Nine Bodies in a Mexican Morgue (2025) s01e01 Episode Script
Dead Reckoning
[wind blusters]
[slow mysterious music]
[music fades]
- What time is it?
- Mm, 2:30.
Wow. You did well.
- Okay, go check the engine.
- Engine's good.
Emilio, why would two tourists
who have gone for a drive
park their car in the middle
of a goddamn desert?
Go check the engine.
[wind blusters]
[slow suspenseful music]
[helicopter whirring]
Emilio! It's here!
Right on time.
[soldiers speaking Spanish]
[dramatic music]
[shouts orders in Spanish]
Where are they taking them?
Where would you put nine bodies, Emilio?
Why do you think they brought
them all the way to this dump?
They're going to the morgue.
And what do we do?
We wait.
["Sweet Dreams" by Eurythmics]
Sweet dreams are made of this ♪
Who am I to disagree? ♪
I travel the world
and the seven seas ♪
Everybody's looking for something ♪
Some of them want to use you ♪
Some of them want to get used by you ♪
Some of them want to abuse you ♪
Some of them want to be abused ♪
Oooh-oooh! Hey! ♪
Everybody's looking for something ♪
[dramatic music]
[wind blusters]
[plane engines rumble]
Can I get you something?
- You want something, honey?
- Just some water, please.
- Sparkling?
- Uh, yes. Thank you.
And no ice or lemon.
Shouldn't we be there by now?
I don't think
it can be too much further.
I don't see anything. It's just trees.
- Amy
- Shouldn't we be over the sea?
Not necessarily.
Sometimes the pilot chooses
an alternative route
to avoid weather conditions.
It's been four hours.
Let me finish this
and then I'll talk to the pilot.
I'm sure he'll make
an announcement soon.
Nothing for me. I'm okay.
Excuse me, miss.
Can you get me a beer?
Sure. Uh, Camello or Lingos?
- What's wrong with American?
- We're out of American.
Well, give me a Camello then.
That's your third.
Who's counting?
Who do you think?
I hate flying.
I can see that.
I never know which is worse,
a small plane like this
or a Boeing Triple Seven
with 300 passengers.
Law of gravity.
They both come down
at the same speed.
I'm just saying.
[pilot] San Antonio Ground.
This is Aero Alux Flight
Charlie Bravo Zulu 517.
Are you receiving me? Over?
[static on comms]
This is Aero Alux Flight
Charlie Bravo Zulu 517.
Mayday! Mayday! Mayday!
- Low fuel. Does anyone read me?
- [warning beeps]
[inaudible dialog]
[unsettling music]
[metallic rattling]
[warning alarms beeping]
[auto pilot]
No range. No range.
No range, no range, pull up!
Pull up!
[loud banging]
[loud banging]
[woman screams]
[Amy] Oh, my God!
[pilot grunts]
[distant birdcall, insects buzzing]
[daunting music]
Oh, shit.
Hey, are you good?
Hey, is everyone okay?
Is anyone hurt?
I need to get my husband
out of here. He needs air!
Hon', I need to find my pills.
I can't find my pills.
Can you get the door open?
Hey, go check on the pilot.
Sure. What about?
Nothing you can do for her.
That's a cervical fracture.
[woman] Where are they?
I I can't find them!
- Here.
- Oh, thank thank you.
On three.
One, two, three. Push!
Uh! Come on!
[pilot wheezing softly]
How is he?
Still breathing,
if you can believe that.
[dramatic music]
Can you smell something?
- Yeah. Smoke.
- Puta madre!
[young woman] Hey! Now, calm
down, there's no need to panic.
We gotta get out of here.
Come on, let's move.
- Does anybody need any help?
- Uh, Travis!
I can manage. Just go.
[indistinct chatter]
It's It's on fire!
- Oh, God!
- [Travis groans]
[Travis] Lis, go.
Hey! Come with me.
- No.
- Get the pilot!
Do you wanna leave him?
Come on!
You're not serious.
What's in there
that's so important to you?
- You could have got killed.
- My things!
[echoing animal cry]
How's he doing?
Seems stable.
Hey, back there,
I wasn't going to leave him.
- Sure.
- No, I just I panicked.
- I I wasn't thinking straight.
- Whatever you say, man.
[dramatic music]
Got any signal?
[insects buzzing]
How are you feeling?
I'm okay.
You don't need to worry about me, honey.
The day I stop worrying about you,
one of us will be under ground.
Shouldn't we be rationing this?
How long do you think
we're gonna be out here for?
They're on their way to find us already.
[suspenseful music]
Houston Airport.
The FAA. The CIA
I don't know. Someone.
Do you have any idea where we are?
Yeah. Yeah, I'd say we're
about two miles up shit creek.
You got a signal on your cell?
Without a paddle.
[daunting music]
What are we going to do with her?
- We can't leave her here.
- Definitely not.
I mean, it's cooling off
for the evening.
But tomorrow in the heat,
the maggots and the bugs.
- We got to get her out of here.
- How are the others?
Better than her.
I'm Zack, by the way.
You, uh, traveling alone?
Yeah. Doing it since I was 12.
