Karamora (2022) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

Quit your work and listen carefully.
Telegraph to the entire empire.
We, anarchists of Russia, demand
the release of political prisoners.
Abolition of military duty. Dissolution
of the Third Department. Constituent Assembly.
Let the people determine
their own destiny.
Don't mix up the letters, my beauty.
Why have you come here, idiots?
For these people.
We're here for them.
They are in the dark, they need light.
Miss, you're the only one defending
your friend. You have the flame of justice.
People like you are needed.
I need you.
I read an article. Sometimes
I like to read religious-philosophical thoughts.
To amuse myself. And it said,
if there is life on other planets,
if there are people there, the arrival of Jesus
on Earth redeems their sins too.
I don't believe in all that.
But how nice it sounds!
The sacrifice of one has significance for
the whole universe. It affects other planets too.
And we can't even influence
this one city. - But we're heading towards it.
I don't know. Evil is like a hydra. You throw
a bomb at one, and ten more spring up.
Why are you talking like some old man?
I am an old man, dear! When
an ordinary terrorist reaches my age,
he turns into an emigrant
theorist. - But you're not ordinary.
If you were from another planet, with horns
on your head and tusks instead of teeth
I would still love you.
I haven't told you the good news. I got
a job as a housemaid at Melnikov's.
Then first Melnikov, and after
What after?
What after?
It's time to move.
Maybe we should've taken something simpler?
Don't you like your head?
Why is it that we think
we're going to change something?
Maybe it's us who will be changed?
And not for the better.
What if the bomb doesn't explode?
We will explode.
I like your confidence.
We have a bomb, we have confidence.
And we have each other.
Well, we have everything.
My love, I'm going to be a maid
at Melnikov's. You'll see.
And what about your bomb?
I'll take it with me.
But first we need to plant it.
I know. In the kitchen.
In the kitchen?
Yes, in the kitchen.
My dear, the most crowded place.
And the most unpredictable.
If you're a maid, nobody will suspect you.
And if I'm a butler?
You're a man.
And you know, my love,
I won't let you take the bomb.
You'll be the first to be searched. We
need to find another way to plant the bomb.
Let me think.
You know, it would be great
to blow up their Assembly.
The Assembly?
Yes, the Assembly.
And where will we get the bomb?
I don't know.
We could ask Nikolayev.
Maybe he has one.
If we're going to ask for a bomb,
we'll need to tell him everything.
Yes, everything. That we're going to
blow up the Assembly with his bomb.
He won't give us the bomb.
Why not?
Because it's the Assembly!
And what if we steal it?
Then they'll hang us.
I have an idea. Let's go to Melnikov's house.
You as a maid, and I
As what?
As me.
We'll go in as workers.
They always need workers.
And then, when no one's looking,
we'll find the Assembly.
And we'll blow it up?
Yes, we'll blow it up.
You're a genius.
I know.
Let's go. Let's go!
What are you thinking about?
About our city. We'll bring
it happiness. Don't you think?
Yes, we will bring happiness.
And then they'll hang us.
I hope they'll hang us
next to each other.
I hope so too. And not just next to each other.
Next to each other and not opposite.
I love you.
I love you too.
Do you think we'll succeed?
I don't know.
But we'll try. We'll try very hard.
And what if we fail?
Then we'll become stars
in the sky of the revolution.
And what if there are no stars?
There will always be stars.
You will bury the dead at your expense.
You will compensate their families.
You have the money. Otherwise,
We will meet again. For the last time.
I'll take this as a lesson.
No, no, no!
Come on, move, move!
Who will pay the families of the workers now? You?
Switzer, hide the car and stay here.
The hunt for us will begin. Let's
cover our tracks and disperse. I'll find you.
If necessary.
I present the case of the traitor
before the revolutionary court.
Are you crazy? Lower your weapon. - Comrades! In
the last two actions, Karamora has been suspicious.
Stop! What did you forget, Brem?
First mistake, he didn't
disarm the enemy.
Continue, continue.
When you singled out Colonel Simonov,
known for recruiting double agents,
Karamora found reasons not to punish
the enemy of the revolution. - Second mistake.
He didn't warn the other
participants earlier. Do you have a plan?
The third mistake is showing emotions.
I saw your meeting with Simonov.
I saw that you took money from him.
I personally saw it. Comrades, before us is
a double agent and provocateur Simonov.
