Kaala Paani (2023) s01e01 Episode Script

Nature Wins

[waves lapping]
[man in Hindi] Paani.
[in English] Water is all around you.
There is only water
as far as your eyes can see,
and even beyond that.
Far away from mainland India,
there is a mini-India
called Andaman Nicobar.
Out here, you'll find species
of flora and fauna and even humans
that you won't find
anywhere else in the world.
Nature's treasures are in plenty here.
And this treasure is closely guarded
24/7 by water. Paani.
Therefore, only the rightful heirs
to this treasure
have the right to set foot on this land.
[man 2] But then
why is it called "Kaala Paani"?
This is your first time
outside Orissa, no?
Yeah. Pundi bhai said
if you want to earn some money,
-come to the Andamans.
And he's also arranged a shack
for the family in Jenkins Island.
So great. Now you are
the rightful heir to the treasure.
[both laugh]
Do you see that?
You've come at the right time.
There'll be far more tourists here
in Port Blair than in Goa for New Year.
[man 2] Cool place.
Your new office.
The real Kaala Paani.
[in Bengali] Sujoy Uncle!
[in English] It's Chiru!
[in Bengali] Are you alive or dead?
[in English] His torch is lit,
now he'll come slowly, slowly.
-[in Bengali] I've got a new kid, Muni.
[in English] Come on, we're waiting.
[Muni] All our freedom fighters
were locked up in this jail?
Oh, my God.
A jailer here was David Barry,
he thought he himself was God.
He used to say, "Even God
has to wait outside the walls of my jail."
[in Bengali] Hurry up, Sujoy Uncle.
-[metallic thud]
[insects chirping distantly]
[woman moans]
[insects chirping loudly]
[lantern and bucket creaking]
[distant clanging]
[suspenseful music playing]
[suspenseful music continues]
[rope creaking]
[rope creaking]
-[lantern creaking]
[intense music playing]
[girl screams]
[in English] Uh, but, Chiranjeevi bhai,
why is this place called Kaala Paani?
Chiru. All my friends call me Chiru.
-So you've seen it all?
Clean this place from four to nine,
drive my cab till nine at night,
never forget my favors and my commission.
Hey, no, because of you
my sister will go to school again.
A little extra commission,
and you can get
your sister admitted today.
What's your sister's name?
Neelu! Neelu!
-[sobs] Neelu!
-[man] Neelu, over here!
Neelu! Neelu!
[foreboding music playing]
[calls in false voice]
I'll make a move now, okay?
See you in the evening.
Hey, Chiru bhai!
Uh this place,
you haven't told me
why it's called Kaala Paani.
Not "Kaala Paani."
This place was called
"Kaal Paani" originally.
Neelu? Neelu? [panting]
"Kaal" meaning death.
What happened to you? Huh?
Tell me. And what are you doing over here?
[Chiranjeevi] Meaning, if anyone ends up
in the middle of these waters,
then getting out of there is impossible.
[both screaming]
[dramatic music playing]
"Kaal Paani."
[water flowing]
[chuckles] Chiru bhai.
[laughing uncontrollably]
On my first day,
you're scaring me like this?
[both laughing]
[Chiranjeevi laughs, mumbles]
You looked like the ghost of freedom
was haunting you.
[both laughing]
[theme music playing]
-Hi. What would you like?
-[woman] One coffee.
Would you like to have some snacks?
-[man] No, thank you.
-Do you want something?
-[man 2] Uh, yes.
Mummy, look! White, white cloud!
Yes, beta, white, white cloud.
Time for your hmm.
White, white tablet. Here, come on.
[stewardess] Would you
like some cheese sandwiches?
Good girl.
-[man 3] Listen.
-[woman 2] Hmm?
-They didn't serve me any water.
They served everyone a bottle of water,
but I think they forgot to give me one.
-Let's ask for one.
-Arey. What are you doing?
-What happened?
-I can wait till we land.
You're thirsty now,
why wait for water till the plane lands?
-You're too much.
-No, but
-[stewardess] Yes, ma'am?
-Water bottle, please.
[stewardess] Sure.
Here you go, sir.
-How much?
-It's free of cost, sir.
-Thank you.
-Thank you so much.
You see?
You panic for no reason at all.
-But who says I panicked, yaar?
I'm just not comfortable bothering people.
[girl] Mummy, look, blue, blue sea!
Yes, beta, blue, blue sea.
-You'll have some?
I'm done.
-Okay, ask Parth.
Hey, Guchhu.
[clicks tongue] Hey, Guchhu.
-Guchhu, you'll have some chips?
Arey, it's your favorite
Hip-Hop Tomato flavor. Have some, Guchhu.
I said I don't want!
And, Papa, please. It's Parth.
Beta, what are you watching?
It's an English film, Papa.
Gone With The Wind.
