Pact of Silence (2023) s01e01 Episode Script

Todas o ninguna

- [phone ringing]
- [thunder rumbling]
[rain pattering on roof]
- Hello?
- [woman] Get out. Now. They found you.
[suspenseful music playing]
[church bells chiming]
[girl 1 grunts]
[girl 2] Give her to me!
[all panting]
- Careful!
- [screams]
Take her, Fernanda!
- [girl 1] Come on.
- [all panting]
[girl 1] Let's go.
[girl 2] My turn. Give me the bag!
- [girl 1] Try to hurry!
- [girl 2] Come on.
- Careful!
- We're almost there.
- I'll take her!
- Here.
- It's locked!
- Break the window! Break it!
- [music building]
- [grunts]
Where where's Carmen?
[horn blaring]
[woman] This is what you wanted.
So I don't wanna hear
another word from you girls!
[girls crying]
Nothing ever happened.
This is our secret.
[both crying]
[thunder rumbling]
[suspenseful music intensifies]
[baby coos]
[mewling echoes]
[energetic string music playing]
[grown woman breathing shakily]
I'm no longer
that little girl who was humiliated
and thrown away like garbage.
[Carmen] Brenda!
- Stop doing that to yourself!
- [Brenda groans]
You want to know the truth?
Your mother hated you.
She was so evil, she wanted you to die.
They abandoned you
in this house because they thought
that nobody lived here.
They left you to the rats.
[man] Hey! Come back here!
Do you hear me?
[Brenda] You don't know what it's like
to live in the misery you left me in.
Thanks to you,
I had to learn how to defend myself
against everyone who tried to hurt me.
[guy] Try it. It's the best high.
[Brenda] I had to learn
to survive on the streets,
not knowing how to deal
with the cold, the hunger, the fear.
[siren wailing]
[crying softly]
[birds singing overhead]
You got it.
Alex, thank you.
Are you sure that you want to do this?
I've never been more sure of anything.
I've planned this for so long.
Ever since I found out four girls
from that school abandoned me,
I've been trying to find out who they are.
I finally have a chance
to meet the woman with the answers.
Ramona Castro.
Alex, today's the day.
- ["My Destiny" playing]
- My destiny ♪
My destiny ♪
Don't get me started ♪
Everything was going well
But you had to go ♪
And leave me brokenhearted ♪
Oh ♪
- [woman] Brenda Rey?
- [man] Can I get a selfie?
- [excited chatter]
- [camera shutter clicking]
[man 2] Brenda! Over here! Brenda!
'Cause we, oh, oh ♪
The lucky do ♪
[woman 2] Brenda! Brenda!
[camera shutters clicking]
I look decided ♪
I saw my destiny ♪
[song ends]
[man on PA] Please turn your attention
to our esteemed director, Ramona Castro.
Fifteen years ago,
I left my position at the boarding school
to launch my very own foundation.
And honestly, I never imagined
standing here before you today
to accept this great honor.
For the thousands
and thousands of girls
who we have rescued.
My heart goes out
to all of you with gratitude.
[applause continues]
[tense music playing]
[Brenda] You don't know who I am, Ramona.
I know everything about you.
I followed your every move.
Your travels.
[treadmill beeps]
[Brenda] But I could never get to you.
- Until now.
- [tense music swells]
Director Castro, would you have
a moment for me?
I would love to do a quick interview.
Who do you work for?
My fans. I'm an influencer.
I'm afraid I don't have time
for an interview right now.
Who knows. Maybe another time.
I have over ten million followers,
Ms. Castro.
Do you know what story
I'm sure they'll go crazy for?
The one about the headmistress
who was so corrupt,
she helped her students abandon a baby.
That is ridiculous.
Yes, it is. You know why I know?
Because I'm the baby.
Four girls from your school left me
in a house in the middle of nowhere.
And they escaped
in a van that you were driving.
This is crazy.
Who's telling you these things?
No, Ramona. You're gonna to tell me
what I wanna know.
I looked into all the graduates
from the year I was born,
but you're the only one who knows.
Which one's my mother?
[Ramona] You four
have always been impossible to manage.
But now you don't want to do sports.
You're unusually anxious.
One of your classmates told me
that you're always rushing
to the bathroom.
And that one of you has a habit
of throwing up.
one of you is also binding herself
to hide a pregnancy,
and I need to know
who it is.
Sofía, I gave you a scholarship,
and this is the thanks I get?
We take care of you. We educate you.
All four of you cannot be pregnant.
All of us or none of us, Headmistress.
[in unison] All or none, always.
[somber music playing]
[Ramona] You can't be her
because that baby died.
