Panic (2021) s01e01 Episode Script


[Heather] Every small town
has a secret.
Ours has a game.
The losers stay here where
losing is what we do best.
The winners get out.
In Carp, Texas, out is the only
place worth going.
That's why players
risk their lives to win.
[boy] Victory is yours
if you last until dawn.
Judgment is coming.
[lighter striking]
[Heather] But the game
isn't meant to kill you.
And it won't.
If you follow one rule.
Don't panic.

[horse neighing]
[Heather] The truth is,
Panic started like
a lot of things out here.
Because it was summer,
and there was
nothing else to do.
-[rapid thudding]
-The games
had always started
right after graduation
and lasted
throughout the summer.
All graduating seniors
are eligible to play.
Sometimes 40 players enter.
Sometimes half that.
But there is only one winner.
[dog barking]
Each year there are new players,
new challenges, new judges.
- [bees buzzing]
- [screams]
But the game has ghosts, too.
Your love feels so fake
We never have to
say their names.
They know where to find us.
They know we aren't
going anywhere.
Not unless we play.
And now, what you've been
waiting for
the graduates.
- Natalie Williams.
- [boy] Yeah, go, Nat!
Bishop Moore.
Nowhere to go
Heather Nill.
They've closed the dance
and I've seen the show
- You're late.
- Fuck you.
[Adam] Hey, Ray, check it out.
I got you a graduation present.
Just something small.
- [Tyler] Yo, let's go.
- What the fuck is this?
It's a "get out of jail free"
I thought it might come in handy
just in case you want
to visit your pops.
- [laughs]
- Yeah? Well
If only it was
a free pass on herpes.
Then I can bone
Tyler's mom again.
Don't be stupid.
Get out of here.
I can't believe you guys
are skipping the ceremony.
- Well, we are.
- Yahoo!
- [shouts excitedly]
- Let's go.
[whooping, cheering]
Let's go!

- There's my lady. Hey.
- Hey, Dad.
[band continues playing]
- Speak to you?
- Yeah.
[photographer] All right.
Father/daughter portrait.
Let's go. Get together.
[camera shutter clicking]
[laughs] Heather!
We're here.
Hi. [chuckles]
- Hi, you.
- Look. Flowers.
Oh, thank you, Lilybug.
Wow, you made it.
Of course I made it.
I'm proud of you.
Here. I got you something.
- Can you hold these for me?
- Sure.
You used to lose your mind
over snow globes.
Couldn't get enough of 'em.
- [chuckles]
- Yeah, I was, like, seven.
One time at the Walmart,
you must have
shook up a hundred
of those things.
I thought I was never gonna
get you out of that store.
Thank you.
It really means a lot.
It's just something little.
You know, mark the occasion
or whatever.
- Why are you looking
at me weird?
- Nothing.
You got 20 bucks?
The car's in the shop again.
Something about the starter.
You know how Bo's truck
eats gas, so
That's all I got.
- Oh, yeah?
- Yeah.
What happened to
all that back pay
they owe you down at the store?
I can't make them pay me, Mom.
[kisses] Proud of you, kid.
Come on, Lily, let's go.
[Heather] Thank you.
- I'll see you later.
- Love you. Bye.
- Giddyup, bitch, we're free.
- Oh. Hi.
All right, let's get out
of here.
I'm so done with this place.
One [laughs]
[all] Two, three.
Get ready
- [cork pops]
- [all cheering]
[overlapping chatter]

