Paatal Lok (2020) s01e01 Episode Script


This whole world
this universe
it's actually segregated
into three universes.
Right on top are "the Heavens."
That's where the Gods reside.
In the middle is "the Earth"
where the humans live.
At the very bottom is
"the Paatal Lok (Netherworld)."
The one that belongs to the insects -
the creepy crawlies.
It's all there in our scriptures, but
I read it on WhatsApp.
Come on, man.
They haven't even announced
the test results yet.
If I pass, I'll have to prepare
for the interview anyway.
God forbid
what if you don't?
Well, then I got to prepare
for the next year's test.
Buddy, no book's ever
going to teach you
what I'm telling you about.
Yes, sir!
The three universes.
Our station
Outer Jamuna Paar,
that's the fucking netherworld.
Which cockroach got murdered here
which bug's bike got nicked
which flea is giving
his wife a black eye
no one really gives a fuck.
No matter how good your investigation is,
no promotion for solving a case like this.
So I should then be praying for
a Lutyens' Delhi posting.
Ashoka Road, Aurangzeb Road?
That's where heaven is, right?
Well that it is.
But what happens in
heaven stays in heaven.
No word ever gets out.
Nothing for a poor cop then to
investigate, or get promoted.
-Shakurpuri JJ Colony.
A complaint just came
in from Shakurpuri JJ colony.
The nearest PCR van to respond.
Preet Vihar, Vasant Vihar
Mehrauli, Noida
Now, that's Earth.
But every once in a while,
the crawlies from Netherworld
crawl out into the open.
And bite at their precious souls.
And when that happens, there's a scandal.
Aarushi scandal,
Nithari scandal.
And that's the only kind
of investigation that will get
a cop promoted in this town.
Sir, I'm not sure I agree.
When did you join the force?
It hasn't been that long, sir.
Been about three months.
Three months.
I have spent fifteen years
in this netherworld, kid.
You got to believe me.
-This is just your routine, isn't it?
-It was me who called.
Just look at the way he is going at her.
Happens everyday.
I will drink!
-I will, got it?
-How dare you, dog!
Why don't you just die?
Just go and die somewhere.
Leave me!
Hey, come here!
You bloody buffoon.
How dare you touch my man?
Your ugly body is going to rot and stink.
You'll have roaches
coming out of your ass.
Get Master ji on the phone.
It's been three fucking days.
Just let me speak to Master ji.
Let's go.
We forgot to add that
canceled order to the final bill.
Exactly, it was canceled.
So why add to the bill?
But you ordered it!
I never ate it though, did I?
You'll have to talk to the manager.
Go fuck yourself.
Bloody cheapskate.
Step on it.
Lose them, motherfucker!
Come on, they're getting away.
Quick, quick!
Don't let them get away.
Where the fuck are you guys?
Overtake them, now!
Block him.
Back away, fucker!
Turn around.
Now what's going on over there?
Get the camera. Quick.
Media media!
Cover them.
Open the boot, motherfucker!
Out of the car, now!
-Nab him!
-Come on, out!
Come on!
Hey, wait!
Stop right there, motherfucker!
Easy, asshole. The car's brand new.
Catch him!
Guns on hold.
Move back, move back.
It's the Delhi Police.
Move back!
Handle them!
Reports coming of a big incident
on the Yamuna Bridge.
PCR vans to respond.
Step back!
Move back.
-Hey move aside.
-Move back.
-Delhi Police.
-Inspector Hathi Ram Chaudhary.
Outer Jamuna Paar Police Station.
This area is under our jurisdiction.
Hold on for a moment, sir.
-DCP Bhagat, from the headquarters.
-Jai Hind, sir.
Inspector Hathi Ram Chaudhary,
Outer Jamuna Paar Police Station.
-Get the crowd under control, Chaudhary.
-Sure, sir.
And book these four under
your police station.
Sir, what are the charges?
Conspiracy to murder.
Please, move your cameras!
-Step back!
-You can't do this, sir.
Kabir M.
What's M?
I need the full name.
M. That's it, sir.
You from down South?
Sounds like a South-Indian name.
Bhati, search him.
Stand up.
I said, stand up.
Now, strip.
I don't have all day.
