Nailed It! (2018) s01e01 Episode Script

First Date to Life Mate

Welcome to Nailed It,
the baking show
based on the internet phenomenon
where ordinary people
try to recreate masterpieces
but don't always get there.
I'm Nicole Byer,
along with chocolate boss
Jacques Torres,
and today's special guest,
wedding cake queen,
Sylvia Weinstock.
Today, three home bakers will recreate
epic, magical desserts
over two rounds of competition.
One of them will walk away
with ten thousand dollars.
Let's meet our bakers.
We're doing it!
My name is Heather Creekmore
and I'm from Forney, Texas.
It's time to see
what these cookies look like.
I have four children.
Baking makes me feel like more of a mom.
It's just a mom thing to do.
I mean, there might be
some salvageable stuff in there.
I love watching baking shows.
They make it look so easy on TV.
I'm sure I'll be able to do it
just as well.
My name is Michael Marchesan.
I have a small private tutoring company
in Santa Clarita, California.
I would kind of consider myself
a jack of all trades.
I'm into so many different things in life,
and I really like to get good at them.
When he sets his mind to something
or gets interested in something,
he doesn't just like it, he masters it.
But the boy can't bake.
I'm sure if I spend more time with baking,
I would get better at it.
My name is Elena Timman
and I'm from Burbank, California.
When I'm stressed or I've had a really
hard day at work,
I love to go home
and open a bottle of wine,
break out all the baking gear,
and just bake and drink.
Even though I'm not the best baker,
I don't give up.
I'm the little train that could.
- You guys ready to bake?
- Yes.
Today we're celebrating all things love.
With me, as always, our head judge,
I call him Hot Jacolate.
- Do you like that?
- Nicole, I love you.
Hello, bakers. Bonjour.
Today's guest judge,
she's designed wedding cakes
from Kim Kardashian to Liza with a z.
She's the original cake diva
from New York City.
Sylvia Weinstock.
How do you do, ladies and gentlemen?
Think positive.
Failure is out of the picture.
- Yes.
- Yes.
There's a special prize
for the winner of this round.
Baker's Choice.
Behind door number one,
there are three sexy-ass treats.
You get to choose
which one you want to nail.
If you're trying to impress someone
on a first date
or even get a little action,
nothing gets the party started
like these.
Vodka-soaked cake pops.
Oh, wow!
Three perfectly matched cake pops
with vodka buttercream on the inside.
Starting with that first kiss.
This one looks a little aggressive,
but okay.
Moving on to the wedding proposal,
and eventually divorce.
With that broken heart.
Each of these pops has their own intricate
little details that you have to nail.
So, easy on the vodka, people, okay?
I drink vodka.
Makes my day wonderful.
Yes, let's have martinis.
It's Baker's Choice, people.
Go grab your sexy cake pops.
They come out?
Elena had those heels.
Ooh, she got what she wanted.
Oh, oh, the broken heart.
Okay, Heather, why did you choose
those cake pops?
Honestly, because I thought
they looked easiest.
Oh, that's a good strategy.
- That's honest.
- Mm-hmm.
Does that finger fit in this ring?
I don't know. Let's see.
Oh, it fits.
Is the diamond big enough?
I don't think it ever is, right?
- That's correct.
- That's the right answer.
We're gonna be giving you
some help in this round.
We're giving you the cake.
The rest is up to you.
Okay, we got one hour on the clock.
Get your bake on!
I'm freaking out a little bit.
I need balls, sticks, crap.
Those are the wrong shoes.
Jacques, walk us through
making a cake pop.
The perfect cake pops
is a combination of both
of sponge of cakes
and a little bit of buttercream,
and with the secret ingredients,
the Vodka.
You get the consistency you want.
You shape it.
- They have to dip it in chocolates.
- Mm-hmm.
And then they're going
to start decorating.
Two cups of powdered sugar.
I'm going to get started with icing first
and make it happen.
I chose the broken heart cake pops
because I'm a single mom,
I work at Tinder,
so you know I'm swiping left,
swiping right all through life.
