Pauline (2024) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

[Narrator] In the early 21st Century,
the delicate balance of Planet Earth
was hanging on by a thread.
Humans were on track to becoming
the biggest disappointment
in the past 13 billion years.
Overpopulation, climate change,
social media.
You know what I'm talking about.
But come to think of it,
it wouldn't be entirely fair to pin
all of this on humanity alone
[eerie music playing]
[breathes heavily]
[blade swooshes]
[otherworldly screams]
[breathing heavily]
[distant explosions]
[Narrator] In fact, the fate
of our universe is governed
by entirely different forces.
[door slams]
[eerie music]
[loud sound in the distance]
[accelerated heartbeat]
[groans and breathes heavily]
[Narrator] But people were blissfully
unaware of this, of course.
Instead, they did what people do.
They ate, slept, bought stuff, clicked,
and went forth and multiplied.
[breathes heavily and moans]
That was weird.
In a good way.
- That's my mother.
- Cool.
She obviously isn't my mother.
This is a hotel.
[woman scoffs]
Maybe you're so messed up that you carry
around a painting of your ugly mother.
- [man] Of my ugly mother and an egg?
- [woman] Exactly.
Oh, Vanessa. Hi. How's your son?
[water flowing]
[man] Uh, great, I'm glad to hear that.
Listen, could I get a Zakarian omelet?
And a couple slices of caramelized bacon.
Can you hold for a sec?
Would you like to eat something
before you go?
I mean, it kinda looked like you were
- you were leaving
- Good catch.
Are you sure? It's really good.
Hm You wanna take a look?
I don't eat with people I just met, sorry.
It's too intimate.
[eerie wind blowing and heart beating]
And one cheeseburger with fries
and a Sprite, please. Thank you.
And say hi to everyone at home.
Yep, I can read your mind.
You can also grab it to go, if you want.
[man sighs and chews loudly]
[while chewing]
They put frozen butter in the eggs.
[continues chewing]
Then they slowly let it melt.
You can only heat it up to eighty degrees,
or the fat separates from the water.
[laughs] What?
That's interesting, isn't it?
Good people don't really eat meat
anymore, right?
[while chewing]
But I guess we're not good people.
[woman giggles]
The world's already falling apart, so
Have you seen the news? Any moment now
we'll be done for anyway.
There's nothing the two of us can do
about it.
[man] Mm That's one way to see it.
I guess it depends on what you do all day.
And what do you do all day?
[man] Hmm
I make sure the world keeps falling apart,
I'm basically an evil mastermind.
And is that your day job
or is it more of a hobby?
- Day job, yeah.
- Sounds enjoyable?
Uh, no. Honestly, not really.
I'm actually trying to get rid of that job
at the moment.
But it's a family business,
so uhm it's tricky.
But if everything works out,
I'll be gone soon.
[woman] Good decision. [sighs]
No offense, but you don't really strike me
as an evil mastermind.
You just spent
9.80 on a small Sprite, you know.
But it was a very, very good Sprite.
Uh Should I maybe just give you
my number?
I mean, it's easier than using the app,
you know?
[woman sighs]
[man] Like
Only if you're ever in the mood
for another cheeseburger
and an overpriced Sprite.
You know, as we get familiar,
our uh our body releases oxytocin,
which is a bonding hormone.
And I'm actually trying
to break any bonds right now, so
In general. Nothing personal, I promise.
Besides, we're in a similar situation.
I'll be leaving soon,
I'll go to college, study Medicine
I mean, if the world doesn't come to an
end before I do. [breathes heavily]
[door opens]
[door closes]
[Billie Eilish "All the Good Girls
Go to Hell" playing]
Can't commit to anything
But a crime ♪
Peter's on vacation
An open invitation ♪
[song continues in the background]
[voice message] Pauli, call me
as you get out. Mike and I are worried.
By the way, just to make one thing clear.
When I said you needed
to get close to someone again,
I didn't mean random hook-ups
on the other side of town.
But I still want to know all about it.
Well, it was it was I dunno okay.
Nothing special.
[song continues]
All the good girls go to hell ♪
'Cause even God herself has enemies ♪
And once the water starts to rise ♪
[volunteer 2] Here you are.
