Paris Police 1900 (2020) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

- Ah…
Lord, what are they pissing me off
with that one.
Today, Council of Ministers,
five hours on Dreyfus.
It's hellish.
Guilty or martyr?
Spy or not?
Do I know me?
And yes, he may be innocent.
It's really sad.
But what do you want me to do about it?
Between us,
he's not the first Jew to
be persecuted.
Nor the last.
On acquiesce.
Moans of pleasure
Not even had the elegance
to die in prison.
No, he's being sent back
to us for a new trial. Dreyfus
France is on the verge of the Revolution!
They all piss me off!
What do I have to
- We don't pull our hair,
you savage.
Agonizing moans
- The president dies!
The government falls!
Tractations in the Assembly!
Buy L'Aurore !
Five cents and you will know everything.
Buy L'Aurore !
Five centimes and a special editorial
by Mr. Émile Zola.
The president dies!
The government falls!
Tractations in the Assembly!
In Paris,
the return of Prefect Lépine is announced!
- Here.
The beginning of fortune.
Metallic ringing on the ground
Good news for you,
little metic.
And she's not in your journal.
Your day has just ended.
Cry of pain
- Pope !
- Joseph !
Intriguing music
Young boy's cry
- Pope !
- Not !
Not !
- To all the Jews
To all the traitors
who buy this tea towel!
To all the Dreyfusards
who betray the homeland!
This is what awaits you!
- Pope !
- Police, open up!
- Yes, just a second.
I am not dressed.
- Ah.
You see !
Open up, cod!
It's your husband talking to you.
We unlock.
- Alphonse?
- Hélène Chagnolle?
- Yes.
- We are here
to see
a flagrante delicto of adultery.
- Following the complaint
Alphonse Chagnolle, your husband.
- You know
I wouldn't do anything like that.
- She cheats on me every time
I'm on call at the ministry.
But not this time.
Jezabel. Messaline.
You're stuck.
- Make yourselves at home.
- Come closer.
Intriguing music
Draw your saber.
Plant it in this trunk.
- Sorry sweetheart.
Funny music
- He's 30 years older than me.
He ate my dowry in less than a year.
He drinks, he plays
He sleeps off every week.
And I had always remained faithful to him.
- Six weeks in Saint-Lazare.
She's going to get desalinated,
that bitch.
And then, hop, to the street!
Like all those of his breed.
- I have the misfortune to please.
I don't do anything for it.
Often I have the strength to resist,
but sometimes
- Attention,
I'm not jealous.
It's a matter of respect.
I am a civil servant at the ministry!
Alphonse Chagnolle.
Former soldier, please!
- Gentlemen.
- Make me a hornet.
She will pay me for it.
- It was the first time.
The first time.
Hubbub of the prisoners
- She is 26 years old.
She is called an infidel.
In a year,
we find her in the morgue.
- What can we do?
The complainant is not sympathetic,
but he works inside.
And he has quite a few friends.
So we help each other,
between officials.
- You were right,
your wife is a slut.
- I told you.
- Yes, she confessed everything.
I have a list of all her lovers.
- All of them? There are several of them ?
- Seventeen.
- Say, it's a beautiful record.
- A scandal.
But when this list
becomes public
- Public?
- Yes, it is obligatory.
We have to summon them.
Their wives will know, their neighbors
Their colleagues
- The press will enjoy it,
it loves this filth.
Your wife is going to be famous.
And I regret it,
but you too.
- Couldn't we,
I don't know
remain discreet about the figure?
- No, once the procedure has started,
it will be too late.
- The only way to avoid scandal
would be
that there is no procedure.
That is for you to decide.
Calm music
- Hélène Chagnolle!
- Je…
I forgive you.
- Okay, you can go.
Intriguing music
- Goods.
- Commissioner Puybaraud
for Mme Steinheil.
- She's not receiving.
- She will make an exception.
We go down the stairs.
Dear Mrs. Steinheil,
allow me to offer you
my sincere condolences.
He wanted to be Caesar
he was only Pompey.
Sad epitaph for a president.
What we will remember from him,
that's the way he died.
