Julie and the Phantoms (2020) s01e01 Episode Script

Wake Up

[wind howling]
[sign buzzes]
[distant excited chatter]
[mic feedback]
[electric guitar riff plays]
One, two, three!
Take off ♪
Last stop ♪
Countdown till we blast open the top ♪
Face first ♪
Full charge ♪
Electric hammer to the heart ♪
Clocks move faster ♪
'Cause it's all we're after now ♪
Oh ♪
Won't stop climbing ♪
'Cause this is our time, yeah ♪
When all the days felt black and white ♪
Those were the best shades of my life ♪
Don't look down ♪
'Cause we're still rising ♪
Up right now ♪
And even if we hit the ground ♪
We'll still fly ♪
Keep dreaming like we'll live forever ♪
But live it like it's now or never ♪
We ain't searching for tomorrow ♪
Tomorrow ♪
'Cause we got all we need today ♪
Today ♪
Living on a feeling ♪
That's been running through our veins ♪
We're the revolution ♪
That's been singing in the rain ♪
Don't look down ♪
'Cause we're still rising up right now ♪
And even if we hit the ground ♪
We'll still fly ♪
Keep dreaming like we'll live forever ♪
But live it like it's now or never ♪
It's now or never ♪
Now or never ♪
-[girl 1] Whoo! Excellent!
-[guy] Sounds great, guys!
[girl 2] Whoo!
-[band members laugh]
Thank you! We're Sunset Curve!
Too bad we wasted the tightest
we've played on sound check!
Wait until tonight, man, when this place
gets packed with record execs.
Alex, you were smoking.
Oh no. I was just warming up.
You guys were the ones on fire.
Could you just own your awesomeness
for once?
-All right, I was killing it.
OK, well, I'm thinking we fuel up
before the show. I'm thinking street dogs.
Hey, Bobby, where you going?
I'm good.
Vegetarian. I could never hurt an animal.
You guys are really good.
Thank you.
I see a lot of bands.
Been in a couple myself.
I was really feeling it.
That's what we do this for.
I'm Luke, by the way.
-Hi, I'm Reggie.
Nice meeting you guys.
I'm Rose.
Oh, uh
here's our demo.
And a T-shirt. Size beautiful.
[Alex groans]
I'll make sure not to wipe the tables down
with this one.
Oh, good call. Whenever they get wet,
they just kinda fall apart in your hands.
Don't you guys have to go get hot dogs?
Yeah, he had a hamburger for lunch.
-That's what I'm talking about!
-[Reggie chuckles]
The smell of Sunset Boulevard?
No. [chuckles]
It's what
that girl said in there tonight.
About our music, all right?
It's like an energy.
It connects us with people.
They can feel us when we play.
I want that connection with everybody.
Then we're gonna need more T-shirts.
Let's go, boys.
Reggie, wait! [girl 1 squeals]
-[girl 2] Oh my God. Reggie!
-[girl 1] Oh my God! Hi, it's me!
Man I can't wait until we eat someplace
where the condiments aren't served
out of the back of an Oldsmobile.
Sorry, I got some pickle juice
on your battery cables.
No problem. It'll help with the rust.
[man chuckles]
-That can't
-[man chuckles]
OK. What?
[Reggie sighs happily]
This is awesome, you guys.
We're playing The Orpheum!
I can't even count
how many bands have played here
and then ended up being huge.
[chuckles lightly]
We're gonna be legends!
Eat up, boys.
'Cause after tonight,
everything changes.
That's a new flavor.
Chill, man.
Street dogs haven't killed us yet.
[siren wails]
[whimsical music plays]
[horn honks repeatedly]
[rock riff plays]
[school bell rings]
[students giggle]
Hey, underachiever.
Hey, disappointment.
OK, I know you don't want me to ask,
but have you figured out
-what you're gonna do today?
-I'll know in the moment.
Really, Jules?
That's all you're giving me?
Mrs. Harrison said
this is your last chance.
I know.
I was there.
-[girl] See you at the rally!
Ugh! What is she handing out?
Here you go. My group's performing
at the spirit rally tomorrow.
I'm sure
you guys have nothing better to do.