- Thank you.
- Mm-hmm. Ah.
What are we toasting?
No more gym.
No more gym shorts.
[Ray] Final collection.
Here we go. Give me your money.
Final collection.
- Here it comes.
- Thank you very kindly.
Final collection.
Rules are rules.
School's out, okay?
I'm-I'm not even playing.
Think of it as insurance.
It's gonna be one hell
of a summer.
Yeah, I mean
Come on, man, I
I'm not gonna play.
- Oh, okay!
- We're all playing, fucker.
- [Heather] Ray.
- One way or another.
A dollar buys you a prayer.
[Heather] Ray, stop.
You want your money,
I'm gonna need my arm back.
I'm just fucking with you.
Oh, Bishop.
Hey. A new toast.
To global amnesia.
Nah. Selective.
There's a few things
I want to remember.
[Natalie] Ooh, what did I miss?
Oh, we're-we're toasting to
a future free of Ray Hall.
- Yeah.
- Ugh. That guy sucks.
- Yeah.
- You remember?
Remember when you puked
on the eighth grade field trip?
- Oh.
- Ugh.
- And he spread a rumor
Heather was pregnant.
- Yeah.
And then you told everyone
that he had chlamydia.
- No one messes with my girl.
- Oh
- To revenge.
- Oh, to chlamydia.
- Oh, no, I'm not toasting that.
- What?
- [Heather chuckles]
- Okay, okay, I got one.
Ready? [laughs]
You-you brought your diploma.
- [Natalie] Of course.
- [Heather] Weird move.
- Ta-da.
- Yeah.
- Oh
- [Natalie laughs]
- [Heather] What are you doing?
- [Natalie] See? It's toast.
[Natalie] What?
It doesn't matter because
I'm gonna win Panic ♪♪
Oh, I love this song.
Come on, come on.
- Get up, Heather.
- No. Maybe later.
- [Natalie] No, now.
- [Bishop] No, no, no, no, no.
- Come on, come on.
- Hey, guys
- It's later now.
- I don't
I'm not going. Bishop!
We're going, we're going.
What? I can't hear you.
Is this trouble again? ♪
I never had this rush
in my body ♪
I never thought
I'd feel something new ♪
I never felt this close
with somebody ♪
Somebody ♪
Somebody but you ♪
I never felt like this
with somebody ♪
I never thought
I'd feel like I do ♪
I never felt this close
with somebody ♪
- [firecrackers explode]
- [screaming]
[Diggins] Jesus,
what the hell, dude?!
I'm sorry, man, my hand slipped.
- Yeah, onto a lighter.
- My hand slipped.
- But, like, you know
- The thing is, uh, Dick-ins,
everybody gets a little jumpy
before judgment.
Diggin Diggins.
Diggins. Diggins.
That's what, that's what I said.
Any word from the judges?
No, I'm just the emcee, okay.
- I'm waiting for the signal
like everybody else.
- Oh.
Well, I better hope
it comes soon.
You know what they say
about idle hands.
It's the devil's workshop.
- [explosion]
- [laughter]
[Ray] Yeah, baby,
get in there, baby
[door creaks]
[Lily giggles]
It's late, Lilybug.
You should be sleeping.
Why? You're up.
You're stalling.
[sighs] I finished
my library book yesterday.
Mm. Do you want me
to make up a story?
Once upon a time, there was
a town, kind of like ours,
except all of the people
were made of stone.
- Like statues.
- Exactly. Like statues.
And they spoke
with stone tongues
and they waved with stone arms.
Even their hearts
were made of stone.
But one girl was different.
She was made of dirt.
"You're nothing,"
everyone told her.
And they locked her away
in a high tower,
with no doors,
and only a single window.
Was she lonely?
Was it dark in there?
Yeah, sometimes.
Sometimes she would talk
to the wind to keep her company.
So, how does she escape
out of the high tower?
I don't know.
I haven't gotten that far yet.
Maybe she makes friends
with a firefly.
You know, maybe
it helps her at night
so she isn't too afraid
of the dark.
You know what?
I think that that's the ending.
I think that's exactly
what happens.
[laughs softly]
Good night. Love you.
- Mwah.
- [chuckles]
- Good night.
- Night.
[dog barking in distance]

Heather, it's 8:00!
- You're gonna be late for work.
- Okay.

[Danny] I know you've been
with us for a long time,
but I don't have enough spots
on the schedule.
But you know I'm, like,
I'm the only one
who does anything around here,
really, and
And I-I've technically been here
longer than you.
Look, a smart girl like you,
you're gonna have no trouble
- finding another gig.
- Please, Danny, I r
I really, really need this job.
I'm sorry, Heather.
Starting when?
I can get you all squared up
for last week.