Hmm. When you scored
31 marks in your English paper,
then you were "Gone with the Marksheet."
Our son and his English
Watching Gone With The Wind.
-[whistle blows]
-[man] Sir. Taxi! Sir
[woman] Looks like the entire Bokaro
population has landed here with LTC.
Our neighbor Paul babu is also here.
-Hey, Santosh babu and Gargi bhabhi.
-Arey, namaste.
Sorry, I need to rush.
See you at the Sunflower Hotel.
Thing is, after having my meal,
I had a cup of coffee.
Now my belly is rumbling.
Not just his own,
he drank everyone's coffee.
Yes, sir.
-It's bound to happen.
-I just landed.
Yeah, sir, I'm going directly
to meet Dr. Singh.
Yes, sir.
-Madam, taxi? Where can I drop you?
-Central Hospital.
-Okay, madam. Come.
Taxi taxi Ma'am.
If you don't get a taxi, call me.
Chiru's Travels comes with a guarantee.
Chiru! Chiru! You have change for 500?
Arey, all passengers come here with 500.
What to do? Nobody's got change.
-Nobody, that's why I asked you.
-How do you expect me to have?
-What a funny man you are.
-Go ask the coffee guy.
-Such an irritating guy.
Ma'am, nobody has change.
I don't have any,
that's why I told you to look.
[man 2] Only for 500!
-Drop you back to the airport also!
-[man 3] Only 500!
-Sir. Sir, taxi? Ma'am, taxi?
After dropping you to the hotel,
I'll take you sightseeing.
We'll take a prepaid one.
Sir, I'll give you at the prepaid rate.
Including sightseeing and hotel drive,
I'll give you a nice 5-to-10% discount.
Just a minute.
The hotel guy's offered us a 15% discount
for the entire package.
Which includes Neil Island
and Havelock Island as well.
-Ten percent he's offering. Come on.
-Something on your face. Here.
-[Gargi] Hey, Guchhu.
-Neil Island?
-Thirty percent! Bhabhi!
-[Gargi] Yeah?
[Chiranjeevi] I have my own
GST-registered company, sir.
I have my own driver too, but because
he's sick today, so I'm driving.
Uh, myself Chiranjeevi, sir.
Uh, Chiru for you.
And this is my partner, Pundi.
Pundi for you. [chuckles]
Our travel company is known in Andaman,
actually all over the island of Andaman
for being very family-friendly, sir.
-Very family-friendly, sir.
Uh, hey, bhaiya, is there
a water problem here these days?
What can I say, sir?
Just recently
a brand-new pipeline was laid,
but these Oraka tribals,
bloody barbarians,
completely destroyed it with boulders.
The government's given them so much land,
but God knows what grudge
they have against us.
-[protestors chanting] Make it stop!
-[Parth] Are Orakas an Andamans tribe?
[Chiranjeevi] Yeah.
[protestors] Let them live! Let them live!
What's going on, bhaiya?
The friends of the enemy are here, bhabhi.
The saviors of the environment.
Can't bear to see
any development, these guys.
When they run out of weed at home,
they step out to protect the Earth.
Hey! Move aside!
This is a tourist car, yaar!
Let us pass and do what you like!
[protestors] Make it stop!
Let the Orakas live!
-Let them live! Let them live!
Swaraj Mahotsav!
Make it stop! Make it stop!
-Make it stop, make it stop!
Let the Orakas live!
Let them live! Let them live!
Let the Orakas live!
Let them live!
Save the environment!
ATOM must go back!
Let the Orakas live!
Let them live! Let them live!
Save the environment!
-ATOM must go back!
-[man clicks tongue]
[sighs] You laid a pipeline,
three pharma research centers, ten hotels,
and created 12,000 jobs.
What did you get though?
Ketan sahib, all this
is just a nuisance, not a concern.
There's just one thing the ATOM team
is concerned with right now.
The greatest tourist festival
these islands have ever seen.
Swaraj Mahotsav.
[intriguing music playing]
[sighs] Look, Mr. Wani, whatever was in
[sighs] Look, sir.
Sir, everything in my capacity,
the festival security,
the locations, the traffic permits,
they've all been approved by me.
Only the Health Department clearance
is pending.
And that you'll get not from the SDPO,
but from the CMO, sir.
I know. But we're out of time.
And the importance of
Chief Medical Officer's signature
for the festival is something
only you can explain to them, right? Hmm?
Yes, sir, but the CMO,
Dr. Singh, is a stubborn prick.
Trust me, sir.
My persuasion will not change things.
But my persuasion
can change a lot of things.
For instance, you can be transferred
from Port Blair back to the mainland.
Isn't that the proposal you came with
as the basis of our understanding?
So why don't you prove your friendship?
Speak to Dr. Singh.
Convince him.
Dr. Singh's response
is something that I can't predict.
All I can say is that
Dr. Singh is someone
you know nothing about.