Did you by any chance
keep gifts
from our late president?
Letters, maybe?
- Some.
- Spicy?
- Lukewarm.
A few digressions
on political life
It is harmless.
- That's all ?
- No, there is also this brooch.
A daisy.
It's my name.
I would love to keep it.
- I don't see what's stopping you.
It is a jewel,
not a state secret.
- Thank you.
- That's the lesser of it.
- Last week,
the gratin of the Republic was here.
Everyone knew about Felix and me.
I transmitted the messages.
- It's over, you're unemployed.
- I have a beautiful place here.
I still know quite a few people.
I could hold a living room.
- After that ?
- I can encourage
guests to talk politics
or business
and repeat to you what is being said.
- From courtesan to snitch.
The slope is steep.
- We make a living as best we can.
Disturbing music
- Mr. Steinheil.
The door closes.
- They left ?
- Yes.
- Take that dress off, then.
The comedy of mourning is over.
- We are artists,
dear husband, but do not forget:
your paintings,
it's my clients who buy them.
- What a beautiful bitch.
She will make a splendid informant
for Parisian security.
- She's unreliable.
- But you,
you will know how to teach him loyalty.
Is not it ?
- If she sneaks up,
she'll need a nickname.
- Funeral.
Soft music
- Next !
- I would like to report a disappearance.
- Name, first name, profession.
- Berger, Joséphine, 28 years old.
Seamstress, born in Alsace.
- You are married ?
- Pardon ?
- Are you married,
or is Berger your maiden name?
- No, my name is not Berger.
This is the name of the missing person,
I am his neighbor.
- We're starting over. Last name,
first name, profession.
- Excuse me, I made a mistake.
- Yes ?
- Police, Inspector Antoine Jouin.
- What else do you want?
- You forgot
to sign your statement.
- Come in.
You want to drink something ?
The alcohols are locked up,
but I can offer you a herbal tea.
Or a glass of water.
- No, thank you, I
Everything is fine ?
- Why shouldn't I be okay?
Sit down,
You're welcome.
Shouldn't I reread it?
I do not know how to read.
- It's not worth it.
It is a formality
before filing the file.
You can make a cross.
- I can write my name.
But I'm not fast.
- I am not in a hurry.
Bottom left, please.
Is your husband reading that tea towel?
- My husband is a member
of the Anti-Semitic League
and the League of Patriots.
From all leagues.
My husband is attached
to an idea of ​​France.
He does not like the Jews
nor foreigners
nor unfaithful wives.
- As an official
of the Ministry of the Interior,
he is bound
by strict political neutrality.
- Ah…
If you want to stop it,
I won't stop you.
Heavy musique
You are married ?
- Not.
- You're in luck.
I sent word to my mother.
She might agree
to take me back.
Sad music
- If he does it again,
defend yourself, you have the right.
Not on the stairs
Baby moans
Soft music
- Prefect Lépine,
back to business
Doesn't that interest you?
I need you at the prefecture
to hold Paris.
- Why me ?
- We give you full powers
and a simple mission: to
maintain order in the capital.
Aren't you going to refuse?
- And why not Puybaraud?
He dreams of being a prefect
and he knows the house.
- Too salty.
Too dangerous.
- What are you afraid of ?
Do you doubt your strength?
- Barely installed,
this government is already weakened.
So we do everything
to reassure the public.
We announce the return
of old glories,
like this good Prefect Lépine,
we release my name in the press
and they come to get me.
Waldeck-Rousseau in person
and his faithful watchdog,
Director Hennion,
come here begging
me to convince me.
It prevents…
I reserve my decision.
- Dreyfus will be tried again.
Half the country is going to go mad.
Where will you be, sir,
when your country needs you?
- On the hunt.
"Full powers"…
What a joke!
I will not direct assignments or secret funds
I am not offered a throne,
but a jump seat.
- Do we have to talk about it again?
Your decision is made.
- Would you like to come with me to Paris
or stay here?
I will not be figuring there.
I'm going there to fight.
I will be exposed enough not to have
to deal with your failures,
my dear.
