K-Pop Idols (2024) s01e01 Episode Script

Different Type of Beast

I love K-Pop
because it has the whole package.
The high-tech music videos
to the intense, like, choreo.
K-Pop is, like, super big.
Korea's such a small country.
For them to do that, that's amazing.
Something about the music
that is so electric, it's kind of a high.
K-Pop fans are the most loyal,
without a doubt.
People look up to them
to a higher standard.
They have to be perfect
to be K-Pop artists.
Me going on stage,
people are just like, "Wow, this girl!"
You know? But they don't know what
all the shit that I had to do
to get here, you know?
They have to give up
their whole childhood training.
Like, zero life.
I dropped out of high school
to be a K-Pop idol,
and I moved to Korea to pursue my dreams.
I lost my sense of belonging.
Something that was like this.
There's people who are gonna
come out better than you,
younger than you,
prettier than you, wiser than you.
One, two, three!
One, two, three
Come, come around
You need to practice!
Everything that you do is a competition.
Mentally, we were exhausted.
Don't cry, don't cry!
But the most important thing is
if they have the passion or not.
Are you willing
to sacrifice everything for that?
Are you willing to get bullied?
Are you willing to get shamed
for everything?
Are you willing to put down your ego?
Look at what I've become.
I don't know what to do.
I gotta think of something.
Being the first African K-Pop idol
and the culture of appearing perfect,
it's a lot of pressure.
Woobin, you didn't eat dinner?
- No, I didn't.
- Why, why, why?
I just picked up
on the vibe that I shouldn't.
There are some very hard times,
but we're together on this journey.
Hi, hi, hi!
The one thing that I'm confident
is wherever you put me, I will shine.
There's a beautiful side to success,
but also a very dark side.
You need to be willing to risk everything
to become an idol.
I'm a different type of beast
I'm a different type of beast
Beast, beast
I'm a different type of beast
But it's okay
Good to be alive
I'm a mother effin' rock star
Rock star
Rock, rock, rock with me
Feel, feel, feel
Feel so good to be alive
Feel so good
I'm the baddest B alive
I'm the baddest of the baddest
Bring it back
I'm a mother effin' rock star
During "ZOOM",
when you were doing the mash-up,
you got to give it a lot of energy,
but you
when you go abroad, you'll get
attacked for that.
You can't.
Harder. More provocatively.
Also when you smack my butt,
don't just tap it. Slap it!
No, not like this. Watch, you try.
Try to kiss my ass, ho!
Bo, bo, bo
If you hit it too softly, it'll be no fun.
Okay, you understand?
Listen, my name is Jessica Ho. Okay?
So, imagine how much bullying
I would've gotten as a kid.
Not only am I Asian,
but my last name is Ho.
I believe in karma so I wonder if they're,
like, watching me on TV, and like,
"Damn, I used to bully that girl."
I see you lookin' at my PIC
I love you guys!
Oh, my God!
Zoom in, uh-huh
Zoom out, okay
Her music is just so, so fire.
Literally the queen.
Oh, my God! Are you kidding me?
I love Jessi!
Always talkin' shit
Know you like that
She's sexy, she's strong.
She shows that girls can be
can rule the world.
They all look at her as,
like, a very powerful figure.
She definitely paved the way for a lot of,
like, Korean Americans
that's trying to be in the music industry.
When I see
all those people waiting in lines,
I realize my Jessica has gone global.
Love you all. Thank you, everyone!
Jessi! Jessi! Jessi! Jessi!
But nothing is easy in life.
My career, it took 18 years to get here.
When I moved to Korea
to be a K-Pop idol, I was 14.
And I kept failing, and failing,
and I just kept going
to multiple different companies.
And, like, years are going by,
I'm just getting older and older,
and once you get older you just
Nobody wants you no more.
It got mentally so draining.
So I packed everything. I just felt like,
"I'm leaving Korea.
This is just not for me."
And then, I get a call from a reality show
called Unpretty Rapstar,
and I said "Okay.
Let me just do this for them
and then bounce." Right?
Unpretty Rapstar was such
a mind-blowing thing to Korea,
because they'd never seen a rap woman
competition with women fighting.
You said there wasn't any teamwork, right?
We're not a team. This is a competition.
I don't know
about other countries, but in Korea
female singers always have to be
careful with their actions and words.
Jessi is not afraid of that.
Jessi is a nice bitch.
That was like a whole culture shock.
It blew up so fast.
Everybody in South Korea
was watching the show.