Right. So, Sonja, you got
any idea where we might be?
That's hard to say. Uh
If you want a guess,
I'd say we're in the northern
part of Mexico.
Maybe the El Cielo Biosphere.
That's about 600 square miles
of mountain and rainforest.
Otherwise known
as the middle of nowhere.
Come on, give me a hand.
- Keep breathing.
- [Amy] I am.
You know what I mean.
Stay relaxed.
How can I stay relaxed?
We were almost killed.
Yeah, but we survived, didn't we?
The worst is over, Amy. We're okay.
Not all of us.
Don't. You don't need to see that.
It's horrible.
[sighs] I'm so glad
that you're not hurt.
If you'd been hurt, I don't
know what I'd have done.
- Do you mean that?
- Yeah. Of course I do.
Hey Of course I do!
I'm gonna look after you.
I told you that when I married you.
We're gonna be together for always.
[twig snaps]
[suspenseful music]
That poor girl.
Wait here.
Lis, honey, I ain't going nowhere.
What are you doing?
Helping yourself?
No, actually.
I was seeing how much we have.
How about you?
The same.
I don't know how long
we're going to be here for
and it's gonna be night soon.
We need to think
what we're going to eat.
There are nine fruit plates,
six salad plates.
A few sandwiches.
Cookies and chocolate.
[sighs] The plane will have
its own water tank,
if only for the toilet.
Well, we can't drink that.
It depends how quickly they find us.
They'll already know we haven't arrived.
They'll be here before sunset.
I'm Lisa, by the way.
How's your husband?
Oh, he's fine.
He had a heart thing last year.
Gave us all a scare but
He hates salad.
[Kevin panting]
[Kevin coughs]
You want to say something?
What do you want me to say, Kevin?
Maybe a prayer.
You think God's watching
over us right now?
I don't know.
If God was watching over us,
he'd have kept us in the air.
- You need to come.
- What is it?
[Zack] God!
He had chest pains,
he couldn't breathe
and then I told Carlos to fetch you.
There's not much I can do for him.
Can you hear me?
What's your name?
- Okay, listen to me.
- [Octavio groans]
Can you tell us what happened?
It's not my fault.
[Zack] Nobody's blaming you.
- It's not my fault!
- Okay.
Why did we crash?
- The GPS.
- What about it?
The GPS failed.
[Octavio groans]
I try
What d What does that mean?
You were using maps, right?
Did you manage to radio for help?
Come on, does anyone know where we are?
Hey, hey.
Do you have an ELT?
- What's going on?
- Pilot's in a bad way.
You're not going to do
any good interrogating him.
You can see how much pain the man's in.
Hey You're a doctor.
- Yeah, you can deal with him.
- Who told you I was a doctor?
On the plane. The moment
you saw the flight attendant,
you said she had a cervical fracture.
That's medical language.
Anyone else would say
she had a broken neck.
- So what are you, a detective?
- No.
I work in insurance.
Well, I've got news for you.
Uh, I'm not a doctor.
I used I used to be.
Any of you others happen
to be a doctor or a nurse?
I guess a retired doctor's
all we've got.
What's your diagnosis?
He's got multiple lacerations
and a fractured left arm.
A punctured sternum,
thankfully not very deep.
These may or may not be
But the chest pains,
the shortness of breath,
enlarged jugular vein,
all point to a pneumothorax,
by which I mean a collapsed lung.
- Will it kill him?
- It could.
Depends how much air
is trapped between the lung
and the chest wall.
Too much and it'll lead
to a cardiovascular collapse,
and that's it.
- But you could operate.
- No, I can't.
A pneumothorax may kill him
but an emergency thoracotomy
performed in the middle
of the jungle with no equipment
and no anesthetic definitely will.
There's a first aid kit on the plane.
Have you looked inside
an aircraft first aid kit,
Mr. Insurance Guy?
Aspirin, atropine, tapes and bandages.
You cut your finger or you
get a headache, that's fine.
This man needs his chest cut
open and his lungs re-inflated.
- You can try.
- If I try, I'll kill him.
[pilot continues groaning]
And I won't do that.
[daunting music]
[groaning softly]
No, I'm so I'm I'm sorry, I can't.
[daunting music]
Looks like we're going
to be here for a while.
How long?
Certainly tonight.
Maybe longer, I don't know.
But it might help if we all knew
a little bit about each other.
Why would we want to do that?
I'm not making it compulsory.
Okay. Uh, I'll go first.
My name's Zack Ellis.
I was working in Guatemala.
I'm an insurance investigator.
People, businesses, make claims,
I check 'em out.
I was on my way home from a job,
a fire in a depot.
Do you think it was arson?
Well, the CCTV
and the alarm system were down
and someone had moved
50 gallons of gasoline
into the repackaging area, so, yeah,
I guess it could have happened that way.
So maybe somebody
brought this plane down
- to stop you from reporting.
- [scoffs]
Too late. I already did.
I was on my way to Dallas via Houston.
I'm not married. No kids.
I'm Amy Maclean.
That's the name
I'm getting used to because
I just got married in Vegas
five weeks ago.