I'm here because I really want to be able
to have a baking partner in the kitchen.
And if I can learn how to bake better,
that might be the way to go.
Can't forget the vodka. Holy crap.
Oh, my God, look at the container
of vodka. That's huge.
Oh, that is a big old cup. Ooh.
Sylvia, how come nobody has bribed us
with vodka yet?
Prudes. They're a bunch a prudes
and cheap.
- Greedy.
- Greedy. Cheap.
I've been practicing martial arts
almost my whole life.
I'm going to make the kitchen my dojo
and I'm going to dominate.
Brownies, cookies, cupcakes.
I love that. I love that.
We'll see how the cookie crumbles here.
I think we have Heather studying
her mixture of cake and buttercream.
My hands are so covered in cake
I can barely grip this.
Definitely not
the most zen mixing here,
but you know what? Sometimes
you gotta roll with the punches.
He looks like he's using
too much buttercream.
This is so sticky.
Buttercream is what makes the cake
very moist and soft.
But if you put too much,
it will just be too soft.
Oh, my God.
My students are gonna love this.
I wish we had like a little cookie cutter.
I'm gonna make a full heart first,
and then once it chills, then I'll cut it.
I think it's ginormous.
Okay, I think I'm gonna try
a couple different sizes
and see which ones harden up
to be the right size.
Heather's made a big ball.
She doesn't need all of that.
She has, like, 12 on the tray.
Ooh, she's gonna run out of time
to do her lips.
I'm going to stick every one of these.
Hope I'm not wasting too much time though.
I'm trying to make this little finger
right here.
It's just kind of turned into slop.
Nice little cake log.
We're approaching ten minutes.
By now you should start putting
the chocolates around the pops.
How to make it pretty? That's the problem.
Oh, we're having chocolate dipped here.
Come on, baby.
Okay, you see what she should do
is hold the pop
take a spoon, a big spoon,
and glaze it this way.
Because by dipping,
sometimes when you bring it back
it falls on the bowl,
and then you're in trouble.
Oh, my God, I'm going to pour it over.
I'm going to put them in the blast chiller
and then flip them.
Listen, if this isn't a testament
I've never made a cake pop before,
I don't know what is.
All right, this one is done.
I gotta start making the decorations.
The rings, the pearls.
All right.
I didn't come to this competition
Any craftsman needs their tools.
A samurai needs their sword.
Michael brought
his own Japanese knives.
Japanese knives are wonderful.
- Yeah, but
you don't need very sharp knife
for pastry, for baking.
So, I'm gonna layer those like that.
I still have to make the fingernail.
Oh snap.
Oh, look at that. There's my fingernail.
All right, you guys have
three minutes left.
You should be putting on
your finishing touches.
Sweet baby Jesus. Mother. Oh, my God.
Yeah, it looks like a pop
got stuck to the tray.
She put it in the fridge
on top of that cooling rack.
The chocolate hardened on the bottom
and now she needs to cut everything out.
I'm just gonna cover them again.
Okay, I got two tongues, two mustaches.
I need light lips and bright lips.
And I don't know that I'm gonna get
any of this stuff to harden up in time.
I should've swiped left
on these cake pops.
All right, trying to work
on another one here.
One minute left.
Oh, my God.
It looks like it's foaming at the mouth.
I think I got this one.
Twenty seconds left.
Are you kidding me?
Crinkle ridges.
Five, four, three, two, one.
- You're done!
That was awful.
Um, where's the vodka?
All right, Heather, just a reminder,
this is what you were trying to make.
All right, let's see what you did.
- Nailed it!
- Oh!
This is supposed to be the mustache
on the right?
- Looks delicious, right? Yum!
Okay, so, the lips on the one
you were trying to recreate,
they're very full and juicy,
they're like Angelina Jolie.
And then we got like kind of sad,
bad-injected Restylane lips.
Do we have a tongue?
I couldn't figure out how to get it in.
It was a little too heavy.