After that happened,
all these agencies want me.
I get a call, "Psy-hyung
wants to meet you."
I was like, "Gangnam Style Psy-oppa?"
I was like, "But I didn't know
he started a label."
I was very, very shocked when I first
met him. He's very small, but he just ha
He has a big aura.
He just knows how to get what he wants.
He says, "I need you.
I need you to be my first artist."
He He brainwashed me into thinking
Goddamn. The next day, I signed.
I was signing with Psy-oppa,
when he was like, "Can I film this?"
My first big song, "NUNU NANA",
came out on the charts.
It was climbing up, one by one.
It finally got to number two,
and then you know what happened?
BTS came out.
I almost made number one.
But you know what? It's okay.
Me being even with BTS
right there is I'm good.
This is everything that I dreamt of,
but I got too sucked into
just making hit songs.
And then I started getting really sad.
Jessi! Jessi!
'Cause all my music is all based on, like,
being a aggressive alpha woman,
and this is me, but this is not
the only person that I am.
I wanted to make my fans understand
that a boss bitch can cry and be sad too.
But I feel like Psy-oppa, he wants
his artists to be on the charts.
He wants to make money.
And so that's just
the type of music I kept doing.
And I kept trying to please everybody.
That's when I kind of lost it.
I felt like I need to try a new challenge.
I felt like it was time for me to be able
to go out there and do it on my own.
So after three years, I left P NATION.
And for me, I knew it was
the biggest risk of my life.
But I needed to try.
Now I'm here, without the label,
very lonely.
It's the hardest point
in my life right now.
Since I was young,
all my friends talking to me like,
"Oh, your father is great."
Since the early days,
I've always been a trailblazer.
I didn't want to produce and perform
just in the domestic market.
And that's why I created DR Music.
In 1997, we created the group Baby V.O.X.
The first Korean girl group
to have a rapper,
a female rapper, was Baby V.O.X.
And as they topped #1
in the charts in Asia,
they were extremely popular at their peak.
The American Music Award goes to
Please welcome BTS!
And today's market has grown,
thanks to the big four labels,
but the first company to enter the global
market was DR.
In other words, I think DR's work
laid the foundations for K-Pop to
expand internationally.
That's the truth.
I'm pretty sure he's the reason
K-Pop became so popular
all over the world.
But he was just super busy with work,
so I wanted to spend
some more time with him.
That's why I joined his company.
I've been working with my dad
about seven years.
I thought he was the best master
if I wanna be in this industry.
After Baby V.O.X disbanded
I produced about 30 other teams,
but they didn't have the full package
to be a success globally.
So to be honest, we had a lot of failures.
With that in mind, I thought maybe
I should make a global group,
so I created BLACKSWAN.
Be unique! Hello, we are BLACKSWAN.
Even if it's bad
I want more
All K-Pop labels
are competing
to make a group that's popular worldwide.
And our company, DR Music,
we are doing something
that nobody ever tried.
True, yeah
DR Music is a small company
run by my dad and myself.
We are the only company that's actually
bringing somebody not from Asia
but from whole different part of the world
so that they can penetrate the market
in Brazil or the States.
Nice to meet you all!
It took a lot of effort from my dad
to get K-Pop this far.
And since my dad is near retirement age,
BLACKSWAN is the last K-Pop band
that he's gonna make.
But I'm still looking for his approval,
so that I can take care of this label.
And that, for sure,
puts a lot of pressure on me.
If I had one wish or dream,
it would be for BLACKSWAN
to be number one on Billboard
and for DR Music to be
number one in the world.
There's no time, babe
Take me away
Tic-toc, tic-toc
BLACKSWAN debuted about a year ago,
and this is actually our first time
performing in front of people.
We are invited
by Korean Culture Center in Belgium.
BLACKSWAN is quite popular here
because of Fatou.
She is from Belgium.
Thank you.
Our first concert in Belgium
proves that we are a international group.
I feel a little bit worried
because this is such a huge opportunity,
and hope the girls gonna do their best.
Over and over
Roles of K-Pop groups
is you have a leader,
who kind of takes care of everyone.
It's like a papa bear figure
or the mama bear figure.
We have the dancers.
- And singers, the vocalists.
- The vocalists.
The lead vocalist usually does, like,
the the more fancy stuff,
and the main vocalist sing,
like, more of the melodies.
Rapper means you rap.
Dancer means you dance. Visual means
you're just so dang beautiful.