This is my knight in shining
armor. My husband, Dan.
We went on honeymoon in Mexico,
then Belize, then over to Guatemala,
and then, I guess, we got
on the wrong plane home.
And I'm the luckiest man in the world.
Maybe not the choice of flight,
but, um, choosing you.
I promise I will look after you. Okay?
I'm I'm Travis Davies.
This here is my better half,
my lovely wife, Lisa.
We run a chain of motels
across Kansas, Oklahoma.
You got a MAGA sticker
in the back of your car,
we'll give you a ten percent discount.
Yeah, ten percent.
We started it after the 2020 election.
Uh, stolen election.
And we've stuck with it ever since.
- But we're open to everyone.
- Uh-huh.
What were you doing in Guatemala?
What about you, honey? You're
from England, is that right?
- Yeah, from London.
- And what brings you out here?
I was in Chiapas
on the Guatemalan border
and dropped down to Guatemala City.
You work?
Why are you asking me these questions?
Why do you want to know?
Whoa! Hey. Steady.
I feel like we're going to be
stuck here together for a while,
so we might as well
get to know each other.
Where's the harm in that?
Maybe I came out here because
I don't want people to know me.
I don't want to answer your questions.
- Okay with that?
- [Dan softly] Yeah.
Sure, yeah.
Definitely English.
- Mmm.
- Mmm.
[Kevin clears throat]
Well, I I don't mind talking.
Uh, I'm Kevin Anderson.
used to practice medicine,
and, uh, now I buy and sell
medical equipment.
That's why I was on this flight.
You were You were selling stuff?
No, buying. The Guatemalans make
face masks, thermometers,
artery forceps,
a lot of surgical stuff.
It's good quality at very low prices.
I'm afraid our pilot is
in no shape to join in,
but his name is Octavio,
and I guess he's local,
from Guatemala City.
[Octavio coughs and groans]
That just leaves you.
Carlos Luchador.
That it?
What more do you want me to say?
Luchador? Is that your last name or?
I don't even know what that means.
Lucha libre. Mexican wrestling.
You don't know what that means?
You have never heard
of El Santo or Gory Guerrero?
- No, I have not. Have you?
- No.
- Uh-uh.
- [Carlos laughs]
So you have baseball, you have NFL.
You have your guns
and Superman and Batman,
but lucha libre is all
of those things and more.
It is our blood.
- Okay. Christ, I only asked.
- Stop it.
You on your way to a fight?
Three days' time, yes.
A big fight.
I've been in training camp
for months now, preparing,
making myself ready.
Everything in my life
has been leading up to this.
Well, I hope you make it.
I will.
We're not gonna be here for three days.
[Zack] We may be in more trouble
than we think.
We can't use our cell phones.
None of us has a signal.
Is that right?
So when the plane came down,
it should have set off its ELT,
that's the Emergency
Locator Transmitter,
which would allow the FAA to track us.
But for all we know, it could
have broken in the crash.
Well, how do we find out?
We find out if nobody comes.
Now, Octavio wasn't able to say much,
but he did say
the GPS system had failed,
which meant he had to fly
the old-fashioned way,
with maps and compass.
- They call it dead reckoning.
- Yeah.
Except we're the ones who end up dead.
Anyway, he had another problem,
he was out of gas.
Well, how do you know?
Well, the props stopped turning
a minute before we came down.
Didn't you hear it?
When the plane hit
the ground there was a fire,
but we didn't blow up.
We were lucky, in a way,
that the tanks were empty.
Do we have any idea where we are?
We have maps. We can try
and work it out in the morning.
Where do we sleep tonight?
Um, we should go in the plane.
You can do that if you want,
but I think you'd be better off outside.
[Zack] Yeah, the weather's dry.
I don't think there's too much
to be worried about
in the Mexican jungle.
- Snakes.
- Snakes and spiders.
Yeah, but, you know,
they're more scared of us
than we are of them.
Yeah, that's what you say, but I
don't like anything that bites.
[Zack] Well, the main body
of the plane is still intact.
It'll be stuffy in there
but you can sleep inside
if it makes you feel more comfortable.
The rest of us can salvage
cushions, blankets
You're doing an awful lot
of talking, Zack.
But here's a question.
Who put you in charge?
Well, Kevin
I asked you to do one thing
and you decided not to do it.
Octavio is over there maybe dying,
so I don't feel like
I'm in charge at all.
But if you want to take over,
that's fine.
Maybe it'll inspire you
to get off your ass and help.
I told you, there's nothing
I can do to help!
- Why not try?
- Because I'll kill him!
- Is that what you want?
- He's dying anyway!
[Sonja] That's enough!
Things are bad enough anyway.
We can't fall out with each other.
She's right.
[Lisa] Maybe we should
talk about supplies.
If what Zack has said is correct
we might be here for a while.
Now, I don't know if any of you
noticed a river or a lake
on the way down, but we checked
and there's, um,
15 bottles of water,
which is not adequate for nine people,
not for very long.
Especially if it gets hotter.
And food? Tonight we have
fruit and salad.
- Oh!
- A few sandwiches.
Might as well eat them.