I need the tongue and the lips.
That tongue was adorable.
I mean, I couldn't
You need a tongue for tasting.
We're gonna taste these, Heather
- Terrific. Now, I'm gonna
- You gotta eat it, Sylvia.
There goes the diet.
You have to bite into it.
The outside's hard.
You have to bite into it.
It's very gooey.
- It's supposed to be.
- Are they? I've never had a cake pop.
This is good.
It's good. And if you eat like that,
you're going to taste the vodka.
To me you put the right amount
of buttercream
and cake, so it's actually very creamy
when you eat it.
Thank you so much.
We gotta move on.
All those kisses. I love the kisses.
Okay, Elena,
this is what you were trying to make.
Let's see what you did.
Nailed it.
Your hearts are lying down.
They're just taking a nap.
- I made them too big.
- Mm-hmm.
And then it was too big to dip,
too big to solidify quickly.
So, the original looks like, you know,
- a cartoon heart that's broken.
- Yes.
This looks like this was ripped out
of a human being.
- Nice.
- Yeah?
- Taste it.
- This is good. It's good.
I like the amount of chocolate to goo.
But Elena, the flavor of the pop
is, I think, excellent.
- Thank you.
- You nailed it on that.
All right, Michael.
This is what you were trying to make.
Let's see what you did.
Nailed it.
I don't mean to laugh, but your fingers.
They're the fattest fingers
I have ever seen.
It was a try, but I don't know
what you were modeling that after.
I mean, I tried my best
to make it look like a finger.
Okay, here's the original one.
See how perfectly it fits?
Let's see if yours fit.
You put the nail in.
Yeah, the nail went in. Just the tip.
The engagement's off.
Let's see if it fits my finger.
Michael, we're getting married.
- Let's taste them.
- All right.
This fingernail's like grossing me out.
- Also gooey.
- Yeah, it's actually very gooey.
It's too wet.
Maybe that's why it got so fat, too.
- Because you couldn't hold it together.
- Yes.
Well, I learned.
Well, thank you, Michael.
Can you guys scooch on down here?
Just come, scooch.
Yup. Yup.
So, out of the three sets of pops
that we get,
two of them are pretty much finished
and one is not really finished.
So, out of the two sets of pops
that are finished,
I think it comes to the taste.
So, the winner is
Congratulations, Heather.
Sylvia, tell Heather what she won.
What did she win?
A brand new stand mixer.
- Wow!
- Yeah.
- Wow.
- Thank you, Wes.
And that's not all.
You get to wear the golden baker's cap.
That is so awesome.
You are the one to watch
in the next round.
- That's a nice hat.
- That's cool.
Now, Elena, you struck out pretty hard
in that round.
But don't worry,
'cause we're gonna give you
a little extra help in the next round,
which is behind door number two.
Come on, let's go. We're moving.
Forget about that last round,
because in this round,
everybody starts from scratch.
The ten thousand dollar grand prize
is awarded to the winner
of this final challenge.
Your challenge is to replicate
an extravagantly designed three-tier
original Sylvia Weinstock wedding cake.
Sylvia's cakes are legendary.
I never use fondant.
They're only done in buttercream.
They're painted
if there is a texture on it.
And those flowers are incredible.
Her flowers,
she makes them herself,
and they are just the best
in the profession.
And you will have to duplicate that.
And look at those glasses.
Every cake that goes out has been signed
by using these glasses.
As a Picasso signs his paintings,
we sign our work of art.
Since you're not Sylvia, we're gonna
be giving you help in this round.
Each of you has a panic button
on your work table.
If you get in trouble,
just hit the button
and one of our expert judges
will come to the rescue
for three full minutes.
Elena, since you failed it so hard
in round one, so hard,
we're gonna give you
an extra helping hand.
Today's helping hand is Nicole Nags.
At any point during the round,
you can hit your nag button.
Watch out! ♪
And I'll annoy and distract
both of your opponents
for three full minutes.
Here we go.
Two hours on the clock.
Ten thousand dollars on the line.
