Pablo Escobar: El Patron del Mal (2012) s01e01 Episode Script

Las lecciones de Doña Enelia

The corrupt and mobsters, men and women,
will come, nobody is scared anymore
You've payed off a lot of money
in the neighborhoods
You've turned my brothers into hitmen
People get killed,
but not their souls
My homeland doesn't trip or fall
It stands up and washes up its face
Telling this story
My homeland doesn't fall
Over and over again
Trips or falls
Don't forget it
It stands up
For our dead
It washes its face
Who've despicably died
Never again!
Don't let it be forgotten!
Honor those who've despicably died
There's no fucking way you'll get me.
I'll have you all killed from the jungle.
I'm going to win this.
My objective, as the Secretary of
is to unveil his dark
and cruel intentions!
As long as Rodrigo Lara Bonilla remains
the head of the Department of Justice,
we're screwed.
APRIL 30TH, 1984
Domingo, slow down. Our convoy
is missing! What's happening?
The government should ensure
the safety of judges in this country,
especially those investigating cases
related to Pablo Escobar Gaviria.
The problem is El Espectador.
It's the only newspaper
talking shit about us.
We've just arrived at the scene where
the chief editor of El Espectador
was attacked.
These people are an issue, Gonzalo.
We need to take care of them.
AUGUST 18TH, 1989
It's starting in our country
as it already has in 60 other countries.
The dark and secret
power of drug trafficking.
Get down, get down!
They got him!
I can wipe out their entire families
if anyone dares to mess with mine.
This news reporter's
distorting the truth.
- it's been devastating
- an explosion at the offices
they have been destroyed
The Department of Security was destroyed
by a car bomb, full of dynamite.
Every surrounding building was also
APRIL 15TH, 1993
it exploded at 2:35 p.m
We can see many of the injured
in need of an ambulance.
We see a lot of rubble and the police
are trying to account for everyone
Garzon, Julio.
NOVEMBER 27th, 1989
Gaitan, Jose. Olguin, Mario.
Listen, miss. Tell them I'm with
the eight o'clock news.
We are calling for an interview with him.
I understand that only journalists
are allowed to talk to him.
Please, put Emilio Escobar on the phone.
- Hello?
- Write this down!
The demands for my surrender
to the government
are as follows
I got to go.
Something isn't right.
- Get up there!
- Hurry, the parade is starting.
No, no!
- It's all right, Pablo. Just hurry up.
- You go first!
- Hurry.
- Come on!
Oh, no! No!
- Don't be a pussy!
- Mom will scold you!
She will if you don't hurry up!
Stop it! Are you trying to kill my kid?
I was waiting for you
to go to the parade.
You wait for me at home.
- Mommy!
- Wasting my time. Get up.
- I almost fell down!
- But you didn't, honey.
Get up.
You didn't fall!
Men don't cry, so stop it!
Come, let's go.
Pablo, come here! Pablo, come here!
You have lots of guts for some things,
but you chicken out on others.
Chicken out? I'm not a coward!
It sure looked that way this morning
when your mom saved you.
There were two of you!
You took advantage of that.
But that was the last time.
- Do you understand?
- Yeah.
Since when are you so tough, huh?
Anyway, are we doing
what we agreed on or not?
No, let's do something else!
No, wait. If we get caught,
our father will kill us.
You and your lame excuses!
Who's the chicken now?
I studied it
and that's the way to the treasure.
Are you a fool or something, Fidel?
If it were real,
they would have found it already.
Why does it have to be done
during the celebrations?
Because during these celebrations
the souls help the poor
- and they give them the treasure.
- Really?
- Yes.
- Good luck, then.
I hope you get rich.
You'll be the first person
to be shocked
when you see us
with the gold.
Let's go, guys.
Look, over there.
There are the lights.
The natives told me
those lights will guide us.
I don't see any lights.
Over there, by those little trees.
- Let's go check.