[Brenda] That's what you hoped for,
to be rid of me.
[Ramona] I didn't give birth to you.
But you were the adult!
You were in charge!
Now you run your mouth off,
pretending to help girls,
when you profit from them.
[indistinct chatter]
Have you seen Ramona?
Well, she was right there with that girl.
What girl do you mean?
I think she's got a pink dress on.
Is this about money?
Because I refuse to give in
to any kind of blackmail.
Your ten million followers
mean nothing to me.
Does your life mean something?
Thanks to you, I have nothing to lose.
Tell me who my mother is.
I have no problem going to jail
for snapping your neck right now.
I want you to give me her name!
- Tell me!
- I don't know her name.
- The only ones who know are the four.
- [Brenda] Give me all four.
And don't lie to me
because I have the list
of all of your former students.
Martina Robles.
Fernanda Alarcón.
Sofía Estrada.
[woman] Let her go!
I'm calling the police!
[Ramona] No! Gloria.
We don't want police. Get outta here.
You owe me a name, Ramona.
And if you think
about telling those bitches
I came to see you, you'll regret it.
- [Ramona exhales] Thank you.
- [Gloria] You all right?
- Yes.
- You're not hurt?
No. [sighs]
- Were you gonna kill her?
- I don't know, Alex.
As soon as I saw that woman,
it unleashed hatred I had for her.
Hey, Brenda. Just breathe.
You can't go around attacking people
like when you lived on the street.
I made it out.
Sure. I made money.
I have a life now, but I'll never forget
that my mother left me to die.
I know.
But you did get those three names.
Why not find those women
and ask them directly?
[scoffs] No. They would only deny it.
I'll stick to my plan.
I'm gonna infiltrate their lives
without them knowing who I am.
I'll get them to trust me.
And when I'm ready,
I'll hit each one of them
where it hurts the most.
Are these the names?
[tense music playing]
[Alex] Let's start with Fernanda Alarcón.
She's very active on social media.
She's really into photography,
just like you.
Maybe you got it from her.
I do it for business.
This one's obviously obsessed
with showing people her #BestLife.
[energetic music playing]
[camera shutter clicking]
Quick pic?
- Let me finish this first. Almost done.
- I can't wait. I'm going upstairs.
[sighs] Fine.
You know I like it ♪
Keep doin' it ♪
I don't wanna interrupt you ♪
Tell me, can you keep it up? Ooh ♪
I'm gonna bump you up
To the top of my list ♪
[camera shutter clicks]
Hey, sweetheart.
Wanna pose together?
Take off the blouse. You need some sun.
- Mom, please.
- Vitamin D. You're white as a ghost.
[camera shutter clicks]
[Brenda] That girl is not happy.
She always looks
like she doesn't wanna be there.
You do realize
her kids could be your siblings, right?
The next name, please.
[Alex] Martina Robles.
She's super sporty.
Has an amazing body, just like you.
[sultry pop playing]
[Brenda] Martina Robles inherited
her family's
very successful real estate business.
She's never been married or had kids.
So don't ♪
Act like a fool ♪
'Cause our love could never break
Never break ♪
It's like a rock in the ocean ♪
I know you're too shy to say something ♪
But, baby, please don't be
So careful with words ♪
'Cause we need to face this ♪
And I wanna show you my love ♪
[lover] Are you hungry?
[song fades]
We could order pizza.
My treat.
But I'm good.
[sultry pop resumes]
My desire ♪
Touch your fire ♪
Desire ♪
My desire ♪
[Alex] She's obviously
an independent woman
who doesn't need anyone.
Which leads us
to the third woman, Sofía Estrada.
[Brenda] Sofía Estrada is the author
of one successful book,
written 15 years ago.
[Alex] And since then,
there's no information on her.
[Brenda] She's not on any social media.
Does that mean she's sort of a recluse?
Or hiding?
- [doorbell ringing rapidly]
- [dogs barking]
Canelo, Loreto, stop barking.
Sofía, you owe me three months.
You pay up, or you leave.
I'm waiting on the advance
for my new novel.
Yeah. Just like the others
that you never got to finish
or that you never got paid for, right?
I swear. This time, it's true.
- [landlady] Stop. Enough with the lying.
- We'll pay the three months.
[landlady] Find another place.
- Monstrous little thing.
- [girl sighs]
[dog pants]
[gentle music playing]
Sweetheart, you know you're not a monster.
Just ignore her.
She's a little whacko.
She just escaped from the loony bin.
- [all laugh]
- [sighs] I think she means it this time.
Relax. She isn't gonna do
anything about it.
I swear.