Thank you.
He said that they couldn't
afford to keep me.
But you're the only one
who ever actually does anything.
That's what I said.
I'm sorry, Heather.
You'll find something else.
I need $6,000 to enroll
in the accounting course
- at Longhorn State.
- Jesus. $6,000?
Why do you think
I've been working there
- since freshman year?
- I thought you liked,
you know, unplugging things
and plugging things back in
[stammers] This is serious.
I was on track to have
the money by orientation.
I only need, like, $500, but
$500? I-I can spot you that.
I'm not taking your money.
I still have till August
to make the final payment.
I'll figure
something out, right?
- Yeah. Yeah.
- Yeah.
[Bishop] Hey.
- Two minutes. Mm-hmm.
- Thank you.
- All right.
- Thank you.
Hey, so, are you sure about
this whole accounting thing?
Uh, yeah.
When I get my associate's,
I can start clerking at double
what my mom makes hourly.
Heather, you don't
even like math.
Accounting isn't only math.
True, it's also
boring paperwork.
O-Okay, fine.
You're a great writer, Heather.
I mean, you should at least
apply for a scholarship.
[sighs] Yeah, well, they don't
really give out scholarships
for knowing how to make shit up.
Hey, y'all. I got a break.
- [chuckles]
- She's got a break.
Let's do it.
He fired you?
But you're the only one who
[both] Whoever actually
does anything!
- All right.
- Yes, yes, yes, yes.
I'm sorry, Heather.
- Want me to poison him?
- You know, as much
as that idea excites me, I do
not know how we'd pull that off.
Well, I do refill
his prescriptions.
That's kind of dark.
[cashier] That'll be $4.50.
Well, when I win Panic,
- we don't have
to worry about jobs.
- [Heather sighs]
What did I tell you, right?
She's serious.
You guys should be
rooting for me.
People died last year, Natalie.
I mean, people die in bathtubs,
and in car accidents.
Yeah, especially when
they're walking blindfolded
across the freeway.
I can't lose you, Natalie.
Hey, you couldn't get
rid of me if you tried.
You know, besides,
who is going to keep me grounded
when I'm a rich
and famous actress?
Oh, I can think of two people.
All right, so let's recap.
You are moving to Hollywood
and you are going to college
and I am just gonna
live here forever.
Are you saying
that you're gonna miss us?
- Is that what this is?
- What I'm saying
is that you two losers
are abandoning me.

Um, a Coke, please.
You're, um, Heather, right?
Um, yeah, I know who you are.
You're the new guy.
Well, it's been a year.
[laughs softly]
Everyone here has known
each other from diapers,
so the new guy
is pretty big news.
- Right.
- When nothing
happens around here.
In fact, Carp is actually
the capital of nothing.
Nothing happening,
nothing changing,
nothing you want to see or do.
What about Panic?
There is no such thing.
Then how'd those two kids die
- last summer?
- Whoa. Keep your voice down,
- for fuck's sake.
- Oh, so it is real.
You know, I thought Ray was
just shaking me down at first.
"A dollar a day, every day
that school is in session."
But then when I saw
that everyone else
had to pay in
So, how does it work?
When does it start?
You wait for the judges
to send out a signal.
- It's different every year.
- Hmm, and what,
we're just supposed
to wait until then?
[chuckles] Yeah.
I mean, we're really
supposed to kind of
forget about it.
- Why?
- We're not supposed
to talk about it.
The cops know about the game now
and they know that Jimmy
and Abby were competing.
You could get in trouble
for just watching.
I don't want to watch.
I want to play.
- So what happens next?
- [door bell jingles]
[door closes]
[Dodge] Hey.
- Miss Nill.
- Sheriff.
May I, uh, sit
with the cool kids?
Go for it.
[stool scrapes]
[Cortez] Where's your mom,
She's working the night shift.
Can I get you something?
Let me get a root beer.
- What the hell?
- Yeah.
[soft laughter]
You job hunting, huh?
You know, I'll bet your luck's
gonna change
when they finish the warehouse.
I keep hearing they're gonna
break ground any day, so
They've been
"breaking ground any day"
since I was in eighth grade.
[chuckles] Yeah.
Well, good luck.
Okay. Better get back to it.

