Partisan (2020) s01e01 Episode Script

Johnny be Good

I've never felt better.
I'm completely clear about it.
I want to come back.
What did you say?
Yes, I know where it is.
I'll see you there.
I've been asked to pick up
Nicole and Maria.
Okay, hang on.
Yes. It's me.
A guy I've never seen before
has turned up to pick up the girls.
-I see. What's your name?
Yes, he says his name is Johnny.
You don't look like
you're called Johnny.
It's going to be great.
I need to fill up the car.
We'll stop up ahead.
Could you get me fags?
I've got this
and petrol on number six.
-And a packet of cigarettes, please.
-Which ones?
The red ones will be fine.
That'll be 500 kronor.
Thanks a lot.
Hey! Stop there!
I'm too tired.
-What's your story?
-None of your business.
What's your story?
Who the hell are you?
We've moved between
lots of foster homes.
Our parents died in a car accident
when we were little.
-It was my fault.
-It wasn't her fault at all.
-Stop saying it was your fault.
-It was my fault.
-You said it yourself.
-For fuck's sake.
Damn, there's no signal here.
I don't have a signal either.
Hi, welcome to Jordnära.
I'm here to see Kent.
Carry on straight ahead
until you get to the red barn.
Drive past the fields.
After 2 km, you have arrived.
Five, six, seven, eight.
One, two, three, four,
five, six, seven eight.
One, two, three, four, five
-Are you Johnny?
-I am.
-Hi. Kent.
Thanks for driving the girls.
All good?
Absolutely. It all went fine.
Nice to see you in real life.
I'm Kent. Hello, Maria.
Hello, Nicole.
This is Susanne, my wife.
You're meant to
be staying with us.
Richard is in charge of activities.
You'll be seeing a lot of him.
I'm in charge of
the gymnastics troupe.
-Is that all your luggage?
-Well, then.
-Let's step inside.
Johnny, I'll come with you
and show where you'll be staying.
-Bye, girls. We'll see you later.
Come on.
Please, come this way.
-Yes, that's me.
-Is that a nickname?
-No, I was christened Johnny.
I see.
Did Göran explain your duties?
Yes, well roughly.
We're really proud of
what we've achieved here, you know.
We were the first in the country
to trade in organic produce.
People were suspicious
of our pesticide-free farming,
but now the world has caught up.
We could freeze the vegetables,
but we've chosen
to keep everything fresh.
I think that's best in the long run.
If you freeze carrots,
23 per cent of nutrients are lost.
That's quite a lot.
I see.
This is your room.
Nicole, you can sleep here.
Maria, you can sleep here.
Right, let's have some fun!
Have you finished?
-Are you finished?
-We are finished for today.
We've finished work for today.
I've opted for
completely organic production.
All the way.
No additives. No pesticides.
It's not just about us, but about
our children and the future.
It's ultimately about our planet.
You have to take it in.
You don't want to?
Is that correct, you don't want to?
We all have to accept
our responsibility.
It was a difficult when the new
EU regulations were introduced.
They didn't think
we deserved any subsidies.
We managed to change their minds,
despite falling grains prices.
Do you know why?
Because we believe in what we do.
And the customers notice that.
They don't just buy our vegetables.
They buy our commitment.
-I'll do it tomorrow.
-You don't have work tomorrow.
-Yes, I do.
-You don't have work tomorrow.
The car will be heavy. It will break.
This is not heavy.
-Are you stupid?
-I know.
-What do you mean, you "know"?
-I know.
-I wasn't thinking.
-Are you stupid?
You're meant to set an example.
-What's the problem?
-They won't load up.
We'll sort this.
-What's the problem?
-All this can't fit in one go.
I don't care what you do.
All the crates have to go in one go.
Nothing is impossible.
Excuse me, but if you start loading
the heavy ones first,
then you can go much higher on top.
To load on top,
we need to go and get the crane.
Look, we don't have time for this.
Do what he says.
Get the crane, load all the crates.
could you show him the barracks?
Go and get changed,
then help the guys load up.
-Hi. Johnny.
-Sakarias. Is this your car?
Yeah, that's right.
I don't have a phone signal.
Nowhere around the community.
No, there's no signal out here.
But we have wi-fi you can connect to.
There's a code.
I'll get it for you later.
This is yours.
I don't think it's locked.
Okay. Thanks.
-Good luck.
One, two, three.
I'm so happy you're here.
-What's this room for?
-It's my study.
-I work as a doctor and coach.
Sometimes it's important
to air one's thoughts
and talk about one's thoughts.