Lies! - Alina, you're surrendering to feelings.
Karamora, tell them it's a lie!
A revolutionary can only be a man,
who has shown in action what kind of
revolutionary he is! Your words? - When we went
forward, you stopped us. Revolution doesn't
forgive, it demands blood. - Why do you need my blood?
Are you lost?
I think I'm in the right place.
This is the beginning of my revolution.
Just try!
Alina, lower the revolver.
Look at her. It's your fault.
Do you still doubt?
Please, lower the revolver.
Alina, you're making it difficult.
Alina, just go. - No!
Either she's with us, or she
will die with you. Alina, choose!
I'm counting to three. One.
Go away, Beast!
Tell me, is there really no God?
What happens after death then?
You're not really a traitor?
I'll get us out.
It really hurts.
The revolution is canceled.
And where's the sixth one?
Drowned in Leti.
You've been messing with him for a long time.
You're getting old, Runjevski.
And the terrorists are getting younger.
Let's hurry.
Soon our colleagues from
the Third Department will rush here.
Pure beauty!
Lord! Peca, what happened to you?
Enough already. You have a new
love; let her sew you up.
Alina is dead. Everyone from
our group is dead.
And where did the dog come from? - It's with me.
Another chick!
Fire and explosion in the apartment. Four
terrorists killed in the explosion
Fire in the apartment
You didn't come at the right time! I have
a reception tonight. People will come.
Now it will hurt. - Anesthesia?
For the reception. - Please.
Is Alina really dead?
There, you killed the girl.
How old was she?
It wasn't me.
Some kind of monster.
You're the monster, Peca.
Head! Head!
Even more!
I'm so afraid of losing you!
Get up.
Get up, a new day awaits us.
Take off those ugly teeth,
don't scare people.
The biggest gathering of anarchists is in
Amsterdam. - Who will come this year?
Among the famous, only Rognedov. 1904 was
more interesting. There were also Marxists.
Yes, the International is no more.
Your pants are tight, gentlemen.
Gentlemen, what kind of reception is this without Satan?
Will there be at least one real man?
Soul of Mephistopheles, if you hear us, respond!
We thought, really Mephistopheles.
Crimson and white, rejected and crumpled.
Thrown into green, a handful of ducats.
Black palms escaped from the holes,
dealing hot, yellow cards.
On boulevards and squares, it wasn't strange
to see blue togas.
And for refugees, like yellow wounds,
flames framed their legs with bracelets.
Sasha, we need to talk. Yesterday wasn't
just a shooting. It was some kind of Beast.
Some new revolutionary metaphor?
What do you say? - Sasha, listen!
Wonderful, Mr. Mayakovsky!
Mr. Karazin wants to say something
about your poems.
He's thinking very creatively.
Why? To me, it seems perfectly normal.
Although legs-togas are terrible.
And cut your hair.
What a dog!
You probably want to confess?
No. I'd rather ask something.
Sorry, I haven't been to church in a long time.
Evil Does it exist in reality?
Of course. The church has been
talking about it for almost two thousand years.
But evil is only in people. In us.
Gentlemen, our fighters have warmed up.
Your roles. Zeus! Anubis!
Don't be stingy! Your roles.
Zeus! Anubis! Zeus! Zeus!
I felt I would see you, Karamora.
Why are you looking at me like that? Do you
want to kill me? - Who liquidated my group?
You can pull the trigger, but such
an order wasn't given to the Third Department.
All we found was a completely burned apartment.
Victory of Anubis.
I got a hundred!
He walked on the ceiling, you say?
Like a cockroach? - Cockroach?
I shot him in the head five times.
Maybe the head wasn't real?
Like in Saltikov-Shchedrin, made of minced
meat. - Do you think I came here for a joke?
I'm telling you what I saw.
It was a demon.
Do you believe in demons?
Can you believe in demons
and not believe in God?
Apparently, you can.
Listen, you don't have to believe me.
But the police finds this very uncomfortable.
Why eliminate you? You're a great provocateur,
the creator of the combat group. They trust you.
I raised you to kill.
I appreciate you, Karazin.
As a fighting dog.
I value you. - As a fighting dog.
I announce a meeting
of the Central Committee.
Are you with it?
Will you talk about your cockroach there?
You're the only one who survived from the group.
And now you're going to pretend you're crazy? - I have
to find a way to report it. - Not at all!