And heaven's out of sight
She'll want the devil on her team ♪
[dog barks in the distance]
Hi, kitty!
Why are you looking at me like that?
[homeless laughs]
Tell the dog "hi".
This ain't a passport photo, smile!
[voice message] The chances of falling
victim to violent crime is a lot higher.
[Pauline] If this is what they say,
there's not much we can do.
That's just the way the world is.
[voice message] Oh, Pauli,
we can always do something.
"Be the change
you want to see in the world."
We just gotta face our demons first.
[Billie Eilish "All the Good Girls
Go to Hell" ends]
[aquarium water bubbles]
What a shame.
[phone chimes]
[aquarium water bubbles loudly]
[quiet pensive music]
What's the matter?
Move. [shouts] Wake up!
[breathes heavily]
[muffled heartbeat]
[breathes heavily]
[intro song]
[woman] A hammer drill [sighs]
The best alarm clock.
Nothing left, sorry.
[Pauline] Nothing there either.
Can't wait for you to go to college.
- [while eating] Not true.
- Yes it is.
- It's not.
- Yes, it is.
It's not.
Okay, it's not.
Any news about the scholarship?
[Pauline] Yep. Miss Fischer will give me
the confirmation today.
[mother] I'm so happy that you get to live
the life you want.
Somehow, I've always lived
for other people.
That was good too,
but you know what I mean, right?
But you can also do what you want.
You don't have to stay in this hellhole
forever just because Dad never left.
Besides, he'd want you to be happy.
Who says I'm not unhappy?
Happiness doesn't come from the outside,
it grows within us.
[indistinct growling and whispering]
- You okay?
- [Pauline sighs]
- Did something happen?
- [exhales] No.
[with an echoing voice] Something's wrong.
Ever since I tried Ayahuasca with Remy,
I can sense such things.
You know that, don't you?
- [scoffs] I'm on my period.
- Really? Me too.
Menstruation buddies?
[hammer drill and radio in the background]
[otherworldly groan]
[Pauline gasps]
[high-pitch noise]
See? I knew something was wrong.
Moms can always tell.
[liquid dripping]
[gentle guitar playing]
[charity volunteer] Make a donation now,
support Sunnyside.
Those who are willing to give much
will receive much in return.
[school bell ringing]
[indistinct school chatter]
You could at least take a flyer.
Y'know, sometimes I feel like
I'm the only one who still cares.
- Hi, Tony.
- Hi.
[Tony chuckles]
- You okay?
- Yeah, I'm good.
Don't be nervous about this,
you're the strongest woman I've ever met.
And remember, I've met Lady Gaga, so
Well, she would definitely support
my petition for unisex toilets, I think.
Did you know that she refuses
to wear pants?
Are you sure?
[indistinct chatter]
[Tony] Are you really doing okay? Hi.
[Pauline] Yes, I am.
[Tony] You're looking a little sickly.
I mean, not really.
Uh Everything's gonna be great.
- Hey guys, have a flyer.
- [Pauline] Don't worry.
Sometimes I feel
Miss Fischer's white savior complex
is the only thing I can always count on.
Yeah. That's right. Spot on.
So, the scholarship is safe.
[exhales] The scholarship is safe.
[Pauline chuckles]
[woman voice muffled] Yes?
Bad news. It turns out, there are several
candidates for the scholarship now.
- Wha-- Candidates? Who else?
- Well, actually, it's just Britta.
Miss Sokolow nominated her
at the last minute.
Britta's grandmother passed away
unexpectedly last month.
This poor girl is all alone in the world.
I'm sure you can relate to that
a little bit.
And what does that mean exactly?
Well, I believe she'll be staying
with those uh-- Sunnyside people.
No, not for Britta.
I was asking what this means for me.
I need this scholarship.
I have a clear idea of what my future
should look like, but without it
Over the last weeks, I got the impression
that you weren't fully committed.
- Your personal statement, for example.
- What's wrong with it?
[Ms. Fisher sighs] "Where do you see
yourself in 10 years?"
This is what you wrote,
"In a small cabin in the woods."
Why do you want to go to med school?
There has to be a reason
why you want to help people.
I don't know. I thought that it might--
it might be useful to know
how to remove my appendix.
Pauline, this scholarship is for people
who want to give back to our society,
who want to make the world a better place.