And then you have the maknae,
who's the youngest by age,
and they're just a little baby.
The little wee lamb.
As the youngest member,
Leia often lightens the mood.
She is always energetic and free-spoken.
And Fatou is like a dad
because she is the strongest.
We felt reassured
whenever we were on stage.
When she's in front,
there's a feeling of pride.
Like, "we have such an amazing member
on our team."
Fatou brings the charisma.
- I'm ready.
- It's okay for the voice?
- Yeah. Yeah, it's okay.
- Yeah? All right. Yeah, I send
I play the song.
I grew up in Senegal and then we moved
to Belgium when I was 12 years old.
So both Senegal and Belgium
feel like my home country.
Yeah, as a child, there was always
music playing in our house. Always.
So I was always dancing around,
moving around.
Even when we had, like, guests over,
I would go in front of them,
like, dance, and they would be like,
"Oh, yeah, here's money."
Kinda like a little performance.
I loved doing that, really.
So music has always been,
like, connected to some happiness,
or like warm family, like, get-togethers.
When I was 14, a friend of mine was
on her phone watching some music video.
And I was like, "What is that?"
And she showed me.
It was SHINee. It was "Replay".
And while watching it, I could
feel my heart, like, pound like crazy.
I was just, like into it.
And I discovered
a whole other world of music.
And since then, I knew I had
to do something in the world of K-Pop.
I don't think she would've
been anything other than a K-Pop idol.
She was always into K-Pop.
It started
with a YouTube channel she made,
where she just sang songs
and danced to them.
And I filmed the vid those videos.
And then she uploaded them,
and as reward I got some cookies
or something like that.
That's about all she did.
The first time I came to Korea
I was 23 22, 23.
And the moment I stepped off the plane,
it was amazing.
I fell even more in love with the country,
the culture, the language and everything.
And I got very lucky that I got, like,
in connection with a modeling company
and they signed me.
Coincidentally, the CEO
of the modeling company
also knew the CEO of DR Music,
and he was like, "What do you think
about becoming a K-Pop idol?"
I was like,
"Oh, wow. You kind of read my mind."
The process was a yearlong training.
Dancing, vocal, rap.
I got to get close to my members.
And we became really, really close. Like,
we're, like, really super tight right now.
Especially me and Leia being both
away from our family, we bond a lot.
- Wait, wait, wait!
- Uh-oh.
YOUNGHEUN: Why is it always Leia?
There are so many factors that affect
whether this group
will be successful or not.
One of them
is their relationship to each other.
I feel kind of lucky
that BLACKSWAN members,
they are quite close to each other.
- It looks so cute.
- The necklace is so pretty.
Please buy me a ring.
When I make lots of money I will
buy you one.
The biggest sacrifice
I've made to be a K-Pop idol,
it was obviously leaving my family
back in Belgium.
It's been two years
since I've seen my family.
So, to really make
all those sacrifices worth it,
I just want us to go on a world tour
and just make our name known worldwide.
As the genre of K-Pop
is spreading around the world,
more people want to become K-Pop idols.
Due to that, more and more music companies
are created to help foster those talents.
I think there are about 200 to 300
K-Pop labels in Korea.
And it's quite possible there's even more.
Among them, Starship is
one of the top K-Pop labels.
And it's also famous around the world.
Currently there are many idols
in Starship.
We also have IVE,
who are very popular these days.
And the world-famous MONSTA X.
Our next guests are one of the
biggest K-Pop bands in the world.
K-Pop sensation, MONSTA X, is with us!
If I were to sum up K-Pop
for someone who's never heard it before,
I would say MONSTA X.
They helped pave the way for K-Pop.
They really did.
Pull the trigger
I won't bend my knees
Who do you love?
Burn up hotter
My favorite K-Pop group is MONSTA X.
They were the ones who got me into K-Pop.
I really love how they're very interactive
with their fans.
Make some noise, everybody!
Let me be your fantasy
Just like a manly group.
Bring it back, back, back
- Hi, guys, can everyone look at
- All eyes right here. Okay.
Five years after MONSTA X's debut,
the company had decided
to launch a new boys idol group.
Get closer!
Hello, we're CRAVITY!
Break all the rules
The look of eyes
Losing all of its strength is criminal
Criminal, criminal, criminal
Let's break all the rules
CRAVITY debuted on April 14, 2020.
CRAVITY is the first boy group
created after MONSTA X.
It's a combination
of the words "creativity" and "gravity."