- It's going to rain, we're leaving.
- The river will rise, Fidel.
- We're leaving.
I'll do it on my own.
Dad is so brave.
He's not afraid of anything.
As soon as he figures it out,
he'll get mad.
Who's going to tell him? Not us!
Let's be quiet.
He's coming! Run!
Damn kids!
Come out! I know you did this!
Did the brat think
he could fool me?
Alberto Escobar Gaviria!
Peluche! Here you are.
You, brats, stand here.
Be quiet, you'll wake the children up.
Listen to what I have to say first.
These three brats don't respect their dad.
- What?
- They put I think it was him.
He planted candles to make me think
that was the way to the treasure.
Peluche, look me in the eyes.
Did you do that?
Pablo talked me into it!
- No!
- Pablo Emilio.
Tell me the truth.
So, what did he say?
- He blackmailed us.
- Yeah.
He said that if we didn't do
what he said
he'd tell you it was our idea,
but it was his!
It was all his idea.
He forced us!
- 1959-
I need the test results.
And I need so many things!
I want so many things!
The problem is
that everything comes with a price.
That price is ten bucks right now.
- Ten?
- Won't you pay?
Come on, Pablo!
If you're chickening out,
I'm leaving.
Pablo, wait!
I'm leaving.
No, Pablo.
Make it five.
I can't make it five.
- Go there
- I won't get you a pencil for 5.
- I'm your brother.
- Family and business don't mix.
Recess is almost over.
It's good you're here.
What are you doing here, Mr. Escobar?
I'm just
The door was open.
I came in to wait for you.
I need to ask you something.
- Stand up.
- For what?
- What were you doing here?
- Nothing.
What are you looking for?
Very well, young man.
If you're too busy I can
- Recess is almost over.
- Wait, Escobar.
Now, it's 15.
- 15?
- Yes.
- Why?
- 15!
You said 10. Keep your word.
I'm the one taking the risk,
while you two just sit and watch.
- Come on!
- You said 10!
It's 16 and if you keep complaining
I'll make it 20.
Don't complain.
Keep your things away from your desks.
You may only keep your pencil.
We'll have the Math exam.
Distribute it among your classmates.
Come on,
you know how this goes.
Whoever cheats or lets someone cheat
from them will get an F.
You have half an hour.
These are not the same questions.
This is another test.
We're doomed.
This is unfair.
We can't have two surprise tests
every other month.
Sit down and take the test, please.
No, you didn't even tell us it'd be today.
So, if nobody studied
we'll all fail. It's not fair.
Sit down and answer what you know
or get an F.
- Which do you prefer?
- Guys, this is unfair.
- He can't do this.
- We don't want it!
We don't want it! We don't want it!
What did you promise last week?
What were you doing
in his classroom?
We did nothing wrong.
I was in there
because the test was there.
I wasn't born yesterday.
You think I fell off the turnip truck.
A new broom sweeps clean,
but the old one knows the corners.
Pablo Emilio,
this is my advice.
Whenever you do something bad,
do it properly.
Don't get caught like an idiot.
But nobody figured it out.
Yeah, sure.
That's why your teacher changed the test
and you ended up making a fuss.
Pablo Emilio.
The clever people run this world,
not the fools.
The witty.
You need to learn
who to fight with.
Don't forget.
Don't get caught.
You're so stupid.
Will you ever learn how to ride?
I wanted to scare you.
You come to do business
without money to pay for the goods.
Do you think we do charity work?
We want to make this deal.
We need a few packs of cigarettes
from you.
We'll sell them and come back here.
You'll get the money from the goods
and the profits.
What happens if you run away with it?
If we don't come back,
you just lose
a few packs of cigarettes,
pocket change.
But we would lose our jobs.
What is a merchant
without his merchandise, huh?
Take a look, all imported goods.
And cheap!
- Give me five.
- Five?
Ma'am! Two.
That's too much,
it's only ten bucks.
