action ♪
We gonna get
some satisfaction ♪
We're gonna find
out what it is all about ♪
What it is all about,
what it is all about ♪
Whoa, after midnight we
gonna let it all hang down ♪
After midnight,
after midnight ♪
(doorbell ringing)
After midnight ♪
(music stops)
Hang on.
Hey, what's up?
(chuckles) This is
your housewarming gift.
What's with the antlers?
Oh, think nothing of it.
It's wonderful. I
knew you'll love it.
It's great.
You know, they've
been in my family for
oh, I don't know,
years and years.
Yeah, you really
shouldn't have, though.
I can't think of anybody
who would appreciate
it more than you.
And I know that.
Yeah, look Thank you.
Is he going to sit
on the couch again?
Oh, no.
Max has better taste than that.
(doorbell ringing)
Ta-da! Hey.
To celebrate your new house.
Oh, thanks.
Listen, I brought white, because
you said you were making chicken.
Yeah, right
Hi, Mr. McCabe. I didn't know
you were going to be here.
Yeah, he wanted to surprise
me, and he succeeded.
You invited Derek to dinner?
JAKE: Well, some people have to
be invited, and some people don't.
Don't worry. I made
enough for five.
Jake, I knew you
were going gonna have
a great place, but
this is incredible.
Yes, it's exactly what we
can expect an investigator
for the district
attorney to be living in
if he happens to
be a Rockefeller.
Listen, I did a turn for the
guy who owns the building,
so he's letting me stay here
until he sells the apartment.
Besides, if you paid your
investigators any money,
we wouldn't have to
take these handouts.
(phone rings)
Guys, have a seat.
Yeah, he's here. Hang on.
J.L., pick up, it's
for you. Yeah?
(indistinct radio transmission)
What does it look like?
Burglar. Evidently, he
got caught in the act.
We found a jewelry
box on the floor empty.
We feel he came
in from the balcony.
Found cigarette ashes out there.
Did she smoke?
Who found her?
DETECTIVE: Her mother.
She didn't return her
calls, and she got worried.
I want a full crew on this.
You've got it.
Yeah, that's the way we see it.
She's got a diamond
around her neck.
Our burglar got close
enough to kill her,
but he didn't take this.
Doesn't make much
sense. You got a bag?
Any sign of rape?
DETECTIVE: No. The M.E. is going
to work her up and give us a verbal.
You okay?
I guess so.
Come on. I'll buy you a drink.
I think maybe I need one.
WILLIAMS: Of course,
now no one, none of us,
can even think of going on,
but we have to.
And I believe that
we can take this
this tragedy and
turn it into a triumph
for Libby.
(clears throat)
We have to talk, Kyle.
Not now, Brent. Not now.
Yes, Kyle, now.
I've told you before how much
it means to me
to get you elected.
Oh, Brent, please.
I promise you,
you'll be very interested
in what I have to say.
Libby was
a danger to you,
to the campaign,
to everything.
What do you mean, a danger?
She threatened not only
the election, but everything:
the children
I had to clean up
the mess for you.
What are you saying?
I couldn't let her ruin you
ruin us.
So I did it.
Are you telling me
that you killed Libby?
I did it for you
for the future.
The future is too important
to throw away over
some insignificant woman!
Wait a minute!
You're saying that you murdered
Libby Weeks?
Kyle, don't you understand?
We're gonna make it.
We're on our way to Washington.
Now, Brent.
I'm going to call
the police, all right?
You have to be
smarter than that, Kyle.
What are you gonna tell them?
That some aide of yours,
for no apparent motive,
killed Libby Weeks?
Because why?
They won't believe you.
And I am not the only person
on your staff who knew
that you were having
an affair with Libby.
I know you think it
was a deep, dark secret,
but I'm sorry to
inform you it wasn't.
No, Brent, I'm
calling the police.
All right,
call them, but if you do,
you're wrecking your career.
Whether they believe you or not,
you couldn't
survive the scandal!
I've been giving this
a lot of careful thought.
It's a double-blind,
and you lose both ways!
My way, everybody wins.
Where were you
when Libby was killed?
I was here!
And who was here with you?
No one.
And you know that yellow
cardigan sweater of yours?
The one that's missing?
It got all dirty.