Oh my gosh, Carrie. Thanks!
Oh my gosh, Flynn. Don't bother coming!
Here you go.
[Carrie] Come see Dirty Candy tomorrow.
[Flynn] Still?
You know they're gonna get married
and have a bunch of unholy babies.
Nick's a sweetheart.
You'd actually have to talk to him
to know that.
And only one of them has to be a demon
to make a demon baby.
[both snicker]
There's that smile.
Now, let's go prove everybody wrong.
-[chuckles lightly]
-[guitar riff plays]
-[students cheer]
-Wow! [giggles]
Nice job, Nick.
Almost as impressive
as your game against Glendale.
OK, we have one last performance.
[claps] Julie?
[suspenseful music plays]
[Julie sighs heavily]
Take your time.
[Julie sighs]
I'm sorry.
[Flynn sighs]
Is this when we clap?
[poignant music plays]
Watch it, Carrie.
[distant children laughing]
Oh good. You're home.
I was about to go
watch your brother's game.
I've had photo shoots all day.
Didn't even get a chance to eat.
I got a phone call today.
Yeah, I figured as much.
-Well, it was my Realtor friend.
-Oh, that.
Yeah, and she says if we are serious
about selling the house,
then she wants me to take some pictures
for the website.
Which means
we have to do a lot of cleaning
and get rid of some stuff.
And maybe you can
tackle Mom's studio?
You're the expert.
You know, your brother
and I wouldn't even know where to begin.
It's OK, honey. If you're not ready, I--
It's all right.
Maybe I'll try tonight.
Yeah? [claps]
Awesome, mija. Thank you.
Oh, and don't forget the loft.
You know, those old instruments
that were there when we moved in?
They need a new home.
Mom would like that.
[dad] Yeah, she would.
Oh God. I'm gonna be late.
Under the mail.
[snaps fingers] You're a lifesaver.
[chuckles lightly]
[wind chimes tinkle]
-[owl hoots]
-[bird caws]
[exhales shakily]
[inhales deeply]
I'm so sorry, Mom.
That I haven't been here.
[guitar chord plays faintly]
[piano chord plays faintly]
[faint cymbal clash]
[suspenseful music plays]
[rock guitar riff plays]
[Alex] One, two, three.
[Luke sings] Take off ♪
Last stop ♪
Countdown till we blast open the top ♪
-Face first, full charge ♪
-[guys screaming]
[screaming intensifies]
-[Julie gasps]
-[guys groan]
[Reggie groans loudly]
[Luke coughs, gasps for air]
-[Reggie groans]
-[Luke] Whoa!
[gasps] Whoa!
How did we get back here?
-[Julie continues screaming]
-[guys join in screaming]
[Julie continues screaming]
-[dad] Whoa! Hey!
Whoa! Slow down.
You look like you've seen a ghost.
-I have!
Not cool! [grunts]
Run! [grunts]
[Julie screams, gasps]
[tense music plays]
[sighs] Come on, Flynn.
911 means 911!
Why aren't you answering me?
[exhales sharply]
-[dad] Hey.
-[Julie screams]
-[Julie] Dad.
Just wanted to make sure you were OK.
You don't believe me, do you?
Honey, of course I do.
Mija, I see your mom all the time.
This isn't like that.
I know. It's different for all of us.
Dad, you're not listening to me.
I saw something out there.
All right. OK. OK.
I'm listening.
Tell me what you saw.
It's just you and me here.
[sighs] You sound just like Dr. Turner.
Well, maybe seeing Dr. Turner again
isn't such a bad idea.
Can we just drop it?
All right.
[poignant music plays]
[dad] We good?
[chuckles lightly]
[snaps fingers]
[footsteps recede]
[mystical music plays]
[mystical music continues]
[mystical music intensifies]
Are you still here
[exhales shakily]
whatever you are?
I know I saw something. I'm not crazy.
Well, we're all a little crazy.
Oh my God! Please stop screaming!
[dog howls]
Who are you,
and what are you doing in my mom's studio?
Your mom's studio?
This is our studio. Trust me, my
The grand piano is new,
and and and
[giggling] My couch!