Vroom, vroom, vroom, skrt
Get out of my way
I don't care what you got
K-Pop groups can span between two members
to, like, over 20 members.
CRAVITY is composed of nine charming boys,
all coming from different backgrounds,
and we're all handsome.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Haters gonna hate
They got an issue with ballers
Don't know how to stop
When you were a little boy,
what did you want to be when you grew up?
Surprisingly, I wanted to be
a snake keeper.
The moment that I decided to pursue K-Pop
was when I saw a MONSTA X concert.
Watching their stage,
I realized that performing
in front of fans is really thrilling.
So I started dreaming of giving
a performance like that.
And that's how I came to love K-Pop.
Let's go. Okay, let's go.
To be able to follow in the footsteps of
our seniors, MONSTA X,
definitely there's pressure to, you know,
be as successful, if not more.
And so,
in order to keep up that reputation,
we always just make sure we're on
the top of our game, always working hard.
I just hope someday, CRAVITY,
we're able to achieve a feat like that.
But what makes CRAVITY different
is that we debuted it
right at the start of a global pandemic.
Debuts are usually called "dream" stages.
But face-to-face activities were
impossible due to COVID-19.
It was really hard
not being able to perform
in front of a live audience,
to hear our fans cheering for us.
Fans would jokingly say,
"Isn't CRAVITY a digital group?
Are they even real? Aren't they A.I?"
At the heart of K-Pop is the fandom
because without the fans' presence,
we wouldn't go for too long.
This is how important the fans are
to our longevity.
- Is Dutch your first language?
- Yes.
- And French, French?
- Yeah, French too.
Yes well, I learned French in Senegal.
Oh, in Senegal.
Yes. Got it.
It somewhat sounds like spells
from Harry Potter.
Have we arrived?
Yes, right here.
We're here, we're here!
Let's go, let's go, let's go!
I am very excited to see BLACKSWAN.
Especially Fatou,
'cause she's my favorite.
Why is she your favorite?
Because she is one of
the first Black K-Pop idols.
She has the flow, she has the lyrics,
and when she rap, you really want
to listen to her and just be like, "Yes."
She's so different
from what you usually see in K-Pop.
So it's really, uh
Yeah, it's really unique.
- Thank you. Thank you.
- Bye.
- Hi.
- Thank you.
The first time I listened
K-Pop was a really
such a hard time because my parents,
they divorced.
And then I was in a really dark room.
I was watching some Japanese stuffs
and then I saw, like,
"This is Korean. I'm gonna just watch it."
And was a group, the name is DGNA.
I was like, "Oh, my God,
this is so strange. It's so colorful."
And to have so much information,
I was like, "I love it."
And I was addicted.
My friend is a translator of
and she say, "The
the CEO of DR Music
is trying to catch
some Brazilian girl trainee."
Brazil is one of
the biggest consumer of K-Pop,
so we wanted a member of BLACKSWAN
to be from Brazil.
I will be singing "Hello" by Rania.
I got email from Leia,
that she wanted to do an audition.
Ooh boy, there you are
I was watching the video that she sent,
and frankly,
her vocal and dance was not good.
You wake me up, hello
But at the time,
she was good at speaking Korean,
and she was mixed
with Brazilian and Japanese.
So she has very unique visuals.
Open your eyes
She was really passionate, sending me
vocal and dance video every week.
After six month,
we decided to take her to Korea
for further training session.
I was like, "I love Korea. Of course
I gonna go to Korea. Yes. Like, it's"
I don't know. I just I'm kind of crazy.
- Oh, yes.
- This? Okay.
My dad's Brazilian.
He born in Brazil,
but his parents came from Japan.
And my mom, she's from Brazil.
I have my dad taste
and my mom personality.
We share everything.
Like the company say,
"Don't talk about this to your parents."
But I go there and like, "Mom!"
Yeah, so, like, I have to talk
to they every day, really.
One, two, three!
I love you, BLACKSWAN!
Am I really little next to him?
My name is Eddie. I'm on Jess's
Europe tour as a photographer.
Me and Jess,
we've been close friends for a while.
And during this tour we got to not only
just work, but we got to hang out a lot.
And so I was able to get a lot of
intimate moments on camera.
come here.
Just being around my daughter
gives me life.
I decided I'm gonna do a Europe tour.
It was called
the Beyond Your Imagination Tour,
'cause I feel like
it's time for me to go out there
without an agent, a management team.
We have five cities in two weeks.