- Do not worry.
A door opens
and closes.
- Rothschild in finance!
Waldeck-Rousseau in power!
Buy L'Antijuif !
Only ten cents!
Buy L'Antijuif !
Buy L'Antijuif !
Only ten cents!
You will know everything.
Buy, ladies and gentlemen.
Intriguing music
- You accuse him,
but maybe it was an accident.
Or it was you.
- Mr. Grunbach
did not beat his son.
- This man is not just anybody.
He has many friends
in the police.
I'm not one of them, but
I just like to warn you.
You wish
maintain your complaint?
- You don't want to help us?
- I'm trying to open your eyes.
Even proving he was there,
his political friends will accuse you
of having provoked him.
And until the trial,
he'll hunt you down and your family.
Be reasonable, finally.
- A victim asks for justice
and you prefer to dissuade her?
You have no shame ?
- Who are you ? Of the family ?
- I am a lawyer.
Little laughs
Bursts of laughter
- I'm not…
- Obviously.
- Yet it is a beautiful job
that yours.
- A little early, right?
- There are days when I need it.
"I am a lawyer !"
- We hear that you,
- Sorry, Commissioner.
- This evening, detachment of surveillance,
rue Chabrol.
At work, gentlemen.
- Take care, my friends.
The police are watching you.
As if it was here
among the fine flower of the French people,
that we were going to find criminals!
But if you are a spy,
if you are a traitor,
you just have to be Jewish
and you will have nothing more to fear.
Unmasked by science,
condemned by justice
you will be entitled to a second trial.
You all know, don't you?
They're going to send Dreyfus back to us!
Strong protests
But we are not going to wait.
No, we are not going to wait.
My faithful butchers and myself
will give you the pleasure
of seeing it for real.
Yes, my friends.
the real Dreyfus,
is here with us tonight
In the flesh !
Let him in.
Bursts of laughter
There he is, your Dreyfus!
Here it is !
A dirty pig disguised as a soldier.
All kids are pigs!
And their sows Their sows
give birth to
little Hebrew piglets!
But I say
I, Jules Guérin,
than France
finished fattening them!
General approval
I always have it on me
my line to cut the daily Yid.
Piglet cry
This is how we treat them!
This is the fate that is reserved for them!
And we can also make the pleasure last.
Cut off their tongues.
Spoil them!
Let them squeal!
Once dead,
your work is not done.
Place in the butcher's shop.
We must smoke them hams,
tan their skin,
open them in half,
flambé them with straw
Remove them,
bleed them,
and finally,
Attach them
to the front of a butcher!
Disturbing music
Death to the Jews!
- Death to the Jews!
Intriguing music
- Oh !
Hey! Look at her !
- Such a beautiful suitcase, almost new.
We sailors
have never seen one like it.
It would have made our week.
Those déveine!
Say, by the way, for the bonus
- The first ones?
- Well, the 25 francs
When we find a drowned person,
the municipality gives us a bonus.
And 25 francs is not much.
We screwed up the bail
to get it back for you.
- Do you think she drowned?
Intriguing music
Moans of pain
- Everything all right, madam?
- Sorry…
Sorry, it's my ankle.
- Here, sit down on the bench.
- Goods.
The pain took my breath away.
Long expiration
I have…
I have souvenirs to sell.
- My editor is willing to pay,
if it's exclusive.
What kind of memories?
- Letters.
- Spicy?
- Torrid.
What digressions
on political life too.
It's explosive.
- That's all ?
- There is also this brooch.
A daisy.
He offered
it to me because it's my first name.
It's yours
if the newspaper pays the price.
- How ?
- 20,000 francs.
- Can you walk?
I can take you home.
- No thanks. You're really nice.
I'm better.
- My respects, madam.
- Repeat what she told you,
don't forget the details,
as if you were writing an article.
A door closes.
- 2:30 p.m., are present:
Commissioner Cochefert,
Investigating Judge Boucart
and I,
Dr Socquet.
We wait, as usual,
the famous Professor Bertillon,
director of the anthropometry service.
He hesitates.
Do not rate "famous".