[Luke sighs happily]
That is definitely not my six-string.
Can you give me just one second?
Just give me a second. Thank you.
Guys, what is going on?
How did she get her stuff in here so fast?
Maybe maybe she's a witch.
There's chairs floating on the ceiling.
OK, there is no such thing as witches.
You sure? I used to think
there was no such thing as ghosts.
That's fair.
OK, so we're going with witch?
No! We are not going with witch.
She's not a witch.
OK, look. She's just scared.
OK? Let someone
with a softer touch handle this.
[Alex claps]
Why are you in our studio?
Oh my gosh! How did you do that?
Clearly, you're not understanding
She doesn't get it.
OK, look. We're ghosts, all right?
We're just three ghosts,
and we're really happy to be home.
So, thank you for the flowers.
They really brighten up the room.
-We're in a band called Sunset Curve.
-Tell your friends.
Last night was supposed to be
a really big night for us.
It was gonna change our lives.
I'm, uh I'm pretty sure it did.
This is freaking me out.
[breathes sharply, grunts]
-What is that? What are you doing?
-It's my phone.
No! Stop talking to them.
They aren't real.
-There's no such thing as cute ghosts.
-Oh, think we're cute?
-[Julie taps keys]
-Who you calling?
I'm Googling Sunset Swerve.
[all] Sunset Curve!
[exhales shakily]
[Julie] Whoa.
There is a Sunset Curve.
You did die.
But not last night.
Twenty-five years ago?
What? No. No, no, no.
Th-Th-That's impossible.
After we floated out of the ambulance,
all we did was go to that weird,
dark room where Alex cried.
[high-pitched] Well I don't think
I think we were all pretty upset. OK.
But that was just for like an hour.
We just showed up here.
Look. I'm just telling you
what my phone says.
See? You died in 1995.
When you were 17.
It's now 2020.
So, this is the future?
Wait. So So, it has been 25 years.
I have been crying for 25 years?
How is that possible?
-Well, you're a very emotional person.
-I am not!
[boy] Thought you were afraid
to come out here.
You talking to your ghost friend?
How does he look? Is he hideous?
-He can see you.
-No, he can't.
Uh What do you want?
A normal sister, for starters.
Stop being weird and come eat.
He couldn't see you.
Yeah. I mean, that's
-usually how ghosts work.
-[Reggie] Hmm.
[Julie sighs]
Look, I'm very sorry
for what happened to you guys,
but this isn't your studio anymore.
You have to leave.
But wait. We
-We didn't get your name.
-It's Julie.
Cool. [chuckles]
I-I'm Luke,
by by the way.
-And this is--
-Reggie. I'm Reggie.
-[Luke] And
Alex. How's it going?
[softly] Ba-da.
[footsteps recede]
Julie seems nice.
[Alex groans]
Did you miss the part
where she kicked us out, or
Yes. OK.
[mystical music plays]
There we go!
-Let's do this.
-Let's do it.
Your turn, Carlos.
Thank you for our leftovers
and the power of the mighty microwave.
Carlos tells me
he found you in the studio.
She was out there talking to herself.
I was rehearsing for a play.
[woman] Hello, hello!
Oh, busted!
Yeah, we're in here. Quick!
[cutlery clatters]
[woman] Huh!
Spaghetti. Again?
That's too bad.
I brought you my pasteles
and arroz con pollo.
-[Julie] Mm!
Thanks, tia. It smells great.
You can have it tomorrow.
I can't let you have leftovers
every night.
My sister would kill me,
may she rest in peace.
Oh I see things here are going better?
Julie has been cleaning out
mom's studio.
Hopefully, we can get the house
on the market and some offers soon.
Well, I like the sound of that.
Moving from here
is only gonna help you move on.
You've got to rip that Band-Aid off
and get the pain over with.
[Luke exhales sharply]
[chuckles awkwardly]
That's me. Ripping off the Band-Aid.
There's my brave girl.
Hey, Julie, I really like
what you guys did with the place.
-You shouldn't be here.
-[aunt gasps]
Oh, I'm just here to help, mija.
Oh I think that's our cue to leave.