You better be ready
'cause I already started the clock.
Get to baking. Go.
I'm trying to turn water into wine here.
Let's see.
Sylvia, what would be the first steps
if you have to do a wedding cake
like that?
Let me handle this Sylvia. Okay.
First step, find a husband.
Second step, trick him into marrying you.
Third step, go to the store,
buy some cake,
have just a full bar
and let everybody drink,
and then maybe serve the cake.
- Oh, okay.
- Is that what you were gonna say, Sylvia?
- Not exactly. Not exactly.
- Oh, okay.
I think the first thing
you're going to do today
is bake the layers.
Once they're in the oven,
they should start making their fillings
and get the icing ready.
They use the icing
between each layer
and then color some more of the outside.
They also use the sprayer to stencil
the pattern that's on the cake.
The last thing
is signature flowers.
So it's always highly personalized.
Look, this is the cake mix.
Thank you. There we go.
I am gonna try to think my way
through all of this.
And pay attention to everything
that I'm doing.
This is it, man.
Elena didn't put butter
in the pan of the cake.
The cake is going to stick.
She might be in trouble.
I learned a lot in the last round.
I'm gonna take
just a little bit more time, but
not so much that I run out of time.
I hope she don't fill them too much, huh?
She's filling it all the way to the top.
They might be too full.
So, Sylvia, you make wedding cakes.
Do you enjoy going to weddings?
I stay for the cocktail hour.
I go in front of the shrimp, the caviar,
and the vodka.
I'll gonna use this right here.
Calling for help.
Ooh, that's a panic.
- So you have three minutes with Sylvia.
- All right.
- What's the problem?
- Okay, so
Wax paper in this before I bake?
- Use butter.
- Use butter, okay.
- And don't fill the pan.
- Yes.
- The pan goes up to about here.
- Ah, yes.
- Up to about there.
- Perfect.
So get some butter on that.
Okay, let me think. One other question.
- Do you cut the tops off at all?
- Yes, if they're not level.
- Gotcha
- Get going.
Yes, ma'am. Thank you.
Taking advice from the pros here.
If I mess up the cake bases,
there is no wedding cake,
so I wanted to use the advice early.
Can't have a good cake
without a good foundation.
"Make buttercream frosting."
Okay, frosting time.
Food coloring.
Teal, teal, teal, teal, teal.
Gonna just whisk this by hand 'cause
I got that kind of time.
That looks green.
It's breakfast blue,
but that looks a little green to me.
Get some more blue.
Heather has a very strange bluish
It's not the same blue as your cake.
Not quite the appetizing color.
No, not an appetizing color.
Oh, son of a gun.
My cakes are literally melting and baking
all over the bottom of this oven.
It's really pretty.
Oh, that's where the burnt smell
is coming from.
- Yeah. Right here.
- I was wondering.
Heather, are we calling
the fire department?
Oh, my gosh.
Under an hour left.
Holy cow.
Need these cakes
to come out of the oven.
She came out beautifully.
Look at that, folks.
Son of a gun.
Oh, please tell me my spray worked.
She turned the cake over.
She's heating them,
but nothing is coming out.
Full panic attack, full panic attack,
full panic attack.
- Watch out! Watch out!♪
- Nicole! Let's do this.
Oh, I need to annoy people.
Nicole, nag.
I'm going over to Heather♪
- Oh, she has to nag?
- Look at her, look at her, look at her.
When are you gonna be done?
Can I taste it?
Where's your cake?
Is your cake in the oven?
Heather, Heather, Heather, Heather,
Heather, Heather, Heather, Heather.
No, Heather. No, Heather. No, Heather.
No, Heather. No, Heather. No, Heather.
Heather, Heather, Heather, Heather,
Heather, Heather, Heather, Heather!
She's too much.
What's happening?
What do you have to drink around here?
Michael. Michael,
will you be my boyfriend?
Michael. Michael,
will you be my boyfriend?
Michael, Michael, Michael, Michael.
Michael, Michael.