A murder investigation
is open.
- Gentlemen.
- Professor Bertillon is finally
with us, it is 2:32 p.m.
To your honour.
- 56 centimeters long.
41 centimeters wide.
Standard model,
on sale for 6.90 francs.
- Do you know the price?
- I bought one.
- That makes you
my first suspect.
Thanks, keep going.
- Brown color
Armor reinforced with wood and brass.
No label.
Leather handle.
Two nickel plated open locks.
White unbranded handkerchief.
Two shirts.
Shirt 1: women's shirt,
torn from top to bottom.
Patched armholes, patched
and a safety pin.
- The victim was poor.
- Thank God.
- Shirt 2:
starched man's shirt,
torn into two pieces.
Piece 1 containing the breastplate,
piece 2, back and sleeves.
Cotton shirt,
rather low straight collar, straight cuffs,
small porcelain button
sewn to the fabric.
- The murderer is a bourgeois.
- Under the collar of the plastron,
a mark in blue ink: "X-38",
next to "AP"
drawn in red,
a brand of laundry.
Two shirts wrap around
a human female torso.
Doctor, it's yours.
- The body only spent
a few hours in the water.
The coloring of the epidermis
indicates recent death.
Less than 48 hours.
The trunk weighs
23 kilos.
56 centimeters.
We can estimate the size of the victim
at 1.58 meters,
to two centimeters.
Age between 25 and 35 years old,
hair color: black.
Presence of vermin
in the pubic hair.
Tapered fingers, unmarked
that the victim was wearing rings.
A priori, a bachelor.
- We'll call her mademoiselle.
Stitch mark between the thumb
and forefinger of the left hand.
Needle work.
A seamstress or a seamstress.
Stretch marks on the abdomen,
the victim may have been a mother.
Clean neck section,
operated between the last cervical
and the first dorsal.
No sign of trembling,
non-torn fabrics.
Post-mortem beheading
performed by an experienced hand.
Ditto for the legs.
Very clear dislocation
of the hip joint.
The murderer is a doctor.
Or a medical student.
Or a butcher.
Tension music
- I could feel her restless.
And I said to him:
"But who are you?"
She looks at me
and she says to me: "I am a lawyer."
- I'm not an anarchist.
I swear it to you
at my poor mother's grave.
I stay rue Saint-Maur,
above a shop.
I don't know what they're up to.
They have meetings.
They have a printing press.
But I never go!
I am not like them,
I am an honest citizen!
I'm not…
- An anarchist, we heard.
You could be.
- Now you are on file,
it's easy.
You go to their meetings,
you sympathize,
you listen.
And you come back to report to us.
- And the cut woman.
Be careful, chores are coming.
Cochefert will ask for 30 volunteers.
You have to hide.
I tell you.
"I am a lawyer."
- "Illegal pig slaughter"?
"Voluntary degradation
"a uniform of the French army"?
- The infractions were noted
by several officers.
That would justify
the temporary closure
of the Anti-Semitic League.
- I won't have Jules Guérin arrested
for having bled a pig.
Even a pig in uniform.
Something else ?
- Yes sir.
I volunteer
for the commissioner's investigation.
- Voluntary ?
But what happened to you?
In this kind of business,
we never find the murderers.
We stir, we stir the wind,
the time for the press to change the subject.
Talk about a job.
- I thought
that you would agree.
You no longer support Puybaraud.
- Lower your voice.
If I like my job?
No, not really, but hey
From there to accepting the first chore
that passes, no thanks.
- I'll tell him I was wrong.
- Another mistake.
Asking Puybaraud for a favor
is not recommended.
But two in a row
I still prefer to pound the pavement
with you,
little asshole.
Erase that smile,
I haven't forgiven you yet.
I am no wrongdoer.
I am a police officer.
You too, by the way.
Forget your ambitions, kid.
You're doing your time,
you don't stand out.
No blame,
no medal, anonymous.
You find yourself a nice ugly one,
you make him three kids,
who will take care of you later.
And then, nice and warm, with a
full stomach.
- You have to find the right one already.