Leading up to this tour,
I had to do everything on my own,
from music, production,
concepts, wardrobe, everything.
And I always thought,
"I'm an independent woman.
I make my own music.
I do this, I do that, I do this."
But this is some other next level shit.
I'm back to square one.
But just older.
And my back hurts, and my knee hurts,
and I can't sleep.
Here, we're going.
4D, 4D, 4D.
Oh, 4D is here.
4D is here.
So I grew up in New York
and I moved to Jersey
when I was, like, three or four.
My childhood was like the normal life.
I was like the baby of the family.
One thing about Jessi is,
she really had a loud voice
since she was child.
I would think "Why is she so loud?"
and I would plug my ears.
And our sons would complain too.
But back then we never thought
she would end up being a singer.
During, like,
the elementary-middle-school age,
K-Pop was like just blowing up.
Listening to like Seo Taiji, S.E.S,
and Fin.K.L,
and I was just like,
"Oh, my gosh. Like, they're so pretty."
It was just, like, so fascinating to me.
And I told my mom I wanted to do this.
She said, "Hyun-ju"
My Korean name is Hyun-ju. Hyun-ju.
She said,
"You are not going to like Korea."
But the thing about it,
what I love about my parents is,
and I respect so much,
is that my dad said,
"Let her do what she wants.
And if she fails, she fails."
She kept pushing, crying,
literally eating her way through
tear-soaked bread and she got this far.
That's what I'm proud of.
When you come in
you need to dance stronger.
Like unnecessarily stronger.
Let's go.
I see you lookin' at my PIC, I know
You can stretch, it stretch it
The last song I made
from P NATION is "ZOOM."
Zoom in, uh-huh
Zoom out, okay
It was kind of sad
because I remember when I made that song
my contract was almost over.
But we're not talking about it.
So, it's like,
"Psy-oppa doesn't want me anymore."
And then a week after my song,
Psy-oppa came out with a song.
PSY Coming back
Come hither
I think that's when me and him kind of
had a little fallout.
I was a little bit upset with him,
because he was, like,
focused on being an artist.
He was a CEO at the time.
So for him dropping an album
at the same time as me, it was weird.
I was ready to pack my bags and leave.
He totally forgot about me,
and I was hurt by that.
And I realized,
okay, I need to find a way
to not be those people who just wash away.
Because I work too goddamn hard.
There is no way in hell.
I said, "Oppa, I love you as oppa,
a seonbaenim, a senior.
And I respect you so much
and I learned so much,
but I wanna leave."
I'm at that age
where I wanna start a new path.
And he let me go.
STAFF: Is the prompter not working?
It's working,
but I need to know the order.
Now that I'm doing it on my own,
it's like there's so much things
I need to focus on,
like contracts and stuff like that.
So many people I need to, like, focus on.
After we finish this part,
you want me to rehearse and sing again?
It got really draining.
We had sound check, all this stuff.
And I was losing my voice.
I was low on energy.
Like, 'cause you have to know that
I'm not the type to rehearse too much,
because when I perform,
I'm singing like 17, 18 songs
and I'm singing it all live.
The only thing I have is my voice.
You have to understand, I'm a singer.
I'm a live singer and I have to perform,
but I'm losing my voice.
I didn't know what to do.
I can't do all this in just one day.
JESSI'S MOM: You did well, Jessi.
Mom, that's not it,
my throat is killing me.
I cannot rehearse like this right before
the concert. My throat will get destroyed.
You did a great job.
I have no energy right now.
JESSI'S MOM: I always pray for you,
Jessi, and God always provides.
After two long years,
we're finally going to be able to perform
for a live audience.
So I am excited.
And quite nervous.
Until the next run through, imagine there
is an audience in front of you
How are you feeling knowing that tomorrow
you'll finally get to perform
in front of your fans?
It's kind of nervous and also
it's very, very exciting.
I think I might actually cry.
Because this is
our first stage performance,
and since we have a lot to show.
If I cry
I have a feeling I might screw up,
so I'm not going to cry.
Don't cry.
Since this is going to be
our first time performing
for our fans in person,
their review of us is going to make
who we are as performers.
And so, I definitely have a lot of
worries and concerns.
I just hope I don't make mistakes.
You have to move aside
for those who have parts in the front.
You got to, like, give them space for a
minute and coordinate with them.
One more time!
Don't give up!
What is your greatest hope
or your ambition for your K-Pop career?
Like BTS.
Yeah, like BTS or
It'd be great if we could become like BTS.