- No nagging.
- The nag is over.
Also, you did not get very much done,
so I did my job.
Thank you!
You're welcome.
You are good at that.
Oh, I'm very annoying.
My cakes are finally done.
I'm not where I want to be.
These are still really hot.
The cakes were so warm,
but time is short,
and I know I have to start decorating.
Phew! Well
So we got one layer done.
Oh, my goodness, I love this.
And here. Looks what's in here.
This has almost everything you need.
Jacques, where did Sylvia go?
I'm a licorice lover.
Thank you for the licorice. I hope they're
not counting cause you just missed one.
- Where is she?
- Is she under the table
- where you hide everything else?
- No, she's not.
These pots are fabulous.
What brand is this?
I think that this is the only way.
Most of them have
the rivets on the inside.
Now this is smooth.
- Yeah, this is good idea.
- I am taking this.
I want a whole set.
If you steal, you steal big.
Thirty minutes left.
Hurry, hurry, hurry.
She put wood skewers in each layer
so this way everything is holding.
Where's the hole? Where's the hole?
Love you. Love you.
I can just wander.
I got to do this.
All right, this is the precision work
that I enjoy more.
What is he doing?
It's an unnecessary step.
Putting the buttercream,
it doesn't matter how you put it.
You take a knife, you put it at an angle
and you turn.
So, you round the side.
Do you know how hard it is for me
not to say something?
You have no idea I'm suffering.
Gonna have one big blue blob here,
I think.
Heather's, I'm afraid is gonna
- Oh.
- She's trying to push it.
And I think the cake is warm
- Oh.
- so it keeps sliding.
'Cause that buttercream isn't acting
like a glue and holding it together.
No, and she has no support in between.
So, the cake is leaning.
The cake is never going
to be straight now.
It's what it is.
This is just a mess.
One, two, three tiers.
What is Michael's cake?
It looks like it's
They're almost the same height.
It is a little short, but you know what?
I'm kind of more of a quality
over quantity kind of guy, I think.
More quality
wouldn't have been better either.
You know what? That's okay.
That is all right.
Heather has her stencil out.
She put color over the stencil,
it looks like.
You know,
the frosting it has to be cold.
And the stencil has to go against it.
And then spray.
And if you don't do that,
then it doesn't work.
She's patting the color in.
- That's being inventive.
- Yes, it is.
- Yeah.
- Good for her.
Twenty minutes left, everyone.
Okay, gum-paste buds.
The next thing that takes the longest time
is to make these crazy
gum-paste fondant flowers
that I have never made before in my life.
Okay, I'm making a bud. Here we go.
And she's working on her little flowers.
She's making a few.
The object is to work with it
when it's soft
and then rolling it
so it becomes like a tier.
And then you roll it around
so that you have
the beginning of your bud.
Take another piece of dough.
Roll it out,
get the edges thin.
And you can just keep adding, and adding,
and adding, and adding
as it gets firm and hard.
Okay, flowers. I should really get started
on my flowers.
Less than five minutes remain.
Making buds.
We'll be done by tomorrow.
You know what?
Last time I needed to make a tongue,
and this time my roses
are looking like a tongue.
Girl, you got flowers
for days. I got flowers for one day.
- What did he make there?
- Just one flower.
Michael, he has one flower and that's it.
I think he's trying to make more.
Finally, here we are
getting to the very end, right?
And it's gonna look smooth.
Forty-five seconds.
Trying to make it work.
Holy cow. That is not looking good.
One bowtie here.
Five, four, three, two, one. You're done!
- Happy New Year!
Happy New Year
All right, Heather, you are the one
wearing the golden baker's cap.
You were the one to watch.
Just to remind you, this is what
you were trying to recreate.
Let's see your perfect recreation.
Nailed it.
Oh, I don't mean to laugh,
but what is happening?
Ooh, girl, it is leaning.
Well, I overfilled my cakes
and it took way too long
for them to bake.
And they were too hot. I didn't have
enough time to really cool them down
before I started icing things.
