Paradise City (2021) s01e01 Episode Script

Don't Let the Name Fool You

-Lily, Lily, when am I going
to see you on stage again?
Vic, where's your
singer been hiding?
What's going on with him?
Come on, Leo,
you like talking.
-Hey, can I get your autograph?
-Hey! No, not you,
the lighting guy.
Lighting guy.
Bringer of the light!
[mutters indistinctly]
-Come on, give us something.
When is The Relentless
going to play shows again?
-We'll be touring soon enough.
Oh my God!
-Sign my tits.
-Oh, uh, do you want to just
sign my stomach?
-Yes, uh
Oh, oh!
-You've got a pretty face.
-Lily, got anything confirmed?
-The only thing confirmed
is how fucked into oblivion
your stupid little
TV show is.
-Don't give into that,
man, that's what they
want you to do.
-What? Honestly, seriously,
get the fuck back.
Ever heard of personal space?
You guys are
Hollywood cockroaches.
-Going solo soon, Lily?
-Fucking prick.
Come on, been nothing
for over a year.
Why are you saying soon?
-Because soon we'll
be flat broke.
Music industry's fucked
for rock bands right now.
To survive,
we got to tour.
And there is no way
Johnny's gonna lose that house
he's in with Gretchen.
Happy now?
Got what you need?
-Your favorite Hollywood
press caught up with
three of the members
of The Relentless
last night on
the Sunset strip.
After achieving
worldwide success
amidst a ton
of controversy
with one of the biggest
debut albums
from a rock band in years,
the group's been on
a 15 month hiatus
following disturbing events
involving their lead singer,
Johnny Faust.
No one has seen or heard from
him since he became a recluse
early last year,
in the wake of
the bizarre death of
his attorney
shortly after
Johnny was acquitted.
Despite demand from
his die-hard fan base,
he has denied all press requests
and has had no activity
on social media whatsoever.
Johnny, we need you back, man.

[cello plays]
As much as I love having
you all to myself,
don't you think it's time?
-Time for what?
Pass back out?
-No, to perform again!
Do an interview.
I don't know, just
get out of your shell.
-You don't like your
deadbeat lover's
Word with Friend's request
pinging your phone all day?
It expands my vocabulary,
helps me with lyrics.
-No, I never want
that to change.
But the fans gave us
this amazing lifestyle.
You love them.
Everybody from the label
and the band,
everyone's just so stressed
in this weird limbo.
-So, I could stay
in bed all day,
having sex with the coolest
girl in the world
who happens to play
into my foot fetish,
or I could eat Uber eats,
or I could go back to
the psychotic music industry
with fucking paparazzi
all over me,
ruining my tranquility,
no thanks. I'm good.
-Johnny, babe, seriously.
You wanted to become
a rock star.
Nobody forced you
into this.
And this is the only way
that you support yourself.
Do you know how expensive
it is to keep up with
this place every month?
And your Mom needs money.
Your brother is
on the streets.
-Don't bring my brother
into this.
-What about us?
What if I were to become
pregnant with twins?
This is real-life, Johnny,
this is what happens.
It's not like we don't want
to have a family someday.
-I almost went to jail
for a long fucking time.
I almost died.
I destroyed everything.
-We've had two years to
get over it,
and now you're in your prime,
and so am I.
And you don't seem to mind
I'm not on birth control.
-Yeah, I get it.
-Are you seriously complaining
about becoming a rock star?
I missed my period this month
and you forgot to
pay the mortgage.
Pity parties
don't pay bills.
-Let 'em burn.
-Are you kidding me?
You don't get anything.
[phone beeps]
-What's up,
this is Johnny Faust,
we are playing
a show this week.
The Relentless are back.
See you in the Jungle,
-You just
Did you just post that?
Did that actually just happen?
-What else is there to do?
-Oh my God.
You are crazy.
-You want your satisfaction,
I've got your satisfaction.
-The Relentless is back!
[dog barks]
-Hey, boy.
You just got to piss, I know.
All right.
[phone vibrates, beeps]
Let's go.
What the fucking fuck?
The other guys know yet?
Dylan isn't even in
the country, is he?
-Yeah, I'm working on that.
Hold on, Maya's beeping in.
Let me conference her in.
