Kaalkoot (2023) s01e01 Episode Script

Janam Din

Respected Mr. Jagdish Sahay,
I have revered Sarsi Police Station
as my work place.
And always
honoured the dignity of my uniform.
But in the past 3 months,
after witnessing all
that I have in this Police Station
along with the
antics of its employees,
I can't muster the courage
to continue this job.
Whether it's my
cowardice or conscience,
that's for you to decide,
But I've decided to quit this job.
Yours gratefully,
Sub-inspector Ravi Shankar Tripathi.
Yes, Mr. Yadav. I'm coming.
And I am coming only
to tender my resignation.
Please do hand
it over to Mr. Jagdish.
The girl's family has
sent a photograph for you.
Look. It arrived yesterday.
Did you see it?
Liar! You didn't see it!
Saw it.
It's great.
When will you bring your
father's belongings?
Mom, what special
is going to be in it?
We'll find out once
you bring it, right?
It won't have
anything, except books.
Are you fond of reading books?
- Yes, I do.
- Really?
The girl is highly educated.
She was your father's student.
Once you get married, Me and
her will read those books together.
Why will such a girl marry me?
She should marry
someone who is intelligent.
My son is no less!
Be it MBBS, Engineering, Civil Services,
you've studied it all.
Mom, I've told you so many times!
Don't say that.
It's a lie.
I prepared for all exams,
but couldn't get
through any of them.
My son has a
great job in the police.
Why won't she marry you?
Mom, the thing is,
Once she is here,
she'll pull me away.
- and you will be left alone.
- Shut up!
(She whispers inaudibly)
Wish dad on his birthday
Why are you whispering?
Wish your father on his birthday.
As if he's listening.
Happy birthday, father.
Your father left.
Your wife will pull you away.
You have already started planning
- to get rid of me.
- Mom, it was a joke.
It was a joke.
Have your food. I need to leave.
You leave.
Welcome to Sarsi Police Station,
Macmohan Ganj.
Today, we've gathered
for a very important training.
This training will help
empower the police staff.
For organizing this event,
I'd like to thank Sarsi
Police Station wherein
this training is organised.
I also thank the SHO of
this Police Station, Jagdish Sahay.
I would like to now invite
Ms. Latika upon the stage.
Please come and proceed
with the program.
Welcome, Ms. Latika.
This training is
based on sensitivity.
Recently the head constable of Sarsi
Police Station
has come across a new case.
I want him to share
the details with us.
Mr. Yadav, please take the stage.
We received a case last night.
A man threw acid on a girl.
I went to the hospital to inquire,
but the girl didn't speak.
That's what happens
in a heinous gender crime.
Girls often don't speak out of fear.
No, ma'am.
Her lips are stuck to each other.
How will she speak?
Thank you.
Thank you.
Yes. Welcome.
The word that we are repeatedly
using throughout this training
is sensitivity.
Especially towards women.
Very often, girls are
scared to go to the police station
and file a report.
- What steps can we take for it?
- Even boys are afraid.
The first step is language.
One must not yell or
abuse in front of women.
Whenever we hurl abuses,
their fear increases.
Which Police Station are you from?
Yes! You!
Sir, Sarsi!
Mr. Jagdish
Your staff is arriving late!
- Sorry, sir.
- Sorry, sir.
- It won't happen again.
- It won't happen again.
Is this a joke!
Are we training to kill time?
Do you even have an idea
crimes against
women is on the rise!
What is your name?
Sir Ravi Shankar Tripathi.
Your station is negligent
towards women's safety.
Sarsi Police Station has recorded
112 cases of eve teasing
in the past 3 months!
At first, girls never
reported the cases.
Now-a-days, they do.
It's not the crime,
its reporting is on the rise.
Very good!
I'll send you to the Home Ministry.
Go tell them.
'Sir, women's safety
is our prime concern.'
'But we are just fucking
around in training!'
Yadav Yadav.
What are you making me do?
I came to give you the resignation.
- Shukla, hold the ladder.
- Yes, sir.
Even after tending your resignation
you have to work for a month.
I'll give the letter.
I'm not running away.
I'll check Mr. Jagdish's mood
and give it to him.
Every 15 days, we have to clean
these filthy pigeon droppings!
Why are you lighting it today?
Everyone cheats
during the game daily.
Nothing is visible.
Go on, I'm holding the ladder.
It's just a 10-foot ladder.
Yes. Go on.
Give it.
Mr. Yadav
Get down!
- You climb.
- Sir?