I mean, you should be at Pilates.
-Thanks for bringing us food.
-Oh. [chuckles]
-We should've called first.
-[aunt] It's nothing.
And now that
you're no longer in the music program,
you can concentrate on classes
that matter.
You got the e-mail from the school, right?
We're still discussing it.
Bueno. I'm off to Pilates.
-Oh yeah!
Wa-chow! It's gone.
[giggles, smooches]
[speaking Spanish]
[footsteps recede]
So, Julie,
wanna hear how I slid into home
and was almost safe?
You're a good brother.
That's not gonna work.
I tried.
Why didn't you tell me?
You made me lie to your aunt.
Sorry. I was gonna tell you after dinner.
-Yeah. Mm-hmm.
-I was.
I know those classes can be difficult,
but you still like music, don't you?
I don't know. Maybe.
Look, we talked about this, you know?
And how painful memories can be, but
[inhales deeply, exhales]
You know, every time I see you and Carlos,
I see Mom.
It's like she's right here with us.
But you know what? I love that. I do.
And maybe if you'd give yourself a chance,
you'll get there.
[distant rock music plays]
What's that?
I must have left the stereo on
in the garage.
I'll go get it.
[rock music continues]
[yells] Guys! Guys, stop!
Enough! Stop! Cut it out!
The whole neighborhood could hear you.
I thought I told you to leave.
Wait. People can hear us play?
Yes! And so did my dad and my brother!
W-W-Wait. Wait.
So, only you can see us,
but everyone can hear us?
-I mean, what kind of ghosts are we?
-Who cares, man? People can hear us play!
We might be dead, but our music isn't.
Just making sure you're OK.
Yeah, I'm fine.
I just had to turn off the CD player.
Wait. Is this the junk
that was in the loft?
[mystical music plays]
Some of this stuff's in pretty good shape.
[dad tinkles cymbals]
Hey, maybe we can make a couple bucks.
What? Yo, stop touching my drums.
Tell him to stop touching my drums.
I liked that song you had on.
-Sweet! We're Sunset Curve.
-Tell your friends.
It's just an old CD I found.
Well, still, it's nice
that you're listening to music again.
Out here you can play whatever you want,
whenever you want.
That's nice!
Stay out of this.
I-I'm sorry, honey. I didn't
Oh no, no, no, no. Not you.
I mean Uh Er
You know, give me a minute.
Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey.
We'll figure out this music program thing.
Thanks, Dad.
-He likes our song.
-Oh yeah. He doesn't count.
He's a dad.
Why can't you guys just be normal ghosts?
Hang out at an old mansion.
I hear Pasadena's nice.
I think she's warming up to us.
Yeah, I've always wanted
to go to Pasadena.
[Alex] Hmm.
Stop that. I'm serious.
Oh, I'm sorry.
What do you want?
I know this is all completely insane,
but you do know how rad this is?
People Actual people can hear us play.
Yeah, it's just
I've just had a really, really awful day.
-I gotta go.
-Well, I'm sorry you had a bad day,
but three guys just found out
that they had a bad 25 years,
and then they found out
that the one thing they lived for
in the first place they can still do.
That's pretty rad.
You're right.
-It's just
-Your bad day.
I know.
Look, I'm sorry we came into your life,
what I just felt in there
actually made me feel alive again.
We all felt alive again.
So, you can kick us out if you want,
but we're not giving up music.
We can play again.
That's a gift
no musician would ever turn down.
You gotta know that.
Clearly, your mom is into music.
She passed away.
I am
so sorry.
[Alex] Yeah, we we didn't know.
It's all right.
You guys haven't seen her anywhere,
have you?
From wherever you're from.
No. No, I mean, you're kind of
the first person we've seen.
Yeah, but she's not dead,
so it doesn't answer her question.
Yeah. I think she knows what we mean.
I'm sorry for your loss.
Sorry I got mad.
You guys are kinda good.
Y-Y-You know that's like 25 years of rust
just getting dusted off.
-Yeah. Do you play the piano too?
-[Julie] No.
No, I don't play.
That was my mom's stuff in there.
No way. She's an amazing songwriter.
She was.
Wait. How would you know?