Maya, how are you doing?
You got me and Elias.
-So really?
This is for real?
-Oh, yeah, it's for real.
-We got a problem,
because every
big theater in town
is booked
and we can't do an arena
on this short of notice.
So, what, is he
fucking crazy?
-No, we got to
underplay this thing.
Make it special,
500 seats max.
Roxy, Whiskey,
you know, maybe the Troubadour.
-They'll fucking kill for this
show, are you kidding me?
-Yeah, Elias is right,
it should be about the band
getting back to their roots.
That gives us
a story to tell.
-Let's get it done.
-God, Johnny.
-No more calls, okay?
This is ridiculous.
This is one of the top
fertility doctors in town.
We waited months for
this appointment.
And we have the acupuncture
treatment for my ovaries
after this.
Why does the band have
to do this today?
-I don't know. I'm going
to ask Johnny that question.
You know what, I bet
the answer is similar
to why a beautiful,
amazing talented,
happily married woman
in her early 30s
with a husband with
a decent career
can't seem to get pregnant,
while meanwhile in
Kokomo, Indiana,
some high school dropout is
getting knocked up with twins
by her fucking meth head
drug dealer boyfriend.
-Hi. how are you?
-Nice to meet you.
-I'm ready for you.
-Okay, all right.
Let's go.
-Dylan is still in
his hotel room
in South London, get him
on a direct flight
to Los Angeles, period.
Right away, Period.
-I just
-All caps, expeditiously.
-No more calls, all right?
Come on.
-That's voice to text.
-I know what
the fuck it is.
-It picked up what you said.
[phone ringing]

[phone ringing]
-Hey, Dylan.
-Not now, Ralphie, mate.
I'm in a meeting.
What the fuck?
Come on, Johnny.
Fuckin' hell, mate.
-Come on, let's go!
-Still waking up.
-You need to get
your blood flowing.
-I think I need to stretch.
-Yeah, more like stretch
the truth.
-Wait up.
-The only waiting
anybody is doing is
for your ass to
get back on stage.
Will Johnny Faust
expand his lung capacity
for his comeback performance
and be able to catch his lover
at the same time?
Tune in to find out.
Come on, hurry up,
you're so slow!
How are you gonna do
a whole set?
Come on, you got this.
-You want how many?
Try and get one ticket.
-Morning, Elias.
What do we got, people?
-Got the sold out Roxy poster
artwork in print,
limited to 500.
Sirius XM wants to
broadcast the show live
from the Roxy.
And KROQ sent
their guest list.
-Rolling Stone, Spin, and
Billboard are all covering
the show.
And Johnny's confirmed
to go on Hit Parader
with Matt Pinfield for
the live interview.
-Your accountant is on
line two, says urgent.
He had me print these up.
-What do you got, Jocko?
-I need five minutes
alone with you, Boss.
-Oh, in other words,
you got nothing, right?
-Oh, baby.
-Such a great idea.
[phone vibrating]
-I thought you just said you
turned the ringer off, Adam.
-I turned the ringer off,
but texts vibrate.
-Oh my God.
-Go back to sleep.
Okay, Ralphie,
I hear you now.
Say it again.
-I fucked up bad, Adam.
I messed up Dylan's flight
from London to L.A.
I forgot that they use
military time over there,
so when I saw 1439
on the itinerary,
I thought it was 4:39,
not 2:39.
-Cut to the chase.
Find him another flight,
he's the band's drummer.
He's the only one we have,
get him here.
-Dude, I'm looking on
the computer right now.
There's no more direct flights
that are gonna
get him there
in time to play the show.
-Ah, that's cool.
Hey, no problem.
You know, we'll play the
comeback show acoustic.
No problem.
-Thank God, dude.
Man, good idea, though.
Switching it up
for the fans, that's cool.
-No, it's not a fucking
cool idea, Ralphie!
Fucking find a way,
get him here,
or start packing up
your fucking desk.
You hear me?
Do you remember
when I told you this town,
this business is a jungle and
you're either a savage animal,
or you're a dying fucking
pathetic roach?
You remember that?
-Yeah, I remember, Adam.
-If they don't play this
comeback show
it falls on me
as their fucking manager.
