P.I. Meena (2023) s01e01 Episode Script

The Sound of Metal

What am I doing?
I'm following a debauched man
to find out about his illicit affairs.
What a job!
What a fucking life!
Two drops of water only.
Stop! I told you, only two drops.
What is this bloody two drops shit?
Ae poda!
"Ae poda?" What does that mean?
Fuck off!
What does "ae poda" mean?
It doesn't mean "fuck off".
-It means "get lost".
-Adda paavi! Would you like a beer?
"Adda paavi!"
Not again, man!
Fuck! You called me a scoundrel?
Nine girls in nine bloody nights!
He's still standing, man!
Stop giggling like a schoolgirl.
That is bloody sexist!
On that note…
let me show you some girl power, my boy.
Hey, Meenakshi…
Meena, come on!
Here I go again.
It's funny.
Maybe this is a stupid idea.
Maybe I'm being reckless.
Actually, it's really reckless!
Well, what do I say?
I am your reckless sister after all!
Excuse me.
Excuse me! Thank you.
I'm so sorry!
I'm really sorry.
It's a new day,
but the same old monotonous life.
And when you look at the giant machineries
of the world grinding away,
you feel tiny.
Tiny like a speck of dust.
But when these tiny specks of dust
collide with each other,
perhaps it could give rise
to something significant. Right?
Well, today doesn't seem significant.
Thirty-two degrees.
Ten percent chance of rain.
Thirty-nine percent humidity.
Nothing unusual.
But there are some mysteries
that the forecast cannot predict.
And by the time you figure it out,
you'll find yourself
in the middle of a storm.
Is anybody there? Please help!
Doctor, is he okay?
The operation is done,
but it's too soon to say anything.
-You… please sit.
-No, I'm fine.
-Did you find his ID?
You have to wait here
for some more time.
Police statements.
-Sorry, I have to take this.
-It's okay.
-Meenakshi, where are you?
What happened?
-Your accident?
Lower your voice.
It's a hit-and-run case.
I brought the victim to the hospital.
Oh, Mother Meenakshi!
You are--
RS is waiting for you.
You need to go and see him.
Yes, I'll be on my way
once I give my statement to the police.
No, no!
You're not giving any statement!
Just get out of there right now
and go to RS. Understood?
The patient is very critical.
I need to go.
I've got some urgent work.
-Here. This is my card.
Meenakshi Iyer. Security Consultant.
Please give this to the police.
I have a meeting to go to.
A meeting?
Like this?
-What now?
-Did you leave yet?
I'm leaving in two minutes.
Don't be pig-headed!
We might just lose our
most important client because of you!
He has been calling incessantly! Just go!
She must be cursing you, sweetheart.
Call girls?
we found nine girls in nine days.
This contains all their details.
You can't get your daughter
married to a debauch.
I have asked you for a report…
not your opinion.
So, you will get her married to him?
I ask questions here.
Send the invoice to my office.
Your payment will be done.
Anna! Anna, stop!
Just get the hell out of here.
Where's my salary?
You haven't given your expense statement
for the last three months,
and you want your salary?
I was busy and you know that.
Transfer my salary!
I can't make that decision.
Go and talk to Sen.
When do you ever take a decision?
-Have you seen Juliet?
-She's in the villain's cabin.
-How's her mood today?
-It's pretty bad.
-She mentioned there was an accident.
Some boy got hit by a truck.
Juliet took him to the hospital.
There was blood on her dress.
So, I left a dress for her.
The people in England
would say, "You're fucked!"
-The boy died?
-I don't know.
I had to leave for a meeting.
An important one!
Well, okay. I'm off.
You guys carry on.
Yeah, alright.
I'll call you later,
-and we'll talk about that.
-Bye. See you.
Sit down.
I haven't got my salary yet.
How will you? You haven't
submitted your expense sheet yet.
I was busy.
Three months, Meenakshi!
I have hospital bills to pay.
I need my salary.
Submit your expense sheet,
and you'll get your salary in no time!
How was the meeting with RS?
How do you think it was? Same shit!
RS was furious.
You crossed a line, Meenakshi.
What line?
A private investigator's job
is to follow the brief.
That debauch sleeps with
a different prostitute every night.
Would you get your daughter
married to someone like him?
I don't have a daughter, and I don't care.
I was trying to do her a good turn.
There's nothing good
in business, Meenakshi.
You just have to look for the right.
Right? For whom?
For business, Meenakshi! What else?
You know what, Meenakshi?
You need to keep your work and emotions
in two different boxes.
I'll get going.
I have to file the expense sheet for you.
Yes, please.
What happened?
Why are you sitting in my chair?
It's all about who takes the chair!
-Ashish, is the printer working?
-Yes, Meenakshi.
Meena! Guess what I found on the dark net?
I got scanned copies
of the letters written by
the incumbent president of San Marino.
And where is San Marino?
You need to brush up on your
general knowledge, Meenakshi.
Shut up!
-This black coat is my pride.
-Fuck off!
Are you angry?
Is it Sen or Jain?
Don't know who's a bigger asshole.
