Patria (2020) s01e01 Episode Script

Octubre benigno

-What time is it?
-Almost four.
Did you oversleep?
-Want a coffee?
-No, I'm fine with this.
-See you tonight.
Our daughter is in London already.
That's my guess anyway.
Did she call you?
She didn't call me either.
There's nothing on TV
about an airplane accident.
I guess they arrived
and are working the sheets
hoping to save their marriage.
How disgusting!
A thousand tombs
and they have to take a dump here.
Maybe it's for good luck.
The rain will take care of the rest.
There's something I haven't told you.
ETA decided to stop killing.
That's what they said anyway,
who knows if it's serious
or if it's a trick
to win some time and re-arm.
If they kill or not,
it won't be of much use for you.
But I have this urge to know.
I've always had it.
And they won't stop it now.
No one's going to stop me.
I'm not telling them.
You're the only one that knows.
I'm going back to our hometown.
Yes, I made a decision.
I don't want to be buried
without knowing who killed you.
I really need to be able
to sit down and say:
"Finally. It's done."
What do you mean, "What?"
I don't know, Txato.
But if there is an answer,
I'm only going to find it in town
and that's why I'm moving
right this afternoon.
Now you know.
Bye, Txato.
Bittori, Bittori. Have you heard?
They said they're stopping,
not going to kill.
-Yes, yes.
-Good news, right?
-We'll finally have peace.
-We'll see.
I'm especially glad for those of you
who've had such a hard time.
I promised my son salmon for dinner.
He loves it.
-Are you going up?
-No, I'm waiting for someone.
Okay then. Goodbye.
Hi, what's up, son?
Yes, I heard.
No, I haven't seen the TV.
Because I don't want to.
We'll see.
I have to go now, I just got here
and haven't even taken my coat off.
Okay, take care. Bye.
800 victims,
43 years of violence,
forty-three years of terrorism to end,
according to
the public statement of ETA.
This is historical.
It's time to look towards the future
with hope.
And time to act
with responsibility
Won't his mother recognize his voice?
ETA has decided to permanently end
all armed activity.
ETA has tragically been in the life
of the Spanish for 52 years.
They have killed 864 people.
It's 43 years since the first victim
and only one year since the last.
But their biggest attack in terms
of victims was 24 years ago.
Twenty-one people died
and 45 were injured.
Today, there are
709 prisoners of ETA in jail.
Let's go.
-Look, Pili.
The one in the black coat.
Don't say you don't know who it is.
Don't you remember?
-Txato's wife.
The one who got killed?
-She looks older.
-Time goes by, you know
Poor woman,
what she's suffered.
We all suffer.
-The Basque conflict, Pili.
Oh, Txato!
I'm home.
You'll see one of them
will walk by soon.
What did I say?
He's still into the vegetable garden.
I bet you anything
he will tell his wife right away.
But until she shows up,
I'm going to prepare some supper.
What are you having?
Ham and eggs, don't I know you
as if you were living.
There is disbelief and skepticism
after the statement
because the gang
didn't talk about dissolving,
and they demanded to talk directly
with Spain and France.
President Zapatero stepped aside
stating that the next government
should manage the end
Did you hear? They're stopping again.
We'll see for how long.
Now let's see what excuses they make up
for not freeing Joxe Mari.
Although the statement
is still fresh,
we're all asking the same question:
What now?
ETA's leadership
Do you like it?
It's not cheap, so don't complain.
It's also time to act
with responsibility and courage.
That's why ETA has decided
to permanently end armed activity.
And the prisoners can rot in jail.
You finish what you start.
Did you recognize the voice
with the statement?
the overcoming
of the armed conflict.
Mixed feelings among ETA's victims
concerned about the concessions
-It needs salt.
-I thought you might answer.
I'll bring the salt.
Good evening.
You've been drinking again today?
Just a bottle for the four of us
during the game. Here.
All this drinking
Your face is turning as red
as your late father's was.
How are you, honey? Okay?
-Go away, you smell of wine.
-Very well.
There's the fish.
If it's cold, warm it up.
Democracy has managed to come through
and Democracy will know how to manage
the stage opened today.
The next government and
next parliament will have to do it
Swallow it, c'mon.
Careful, please. Don't drop her.
Every night.
How would I let my daughter fall?
-You're capable of it.
Let me see.
You can go now,
I'm going to undress her.
See you tomorrow, love.
By the way
on my way back from the Pagoeta
I saw light in their house.