And don't just think about themselves.
You must
I don't know. When people read this,
they need to get the impression
that you deserve this scholarship
more than anyone else.
And Britta's statement achieves that.
I'll give you another chance.
You should probably write
a bit more about
[heavy breathing]
[sighs] your background,
your circumstances,
[echoing] the specific challenges.
[distorted voice] Well, you know. Right?
That's what people want to hear.
I'll try to write something else,
good idea.
[sinister music]
Do you feel sick?
[otherworldly groaning]
Here. Britta made them. Come on, take one.
[sinister music continues]
[distorted voice]
Write a new personal statement,
and soon enough we can hang your picture.
My beautiful diverse bunch.
Where did your mother come from again?
Mention that in your application.
[sinister sounds intensify]
[Ms. Fisher] Pauline,
we weren't finished yet.
[students gasp disgusted]
[Pauline pants]
[student] Oh, Pauline. Are you okay?
- Wait, let me help you.
[Pauline] I'm fine, Britta.
[Britta] Wait, let me help you.
[indistinct student chatter]
[Pauline gags]
[door opens]
[Britta] Did you catch that?
[Pauline gags and vomits]
It says here that ginger helps
if you're feeling nauseous.
[Tony] I still have my shot.
Do you want it?
Oh, wait
there's turmeric in it too, so
I'm not sure if that's a good idea.
- Cool shirt.
- Thanks.
[Tony] I love it when people take a stand,
even if it's just a T-shirt.
[Breathes heavily]
Have you ever noticed
that Laura never washes her hands?
Should I tell her, or would that be
like shaming her or something?
Are you okay in there? Pauli?
[door unlocks]
[Pauline] I'm feeling better.
[Tony shrieks]
[water splashing]
[Tony] Lukas, your one-night stand?
[breathes deeply and scoffs]
If I'd known,
I wouldn't have made you go on that date.
[Pauline] Come on,
these tests aren't that reliable.
There are lots of different reasons
for hormone level change in urine.
- Maybe I have cervical cancer.
- Pauli!
I already have plans to see a doctor.
So don't worry.
Okay, I'm coming. I insist.
Did you uh-- I mean
talk to him again or anything?
No! I'm not pregnant, Tony, okay?
And I wouldn't have to tell him if I were.
It was a one-night stand.
He doesn't care about me,
and I don't care about him.
That’s how it goes.
And besides, he's an idiot.
[school bell rings]
[dog barks in the distance]
[faint neighborhood chatter]
[phone beeps]
[car door shuts]
[mysterious music]
[man] What're you--
[woman] Wait, don't!
[sinister sounds]
[Pauline] A corpus luteum cyst. Obviously.
Hmm Not, that's not a cyst.
You didn't do a laparoscopy yet,
so you don't know for sure.
I looked it up on the Internet.
It's a simple procedure, you can just use
local anesthesia and cut it out.
[doctor] Hum, no. You're pregnant.
Congratulations, Miss Alceste.
You're making a mistake.
- [doctor] Me?
- Yes.
Well, if anyone here made a mistake,
young lady, I think it was probably you.
And you did it
almost exactly eight weeks ago.
[breathes nervously]
I use condoms. Always.
My mother had me when she was 17.
I'm a walking condom ad.
[doctor] That's not always enough.
- You know, even if--
- And I'm on the pill.
[doctor] My esteemed colleague,
you must take it regular--
I understand how contraception works.
It doesn't make sense.
It was four weeks--
[indistinct growling]
[sighs deeply]
[doctor] Okay, so,
if you're considering having an abortion,
you should do it
within the next few weeks or so.
[soft sad music playing]
[breathes heavily]
[dog barking in the distance]
[indicting background chatting]
So how are you coping with all of this?
This situation is biological
not emotional.
Okay, so uh biologically
- are you gonna
- Get rid of it. Yeah.
But I'm staying with you until then.
It's kind of my fault too.
Could we walk faster?
My shift is about to start,
- The train leaves in four minutes.
- Sure.
[phone vibrates]
Hello, babe.
[Tony] How are ya? No, I'm with Pauli.
Are you out shopping with my mother?
What? No way. Put her on.
Mom, just because it's organic beef,
that doesn't mean
that the cow didn't emit loads of CO2
before it ended as a carcass.