In this K-Pop industry,
so many groups come and go
and I hope we're not one of the groups
who get forgotten.
I just want us to be a group that will be
remembered for a long time.
we have our first concert in Belgium.
And right now I feel very nervous,
because I just heard
that it's about 15,000 people out there,
and it's more than everyone expected.
So it's incredible for me.
I'm performing in front of
my family for the first time.
They've seen me perform
at dance performances like at school,
but never professionally.
So I'm very excited but still nervous
because I feel like
I have to put extra effort,
like, to really show them, like,
this is me.
I want Brussels to call
the next artist together.
One, two, three!
I gotta go bad
Tonight like a babe
Away from me
Your burning eyes
What more do you want
Like it will melt me
Looking at me, looking at me
It's not nice to keep running away
But I'm fine to keep playing this game
All right, I'll stop
Don't yell at me, yell at me
Yo, it's too much, bro
There's no time
Throw away your worries
Make it hot
Fancy, fancy, run, run
Take me away
Tic-toc, tic-toc, jeez
Oh, my heart
It's closing up, babe
Worries are a waste
Tic-toc tic-toc, jeez
Wake up me, wake up me
- Thank you so much.
- Thank you.
Fatou! Fatou!
Fatou! Fatou! Fatou! Fatou! Fatou!
Fatou! Fatou! Fatou! Fatou! Fatou!
Before becoming
the first African K-Pop idol,
I kind of felt kind of pressured.
Thank you. Thank you very much.
Thank you.
Because if I say something and
some people take, like, a negative way,
they're gonna automatically brand,
"All of the Black people
must probably think like that."
But, you know what? I'm just one person.
I'm just following my dream.
I'm just human, you know?
And to think that there might be
that little girl seeing me doing this now
and thinking,
"If she can do it, I can do it too."
Wait, I'm getting emotional.
Hey, Mom!
Hey, Mom.
Nice to meet you!
Love you guys.
Oh, you're crying.
Don't cry.
Why's she crying?
You guys did well.
Did you enjoy?
- Yeah.
- Yeah?
Did you like it?
Yeah, that was good.
Fatou is my everything actually
because she's my only daughter,
and her two brothers also know that.
So we have a very strong bond.
There's no doubt about that.
You did super well.
Yes, really.
Oh, don't cry.
- FATOU: Why are you crying?
- Because I'm happy.
I am happy.
You are so proud, I think.
I'm proud of Fatou.
- Of you all.
- No.
Yes, of you all.
Of your daughter.
- You girls okay?
- Yeah.
- See you tomorrow.
- See you tomorrow. Bye, bye!
I'm genuinely proud of her.
I'm very proud.
I was worried because
I heard the crowd chanting "Fatou, Fatou".
I was scared and I said,
"I think it's because I'm scared of
sharing her with the world."
I'm scared of losing Fatou.
I'm scared of losing her.
I'm a pa-pa-pa-papparazzi
Wherever you go
I'm gonna watch, gonna watch
You will always be
Mr. Yoon, you said that DR Music is
a family business.
Do you feel that you can pass it on now
and that Philip is ready to take it over?
I don't think we are quite ready yet.
Especially on the management side.
currently dealing with some trouble
between Fatou and Leia.
When we were in Belgium after the concert,
we were invited to Fatou's family's place
for dinner and everyone was there.
I thought maybe it's better off
not staying there,
so I brought all the manager
out of the house
so that all the girls could have
some good times with Fatou's family.
But after I left,
we had a members' conflict.
In Belgium,
while we were at my family's house,
that's when the fight happened.
Leia said some things that were really
disrespectful towards my family.
It made me see a whole new side of her
that I did not know she had.
And it's not something I want in my life.
Not that type of energy.
Me and Fatou unni, we fight.
And I was really angry with her
because of the words she say to me.
Now I don't want
to say I'm sorry anymore for her.
I don't wanna talk to her.
I don't wanna, like, see her.
And don't touch my family.
That's something I think
I will never forgive her for that.
Now it's finished for me.
I feel
I want to go out from BLACKSWAN.
I'm a different type of beast
I'm a different type of beast
Beast, beast
I'm a different type of beast
But it's okay
Got my bad girl make up on
Since I was born been in my zone
Drawing you in baby
Hashtag ilsang daily
I'm so good at being bad
And I'm so glad it makes you mad
Driving you crazy
I know you're hypnotized
I can see it in your eyes, yeah
I'm different
And it's not a crime, yeah
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