And they, the press,
the fans, will tear me apart
like a fucking
pack of wild dogs.
-I'm not gonna let that
happen, Adam.
I'm gonna make this right.
I don't know how, but
I'm gonna fix this.
-Are you alone?
-Bomb threat, payphone.
-You said you'd do anything,
are you a man of your word,
-Yeah, but
-Call up the airline,
tell them that the flight
Dylan is on has a bomb on it.
That'll buy us some time.
Find a hat, cover your face.
Find a payphone.
Do it now.
-Hey, honey.
-You're sick.
You know that's a felony, right?
-Hey, baby
-You're really sick.
-It's all for the kids, baby.
Come on, I'm feeling
very fertile.
Come back.
-You wore this on the stage
for the European
Let 'em Burn tour, right?
-Are you sure you
want to sell this?
-Well, you look good in it.
But, we haven't played in
over a year, Amanda.
My mortgage doesn't
take days off.
[phone vibrates]
-Hello, Lily Mayflower?
I'm calling regarding
your outstanding balance
with the Malibu Addiction
treatment center.
-I am broke.
-Babe, this guy just
offered three grand
for your white Chucks.
Offer confirmed.
-He just wants a video of you
wearing them with no socks.
-So if I wore a
sock on my cock,
do you think I could sell
that on eBay and get me $50?
Start a bidding war.
-Stop hitting on my girlfriend.
-There's a fucking bomb
on the London flight
leaving to LAX in 30 minutes.
-Sir, I'm having a very
difficult time hearing you.
-I'm saying there's a bomb
on the fucking plane.
It's going to explode
if you leave.
-And what will happen
if we don't?
-It's gonna explode,
people are gonna die.
You want that shit
on you conscience?
No, do something about it.
-How do you feel?
-All right.
Don't worry about saying
anything that might
embarrass me.
It's all in the past.
And the fans deserve
to know the truth.
-I don't deserve you.
-I know.
-Fucking flight had a bomb
threat on it, didn't it?
I know one of those birds
had a crazy ex.
-You sure he's an ex?
-So what did I miss?
-It's just about to start.
-For his first interview
in almost two years,
I'm sitting right next to
the notorious front man
of The Relentless,
Johnny Faust.
Johnny, good to
see you again, man.
-Happy to be here, thanks.
-So let's talk about this.
Your first album
went platinum,
you toured in
over 35 countries,
and you've seen more
than most people will
see in a lifetime.
How do you feel about that?
-I'm grateful.
I got to travel the world,
and meet all these fans.
The truth is, though,
I think I was happier
before I became famous.
I've been able
to find strength
in my sobriety, and
Gretchen has been a big
part of that for me.
-Yeah. So what happened that
made you get sober?
-I thought I lost
the love of my life.
I I cheated on
Gretchen with Lily.
After that, I fell into
-Miss Mayflower, do you care
to comment on Mr. Faust's
-Every scene has past,
every sinner has a future.
What really can
I say, huh?
-So, Lily's his bass player.
-And he slept with her?
Rumor has it that, uh,
Lily had a sort of FaceTime
call from Gretchen,
while her and Johnny
were having sex.
-My God, this generation
is so fucked.
-On your first album,
there was a lot of
association with the Occult,
claiming to have
even had contact
with the devil himself.
-The more I talk about that,
the crazier I sound,
so I'm I'm done
talking about that.
-Do you think that
devil worship is real,
like, the whole black magic
and all that stuff?
-Oh, I definitely think
there's good and evil spirits
and black magic is real.
Did you know that Jimmy Page
bought Aleister Crowley's
house and lived in it
so that he could write
Led Zeppelin songs?
-I know.
-Why are you so cool, Mom?
-Oh, I like it when
you call me mom.
-I like it when
you pass the joint.
-Johnny, now that we're
at the end of this,
I've got to ask you the question
that you know
everybody wants to know.
What was the real reason
that you took a break
from the Relentless?
-This is something
I've never told anybody, but,
We were on tour,
in Las Vegas,
and this 18-year-old virgin
begged to get on the bus
for me to take
her virginity.
And I did it.
Dylan had sex with the mom.
-Of course, Johnny's got to
drag me into his storytelling.
-You all right?
-Yeah, sorry.
