Project: High Council (2023) s01e01 Episode Script
-I don't want to!
-Hey, come and hit me back.
Wake up.
Quick. No one
is using the bahtroom.
Fakhri, here you go.
I told you.
You are stubborn.
I offered to drive,
but you refused.
How could I let you?
You don't even have a license.
Come on, dad.
That's enough.
Remember, once I dropped you
off, I will be out of here.
If anything happens,
I can't help you anymore.
You are lucky your last case
was not put in the record.
If not, I don't think this new
school would ever accept you.
Fortunately, it happened outside of
school, and after PMR examination.
I really don't get boys.
I know, dad.
-How did you get into this school?
You are gifted with
brain and intelligence.
I don't think you got it from me.
-Next time, use your brain
before you use your hands
and swing punches at people.
Remember, there is no more school
in Malaysia that can accept you.
I promised you, didn't I?
Take this.
What is this?
You have to call and
text me every day.
Dad, where did you get the money?
Call and text me every day.
Okay, dad.
You could have used the
money to rent a hotel instead.
Shut up.
Learn to be grateful.
Don't forget to call every day.
-I know.
I like this school.
Thank you.
-It's huge and beautiful.
Thank you.
My goodness, Mr. Sin. Just look
at all these new kids' faces.
Isn't it just so exciting?
Welcome to Kudrat!
-Thank you.
We're very excited.
It's such a beautiful school.
Yes. Me too!
I'm excited too.
So, just fill in your details.
Right, and what's your name?
Nor Fakhri bin Firdaus Ismet.
-Nor Fakhri bin Firdaus Ismet.
You don't have to.
Let me carry it myself.
It's heavy.
-No, it's not. I'm good.
It's fine. Let me do it.
-Okay, then.
If so, please excuse us.
But, if there's anything,
you can just ask "Ayam" ..
Here in Kudrat, we assign
a buddy for each student.
So, Azam will be your son's buddy.
He will be helping
and guiding your son.
That's good, then.
Welcome to
Kasturi House, uncle.
Thank you.
So, which one is your son, Ikhsan?
He is the one.
Wait a second.
Let's go, dad.
Dad, that's enough.
-It's fine. Can you do this?
I can do it myself.
The bedsheet has to
be tight. Look at theirs.
Like this. You need to pull it.
Dad, I know how to do it.
What about your clothes?
Should I put them in the..
Dad, it's fine.
-It's okay, let me help.
Dad, enough.
I can do it.
Let's go dad. The longer you're
here, the more you will try to do.
Come on.
Dad, that's enough.
It's okay, dad.
Are you embarrassed?
No, I'm not.
I will be lonely
without you at home.
I'll text you every day.
Don't just text me.
You must call every day.
-I need to remind you.
This school is the last opportunity
for you to change our fate.
So, I'm begging you.
Whatever happens,
stay out of trouble.
Don't get into fights.
You need to stay in this school.
I don't want you to be expelled.
Okay? I hope you can
graduate from this school.
Why did this remind me of when
mum took you and your brother?
But I came looking for you, right?
Don't worry too much, dad.
No matter what, I will
always return to you.
Okay, dad.
I think this is it.
Remember my words.
-I will. Don't waste your time.
The longer you're here, the
harder it is for you to go.
Remember, stay out of trouble.
-I know.
I know.
I promise.
Don't cry.
Don't cry.
Don't cry.
Don't cry.
Puan Faniza, is there anything
else that I can help you with?
Naim, do you have a brother?
Fakhri, right?
Born in 1991.
Wow, you must be a brainiac.
No, I'm not.
-You skipped PTS right?
-So you are a brainiac.
Wait, who are you?
-I'm Ayam.
They have assigned
me to your buddy here.
Ayam buddy?
-It's like your compass.
My responsibility is to
guide you around the school.
But, there are more things you
can't do than you can do.
Just until you get your license.
Oh, no.