Thank you!
When will I be able
to get into one of those planes?
do a little sightseeing.
We have everything here, in Medellin.
If you are getting into a plane,
go the US. or Europe.
Of course,
find a few ladies for the trip.
It's the only thing you talk about,
money and women. It's all you care about.
Apart from my mom, money and women
are the most important for me.
Do you think you'll get rich
selling cigarettes?
No, cousin!
This is just the beginning,
you'll see.
I'll take an oath today.
If, in the next five years,
I don't earn my first million,
I'll blow my head off.
And wear this.
The Holy Child of Atocha's name.
Oaths are made to be kept, you hear me?
If I don't get that million,
you'll see me keep it.
Get out of here!
What are you doing outside?
- Get inside the house, now!
- Hey!
- Don't yell at me in public!
- Go, I said!
Come here, Patricia, come.
Let me ask you a question.
- Is that Joaquin guy your boyfriend?
- My boyfriend? No way!
I have no boyfriend, Pablo.
I'm not allowed to.
That's a shame, really.
Such a pretty girl like you, single.
I could wait for you, you know?
Really? Would you wait for me?
My entire life.
- Bye.
- Bye.
This is the one.
Cousin, is that the sheriff?
I believe so, yes.
Check out the rides, man.
- Yeah.
- And check out the babe!
Only politicians can get
that kind of security, man.
Must be great,
knowing he built it all by himself.
He looks like the Godfather.
Give him something,
he is a hard worker.
Count on that.
- I'll see you later.
- Of course, sir, bye.
Like this, baby.
Good day to you, sir.
Hello, boys.
What can I do for you?
We heard you were looking
for people to work, sir.
We heard you needed
a few good bodyguards.
See, we have
great knowledge of security measures
and logistics.
You are going to protect me
with logistics?
How about guns?
Do you know about guns?
Of course. We can handle
any type of weaponry.
We will make good gunmen, boss.
So, if I hire you,
can you get the weapons?
Did I tell you to go
and try to bribe the Pope?
One lousy cop!
That's what you needed to do!
What can I do now
with all the goods stuck at the harbor?
Tell me! I want to know!
But, boss, the guys asked double
So what, asshole?
I should lose all the goods? Is that it?
You should have assessed the situation!
Don't you have a brain? I have to clean up
your messes every day!
Do I have to toss an alley-oop
and dunk it, too? Fuck you!
What the hell am I paying you for?
To be my whores or what?
Get out! Get out
unless you want me to shoot you!
You've wasted a lot of my money,
get the hell out!
- Sir.
- Pablo.
I said I wanted to be alone.
I'm so sorry, sir,
but I couldn't help hearing
what you said to the guys
and I came up with an idea.
I know how to get the goods back.
I can help you solve that problem.
Those are not the duties
of a bodyguard, no.
It's good you brought that up, sir,
because I don't want
to be a bodyguard anymore.
I want to be your partner.
That's funny.
Partner, huh?
You want to be my partner?
- Or do you just want money?
- It's the same thing, isn't it?
To be my partner,
you have to earn my trust.
Then just tell me what I need to do
to earn your trust.
Get a radio and some scouting supplies.
- 1974-
You'll be our eyes on the road.
Inform me if anything happens.
That's for you.
I'll be right behind you
with the trucks full of stuff.
Boss, may I ask you something?
What are we moving?
What we usually move,
smokes, whiskey,
whatever we can sell.
But we are also carrying
appliances this time.
We even have a piano!
I could have done this round alone, sir.
Aren't you a bold one, huh?
You and 32 trucks full of goods? No way!
- Thirty two?
- What did you expect?
Well, then, this is the biggest load
of contraband I've ever seen.
Why would you think otherwise?
A friend of mine managed to pull one
with 38 full trucks.
We are fine.
Hey, Pablo, this load needs to get
to its destination, you hear me?
Hey, Pablo! Who are these guys?
