Prime Rewind: Inside The Boys (2020) s01e01 Episode Script

Inside the Diabolical First Season

- Season One of
"The Boys" opened
like all great love stories do:
a woman gazes into her lover's
eyes, they clasp hands
and boom, an ultrasonic
superhero blows her up.
And that, my friends,
is when shit gets real.
This is your VIP ticket
inside all things "The Boys"
starting tonight with a
deep dive into Season One.
I am Aisha Tyler and this is
"Prime Rewind: Inside The Boys".
We are diving into Season One's
most shocking moments,
getting inside the
characters with the cast
and highlighting the betrayals
that left us all
deeply, deeply shooketh.
And if you haven't seen it,
make sure to go watch Season One
on Prime Video right now
because we are about
to spoil everything.
So, what were we dying to know
at the end of last season?
Okay, was Becca alive,
like, the entire time?
Is her son destined
to be an asshole
just like his dad,
What's Butcher
going to do next,
where the hell is Baby Teddy,
and did A-Train join Translucent
in the Supe afterlife?
Well, with all the answers
joining me now
is the C-word king himself,
Karl Urban A.K.A. Billy Butcher.
- Ha, ha!
- Hi, Karl.
- Hey. Hi, Aisha, how are you?
- Welcome.
And the man who
gave us the best
superhero television series
in the world,
showrunner Erik Kripke.
Hi, Erik
- Hey, Aisha. How are you?
Welcome guys, I'm super
excited to be here.
Now, Erik, this is a show
about superheroes
that's very anti-hero.
It kind of takes all the
paradigmatic stuff that we know
about superhero shows and really
throws that out into the street
and runs it over with
a supersonic speedster.
Um, what did you hope
to accomplish in Season One?
Like, what were you personal
narrative goals for the show?
- I mean, I think
we really set out
originally to say what would
happen if superheroes
existed in the real world.
That was kind of the guiding
light for us.
And how to apply
the most stringent reality
to what that world would
be like, because I mean
look, the idea of superheroes
is inherently fucking absurd.
And so when you put them
in the real world
and you start gaming out,
you know, how would a
Superman-like character feel?
They'd become sociopathic.
How would a speedster feel?
They'd be a really stressed out
professional athlete.
And once you game it all out,
you really end up with
really a lot of
interesting ideas
and I think the deeper
we delved into the story,
me and my insane and
amazing writing staff,
the more we realized that
superheroes were going to work
as a metaphor for a metric
shit-ton of stuff.
So, we were doing our best
to reflect society
as it was changing
under our feet.
- Right, right.
Wise words.
Speaking of wise words,
Karl, Butcher has his own
very muscular way with
the English language.
And, um, how many swear words
do you think that you uttered
in season one?
Ballpark it for me.
Eh, well if you don't have
a count, I'm gonna say
It was a lot, and
It was certainly fun to be able
to liberate certain words
in the English language
like "cunt"
which you never see
on television.
And, uh, it's funny
the amount of people
I'm going to bump into, fans,
and they say,
"Oh, hey Karl, love the show.
Can you please
call me a cunt?"
And so, you know, it's like,
it's bizarre.
- That is going to cost you
a lot of money, my friend.
Um, well, in the immortal
words of the late George Carlin:
shit, piss, fuck, cunt,
cocksucker, motherfucker,
and tits.
Well, these were just some of
the words we were pelted with
watching Season One
of "The Boys."
But what if we gave "The Boys"
a more PG approach?
Take a look.
- We just dusted a supe.
- Baloney.
- Translucent.
- Well, come on,
you lime-sucking fanboy.
How the heck did you do it?
- Big lump of C4 packed
right up his bum.
Claret everywhere.
Flippin' diabolical.
Are you bringing
Frenchie back?
'Cause I can't work with
that fiddlestick.
Oh, fudge.
Guys, I want to
ask you both:
The Boys, for the most part,
aren't superheroes,
they're just regular dudes.
Um, what do you think their
greatest strength is?
As a team, or as individuals.
And then maybe
their greatest weakness.
Well, for me
I believe that
The Boys greatest strength
is probably their compassion
for each other.
And that is also
potentially a weakness
that would totally work
and would totally be exploited.