They're not going to last long,
then after that,
well, we're gonna have
to find our own food.
[daunting music]
[bird cawing]
- Is this it?
- We've got to make it last.
Here, you can take mine.
You think we could get
a signal up there?
It's a lot higher than you think.
I guess it's worth a try.
[Lisa] Here.
- What are those?
- Beta blockers.
You got heart issues?
I had a minor heart attack
six months ago.
And I ain't heard the end of that.
- Shush!
- You take them daily?
Yeah, and nitro-glycerine.
- How many you got left?
- Six days.
More than enough.
[Octavio coughing]
[Octavio wheezing]
[coughing continues]
What are we going to do about him?
You heard what Kevin said.
There's nothing we can do.
We we can't just leave him there.
Coughing like that.
I I can't sleep out here
and listen to him all night!
- Amy
- No!
It's wrong!
We're not even trying to help him!
[Dan] Amy.
I'm sorry. She's, uh
She's right.
[Octavio wheezing]
[Octavio coughing]
All right.
I'm going to need boiling water.
Half a gallon of it.
Well, there goes the drinking water.
Antiseptic cream, bandages.
You'll find those in the first aid kit
- inside the plane.
- I'm on it.
And if you see a bottle
of vodka, grab that too.
About an hour before sundown so,
we'll do it outside.
More bugs and insects
but also more light.
I've got a few things in my
except a scalpel.
- Shit!
- What?
I can't do this unless I have a
a heavy knife.
A six inch blade, sharp.
You can have this.
Okay. That'll do. Yeah.
- You need that to run a motel?
- Maybe.
I would not like to meet the guests.
Here. I found these.
Good. Zack, you'll be my tech.
- Sure.
- So wash your hands.
And if you have any clean clothes
in what's left
of your luggage, put them on.
[eerie music]
[Octavio wheezing]
- What's all of that?
- Medical samples.
This is what I buy and sell.
No gloves and no disinfectant.
Give me the vodka.
But I thought it was for him.
It's for both of us.
And your belt.
No anesthetic either.
Okay, this isn't going to be
pretty and it might be fatal.
Let's just remember,
you wanted me to do this.
I'm not promising anything.
We have to try.
You mean, I have to try.
[dramatic music]
[Octavio wheezing]
[Octavio screams]
[scream echoes]
[screaming continues]
This is like some terrible nightmare.
[Dan sighs]
I'm sorry, Amy.
It's not your fault.
I promised I'd look after you
and this is where I've brought you.
I wish I could talk to my dad.
Yeah, I wish you could too.
- He'd kill you.
- Don't say that.
You don't know him.
Yeah, but I've read about him
and I've seen him on TV.
He's a tough guy.
Like his daughter. [laughs]
And that is how I know
we're gonna get out of here.
[light fizzles]
Well, there goes the emergency power.
[suspenseful music]
Hey, what is it?
What is it, Amy?
- Didn't you see?
- What?
There was someone there.
[daunting music]
There's no one.
How do you think it's going over there?
Hmm? Oh, I don't even want to look.
Where do you suppose
he's going? Our "Mr. Luchador"?
He doesn't have a lot
to say for himself.
Goddamn Latino.
He doesn't have the language.
What's in the case, do you think?
He nearly got himself killed
trying to fetch it.
[suspenseful music]
Here, help me up.
[grunts with effort]
Yeah. Lucky you had the thread.
Surgical suture.
That I've got plenty of.
Brought about five different
samples back from Guatemala.
He looks okay.
It went about as well
as I could have hoped.
Considering I've never done this before,
in or out of an operating room.
- You did a great job.
- Mmm.
He owes you. We all do.
I'm not saying
there won't be complications.
Post-operative shock. There's
a high chance of infection
[mosquito buzzing]
especially with all
these goddamn mosquitoes.
He's still got
to make it through the night.
You've given him a shot.
That's all we could have asked.
[Zack] Thanks.
I got to wash up.
Hey, a river, a lake,
we'll find water somewhere.
[eerie animal cries]
[bird caws]
[eerie music]
[insect buzzing]
[bird caws]
[daunting music]
[bird caws]
[music fades]
[distant birdcall, insects buzzing]
I'm so sorry.
I did warn you.
[Sonja] You did what you could.
I don't understand it.
There's no sign of infection
or internal bleeding.
I was so sure he was gonna pull through.
- So what killed him?
- Good question.
You got any ideas?
How would I know?
My only guess is what I said,
post-operative shock.
Somebody should have stayed with him.
Well, it's a bit late for that now.
- I didn't hear you volunteer.
- [Kevin] No.
Dan's right. It should have been me.
He was my patient. Goddamn it!
We didn't know anything
about him, Octavio.
He was a pilot, but was he married?
Did he have kids?
And the stewardess?
She died too.
We didn't even know her name.
We don't know anything about any of us.
[Travis] Poor bastard.
Falls out of the sky, survives
the plane crash and now this.
But what do we do with him?
We've got to bury him.
We have to bury both of them.
Forget that. In this heat?
He's right.
- We'll take them with us.
- Yeah.
If we ever get out of here.