-Mantoux test?
-Negative, sir.
-Also negative.
Sir, it's neither typhoid,
nor TB nor dengue,
but the CRP, ESR levels are both elevated.
-With recurring bouts of fever.
-Hmm. When did the fever start, ma'am?
It's been more than a month now.
The fever keeps on coming and going
Must be some kind
of urinary tract infection.
-For the UTI some antibiotics
-No. It's not a UTI.
[monitors beeping]
So, uh, Kameshwari ji,
it's been, uh, how long
since your husband's death?
Eight or maybe nine years ago.
Hmm. And this address here,
how long at this old-age home?
About six months.
It was my son who left me there.
So who is your sexual partner
at the old-age home?
-Madam, she's 67.
ENT is close by,
I won't feel guilty
about breaking your nose.
-Tell me.
-I'm old enough to be your mother.
Is this how you would speak to her?
Doctor's can't afford to be polite,
they need to do their job.
For you this may be just a fever,
but for someone else this could be fatal.
Haven't you already lost a life partner?
Do you want to lose another? Hmm?
Who is it? Please tell us.
[whimsical music playing]
Room number 110.
[sighs] Sexually transmitted diseases
in old-age homes
are way more common than you think.
This time check her urine for STIs.
And call the old-age home
and run the same test on Mr. Chittranjan.
And Inderpreet.
Room number 212.
I must say, Kameshwari ji,
my concern for you
is slowly turning to jealousy.
-Heard that?
Next time, before testing for TB
or cancer, test for gonorrhea.
I've told you a thousand times,
always look for the simplest explanation.
Because the simplest explanation
is almost always the right explanation.
Stop using up my oxygen and get lost.
-Sorry, ma'am.
-Sorry, ma'am.
[indistinct chatter]
[clicks tongue]
[doctor] You don't need to be so harsh.
-They don't need to be so stupid.
They're residents, Soudamini.
They'll learn in the a few years.
[sighs] They slow me down, Shashi.
And the speed limit I like to run at
is something you're aware of.
[Soudamini chuckles]
I'd rather kill myself before I take help
from any of these morons.
You know, this is not funny anymore
Hello, Dr. Singh? I have been told
to meet the Chief Medical Officer.
Dr. Shashi Mahajan.
Dr. Singh.
Dr. Soudamini Singh.
-And you must be?
-[elevator dings]
Ritu Gagra.
NICD's Professor Khare post-doc fellow.
-Sir had to leave for a UK conference
-I don't believe this.
I had asked the Institute
to send me an expert,
and they saddled me with a kid.
Ma'am, I have two published papers.
Wow. So the Nobel Prize Committee
will call anytime?
-Listen, Ruchi
Richa, go home.
I don't think you can be of any help.
Everything's great here. Okay?
Ma'am, you wanted an expert
in communicable diseases,
so everything can't be that great.
I mean, if you guide me,
I might be of some use.
A few days ago, 11 patients were admitted
across three different
South Andaman hospitals.
All with similar symptoms.
High fever, dry throat, nausea.
And one particularly rare symptom.
Although after long bouts of fever,
the other symptoms subsided,
but that one symptom,
that got worse.
She's with me. Therefore the 11 patients
are under special observation since then.
Right here.
In front of my own eyes.
[indistinct chatter]
-But, ma'am, what is that rare symptom?
Zaira. Patient number five.
[labored breathing]
How are you feeling now?
[breathing heavily]
Psoriasis-like black rashes
in the nape region of the neck.
Strangely, the combination
of these symptoms
do not fit any known disease profile.
But on digging further,
I found something.
In 1989, there was a mystery disease
outbreak in the Andamans.
It appeared out of nowhere,
killed a bunch of people
and then just vanished.
And strangely, the most common symptom
of that disease was this.
[Ritu] Black rashes.
So, ma'am, uh,
all the Andaman patients
from the 1989 case,
if you could share
their detailed case histories
"1989," "Andamans," "case histories,"
how can you even form
a sentence with those words?
This is the only photo
available in the archives.
Ma'am, why are you
so scared of this disease
-when we don't even know what it is?
It's the unknown I'm scared of.
[tense music playing]
[cell phone ringing]
[ringing stops]
In a few days, thousands of tourists
will reach Port Blair for the festival.
Before they get here,
I need to find out what this disease is,
and how it spreads.
Or else it can be a huge disaster.
That plant's dead, Amma.
You're just watering the ground.
Nature continues to be at work
even under the earth, Veenu.
Sometimes it takes a little while,
but nature somehow finds a way
to make it out of the earth.
-Again just half an hour?
Glad I filled water for cooking, Amma.
I don't know about nature,
but the food delivery would
definitely have to find its way here.
[Indian classical music playing
over headphones]
[both chuckling]
[door opens]
Where were you since morning?
-Where were you?
-[Chiranjeevi] Amma?