You can see that this cake was actually
assembled after being glazed.
Glaze the bottom,
put it in the freezer,
then do the second one.
During the time you glaze the second one,
the first one will cool down.
Put some wood skewers
and then put it straight.
But I think that's a very valuable lesson,
but your flowers look beautiful.
Thank you.
And in terms of color,
I would say with pale colors
in the beginning
because that dark blue
is not a food color.
It doesn't entice me.
I want to give you credit for having
courage and guts to do this.
it's something you've never done before
and I think that is remarkable.
Thank you.
Well, Heather, we have to move on
and it doesn't look so good,
but it could taste amazing
Next up is Elena.
Let's see what you did.
Nailed it.
Honestly, I think this looks great.
The blue's a little off but I do think
that bottom bow is very, very beautiful.
I love that you put your own glasses.
My signature.
One thing that I see here, the cardboard
should be the size of this cake.
Not this cake.
- Correct.
- Then you don't see the cardboard.
That's very important.
But you do have all the components.
Let's take a look at the flowers.
As you learn to do the basic
of the flower, you will get better.
Go home and practice now.
Go out and get a real rose.
And look at the real rose
while make your own.
- There you are.
- My first roses.
I think you did a good job
and I like your attitude.
Thank you.
Okay, thank you so much.
Thank you.
Okay, Michael.
Let's see what you did.
Nailed it.
Okay, all right.
So, the color of the cake is pretty.
You did some airbrushing.
We got the bows on.
I like the color. It's a food color.
I mean, I would want to eat it.
The flowers are dreadful,
if you don't mind my saying so.
Certainly, you see the toothpick.
Should've brought it all the way down
so you don't see the toothpick.
But I like the way you frosted the base.
- It's pretty neat.
- Thank you.
I think that if it's my wedding
and we are maybe 150 people,
I will not be happy
because 100 people will not have any cake.
So, to me, you simplify
a little bit too much.
The reason I did that was
because I wanted to go more
for a bigger isn't necessarily better
As long as I get three tiers there.
It may not be super tall, but they're
there and they're frosted okay, I guess.
I can't wait to taste these cakes,
so cut us the perfect slice,
bring them on over,
and we gonna get to munching.
Let's go sit. My feet hurt.
Let's taste Heather's cake.
All right.
All right, let's do this.
Oh, no.
Not quite.
Are you sure?
Oh, no, Heather.
- Try a little bit more.
- Uh-oh.
- Maybe it needs some more icing.
- Uh-oh.
The cake is still warm.
This cake is still warm.
The problem,
because they bake a lot longer,
this cake is a little bit dry.
And it's a coarse texture
because it didn't rise properly.
It's edible.
And the kids will love it
with a glass of milk.
Well, thank you Heather.
She tried.
Okay, next up is Elena.
We are going to taste your cake.
It's got a nice flavor.
- Texture's okay.
- It's okay.
Um, I do like the flavor
of the buttercream,
and the cake is lighter.
Also, the color is a lot more pastel.
The color is more appetizing.
I like the fact that it's presented
on the table with a little flower.
Makes me fill up
with a great deal of warmth.
Not as much warmth as this cake.
Oh, my God.
I truly still think you're in this,
You're not.
Now we have Michael.
I think that the top layer of your cake
is very similar to the one from Elena.
But the top layer is more moist.
And it has a great flavor
and a great texture.
Congratulations for that.
Thank you, chefs.
Only one of you can win
the ten thousand dollars,
and the soon to be collectible
Nailed It trophy.
The winner is
Elena, you win the ten thousand dollars!
Okay, shoot money at her.
- Oh, what do I do?
- It's a gun. Shoot money at her.
- Ooh.
- Yup.
I can't believe I won.
I did what I set out to do.
And I did not quit.
And I made this happen,
and I did my absolute best.
Here you go. That is yours.
- Oh my gosh.
- Oh, are you crying?
Thank you.
Thank you for watching Nailed It.
See you on the next episode.
Okay, everyone.
Next Episode