Look, we have each other,
and we have our daughter.
And our annoying fur babies.
What more could we ask for?
- [sighs]
- I swear everything will be fine, my love.
[softly] Don't worry. We're good.
[tense, energetic music playing]
[Gloria] No, Ramona!
Don't call or tell anyone about Brenda.
If you hadn't come along when you did,
I would be dead right now.
But I'm going to fix this problem
once and for all.
[cell phone ringing]
[call connects]
[Ramona] There's no doubt
in my mind that it's her.
[Ramona] She knew the facts.
She knew everything
about how you left her.
[Brenda] We already have Fernanda
and Martina's addresses.
We just need to get Sofía's.
And the fourth one.
[line ringing]
[cell phone ringing]
[woman] Yes?
[Ramona] I never wanted
to be involved in this.
We have to get rid of this woman at once.
Because if she takes me down,
all four of you will go down as well.
[call disconnects]
Whatever it takes
to get that fourth name, I'll do it.
She will not escape this.
[tense music building]
[woman hushes, echoes] Silence.
We'll run soon, my darling.
Mommy just needs to take this call.
- [cell phone ringing]
- Just one minute.
- [call connects]
- Okay. Hello?
No, that's not it, miss.
I know, but I already told them no.
- [young woman whistling]
- Uh-huh.
No, I can't. I've already asked them
to take care of all this.
I've called at least 30 times.
Yes, thank you.
Darling! [claps]
[in distance] Conny?
Come to mommy!
[chuckles] That was just too easy.
I should be taking care of
my own business.
You can get in trouble.
[scoffs] Are you nuts?
You're famous now.
- Someone will recognize you.
- I'm supposed to protect you, Itzel.
From what?
Forget it. Why don't you come to my place?
- Have a decent meal.
- Not happening.
Don't start with that.
Now, go play with your doggy.
Gotta bounce. And you too.
[Fer] Conny, darling! Come back to Mommy!
- Conny!
- [Brenda] Get down.
Excuse me, have you seen
a dog about this big?
Light-colored and fluffy?
Have you seen her?
Excuse me. If you see our dog,
can you please call?
[Fer] Hi.
- Have you seen Conny?
- Who?
My dog. You've probably seen me
walking her.
- Yeah, I recognize you.
- She's lost.
I haven't seen her.
- If you do, call me at this number?
- [woman] Of course.
I hope you find her soon.
[tense music playing]
[Alex] All right. Speed it up
'cause we have to do
the red background next. Ready, Bren?
- Yep.
- [Alex] Action.
Does it matter
if we woke up with a pimple?
Do we care if our eyebrows aren't perfect?
I wanted to be like Brenda,
but she taught me to wanna be myself.
Brenda's advice has given me confidence.
We like to keep our curves in shape.
But you know what your best curve is?
- My smile.
- My smile.
[both] My smile!
It's your smile. [laughs]
[upbeat music ends]
[Alex] Brenda, with all the money I get
from sponsors,
you can afford to buy those shoes.
I have too many shoes.
I don't need more.
Well, you can't have too many.
But I get that you're saving it all
for revenge.
[chuckles] Want to make a quick buck?
Look, darling.
Mommy misses you.
[Fer] I'm so glad you're here.
If Conny doesn't come back,
I don't know what I'll do.
[Martina] She'll come back. Don't worry.
Have some tea. It'll help.
This is pretty bad timing,
but there's something I need to tell you.
Ramona's come back.
I saw that.
It was on the news a couple of days ago.
- You should've said so.
- Why?
Ramona never told anyone,
and she never will.
It's best to ignore it.
I want nothing to do with her.
Did she call you?
No, me neither. [sighs]
- [tense music playing]
- [cell phone ringing]
- Hello?
- [Brenda] Hello. How are you?
I saw your flyer,
and I think I found your dog.
Conny, right?
I'll come right over. Bye.
I can't believe the Brenda Rey
is the one who found my Conny.
I've been a huge fan of yours
since the beginning.
And I also follow
your skin care routine religiously.
Aw, that's so nice.
And I've gotta tell you,
I just can't thank you enough
for bringing my baby back home.
No! I'm just glad I found
this precious little beauty when I did.
I have the reward in the kitchen.
- I can't. That's not why I came.
- I'm not going to take no for an answer.
Please, give it
to one of those homeless children
that you visit or something.
Well, in that case, I have to accept
a donation in your baby's name, yeah?
Perfect. She'll love it.
Would you like to stay a bit?
Have a fresh juice,
get to know each other?
Or a fresh mimosa!
[tense music playing]
[Martina] Thanks to you,
my friend didn't go completely insane.
