Ninjago: Dragons Rising (2023) s01e01 Episode Script

The Merge, Part 1

[Arin] It seems strange now,
but remember when Ninjago
was the only thing on the map?
When it was our entire world?
I used to spend all my time
trying to be like my heroes,
the Ninja.
Practicing their moves,
learning their poses
I wanted to be just like them.
To protect everyone in Ninjago.
To ride dragons into adventure
and mythical realms.
Mysterious lands
that could only exist in legend.
[wind whooshes]
But I quickly found out
those legendary realms
are very real.
And I was about to lose everyone
that was important to me.
My neighborhood must have been
the very center of "The Merge."
But back then,
we didn't know what to call it.
-[Arin] It was just chaos.
[bird squawks]
[tires screech]
Arin, get inside!
It's too dangerous out there!
-[screaming continues]
[Arin] That's when my heroes,
the Ninja, arrived!
We were in so much danger,
but I couldn't help but be excited.
Hey, kid, you get lost?
[upbeat action music]
[Arin] Jay, the Lightning Ninja!
Kai, Fire Ninja!
Cole, Earth Ninja!
Zane, Ice Ninja.
Nya, Water Ninja!
the Legendary Green Ninja!
[Lloyd] Hold on, kid.
Green Ninja,
my parents are in that storm!
You gotta save them!
That's what we're here for!
[heroic music]
And that's when it happened.
As I saw
my small neighborhood disappear
and a new city
show up on the horizon,
I realized I had witnessed
"The Merge" firsthand.
The moment
all the mysterious realms
I had only heard about,
merged with Ninjago,
for reasons no one's been able
to figure out.
I survived,
but I was alone.
My parents
and everyone I ever knew
had vanished.
[Arin] Mom? Dad?
[bird squawking]
With my parents and home gone,
I had to make a new life
for myself.
Before, everyone I knew
looked like me.
Now I walk the streets
with skeleton people,
buy food from snail people,
sell pies to frog people!
And since the Ninja disappeared,
I realized it's up to me
to carry on
their legendary tradition.
[dog barks]
Arin, not to insult the dreams
of my best new friend, but
you are so not a Ninja.
[Arin sighs]
How would you know, Sora?
You didn't grow up with them
like I did.
All I need is
a master to train me.
Sure! Ah, one problem.
There are no Ninja Masters
around anymore.
[Arin] Hey, have you found
what we need yet?
I can only distract these dogs
from making noise for so long.
Uh, I don't have
that many stories to tell.
Give me a second.
Boom! And we didn't even
set off the
[alarm wailing]
[dogs barking]
[security robots]
Halt! Halt! Halt!
[Arin] We should probably leave
right about now.
I always like how you think.
[Arin] Oh, there's gotta be
an easier way
to get mechanical parts!
There is.
It's called "having money."
Which is not exactly
our situation.
After tomorrow it might be!
[security robots]
Halt! Halt! Halt!
[Arin] All right, then. Ninja
-You're not a ninja.
-[Arin] Wannabe Ninja
[upbeat action music]
[Arin grunting]
Rough landing.
But you're getting better at that.
-[Arin grunts]
-Let's go!
[grunts] Can you make a distraction?
I don't think these bots want to hear
my story about the Merge.
Then do something else!
[Arin] Up here!
You, garbage can!
[robot whirring]
[security robots] Dance! Dance! Dance!
Dance! Dance! Dance!
I will never get over
how quickly you can hack stuff like that.
What can I say?
I'm just naturally good at tech stuff.
It's been like that since I was a kid.
We might not have money,
but I'm sure the owners
of this place would love
one of my delicious
homemade pies, right?
As payment for the gear we're "borrowing."
Who doesn't love pie?
[security robots] Dance! Dance! Dance!
-[Sora] Hey, Mrs. R.
-How's the wasp milk today?
Ooh, watch your step, Newt.
[Sora] Hey! Watch where you're going!
[Arin] I still can't get over how amazing
the Kingdom of Imperium looks.
It's perfect, isn't it?
Don't believe everything you hear
about Imperium.
I'm from there, remember?
Their idea of "perfect" isn't mine.
The Merge slamming it up
against Ninjago
gave me the perfect chance
to get out.
And the perfect chance
to meet me.