It's too early to tell.
Your parents might hear me.
Oh, wait. Where are your parents?
Did they leave?
Praise to God.
I don't have to pretend to
chat with them and act nice,
or explain to them why is the
school nice but the dorm is shitty.
Here you go.
Sign this form.
This is to prove that I have
welcomed you with a smile.
Oh, wait.
Your name..
Where have you guys
been all this time?
Did dad bring you here?
Did he send you?
Is dad still..
Oh, god. I need to tell mum.
She's been looking for you.
Hold on.
Who are you?
You don't talk like my brother.
You don't walk like my brother.
So, stop calling me your brother.
-Just don't.
I don't want to get
in any trouble here.
I promised my dad.
So, there's nothing to
tell your mum or my dad.
Do you understand?
If you do, that's it.
Are you serious?
That's your brother?
Didn't that hurt?
Are you really Naim's brother?
No, I'm not trying to get involved.
Yes, they were the one who
assigned me to be your buddy here.
It's not like I want to.
I'm only doing this
for the certificate.
That doesn't me we will spend all
our time together and get friendly.
But, I need to
remind you one thing.
This place is different.
It's not like what they
said in the brochure you saw.
All the prefects who pretended
to welcome you like angels,
are also the demons here.
That includes your brother.
So, please do me a favour.
If you want to have a
peaceful life here,
please listen to me. At least
for these first two weeks.
Do you have any question?
Why is your name Ayam?
Well, Ayam is better than Sotong.
Tuck in your shirt.
It's for your safety.
Please, tuck in your shirt.
The bell rings at
6am every morning.
Go to the toilet and queue.
What is taking you so long?
Hurry up!
-Put on your praying attire.
Get down to the mosque.
-Why aren't we wearing the uniform?
We don't have our
license yet. They all do.
After prayer, we can have our
breakfast at the dining hall.
Make way.
Is he serious?
-They have a license.
What license are you talking about?
-Be patient. One at a time.
Obedient, strong, and firm.
-Then, we go to the assembly hall.
This is the place
where real men are born.
Then, it's lesson time.
To the dining hall
again, for lunch.
To the mosque, for noon prayer.
Back to lesson and
the evening prep.
To the mosque again.
Back to the dorm for washing up.
To the dining hall,
night classes.
Mosque again.
Dining hall again.
Back to the dorm, and
lights off at 10pm. Sleep.
We must repeat today for 2 years?
It's a shitty place, isn't it?
Plus, there are no girls.
What? Just because I'm this way,
you think I have no desire?
Hey! Keep your phone away.
Why? Is the warden here?
-You're lucky if the warden saw it.
If the fifth formers saw it,
they'll take away your phone.
Then, they'll sell it. Not only
that, they'll beat you up too.
Your phone will be
traded for their cigarettes.
Not like you have the license.
-I've been waiting the whole day.
Explain to me what
is this license thing?
You can see majority of the
students here tuck their shirts in.
But why didn't you
tuck in your Baju Melayu?
No one in their right mind
would tuck in their Baju Melayu.
The ones you saw with their
shirts out are all fifth formers.
And they all have their licenses.
-What the hell is this license?
Just like how you need
a license for driving.
That's also how it is here. If you
want to have your shirts out,
if you want to smoke, or if you
want to sneak out, you need it.
Simply put, you need a license
to be a jerk in this school.
So this license permits
us to do whatever we like?
-If we do it without a license?
You will be a punching bag
for the Form 5 students.
What if we fight back?
-They will get more Form 5
students to beat you
up until you understand.
That's messed up.
-Who gives out the license?
They don't just give out the
license, you have to pay for it.
It's RM120. Only the
fourth formers can buy it.
Who do we pay to?
High Council.
Who are they?
Don't worry. Tonight, you'll
find out who they are.
Hey, what are we waiting for?
Peace be upon you, fourth formers.
Peace be upon you too.
Are these real men?