[Tony] Why are we even switching
to solar if you don't give a damn about
[stammers] Weren't you leaving town?
[Pauline] Weren't you leaving, too?
[Lukas] I had to do something important
about my successor.
Evil mastermind, you know?
Okay. [clears her throat]
[Lukas] Is there something wrong, or?
Anyway, it's nice to see you again.
I mean
you suddenly disappeared
from the app.
Hi, I'm Tony.
Can you leave Pauline alone now?
- Who are you anyway?
[Lukas] I'm a friend of Pauline's.
- [Tony] I'd know if you were.
- Lukas.
[whispering] Lukas?
Well, Pauline and I,
we were about to leave. Yeah.
And-- do you guys have plans?
- [Pauline] We're
- Leaving.
- Yes.
[Tony] Yes.
I'm hosting a little dinner tonight.
If you guys-- you should come by.
Of course, only if your uh--
bonding hormones aren't against it.
Okay. Well, I uh
I should get going too. Um
I gotta get back to work,
so I won't need to work again.
Right, good to see you. Uh Ciao.
[Tony sighs loudly]
[Lukas] Good job, guys.
[Tony] Okay, now I know what you mean.
He's really weird.
[mysterious music playing]
[chain clanking]
[elevator doors close]
[mysterious music fades out]
[man sighs heavily]
It's quite a trek from the archive
to this place. Yep. [laughs]
So? What's the word?
Ah yes, sir. You asked me to look
into something for you earlier.
Tammo, I've told you before,
come on, forget this hierarchy shit.
Just call me Lukas.
I've told you that, um it'd feel wrong,
so I'm just gonna keep on calling you sir.
[Lukas] All right. So how much longer?
[Tammo] Hmm
In theory, if we had the dagger now,
and if by a miracle
there were still traces
of Samuel's remains on it
[breathes deeply]
Fifteen days.
- Fifteen days?
- Yeah.
- Crazy.
- Uh
[exhales] Hmm
Why do you wanna know, boss?
If you don't mind me asking.
- Because.
- "Because"? [laughs]
- Mm-hmm. Because.
- Okay. Um [clicks his tongue]
Back in the day, I had warned
your predecessor,
I strongly advise against you
doing anything rash
which might upset the fragile equilibrium
of our system. Um
Is-- Is that?
[ominous sounds and dagger clanking]
[otherworldly screams]
[manager] And order some
more sherbet UFOs, but not too many.
Five boxes, or 10 at most. Okay?
[person mouthing]
[breathes deeply and sighs]
[kid sighs]
- Is that it?
- Mm-hmm.
- Are you sure?
- Mm-hmm.
Do you see that girl over there?
The one with the casts?
She used to steal too.
[girl groans]
Now she'll never regain full use
of her arms.
[coins clinking]
You're good.
And stay a good boy, okay?
[manager] Carla asked me to model
for one of her paintings!
[client outside] You? That's crazy.
[phone chimes]
[Britta] Hey, are you feeling better?
You looked awful earlier.
I heard you're also applying
for the scholarship. That's good!
So we're basically rivals now.
- Crazy, isn't it?
- Yeah. Crazy.
[takes a breath] I hope it was okay
that I posted that video of you.
I'm doing something this week
with my followers,
"Love Your Neighbor Week".
[chewing loudly]
Okay, cool.
[breathes deeply] I kept wondering
if the video would give Miss Fischer
a bad impression of you
because you clearly
didn't seem well.
But on the other hand, nobody's perfect.
Okay, back to studying I guess.
[retching and groaning in the video]
[Britta] Wait, let me help you.
Fucking Britshine!
[whispers in her head] I got
the impression You didn't seem well.
[groans in pain]
[confused whispers] If anyone has made
a mistake The one-night stand.
[ominous sound intensifies and fades]
[melancholic music playing]
[whispers] Oh, shit.
[manager] Bye, Pauline.
[Pauline] See you tomorrow.
[Tony] What if I canceled with Mike
and you came over to write your statement?
I could give you a gummy bear
after every comma.
Or we'll bake something nice
for Miss Fischer. Full on Britta-style.
Thanks, Tony. You're sweet.
But I just have to finish writing
that stupid thing.