There's a song on the piano.
If it's hers
Your mom was really talented.
I guess
if you need a place to stay,
you can stay in there.
There's a bathroom in the back
and a couch that turns into a bed
if you still use any of that stuff.
Dibs on the shower!
I just really like showers
and sometimes the occasional bath.
This is just too weird.
[Alex squeals]
[guys chuckle]
[Julie] "What would you say if I told you
there are three ghosts
living in my mom's studio?"
You'd say I'm crazy.
[poignant music plays]
[sighs heavily]
[guys grunt]
Hey, I know
being dead isn't our first choice,
but, I mean,
it sure is easy getting around.
Easy for you, maybe.
I lost my shirt on that one.
Ooh, never mind! There it is.
-[Luke chuckles]
-[sign buzzes]
OK, so,
why'd you bring us here?
Just another painful reminder
of where we never got to play.
-Thanks, Luke.
-I mean, boys, the game isn't over yet.
I'm telling you,
we've been given a second chance.
Let's find some music.
Let's see how many clubs
we can hit before sunrise.
[whimsical music plays]
[Luke] Hey, Alex. You coming?
Let's go!
Here's one thing ♪
I want you to know ♪
You got someplace to go ♪
Life's a test, yes
But you go toe-to-toe ♪
You don't give up, no
You grow ♪
And you use your pain ♪
'Cause it makes you you ♪
Though I wish
I could hold you through it ♪
I know it's not the same ♪
You got living to do ♪
And I just want you to do it ♪
So get up, get out
Relight that spark ♪
You know the rest by heart ♪
Wake up, wake up
If it's all you do ♪
Look out, look inside of you ♪
It's not what you lost ♪
It's what you'll gain
Raising your voice to the rain ♪
Wake up your dream and make it true ♪
[Julie continues singing]
Look out, look inside of you ♪
It's not what you lost ♪
Relight that spark
Time to come out of the dark ♪
Wake up ♪
Wake up ♪
Better wake those demons ♪
Just look them in the eye ♪
No reason not to try ♪
Life can be a mess ♪
I won't let it cloud my mind ♪
I'll let my fingers fly ♪
And I use the pain ♪
'Cause it's part of me ♪
And I'm ready to power through it ♪
Gonna find the strength ♪
Find the melody ♪
'Cause you showed me how to do it ♪
Get up, get out
Relight that spark ♪
You know the rest by heart ♪
Wake up, wake up
If it's all you do ♪
Look out, look inside of you ♪
It's not what you lost ♪
It's what you'll gain
Raising your voice to the rain ♪
Wake up your dream and make it true ♪
[Julie continues singing]
Look out, look inside of you ♪
It's not what you lost ♪
Relight that spark
Time to come out of the dark ♪
Wake up ♪
Wake up ♪
So, wake that spirit, spirit ♪
I wanna hear it, hear it ♪
No need to fear it
You're not alone ♪
You're gonna find your way ♪
Oh ♪
Wake up, wake up
If it's all you do ♪
Look out, look inside of you ♪
It's not what you lost ♪
It's what you'll gain
Raising your voice to the rain ♪
Wake up your dream
And make it true ♪
Look out, look inside of you ♪
When you feel lost ♪
Relight that spark
Time to come out of the dark ♪
Wake up ♪
Mm-mm, wake up ♪
[Julie sighs]
[sentimental music plays]
["Now or Never" plays]
Take off
Last stop ♪
Countdown till we blast open the top ♪
Face first
Full charge ♪
Electric hammer to the heart ♪
Clocks move faster 
'Cause it's all we're after now ♪
Oh-oh ♪
Won't stop climbing
'Cause this is our time, yeah ♪
When all the days felt black and white
Those were the best shades of my life ♪
Don't look down ♪
'Cause we're still rising up right now ♪
And even if we hit the ground ♪
We'll still fly ♪
Keep dreaming like we'll live forever ♪
But live if like it's now or never ♪
And even if we hit the ground ♪
We'll still fly ♪
Keep dreaming like we'll live forever ♪
But live it like it's now or never ♪
It's now or never ♪
Now or never ♪
Next Episode