[Brenda laughs]
[Fer] That's a yes.
You know, I'm so lucky
you were in the park that day.
That's Conny's favorite place. [chuckles]
- Told you you'd find her.
- [Fer] I'm relieved.
[Martina] It's all good. Hi there.
- Brenda. Nice to meet you.
- I'm Martina.
My pleasure.
[Martina] Wow.
You have ten million followers.
You should follow her. Her tips are great.
Tips for what?
[Fer] Beauty, clothes, relationships.
Good sex? [chuckles]
Well, most of my followers
are teenage girls.
Wild girls with crazy hormones.
Well, that's how I remember.
You were so wild!
- I wasn't that bad. You were worse.
- [Martina] Fernanda!
- We were wild.
- [Martina] Not ashamed. I'm wild.
- You, on the other hand
- I still have fun.
Just not like you.
[chatter distorts and echoes]
[laughter echoes]
To us.
[clinking echoes]
[muted] Brenda? Time for a selfie?
[distortion fades]
My selfies are kinda pricey.
- I got you! I don't charge.
- You sure did!
[pop music playing]
Is this a good angle?
[camera shutter clicks]
[Martina] How come you didn't double-check
those clauses, Raúl?
But that's your job! That's no good.
We cannot lose this sale.
I'll talk to the client.
I take it Martina's super successful?
Yes, she's good at it. And a workaholic.
Oh. But she's gorgeous.
Doesn't her husband get jealous?
She's not interested.
No relationships, no kids.
She doesn't want anything tying her down.
When you say it like that,
it makes it sound like they're bad things.
That's how she sees it, but for me,
family's the most important thing,
and I come from a very traditional one.
So, I would just like for Martina
to find the same happiness that I have.
I'm sure it'll happen for her.
She just needs to find the right guy.
- You'll see.
- That's the other problem.
She only has flings
with guys she meets in nightclubs.
That's not the way
to start a relationship.
- Not really. [chuckles]
- No way. Would you like another mimosa?
Okay, but you've gotta promise
that you won't post any stories
about me and alcohol.
Nothing with you and booze, I promise.
Thanks. Oh, I need your bathroom.
Down the hallway, the door's on the right.
Perfect. Thanks.
Oh, my darling. [kisses]
[tense music playing]
[tense music continues]
[cell phone rings]
Still nothing on Sofía Estrada.
[Brenda] Martina was at Fernanda's.
[crying] And Fernanda's
a fucking hypocrite.
Claiming that family's
so fucking important
when she abandoned me.
[Alex] It must have been a shock
to run into Martina there too.
I can't even imagine
how hard this must be for you.
[sniffles] Martina didn't want kids
to impact her freedom.
Or keep her from having fun.
Don't let your anger get the best of you.
You're better than they are.
[Alex] Feeling better?
Yeah. It's like you said.
It was just the shock
of seeing them in person.
So, did you make progress on Sofía?
It cost me, but yeah.
Now I know why we couldn't trace
her sorry ass.
She's drowning in debt.
No. That means she's hiding.
I had to hack several websites
and a few emails
to get this.
Her address and phone number.
You are amazing, you know?
If she's really drowning in debt,
she could use a handout.
[Sofía] I'm so sorry.
I hadn't heard of Brenda Rey.
I didn't know about her following.
Ah, the important thing
is that she knows you.
She's read your book multiple times.
She knows it by heart.
Really? She's still so young.
And I wrote it 15 years ago.
Books like yours don't age.
Genius is timeless.
That's why Brenda wants you
to write her biography.
Are you serious?
Absolutely. Because she'll make
a lot of money with your book.
And so will you.
[energetic music playing]
[Brenda] Your profile says
you're a doctor.
[man] Yes. I am.
I got my license in my country.
But I also work as an escort.
I can make conversation.
I can be quiet. Whatever you want.
[fly unzips]
- Thank you.
- [dance music playing]
You're just what I'm looking for.
Summertime, in love ♪
[crowd cheering]
Summer, summer, summer ♪
Just take me back ♪
To the summer of love ♪
And I want to be with you ♪
And I need to see your face ♪
And I long for the days we had ♪
You have something right here.
Hmm? On my face?
- I'm embarrassed.
- You got it.
I I got what?
The prettiest smile I have ever seen.
- Hey! You're an idiot.
- [laughs] I'm not kidding.
- Hmm.
- It's gorgeous.
[cell phone chimes]
I'm sorry.
- It's a patient.
- Hmm?
Excuse me.
If they keep you too long,
you'll regret it.
Sorry. Just so you know.
[waiter] The dishes you ordered.