Jain or Sen.
-Meenakshi Di…
-Don't "Meenakshi Di" me!
What is it?
We have a Secret Santa party
day after tomorrow.
Secret Santa party?
Christmas is long gone.
But we didn't have
a Christmas party this time.
I'm broke.
-The gift budget is only 500 rupees.
-I don't have any money.
Please just pick one.
Everyone's coming to the party.
Come on, Di--
Sorry. Meenakshi.
Thank you.
Subho, behave.
Pritam… Pritam Sen.
-Why are you here?
Why are you here?
We need to discuss a new project
on following someone.
First, clear your pending bills.
Only then will we follow anyone.
Oh, really?
-Hello, madam.
This is Kunal Kumar Hazra
from Zone-3 police station.
Good afternoon, madam.
What is it?
We have to record your statement.
You need to come to the police station.
Well, I'll take an hour to get there.
That's okay. Make sure you come.
Hello, Mr. Fraud!
-What's up?
-All good, sir.
I'm discussing a new project
with Meenakshi.
What is it about?
You can tell me.
Don't worry, it's my office.
You know the minister
Nandan Sen, right?
We need to follow him for 24 hours.
Oh, excellent!
Go get him!
We have to take this one.
-But, sir, he has pending bills--
-Those will be cleared.
First, take the details of this case.
Come on. Get back to work.
Thanks, man!
Damn it!
You chose this profession, my dear.
I have to go and record my statement.
Shall I drop you?
I got my uncle's car today.
I'm not gonna get arrested.
I don't need a lawyer.
You never know, Meenakshi.
I'll go with you.
-Call me if they arrest you.
-I will.
I'll park the car near the jetty.
Okay. Tell me, madam.
I was at the accident spot.
Yeah, one minute.
The accident spot…
The eyewitness--
Madam, what were you doing there…
early in the morning?
I had gone to meet someone.
I see.
I have your card.
Sundial Securities.
You work for Pritam Sen, don't you?
Bloody rogue!
So, you're a private detective.
Security consultant.
-The bike came from the airport--
-Wait a minute.
So, the bike…
The bike came from the airport
and the truck came from the City Center.
Did you happen to note
the truck registration number?
What's wrong with you?
You're a private detective!
What did you even do if you didn't note
the truck registration number?
I took the boy to the hospital.
I found his ID in his bag
and handed it over to the doctor.
That's what I did.
Good job!
You did good.
Now please sign here.
Did you see the CCTV footage?
I made a mistake, madam.
Now I'll have to learn how to do
my job from a private detective.
Really sorry, madam.
Please call me if you
have any more questions.
Just pray that the boy makes it.
It's a young life, madam.
And you know…
youth is the force that
holds us together, madam!
Hey, what's wrong?
I'm Chandana.
Chandana Dey.
I'm Partho's mother.
The boy you took to the hospital.
Oh, right. How is Partho doing?
Are you a detective?
Private detective.
It wasn't an accident.
Some people were trying to kill him.
And… he has slipped into a coma.
He can't talk.
I need your help. Please.
You should talk to the police about this.
The police won't believe me.
They are asserting
that it was an accident.
There's nothing I can do
to help you. I'm sorry.
You're a detective.
I'm a private detective!
We don't have actual powers.
Besides, private detection
is illegal in India.
I'm sorry.
-Is Mr. Sen still in office?
Is Mr. Sen still in office?
Yes, he's still in there.
Hello, sir? Do you need anything?
No, I'm fine.
Will you take more time?
Yes, I've got some work.
Okay, I'm leaving and
there's nobody else in the office.
Yeah, alright.
Bye, Meenakshi. Take care.
What are you doing here?
I ran away from home, Meenakshi.
I'm really scared.
Come in.
Listen, Madhu.
I'll have to inform your dad
that you are with me,
but right now
I'm not in the mood for it.
I've had a really rough one today.
Where else can I go?
How am I supposed to know?
You were the one who asked me
to get the hell out of there!
I tried talking to your dad, you know?
You can stay here for the time being.
Let's go.
-What are you doing?
-Come with me!
-Let her go!
-Get lost!
Meenakshi Iyer-- Shut up!
Stay away from my family matters.
Or else, I'm going to fuck you up!
Let's go home. I said, let's go!
Meenakshi, this is Chandana.
Partho is no more.
I'm sorry.
It wasn't an accident.
Some people were trying to kill him.
What's wrong with you?
You're a private detective!
What did you even do if you didn't
note the truck registration number?
When did you find out?
Just two days ago.
What's the progress on
the airport hit-and-run case?
Sir, the boy died last night.
Yeah, I know that.
Did you find the truck?
the CCTV in that spot
wasn't working on that day.
And the only eyewitness,
a very young girl…
forgot to take note of
the truck's registration number.
I see.
Did you forget too?
No, sir.
The autopsy is scheduled
for the evening and then--
Look, Hazra, the forensic department
already has a lot of pending cases.
Don't unnecessarily
overburden them with work.
Release the body.
Sir, I will need your
formal authorization.
You'll get it.