[dramatic music]
[eerie music]
cinco, seis,
[ominous music]
[wind blusters]
[slow mysterious music]
[music fades]
- What time is it?
- Mm, 2:30.
Wow. You did well.
- Okay, go check the engine.
- Engine's good.
Emilio, why would two tourists
who have gone for a drive
park their car in the middle
of a goddamn desert?
Go check the engine.
[wind blusters]
[slow suspenseful music]
[helicopter whirring]
Emilio! It's here!
Right on time.
[soldiers speaking Spanish]
[dramatic music]
[shouts orders in Spanish]
Where are they taking them?
Where would you put nine bodies, Emilio?
Why do you think they brought
them all the way to this dump?
They're going to the morgue.
And what do we do?
We wait.
["Sweet Dreams" by Eurythmics]
Sweet dreams are made of this ♪
Who am I to disagree? ♪
I travel the world
and the seven seas ♪
Everybody's looking for something ♪
Some of them want to use you ♪
Some of them want to get used by you ♪
Some of them want to abuse you ♪
Some of them want to be abused ♪
Oooh-oooh! Hey! ♪
Everybody's looking for something ♪
[dramatic music]
[wind blusters]
[plane engines rumble]
Can I get you something?
- You want something, honey?
- Just some water, please.
- Sparkling?
- Uh, yes. Thank you.
And no ice or lemon.
Shouldn't we be there by now?
I don't think
it can be too much further.
I don't see anything. It's just trees.
- Amy
- Shouldn't we be over the sea?
Not necessarily.
Sometimes the pilot chooses
an alternative route
to avoid weather conditions.
It's been four hours.
Let me finish this
and then I'll talk to the pilot.
I'm sure he'll make
an announcement soon.
Nothing for me. I'm okay.
Excuse me, miss.
Can you get me a beer?
Sure. Uh, Camello or Lingos?
- What's wrong with American?
- We're out of American.
Well, give me a Camello then.
That's your third.
Who's counting?
Who do you think?
I hate flying.
I can see that.
I never know which is worse,
a small plane like this
or a Boeing Triple Seven
with 300 passengers.
Law of gravity.
They both come down
at the same speed.
I'm just saying.
[pilot] San Antonio Ground.
This is Aero Alux Flight
Charlie Bravo Zulu 517.
Are you receiving me? Over?
[static on comms]
This is Aero Alux Flight
Charlie Bravo Zulu 517.
Mayday! Mayday! Mayday!
- Low fuel. Does anyone read me?
- [warning beeps]
[inaudible dialog]
[unsettling music]
[metallic rattling]
[warning alarms beeping]
[auto pilot]
No range. No range.
No range, no range, pull up!
Pull up!
[loud banging]
[loud banging]
[woman screams]
[Amy] Oh, my God!
[pilot grunts]
[distant birdcall, insects buzzing]
[daunting music]
Oh, shit.
Hey, are you good?
Hey, is everyone okay?
Is anyone hurt?
I need to get my husband
out of here. He needs air!
Hon', I need to find my pills.
I can't find my pills.
Can you get the door open?
Hey, go check on the pilot.
Sure. What about?
Nothing you can do for her.
That's a cervical fracture.
[woman] Where are they?
I I can't find them!
- Here.
- Oh, thank thank you.
On three.
One, two, three. Push!
Uh! Come on!
[pilot wheezing softly]
How is he?
Still breathing,
if you can believe that.
[dramatic music]
Can you smell something?
- Yeah. Smoke.
- Puta madre!
[young woman] Hey! Now, calm
down, there's no need to panic.
We gotta get out of here.
Come on, let's move.
- Does anybody need any help?
- Uh, Travis!
I can manage. Just go.
[indistinct chatter]
It's It's on fire!
- Oh, God!
- [Travis groans]
[Travis] Lis, go.
Hey! Come with me.
- No.
- Get the pilot!
Do you wanna leave him?
Come on!
You're not serious.
What's in there
that's so important to you?
- You could have got killed.
- My things!
[echoing animal cry]
How's he doing?
Seems stable.
Hey, back there,
I wasn't going to leave him.
- Sure.
- No, I just I panicked.
- I I wasn't thinking straight.
- Whatever you say, man.
[dramatic music]
Got any signal?
[insects buzzing]
How are you feeling?
I'm okay.
You don't need to worry about me, honey.
The day I stop worrying about you,
one of us will be under ground.
Shouldn't we be rationing this?
How long do you think
we're gonna be out here for?
They're on their way to find us already.
[suspenseful music]
Houston Airport.
The FAA. The CIA
I don't know. Someone.
Do you have any idea where we are?
Yeah. Yeah, I'd say we're
about two miles up shit creek.
You got a signal on your cell?
Without a paddle.
[daunting music]
What are we going to do with her?
- We can't leave her here.
- Definitely not.
I mean, it's cooling off
for the evening.
But tomorrow in the heat,
the maggots and the bugs.
- We got to get her out of here.
- How are the others?
Better than her.
I'm Zack, by the way.
You, uh, traveling alone?
Yeah. Doing it since I was 12.
Right. So, Sonja, you got
any idea where we might be?