- Not to end up like me?
- Let's go ?
- I'm still thirsty.
Crash away
Ground squeaking
Intriguing music
- Don't shout.
Otherwise I'll open up your gut and empty you
like a poiscaille. Hush.
Agonizing respiration
So can you kill a man
with that mouth?
I ask to see.
What if I widen it a bit?
From ear to ear?
We can enter in several.
you could just learn
to close it.
- Mom ?
On arme un fusil.
- I know you.
You are the Chambertin son.
Your parents are nevertheless
honest people,
who work
for my wife's family.
They deserve to lose a son
for such nonsense?
- Not.
- Put down your bag.
Disturbing music
Go home.
You will tell your father
that the price of land will increase.
And that it's your fault.
When you break the law,
there is a price to pay.
- Goods,
Mr. Prefect.
- Homeworks,
to do at home,
before going out into the world.
- I really have to
read all this
- You have to read the texts
before meeting the authors.
Saturday night.
Rue Chabrol,
Anti-Semitic League of France.
You will be.
I will spend the day before giving you
a spiel about the participants
and on your role.
- We have not yet discussed
my remuneration.
- Informants do not have a salary.
Just bonuses,
depending on what they earn.
Your daisy.
Do what you are told
and everything will be fine.
- You will tell M. Puybaraud
that I have learned the lesson.
- First track:
the suitcase.
Identify the manufacturer
and find outlets.
Little chance of lifting a hare,
but it must be done.
Six inspectors.
The men's shirt
is a more solid track.
Starting hypothesis:
the assassin's shirt.
Large size, chic model,
he has the means.
Les marques "10 38" and "AP"
are those of a laundry.
Breakdown by neighborhood,
find which one.
The murderer is one of the clients,
I want 12 full-time inspectors.
The priority of priorities remains
to identify the victim.
The number of women who disappeared in 1899
in Paris and its surroundings
amount to 247.
However, the disappearance is recent.
So, with regard to
30-year-old women who
have been missing for less than a week,
we have three reports.
A team of two per report.
Blanche Cadiot,
31 years old, arrived from the provinces.
Profession: domestic.
His employer is a doctor,
he says Ms. Cadiot
did not show up for her position.
To check.
Joséphine Berger, 26, Alsatian.
Disappearance reported by a neighbor.
Lacunar deposition, no address.
She must be accommodated,
and therefore consult the registers
of the Garnis Brigade
district by district.
And to finish,
Hélène Chagnolle, 26 years old.
Her mother resides in Melun
and reported her missing yesterday.
To check.
Hectic music
- Police !
Not on the floor
We know you are there,
Mr. Chagnolle.
- Leave me alone.
I am sick.
- It's Inspector Morpinet.
You know me,
I took care of your business.
I have a few questions
regarding your wife.
- She left me.
She got off, that bitch.
It's your fault.
- It will not be long.
- Give me a break !
I'm telling you she's gone.
- Well,
we just found her.
Oh !
Disturbing music
- I'll get some backup.
Agonizing moans
Man cry
- You bastard.
You bastard!
It's your fault.
This is all your fault.
Internal whistling
Even you,
you fucked her, that slut.
You have the face of a Jew.
Dirty Jew!
- You killed her, she was 30 years
younger than you.
She wanted to go back to her mother,
you cut her up.
- She got what she deserved.
- You were expecting me?
Melancholy music
- Gentlemen, we're not moving.
- He shoots your colleague.
You enter, try to disarm him.
But he shoots himself in the head.
Before or after
you broke her nose?
He was a suspect
in the cut up woman case.
The two inspectors
knew him,
they knocked on his door, and voila.
- He worked
at the Ministry of the Interior
and apparently
he was also involved in politics.
"Police against leagues:
two dead."
I don't want that headline.
- Me neither.
- All the signs of belonging
to a league
- Must disappear, that's understood.
Wash your hands.
You have traces of powder.
Melancholy music
- A hero dies,
his colleague avenges him
and solve the mysterious homicide
of the week.
it's a good day for the prefecture.
- The woman in the suitcase
was single.
Next Episode