But how about you, Erik?
Yeah, I agree with that.
I mean,
a lot of the season was
sort of phrased in this way
of humanity and vulnerability
versus vengeance,
and Butcher and Hughie were both
on this quest for vengeance,
and I think one of the
huge themes of the show,
like the multi-season themes
of the show
is that vengeance does
as much damage on the person
seeking it than it does on the
person on the receiving end.
And, ultimately the strength
of The Boys
is their humanity, and
their vulnerability.
Generally, the more vulnerable
you are on this show,
the stronger you are.
And, um, and the stronger
you pretend to be
the weaker you really are.
- Right, right.
- Okay, guys, we can't re-cap
Season One without
some members of the Seven.
So, joining us virtually here
now, the leader of the Seven,
Antony Starr, better
known as Homelander.
Hi. Welcome.
- Hey, guys.
- Good to see you,
good to see you.
And reluctant shining star
of the Seven,
Starlight, Erin Moriarty.
- How are you?
- Good. Good.
Happy to have you here.
And the fastest guy alive,
the A-Train, Jessie Usher.
- What's up?
Oh, this is great, guys.
What is the fan response
been like for you guys?
Um, Karl, do you want
to start?
- Um, the response has
been phenomenal.
Uh, you know, people
are simultaneously
shocked and entertained.
They, uh, I think
are really reveling
in the debaucherous nature
of the superheroes.
I find that they're really
and rooting for the underdogs,
which are The Boys.
Um, and it's really a pleasure
and a blessing to work
on a show that
is so appreciated, you know?
- That's awesome.
Anthony, what do you think?
- It's actually been wonderful
because as soon as I get
rid of the blonde hair,
I don't get any recognition.
And I'm figuring
I'm playing
such an awful cunt
of a character
that most of the recognition
will be pretty negative.
So I'm good.
- I was going to say, you're
fully Clark Kenting right now.
You got the dark hair and
you got the glasses.
- Glasses, brown hair.
Superman doesn't wear
glasses, right?
- Exactly, how could he?
How about you, Erin?
- Um I think that I'm lucky
because I'm one of the few
people on the show who gets
to play a character
who's not a cunt,
so people have responded
very warmly to me.
Uh, Starlight, Annie, is a
better human being than I am,
and the funny thing
is when you're an actor,
people kind of assume
that you are your character,
so I get the nicest messages
from people.
- Yeah, yay.
How about you, Jessie?
- Oh, wow, well, you know,
luckily for me, unlike Erin,
people don't think that
I'm anything like A-Train, and
that's been working out well.
That's been working out
really well.
But overall, like, the responses
that I've been getting
for this show have been
so spectacular.
It's been mind blowing.
- That's great.
- And the amount of people
that come up to me
and they say, like,
oh man, I'm just so happy
that Homelander is there and
I'm just like,
you guys are dark.
But I love you back.
- It kind of breaks
all those old
All the stereotypes
that we've been taught.
I'm sure you've had this
conversation a million times,
Erik, about likability
and we gotta have
somebody to root for,
and like, we're rooting
for these people
probably because
they're human.
Uh, and they have all
these frailties.
Maybe we recognize ourselves
in them a little bit.
I mean, if you recognize
yourself in Homelander,
then you do need to reach out
and ask for professional help.
We all see some
part of ourselves.
- No, it's fine.
- We do.
We do.
Well, I want to talk
about Homelander,
the cracked caped-crusader
who brain lasered
his boss/lover/wetnurse
Madeline Stillwell to death.
So, um, you know
He's I'm sure he's
very clear on the page,
but do you have any
outside influences
that you look to for inspiration
when you're building
this character?
- Um, well there's
a very obvious one
that our comrade
leader just mentioned.
The T-Dog who is playing
president at the moment.
But to be honest, he's really
good for some elements.
But the problem with him
ironically because he is
in some way, shape,
form, flesh and blood,
he so one, maybe
one and a half dimensional
He's usable for certain things.
My take right off the bat was
um he's the strongest
physical guy
on the show, obviously,
and, you know,
thinks he's a god and
he's got lots of issues.
But also, and I always
took it like
his kryptonite is his humanity.