That's hard to say. Uh
If you want a guess,
I'd say we're in the northern
part of Mexico.
Maybe the El Cielo Biosphere.
That's about 600 square miles
of mountain and rainforest.
Otherwise known
as the middle of nowhere.
Come on, give me a hand.
- Keep breathing.
- [Amy] I am.
You know what I mean.
Stay relaxed.
How can I stay relaxed?
We were almost killed.
Yeah, but we survived, didn't we?
The worst is over, Amy. We're okay.
Not all of us.
Don't. You don't need to see that.
It's horrible.
[sighs] I'm so glad
that you're not hurt.
If you'd been hurt, I don't
know what I'd have done.
- Do you mean that?
- Yeah. Of course I do.
Hey Of course I do!
I'm gonna look after you.
I told you that when I married you.
We're gonna be together for always.
[twig snaps]
[suspenseful music]
That poor girl.
Wait here.
Lis, honey, I ain't going nowhere.
What are you doing?
Helping yourself?
No, actually.
I was seeing how much we have.
How about you?
The same.
I don't know how long
we're going to be here for
and it's gonna be night soon.
We need to think
what we're going to eat.
There are nine fruit plates,
six salad plates.
A few sandwiches.
Cookies and chocolate.
[sighs] The plane will have
its own water tank,
if only for the toilet.
Well, we can't drink that.
It depends how quickly they find us.
They'll already know we haven't arrived.
They'll be here before sunset.
I'm Lisa, by the way.
How's your husband?
Oh, he's fine.
He had a heart thing last year.
Gave us all a scare but
He hates salad.
[Kevin panting]
[Kevin coughs]
You want to say something?
What do you want me to say, Kevin?
Maybe a prayer.
You think God's watching
over us right now?
I don't know.
If God was watching over us,
he'd have kept us in the air.
- You need to come.
- What is it?
[Zack] God!
He had chest pains,
he couldn't breathe
and then I told Carlos to fetch you.
There's not much I can do for him.
Can you hear me?
What's your name?
- Okay, listen to me.
- [Octavio groans]
Can you tell us what happened?
It's not my fault.
[Zack] Nobody's blaming you.
- It's not my fault!
- Okay.
Why did we crash?
- The GPS.
- What about it?
The GPS failed.
[Octavio groans]
I try
What d What does that mean?
You were using maps, right?
Did you manage to radio for help?
Come on, does anyone know where we are?
Hey, hey.
Do you have an ELT?
- What's going on?
- Pilot's in a bad way.
You're not going to do
any good interrogating him.
You can see how much pain the man's in.
Hey You're a doctor.
- Yeah, you can deal with him.
- Who told you I was a doctor?
On the plane. The moment
you saw the flight attendant,
you said she had a cervical fracture.
That's medical language.
Anyone else would say
she had a broken neck.
- So what are you, a detective?
- No.
I work in insurance.
Well, I've got news for you.
Uh, I'm not a doctor.
I used I used to be.
Any of you others happen
to be a doctor or a nurse?
I guess a retired doctor's
all we've got.
What's your diagnosis?
He's got multiple lacerations
and a fractured left arm.
A punctured sternum,
thankfully not very deep.
These may or may not be
But the chest pains,
the shortness of breath,
enlarged jugular vein,
all point to a pneumothorax,
by which I mean a collapsed lung.
- Will it kill him?
- It could.
Depends how much air
is trapped between the lung
and the chest wall.
Too much and it'll lead
to a cardiovascular collapse,
and that's it.
- But you could operate.
- No, I can't.
A pneumothorax may kill him
but an emergency thoracotomy
performed in the middle
of the jungle with no equipment
and no anesthetic definitely will.
There's a first aid kit on the plane.
Have you looked inside
an aircraft first aid kit,
Mr. Insurance Guy?
Aspirin, atropine, tapes and bandages.
You cut your finger or you
get a headache, that's fine.
This man needs his chest cut
open and his lungs re-inflated.
- You can try.
- If I try, I'll kill him.
[pilot continues groaning]
And I won't do that.
[daunting music]
[groaning softly]
No, I'm so I'm I'm sorry, I can't.
[daunting music]
Looks like we're going
to be here for a while.
How long?
Certainly tonight.
Maybe longer, I don't know.
But it might help if we all knew
a little bit about each other.
Why would we want to do that?
I'm not making it compulsory.
Okay. Uh, I'll go first.
My name's Zack Ellis.
I was working in Guatemala.
I'm an insurance investigator.
People, businesses, make claims,
I check 'em out.
I was on my way home from a job,
a fire in a depot.
Do you think it was arson?
Well, the CCTV
and the alarm system were down
and someone had moved
50 gallons of gasoline
into the repackaging area, so, yeah,
I guess it could have happened that way.
So maybe somebody
brought this plane down
- to stop you from reporting.
- [scoffs]
Too late. I already did.
I was on my way to Dallas via Houston.
I'm not married. No kids.
I'm Amy Maclean.
That's the name
I'm getting used to because
I just got married in Vegas
five weeks ago.
This is my knight in shining
armor. My husband, Dan.