And I'll have to face my demons first.
[homeless man] Oh! [echoing laugh]
[dog barks aggressively]
Look, Goblin. Your kitty is back!
[dog growls]
Let's play fetch!
Go and get her!
[Pauline gasps]
[dog growls]
[Pauline pants heavily]
[dog keeps barking]
[homeless man laughs and whistles]
[homeless man] Goblin, come here.
[Pauline breathes heavily]
[volunteer 1] Good day, huh?
[volunteer 2] It's not a good day
without a good deed.
Line, guess who came to the store
a couple of days ago.
Quentin Tarantino.
Hollywood director
Quentin Tarantino came to the store?
Yeah. Although, do you know
if he speaks German? 'Cause
Maybe it wasn't Quentin Tarantino.
[Pauline] Hey, Mom. Do you have a minute?
[mother] Sure. What's up?
Could we talk somewhere else?
Preferably without the naked man
in the room.
[mother] Hey, come on Remy is family.
So what's up?
Umm I wanted to talk to you
about something.
[Pauline] Today I went--
[mother] Where did you get that?
Haven't I told you
to stay away from those guys? Uh
- Did they try to talk to you?
- No.
No, I found it outside.
They are evil.
They didn't leave your father alone.
I know. But can we talk
about something else for a minute?
Eira's the creepiest.
If she messes with you, I--
You're the one staying here next door
to that creepy do-gooder.
- I like it here.
- Nice and quiet, right?
[banging and hammer sound]
Let's not fight, okay?
[mother] I'm just a little tired today.
You know what day it is tomorrow.
What did you want to talk to me about?
You know, before I lost my composure.
[Remy] Sorry. May I get a coffee?
I'm feeling a bit cold after all.
[mother] Why even ask?
You know where everything is.
[Remy] Yes,
but I just wanted to be polite.
[mother] Here.
- Love you, my little Rocket.
- Me too.
[door slams]
[eerie sounds]
[melancholic piano playing]
[man singing]
The brightest stars up in the sky ♪
[girl singing]
Are those exploding as they die ♪
[man singing]
And when we're looking up from here ♪
[girl singing]
They're shining like a chandelier ♪
[man] Chandelier.
[Pauline] Hi there.
[man singing]
And if you're blue and it just seems ♪
[both singing]
The world is drowning all your dreams ♪
[man singing]
Then remember this one thing again ♪
That you have to ♪
[talking normally] clean your room again.
[girl] Ugh, Papa!
[both singing]
Flies flies flies into unknown skies ♪
Until the world has vanished
from her eyes ♪
So fly, fly, fly, fly ♪
[girl singing] My little rocket ♪
[upbeat rock music playing]
[Remy laughing loudly]
[mother] Whoo! Whoo!
[mother hooting and cheering]
[Remy laughing loudly]
[laughs and cheering continues]
[noise stops abruptly]
[indistinct street noises]
[sirens and car alarm in the distance]
[buzzer sound]
- [man] Yes?
- Pauline Alceste for 7C.
[heavy gate opens]
[high-pitch digital sounds]
I guess I do need some peace and quiet.
[Mike] Is it Pauli?
[Tony sighs]
- If you want some alone time, I--
- We were making dinner.
- I was making dinner.
- Mike is right. [chuckles] Come in.
[Tony] Mom, Pauli is joining us.
[Tony's mom] Great.
I haven't seen her in ages.
- This is made with vegan cheese.
- "Cheese" [laughs]
[Tony's mom] Honey, how are you?
[Tony] Leave Pauli alone.
She'll just grab a bite
then do her homework.
[Tony's mom] I'm asking
because she looks stressed.
[Tony] There's construction happening
at her place.
And no one knows
what they're doing.
Everyone will move out eventually.
[Tony's mom]
Gentrification is getting worse.
[Tony] No offense,
but we're the problem.
[Tony's mom] No!
[Tony] We have a sauna in our garden.
[Tony's mom] And was it you or me who went
for three eucalyptus steam sessions?
[Tony] My back was killing me.
[Mike] Could we finish eating?
Before we decide who'd be shot first
if there was suddenly a revolution?
[Tony clears his throat]
Are you all right, honey? You know
you can talk to us about anything.