Someone must be cleaning.
Cleaning at night?
I'm not interested in those people.
I'm just telling you what I saw.
They might be returning to town.
They might.
Now that ETA's stopped,
they'll get cocky. You'll see.
Dinner's ready.
You're on the phone already? Hang up.
Just one moment, mom!
Xabier, help me set the table.
-Yes, but I'm guessing that
-Hey, Xabier!
Ok, I'll
I'll wear the black one.
C'mon, dad, it just started.
-It's time for dinner, come sit down.
-Hi love.
-Okay, I have to go.
We're going to have dinner.
What time? 10 p.m.?
-Can you hang up?
-It's important, mom.
C'mon! Some privacy, please.
I have to go.
Bye. Don't be late.
What's for dinner?
"Since you haven't sent ETA
the payment of two million pesetas
we agreed
and since all the deadlines
expired some time ago,
we are notifying you that,
starting now,
you, your family and all your assets
are ETA's strategic targets.
We will decide
when and how to act
against an enemy
for the freedom
of the Basque Country like you.
It's delicious.
The only way to reverse
this situation is, of course,
to send us, as soon as possible,
the requested amount".
You aren't eating?
No, I'm not very hungry.
You should've told me
I've been cooking all afternoon.
-Fuck it!
-Don't yell like that!
-It's a corner kick.
-They are losers.
Watch, Aldridge is going to shoot it.
I'm turning the TV off.
Mom, is that all that's left?
-I'm going to the bank.
Good afternoon.
Open the trunk, please.
-What's that?
-It's a bag.
Thank you. You may continue.
-Good afternoon.
-Good afternoon.
ID card, please.
Check the ID of
Jesus Maria Lertxundi,
Spanish citizen.
Here you go.
You may continue.
Come on.
Good afternoon, sir.
Sir, can I help you?
-I have an appointment with Mr. Oxia.
I'm Jesus Mari Lertxundi.
It's all here.
You kept me in the dark.
You didn't tell me half
of what was happening to you.
When they lie me down next to you,
I want all the details.
See? I won the bet.
I have to admit, she' s doing well.
-Where are you going?
I have to tighten a couple of spokes
on the bike before I leave. And you?
What are you doing up at this hour?
I can't sleep.
Because of the lights in their house?
Our son has made our life
so difficult.
-Don't let them hear you in town.
-I'm talking to you.
Who am I supposed to talk to?
As radical as you've become.
Always in the front row,
yelling the loudest,
the fucking revolutionary.
I don't know why I bother.
I like the style, you look pretty.
No, he cut it too much.
And so much hairspray,
I almost suffocated. Not going back.
-Joxian will like it too.
I could paint it green
and he wouldn't notice.
The shoemaker would.
I went in the shop the other day,
I needed some brown shoes,
he saw me go in and says,
"Hello Miren, gorgeous.
Looking hotter every day."
Oh my!
I answered very seriously,
"Are you stupid or what?
-You're married, remember."
-Well said. And?
He goes,
"Wouldn't I love to forget."
He's too much, too much.
What will ours be saying,
probably worse things. I'm sure
I don't think Joxian's like that.
He loves the vegetable garden.
Had I been a nun,
I wouldn't know the difference.
Mine is getting worse.
He wants to fool around
as he gets older.
-And what do you do?
-I wait till he falls asleep.
If not, he'll come for more.
-Is the check paid?
-Yes, it's paid.
Okay, let's go.
Oh my! Clearly Txato
Hey, let me show you some shoes.
Let's go that way.
-But the store's closed.
-I know, they're on display.
The black ones I told you about,
-the ones like
-Where did you see them?
-It's crowded here.
Let's catch the bus
before they cut the street off.
Good afternoon.
-Two, please.
-Here you go.
-Look. Can you see them?
-Let's go this way!
Grab that! C'mon!
I hope we get out of here soon.
Had we known
That's in flames.
Quickly, c'mon!
What's wrong?
Son of a bitch!
-What's happening?
-Are they crazy or what?
-Look at what they're doing.
Oh, please!
They threw him to the ground.
You, goddamn it! Open up!
Open up!
C'mon, from below! Open the fuck up!
C'mon, from behind!
-Open the fuck up!
Fuck, goddamn it!
Open the door!
Open up, we want to get out!
Open up!
-Open up!
-Fuck it!
Open the goddamn door!
Everybody out!
-Come on, out!
-C'mon, c'mon!