Tell me your name, asshole.
What's wrong with you, man?
Don't you know the media
and the bosses are around?
Just doing my job, sir!
These fuckers won't give their names.
Step aside.
You, stand up.
Hands in the air.
Take down the details.
His mother called from Meerut.
Take your clothes off.
-So, the mother goes--
-Ma'am, I've done nothing wrong.
I work at that mall, Shoppers' Zone.
Just hitched a ride with these guys.
So the mother goes,
"Your Police Station is on TV.
Why don't you come out
and wave at me?"
Can you even believe it?
Well, her knees are better off
Hold on.
I said strip, strip you bitch.
Take this off.
But the damned thing
gave her ulcers down there
Those pills generate a lot of heat.
We recently got the house painted.
So, what else is on TV?
And this right here is the yellow phone.
And now see it go flying
right into the dark depths
of the Yamuna river.
Right in front of the
eyes of the Delhi Police.
But the big question
is what was in this phone
that the accused was trying to hide?
Talk about bad timing!
Sir, I can do this.
Chaudhary, step outside.
Who's going to lead the investigation?
Sir, Vikas Bahl.
He's on leave right now.
But should be back in a week.
Can't delay the
investigation by a week.
Chaudhary made the arrest.
Let him handle it.
Sir, Chaudhary doesn't have it in him.
It's a big case.
And he has got no track
record of investigations.
It's an open and shut case.
We caught them red-handed,
for God's sake.
All he has to do is
just follow the rule book.
-Yes, sir.
-Brief Chaudhary.
-Okay, sir.
Sir, where did the tip
come from?
An anonymous call from a
public phone in Munirka.
And what exactly was the tip?
Nothing much.
Just that these four staying at Hotel
Uptown were planning a murder.
Hotel Uptown.
But how did the tipper know
of their plan to murder?
Maybe he was from their gang.
Or someone overheard something
at the hotel.
We're hoping you'll figure
out the rest.
Sure, sir. But doesn't the
Intelligence department
normally pass on such tips
to the local station?
Sir, Chaudhary thinks we broke the
protocol by arresting them ourselves.
-No, sir. I just--
-He's right.
You are absolutely right.
But there wasn't enough time.
The tipper said the kill
was to happen today.
There was no time to bring
you guys in.
But the bastards sniffed
something and fled
till we caught them on the bridge.
Any info on who the target was?
As you can see,
Singh Saab is being more than fair
with his revised offer.
I guess I'll have to repeat
what I said in the last meeting.
I am not resigning.
I've given four years
to this damn channel.
Built it from scratch.
And if he thinks he
can just throw me out--
Sir, it's nothing personal.
Singh Saab is just going by the--
Your Singh Saab can go fuck himself.
Can you give us
a few minutes, Rajeev?
I'll send some fresh
coffee in the conference room.
It's not just about the ratings, Sanjeev.
Singh knows something else too.
That you've been looking for dirt on
their Delhi - Sonipat Expressway deal.
Singh is not the guy
you mess with, Sanjeev.
Just as we were speaking about the
freedom of Press in this country,
we have some startling
breaking news just coming in from Delhi.
Four people have been arrested
and it seems a prominent
journalist is under the attack.
We'll take you straight to the
Outer Jamuna Paar police station in Delhi
where we have Kaveri on the ground there
covering this piece of startling news
Sir, you really need to see this.
After a dramatic chase, a team of
Delhi Police Intelligence
managed to catch all the four accused
who are now locked up
in this very police station.
The police refuses
to disclose further
but our sources in the police
department have revealed
that the target of this failed
assassination attempt
could have been journalist
Sanjeev Mehra.
Of course, at this point of
time, it is unconfirmed information
and we're trying our
best to get this verified
by the higher authorities
in Delhi police.
But from the look of it,
this seems like another attack
on the Freedom of
Press in this country.
it's the Police Commissioner.
Hello, sir.
This is Jai Malik, his colleague.
Where is his slate?
The bastard won't speak.
We didn't get his full
set of fingerprints either.
Come on, give us a show.
They say even the dead sing here.
Just wait till the court appearance, mate.
You too shall sing like a canary.
What is his name?
Wasn't telling us his own name.
He's the smart ass of the lot.