We went on honeymoon in Mexico,
then Belize, then over to Guatemala,
and then, I guess, we got
on the wrong plane home.
And I'm the luckiest man in the world.
Maybe not the choice of flight,
but, um, choosing you.
I promise I will look after you. Okay?
I'm I'm Travis Davies.
This here is my better half,
my lovely wife, Lisa.
We run a chain of motels
across Kansas, Oklahoma.
You got a MAGA sticker
in the back of your car,
we'll give you a ten percent discount.
Yeah, ten percent.
We started it after the 2020 election.
Uh, stolen election.
And we've stuck with it ever since.
- But we're open to everyone.
- Uh-huh.
What were you doing in Guatemala?
What about you, honey? You're
from England, is that right?
- Yeah, from London.
- And what brings you out here?
I was in Chiapas
on the Guatemalan border
and dropped down to Guatemala City.
You work?
Why are you asking me these questions?
Why do you want to know?
Whoa! Hey. Steady.
I feel like we're going to be
stuck here together for a while,
so we might as well
get to know each other.
Where's the harm in that?
Maybe I came out here because
I don't want people to know me.
I don't want to answer your questions.
- Okay with that?
- [Dan softly] Yeah.
Sure, yeah.
Definitely English.
- Mmm.
- Mmm.
[Kevin clears throat]
Well, I I don't mind talking.
Uh, I'm Kevin Anderson.
used to practice medicine,
and, uh, now I buy and sell
medical equipment.
That's why I was on this flight.
You were You were selling stuff?
No, buying. The Guatemalans make
face masks, thermometers,
artery forceps,
a lot of surgical stuff.
It's good quality at very low prices.
I'm afraid our pilot is
in no shape to join in,
but his name is Octavio,
and I guess he's local,
from Guatemala City.
[Octavio coughs and groans]
That just leaves you.
Carlos Luchador.
That it?
What more do you want me to say?
Luchador? Is that your last name or?
I don't even know what that means.
Lucha libre. Mexican wrestling.
You don't know what that means?
You have never heard
of El Santo or Gory Guerrero?
- No, I have not. Have you?
- No.
- Uh-uh.
- [Carlos laughs]
So you have baseball, you have NFL.
You have your guns
and Superman and Batman,
but lucha libre is all
of those things and more.
It is our blood.
- Okay. Christ, I only asked.
- Stop it.
You on your way to a fight?
Three days' time, yes.
A big fight.
I've been in training camp
for months now, preparing,
making myself ready.
Everything in my life
has been leading up to this.
Well, I hope you make it.
I will.
We're not gonna be here for three days.
[Zack] We may be in more trouble
than we think.
We can't use our cell phones.
None of us has a signal.
Is that right?
So when the plane came down,
it should have set off its ELT,
that's the Emergency
Locator Transmitter,
which would allow the FAA to track us.
But for all we know, it could
have broken in the crash.
Well, how do we find out?
We find out if nobody comes.
Now, Octavio wasn't able to say much,
but he did say
the GPS system had failed,
which meant he had to fly
the old-fashioned way,
with maps and compass.
- They call it dead reckoning.
- Yeah.
Except we're the ones who end up dead.
Anyway, he had another problem,
he was out of gas.
Well, how do you know?
Well, the props stopped turning
a minute before we came down.
Didn't you hear it?
When the plane hit
the ground there was a fire,
but we didn't blow up.
We were lucky, in a way,
that the tanks were empty.
Do we have any idea where we are?
We have maps. We can try
and work it out in the morning.
Where do we sleep tonight?
Um, we should go in the plane.
You can do that if you want,
but I think you'd be better off outside.
[Zack] Yeah, the weather's dry.
I don't think there's too much
to be worried about
in the Mexican jungle.
- Snakes.
- Snakes and spiders.
Yeah, but, you know,
they're more scared of us
than we are of them.
Yeah, that's what you say, but I
don't like anything that bites.
[Zack] Well, the main body
of the plane is still intact.
It'll be stuffy in there
but you can sleep inside
if it makes you feel more comfortable.
The rest of us can salvage
cushions, blankets
You're doing an awful lot
of talking, Zack.
But here's a question.
Who put you in charge?
Well, Kevin
I asked you to do one thing
and you decided not to do it.
Octavio is over there maybe dying,
so I don't feel like
I'm in charge at all.
But if you want to take over,
that's fine.
Maybe it'll inspire you
to get off your ass and help.
I told you, there's nothing
I can do to help!
- Why not try?
- Because I'll kill him!
- Is that what you want?
- He's dying anyway!
[Sonja] That's enough!
Things are bad enough anyway.
We can't fall out with each other.
She's right.
[Lisa] Maybe we should
talk about supplies.
If what Zack has said is correct
we might be here for a while.
Now, I don't know if any of you
noticed a river or a lake
on the way down, but we checked
and there's, um,
15 bottles of water,
which is not adequate for nine people,
not for very long.
Especially if it gets hotter.
And food? Tonight we have
fruit and salad.
- Oh!
- A few sandwiches.
Might as well eat them.
They're not going to last long,
then after that,
well, we're gonna have
to find our own food.