-Run, run!
Bittori, wait.
-Run, run!
-Bittori, it's him.
-Who is it?
-Joxe Mari. It's my son!
Come on! How can it be?
What are you doing?
Fascists! Go fuck yourselves!
-Hail to the free Basque Country!
-Joxe Mari!
-Hail ETA!
Hail ETA!
-Joxe Mari!
-Son of a bitch!
-Where is he? Where is he?
-Let's go.
-Let's get out of here!
-Where is he?
Hi, mom.
Where have you been?
-I know.
I know where you've been.
At Donosti,
burning a bus with those two.
I saw you. We saw you.
-Why do you care!
-Why do I care?
Don't bring us any trouble here,
are you listening?
-Are you listening?
-What fucking trouble! Leave me alone.
I'm doing something
for the Basque Country!
The whole town will hear you!
They should!
Are you worse
than the cops or what?
Do you want me to stay at home?
Who's going to fight for this country?
You? Huh? Dad?
Who the fuck? Goddamnit!
Shit! I'm fucking sick of this!
-I have nothing.
-Fuck, Txato, you don't have mus?
-Nothing, four.
-Hi Gorka. What's up?
When are you going to stop growing?
Your youngest outgrew you already.
-Do you want a drink?
-No, thanks, Txato.
-Mom called for you.
-Now? It's still early.
It's about Joxe Mari.
They're yelling.
We weren't winning with
these cards anyway.
-What did you do to your mother?
-Leave me alone.
-What are you into?
-Nothing. I have to go.
-Not until you answer.
-Get out of the way, damn it!
-Answer me!
-Move the fuck away!
-Are you okay?
-Leave me alone.
Joxe Mari!
-Hey, Joxe Mari!
-Okay, good luck.
Can't I give you a kiss?
Your sister's at Arrano's door,
with what seems to be her boyfriend.
-Did you come here to gossip?
-He's not from around here.
She's old enough
to know who to hang out with.
It's none of my business.
Are you coming in?
No, I have to go home.
Let's go to the bar next door.
-Hey, Arantxa!
-Hey, Joxe Mari!
Hey, Joxe Mari!
whatever it takes.
Patxi, can you bring it out?
-Joxe Mari.
Greater empires have fallen.
Look at Napoleon. You kill
a soldier today, tomorrow another,
and soon enough you finish off
the whole army. I know I'm right.
What about you?
I don't like politics. I fight
to free the Basque Country
and for all who have fallen
fighting for these people.
I don't care about the rest.
Jokin said it already:
we go from A to B.
When we reach B,
leave me alone.
I'll be in the mountains
with apple trees, a henhouse,
and screw you all.
Don't you see you only
complicate things? Jesus!
Fucking unbelievable, Joxe Mari.
I would like to meet them.
-Not yet.
-Why not?
Trust me.
I'll meet your parents first
and you'll meet mine later.
Why is the order important?
What's wrong?
Do you think they won't like me?
I shave and shower every day.
You're so dumb!
-Stay a little bit longer.
-I can't.
-It's not that late.
-I have to go, it's very late.
You're so beautiful.
But I still don't get
why you won't introduce me.
When you go into my brother's room
and see the walls,
you'll understand.
I have to go.
I'll call you tomorrow.
Good night.
Mom, are you okay?
-Arantxa, come.
What happened?
Mom saw Joxe Mari at a protest
burning a bus and they argued.
That's why they're upset.
Joxe Mari hit dad.
promise me you won't get into trouble.
Promise me!
What are you going to do?
The same thing you should do.
-Good morning, Celeste.
-Good morning, Mrs. Miren.
You didn't need to wake early
on a Sunday.
It's not a problem for me, really.
-Is the princess awake already?
-I guess so.
Good morning, Arantxa, princess.
I'm here now. So
let's go and have a shower.
-Yes, calm down.
-Let's see
-Come on.
-Careful, don't drop her.
-No, I'm not dropping her.
-Come on. Up.
-Do you have a good grip?
-Don't drop her.
-I'm not letting her fall.
-You're holding her right?
One, two, three.
Okay, I'll give you a bath
when you're done.
What now?
"I want to always be bathed by"
Me, brute?
Alright, enjoy your bath with her.
-Do you have decaf espresso?
One with some milk, please.
Come on, it started already.
I know that you're an atheist.
It's okay not to pray,
but you're not staying alone.
And I'm not missing mass
because of you.