Is this guy possessed
by Appa's spirit or what?
Is this the way to talk to me?
I'm older than you,
no need to raise your voice.
Tell Amma what you're doing with Pundi.
Amma, I was dropping tourists
at the hotel.
Pundi's been released from jail
so I was giving him some work to help him.
[Vinayak] Really? What kind of help?
The last time you tried to help,
he was arrested
for poaching and thrown into jail.
-And you almost went in too.
-What "poaching"?
Al he did was steal four turtle eggs.
What else could he do?
When people come to create jobs
and try to develop this place,
you guys scream, "Save Orakas"
and then drive them away.
When there are no jobs,
what else will people do?
So what do you suggest? Let them cut
the Oraka's jungles and make hotels?
We should not raise our voice?
Why do you need to
raise your voice against me?
I'm only helping a friend, no?
Amma, makes no difference
what this guy thinks of me.
But you know me, don't you?
You think your son would ever do
something that is wrong?
[in Tamil] Do you remember
the Panchatantra tale
of the frog and the scorpion
I told you when you were little?
Amma, I know you speak in Tamil
whenever you're pissed.
But I've done nothing wrong,
and don't plan to either.
[in English] And what story
I don't remember.
Once, there was a flood in the jungle.
[gentle music playing]
When a drowning scorpion
said to a frog, "Please save me."
"Will you carry me on your back
and take me across the river?"
The frog said to him, "You're a scorpion."
"If I sat you on my back,
you're definitely going to sting me."
So the scorpion said, "Arey,
why do you think I would sting you?"
"If I kill you,
wouldn't I drown with you as well?"
The frog thought that made sense.
So he asked the scorpion
to climb on his back.
As soon as the two of them reached
the middle of the river,
the scorpion stung the frog.
As the frog was dying
he asked the scorpion,
"Hey, why did you do that?"
"Now, along with me,
you're also going to drown."
The scorpion said
"What do I do?"
"This is my nature."
Helping Pundi is part of your nature.
Now either you're the frog,
who will die helping him out,
or you're the scorpion,
who will team up with him
and sting someone else.
This fellow is a scorpion! [laughs]
Wow, Thatha!
[in Tamil] So now you can hear fine? Good.
[in English] That's great.
The guy who slogs day and night
and earns for the family is a scorpion.
But the one who writes articles
and slogans for the tribals is great.
Very good.
But, Veenu,
if you are so great,
why is it that people don't remember you?
Jyotsna didn't even come to meet you. Why?
I saw her at the airport today.
She's here.
But I don't think she's here to meet you.
[man hiccups]
Madam, it was just a fever.
Now I'm perfectly fine. [hiccups]
I think you can safely discharge me now.
Vaidhraj ji, I know you take your name
seriously because it means doctor.
-But let a real doctor decide that.
Give the patient water.
[Ritu] Ma'am.
Ma'am, like you'd asked, I've checked
the travel history all the patients.
And I may have found something.
[intriguing music playing]
[Ritu] Ma'am, point A, B, and C.
In the last 14 days,
all the patients have been
to at least one of these three points.
-All in the same island, Jenkins.
-Proves nothing.
We're looking for
one source of origin of the disease.
Not three different sources of origin.
But, ma'am,
they all have Jenkins in common.
It's a very big island.
Area-wise, even bigger than Chandigarh.
And population just 400.
About seven fisher-folk colonies,
barely 20 people in some of them.
Majority of the patients
never came in contact with each other.
There has to be a simpler explanation.
Anyway, let's continue later.
[sighs] Right now, I have to go feed
my hungry Mister.
Oh. I thought
Are you married?
Well, not technically.
But he's my soulmate for sure.
[knocking at door]
-[door opens]
-Kameshwari ji. Please.
No more discomfort I hope?
No, I'm absolutely fine.
I even got discharged today.
So I wanted to thank you before I left.
-[cell phone ringing]
-Arey Just a minute.
[sighs heavily]
-[keyboard clacking]
-[message sent tone chimes]
I've seen that.
That I've I've seen that.
[intriguing music playing]
Many years ago.
Around 1988, '89.
There was this old friend of mine.
Just a friend, ma'am.
All of a sudden, he fell sick.
-He had marks like those on his neck.
But he recovered quite fast.
Then after some days,
the fever came back.
And very soon, in a day or two itself,
he passed away.
[gasps softly]
Would you have any contact details
of his family members?
-[Chiranjeevi] Hand him the menu.
-[Santosh] You want chai?
[Gargi] Yes. My son wants orange juice.
Hey, some orange juice
for the boy who's sleeping inside.
What is this? Told you we have guests.
This man has bought a boat
for 11 lakh rupees.
Sold his Chidiya Tapu property. Not bad.
Hey, you know, I don't eat this.
[whimsical music playing]
Arey, Chiru, I'm in a car.
How far can you run on foot?