It's covered with Libby's blood.
Oh, but don't worry.
As long as the police
don't know about it,
you have nothing
to be afraid of.
(phone receiver
clatters in cradle)
You are going to
win this election.
And we are going
to go to Washington.
Happy days are here again.
Watch this, Derek.
Get a load of this.
Max? Come.
Max! Come!
(pleading): Oh, come on, Max!
What's this, a training session?
Hey, Jake, watch this, huh?
Good dog! Good boy!
(both laugh)
What are you laughing at?
See if you find
some more dog treats
in the supply room.
These must have gone bad.
Jake. The dog's
a natural athlete.
Is there something
I can do for you,
or did you just happen to
come by to insult my dog?
Charged to Kyle
Williams' account.
Well, what's your problem?
Libby had been with Kyle
since the campaign started.
No problem.
No problem with the diamond,
but our senatorial candidate
also paid for her car
and put a down
payment on her condo.
Now, if I was
a suspicious man, I would say
he's got something
going with her.
Oh, I don't like
where this is headed.
You're gonna like it
even less when I get there.
So what if he did?
Listen, there's something wrong
with this burglary-
becomes-murder scenario.
I was going over this report.
Now, I noticed that the mother
found the stove was still on
in the kitchen.
And she found a
scorched tea kettle.
Well, she must
have put the water on
when she came
into the apartment.
She also had time
to open her mail
and get undressed
before she was murdered.
So why didn't the
burglar get the hell out?
I don't think he
was there to rob her.
I think he was
there to kill her.
Come back when
you got something.
(Sousa march
plays in background)
Hi. I'm looking for
Kyle Williams' office?
He's upstairs.
You going somewhere?
Campaign's not over, though.
Personality conflict.
That's what he said.
I hear Mr. Williams is
a pretty easygoing guy.
Not Kyle, his new
assistant, Brent!
Brent, I don't think
you understand.
This is my campaign!
I am running it, not you!
What you need is my help.
What you don't need is Shelly.
She's a total incompetent.
Use your head!
Shelly knew about Libby and me.
She was loyal, she never
would have told anyone.
Now she's angry.
Now she's dangerous!
(knock at door)
Do you mind?
Kyle Williams?
Can I help you?
Yes. My name is Jake Styles.
I'm investigating the
Libby Weeks' case. Hi.
Oh, I'm Brent Moore,
the candidate's assistant.
I'm awfully sorry. The
candidate's busy right now.
No, no.
We'd like to cooperate
in every way possible.
Thank you. I appreciate that.
Actually, what I have
to talk to you about, sir,
is of a private nature.
Well, I'm Mr. Williams' aide.
We have no secrets.
No, no. It's fine.
Uh, this was found
around Libby Weeks' neck
the night she was murdered.
It was charged to your
account at Tiffany's.
Oh, Kyle, I bought
that for Libby, for the job
she did on the primaries I
should have told you about it.
It slipped my mind.
What can I say? I'm sorry.
Anything else?
Um, yes. Do either of you smoke?
Do you have a cigarette?
Oh, great, thank you very much.
Oh, one more
thing. I almost forgot.
The medical examiner,
he put the time of
death around 8:00 p.m.
on a Tuesday night.
You understand, I have
to ask you where you were.
He was at my apartment.
Weren't we rehearsing
for the press conference
on Tuesday night? Yes.
I throw him a lot
of sample questions.
It's very effective.
Listen, is that all?
I think so.
Thank you very much.
Anything we can do.
It's a terrible thing
to have happen.
Here, let me give
you a hand here.
How would you like a
nice, expensive lunch?
You don't seem much like a cop.
I guess in a lot
of ways, I'm not.
But enough about
me, as they say.
What about you and Brent Moore?
Brent Moore is a liar.
He's a conniving,
manipulative, little creep.
You don't care for him?
He came into the
campaign as a speechwriter.
A speechwriter.
Now, he's Kyle's assistant.
Well, if he's such bad news, why
would Kyle Williams promote him?
I have no idea.
Well, I'm following up
some leads, and uh
Well, this is pretty
delicate. Uh
I'll just go ahead and ask you.
Kyle Williams and Libby Weeks.
They've worked
together for a long time.
(clearing throat)
I know it's not very nice
of me to press you on this.