- [laughter]
- [Tyler] What the fuck?
- We should build a houseboat.
- Dipshit.
That way we could live
wherever we want.
Wouldn't be a very long life,
if I was stuck on a boat
with you dumb shits.
[Adam] You know, Ray,
that hurts my feelings.
- Honestly.
- Oh, Jesus. Really?
You want a tissue?
[Tyler] Y-Y'all know
there's places
on the ocean
where murder's legal?
- What?
- [laughter]
[Tyler] Why is that funny?
It's international waters,
- bro.
- [Ray] Buddy,
for a drug dealer, uh,
you're pretty terrible
at handling drugs.
Yeah, Tyler, you trying to roll
that thing or make it
- your girlfriend?
- Mm, I don't know.
Aren't you the expert?
[Adam and Ray oohing]
Whoa. Look at this.
White trash.
[Tyler] Could be your mom.
[Tyler laughs]
[Sarah] What? What is it?
It's starting.

[distant explosion]
[fireworks popping]
[lock clicks]

[fireworks continue popping]
[woman on TV] That's right.
They are absolutely gorgeous.
Look at those.
- What's wrong with the door?
- Summertime bloat.
You gotta muscle it.
How'd it go?
Absolutely amazing.
That bad, huh?
[woman on TV] This is unlike
anything I have ever
Yeah, I tried everywhere
on Main.
No one's even really hiring.
Yeah, well,
that's real life, baby.
Just kicks you in the ass.
[phone ringing]
Phone's ringing.
[woman on TV] What do we
have left here?
Seventy five. Is that right?
[woman 2] That's right,
Sharon, only 75 minutes left,
so get yours
- Nat, what's up?
- It's on.
What is?
What do you think?
Opening ceremonies
at Pilot's Point.
Damn, and here I thought Fourth
of July came early this year.
- Are you really not coming?
- I can't, Nat.
I would have a heart attack
just watching.
Oh, God, you might be
the first person ever
too afraid to even watch Panic.
You want me to win, right?
I just don't want you to play.
[siren wailing]
[Cortez] All right,
Langley, Williams,
the fireworks show is back.
Only this time,
coming in from the north.
[Langley] I don't
see them at the west fields.
[Cortez] Let's meet
at the boatyard, all right?
All right, I'll meet you there.
[tires screeching]
[siren wailing]
I'm on my way.
Actually, scratch the boatyard.
All right, now they're
coming in from the south.
What the fuck is going on?
[Williams] Hey,
Langley, I'm over at
the Calhoun Preservation.
Nothin' doin'.
Hey, y'all, I can't get a read
on 'em, they're everywhere.
[tires screech]
[siren wailing]
[fireworks continue popping]
Last time I saw any fireworks
was right by Siskiyou Falls,
so let's just meet
at the turnoff.

[excited chatter]
You can holler, you can wail,
you can swing, you can flail ♪
You can fuck
like a broken sail
[Summer] Phones.
You got a phone?
Thank you.
All right.
Don't take this off.
Phone. Thanks.
All right.
Thank you.

[indistinct chatter]
I'm not letting you
jump off that ledge
looking like a giant condom.
You're not on the swim team
anymore, Toto.
I could never get back up ♪
When the future starts
so slow ♪
You can swing, you can flail ♪
You can blow what's left
of my right mind ♪
I don't mind ♪
You can blow what's left
of my right mind ♪
You can blow what's left
of my right mind
[Diggins over bullhorn] May I
have your attention?
Welcome to Panic.
[all cheering]
My name is Diggins,
and this summer I will be
your host with the most.
This year, the winner of Panic
is gonna take home
the grand prize of $50,000.
[all cheering]
Holy shit. Holy shit.
That's the biggest pot ever.
Last year was only 30.
You all know the rules.
What happens at a challenge
stays at a challenge,
so I don't want to see
any posting,
tweeting or gramming about it,
no exceptions.
Anyone found in violation
risks losing game privileges.
The first challenge is the Jump.
[cheering, whooping]
Remember, kids,
you want to go out and down
into the swimming hole.
You miss it, and it's gonna be
the rocks that break your fall.
Take the leap from the Lookout
and grab yourself 100 points,
courtesy of this year's
friendly judges,
whoever they may be.
Let the games begin!
[all cheering]
That's my cue.