[chuckles] Ketan sir. It's
I really thought it was you.
Uh, Feroz bhai, how are you?
What are you eating? Doink Chips?
What flavor is it? Masala Jazz?
It's Hip-Hop Tomato.
[Ketan groans]
[exclaims in disgust]
How the hell do you guys live here?
Masala Jazz you don't get here?
-Yeah, I mean, even I don't like it.
-It's not the same, yaar.
So, after that one time, I've never
[chuckles nervously]
Well, I mean,
I thought my case got closed, sir.
Hmm. The case didn't get closed, Chiru.
I closed it.
Hmm? Right?
What was it you said to me that time?
"Ketan sahib."
"If you ever have any work for me,
just call me, please."
-[all laughing]
-That's what he said, right?
I was joking, sir. [laughs]
So that's why I'm here.
[thunder rumbling]
[tense music playing]
This is your boy, right?
How long has he been in the hospital?
[sentimental music playing]
[engine starts]
[engine starts]
[engine turns off]
It's me.
Me, Vinayak Prabhu.
Nirmala International.
I was always late to class.
Remember before you shifted to Pune,
we were close to each other.
Yeah, Vinayak.
I vaguely remember. How are you?
I'm okay.
Chiru told me you're back in Port Blair,
but I thought he was kidding.
And then I
If you're busy
Uh, if you're busy, it's okay,
I'll come by later.
I'll Yeah.
[engine sputters]
I told you, na?
Coming to my house without a racket
will cost you an extra point?
[enchanting music playing]
And what's this "Vinayak, Vinayak," huh?
You're Veenu, okay?
Latecomer Veenu. Late again, huh?
Better late than never.
Sometimes late is never.
Where were you? No call, no message.
Just follow me on social media,
don't ever reply to chats.
I've told Sahil so much about you,
you know [clicks tongue]
Sahil is my
Fiancé. I know.
Saw the photos last year.
How come you're here?
Yaar, this property
was lying idle after mom's death.
So sold it to a good buyer.
In fact, I'm going back
-day after tomorrow.
-Back in just two days?
[man] It was 40 years ago, madam.
Uh, whatever information
I have regarding my father's death,
I have told you already.
Listen, every detail is important.
-So many lives are dependent on
-Arey! Listen!
These vegetables are tasteless.
Fry me an egg, please.
Didn't I tell you it is Paush maas, eh?
This entire month of the lunar calendar
you can forget about eggs.
Won't even get onion or garlic.
-Asking to fry an egg.
-[boy crying]
What happened, son?
Why are you crying? What's in your hand?
-Here, look at this.
-Arey, you bhains!
Again you've eaten chilies! Let go!
Didn't I ask you to keep an eye on him?!
-[man] How can I?
-[woman] You keep yapping.
-[man] Madam this side, him that side.
-Everything I have to do!
[man] He's getting hiccups.
Get water quick.
Don't do that.
Hiccups will stop soon, baba.
[boy hiccupping and crying]
[intriguing music playing]
-[man] Madam!
Madam! Madam. I just remembered something.
You know, my father had hiccups then.
No, no. What I mean is,
uh, after the fever subsided,
he was pretty fine for quite some time.
Then suddenly, uh, the hiccups started.
Uh, and then the fever also came back.
Ma used to say that
until he passed away,
the hiccups never stopped.
Zaira, check on
patient Vaidhraj immediately.
If he has the hiccups,
then shift him to Ward
[brakes screech]
[engine turns off]
Looks like your phone
is working perfectly.
Maybe you're just missing
my calls by mistake.
I don't do anything by mistake.
It may not show on my face,
but my heart is shattered to hear this.
I can't bear to see you so upset.
Why don't you get in please?
Arey, I'll arrange to have
your car picked up.
Please, get in. Come on. Come on. Please.
Come, come, sit.
Please. I insist.
Swaraj Mahotsav's public health
and safety specifications
And these are WHO's post-COVID
mass-gathering protocols.
You can verify these. Everything is
up to the required health standards.
Oh, great.
And remind me, where did you
get your MBBS and MD degrees from?
Listen, if we don't get
your approval by tomorrow,
then we might have to cancel the fest.
And LG sir's strict orders are
there should be absolutely
no hindrance to the festival.
So you're doing all this
on the basis of LG's orders?
I wish there were
more sincere IPS officers like you.
I wish.
-The Delhi DCP?
-He's an old friend.
-I see.
He was telling me about this
corrupt officer posted in Delhi.
Who used to get fake witness testimonies
made for his cases.
When he got caught,
his seniors pulled him up
and bagged him off to the Andamans.
Poor guy.
Now desperate to go back,
he's gone from being a public servant
to a private limited servant.
But then there are officers like you.
Honestly, I
All that I do is serve the people.
But, uh, I'm sorry to say that,
in this regard, your Central Hospital's
reputation isn't good either.