Peace be upon you, fourth formers!
-Peace be upon you too.
How's the line? Clear?
-All clear. Mr. Sin's on duty.
He's probably smoking right now.
Rolling out.
Then, what else
are you waiting for?
Everyone, "Njet-Steng"!
Welcome to Form 4.
It's the honeymoon year.
It's the year in between
two public examinations.
This is the year where you
are the seniors of the juniors.
To all the new fourth formers,
welcome to Kudrat!
This is the place where
real Malay men are born.
In this place, you will
all be kneaded, and molded.
To be strong and independent men
that are useful for the community.
You will go through all the steps
you see in our school motto.
Obedient, strong and firm.
You'll obey Kudrat tradition.
Be strong while embracing
the challenging tradition.
And firm enough to face the world
when you graduate from Kudrat.
I'm sure the new fourth
formers are still confused.
What are you even doing here?
Who are these fifth formers
in front of you right now?
We are this year's High Council.
And I am Kahar.
Leader of the High Council.
This year, Kudrat belongs to us.
Muhammad Aminuddin bin Mohd Jamil.
Farhan Haziq bin Mohamed.
Nor Naim bin Firdaus Ismet.
Mohammed Amir bin Shahlen.
Lastly, Azam Ayam bin Anyau.
With that, I pronounce you,
the licensed seniors.
Congratulations for
obeying Kudrat's tradition.
To the new fourth formers who are
interested to get the license.
You only need to pay RM200
to the High Council for fee.
It's a steal
..if you consider what your
friends had to go through
during their 3 junior years.
According to the ordinance of
the High Council scripture,
this ritual are supposed to end.
But, what if we end
tonight's ritual with
the manifesto of election.
If it's too difficult to
understand, we'll show you instead.
Announcing the nominees of
the High Council election.
2007 session.
From Tuah House,
Nor Naim bin Firdaus Ismet.
From Kasturi House,
no nominations.
I am a little
disappointed with my house.
But, it's okay.
From Lekir House,
Prakash a/l Krishnan.
Lastly, the nominee
from Lekiu House,
Ariz Riza bin Razi.
Let's start the High Council
election, for the 2007 session.
The nominee from Tuah House,
Nor Naim bin Firdaus Ismet.
You must earn your blessings from
the 2006 Tuah House High Council.
Ahmad Fahmi bin Sazali.
What are you waiting for?
Hey, enough.
Let's go.
Remember, there's only one rule.
No punching on the face, private
part, and other visible body parts.
It's simple.
Blessing ritual for Tuah House,
three, two, one!
Hey, take off your shirt.
Sorry, Naim.
The nominee for High Council
from Tuah House,
Come here.
Put down your legs.
They're hairless and ladylike.
Why didn't you tell me
you joined the election?
I know you wouldn't agree.
-Of course.
It's silly.
If you told me you're only joining
to become the Prefect Head,
I'll be okay. But you want
to be the High Council leader?
High Council isn't silly. It's
the people in it who are idiots.
But still, you are
friends with them.
Of course I had to.
I need their blessings.
So that I can climb up easily.
Climb what?
Do you know Harun bin Jasni?
He's my father.
In the year 1975,
he was the Head of Prefects, and
also the leader of High Council.
He had both positions.
The official and unofficial
school positions.
He was that powerful.
You can ask Mr. Sin. Most
senior teachers here know him.
His name is always mentioned.
That time, it was
Kudrat's first SBP SPM.
Also the first SBP SRP.
All the Prime Ministers awards
HKSBP belonged to Kudrat.
The discipline case during
that time was almost zero.
They all acknowledged Harun
bin Jasni's leadership.
He made the school balanced.
I want to be just like that.
I want to make this
school balanced, again.
So, Harun bin Jasni is your father?
Nor Naim bin Firdaus Ismet?
That's Fakhri's dad.
What's the matter with you?
You condemned the tradition here.