The next day
the mother got into a
fight with her husband.
I guess he had found out
about what happened,
he killed himself.
did you know he was going
to say all this publicly?
-No, but I'm proud of him.
-You're proud of him?
-Takes a lot of courage to
own up for the messes you made.
-Yeah, you should try
it sometime.
-That is truly awful.
Have you had any contract with
the girl since that went down?
And, um I'm ashamed
to say that I haven't.
-Well, you know, it's never
too late to reach out.
-Good, I'm glad
you're watching this.
We need to talk.
[baby murmurs]
Okay, we can't keep going
the way we have been.
I don't have
any extra money,
for food, for diapers,
for doctors,
for everything that
you're gonna need to her.
-Maybe if you'd help watch
her for me, I'd have
more time to study.
I could get a better job.
-This isn't about me.
This is your life, girl.
Your decisions.
Miss Pin-up,
he's there on TV,
talking about it.
You know what you have to do.
-Well, I want to say
thank you for coming in.
-Thanks for all the
support, Lizzy.
[baby murmurs]
-We're happy you're back,
you're out.
We're looking forward
to the show at the Roxy.
That comeback show.
Johnny Faust, everybody.
I'm Matt Pinfield,
and this is Hit Parader.
back to work, I guess.
-Yeah, it's gonna be a busy
day at the office.
-What do you reckon?
-Society loves when
the truth is disturbing.
-I wonder if that girl's
watching this interview.
-You're laughing?
I'm not laughing, I don't think
it's fucking funny.
Her dad committed suicide,
it's pretty fucking harsh.
-Bad press is good press,
Baby made a bad bet
-Johnny, are you all right, man?
-Oh, yeah, I am
I'm fine, thanks.
-Hey, Oliver.
-How were the ratings last night
for the Relentless interview?
-Highest ratings the
network have seen in a year.
And I can't believe it.
Only Pop and Hip-hop acts
have been getting that
much viewership.
-Well, get us in the room
with the band.
They need to be with us.
They're still under contract
with Elias and Akkadian.
Why don't we just
buy them out?
-That old punk rock bastard.
He'd never sell.
Get me in a room
with Johnny Faust.
That kid is the future of rock.
Just figure it out.
-Okay, I'll try my best.
-Founder and CEO of the
Pantheon Music group
Oliver Ostergard was
in great spirits this morning
after the company posted
their highest ever
first quarter earnings.
[door opens]
Oliver has been sitting
at the top of the
-How much did he offer you?
-What did you say, honey?
-For the abortion.
-Simon, stop it.
-No, seriously.
-Oh, honey.
-Sweetie, why don't you
watch something else?
Hey, how's the video for
the new Relentless single?
-It's not out yet.
Look, Mom,
I'm not a kid anymore.
I feel like I
deserve to know.
-He offered me
half a million dollars.
And I told him to
go fuck himself.
-Half a million dollars.
Then what'd he do?
You can tell me.
Offered to pay for
me to cut an album,
and do a world tour.
-Wait, so you
sacrificed your music career
-Having you
is the best decision
I ever made in my life.
Let's not dwell
on the past.
-Why didn't he want me born?
We should get to campus soon.
-Hey, hey.
How's the show coming along?
-Pretty cool.
-It's coming.
-Let's head out.
-Oh shit.
-We got the goods.
-Flyer? Nice.
-She is just precious.
What's her name?
-Faith, a beautiful name
for a beautiful baby.
You two new to town?
-We're just passing through.
-Well, welcome to
the city of Angels.
Don't let the name fool you.
-Let's go, baby.
-The guys really want
to play the one we
wrote before the hiatus.
They're going to be upset.
-They'll be more upset when
the first taste of a new album
is a video shot by a fan
on YouTube that sounds
like shit.
-Yeah, you always make
sense, Elias.
-Yeah, I've sold a few records,
but no matter what,
however successful you are,
you still can't shit on a bus.
And you gotta curb your dog.
-Well, a good way for us
all to say humble, right?
I'm hitting
this yoga class.
I'll see you at the show.
[phone beeps]
People are going crazy.
[brakes squeal]
[car honks]
What's your fucking problem?
-Get the fuck
out of the road.
-I live here, you know?
What, are you rat race
motherfuckers trying
to avoid traffic?