Get going.
Check out this video.
About 100 kilometers
from Bagdogra is Littnong,
a small village where
people are dying of a mysterious fever.
Is this a new virus?
Is this a new virus?
I think we need to make
this accident disappear.
Of course!
And wipe the video
from the face of the earth.
Also, keep an eye on everyone related
to this case.
Bro, I've been calling you.
I need a big favor.
Not today, Adi. I can't.
My mom is extremely unwell.
I have to take her to a doctor, so--
I'm really sorry, but--
I'm following some fucker, man!
It's only a matter of three hours.
-Fill in for me--
-I can't do it, Adi. Ask someone else.
Thank you.
Come to my cabin right now.
That fucking Adi…
Just a second.
What happened?
Are you in an abusive relationship?
What? No!
What happened?
I got into a fight.
A fight? With whom?
With RS Jain's son.
Last night, Madhu ran away from home
and came straight to me.
Her brother came over
to take her back home.
Damn, that bastard!
Did he touch you?
Why did you want to see me?
No! This is just not done!
I mean how dare he come to your place!
I'll put that fucker in his place.
He is in his place.
At home, with his loving dad.
You want me to take over
from Adi, I'll do it.
I'll talk to RS.
Actually, let it be.
I was the one who advised Madhu
to run away from home.
What the heck!
Virus classification is the process
of naming viruses
and placing them into a taxonomic system…
much like the classification systems
used for cellular organisms.
This is mainly…
M. S. Arnab Sahu, hereby mentioned as…
party number one.
How's your mom?
Kidney stones. Bloody stress!
I'm sorry, man.
What now?
She has been put on some bloody pills.
This is no amour.
"Amour" is French!
Love… love!
Meet his wife and get some information.
Otherwise, it's just a wild goose chase.
What's the need for that, bro?
I've been briefed to follow and record,
so that's what I'm doing.
Why would I do more than
I've been told to?
Maybe you're right.
-Fuck this, and I'm leaving.
Pay the bill.
I'll be right back.
Subho Roy.
What are you doing here?
Meenakshi Iyer. She's my friend.
Come on, sir!
A fraud lawyer and a private detective.
What a terrible cocktail!
Sir, you're giving me ideas.
The mother thinks that her son
has been murdered.
Poor woman!
One can't think straight
when one is grieving.
It upsets me.
What does your girlfriend have to say?
Nothing. She doesn't want to get
herself involved in this matter.
I'll get going.
I need to get some papers signed.
Excuse me. You need to…
Just sign here.
It's good that he's dead.
There's no point in living
like a vegetable, right?
Fuck! Meenakshi, I'm so sorry.
Meenakshi, I didn't mean that.
I really didn't.
Meenakshi, please!
Hey, please hear me out!
Hey, what's up?
Yeah, Adi?
I've received the video of Subho's case.
Shall I send it to you?
No. Just send it to Subho directly.
Are you sure?
-Well, alright. Bye.
Madam, they're going.
Driver, please follow that car.
Hey, Mr. Union Leader!
What's up?
You're on the dark net again!
Of course! It's too much fun.
Do you remember Rajat…
from college?
The guy who played the guitar.
He died yesterday.
-Heart attack.
First batch mate gone.
Yes. First batch mate.
What are you doing, man?
This is my ticket to my ticket.
-Come here.
Look at this.
I was asked by the opposition leader
to follow the minister.
Now if I find some dirt on this minister,
then I'll have the ticket
to next year's election.
-So, you want to contest the election!
-Of course.
Have you learned nothing from your friend?
Look at what politics has done to me!
Brother, I don't follow politics
because it's my passion.
It's just business.
Be it law or elections,
it's all done for money, man.
You are out of your senses.
I am having fun with whatever is going on.
Keep going straight.
How are you?
You know…
I feel like I fucked it up for Madhu Jain.
Sen told me that I should do
what's right for the business.
But I can't do that.
I… I just can't.
What do you think?
Joy, wake up now!
How long will you keep doing this?
Enough of this sleeping, you sleepyhead!
Partho is no more.
Subho said…
that it's better to die than
to live in a vegetative state…
like you have been living in.
Partho's mother doesn't believe
that it was an accident.
She thinks someone was trying to kill him.
She needs my help, Joy.
How can I help her?
This is Partho's uncle…
Mr. Chitranjan Dey.
Lives in Delhi.
This is Partho's girlfriend,
Rini Majumdar.
She lives in Kalighat.
They went to college together.
This is his mother, Chandana Dey.
She's always at the police station.
She thinks the boy was murdered.
This is Dr. Basu…
Partho's professor at
St. Cuthbert's College, Kolkata.
Seems to have been close to the boy.
And she is Meenakshi Iyer…
the eyewitness.
She's a private detective.
Any specific brief, sir?
Just keep an eye on the girl.
It feels like I have
entered a boxing ring.
And I'm still unaware
that this will lead to a killer virus,
and the most reckless thing
one can even imagine.
Killing someone.
But, Joy, I'm your reckless sister.
I have to do what I have to do,
and I will.
Next Episode