But you ended up
buying the license too.
Fakhri, I just want
to survive this place.
Is it wrong for me
to do it comfortably?
Comfortably? Seriously?
Wait, how did you even
survive 3 years being here?
Why didn't you just leave?
Just move to a new school.
Fakhri, the graduation certificate
from this school worth more than
your SPM certificate.
Just say you're from Kudrat,
everyone would kill to hire you.
So, that is my main
survival strategy here.
To collect Kudrat certificates.
The more you get, the better.
After that, you
can get out of here.
But last night, all the
"Njet-Steng" and election,
all the manifesto and
everything, they're all wrong.
How could no one ever report that?
-What the hell is a jibam?
You want to jibam?
Look, jibam means to report.
Fakhri, that's the last
thing you should do here.
If you're planning to live
here peacefully, don't ever jibam!
Kahar, do you remember that 4
Kasturi kid you asked me about?
Yes, what's his name?
Fakhri. Hold on.
Here, look at this.
He's crazy, isn't he?
Do you know what's even crazier?
What is it?
-This kid
is Naim's brother.
How cool is he?
He beat up 5 boys at once.
Even you can only do 3 at most.
What did you say?
What did you just say?
-You're powerful too.
So powerful.
Fakhri, your locker has
been vibrating non stop.
"Look at this. Call me back."
Where have you been, Fakhri.
-Sorry dad, I left my phone.
Why didn't you call
me back last night?
If any of your teachers
saw the video, it's over.
Calm down, dad.
-Don't try to make me.
I know how to calm down.
But you, why are you so stubborn?
-I'm sick of saying the same thing.
I know you're a boy.
I don't understand why you
like getting in fights.
What did they do that
made you really upset?
Why do you have to
do this every time?
I'm asking you what
did they do? Tell me now!
They called you a sissy!
Hello, Fakhri?
You're busted.
You're a new fourth former.
Fakhri, right?
Have you paid for your license?
Give it to me.
If you want your phone back,
pay for the license.
Do you have a problem with that?
Do you want to punch me?
I saw the clip of you fighting.
I know you're good at fist fight.
What do you say if
I give you options?
If you want your phone back,
you must pay for the license.
you can settle with me.
You don't even have to
win, just get in the ring.
After we settle, you
can have your phone back.
I will also give you
a license for free.
What do you say?
Then, what are you planning to do?
No, I'm not planning
to do anything.
I promise my dad I won't
get into fights anymore.
I'll call him using public phones,
and tell him my phone got stolen.
Why not,
you just settle it with Kahar?
You're my only hope to
see him getting beat up.
Just forget about it.
It will save you RM200.
Do you know that the
queue is long right now?
Get inside!
If you're that great,
why are you even here?
-Are you listening?
I am.
-What is it?
I am listening, dad.
Hey, let me do it.
Miss, I would like to have
this part of the chicken.
This one.
-Which one?
This one.
You're welcome.
Move along!
You're holding up the line.
Do you want the chicken too?
What's the matter with that woman.
Naim, can you help
me with something?
I'm really sorry.
Your "Padek" still haven't arrived.
I'll try to find a new supplier.
That one can wait.
This one comes first.
I confiscated this phone
from your brother, Fakhri.
But your dad has been
calling non stop.
Help me talk to him.
Tell him that
everything is fine here.
It's true, right?
That Fakhri is your brother?
I know about that clip.
I know that Kahar took your phone.
I know Kahar.
I know he asked you to settle.
Don't entertain him.
What are you trying to prove?
What about you? Fist fighting with
your own friend in front of others.
What are you trying
to prove to them?
That you are a real man?
These people here probably
don't know who you really are.
But I,
know who you are.
Don't think I have forgotten.
Are you okay?
Naim, can you enlighten me?
What's the problem between you two?
So, how?
Come here.
Have you decided?
You can just keep the phone.
Are you serious?
Okay, if you say so.