Why did you throw
the phone in the water?
What phone?
It's on TV, motherfucker!
They show just about
anything on TV, sir.
See what I mean, sir?
Sir, the evidence listing is done.
We found some dollars on the girl,
along with this phone.
Who is the artist here?
It's Kabir M.
He also had this strange
medical certificate on him.
Looks like a circumcision certificate.
Wasn't he the one driving the car?
Yes, sir.
I think it's stolen.
The number plate and
chassis details don't match.
We're running a check on it.
Check their records.
Let's see what the system throws up,
especially on this one.
I don't think I can go on air tonight.
And we can't run this.
The Police haven't confirmed anything.
What did the Commissioner
say on the phone?
He'll get back to us when
he has something concrete.
If we run this now,
and it turns out to be false,
we're going to look like amateurs.
I know.
But it's the top story
tonight on every other channel.
We don't want to miss out on it.
Last I checked I was the one making
editorial decisions around here.
Of course.
Ask Gayatri to take over 9 PM.
And tell her we're
not running this story.
Been a rough day.
Come, I'll drop you home.
Move aside.
Make way, please.
Move out.
-Don't blame us if you get hit.
-Please move.
They'll blame us afterwards. Move!
Yes, Dolly. I told you I am fine.
Yes, yes.
Please, move.
Step out of the way!
Yeah, I'm coming home.
On my way. Yeah, bye.
What the fuck!
Who are these people?
They are us.
So, who do you think
can be behind this?
Singh Saab?
That's taking it too far, Sanjeev.
But didn't you say he's
not the guy you mess with?
Maybe, it's Dashrath Kumar.
I doubt.
It's been three years since.
Snakes and politicians
they never forget.
After all, you had ruined
his political career.
Do you not remember?
What do you think, sir?
Is it Dashrath Kumar who
sent these four guys?
Well, there's definitely
a big daddy behind them.
Else why'd they try
and get rid of that phone?
Sir, didn't you think
the Intelligence guys
were a bit reluctant
in giving out the details?
We didn't really get
much from them!
Look, these guys down
at the headquarters
they think us worthy of
only traffic arrangements.
Not for any serious police work.
So they filter out the
information for us.
Need to know basis.
Who is it now?
-Sir, this is Shefali from Times.
Who's that?
Wanted to get your comment
on the Sanjeev Mehra case.
Oh, damn!
Ma'am, the investigation is still on.
It's still a work in progress.
And currently we can
only give information on
-Need to know basis.
Yes, Mom. What's up?
Sanjeev's absolutely fine.
Yes, I am good too.
Yes, Mom, all's well.
No, I am not stressed at all.
It's all good.
Listen, Mom. It's nothing.
Yes, just hold on for a second.
Just wait, Mom.
There you are, my baby!
Ma'am, are you talking
to your husband?
Ma'am, how did you feel when you
learnt of the attack on him?
What will be the first thing you say
to him when he gets home?
Just what I feared.
You can go.
I'll sneak in from the back door.
Are you sure?
Be careful.
Yeah, Dolly.
Sanjeev, I am very scared.
Where are you?
I need you.
I am on my way, Dolly.
I am right here.
Did you take your pills?
I can't breathe, Sanjeev.
I just can't breathe.
They are there everywhere
outside the house.
I couldn't even step
out to feed Savitri.
Dolly, what do you want me to do?
Just come home, Sanjeev.
Please just come home.
Come home and tell me we'll be fine.
Just hold me, please.
Just do something.
Come fast, please!
For God's sake, Dolly
You know I almost got killed today.
For once, can it not be
about you and your anxiety?
Why are you saying all this?
Why are you saying all this, Sanjeev?
I was worried sick since morning.
Everything I do, I do it for you.
So a penguin walks into a bar,
and he goes up to the bartender and says
"I am looking for my brother.
Have you seen him?"
And the bartender goes
"I don't know. What does he look like?"
You know because penguins,
they all look the same.
Sara, right?
Sara Mathews. 6 p.m. Feature.
Looks like you haven't
heard the breaking news tonight.
Of course I did.
I just figured that if you
wanted to talk about it,
then you wouldn't be sitting
alone in a bar right now.