There is this doctor,
I won't take any names,
who has forcibly confined
11 patients in one ward.
It seems to me like
for the sake of publicity,
she's trying to create a threat
of an imaginary disease.
Just to get one interview published,
why make so many people suffer?
It doesn't seem right.
Because if patients
get impatient, you know
then there wouldn't be none
left to be treated at all.
[tense music playing]
You fucking idiots!
Ma'am, we were told.
[Soudamini] Don't you dare
touch him! Move!
Sorry, Muni.
But right now it is imperative
that you stay here. Please.
[Chiranjeevi] Everybody, look outside,
we have reached
150 kilometers north of Port Blair,
at Lathikata Forest.
This area is reserved
for Oraka tribal community.
[brakes squeal]
[engine turns off]
Until a few years ago, you could see
Orakas if you came on this road.
Bhabhi, if tourists
gave them biscuits and all, no?
They would even dance for you.
[suspenseful music playing]
-Hey, bhaiya.
-[Mrs. Paul chuckles]
For my kid's holiday homework, uh
In her book, she needs
50 different kinds of leaves and flowers.
Can we go down and get some?
Out here, sir? Not now.
Do it day after tomorrow.
At Neil you'll get a lot of time for this.
Day after tomorrow?
Hey, Santosh, have some egg.
-It's a pakoda.
Arey, egg pakoda!
You know they don't eat non-veg.
Give it back. Offering them eggs!
Papa, why Neil day after tomorrow?
Didn't I tell you that's when
the Port Blair festival begins?
I have to go to the concert.
And Kaddu the Ruby Rhino Playhouse.
Why suddenly change the plan?
Arey, beta, your mom and I wanted to go,
so we changed the plan.
You and mom wanted to go,
but what about what we wanted to do?
Have you ever tried to understand me?
Never given me a phone,
not even a video game.
Nor did you send me
with Bablu and Sumit to Goa.
And on this Andaman trip,
I only asked you for one simple thing.
To let me watch this concert.
You won't even allow me to do that.
-It's not like that, Guchhu
-It's Parth!
Whatever I say,
is it too much for your stupid brain?
Or are you a total moron?
When I'm telling you that I don't
Just because
I haven't ever raised my hand,
doesn't mean you can be
disrespectful to him.
The next time you talk to Papa
like that, I'm warning you
I won't stop at just a slap, Parth.
[Mrs. Paul] It's okay. Come.
I wonder what's wrong with the AC?
[Mrs. Paul] You're right.
He shouldn't talk to his father like that.
All right, time to leave.
-We can't stay here too long.
-[engine starts]
-[Vinayak humming]
-[waves lapping]
[in Tamil] The words with wings ♪
-The river that sings ♪
-[vendor's bell ringing]
[both] Are just a few things ♪
That I send for you ♪
[in English] You remember?
How could I forget
your mom's lullaby, yaar?
I think it's better than
any meditation app even today.
[football thuds]
[Vinayak grunts]
-[vendor's bell ringing]
-[indistinct chatter]
[Jyotsna] Isn't it too crowded now here?
No wonder the Orakas
are getting hostile towards the tourists.
I don't know, yaar.
As far as I know,
the Orakas have always been friendly.
Non-violent people.
This kind of vandalizing,
it's not in their nature.
-It's like somebody else is doing it
-[car alarm beeping, honking]
and calling them out.
They don't seem like
they'd do such things.
Come on, we know them. You really think
they'll be doing such things?
[tense music playing]
-[car alarm stops]
Are you okay?
-What wrong?
No, I'm fine.
I think I should go.
What happened?
Thing is, uh, tomorrow is my flight
and I haven't even packed.
Are you okay? What's going on?
-I can sense something's wrong
-Nothing's wrong, Veenu.
I just wanna go. Please.
[Shashi] Of course we can't
keep them here against their will!
There are health guidelines
that we need to follow!
This is why I prefer working alone.
In health guidelines, guidelines aren't
as important as health is,
-no matter what.
-But I informed you about everything.
Shashi, please. I'm done with this thing.
I'm here to see Dr. Singh.
Um I'm sorry, sir, she's in a meeting.
[tense music playing]
I don't think
she'll mind me interrupting her.
Especially since she's working in the wing
that was inaugurated by me.
Admiral Zibran Qadri.
Lieutenant Governor, Andaman and Nicobar.
In KBC's last season,
this was the answer
to the 25-lakh question.
-[Shashi] This is not
-[Soudamini] No! This I will not accept.
-You're not taking the job seriously.
-What do you mean how do I know?
-Afternoon, sir.
I'm glad you could find the time
to come here and meet us, sir.
There's something
very important I need to discuss.
And likewise, Dr. Singh.
But before that, do you mind
if I invite someone else to join us?
[Ketan] Sir.
[tense music playing]
So you think that
this is the same disease from '89?