What are you guys going to do?
Zahrin, I have a license.
Zahrin, I bought the license.
Hey, don't do this Zahrin.
What is this?
Last chance.
You're asking for it, aren't you?
-I don't want to!
-Hey, come and hit me back.
Wake up.
Quick. No one
is using the bahtroom.
Fakhri, here you go.
I told you.
You are stubborn.
I offered to drive,
but you refused.
How could I let you?
You don't even have a license.
Come on, dad.
That's enough.
Remember, once I dropped you
off, I will be out of here.
If anything happens,
I can't help you anymore.
You are lucky your last case
was not put in the record.
If not, I don't think this new
school would ever accept you.
Fortunately, it happened outside of
school, and after PMR examination.
I really don't get boys.
I know, dad.
-How did you get into this school?
You are gifted with
brain and intelligence.
I don't think you got it from me.
-Next time, use your brain
before you use your hands
and swing punches at people.
Remember, there is no more school
in Malaysia that can accept you.
I promised you, didn't I?
Take this.
What is this?
You have to call and
text me every day.
Dad, where did you get the money?
Call and text me every day.
Okay, dad.
You could have used the
money to rent a hotel instead.
Shut up.
Learn to be grateful.
Don't forget to call every day.
-I know.
I like this school.
Thank you.
-It's huge and beautiful.
Thank you.
My goodness, Mr. Sin. Just look
at all these new kids' faces.
Isn't it just so exciting?
Welcome to Kudrat!
-Thank you.
We're very excited.
It's such a beautiful school.
Yes. Me too!
I'm excited too.
So, just fill in your details.
Right, and what's your name?
Nor Fakhri bin Firdaus Ismet.
-Nor Fakhri bin Firdaus Ismet.
You don't have to.
Let me carry it myself.
It's heavy.
-No, it's not. I'm good.
It's fine. Let me do it.
-Okay, then.
If so, please excuse us.
But, if there's anything,
you can just ask "Ayam" ..
Here in Kudrat, we assign
a buddy for each student.
So, Azam will be your son's buddy.
He will be helping
and guiding your son.
That's good, then.
Welcome to
Kasturi House, uncle.
Thank you.
So, which one is your son, Ikhsan?
He is the one.
Wait a second.
Let's go, dad.
Dad, that's enough.
-It's fine. Can you do this?
I can do it myself.
The bedsheet has to
be tight. Look at theirs.
Like this. You need to pull it.
Dad, I know how to do it.
What about your clothes?
Should I put them in the..
Dad, it's fine.
-It's okay, let me help.
Dad, enough.
I can do it.
Let's go dad. The longer you're
here, the more you will try to do.
Come on.
Dad, that's enough.
It's okay, dad.
Are you embarrassed?
No, I'm not.
I will be lonely
without you at home.
I'll text you every day.
Don't just text me.
You must call every day.
-I need to remind you.
This school is the last opportunity
for you to change our fate.
So, I'm begging you.
Whatever happens,
stay out of trouble.
Don't get into fights.
You need to stay in this school.
I don't want you to be expelled.
Okay? I hope you can
graduate from this school.
Why did this remind me of when
mum took you and your brother?
But I came looking for you, right?
Don't worry too much, dad.
No matter what, I will
always return to you.
Okay, dad.
I think this is it.
Remember my words.
-I will. Don't waste your time.
The longer you're here, the
harder it is for you to go.
Remember, stay out of trouble.
-I know.
I know.
I promise.
Don't cry.
Don't cry.
Don't cry.
Don't cry.
Puan Faniza, is there anything
else that I can help you with?
Naim, do you have a brother?
Fakhri, right?
Born in 1991.
Wow, you must be a brainiac.
No, I'm not.
-You skipped PTS right?
-So you are a brainiac.
Wait, who are you?
-I'm Ayam.
They have assigned
me to your buddy here.
Ayam buddy?
-It's like your compass.