You know I was
I was in my last term at Cornell,
when you did that
Dashrath Kumar story.
And the sheer audacity of it
The next day you went
right up to him,
with cameras in his face
to break this story of the sting.
And just what does he have
say to admit his guilt?
One word.
That's when I decided that I'm
I'm gonna come back to
India and work for you.
We used to be heroes, you know.
People like us.
And then something about
this country changed.
And now we get trolled, and killed
Sir, we're closing.
we even get thrown out of bars.
Move away, you stink.
Not the first time I've heard that.
Not the first time you're
walking in drunk, either.
Thank you for killing the mood.
I wanted to tell you something.
Switch off this bloody disco
before sleeping at least!
Don't you dare touch my Gods.
Wait, I'll heat it up.
Now, who asked you to get up?
Should've thought of it
before getting all romantic.
Now that you're up
can you give me a massage?
My head is throbbing.
So, what was it that you
wanted to tell me?
An investigation has come my way.
I'll be reporting straight to the
headquarters, to the DCP.
You should've seen Virk's face--
So you got promoted finally?
Why don't you ever pay attention, woman?
It's not a promotion.
But it's a big case.
The first one in ages.
If I crack it, I can probably still
make something of myself.
-Why did you stop?
How did Sanjeev Mehra's
name leak to the media?
It was sensitive information, right?
Only your team knew about it,
apart from Intelligence.
Ansari and I were
still in the briefing
when the news had leaked out.
Bhagat is pissed.
We could've done without all the
attention the case is going to get now.
Jai Hind, sir.
What's the update, Chaudhary?
I've no idea how Sanjeev Mehra's
name got leaked to the media
Screw all that.
What's the update on the case?
Sir, that Tope Singh seems
like the leader of the pack.
We're trying to get their
records out in the meantime.
I am sending two officers
for Mehra's security.
You take them along when
you go to brief Mehra.
Yes, sir.
Sir how much do we
give out to him at this stage?
Need to know basis, Chaudhary.
Yes of course, sir.
Why the fuck haven't
we found that phone yet?
Look for it.
Only thing that will calm
these assholes down.
Yes, sir.
-I am sorry.
-It's okay, honey. I am fine.
Hathi Ram Chaudhary, sir.
Outer Jamuna Paar Police Station.
Sanjeev Mehra.
Everyone knows who you are, sir.
Ma'am said you weren't
home last night.
Yeah, there were all these
reporters outside the house.
So I checked myself into a hotel.
You will have to be a little
careful for some time, sir.
Take these guys along
wherever you go.
And there'll be another
team for the night shift.
Is there anyone you suspect?
Any old enemies?
A powerful man you exposed
in the past. Feathers you ruffled
Part of the job.
Are you having an affair?
Routine questions, sir.
Just trying to get the
obvious out of the way.
Nope, nothing like that.
You got anything on those four?
Early days, sir.
You might have to drop by the police
station for identification.
I'll take your leave then.
Sir, we're still trying to
get his name out.
Vishal Tyagi.
Tope Singh.
Kabir M.
Mary Lyngdoh.
And Vishal Tyagi.
Fourteen day police remand approved.
Sir, I'm calling from Delhi Police,
the Outer Jamuna Paar police station.
We've a stolen car
from Muzaffarnagar RTO.
Four arrests. Can you run their
records through your system?
Their names read
Good you came early.
There's pasta for dinner.
Kill me already.
Where is Siddharth?
Can you explain?
When were you planning
to tell us you flunked?
And this
How come my signature
is on the report card?
I don't want to go to that school.
So which school do
you want to go to?
Happy Valley.
All my friends go there.
For they are a bunch of useless lot.
Do you even know what it takes
to get admitted to your school?
Any idea how much I begged
my bosses to put in a word?
Too bad!
-Don't you dare!
-What's wrong with you two?
Always ready to butt heads.
Then why don't you
knock some sense into him?
Did you even know his
mid-term results were out?
Always ready to lecture!
What now?
Sir, can you come down
to the station?
We got their criminal records out.
That Vishal Tyagi is
Hathoda (Hammer) Tyagi.
The most wanted gangster
in Chitrakoot, UP.
Never been arrested.
Kidnapping, ransom, extortion
and forty five murders.
Next Episode