Mom. Pauli said she's fine, so
I'm just saying,
she looks a little tired today, is all.
- You look tired.
- Why are you being so aggressive?
I'm not being aggressive.
[scoffs] I just wanted to let Pauline know
we'll always be there for her
no matter what.
[Tony scoffs]
Tony and I ran into the man
who got me pregnant today.
[Tony's mom] It's a good thing
that you didn't tell this Lukas guy,
especially since you hardly know him.
Who knows what kind of a guy he is.
I can take care of the rest,
if you wanna get to your homework.
[Pauline] I really should get
to my school work, so
[Tony's mom]
I, uh, had an abortion when I was 17.
It was an extremely difficult decision.
but at the end of the day,
it was the right thing to do.
And wanting to live your life
without restraint, the way you want to,
doesn't make you a bad person.
Yeah, I'll get to that homework.
Do you still have to go through
all that counseling nonsense?
Maybe I should tag along for yours.
And if anyone is a jerk to you,
we will call my law firm on them.
- No. It's okay, really.
[Tony's mom] Don't argue.
I'm setting you up in the guest bed.
[groovy bassline playing]
I hope you like satin.
[breathing heavily]
[Pauline] Sorry, Tony,
I just needed a quick break.
[music continues]
No offense.
[PA voice] Information on bus B17
heading to Urvil West.
This service is canceled.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
[intermittent electric buzzing]
Oh, fuck.
[Lukas] Let me say a few words.
I'm glad you're all here
and I hope it's a pleasant evening.
Enjoy the food.
And uh-- yeah. Cheers!
[friend 1] Cheers!
[friend 2] Cheers!
[music fades
into a sinister base sound]
[Pauline] Hey.
Uh Hey. I didn't think you'd come.
[music starts again]
[Pauline] Don't get your hopes up.
My life's kind of out of control
right now.
[Lukas] Do you want to talk about it?
[Pauline] Nope.
I don't even know if I can trust you yet.
Evil mastermind, remember?
[Lukas] Fair enough.
[general party chatter]
Would you like a drink?
Wait. Don't tell me.
[soft piano tune]
Vodka Tonic?
[scoff and chuckles]
Huh I guess you're not a mind reader,
are ya?
Guess not.
Oh, well.
Just checking: This isn't the kinda party
where I need a safe word, right?
No, no, no. It's not. Nah. It's
It's more like a farewell party.
I told you I'm not too happy
with my job.
- [Pauline] Hmm.
- Yeah.
Looks like I'm about to be unemployed.
[Lukas] I remembered.
[Luckas] Mmm
[Pauline giggles]
[with his mouth full] What?
[chuckles] Has anyone ever told you
that you're really weird?
Why would I be--? You're weird!
I'll be honest.
You're so different.
Seriously, you you're uh--
I don't know what you are.
My mouth is still full.
You didn't wanna kiss me, huh?
I mean, s- sorry
if I misinterpreted that.
Because well, you leaned over, and uh
I don't know, it looked like you--
[dramatic music]
[Pauline moaning]
[thunder rumbling]
[door closes]
[music fades]
[rain and thunder]
[dog barks]
[homeless man laughs]
You were out partying, weren't ya?
Come on, we're all alone now.
We could party together
if you're up for it, huh?
[homeless man laughs]
Come to Papa, come here.
[rumbling noises]
[homeless man] What the fuck?
Hey, wait a second!
[tense rhythmic beat]
[homeless man] Go, go get her!
[dog barking]
[homeless man] You can't run forever!
[intense drum crescendo]
[dog growls and barks]
[Pauline breathes deeply]
[dog whimpers]
[Pauline breathes heavily]
[dog growls and barks]
[homeless man]
Goblin, what are you doing? Hey!
[homeless man shouts]
[dog growls aggressively]
Goblin! What are you doing?
[Pauline breathes shakily]
[sinister sounds]
[phone vibrating]
[little girl humming a tune]
[Pauline in an echoing voice] Hey, Dad?
[little girl continues humming]
[melancholic music]
[breathes shakily]
[young Pauline crying]
Dad, say something! Daddy!
[Sobbing uncontrollably]
[paramedic over the phone]
Try to stay calm. Have you attempted CPR?
[breathes shakily]
[sad eerie music]
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