These aren't the same people.
Should we let them know?
Hold on. Wait, man, don't freak out.
Let me take a look first.
Do you copy?
Over and out.
- Hi, how are you today?
- Hello, gentlemen.
Please, step out of the vehicle.
- Papers, please.
- Sure.
Hey, Mosca! Mosca!
How is it going?
Did you meet our friends?
Answer me!
- You haven't got a permit for this.
- Hold on, gentlemen!
We're supposed to be friends?
Where are you heading, Mr. Pablo?
I'm on my way to Medellin, Captain.
I'm just scouting ahead of a truck
I'm taking there.
You know how dangerous it is out here.
Of course. Even more now,
with all the smuggling going on.
Mosca! Answer me, man!
What the
Stop, stop!
Stop! Kill the engine!
Oh, God! I can't believe my luck.
Attention! All trucks, stop right now!
I repeat! Stop right now!
Don't move a muscle until I say so!
I repeat! Stay where you are!
Fucking luck. I'll be right back.
Let's wait for the truck, then.
If your goods are legal,
then we can be friends.
What happened, my man?
What's going on?
Man, why are we stopping?
The heat is killing me!
What's going on?
We need to go back to the harbor
and get some of the other cargo.
Are you nuts? Do you think
I get paid for the trip back?
I'm going home. Show him the papers
and let's get out of here.
You are not going anywhere.
Show us the cargo, please.
You have a full load here, huh?
I assume you have the correct papers
for all this cargo.
You got that one wrong, Captain,
because we don't.
Then we'll need to confiscate it.
You can't take it unless you show us
all the proper documentation.
We will keep the truck too.
Captain, in order to do that,
you'd have to first get 32 drivers.
You see, I'm moving 32 trucks.
Secondly, you'll need twice as many people
to unload them.
And finally, I suggest
you bring 1,000 men
so we can have a proper shootout.
So how do you want this to go down?
It's quite simple, really.
You either take the money
all the other patrols accepted,
or we start shooting at each other.
Those are your options.
We will all die here.
It's not even these guys' fault.
I'm already old, you know?
There are easier ways to deal with this.
Let's go, we got this!
Get everything ready, we are moving!
Did you see that, Pablo? Did you?
Money can buy anything, man!
You thought I wouldn't give you a cut?
It's not that, sir, but we agreed that
the first time was free of charge, so
Take it, buddy. You've earned it.
You risked your life, you did good.
I'll give you some more later.
You said everyone has their price,
but I have to admit, at one point,
I thought we wouldn't make it.
Do you want to know something, Pablo?
The problem with this business
is that it's getting easier every day.
Every day we move
truckloads of goods.
They just let them through.
They go everywhere.
Everybody has money to pay for them.
There's now a war on prices,
and a very ugly one.
Whoever sells for cheaper
makes more profit.
It's cheaper to buy stuff here
than in the US. How's that possible?
What the fuck are you looking at?
Take that, asshole!
Oh, God!
At least it's not empty.
Give me the gun, Pablo.
What's this, man?
Should we start killing each other now?
Where are your manners?
Do I have to enter on a bike or something?
I'm too old for that shit.
The guy you killed
was a working man, like you and me.
We had nothing to do with that, man.
How can I believe you?
The word on the street
is you did it.
I heard now they got some guy,
put him on a motorcycle,
gave him a gun
and sent him on a killing spree.
It happened right in front of me!
It was a miracle I wasn't shot.
I'll never forget how that poor guy died!
Do you know
why anyone would want to kill him?
I heard some smugglers did it. Those guys
kill people over nothing. It's horrible!
But to kill someone like that,
in broad daylight!
Right at the heart of the city,
full of people, you know?
That's where I get all my goods from.
The thing is, they are selling stuff
so cheap, it's impossible to keep up!
I'm getting out of the cigarette business.
I don't even make enough for myself
with prices like these.
This is where money is.
What happened?