But I really don't
have a choice.
Now, there's this situation
with the condominium,
the jewelry?
I don't know anything about it.
Look, if I thought this lunch
was going to be
an interrogation
Oh, no. No, not all, it's not.
We're done, we're finished.
I'm allowed to have lunch.
I'll tell you what, though,
if you want to talk,
give me a call, okay?
Now eat your salad
before it gets cold.
(machine beeps)
Jake, this is Melissa.
I'll see you at
the club at 9:00.
See you there.
(beep) Jake, this is Shelly.
I've thought about it, and
if you would like to talk,
my number is 555-8732,
or I'll be home tonight
17 Beechwood Plaza.
(click and dial tone)
(glass breaking)
(man's voice whispering):
Shelly, you're next!
Oh, God!
Oh, Jake! Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Jake, oh, God, he's in there!
Okay, I want you to
stay here, stay here.
(car engine starting)
(tires screeching)
Here you go. Thanks.
You're welcome.
If you hadn't picked
up your messages,
he might have killed me.
This is no
coincidence, you know.
Someone is getting
very desperate.
I think it's Brent Moore.
As far as I can tell,
he is a pathological liar.
He's given a
different background
on every application
he's ever filled out.
If I had to guess who's
playing haunted house with you,
I'd have to say,
he's got my vote.
But why?
I think it's time you tell
me everything you know.
Hello, J.L. Hi.
Hey, Max, old boy,
how are you?
I've got a prelim
on the Robinson matter,
if you'll excuse me. Okay.
Mr. Williams. Hello, Derek.
Max has always liked you, Kyle.
If only he could vote.
(laughing): Yeah.
How's the campaign going?
(clears throat)
Well, it's tough.
Plus all this
business with Libby
It makes it worse.
Yeah, I know.
I keep going over
and over the case.
You wanted to see me?
Jake Styles has
this crazy theory
that it wasn't
really a burglary.
That it was strictly a murder.
You agree?
I'm afraid I do, yeah.
Who would want to kill Libby?
Hey, Kyle, this is
completely off the record.
It's just a meeting
between good friends,
all right?
Come on J.L., what's this about?
Look, Kyle, I want you
to be straight with me
about your
relationship with Libby.
J.L., I told your investigator
nothing was going on.
I want you to tell me.
I was not having an
affair with Libby Weeks,
is that clear enough?
Kyle, if you're in over
your head, tell me,
before this gets out of hand.
Now's the time to level with me,
while I can still help.
Is there anything else?
What are you doing here?
Oh, just in case you needed me.
Everything go
all right in there?
WILLIAMS: Everything is fine.
BRENT: Come on, I'll drive
you back to headquarters.
How did it go?
He said he wasn't
having an affair with Libby.
Why would he lie
to you about that?
I don't know.
Doesn't make sense.
He knows he can trust me.
Brent was outside
waiting for him.
I'd like to know
what that's all about.
Me, too.
Oh, hi.
Thanks for coming
on such short notice.
I appreciate it.
Well, Kyle requested that
we all cooperate completely.
I would have been
glad to anyway,
because Libby
was a good friend.
Yeah, well, don't
be too eager. Here.
Why not?
Well, for one,
it's starting to look
like maybe you killed Libby.
Hi, could we order
something here?
Yeah. Uh, what would you like?
Um, white wine please.
White wine.
Thank you. I'm fine.
(clears throat)
I'm waiting for the punch line.
Even a very bad
joke has a punch line.
Right, right.
You're going to
think this is hilarious.
You remember the French
cigarette you gave me?
Are you blaming this delusion
of yours on imported nicotine?
We found fresh cigarette
ash on the balcony
the night of the murder.
So, guess what I did?
I'll give you a hint.
Scene of the crime?
We found it on the
grass, under the balcony.
French imported.
Looks like yours.
They're pretty rare
around these parts.
Be my guest.
First of all, I wasn't
there, okay? Yeah.
Second, even if I had been,
I'd have to be out of
my mind to fall for this.
Because we both know,
this doesn't prove anything.
You took one of my
cigarettes yourself.
Anybody else could have, too.
That's true.
You're right.
Doesn't prove a thing.
But, I didn't say it did.
How loyal are you Brent?