Sir, there is no other explanation.
One second, uh, you're calling
even hiccups a medical symptom?
Did some genius give them water and check,
or were they just dumped in the ICU?
Before we could do anything,
all the patients
had already been discharged.
When we called
and requested them to come back,
most of them refused to talk
or were unreachable.
[Ketan] I wonder why.
Because after getting well,
I definitely go to the hospital.
Are we really
going to cancel Swaraj Mahotsav
because ten people
are getting hiccups and boils?
We're gonna do
what the experts advise us to do.
Now, Dr. Singh.
This disease that you're talking about,
in the last 48 hours,
how many new cases have we got?
That we know of.
Okay. And in the past one week,
how many do we know of?
Last week, those, uh,
11 cases that came in,
those were the only ones, sir.
And in 1989, tell me,
how many people
were killed by this disease?
Is the number really important?
To understand the severity
of this disease, I would say yes.
[sighs] Seven.
-[Ketan hiccups]
I got the hiccups, sorry.
So you're suggesting
that we cancel a festival that can bring
thousands of tourists into these islands,
because there might be a disease
which killed seven people 40 years back?
Sir, I know this sounds
very extreme to you,
but this unknown disease
is the only explanation we have.
But I'm afraid not.
The SDPO has brought
new evidence to light.
Do you recognize them?
The opening batsmen of your sickly 11.
These two guys
run a hooch joint in Jenkins.
People are always falling sick
after drinking their alcohol.
But this time,
the adulteration was so high,
that people got skin infections as well.
I have confession recordings
of both these guys with me
I'll share the link with you.
Watch it at your leisure.
What you're calling a mystery disease,
that is actually
an ordinary case of alcohol poisoning.
The simplest explanation
for these symptoms is the hooch.
And the simplest explanation
is almost always the right explanation.
Isn't it?
You know what he's saying
is not medically incorrect.
[LG Qadri] Dr. Singh.
I'm no medical expert.
But I know of a disease
that has killed far more than
seven people in these islands.
It's called poverty.
[solemn music playing]
For the tourists,
this festival could be just a holiday.
Yet for the local population here,
it's a vaccine.
Which is giving them a chance
to escape poverty after many years.
But still,
if you have any valid proof
of the existence of this disease,
I'll scrap the entire festival right away.
But if you can't,
then there's no point
in holding back the permissions.
[exhales heavily]
[Chiranjeevi] One, two, three, four.
Okay. Thank you, sir.
Bhaiya, I think
let's cancel the Neil Island visit.
Neil cancel?
Sir, the advance payment
for the ferry is done,
-they won't return it.
-No, no. Money is not the matter.
But, uh, I just don't want
to see my kids unhappy.
Okay? Please cancel it.
Santosh sir
[chuckling] Uh, well, sir
I should not say this to you, sir,
but can you visit Andaman every year?
You can't, sir.
You come to the Andaman one time,
and you skip a beautiful place like Neil?
I have an idea, sir.
It's a matter of 36 hours.
Paul sir's family is staying
in the same hotel.
Your kids can roam around
with them for one day.
And you and bhabhi
go to Neil for one night, sir.
Kids will be safe
and you both will also get some
personal time together, sir.
So that's it.
Back to your perfect life.
-Perfect job.
[sentimental music playing]
Don't do this to me now again.
How can you leave suddenly?
On that Friday,
we kissed for the first time.
But on Monday, I learned that
you'd just gone away. Forever.
Veenu, Papa was transferred to Pune
Jyotsna, your fault is not
that you left this place.
That does not hurt me.
What hurts me is that,
before leaving me forever,
you didn't even bother saying goodbye.
Then I won't repeat the same mistake.
Goodbye, Vinayak.
[wistful music playing]
[gate opens]
[cell phone beeps]
[thunder rumbling distantly]
[Santosh] What's up, Guchhu babu?
How about a cold drink?
Arey, have one.
Hey, Guchhu.
What's wrong?
You won't talk to me
unless I call you Parth?
Do you know,
I was a little younger than you
when your grandfather passed away.
He used to be a very angry man.
For the smallest of reasons
he would beat your grandmother.
And then one day when I tried to stop him,
he dragged me by the hair,
and threw me out of the house
and he beat me in front of everyone.
The neighbors kept watching,
your grandmother kept crying,
and he kept on beating.
That was the day that I decided,
no matter what happens,
I would never raise my hand on anyone.
[gentle music playing]
The humiliation you felt yesterday,
I understand.
Your mom should not have
raised her hand on you.
But, listen,
you also lost your temper a little,
didn't you, babu? Huh?
Okay, tell me, what do you really think?
We force you to travel with us
only because we want to tie you down?
Arey, that's not true.
We feel so happy when you travel with us.
It's been like that
since you were a little boy.
But back then it was easy
to make you happy.