I think you need the light and
the shade with any character,
and I think thankfully
we've got a really cool
Well, we got a cool boss and
we got a great writing team
that aren't interested in just
creating one-dimensional and
two-dimensional characters.
They all feel fleshed out
and they all grow and
they all
believe it or not,
who knows, Season Two.
- Yeah, absolutely.
It's that humanity,
you know, is why people
are connecting with these
characters so much.
I wonder if you've gotten
any negative response
from people to the themes and
social commentary on this show,
if the bigots have come
out of the woodwork
to complain about the way that,
you know, you're treating
I mean, I don't give a shit
how they feel,
but I'm just wondering
if you've gotten any feedback,
negative feedback from people.
- Um
You know, during
most of Season One,
I think we have mostly
I actually haven't.
But during, when we announced,
and this is Season Two stuff,
it's all the show.
When we announced that Aya Cash
was playing Stormfront,
they had a huge problem
that we were making
that character female.
Um, and
- Hey, fanboys.
Suck a bag of dicks.
Right, exactly.
Like you guys are
just a bunch of SJWs
and you're so fucking woke,
and fuck you, I'm out.
And I'm like, "Bye."
I'm like eat a bag of dicks.
and fuck off to the sun.
It's fine.
- That's so exhausting.
I mean, like, it's an
exhausting conversation to have.
But I guess you have to have it.
- Yeah.
- Erin, what was your reaction
when you found out that
your character Starlight
was going to be having
a metoo moment
her very first day on the job
as a member of the Seven?
- Uh, so I remember when
I was sent the script
for the pilot, and it
didn't contain that scene
but I was aware of the
scene because
as soon as I booked
the role,
Kripke sent me all of the
volumes for the graphic novel.
And that pops up immediately,
and I read it,
and I was like, well, damn,
I'm glad we're not doing that.
And then a few weeks later
I got sent
the second draft of
the pilot script,
but obviously it had been
tweaked majorly.
So initially, kind of
viscerally, I probably
uh, winced and cringed
and I was like
and then when I kept reading it
and I saw where it was going,
and how it was kind of going
to abruptly set Starlight
on an interesting but ultimately
empowering trajectory,
I got really into it.
And I also think, you know,
one of the first things
that Starlight says,
I think literally
the first time you
meet her she says,
"I just want to be the best
superhero in the world."
And ironically, she goes
through this horrible thing
and she makes what would be
deemed the wrong choice,
but then she's able to make the
of Vought a better place
because it happens to her
and because of the way
she responds to it publically.
And she makes the Deep respond
to it and apologize publically,
and he's punished.
So she kind of,
ironically, achieves her goal
of making this corrupt world
a better place
by going through
this horrible thing.
So, ultimately
I was really proud to be
the actress they chose to be
involved in this storyline.
I was super into depicting it.
- Yeah, I mean, you talked about
the idea that talking about
this stuff reduces its stigma.
Um, Jessie, why do you think
that A-train agreed
to help Homelander create
the Supe terrorist?
I mean, it seems like it
dovetails out of
wanting to stay connected
to the Seven.
But why do you think
he did it?
- I think there's a lot
of layers to that.
Um, one of them being,
you know, his dependency
on the lifestyle that
he has within the Seven.
There's also the matter of the
fear that he has for Homelander.
The fear he has of
losing his position.
You know Aisha, you and
I have spoken about
on other outlets and stuff
the position that A-Train is in.
Not really wanting to
to lose that position
is compromising
his moral standards.
It's compromising
his state of mind.
You know, he's willing
to do whatever it takes
to stay where he is,
and if that means
creating, you know,
supervillains, then
he'll just shrug it off
and hope everything
works out well,
but at least he knows that
he'll get a chance
to sleep in the Seven tower,
and that, unfortunately, is the
most important thing to him.
- One of the things that
I've really noticed
is he's the only
superhero of color,
and he seems to have insecurity
about all of it.
You know what I mean, like,
I gained this with my ability
and it can be taken
from me at any moment.
- Yeah, for him, you know,
it's his physical ability,
secures his spot.
His being the only
superhero of color
is something that
absolutely would be
in the back of his mind.
I mean, A-Train's position is
threatened everywhere he turns.