Did the cat get your tongue?
You see,
the Americans love to snort this stuff.
I've seen members
of the peace corps doing it.
This is coke, dude,
we can't sell it here.
Not here, but we can in Bolivia.
I'll bring it personally.
Do you travel by land?
No, I travel by air.
- What are these?
- Raw materials.
For what?
For construction work.
To make stucco.
How do you take it to the US.?
We don't have people to sell to here.
That's another matter.
We've been bringing it from there
for a while.
It's about time
we return the favor.
Do you think this will be profitable?
Those Americans will pay anything.
Whatever it takes
to get to snort this. So?
- Do you want to check the process?
- Where's your bathroom?
- The door in the back.
- Thanks.
I'll explain it to you guys
and you can tell the boss.
That's right.
Stand a bit more to the left.
Go to the next camera.
That's right. Perfect.
I can see you clearly.
I was worried I could be caught off guard,
but I can check everything with this.
Look, Pablo.
Look at those men.
Take two wads from up there.
We'll be even
and start from scratch.
Go ahead.
I hope to God I can repay you.
I'll tell you how you saved my life
with these.
Okay, son.
We need two tanks of moonshine,
and two of rum.
Did you win the lottery or something?
You did, with these new customers.
And don't ask so many questions.
I'll wait for you
with Joaquin and the guys.
Hi, Nelly, welcome to my house.
Jorge, come visit me. Hi, Godmother.
Hi, Pablo, happy birthday.
Thank you.
Come, see the family.
This is looking good.
Hey there.
Alberto, we need to tidy up here.
It'll be embarrassing
if the neighbors see this, right?
Why don't you take my advice?
Come work with me. It'll be good for you.
The only dirt you'll get on your hands
will be from counting bills.
I've got a nice deal.
And I think it'll be great.
Think about it.
I'll think about it and tell you tomorrow.
- Are you sure?
- Yes.
You know I care about you.
Happy birthday, Pablo.
Here is the stuff you asked for.
Hi, Nelia!
Look at all the stuff Pablo got you.
- All of these are for me?
- And there's more coming!
He's so hardworking and generous.
What else could a mom ask for?
Leave it there, I'll handle it.
Listen, Nelia,
I like that he's doing fine.
Things have been getting difficult lately.
Unemployed young people
are getting into shady businesses.
Don't worry, Aldemar.
This is not like that.
The only thing my boy wants
is to make money.
A man without money
is not happy and gets bored.
- That's bad, right?
- Yeah.
You're right, but remember,
money is not the most
important thing in life.
I'll bring the rest of it.
He almost bought my whole shop.
- Go on, Aldemar.
- I'll bring the rest.
Oh, Son!
God bless you.
Why did you buy all these things?
Don't worry, Mom. This is nothing.
We have to thank the Holy Child of Atocha
who provided for us.
I called the girls
so that they can help too.
Where are they?
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday, dear Pablo
Happy birthday to you
Blow out the candles
and make a wish.
A wish.
What should I ask for?
I know!
What's up, Fabio?
What the fuck, dude?
What the hell is going on?
We'll solve this between us!
- Why did it have to be her?
- Stop, please!
Let go of me!
I don't give a fuck!
- Calm down.
- Pablo, tell me.
Why did you fuck my sister?
- Tell me!
- Fabio, please stop!
You're ruining my birthday party.
Why did you hit on my sister
in your party, then?
Have I ever hit on your sister?
Tell me!
Why did you have to do it with mine?
- Let go of me, asshole.
- Calm down.
Calm down, what you saw there
is not what you think!
You're too drunk and confused.
- What did I see, then?
- I'll explain.
She was wishing me
a happy birthday.
It didn't look that way!
It wasn't wishing,
it was kissing!
- You wanted to kiss her.
- Are you nuts?
Calm down, Fabio, please.
I'm so sorry.
Don't worry.
It wasn't like that.
Give me some moonshine.