To whom?
Oh, the candidate.
Well, my, admiration
for Mr. Williams
is fairly obvious.
What are you getting at?
Murder one.
You know what?
I'm going to trust
you on this, okay?
I don't think you did it.
I mean really, I really don't.
I never did.
You know who I think did it?
Kyle Williams.
As a matter of fact, I hear
that he bums a cigarette
from you every now and then.
That's ridiculous.
You know what else I think?
I think he's playing
you for a sucker.
How? I don't understand.
He's got you to
give him an alibi
for the time of the murder.
You also tried to
cover up their affair.
I don't believe this.
And you wonder why good men
don't run for public office.
Hey, we're getting
real close on this.
If you're covering
up for this murder,
if you know anything
about it, you better tell me.
'Cause Kyle is
playing you for a sap.
Hell, he's turned
you into an accessory.
You could go to jail.
Listen, I think you're
forgetting something.
Kyle Williams is my
friend. I know who he is.
I would trust him with my life.
You guys are way off base.
Kyle Williams is the future
of this country.
We should be
supporting men like him,
not trying to tear them down.
Kyle Williams is the
best hope we have.
Speak for yourself.
Hello, Mr. McCabe. Hello.
It's all right.
If you'll excuse us.
Well, I've already
explained to your investigator
that we have no secrets.
Leave us alone.
Uh, Mr. McCabe,
with all due respect,
it's been the policy You!
Get out.
Get out!
I'd like for you to come
down to my office voluntarily
for some questioning.
Somebody got to you,
didn't they, McCabe?
Who was it?
Kyle, we know you paid
for Libby's condominium.
We know you paid for
the diamond and her car.
And we know that you
were having an affair.
Now, I've given you every
chance to tell the truth,
and you've lied to me each time.
Now we're going to
get to the bottom of this.
("Stars and Stripes
Forever" playing)
JAKE: What are you doing here?
BRENT: You know
exactly why I'm here.
I tried to warn you.
You wouldn't
listen to me, though.
I want to see him.
You what?
I'm trying to keep
the media out of this.
He hasn't been charged
with anything yet.
Come on, give us a
break. Let me talk to him.
Look, I don't know
It could make a big difference.
(sighing): All right.
Look, this is not
procedure, okay?
But the D.A.'s been
called to court to testify,
so you make it quick or
it's my tail, you understand?
Yes. Thank you. Okay.
It's all right, let him in.
There's nobody in
there, I've already looked.
And leave it open.
Now, listen, Brent.
They are not letting up,
and I mean things are
coming apart at the seams here.
It's totally out of control.
Slow down, slow down.
You are not the one
they are questioning.
You are not the one whose
life is on the line, here.
Kyle, listen. Don't you
understand that they have
got somebody who
thinks they saw me there
on the night of the murder.
They didn't see me, Brent.
They saw you.
Would you be quiet?
They saw you in my sweater.
What do you expect me to do?
Sit here and take the rap?
You didn't do it.
They can't prove anything.
Everything they have
is circumstantial at best.
They don't believe me!
Now, you have got to go to them,
and you have got
to tell them the truth.
You're panicking.
Do you realize that?
If you don't tell them
I will.
I'm not going through
this alone, Brent.
I didn't do anything.
Well, that's not
exactly true, is it?
Why don't you just try
to calm down. Okay?
They're putting
the pressure on you
because they don't have a case.
They're trying to crack you,
but they don't realize how
far superior you are to them.
All you have to
do is hold the line,
and we're home free.
The worst is already over.
Everything is going
just as it should.
Trust me.
I'll take care of everything.
What's wrong?
Brent, what is it?!
They're trying to pin
Libby's death on Kyle.
Well, what are you doing?
What's the address
of Kyle's condominium?
You know, the one that
he has out in Trancas?
Come on, come on, come on!
Well, we're not allowed
to give that address out.
Claire, I don't have
time to argue with you.
Where's your private file?
Brent, I really don't
think this is a good idea
for you to be doing this.

(siren wailing)
Hold it right there!
Freeze, mister!
WOMAN: In the matter of
The People v. Kyle Williams
are The People ready to proceed?
We are.
Call your first witness.
The people call Brent
Moore to the stand.