You know, if he's not the
fastest, if he's not polite,
if he's not respectable,
if he's not respected,
then, like, it can just
be taken from him.
And what you learn more as you
kind of dig deeper into his past
is that, he started from
absolutely nothing
and he just always feels like
he's this close
to being back there.
And it's kind of sad
but at the same time,
you know, there's
you just wish that
he could open his eyes and see
that there's another way.
But you know, the only
way through is through.
- Yeah, he blames other
people for his problems
until the very end.
- Oh, gosh, yeah.
- Until the very, very end.
- Oh, he's famous for that.
He's a finger-pointer.
He is a tattle-tale
- You made me murder
my girlfriend.
You made me do it.
- Yeah, like, take
responsibility man, come on!
- You didn't do it, do it,
I did it,
but you made me do it,
so it was like you did it.
- I did it but your
forced my arm, like,
if you didn't force my arm,
I wouldn't have had to do it.
That's what I'm trying to say.
- Seriously.
- He sucks.
- Hey, guys, I've got
a scientific question here.
So I just want you guys
to lean in.
Put your hats on.
Do you guys think
the Deep fucks dolphins?
- 100%.
- Erik is the one
that knows the answer,
and he's nodding yes.
- Like, a thousand percent?
What was the best part of
one of the best parts
of writing Season One
was, um you know,
really shoving hard
that we really needed that
dolphin scene with The Deep.
And, like the thing they
objected to most
was the conversation
where the dolphin was like,
"Hey man, come on,
jerk me off.
Help a brother out."
Just, they could not
get their
They could not get
their heads around like
we're just really uncomfortable
that the dolphin
is asking The Deep for,
like, I guess a hand job?
Like, I don't know, that really
makes us feel uncomfortable.
And so I would send them
'Cause like the truth is
it's just science.
Dolphins are the horniest
motherfuckers on the planet.
Like, the minute anyone manages
to teach a dolphin
to communicate with humans,
the first thing it says,
is like, "will you please
jerk me off?
I'm dying to fucking rub my
shit on something."
And I sent them like article
after article after article
of all of this.
I'm like, look, we're just
telling the truth here.
- Here's the fun fact.
And I like that you did
such a deep dive on dolphins.
You know, there is
a community of people
that engage in
human-dolphin sex,
it does exist.
It has been done.
But it typically end with
the human's internal organs
being liquefied by the force
of dolphin ejaculate.
So, uh, you know.
The more you know, kids.
The more you know.
Just say no, guys.
- To me, that's just the heart
wants what the heart wants.
- What the fuck kind of show
is this, man?
- I've got to be somewhere.
I'm out.
- I don't think it would be
possible to have a talk show
that was possibly
even more depraved
than the actual fucking show.
But I think you actually
did a tremendous job
of getting right up
to the line, if not over it.
- We've clearly made
Karl uncomfortable, so
Okay, arguably the most
iconic scene from "The Boys"
is right at the beginning
of Season One.
It's A-Train sprinting
through poor liquefied Robin.
Let's take a look.
- I can't stop. I can't stop.
I can't stop.
I can't stop. I can't stop.
I can't stop.
- Robin?
- So uh, you know,
it gets me right here.
Every time I watch
that scene.
What goes in to the visual
effects of a scene like that?
How much of that was
how much of that did you guys
put in afterwards?
- Um, none of it was
there on the day in that shot.
That was 100% CG.
Um it was certainly
the most complicated shot
in that episode.
Dan Trachtenberg who deserves
huge props, he was the director,
the whole idea of going super
slo-mo for Robin blowing up
was his notion entirely.
To be honest, I fought him
on it a little bit
because it was scripted as
really, really sudden
and he was just really
passionate that he wanted it
to be as poetic,
in a weird way, as possible.
Stephan Fleet, who is our
VFX genius
who was in control of
the whole thing, like,
he had VFX houses exploding
meat in front of green screens
and filming it and dropping
it into the shot
so that we could get just the
we could understand, like,
what the shape of the blood
needs to look like.
And how much how many organs
should be flying around.
And it probably took like six
months from start to finish
to make that shot.
- Wow.
