Paranoia Agent (2004) s01e01 Episode Script

Enter Lil' Slugger

Raa-eee-yaa Ra-ra-e-yo-ra
A magnificent mushroom
cloud in the sky
Raa-eee-yaa Ra-ra-e-yo-ra
In the afternoon of birds
pecking at food in an alley
Touching the grass under the sunlight
streaming through the leaves
I'll talk with you
See, on the lunch bench
A dream blossoms
Carry the sound of
the waves in your heart
Sink your blues
Stretch a bridge to tomorrow
Don't worry about tsunami
Raa-eee-yaa Ra-ra-e-yo-ra
A magnificent mushroom
cloud in the sky
Raa-eee-yaa Ra-ra-e-yo-ra
The afternoon of birds
pecking at food in an alley
Raa-eee-yaa Ra-ra-e-yo-ra
The dream I nurtured
on the lunch bench
Raa-eee-yaa Ra-ra-e-yo-ra
The afternoon, born on the day of the
sunlight streaming through the leaves
I'm sorry.
I really don't have
time for this project.
I'm kind of tired, so I'll pass
You know, the road is
completely packed now
so I guess I'll be late.
That's not our fault.
Our client told us to do that.
I told you.
That's not what I wanted
I told you.
That's not what I wanted!
I swear I didn't
know about it at all.
I was too busy.
You know I'm really
getting bothered by it, too!
I didn't mean to
keep it secret from you.
I didn't have any other choice!
Can't you do something about it?
I have an upset stomach,
so I'm taking the day off.
Sorry, but I can't work
within such a small budget.
Sorry but I don't
know anything about it.
You know, I'm working hard, too!
Don't blame me!
I don't trust anybody anymore!
That's his fault!
It's not my fault!!
You got any new ideas?
You're going to soon, right?
You'll show us a newborn star
to follow-up our current big
"cash-dog" character, Maromi.
Hey, don't act so pessimistic.
I'm sure you can do it!
Everybody's so looking forward
to your next miracle, Tsukiko!
You have a call from the
producer at Coco Factory.
I could use a miracle.
Hello, this is Hatomura.
Oh, yes, yes!
You need to see the idea
for the new character design?
By next Monday?
Of course! It's no problem at all.
Yes, yes.
Tsukiko will take care of it.
Yes, of course!
I'm sure it will become a big hit,
even bigger than Maromi!
Miracle, miracle, miracle.
Hey, Maromi, can you work a miracle?
Hello, M & F.
Yes, I'm sorry, but
No, we don't have any
information about it either.
Like I said
I'm going to the hospital
to find out what really happened.
The victim of this
violent street assault
has been identified
as Ms. Tsukiko Sagi
the famous creator of the
popular character, Maromi
Tsukiko Sagi
You sensed someone behind
you and looked back.
Then you ducked quickly, right
after you saw a glint of metal.
Are you sure that's the only
thing you can remember?
Ms. Sagi, any kind of
small detail would help us.
Don't you remember
anything about the assailant?
My red bag,
it was my favorite.
Were you carrying a red bag?
Did the assailant take it?
He took it, right?
What was inside the bag?
A wallet, or anything important?
Maybe a baseball bat
Oh, the weapon.
The glint of metal you saw
momentarily was the bat, wasn't it?
Do you remember anything else?
His outfit or build?
Very short
Maybe a fifth or a six grader
You mean an elementary school kid?
Stop this bullshit!
I don't need your flowers!
Mr. Kawazu, you promised
to pay your next visit!
Well, am I right?!
I'm so sorry.
The next payment for my article
What article?!
If you're such a famous writer,
pay me already!
If you won't pay for
my father's hospital bills
and compensation,
I'll take legal action again!
I'm really sorry.
Damn it!
Investigating some case?
Are you here to cure
your filthy mind?
Oh, so your victim is
staying at this hospital.
Who cares about
that senile old man?
I'm the victim for
accidentally hitting him.
So what brings you here today?
I don't have anything to
feed a vulture like you!
Why don't you work hard
to pay off your debt?
Oh, excuse me.
You know
Well, my partner is so careless.
He forgot to ask a very
important question
You know
Oh, you mean about
the patient in Room 510?
It would be really bad
to get hit with that.
Only if it really happened.
What do you mean?
You think she's making this up?
I agree she's
a bit strange, but
More than a bit!
You shouldn't be so rash.
For girls like her, who
unconsciously act so sensitive
you have to be patient
and treat them gently.
Just like the way
you peel a ripe peach.
Do you want to peel that peach?
You know, girls hate dirty jokes.
Do you remember that similar case?
Which similar case?
A false report of a street assault.
That's going too far!
Is that your detective's intuition?
Something's really suspicious!
You know, we're living
in the 21st century.
Let's investigate
this scientifically.
You want to bet whether it's real or fake?
Loser buys dinner.
Experience High-Speed Internet Now!
Accepting Applications Now!
Profile: Tsukiko Sagi
Joined M&F Inc in 2002.
Our top designer and original creator of Maromi.
Currently working on a highly anticipated follow-up.
Company Name: M&F INC
Address: South Shibuya, Tokyo
Hey, how much longer?
Oh, sorry about that.
I'll bring it back for you.
Here we go, all set.