- I'm calm, Mom.
- Easy, calm down.
Have a drink and calm down.
- Now, calm down, please.
- I'm calm.
I'm sorry.
I really am.
We can talk tomorrow,
when you're sober.
Come on, man.
- I love you, man.
- Okay.
Who fucked it up?
Fabio is now leaving.
I'm sorry really.
Hey, wait for me.
Okay, ladies and gentlemen.
I apologize for this mess.
But it happens
when people are drunk, right?
I'll explain
why I invited all of you here today.
Well, first of all,
it's my birthday, right?
Because the Holy Child of Atocha
allowed me to be here with you.
Secondly, Mom, thank you.
Mom, Dad, thank you
because you're the reason I'm here.
I want to make you proud,
like you are today.
And the third and most important reason
is that today, thank God,
I'm holding a glass of moonshine
and not a gun to shoot myself.
Let's toast to that.
- Cheers.
- Cheers, thank you.
Well, and
this is a little something for you.
Hey, Patricia.
What are you doing here?
I came to apologize for my brother
because he got drunk
and told you all that stuff.
No, Patricia, don't worry.
He was drunk
and he is a jealous brother,
we have to understand him.
Sit here, I'll tell you something.
It's so good you came
because I feel like we have a connection.
- Really?
- Yes.
I wanted to be alone with you
so we could talk.
I don't know if I've ever told you
that I love your eyes.
I'd do anything for you.
- Really?
- Yes, of course, Patricia.
I'll admit.
I don't see you as a girl.
In my opinion, you are a woman.
Patricia, will you promise me something?
- Yes.
- Really?
Then promise me that those eyes
will only look at me
and nobody else.
I promise.
We're here.
What's up, girls?
How are you doing?
How's it going?
Hey, Marina.
- You're still here.
- Of course, honey.
This is dangerous, sweetheart.
What's up, Luis?
- I'm glad to see you.
- Keep selling that shit, my friend.
Hey, darling.
How are you?
Hi, Teresa.
These are the whores of Envigado.
These guys think they are badass.
This is badass.
They are important people.
Hi, baby!
- Hello, boss.
- Hello, Rosita. What will you give me?
- What do you want?
- I'll think about it.
- What's up?
- How are you.
What's up? All good?
Hello, gentlemen!
Listen, cousin, I think
the spotted cock will win.
The spotted one.
100,000 on the spotted one.
The boss is high.
He'll start wasting money.
He spends it how he likes.
Will someone take my bet?
What kind of place is this, man?
Is my money is not good enough here?
Of course it is!
I'll take that bet.
But you need to tell me
why you're betting against my cock.
If that cock loses,
they'll kick us out.
I only said
I thought that one would win.
- I didn't tell him to bet on it.
- You hear, Pablo?
I hope you're good at this
as you are at scouting.
Let's see.
All right!
I'll bet 20,000 on the spotted one.
That will show you
I'm not like you.
If I say it,
I'll bet on it.
Did you see that?
- Congratulations, Pablo.
- Thank you.
Good night, thanks for the drink.
What's up, Graciela?
Here she is, Pablo.
If there's one boss
in this neighborhood, it's this lady.
Mrs. Graciela Rojas.
Pleased to meet you, ma'am.
Pablo Escobar.
- Pleasure.
- This is my cousin.
Gonzalo Gaviria, pleased to meet you.
Welcome to the neighborhood
of the Holy Trinity.
- People call it that.
- Because we don't have saints here.
Graciela, there are important people here.
That's right
and different types of people too.
We're the children of drunkards,
thieves, addicts.
Look at me closely.
This is what I am,
Graciela Rojas, daughter of a bitch.
I told you I'll get you someone
who has potential.
Take a look at this kid.
I've met cold-blooded people,
but none like him.
This series is freely adapted from
Based on news articles and real events,
the historical facts are surrounded
by fictional characters and dialogues that
recreate non-documented situations.
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