- Well, we only knew sweet,
sweet Robin for a few minutes
and then boom,
she was gone.
Did anybody call you out
online for fridging?
I mean, she obviously becomes
the throughline of the season,
but did anyone give you
a hard time about that?
- One, that's an
awesome question,
and, uh, two, yeah, we did catch
a little shit about it,
and I think,
by the way, rightfully so.
Like, I'm aware of it.
Fridging is
the concept of, uh,
women being violently killed
in stories, film and television
for no other reason
than to motivate the strong,
resolute male character.
- Right.
- To me what that says isn't
why are you killing the loved
one of that main character,
it's there's not enough female
protagonists in storytelling.
That's what it's about.
But, there's not enough female,
like, action stars
at the center of stories.
Um, because you look at the
times that they do have them.
You know, Jen Garner in Alias,
her fiancé got fridged.
You know, like, men
get fridged too
when there's
a strong female lead.
So, to me it's not about
why are you always
killing the loved one.
It's there needs to be
more equity
in male action stars
and female action stars.
Not that Jack is an action star,
by the way.
I want to be really
clear about that.
- The Boys fandom
is super active online.
It's a smart show and the fans
have smart things
to say about it.
So @nightshade says
So, Erik what are you thoughts
on that very heady tweet?
- I really appreciate it.
Um, yeah, that is
something we really
consciously set out to do.
Like, um, the original material
is pretty fucking gnarly
in terms of being sexually
you know, I think Garth was
going for something shocking
and but it is
a little gratuitous,
I think intentionally so.
And we wanted a show that,
you know, men and women
could all watch,
and so it was important
to us to make sure
that if there was going to be
something sexually graphic,
it was there to move
the story forward.
It wasn't there for
its own sake.
Because if you're just being
shocking to be shocking,
then its lacking the layers
of a complicated story.
Um so, no we really set out,
we intentionally set out
to do that in the beginning,
so I'm thankful
that they noticed.
- Yeah. What do you think
about that, Erin?
- I agree with it.
I'm so glad that we're finally
kind of, um
you know, serving women in
the world of graphic novels
in a way that depicts them in
a strong light
and a nuanced light.
- Yeah. For me, I've always been
a comic person
and I've always loved them,
and it's exciting to be
living in a world that
is poking in the spaces
of the graphic novel world
that have traditionally
been very weak.
There's been a lot of weakness
in this area
for a long time.
And, you know, as a little girl
loving those books,
there were no women in there,
you know what I mean?
Or if they were,
they were accessories,
or it was Wonder Woman who was
running around
in her underpants.
So it's nice that we're
talking about the idea
that the guys can have
on a full suit
with a cape that they can
wrap around their bottom
so no one looks at the fact
that they haven't been
doing squats lately
but the girl's in
her underwear.
You're actually pulling
that issue apart.
Okay, we're going to learn
about you guys
in a little frothy conversation.
Would you rather die
by lasers to the eye
from your deranged lover or
This is a classic.
- Ass-phyxiation.
- Ass-phyxiation.
Classic would you rather.
We'll start with Jessie
and go this way.
Jessie, which one would
you prefer to meet your end?
- I'd prefer laser to the eyes.
Like, a window to the soul.
At least we get to connect
before it happens, you know?
- That's nice.
I like how you made that
really beautiful right there.
- Yeah, it's romantic.
- You turned that sweet.
That was really sweet.
How about you, Erin?
- Um, I already jumped
the gun.
I feel like I gave my
answer up, but Ass-phyxiation.
- Mm-hmm.
- I just feel like the
implication is, like,
you're going to, until
it gets real bad,
you're going to be in the
throes of something fun,
and then it turns,
but at least, like,
the lead-up was maybe
some fun?
- I am definitely going to go
for lasers in the fucking eyes.
- How about you, Erik?
- Uh, I'm gonna go
Because it's how my
great grandfather died,
and you write what you know.
He didn't really.
He didn't really.
But it feels like
- He's still alive,
he's watching this,
and he's enraged with you.
- I'm with Erin.
If you're going to go out,
go out having fun.
- Yeah, right?
- That's all I'm saying.
- Yeah, how about you, Karl?
- I'll go with laser to the eyes
just because that's how
my grandfather went out.