I'd still like
to go there someday.
Or go anywhere.
I've never been out
of my old neighborhood.
Crossroads just grew up
around the area
where my house used to be.
You want to experience
other places?
Look around!
[Sora] Why go anywhere
when the best of all the realms
have moved here
to the Crossroads?
For example, me.
I'm glad you came here, Sora.
You're my BFF, my fam, but
some of us are only here
because we had
nowhere else to go.
I understand,
but you have to admit,
having our own penthouse is
pretty cool.
Race you to the top!
Last one there's a rotten egg!
-Hey, that's cheating!
-See you!
-Wouldn't wanna be you!
-Careful, Arin,
-you're going too
-[clatters in distance]
-[Arin] Dang it!
Yes! SA-Mark-1 is gonna crush
in the Mech-Master 5,000!
Tomorrow's race is
the biggest prize pot
of all time.
-If we win
-When we win.
Right, right, when we win,
we could find ourselves
a real place to live.
I could build my own Monastery
and invite everyone else
who lost their parents
to live with us.
To carry on the tradition
of the Ninja!
And I could design
a real garage and lab.
And we wouldn't have to pay
for parts
with your pies anymore.
-[both grunt]
Another earthquake?
It seems like
they're happening more often.
They never happened at all
before the Merge.
Hey, do you ever wonder
if there's a greater purpose
for all of this?
Like, a reason for the Merge?
The Merge might have taken away
everything you had, Arin,
but it's given me
everything I have.
Change can be scary.
But it's also a chance
for something better.
The capture was successful?
Of course! Transfer will begin
first thing in the morning.
Your overconfidence is
a weakness, Rapton.
These creatures are dangerous.
Trust me,
this thing isn't going anywhere.
Don't worry, Lord Ras.
Do not disappoint me.
[claw 1]
Lord Ras doesn't sound like
he's got a lot of faith in us.
He's too uptight.
We're the best there is
at rounding up these animals.
[in mocking voice]
"Ugh, your overconfidence
is a weakness."
Let me tell you,
I've never even heard
the word "weakness."
[claw 1] Really?
It's a pretty common word.
No. I
I mean, I just don't know
what that word means.
[claw 1] Seriously?
I I can explain.
Weakness, noun,
the quality of
-Go away.
This guy in here?
He ain't goin' nowhere,
ain't ya?
-[evil laugh]
The last call to register
for the Mech-Master 5000!
The greatest race
[Sora] In the history
of the Crossroads.
And we're here to win it!
Sora! Arin!
Always happy to peep
you two wild scamps.
Up top!
Good to see you too,
Mr. Frohicky.
Wait. That's your mech?
[chuckles] No offense, Sora, but, uh,
not one of your more impressive builds,
is it, hmm?
It's easily underestimated. Just like us.
Sure, but I've got top mechs
from around the merged realms here.
Like an Underworld Mech.
Freaky Leapy.
There's even a uh, uh [splutters]
that thing.
[Lobbo] Lobbo-lobbo.
Oh, that's Lobbo! He's a good guy.
But, uh, never ask him about his mom.
It's a it's a very touchy subject.
Plus, all the regulars.
It could get pretty vicious.
Maybe you should sit today's race out?
[sighs] Fine.
Then ante up!
I know you're not trying to pay
your registration fees
with baked goods again.
So you don't want a fresh pie
filled with roasted snow-berries
from the Never-Realm?
Fine. I guess we'll just have to toss it.
Maybe the dogs are hungry.
Or maybe the raccoons?
Well, it'd be a shame
to just throw it out.
Fine. [laughs]
Line up.
[sighs, burps]
[machine squeaking]
Ha! They'll let anyone
into these races, won't they?
At least we build
our own gear, Kreel.
We don't have a team of servants
doing the work for us.
They aren't servants!
They're friend-ish people
who work for me.
They're here to cheer
when I crush you!
Like last time.
And the time before,
and, checks notes
Every single time.
You kids don't learn.
Oh, we learn.
But we just don't give up.
And I might've designed
a bit of an upgrade
since the last race.
Come on, Arin. Let's get
our fuel couplings attached
while Kreel contemplates
her impending loss.
I'm not worried.
But just in case,
loosen their cooling cable
while they're gone.