- Ooh.
- Oh man. Those look delicious.
I'll post the pictures right away,
and you can tell the owner
to come over for the live when he's ready.
Thank you.
Everything's fallen into place.
Martina hooked up with Omar,
Sofía fell for the book,
and you got to snoop
through Fernanda's house.
[sighs] I still need that last name, Alex.
I'm not letting Ramona derail things.
I've gotta find out who the fourth one is.
[suspenseful music playing]
[Gloria] Listen to me.
We need to get out of Mexico.
Gloria, we just got here.
Leaving now would be bad
for my relationship with the foundation's
biggest Mexican donors.
But that girl will come for you.
Brenda isn't gonna go away
until you give her the fourth name.
I've already talked to the person
who can help me deal with her.
Her mother?
[gasps] Ramona?
Do you know which one gave birth to her?
Gloria, the less you know about this,
the better.
Tell me what you know.
I wanna help with this.
Besides, this whole thing is my fault.
[somber piano music playing]
[girls panting]
[girl] C'mon, c'mon.
[Martina] Quiet.
[Sofía] Hurry.
[dramatic string music playing]
[girl] Let's go. Let's go.
[camera shutter clicks]
[Martina] Did you get it?
[both giggle]
[camera shutter clicks]
[girl] We figured
you'd catch on to us eventually.
So we got some ammunition.
We've been spying on you to find out
what secrets you have.
So you can't hold ours against us.
You can hold on to
the pictures if you want.
We have a whole bunch of copies.
[Martina] Imagine the headlines.
"Headmistress of a boarding school
for teenage girls and her female colleague
and their secret love affair."
What goes on
in the love nest behind closed doors?
Besides the juicy headlines,
what will your husband, your son,
or the parents think of all this?
It isn't that hard
to help us hide what's going on.
We're super close to graduation.
But after we graduate,
you have to help us through the pregnancy.
You're gonna put together
an extended field trip.
A volunteer mission
or something like that.
The baby will come while we're away,
and our families won't even know anything.
And then what?
You're you're bringing a baby
into the world.
You're acting like it's a game,
which it is not
We know it's not!
We thought this out.
Nobody thinks it's a game.
This will be our pact of silence.
[theme music playing]
[music fades]
I agree with you.
This is something
we need to discuss in person.
Of course I will.
I'm heading there right now.
[tense music playing]
[tense music continues]
[birds singing]
[girl, echoing] Have a good trip,
headmistress. Come back soon!
I'll miss you all very much.
Be good while I'm gone.
[students] Bye!
[applause echoes]
[somber music playing]
[wind gusts]
[somber music continues]
[cell phone chimes]
[tense music playing]
[cell phone chiming]
[somber Spanish ballad playing]
Please! Tell me, Mommy.
I just want to know.
[rooster crows]
Who gave birth to you?
I don't know! [sobs]
All I saw were four girls
from the boarding school
running towards a van.
But not one ever came back.
What if they got hurt?
Ask Ramona if there was an accident.
Ramona was driving the van.
She was in on it.
Why can't you understand
they wanted you to die?
That's why they abandoned you.
[sobs] I was the only one who loved you!
[echoing] I raised you!
You're my daughter!
[crow cawing outside]
[ominous music playing]
[shutter clicks]
- [ominous music building]
- [rope strains]
[Brenda panting]
[camera shutter clicking]
[ominous music swells]
[Gloria] If it was murder?
We need to find out if someone killed her.
Irene Bustamante, is she
the last one I'm looking for?
[Brenda] Don't mention my name.
Your friend is gonna help you get Martina
to finally start trusting you.
And you? Martina's not the only one
who could use a boyfriend.
[Brenda] A boyfriend would require
way too many lies and explanations.
I still need Sofía to think
we're gonna make a fortune together.
I just wanted to drop this off for you.
Don't you think it's going overboard
to rope her in then leave her nothing?
[Brenda] And now
I have someone following me.
They know too much
and put me in this neck brace.
Why are you obsessed with finding
your mother? She didn't want you.
- [man] This receipt isn't mine.
- [Fer] Why do you have it?
Not one that I know about but one you use
for hotels and gifts for that whore.
- No! Relax!
- No! Stop it!
- Shut up! Shut up!
- [screams]
[Brenda] That hater knows me, Alex.
This person was unrelenting
and challenging me
on who my mother is.
- Why would they insult me that way?
- [tires screech]
- Omar, call Alex!
- This has gotten real.
This is between me and those women.
The four of you would rather murder me
than tell me who my mother is?
- You hate me that much?
- [shot echoes]
Subtitle translation by: Mariela Rascioni
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