Parallel World Pharmacy (2022) s01e01 Episode Script

A Reincarnated Pharmacologist and a Parallel World

20XX Japan, T University
Molecular Pharmaceutical
Development Lab
Present Class Meeting Out Home
Professor Yakutani.
Professor Yakutani!
O-Oh, yes. Sorry.
A pharmaceutical company representative
is here to discuss joint research.
I'm Kanji Yakutani.
I'm looking forward to our meeting today.
Please escort him. I'll be right there.
Professor Yakutani seems
to have a lot on his plate.
Yes, you're right about that.
Well, his research is undeniably world class.
So many patients will be
saved in the years to come.
It's already been that long?
Bro-bro, am I gonna get better?
If I take the medicine and go to
sleep, I'll get better, right?
The tumor couldn't be fully removed.
Fate dealt her an unfortunate hand.
There was no option but to give up
It seems the medicine didn't work, either.
Give up? An unfortunate hand?
Don't be ridiculous!
There should have been
an effective medicine!
Start time, 3:42 AM. End time, 4:42 AM.
Molecular Pharmaceutical
Development Lab
Set for 46 minutes.
How long has it been since I
interacted directly with a patient?
I guess
I'll become a town pharmacist someday.
Good morning, Professor Yakutani!
What do you
Master Farma! Are you awake?
Please, take it easy!
You were struck by lightning, after all!
Do you remember?
What are you tal—
What's going on?
Master Farma!
Parallel World Pharmacy
Episode 1
A Reincarnated Pharmacologist
and a Parallel World
Um, Master Farma?
"Master Farma?"
Yes, Master! You are Farma de Médicis!
Master Farma, huh?
The name makes me sound like
a pharmaceutical company
Was it a dream? Or memories
from a previous life?
Wait So then, I died?
Probably from overwork Yeah
Could it be your memories are jumbled up?
Yeah, seems like it
Then in that case,
I shall reintroduce myself to you!
Charlotte, at your service.
Please call me "Lotte" like you always do!
Uh, erm Lotte?
Yes, Master?
Could these bandages be removed?
There's this tingling sensation.
I'll make the preparations right away!
This note
It's what I wrote at the end.
Master Farma! That mark!
Wow! Amazing!
It looks like the holy mark
of the Panactheos!
Oh, thank you Oh, thank you.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
This is called a Lichtenberg figure, a burn
that forms when lightning passes through ski—
Why're you praying?
This is a sign that the Panactheos
protected you from the lightning, Master.
I need to offer prayers of
gratitude to the Panactheos!
Thank you! Thank you!
Panictheos? A god of chaos and fear?
Wh-Wh-Wh-What did you say?!
The Panactheos is a god of medicine!
A very welcome and appreciated god!
A god of medicine? Oh, Panactheos.
Did you really forget even that?
Oh, uh, I'm just a little confused.
If you don't mind, may I confirm
a few things with you?
The de Médicis family is a great
aristocratic house of the Sain Fleuve Empire.
It is a house of Royal Pharmacians.
Your father, Master Bruno de Médicis,
holds the rank of archduke.
Royal Pharmacians? Archduke?
Archduke is a rank bestowed on nobles
of particularly outstanding skill.
It is even higher than the rank of duke.
The master also serves as the president
of the Imperial School of Pharmacy.
A school of pharmacy, eh?
This is Master Bruno.
On the right is his wife,
Mistress Béatrice.
In her lap is your younger
sister, Miss Blanche.
My younger sister
And this is your older
brother, Master Palle.
He is currently far abroad,
studying at the Novalout College of Medicine—
the most prestigious in the world.
That's very elite.
The master has great expectations
for both of you.
Not just as pharmacians, but also
as practitioners of Divine Arts.
Huh? Divine Arts?
Yes, Divine Arts!
Miraculous feats that must assuredly
be called works of the gods!
Oh, I see why you would
call those Divine Arts.
I guess it's something like magic
Wait, that kind of thing
exists here? And I can do it?!
Um You wouldn't happen to have
forgotten those too, would you?
It seems so
Oh, dear gods! But you were so good at them!
The ability to use Divine Arts
is the mark of the nobility!
You were able to perform
Divine Arts of water.
You don't remember how?
I might not
What if I never do? Then what?
I don't even want to consider it.
If that were the case,
you might no longer be recognized as a
noble and be driven out of the estate!
G-Got it. I'll see if I can remember.
Divine Arts of water
Where do I even start?
Apparently, the first step is to create a
mental image of "the form of water."
The form of water
The molecular structure?
A water molecule is H2O.
Two hydrogen atoms and one
oxygen atom, joined by single bonds.
Wait, if I consider the electrical
properties as well
Wait! How do I make it stop?!
Stop! Cease!
It stopped
Master Farma!
This spray You were able to remember!
Sorry! Did you get wet?
I did indeed!
Your water feels wonderful and
refreshing, Master Farma!
And you also watered the
herbs in the garden for me!
I'll go get changed and meet you!
Water really just appeared
Does it work with other stuff?
Gold, sodium chloride, sugar
I can produce simple substances and
compounds, but mixtures aren't possible.
My left hand has a
Substance Creation ability.
And my right hand has
Substance Elimination.
Is that how it works?
As long as I know the
chemical structure, at least.
C-Come in!
You successfully remembered!
You did it! I'm so glad!