Read the sign.
-What, are you on Waze?
-Move your ass, please.
-Ruin every neighborhood Waze.
-I'm going.
-Oh, please.
-Don't fucking come back here.
Go on.
And take this stuff.
[phone dialing]
-Good morning, Natalie.
-Hey, Elliot.
-Well, we got the verdict.
-What did they say?
-The court ordered because
Simon is now 18,
that Oliver no longer
has to pay for any
of his schooling.
-But Georgetown's
a top university.
Wait, he's supposed
to be until he's 21.
-I know, the state of
New York says 21,
but now he's filing
in Beverly Hills court
because he's a
California resident.
-Well, I cannot possibly
come up with that money
by the end of summer.
-It's disgraceful he's
doing this to his own son.
And Oliver's so rich.
It's not fair to Simon at all.
How's he doing with
music out there?
-He's been playing
at Legion halls.
He seems happy.
Um, listen, Simon
just left on his scooter
to go to Kinko's.
Can I call you back, Elliot?
-Of course. Bye.
-These were overnighted to you.
Some woman has been calling
the office all morning
ranting about them being
time sensitive documents?
-Just put this away for me.
-You want me just
to throw it out?
-Just get it out of
my sight, okay?
-Okay, right away.
-Come on, Ned. Get real.
I'm not gonna throw away
four million CDs.
Their great records.
-Yeah, they're great records.
They're also shrink-wrapped
pieces of plastic
that costs us 6 figures a month
for storage and returns.
-Yeah, that's ridiculous.
I'm just gonna get the staff
to do some new promotions and--
-It won't move the needle
one damn bit.
As more stores return
physical product,
you have to pay more for space.
-This is just you being
Ned the Naysayer.
-And you're about to be
a fucking dinosaur.
It's bad enough that we
get paid a half a penny a play.
Winter is here, and
Silicon Valley are
the White Walkers.
They're taking over
the damn music business.
Nobody buys CDs anymore.
Look, I know you're
emotional because
for decades, you created
great special packaging.
Stickers and fold-up posters
put in those albums.
But now I'm using these CDs
as a goddamn coffee coaster.
The dream is dead.
-Look, you dream in
numbers, Ned.
I dream in people.
-Oh, you bless your heart.
You're fucking rude
is what you are.
Do you think I'm gonna
let us go broke?
Blowing all our streaming
money on L.A. warehouses?
Keep dreaming, pal.
-Did you just hang up
on me, Ned?
-I wish you didn't
give me his last name,
-Um, what's wrong?
-These shitheads
on local message boards
are saying the only reason
I'm putting on bigger shows
is because of who
my dad is.
-Well, tell them the truth.
You did this all
on your own.
You've never even met Oliver.
-It's 3:00
in the afternoon, Mom.
That's real nice.
What's the excuse
today, Natalie?
-Your father
is not going to pay
for college anymore.
-Good, I don't want his
fucking money, anyway.
Where'd you put
that sativa?
-It's in the angelbox.
Simon, I'm
I'm really sorry.
You're just going to have to
go to a local community college.
-Don't worry about
the school, okay?
I just want
to focus on music.
You can't make that
decision so quickly.
-I already have.
-Um, since when?
-Since I was like
five-years-old, Natalie.
You know, drop out of school,
join a band?
That story always
ends well, right?
-Tonight's the night,
The Relentless at the Roxy.
And the tickets
are sold out.
Fans have already
started lining up outside.
The excitement is high
and the security is tight.
-Yeah, I'm on the list.
Could you just look?
I just got to get my passes,
I'm gonna miss my band's set.
-Yeah, I know,
it was my idea.
Now, can I just get will
call is usually right there.
-What's up, everyone,
I'm Alison Hagin.
We are just moments away.
As you know, this band
has been through hell,
and they are finally back.
All right, well,
without further ado,
get ready for the best
night of your lives.
I'll see you in the pit.
-Where's the regular guy, Tony?
-The Relentless.
It's The Relentless.
They request
extra security.
Damn it.
Damn it.
-Hey, sorry,
I had no service in there.
Prick won't let me in.
-Are you fucking kidding me?
Does he look like a fan
trying to sneak in?
-Were you picked
first or last in P.E.?