There it is!
Weekly RUMOR Magazine
Weekly RUMOR Magazine
What can I do for you?
There's a new development
in the street assault case
of character designer, Tsukiko Sagi
The creator of the
popular character, Maromi.
The newly found facts on
the assailant are very shocking.
It is widely known that there
has been a significant increase
in juvenile offenders
in our society
but it is hard to believe an elementary
school student would assault
It's not my son!
It's got to be some kind of mistake?
This is the result of our repressed
society having the worst impact
on those who are the
most vulnerable our children.
Yeah, I knew it.
It figures the attacker
is some little brat.
Brats these days are so strange.
I really want to beat them up!
I know, it's the metal bat.
I read about it on the net.
We have to teach children
about the difference between the
virtual world and the real world.
It sounds so dumb!
Keep the violence in the video games.
He screwed up his life!
That's right.
What a loser.
Anyone suspicious?
Well, I see this creepy
old woman sometimes.
I think she's homeless.
She's pretty disgusting,
and very tiny, like a kid.
Excuse me, is anybody here?
Excuse me
Nobody's in.
Are you trying to make
money off the homeless?
I'm not that desperate yet.
As a good citizen
just helping the investigation
to arrest the street assailant.
I've heard that the old woman
disappeared right after the incident.
But, I wonder what actually happened.
People are talking about
some boy with a bat
but seriously I doubt it!
Do you want to add
"interfering with an officer"
on top of your reckless driving record?
Uh-oh, backfired on me again.
Tsukiko's Room
"Voice of the Moon"
Are you all right?
I hope you get better soon. (Name: C-170)
I can't believe it's an elementary school kid.
I hope you'll get better quickly. (Name: Kerotan)
I'm really worried. I hope you recover quickly. (Name: Skip)
How are you doing tonight?
I hope you will get better. (Name: K Y)
Are you OK, Tsuki-chan?
I'm worried about Maromi, too. (Name: Elliot)
An elementary school student hit you with a bat?
Are you that starved for attention? (Name: No Name Given)
You've been a liar since you were a kid!! (Name: Kasasagi)
Written, directed and starring Tsukiko Sagi (Name: One Citizen)
Don't get bothered by them.
they're just jealous
of you, Tsukiko.
Because you're different.
I think I'm pretty ordinary.
Don't worry, it's not your fault.
The bad one is
I know, but
Don't worry so much.
I know
I'm fine.
I can still draw.
No, I'm not forcing myself.
Yes, I'll be there.
Tsukiko Sagi, am I right?
I would like to ask you a few
questions about the assault.
Ms. Sagi!
Is this yours?
I can see how you were
able to create Maromi.
This is so cute.
An old homeless woman
lives near the crime scene.
I found this in her dwelling.
I heard she was very short.
I'm interested in this case.
I asked around the neighborhood,
but couldn't find any witnesses.
Isn't it strange?
Especially since it didn't
happen late at night.
I saw him.
So tell me more.
I don't remember it well.
I thought the homeless woman
might know something
but she vanished just
after you were assaulted.
Isn't that a strange coincidence?
It's melting
Well, it's hard for me to
imagine that a weak old woman
would beat up people
with a metal bat.
But, a kid is also kind of
By the way, Ms. Sagi
are you a regular employee
or a freelance contractor?
Who owns Maromi's copyright?
If you do, you could make millions.
You know, your co-workers
really hate you.
She may be a popular
character designer or whatever
but she's better at
creating drama for herself.
Ms. Yasuda?
It sounds just like her.
She knows guys love
that mysterious girl type
so she's putting on an act.
Ms. Shinohara.
Hey, hasn't she been
in a slump recently?
Ms. Mitsui
She's probably happy
that she was attacked.
Ms. Yamashiro
Who knows?!
She could have made up
the whole thing.
Unexpected success and fame.
Surrounded by jealousy
and big expectations.
Great pressure on you
to create a new character.
I understand.
Even I would want to
run away from it all.
You're not finished yet, are you?
Does he exist?
Was there really an assailant?
Inline skates?
Anything else?
So it actually was a kid.
Scary, isn't it?
He wore shorts
and a baseball cap.
You know, I heard that the bat
was bent like dog's leg.
Sounds painful!
What do they call him?
Bat Shonen?
No, "Shonen Bat".
That's right. Shonen Bat!
I heard he smiles when he
swings down his bat!
Tsukiko Sagi
Hello, this is Kawazu
Oh, yes!
Yes, sir! I know.
I'm planning on paying you when I
get the next payment for my article.
I'm sick of your excuses!
Are you really going to pay or not?!
Uh, I just got a big job.
I have to go now.
Ms. Sagi, wait a second!
It's better for you to listen to me!
Hey, Ms. Sagi, why don't you help me?!
Hello again.
I want to eat
Korean barbeque tonight.
A Second Street Assault
With a Metal Bat!
Male Victim Seriously Injured.
To begin with
A rabbit jumps behind the moon.
What is it that the black rabbit
sees on the horizon with his red eyes?
A fish on the land has trouble
when he's stepped on by cows.
The playful palace where the
butterfly dances fades away.
In the twilight, the case
is started accidentally
by the cow, and it will
continue to do more good.
The golden fox grins at you.
Next Episode