Now the master can put his mind at eas—
M-Master Farma, did you happen to completely
forget your medicinal knowledge, too?
Be careful!
The master often springs surprise
quizzes on medicines during meals.
Wha What?!
I'm impressed with myself.
I memorized all of this?
Yes. It was the master's idea
that you receive special education
in pharmacology from childhood.
I can read everything,
and I can remember it.
These must be Farma's memories.
What's going on? It's like the medical
knowledge of Earth from centuries ago!
You're up? You were so fast asleep
that I left you in bed.
Yes, Father. Sorry to worry you.
I'm so glad you've recovered!
I was so worried.
Thank you, Mother.
Brother, are you okay now? It doesn't hurt?
Yes, I'm fine.
They must have been a lovely family.
I'll have to live alongside
Farma going forward.
By the way, Farma,
how does one make the Georide salve
that was used to treat your arms?
Huh? Uh Of course.
Um Georide is made by
taking herbs, catesso oil,
lizard eyes, and
p-powdered bat wings,
boiling them down over the night of a full
moon after purifying oneself and praying,
drying it in sunlight for three days,
and finally, finely grinding the result.
Yes. Very good.
It seems your cognition was not affected.
If you have no objections, I trust you can
resume your lessons with Eléonore tomorrow.
Yes, Father. Understood.
Something's off
Wh-What do you mean?
Something's definitely off here!
You're calm, your demeanor has changed,
and your adorable charm is gone
You're like a different person!
Are you sure? I do not believe
that to be the case.
See! That right there!
The way you're speaking to me!
Okay, then. I'll keep it casual
with you, Ms. Eléonore.
You call me Elen!
It's me, your father's top apprentice,
and your personal tutor! Eléonore Bonnefoi!
My nickname is Elen!
There's definitely something
different about you.
Sorry. Ever since I was struck by lightning,
my memory's been fuzzy.
Farma, you could have just said so!
You remember Divine Arts, right?
Y-Yeah Sorta
No problem.
We'll skip pharmacology today and
review the basics of Divine Arts!
We aristocrats all have the
aptitude for Divine Arts,
and we each have a Guardian Deity.
For you, your brother, and your father,
that's the Panactheos.
But for me, it's the Hydrotheos.
There are five attributes of Divine Arts:
fire, water, air, earth, and none.
These are further subdivided into
positive and negative attributes.
Do you follow so far?
Um, I basically get, like, fire and water,
but what does "none" mean?
It's a non-standard attribute.
Technically, it is part of the list, but it
hasn't been seen for at least 300 years.
Who knows if it ever actually existed?
So What attribute would someone
who could create any substance be?
No such thing is possible.
The attributes of what
can be created are fixed.
If someone were to have that power,
they'd be a god or a monster.
Yup, this is a fine spot to practice.
Hey! Farma, you don't have your wand!
Huh? Wand?
A rod that amplifies Divine Power
and controls Divine Arts.
More formally, a Divine Wand.
Oh, now that you mention it,
there was a wand by my bed
Sorry. I forgot to bring it today.
I'll lend you mine.
Face downstream, and launch a Spear of Water.
A Spear of Water?
Of course. You don't remember.
No problem. Watch me.
Spear of Water!
Wow! It really was like a spear!
It's not that hard an Art.
You were able to do it, too.
Imagine the form of the Art. The activation
incantation is "Spear of Water."
Oh, gods Farma broke.
Huh? Broke? I did?
Farma, what happened to you?
How did it turn out like that
without even an incantation?
What's going on with your Divine Power?
The total Divine Power a person
can use in their life is fixed!
What if you just expended all of yours?
Hold out your hands. Grasp this firmly.
What is it?
Grasp it!
What's wrong, Elen?
A colorless capacity break?!
And both positive and negative attributes?
Farma, what's wrong with you?
Your glasses broke.
That's not important right now!
So, what does a capacity break mean?
That's what I'd like to know!
No practitioner has ever exceeded
the Divinometer before!
Let me take a look.
Th-This is the Panactheos's holy mark!
No, it's something called
a Lichtenberg figure.
It's a burn left by a lightning strik—
Burns don't glow blue!
Listen carefully, Farma.
You must never grasp a Divinometer
in front of anyone.
Not even your father.
I'll keep all this a secret.
Let's end our lesson for today.
Are you okay? Your hand is trembling.
O-Oh, is it? I-I'm scared because
I can't see the ground.
Shall we take breaks along the way?
Hey, Elen! When you don't
have your glasses, do this.
Like this! See?
That looks silly!
Just go with it. Give it a try.
Make a small hole with your fingers.
Smaller! Like the eye of a needle.
What is it?
Um, I'm not sure
I'm sorry. I didn't mean
to grab it that hard.
I jammed my finger this morning.
How did you know,
when I didn't even bandage it?
Um, well, I
A jammed finger
A sprain?
The color changed?
It's just, when I do this,
it seems medical issues glow blue.
And when I identify the cause,
they glow white.
Is this a Divine Art, too?
The Panactheos perceives all illness
and grants medicine.
It can't be
That's just like the Panactheos's Divine Eye!
Divine Eye?
How can that be? What's going on?
That power It's not human!
Hey, wait. Farma, how?
Where is it?
You have no shadow!
I-I'll keep quiet! I won't tell a soul!
Stay back
Um, are you okay?
Elen, come back!
Episode 2
Master and Apprentice
Next Episode