[daunting music]
[bird cawing]
- Is this it?
- We've got to make it last.
Here, you can take mine.
You think we could get
a signal up there?
It's a lot higher than you think.
I guess it's worth a try.
[Lisa] Here.
- What are those?
- Beta blockers.
You got heart issues?
I had a minor heart attack
six months ago.
And I ain't heard the end of that.
- Shush!
- You take them daily?
Yeah, and nitro-glycerine.
- How many you got left?
- Six days.
More than enough.
[Octavio coughing]
[Octavio wheezing]
[coughing continues]
What are we going to do about him?
You heard what Kevin said.
There's nothing we can do.
We we can't just leave him there.
Coughing like that.
I I can't sleep out here
and listen to him all night!
- Amy
- No!
It's wrong!
We're not even trying to help him!
[Dan] Amy.
I'm sorry. She's, uh
She's right.
[Octavio wheezing]
[Octavio coughing]
All right.
I'm going to need boiling water.
Half a gallon of it.
Well, there goes the drinking water.
Antiseptic cream, bandages.
You'll find those in the first aid kit
- inside the plane.
- I'm on it.
And if you see a bottle
of vodka, grab that too.
About an hour before sundown so,
we'll do it outside.
More bugs and insects
but also more light.
I've got a few things in my
except a scalpel.
- Shit!
- What?
I can't do this unless I have a
a heavy knife.
A six inch blade, sharp.
You can have this.
Okay. That'll do. Yeah.
- You need that to run a motel?
- Maybe.
I would not like to meet the guests.
Here. I found these.
Good. Zack, you'll be my tech.
- Sure.
- So wash your hands.
And if you have any clean clothes
in what's left
of your luggage, put them on.
[eerie music]
[Octavio wheezing]
- What's all of that?
- Medical samples.
This is what I buy and sell.
No gloves and no disinfectant.
Give me the vodka.
But I thought it was for him.
It's for both of us.
And your belt.
No anesthetic either.
Okay, this isn't going to be
pretty and it might be fatal.
Let's just remember,
you wanted me to do this.
I'm not promising anything.
We have to try.
You mean, I have to try.
[dramatic music]
[Octavio wheezing]
[Octavio screams]
[scream echoes]
[screaming continues]
This is like some terrible nightmare.
[Dan sighs]
I'm sorry, Amy.
It's not your fault.
I promised I'd look after you
and this is where I've brought you.
I wish I could talk to my dad.
Yeah, I wish you could too.
- He'd kill you.
- Don't say that.
You don't know him.
Yeah, but I've read about him
and I've seen him on TV.
He's a tough guy.
Like his daughter. [laughs]
And that is how I know
we're gonna get out of here.
[light fizzles]
Well, there goes the emergency power.
[suspenseful music]
Hey, what is it?
What is it, Amy?
- Didn't you see?
- What?
There was someone there.
[daunting music]
There's no one.
How do you think it's going over there?
Hmm? Oh, I don't even want to look.
Where do you suppose
he's going? Our "Mr. Luchador"?
He doesn't have a lot
to say for himself.
Goddamn Latino.
He doesn't have the language.
What's in the case, do you think?
He nearly got himself killed
trying to fetch it.
[suspenseful music]
Here, help me up.
[grunts with effort]
Yeah. Lucky you had the thread.
Surgical suture.
That I've got plenty of.
Brought about five different
samples back from Guatemala.
He looks okay.
It went about as well
as I could have hoped.
Considering I've never done this before,
in or out of an operating room.
- You did a great job.
- Mmm.
He owes you. We all do.
I'm not saying
there won't be complications.
Post-operative shock. There's
a high chance of infection
[mosquito buzzing]
especially with all
these goddamn mosquitoes.
He's still got
to make it through the night.
You've given him a shot.
That's all we could have asked.
[Zack] Thanks.
I got to wash up.
Hey, a river, a lake,
we'll find water somewhere.
[eerie animal cries]
[bird caws]
[eerie music]
[insect buzzing]
[bird caws]
[daunting music]
[bird caws]
[music fades]
[distant birdcall, insects buzzing]
I'm so sorry.
I did warn you.
[Sonja] You did what you could.
I don't understand it.
There's no sign of infection
or internal bleeding.
I was so sure he was gonna pull through.
- So what killed him?
- Good question.
You got any ideas?
How would I know?
My only guess is what I said,
post-operative shock.
Somebody should have stayed with him.
Well, it's a bit late for that now.
- I didn't hear you volunteer.
- [Kevin] No.
Dan's right. It should have been me.
He was my patient. Goddamn it!
We didn't know anything
about him, Octavio.
He was a pilot, but was he married?
Did he have kids?
And the stewardess?
She died too.
We didn't even know her name.
We don't know anything about any of us.
[Travis] Poor bastard.
Falls out of the sky, survives
the plane crash and now this.
But what do we do with him?
We've got to bury him.
We have to bury both of them.
Forget that. In this heat?
He's right.
- We'll take them with us.
- Yeah.
If we ever get out of here.
[dramatic music]
[eerie music]
cinco, seis,
[ominous music]