You know, I have the same suit.
- Wish me luck.
- I wish you wouldn't.
[Summer] Who needs a number,
You playing tonight?
You need a number.
Jumping off a cliff?
You need a number.
- Hey, what's up?
- Mimi.
Mimi, that's right.
Mimi, number six.
Best of luck.
Take a flare. Hey, what's up?
Okay, you are number seven.
You are number eight, Matt.
Take a flare.
[The Black Angels:
"Black Grease"]
You're a storm,
so emotional
- Sorry, go ahead.
- Thanks.
Hit me.
Okay, Natalie, you're number 11.
Take a flare.
Good luck.
You're all right ♪
You come to me in times
- [Summer] Dodge, right?
- Yep.
You're number 12.
I'm not the kindest guy ♪
But I give, give,
give, give
[shouts, grunts]
[all cheering]
Contestant number one,
announce yourself.
You know my name, Diggins!
Your mom screams it every night!
[laughter, jeering]
Fuck yeah, that's my boy!
Okay, Ray Hall for the win!
[all cheering]
Whoo! Yeah!
[Ray] Yeah, baby!
[cheering continues]
Ray Hall for the fucking win,
Yeah, that wasn't bad.
[laughter, cheering]
[Diggins] He said it,
so I don't have to,
but I will anyway; the one
and only Ray Hall is in!
[all cheering]

[TV playing indistinctly]
Mom, have you seen all my stuff
for Longhorn State?
What stuff?
Information packets,
the course offerings,
- the payment forms.
- Payment forms? [laughs]
Ain't accountants supposed to
teach you how to save money?
[Sherri laughs]
[Heather sighs]
-It was all right here
on the counter.
-I don't know,
your sister was making a mess
of drawings up there
the other day; maybe it got
put away with her stuff.
[woman on TV] wear these
pink diamond earrings.
Oh, my goodness.
[continues indistinctly]
[TV playing indistinctly]

What the fuck?
Fuck, fuck, fuck,
fuck, fuck, fuck.
[women laughing on TV]
[indistinct chatter on TV]
You find it?
You stole my money.
Yeah, it turns out my car
needed a new transmission.
I swear to God,
if I ever find that piece
of shit who sold it to me
Mom, that money was for school.
- Yeah, well, I need my car
for work, so
- I don't, I don't give a fuck.
I have been saving
for years, Mom.
Good for you.
Between paying bills and keeping
a damn roof over our heads,
I never seem to have
a dollar to spare.
100%. Except on, like, beer
and lottery tickets
and cigarettes and drugs
- and
- Watch yourself.
- You had no right
- You are living in my house.
- That money was mine.
- You are wearing the clothes
I bought you!
- You had no right.
- You are eating the food
I paid for!
What fucking food?
I'm doing my best here, Heather.
It may not look like it, but
You think you can do better,
you can just walk
right out that door
and find out for yourself
just how easy it is.

Back with my apology?
Where you going?
- Hey, that's my car.
- Yeah?
Well, it's got
my transmission in it.
[door closes]

[cheering in distance]
[Diggins] Contestant number 11,
state your name!
Look, you're gonna have to jump
or get down
because we got people who've got
- to get up there.
- For fuck's sake, Diggins,
just give me a minute, okay?!
That's Natalie Williams,
ray of sunshine.
- Go, Natalie! Just go for it!
- Natalie, go!
[boy] Come on, Nat!
[Diggins] Ladies and gentlemen,
we have another one.
Ooh. Hot damn.
Looks like we got a player
trying for the High Point.
- [boy] Yeah!
- [whooping]
- Ooh.
- Who the hell is that?
[Diggins] For all you virgins
out there,
a quick reminder:
a jump from the High Point
will get you a 25-point bonus.
How about a jump
from Devil's Drop?
And for anyone, uh,
dumb or drunk enough
for some questionable
life choices,
there's always Devil's Drop.
A jump from the Drop
will get you an extra 50 points,
and immunity in a challenge
of your choice.
Contestant number 12,
state your name!
- State your
- Dodge Mason.
[Diggins] That's player 12,
making it look easy
from the high jump.
Way to raise the stakes, Dodge.