When they hit their turboboost,
their engine will overheat
and explode.
[evil laugh]
Hey! Settle down in there!
[animal screeching]
Nice try, you animal.
You can't
After that thing!
[upbeat music]
[all cheering]
[tires screech]
Are we winning? I can't see.
Tell me we are winning!
Not yet. Get the bumper arms up.
Lobbo on the move. Lobbo-lobbo!
We're coming for you,
you fancy hatted ego-maniac.
Hold on!
[Lobbo] Lobbo avoids hazards.
Hit the turboboost!
No! We can only use it once!
Saving it
for when we really need it.
Those punks? Oh, no, they don't.
We're in the straightaway.
This has got to be the time
to use the turboboost, right?
Get ready to roll around
in prize money,
tossing it in the air
and going "Whee-hee!"
[gasps, grunts]
[tires screeching]
Sora, go! We're so close!
We gotta go after that dragon.
What? We need to win this race!
Those dragon hunters are
the Claws of Imperium!
If they catch that dragon
the things they'll do to him.
Trust me, we have to stop them.
Arin! What would the Ninja do?
Let's save that dragon.
-[grunts] Get up! Get up!
-[Lobbo] Lobbo-lobbo.
Lobbo wins!
[all cheering]
Lobbo a success.
See, Lobbo's mother?
Can a "malfunctioning tin can" do that?
[suspenseful music]
No need to tell Ras
about this minor slip up, understood?
[Arin] Hop on, buddy!
What? Who are these kids now? Get them!
[Arin chuckles nervously]
Uh, looks like we're in another race.
Then good thing we've still got
that turboboost ready to go.
[crackles, explodes]
[both shouting]
-[Arin grunts]
-[Sora] Arin
[uplifting music]
Uh, did one of us make that thing explode?
I mean [chuckles]
I'm sure it was us, right?
[claw 1] Uh
[Rapton] Dragons are resilient.
Our target will survive.
Those kids, not so much.
Let's get down there
and drag the lizard off the pavement.
[claw 1] That's different
than it was before, right?
[Arin] How did you do all this?
I honestly do not know.
But now's not the time
for questions.
It's the time for
[Arin] Whoo-hoo!
Now it's my turn!
Self-trained Wannabe Ninja
without a master, go!
Oh. Close enough.
[Arin laughs]
Lord Ras,
we were just about to
You failed me.
I do not like that.
[Rapton grunts]
[Arin] Uh, do you know
who this guy is?
-[Sora] No clue.
-He doesn't seem very nice.
[Arin grunting]
What? How'd you
[Lord Ras grunts]
You are just the first.
Now, I'm going to hunt down
your entire family.
Wherever they are.
Put the prisoners on the train. Quickly!
I trust you won't have any more problems.
Yes, Lord Ras. I mean, no, Lord Ras.
What do you think they'll do to us?
Whatever it is,
they'll do worse to that dragon.
The Claws of the Imperium
come from Imperium,
same as me.
And Imperium runs
entirely on dragon power.
With all these merged realms,
I'm sure they're hunting dragons
everywhere now.
But they say dragon power is safe.
Safe for who?
You saw the look in that dragon's eyes.
It wanted to be free.
Just like I did.
So, uh, I've known you for a while now,
and you've always been pretty good
with tech, but
I have no idea.
You turned pieces of the SA-Mark-1
into a flying mech, in midair!
Yeah. That was weird, right?
Well, that's one word for it.
Other words would be amazing,
impossible, defying all logic or reason!
It was that dragon.
I could feel it awaken something in me.
Some kind of power.
Like the Elemental Powers the Ninja had!
Powers I've dreamed of having.
Water, fire, ice.
Not everything is tied
to your lost heroes, you know.
If I lose hope
that the Ninja could come back,
then I lose hope
my parents could come back.
Hope is the only thing
the Merge didn't take from me.
Well, hope won't be enough anymore.
We can't build you a new Ninja Monastery
from an Imperium prison.
It's called the "Monastery of Spinjitzu."
But you're right.
The dream's over, isn't it?
[claw 1] Hey, what [screams]
[claw 2] Wait. Aren't you
No way!
[uplifting music]
The Green Ninja.
I think that mask belongs to me.
[closing theme music]
Next Episode