Yes, sir.
Mr. Yadav, hold it.
The ladder isn’t going anywhere!
Hurry up! Motherfucker!
- Climb!
- Sir, it's shaking
Yes, mom!
The girl's family
want the photograph back.
Just reply with a yes or no.
Are you climbing or not?
Answer me. Yes or not?
I don't know!
- Are you climbing or not?
- Yes.
Fine, I'll agree.
Motherfucker, it's not even been
three months since you've joined
and you're already arriving late!
Two days ago, you went awol.
- Mr. Yadav, make him prepare tea only.
- Yes, sir.
Sir, it was the hospital.
Parul regained consciousness.
- Mr. Yadav, hold it.
- Yes.
Get down.
Get down!
Bring the report.
Will you get down
or should I call the fire brigade?
- No, sir. I'm getting down.
- Down!
Police officers, my foot.
Bhoop Singh!
Coming, sir!
- Show him how to climb.
- Sir.
Like this.
One, two, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
Doctor, what are you saying?
I've come here thrice already.
Sir, hear me out.
Try to understand.
Understand what?
What is it that you
want me to understand?
Inform us once she
regains conscious completely.
she briefly regained consciousness.
However, by the time
we called you
Do you take the police for fools?
What do you mean briefly?
We have to take action,
statement has to be taken,
investigation is done.
Are we sitting idle?
Sir, we aren't sitting idle either.
We have many cases
of sick and wounded.
What are you implying?
You'll call us
if she briefly wakes up?
We'll come here like idiots
and go back.
Then come back again
when she wakes up briefly
Greetings, sir.
What is the matter, ma'am?
Don't disturb him.
He's a senior.
Save my daughter.
He's not a doctor.
He's a cop.
Tell the doctor.
What is your daughter's name?
Parul Chaturvedi.
You You mean
The acid attack victim, right?
When she regains consciousness
inform Mr. Yadav immediately.
We'll be here.
She'll be fine.
You saved us 30 minutes.
You were the one
speaking to the doctor.
'That's for you to decide.'
Is this a resignation
or a suicide note?
- What do you mean?
- I mean
During my tenure of three months,
I'm grateful for your
support and guidance.
But the antics since
the past three months
Will you it read softly?
Read softly.
Given that I can't muster
the courage to continue this job.
What are you doing?
Your emotions don't
matter to anyone here!
You cannot live in Rome
and fight with the Pope.
You're quitting the job,
but you're living in
this city, right?
Yeah. So?
Yeah. So?
- Hey!
- Nothing doing!
Write another one respectfully.
Mr. Yadav?
Mr. Yadav?
Be a hero on the job,
not while quitting.
This is the limit.
You're a strange man!
Are you alright?
Yeah. Yeah.
Sir used to sit here.
It contains some books
and poems too.
There's a manuscript
with new poems.
I never missed Mr. Mani's class.
Not even one.
You were quite attached to dad.
- Yes.
- It's fine.
I miss him too.
However, this is life.
You must move on.
Sir, you're mistaken.
I received news today
that my friend suffered an accident.
So, hence
No problem, sir.
- I'll take your leave.
- Yeah.
Look. It's Dinkar’s poems.
He used to recite these.
Which poem was it?
It was always the same.
Moon and the poet.
Hey! There's a letter in this.
Dear Ravi, how are you.
I'm fine. The poets
convention in Allahabad went great.
I taught him how to
write an email 10 times,
but he still wrote a letter.
Add to it,
he didn't even send it.
Read what's next.
I hope your police
training is going well.
I know you're not fond of your job.
But there are only two ways.
Either quit your job
There you go.
That's why he didn't post it.
He knew it was bad advice.
Keep reading.
Mom, do you know
Just keep reading.
There are only two ways.
Either quit your job
And if you can't
then take my advice
as to how to fulfill your job.
The advice is written
in the form of a poem.
Read it.
Mom, it's the same poem he would recite.
Moon and the poet.
- Is anything written below?
- No.
I'm grateful to you
In these three months
I've learnt a lot from you
Sir, there's no witness.
And there's no report on who
admitted the girl to the hospital.
- Is that so?
- Yes.
When the girl
Wow, sir!
She's been unconscious
upon her admittance, sir.
But she's
unable to talk once she's conscious.
- I told
- 18-6!
Sir, I told her mother
'Look, we're from the
police department.'
- 'We are'
- 19-6.
We aren't from Sympathy Department
where we'll come to hospital
to sympathize with the family.'
The police have loads of work.