Oh, shit.
What the fuck was that?
So we party
when the sun goes low ♪
Imminent annihilation
sounds so dope ♪
I'm not shy
but I refuse to speak ♪
Because I don't trust you
to understand me ♪
You know me as the girl
who plays with fire ♪
But this is the song
I wrote you in the dark ♪
I hear they're calling
my name ♪
I'm not gonna sleep anymore
[excited chatter]
[Diggins] Contestant 22,
you're up.
[Natalie] You went
for the high jump.
- Yeah.
- Were you scared?
To jump? No.
It's the landing
that gets you in trouble.
- [chuckles] Yeah.
- Yeah.
- You want a?
- No, I'm
What are you doing here?
[Heather] I tried to call you.
Why are you in a bathing suit?
I guess I didn't want
to be left out of the fun.
You're gonna play?
After all the times you told me
the game was a trap,
that it was a con
- It is.
- Then why are you here?
'Cause maybe
it's my only option.
What the hell
does that even mean?
Look, you're the one
that said that best friends
are supposed
to support each other.
Supposed to support,
not compete with.
Okay, we can play together.
There is no together in Panic.
It's you or me, remember?
One winner only?
I mean, God,
you can't be serious.
Y-You're scared of everything.
I mean, you won't even
get high with me.
You can't even sneak into
a movie theater. I mean
Come on. You can't
really think you're gonna win.
No one is that dumb.
- No, of course not.
- [Diggins] Last call
for contestants!
But I've got nothing to lose.
[Heather] Once upon a time,
there was a girl made of dirt.
[Natalie] Heather!
Heather, come back!
[Heather] She lived in a town
full of stone people.
"You're nothing," they all said
to the girl made of dirt.
- "Nothing."
- [cheering]
- Hey.
- Jesus.
- Where the hell have you been?
- I-I had to pee, okay?
- Calm down.
- Calm down? Heather!
[Heather] Every night,
the girl made of dirt
would talk to the wind
and the wind would only sigh.
The girl was lonely.
[Diggins] Contestant 23.
State your name.
- Who is that?
- That's, uh, Heather Nill.
She lives in Two Pines,
across from Ruby Anne's sister.
Hey, look, all you have to do
is throw in some food stamps
- and that'll get her moving.
- Shut the fuck up.
[Sofia] Seriously, how long
are we supposed to wait for?
- Heather, come down!
- Heather.
Come on, Heather.
- [cheering, clapping]
- [girl] Fucking go.
- Come on, Heather!
- She's not gonna do it.
She's not gonna do it.

Oh, my God. Drew.
What is she doing?
She's playing.
[Heather] Then one day,
there was a storm.
It rained for days and days.
The water climbed and climbed,
higher and higher.

[girl] Don't do it!
Oh, my God.
She's going to Devil's Drop.
[Heather] Soon,
the stone people were trapped,
begging the wind
to take them to safety.
[Diggins] Are you sure
you want to do this, Heather?
No harm in turning back.
Uh, you know, you've al
you've already made
a real statement.
[Heather] But the stone people
were too heavy to carry.
[wind gusting]
Then the wind spotted
the girl made of dirt.
She would be no problem
to carry.
[boy] Come down, Heather!
[overlapping shouting]
- [girl] Don't be stupid!
- Will somebody get her down?
[overlapping shouting continues]
[boy] Come on, Heather!
[boy 2] What do you got
to prove? Come on!
Contestant 23,
s-state your name.
Heather Nill.
So the wind opened its arms.
And the girl made of dirt
turned to air

and flew.

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