They will torture you. They will come to me.
Simonov, don't be afraid, no one will
give you away. - Karl and the Pale Riders are really
a crazy combat group. Do you remember Tatarenko?
He worked for the Whites.
The Pale Riders found him. They put him
naked on a fire bucket.
It's conical.
Poor Tatarenko sat on it for three
days. When we found him, he was still alive.
The bucket went completely inside him.
And his mouth was closed with a bag.
In the bag, of course, thirty silver coins.
Do you think you can last on the bucket for long?
Not only me, but my mother, father,
and beloved grandmother you will betray.
Here. Run as far away as possible.
And not to Europe, but to the end of the world.
To America, to the Pacific Ocean.
They may punish me in my CC, but I have to
warn them. - To hell with you, Karamora!
You're useless, you can't work with you anymore.
I'm writing you off. Run!
What should I do?
Just live?
Makar, try it.
Many people like it.
More and more people realize that anarchism
differs from Nietzschean nihilism.
It is a self-organized society that
does not depend on bureaucracy and capital.
We increasingly hear about the growth of arms
and the numerical strengthening of armed forces.
Everyone understands
- Excuse me!
I'm sorry to interrupt,
but you need to know something important.
I know it sounds unbelievable.
It sounds like
A creature that hunted us
destroyed my comrades.
It has incredible strength.
It can run on the ceiling.
And capable of tearing off a person's skin.
All revolutionaries are in danger.
That creature survived
five close-range shots.
It will eat us!
It will simply devour us!
Revolutionary struggle has the quality
of confusing people's minds. Go on, please.
No, don't, please.
You're not in danger, don't be afraid.
The conversation will be long, we need to clarify
the situation. You're weak, so drink this.
Put it away, I won't.
Where are my comrades?
Where is Petya?
Unfortunately, they are all dead.
How, dead?
Did Petya die? - Please,
take a deep breath and listen carefully.
Come on, come on.
That's right, it's okay.
The shooting started.
You were shot in the stomach. Mortal.
It was not possible to save you differently.
So, I turned you into a vampire.
Yes, yes, it sounds funny. I am a vampire too.
And I turned you into a vampire. That's it.
Why are you screaming? You have those too.
That was the only way
to save you. - No.
Understandably, an irrational moment has come.
It's time for me to go.
Don't resist.
Thanks for the lovely choice.
Amsterdam is a wonderful city.
I've been dreaming of visiting it for a long time.
And now, thanks to you
I am here. I have nothing
against anarchists or the SRs.
Nor with the Bolsheviks. On political
issues, the Pale Horsemen are tolerant.
After all, we are fighting against
the same Leviathan embodied in Tsarism.
The only thing we cannot forgive is
betrayal. And you betrayed your people.
You worked for the police and killed
your people. For this, you will face
You must not leave witnesses, Karamora.
I want to help you, not with this.
But regarding the topic you talked about at
the congress. You know they consider you crazy?
Everyone except me.
I am Tkachev. I hid for 30 years.
In 1878, I was a member of Land and Liberty.
You know our goal was the emperor.
Alexander the Liberator.
As you know, our emperor
He survived six assassinations.
Due to fortunate circumstances. He only died after the seventh.
By chance, Solovyov missed him five times
at point-blank range.
Halturin almost
brought down the Winter Palace.
And again, we somehow missed it. The explosion
blew up the second floor, and the emperor was on the third.
Halturin swore he saw
11 blown-up bodies.
And the emperor stood among them
unharmed. But those are just rumors.
I'll tell you what I witnessed. In 1879, we mined a train.
Supposedly, the imperial train passed first.
We let that one go,
and mined the second one with the entourage.
There was no second train at all. I'm telling
you, we blew up a real train.
The carriage was blown to pieces,
and the emperor remained unharmed.
Later, abroad, I found out
he was killed by Kibalchich's bomb.
We knew about his project for a long time.
A bomb with a large radius of action.
Due to a lack of funds, the shrapnel was made
from stolen silver cutlery.
Only silver managed
to kill the emperor.
For 30 years, no one believed me. I was considered
a madman, so I conducted my own investigation.
There is evidence in the Carpathians. Look,
and decide for yourselves what to do next.
Hide all your life
or hang yourself right away.
I've decided what to do.
And no one will stop me.
Kraj 1. epizode
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