Um, no.
I just want it over quickly.
- That was sick.
- Lasers to the eyes.
- Yeah, just instantaneously.
I really enjoyed that.
I'm actually just going to
echo the Ass-phyxiation moment,
because I just feel like,
you know,
who doesn't want to go
tossing a nice healthy salad?
Do you know what I'm saying?
- Um, no, I mean, I agree.
- I never liked lettuce.
- Right?
- I never did.
- There's always time to
acquire that taste, Jessie.
- Um, guys, this has
been so fun.
Before we go, I'd like
each of you to
take a moment to give
your character's most sincere
thoughts and prayers
to any other character
on the show.
A character of your choosing,
and, um, Karl,
we're going to start with you.
- I think Butcher's thoughts and
prayers go out to Homelander.
He hopes that
- Oh.
- That chafing sorts itself out.
That the medication works.
- Um, and that
it's not contagious.
- That's very sweet, Karl.
That's very sweet.
- Karl, Karl, are you talking
about Homelander,
or are you talking
about Antony?
'Cause off-camera,
that was Antony's thing.
- Shh!
- Oh, was that
Well, I was confused.
- Shut up!
- No, no, we're rolling.
We're rolling.
You shouldn't talk about
Antony like that, no.
- Antony, would you--
- But it is clearing up,
isn't it?
- Okay, I'd like to offer some
sincere thoughts and prayers
to my buddy, Billy Butcher
who will be happy to know
that seeing as
I've been spending more
time with his wife,
um, I haven't been
wearing my clothes much
so there's no chafing.
- Ooh, zing.
- Zinger!
- Pretty good.
- I love that, I love it.
Erin, would you like to offer
your thoughts and
prayers to anyone?
- Yes, I would like to offer my
thoughts and prayers to A-Train,
and to just say that,
you know, I know that
you ran through Hughie's last
girlfriend Robin.
I get it.
I just want to clarify that
Hughie and I are not dating.
- Okay.
- Jessie, would you like to
offer your thoughts and prayers?
- You know, as A-Train, I'd like
to offer my thoughts and prayers
to Starlight.
Because if I'm dead,
just know that I'm
going to haunt you,
so I hope you're ready
for another bedtime buddy.
- Oof!
- Oh, hello.
- Damn.
- It actually sounds enticing.
Let's just be clear, though,
he does not like to toss salad.
So, you know, if it's gonna be--
- So it won't be fun.
- It won't be fun bedtimes.
- Out.
- No deal, buddy.
- Won't be snuggly and warm,
that's for sure.
- Erik, who do you think is
going to need
the most thoughts and prayers
in Season Two?
- Oh, shit.
Jeez, I have to say
my man Billy Butcher
is gonna need
a lot of thoughts and prayers.
I mean, his whole world
turns upside down
at the end of Season One.
And his wife is alive
and she has a kid
that's Homelander's kid,
and the situation
he finds himself
is just so fucking intense.
Uh, I would not give him
thoughts and prayers
because that's
a bullshit platitude
that generally assholes say,
but, uh,
I would wish him
I wish him courage and luck
dealing with that situation.
- Oh, that was heartfelt
and lovely.
You didn't understand
the game at all.
That was very nice.
That was very sweet.
And earnest and genuine.
Thank you so much for
being here with me.
Karl, Erik, Antony,
Erin and Jessie
for joining us on
"Prime Rewind: Inside The Boys".
We've got a killer season
ahead of us,
and after each episode
I'm going to be here
to break down the
wild storylines,
the incisive themes and
the mesmerizing characters
alongside members of
The Boys and the Seven.
Now, I know you guys
have thoughts out there,
all right, so tweet us with all
of your Season Two predictions
using the hashtag
Tell us what you think
is going to happen
during the season.
And don't be afraid
to get weird,
get wild and loose.
We're going to pick our
and then we'll have
Translucent tweet you back.
They're going to be
invisible tweets,
but they're
going to be super dope.
All right, thank you guys
for being here.
This has been so, so,
so much fun.
Thanks for watching, everybody.
I will see you in Season Two.
- Great. Great job.
Thank you so much.
- I thank you sir.
I will not be outdone.
Next Episode