- Great!
- Wow!
- 20-6!
- Amazing.
You loss.
- Hey, soldier!
- Yes, sir!
For how long will you lose?
- Come on.
- Sir
Your turn.
Come on, quickly.
In the court.
Do you want to take
off your pants too?
(Indistinct chatter)
He's been bowled over!
- Game over!
- Over.
Game over.
Mr. Yadav, I would've come.
However, mom is a bit ill.
You were lying last night!
If I go to the hospital
Sir, the matter
is a bit serious here.
Come soon. Please.
This is your father's poem!
- Not 'Moon and the poet'.
- Okay, I'm coming.
Not now, mom. I've got
urgent work at the station.
I'll throw the resignation
on their faces!
Look at that.
Mr. Hero!
She's pregnant, sir!
Come, take a look.
It's a new case.
- What is it, sir?
- Bhoop Singh
give him the details.
It's an MMS scandal.
Sir, I don't watch such content.
Asshole, did you think
you've come here
to watch such videos?
Take off your glasses.
It's a new case.
It's the video.
Two days ago, you went awol, right?
You caused a mishap.
How can I do that
when I wasn't present?
Who else causes a mishap?
- Bhoop Singh
- Sir!
Who causes the mishap?
The one who resigns in advance.
Mr Hero, shoulder
some responsibility.
Learn to sacrifice, soldier!
Save Yadav's job.
Sit in the car
and file the FIR!
Until you file at least one FIR
I won't let you resign.
It's not your father's school
where attendance
can be marked in proxy.
Yes, sir.
Did Mr. Yadav hit him as well?
No, he just scolded him.
Then how did Mr. Mishra
get in a fix?
He got out of his car and lost it.
Someone recorded
it and uploaded it on the internet.
But sir said it was an MMS.
That's Mr. Jadgish for you.
A lady delivered on the streets.
That was the video.
Hence they called it an MMS.
You will lodge this FIR, right?
Yes. Of course.
Darn you!
'How dare you!'
'The child is crying.'
'Shut up!'
'She is pregnant, sir.
- Quiet!'
'She is pregnant, sir!'
'Get out of here!'
'Come on.'
'Come on!'
VIP Home Minister PK Mishra
shamelessly beats up a common man.
Sir, whom should we
file the FIR against?
Sir, do it against the Internet.
How can you lodge an FIR
against the Internet?
Sir, it's a website.
Desi Rebel they say.
Who is Desi Rebel?
File an FIR against him. Sit down.
Sir, this is fake name.
How can I lodge an FIR against it?
Ravi Shankar Tripathi.
- Yes, sir.
- Get up.
You be seated.
Wasn't it your duty that day?
Yes, sir.
Where were you that day?
Sir, I was terrible ill that day.
There's been
a ruckus at your station
and you're sitting idle
at home!
Find him.
Find him or else it'll be
your mom's MMS on the Internet next!
- Sir
- Mr Hero
The Minister had called.
Are you enjoying on the job?
Yes, sir.
Without seeing the video,
you went to file the FIR.
In a way, it's good.
You got some
practice in filing an FIR.
Now, reach the hospital and get the
girl's statement.
She has regained consciousness.
This way, sir.
She is awake.
She was unconscious
since two days.
She regained
conscious after 51 hours.
She is still unable to talk.
The poor girl's in a lot of pain.
Sorry, sir. Actually
Today was a bit much.
Please don't be upset, sir.
I told Mr. Jadgish
- to make your task easier.
- Forget about it.
The entire family
is crying profusely.
The mother is
This way, sir.
You are not well, sir.
You leave.
I'll manage.
Don't worry.
I will take care.
'Dear Ravi
I know that
you're not interested
in being a cop.'
'Hence, in order to inspire you
I am writing a poem.'
Just let the papers flutter,
And sign them with a stutter,
Sip on your tea, smile and mutter,
The mandatory government slogan -
'Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Yes, sir.'
Walk on your knees; be safe
Follow the instructions; behave
When asked to lie just cave
You get nothing
for getting crucified
Don't be a fool, don't be a brave
Use the pain of
your blisters to stay
away from duty every other day.
Tell stories to stars if you may
Of the shackles in your costume
That you sway
And as you
get bored, Just sleep away.
But if the mandatory slogans
burn your blisters..
And if your signature stutter
causes a nightly rift with stars.
And walking on knees
Starts to bother
then melt the shackles
of that costume
and forge a sword.
Fuck the world!
Get ready to get crucified.
Next Episode