We used to put a cold drink in your hand,
you were happy.
Now you're growing up.
The things that bring you happiness
is something that I'm learning, beta.
Papas, you know,
they continue to be
under training their entire lives.
But now I've decided.
On the day of the festival, you stay here,
you take care of Kaddu,
I and your mummy will go
and return the next afternoon.
In the meantime,
if you feel like talking to us then
Huh right. I have to persuade you now.
Take it. Won't you say something?
Say thank you at least,
it cost me a lot of money.
Come, beta. Come on.
-Yeah. Now you want that cold drink, huh?
-[chuckles softly]
Soudamini, I know
you find it difficult to trust others.
But all I'm trying to do
is help you, yaar.
[pen scribbling]
Instead of just working here
secretly by yourself,
it would be great
if you involve the entire team.
[Shashi sighs]
I hope at today's weekly
department meeting,
we get to see you.
[Shashi sighs]
[Soudamini sighs]
Hmm. Discharge him.
Can I go now, madam?
Go, but don't drink so much
that you'll have to come back again.
But I don't drink alcohol, madam.
And, uh, our Paush maas is also on.
So as per our tradition,
during this entire period of lunar cycle,
non-veg [clears throat]
alcohol is all forbidden.
[intriguing music playing]
That, uh, Vaidhraj from Jenkins,
he lives in your village, na?
Give it to me, sir. You carry on.
-Listen to Guchhu. Take your medicines.
-[Santosh] We're leaving. You take care.
[suspenseful music playing]
[engine starts]
[Kaddu] Bye, Mumma! Bye, Papa!
[man] But, sir, there's no network
in Jenkins, how do I take your call?
Yes, surely we'll get water today.
You mean when?
Sir, when the siren's heard,
the pump-house guys will turn on the line.
[suspenseful music continues]
[Soudamini] Anyone here?
Vaidhraj ji?
[in Bengali] Sujoy Uncle!
Sujoy Uncle! [coughs]
[Soudamini] Vaidhraj ji?
[intense music playing]
[breath trembling]
[in English] Anyone here?
Your your Vaidhraj ji has got
Help! Help
[unsettling music playing]
[breath trembling]
[suspenseful music playing]
[suspenseful music continues]
[breath trembling]
[distant clanging]
[thunder rumbling]
[groans weakly]
Beta What are you doing
What are you doing here?
-Are you okay?
-[weakly] Water.
[hesitates] Water
Uh Hold on. Hold on.
I'll get some for you. [grunts]
[thunder rumbling]
[Neelu whimpering]
[grunts] Here. Water.
-Here. Have some water.
-Here. But water
-[grunts] No.
[Neelu whimpering]
[intriguing music playing]
[thunder rumbling]
The simplest explanation.
[wind gusting]
Veenu! I told you, na?
Nature always finds some way
or the other to come out.
[siren blaring]
[dramatic music playing]
Stop the pump!
This lake is infected!
[shouting] No!
-[Amma] Nature is such an invisible force
-which keeps every organism alive.
-Stop the pump!
-And to control nature
is beyond human capability.
[Amma] No matter what happens,
nature always wins.
[Soudamini groans, gasps]
[shouting] Help!
This water can't reach Port Blair!
She's never going to change.
She'll only work alone.
Let's start.
[Amma] Nature doesn't just exist
in the environment,
it exists in the DNA
of every living thing.
[policeman] Come on.
[Amma] Everybody part of all living beings
and their nature
-is decided by nature.
-Come on, give your bag. Quickly.
[Amma] Nature decides who's the frog
and who is the scorpion.
-[thunder rumbling]
[dramatic music continues]
[Amma] Many times,
-we don't want to change ourselves.
And many times, we can't change
even if we want to.
You have three days, pal.
Bhaiya, how much luggage will you carry?
You've carried our bags all by yourself
all the way from the hotel.
What can I say, bhabhi,
after all it's my nature.
[solemn music playing]
[thunder rumbling]
[hiccups loudly]
[thunder rumbling]
[slow instrumental music playing]
[Ritu] Sir, the main source of water
in Jenkins is this lake.
We need to inform the people there.
-Four hundred lives are at risk.
-Not 400.
Half a million.
[dramatic music playing]
[LG Qadri] Andaman and Nicobar will be
isolated from the rest of the world.
Tourists won't be able to return home,
and the locals
won't be able to leave their homes.
The infection has reached
every habitable island. It's spreading.
[Ketan] What do you guys think?
Kaala Paani prison walls
are ten feet high?
The real prison walls are outside.
And they're not made of bricks.
They're made of water.
-[Pundi] Everything's on fire. Fire.
You may not see it,
but everything's burning over here.
People are dying, Chiru.
[LG Qadri] To save lives,
we have to attempt the impossible.
We need to find a way
to escape from Kaala Paani.
[thunder rumbling]
[theme music playing]
Next Episode