-Yeah, let's go.
-Come on, Man.
Look at you, you're beautiful.
-Let me feel this thing.
Let me feel it,
I got it.
-Guys, I wouldn't
be here without you
and I really appreciate
everything that you do for me.
I'm grateful
to be back.
-Hey, we're all
in this together.
Just don't play any
unreleased songs tonight.
-Exactly, you do not want
a shit-ass version
of a new song on the net.
And it will happen.
-Don't do it.
-I have a different
surprise planned.
-Please, share.
-I'm gonna propose
to Gretchen.
-That's beautiful,
she's the one, man.
How are you gonna do it?
-Tonight on stage.
-Oh, Johnny, honey.
Certain things
you gotta keep sacred.
-What do you mean?
-She's already got to share you
with your entire band,
and all your crazy
stalker fans.
It should be between
the two of you.
Somewhere sentimental away
from a sleazy rock club.
-Please, listen to your agent.
-Okay, yeah.
A serious moment
of clarity, thank you.
I appreciate it.
-He just listened to you.
He doesn't listen to me.
-It's all right, Adam.
- Hit it.
- Have a great show tonight,
you guys.
-All right, get in here,
let's do it, guys.
We got to go.
I just wanted to say that
there is no other place
on this planet I would
rather be right now.
-The Relentless is back.
-Let's do it.
-Let's do it.
-Forever and ever.
-Forever and ever.
-Hey, um
I'm really happy
to be back with you here.
-The same.
[crowd cheering]
[rock music plays]
I never thought
this could be me ♪
I guess you never do
'Til it's
happening to you ♪
Like all the fun
turns to shame ♪
And all the could-have-beens
Never seemed so cruel
And all my gods
Never seemed so weak
Wake up engage
Now derailed and enraged
It used to be so easy
Get up, I'm game
Now I'm sick and I'm tame
Counting cost with lost
-Damn man.
Rotten teeth
and life unsung ♪
You'll forget me
when I'm gone ♪
Wake up engage
Now derailed and enraged
It used to be so easy
Get up, I'm game
Now I'm sick and I'm tame
Counting cost with lost
I used to be
A lot like you
Now I'm only me
I used to be
A lot like you
Now I'm only me
I'm only me
-One rehearsal.
One rehearsal!
-Guys, let's play the new song.
-What, are you
fucking kidding me?
-Come on, fuck it,
let's play it.
-Dylan, we're not supposed
to play the new song, dude.
-Fuck that,
we're playing it.
-Stupid fucking cunt!
We're going to have to, now.
Hopelessness is me
-Another satisfied customer!
-Did you like the band?
Hey, only $10,
what a steal, right?
-Yeah, quite a steal.
Stupid little
-You should be flattered.
-Bootlegging fuck.
How did you even have time
to get this made?
-Black magic, dude.
Black t-shirt magic!
Come on!
Hey, what are you-- hey!
All right, you break, you buy.
-I could have you arrested.
It's illegal.
Hey. Hey, I'm talking to you.
What me to cut you in?
Make a deal, come on.
Hey, you can't
stream shirts.
Cotton don't download.
I signed Lily's stomach, want me
to sign your big old belly?
-Why don't you just go
-Hey, Maya.
Isn't it crazy, all these
people are here for a photo
just with Johnny and Lily?
-Ralphie, don't you have
something you gotta go do
-Yeah, actually, I do.
-Still feels weird, huh?
-Stings a little.
-You're a brave woman, Gretchen.
Hang in there.
[sirens blaring]
-20 years of art.
Friday night, and
here I am, working, man.
'Cause I know we were made
for something real ♪
Which one is
leaking right now?
Leaking, leaking, leaking.
I wouldn't have to say
this to myself ♪
I hope you cry
Big fucking party.
Real nice.
I hope you know
there is more to life ♪
I wouldn't have to leave
my own home ♪
I wonder if I'll ever
find my feet ♪
I wonder if
I'll ever find release ♪
I hope you cry
I hope you cry
I hope you know
there's more to life ♪
I hope you cry
I hope you
I hope you
I hope you
I hope you
I hope you
I hope you cry
I hope you cry
I hope you knows
there's more to life ♪
I hope you cry
I hope you
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