-And I listen.
-Like therapy?
No, it's not therapy.
We don't believe in that here.
More like a kind of support.
But you'd better get ready,
or we'll miss assembly.
Arab bitch.
Ah, here comes Mr Know everything.
See all that? All that needs to go
in the truck before night.
-Everything has to go?
-Do you have a system for this?
-No system, just be quick.
There's Kent. Come on.
Have you made yourselves at home?
Hello? Can you hear me? I wanted to
tell you about a few things.
First of all
the great harvest festival.
Our party committee is planning it.
It's going to be amazing, as usual.
Unless Bosse repeats his feat
from last year.
Don't take the tractor home
after four gin and tonics
and park it in the garden.
Also, we've had some additions
to the family.
I want to welcome Nicole and Maria.
Where are you, girls?
-They're here.
-There they are.
Nicole and Maria are Kent's and
Susanne's kids for the summer.
I hope you'll like it here. I'm
counting on seeing you at training.
Let's give them an applause
and say welcome here.
And now, our pride and joy:
the troupe!
Come on, let the Arab do the work.
So, that's a little taster
of what's to come.
Thanks to our troupe
for an amazing performance.
Come, I'll introduce you to Maud.
Please, try our organic wine.
Maud, this is Nicole and Maria.
Welcome here.
Nicole, how old are you?
-I'm 17.
-And you, Maria?
You'll really like it here.
I think the tyres need cleaning,
so I'll stay here and clean them.
So do my balls.
Hello. Cecilia.
See, I just have no signal here.
-No, there is no signal here.
-Why not?
There just isn't one.
We believe in socialising.
-Yes, in real life. Not via phones.
-You were so good.
-Does anyone have a fag?
-There's no smoking here.
And smoking is really bad for you.
There must be somewhere
you can buy some?
There's a petrol station.
They might have them.
But it's far outside the gates.
Maybe, like 30 000 steps.
-Can I have a word, please?
What's the wog doing here?
Göran vouched for him.
I checked him out.
The only problem is the fact that
he's a wog. He'll just be driving.
Where's he from?
No idea. We need him.
I didn't have
much time to find someone new.
-And what are the girls like?
-Have you got my headphones?
-I gave them to you earlier.
-I'm so happy that you two are here.
-You said earlier.
Let me know if you need anything.
I know what it's like to be new.
Around here, we're no strangers.
We're friends.
So, I want lights out in 30 minutes.
-Good night.
-Good night.
I like her.
Are you sleeping?
You look sweaty.
What do you want?
-We need your help with something.
No, in a month. Just telling you now,
so you can put it in your calendar.
It's in the middle of the night.
Kurwa. You tell Kent yourself
you don't work nights.
I'll just get my jacket.
-Should I get my car?
-No, you're coming with us.
-What are you doing?
-I'm leaving.
-What do you mean, you're leaving?
-This place is weird.
It's like some bloody cult.
Get dressed.
-Are you gonna hang with these dorks?
-You go. I'm staying.
There's something wrong
with this place, don't you see?
I'm staying.
Come. Mind the gaps.
In there.
Go on.
Keep going.
We need to go down two metres.
Who's this one for?
My cat.
You have a big cat.
Big cat.
Stop digging. Let him do the work.
You stay. Keep going.
Two metres, remember?
-Can I help you?
Can I help you?
-I've run out of fags.
-Smoking is not allowed here.
I know, but I thought I could get
some from the petrol station.
-Is it far?
-Yes, it's quite far.
You can get the bus from the main
road, but it doesn't run this late.
Of course it's not running.
You can walk,
but it's 10 km and unlit.
If I were you,
I'd wait until tomorrow.
No, fuck it.
You can't get out that way.
No, get down.
Come down. Come here.
Wait here.
They've been here for a while.
-So some do smoke around here?
-Not me, anyway.
They can make you ill.
Don't say I gave them to you.
My name is Nicole.
-We're staying here this summer.
-I know.
-And you?
-What about me?
You usually say your name if someone
has introduced themselves to you.
My name is Victor.
Hey, it's late. You should go home.
Don't show that to anyone, okay?
-See you.
-Who was supposed to dig the hole?
I told you to dig the hole
and then you bring him into this.
-We just wanted to test him.
-What bloody test?
-I don't know what he's on about.
I just thought it's faster with him.
Kent, it's not a problem.
It's a huge problem!
-You'll find your way back, yeah?
To the barracks.
Yes Yes, I think so.
Okay. Thanks for helping.
Here's a little something
for the trouble.
Go back and get some sleep.
Next Episode