Mr. Moore,
you're a close associate of
Mr. Kyle Williams, aren't you?
Yes, I am.
How long have you known him?
Well, I started
following his career
when he entered
the state senate,
but, uh, I didn't join the
campaign per se, until about
two years ago.
And you have a
great deal of contact
with the candidate?
MOORE: Yes, I do.
I consider Kyle Williams
a personal friend, a friend
that I'm proud to have.
Mr. Moore, when you found out
that Libby Weeks
had been killed,
did you assume that
Mr. Williams had killed her?
Absolutely not.
The idea never crossed my mind.
When did you first suspect
that Mr. Williams first might
be involved in the murder?
Well, um
it was the day that
they had sent him down
to police headquarters
for questioning.
I, uh I talked to him
right after that, and
Talked to him, and?
Go on, Mr. Moore.
You talked to Kyle
Williams, and?
They had been asking
him questions all morning.
He asked me to help him.
He said I could
virtually call the
shots in Washington
if I helped him now.
What did he ask you to do?
Destroy evidence.
What evidence?
Some credit card receipts
that were in the
desk in his office,
and a sweater that he
had hidden in his condo.
(clears throat)
This is People's
Exhibit B, which
has been identified
as Kyle Williams's sweater.
It is spotted with
Libby Weeks' blood.
Is this the sweater
you were referring to?
Yes, it is.
Now, tell me, Mr. Moore,
after Kyle Williams asked you
to destroy this evidence,
what did you do?
Kyle Williams was my friend.
I had been working
24 hours a day with him
for two years.
I was convinced that our country
needed people like
him in Washington.
What did you do, Mr. Moore?!
I did it.
I went to his office.
I got the receipts
out of his desk.
I got his address.
I went to his condo
Now, isn't that interesting?
You got his address?
You testified that
you were close friends.
You didn't know his address?
The condo was
actually off-limits.
It was the only place
that Mr. and Mrs.
Williams could go
to get away.
They didn't give the address
or the phone number
out to anybody.
So, Mr. Williams
knew you didn't know
the address of the condominium?
I guess so.
And he didn't tell you the
address at the police station?
It was very intense
at the police station.
Please understand. He
had just confessed to me
that he had committed murder.
So you went to the condominium?
That's right.
And you broke in?
That's where you
found the yellow sweater.
On the floor of the closet,
just like he had told me.
Then, Mr. Moore?
Then, I got caught
on my way out.
I guess I'm not that
experienced at stealing things.
We'd like to place into evidence
Prosecution Exhibit C,
address card, found in
Mr. Moore's possession
when he was apprehended
on the grounds of the
Trancas Bluffs Condominiums.
This is the address
card, isn't it?
Yes, it is.
And, it says condo number 107.
Yes, it does.
And, that's where you found
the bloodstained sweater, huh?
I have already testified
that I found the sweater
in Mr. Williams's condo.
if Kyle Williams would keep
such an incriminating piece
of evidence, it would logically
be found at one
of three places
His office, his home
or his condo at the beach,
and the condo at the beach
would be the best hiding place,
if he was so stupid
as to keep this sweater.
Well, I suppose
when people panic
they sometimes
make fatal mistakes.
That's very true.
Excuse me?
That's the number
on the condo, right?
Yes. 107.
Oh, but, that's
impossible Mr. Moore,
because Kyle Williams'
condominium is number 225!
What are you talking about?
The card says 107.
We changed the card, Mr. Moore.
We also moved Mr. Williams's
personal belongings
into an empty unit, unit 107.
So the only way
you could have found
the bloody yellow sweater
in unit 107
is if you put it there.
You killed Libby
Weeks, didn't you?
And then, you manipulated
and blackmailed Kyle
Williams into covering for you,
and when it looked like
everything was coming undone,
you framed him for murder!
All right. But if you think
I'm gonna take the
fall alone, forget it!
He was an accessory.
FATMAN: Not quite right.
When Mr. Williams was
questioned at headquarters,
he not only told
us the whole story,
he willingly helped
us bring you to justice.
For cooperating so fully,
we have stipulated to a pleading
of accessory after the fact,
and he will be given a
six-month suspended sentence.
The People move for a dismissal!
(excited murmuring)
Clear the court!
J.L., I'm sorry.
So am I.

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