"Lord Jesus Christ,
You who said to the apostles,
'Peace I leave with you,
my peace I give you',
consider not our sins,
but the faith of your Church
and, according to your Word,
grant us peace and unity,
You who lives and reigns
forever and ever.
You never grant me
any of the things I ask for.
You let that crazy woman
come back to town
That's how you reward me?
You won't bring my son, no.
And the youngest won't visit
or call us, or
Make her leave town.
That's all I ask for.
The body of Christ.
The body of Christ.
The body of Christ.
-The body of Christ.
What was I to do? He came over.
You're going to wait a bit, okay?
You'll be fine for five minutes.
Father, can I come in?
Yes, Miren. What's up?
You must've heard the news.
She came back.
-Yes, I know.
-And what do you think?
Because I'm a nervous wreck.
I think they're here to make trouble,
don't you think?
Just what we needed.
They're coming at us on all fronts.
I want you to go talk with her,
see what she's up to every day.
Okay, okay Don't worry, Miren.
I'll handle it.
Trust me.
If Father Serapio pays as much attention
as Saint Ignacio, we're done.
What's wrong now?
Why didn't you swallow? Swallow!
Don't you dare spit it out!
What a punishment, Jesus!
-Where did you get those flowers?
-From the store.
Where am I going to get them from?
From the sky?
Do you want them or not?
Wait till they're dry.
It's the same,
I'll dry them at the flat.
What flat?
I'm sharing a flat with some friends
on Goizueta Road.
Joxe Mari.
Take care.
Joxe Mari, shower time.
Hi, Bittori. It's been so long.
Is this a good time?
Yes. I was fixing some lunch.
I've been meaning to come for days.
How are you?
Have you been living here lately?
Yes, this is my house.
What do you want?
Just to talk a little.
Come in.
You can sit here.
What's on your mind?
I don't know if you've noticed
that your presence in town
is making people uneasy.
"Uneasy" isn't the right word.
I phrased it wrong, forgive me.
Let's say people are watching you
come every day,
and feel uneasy and have doubts.
How do you know?
They tell you at church?
News flies around in town.
Since you're coming in,
comments are increasing.
You're very welcome
But things are more complicated
than what they seem.
Your right to come back
to your hometown
is as important as the rest
of the people's rights.
What rights?
The right to start their lives
over again
and give peace a chance.
I see.
The armed struggle has hurt
our town deeply.
People have died:
your husband, may he rest in peace,
and two policemen
from the industrial area.
Without looking for excuses
for those terrible tragedies,
we can't lose sight
of other people's suffering.
People are being repressed,
to be exact, tortured.
Nine boys from this town
are now in jail with long sentences.
What do you mean?
That peace is in danger
because of me?
Absolutely not.
I know you've suffered, Bittori.
The last thing I want to do
is question your feelings
or blame you.
I've always remembered you
and your children in my prayers.
But in the same way the Lord
takes care of the souls of the dead,
I take care of the living.
Do you understand that I can't go
to those, also broken,
and say, "I'm sorry,
your son was in ETA. Get lost"?
Would you do that
if you were in my shoes?
I would be more straightforward.
What do you want from me?
That you stay away.
-Away from my home?
-For some time,
until things settle down
and peace arrives.
God is merciful.
What you've suffered here,
he will compensate in heaven.
Don't let resentment
take over your soul.
Now you listen to me.
Whoever doesn't want me here
can put bullets in me like Txato,
because I'm going to keep coming
as many times as I want.
I have nothing to lose.
I lost my life many years ago.
And let's stop talking because
it's time for lunch.
Tell the person
who sent you to see me
that I won't stop until I know all
the details of my husband's murder.
-What time is it?
-Almost four.
Did you oversleep?
Want a coffee?
No, I'm fine with this.
-See you tonight.
Oh, Txato!
I'm here. It's alright, Txato!
Help me, help me!
Oh, Txato!
Help me, help me!
They murdered my father!
ETA murdered him!
Don't leave me alone, please!
Don't leave me alone!
Fuck me!
We're all a part of that story, mom.
You and mom are stuck in a pit,
and grief is eating you up.
They're after us.
They're in our lives again.
Why has that woman returned to town?
Move on with your life
and let us move on with ours.
-We'd better just forget.
-Yes, but,
if you're suffering,
how will you forget?
I haven't slept for days.
I need someone
to put me in touch with ETA.
Joxe Mari isn't in ETA.
What the hell!
The crazy woman wants to know
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