My responsibility is to
guide you around the school.
But, there are more things you
can't do than you can do.
Just until you get your license.
Oh, no.
It's too early to tell.
Your parents might hear me.
Oh, wait. Where are your parents?
Did they leave?
Praise to God.
I don't have to pretend to
chat with them and act nice,
or explain to them why is the
school nice but the dorm is shitty.
Here you go.
Sign this form.
This is to prove that I have
welcomed you with a smile.
Oh, wait.
Your name..
Where have you guys
been all this time?
Did dad bring you here?
Did he send you?
Is dad still..
Oh, god. I need to tell mum.
She's been looking for you.
Hold on.
Who are you?
You don't talk like my brother.
You don't walk like my brother.
So, stop calling me your brother.
-Just don't.
I don't want to get
in any trouble here.
I promised my dad.
So, there's nothing to
tell your mum or my dad.
Do you understand?
If you do, that's it.
Are you serious?
That's your brother?
Didn't that hurt?
Are you really Naim's brother?
No, I'm not trying to get involved.
Yes, they were the one who
assigned me to be your buddy here.
It's not like I want to.
I'm only doing this
for the certificate.
That doesn't me we will spend all
our time together and get friendly.
But, I need to
remind you one thing.
This place is different.
It's not like what they
said in the brochure you saw.
All the prefects who pretended
to welcome you like angels,
are also the demons here.
That includes your brother.
So, please do me a favour.
If you want to have a
peaceful life here,
please listen to me. At least
for these first two weeks.
Do you have any question?
Why is your name Ayam?
Well, Ayam is better than Sotong.
Tuck in your shirt.
It's for your safety.
Please, tuck in your shirt.
The bell rings at
6am every morning.
Go to the toilet and queue.
What is taking you so long?
Hurry up!
-Put on your praying attire.
Get down to the mosque.
-Why aren't we wearing the uniform?
We don't have our
license yet. They all do.
After prayer, we can have our
breakfast at the dining hall.
Make way.
Is he serious?
-They have a license.
What license are you talking about?
-Be patient. One at a time.
Obedient, strong, and firm.
-Then, we go to the assembly hall.
This is the place
where real men are born.
Then, it's lesson time.
To the dining hall
again, for lunch.
To the mosque, for noon prayer.
Back to lesson and
the evening prep.
To the mosque again.
Back to the dorm for washing up.
To the dining hall,
night classes.
Mosque again.
Dining hall again.
Back to the dorm, and
lights off at 10pm. Sleep.
We must repeat today for 2 years?
It's a shitty place, isn't it?
Plus, there are no girls.
What? Just because I'm this way,
you think I have no desire?
Hey! Keep your phone away.
Why? Is the warden here?
-You're lucky if the warden saw it.
If the fifth formers saw it,
they'll take away your phone.
Then, they'll sell it. Not only
that, they'll beat you up too.
Your phone will be
traded for their cigarettes.
Not like you have the license.
-I've been waiting the whole day.
Explain to me what
is this license thing?
You can see majority of the
students here tuck their shirts in.
But why didn't you
tuck in your Baju Melayu?
No one in their right mind
would tuck in their Baju Melayu.
The ones you saw with their
shirts out are all fifth formers.
And they all have their licenses.
-What the hell is this license?
Just like how you need
a license for driving.
That's also how it is here. If you
want to have your shirts out,
if you want to smoke, or if you
want to sneak out, you need it.
Simply put, you need a license
to be a jerk in this school.
So this license permits
us to do whatever we like?
-If we do it without a license?
You will be a punching bag
for the Form 5 students.
What if we fight back?
-They will get more Form 5
students to beat you
up until you understand.
That's messed up.
-Who gives out the license?
They don't just give out the
license, you have to pay for it.
It's RM120. Only the
fourth formers can buy it.
Who do we pay to?
High Council.
Who are they?
Don't worry. Tonight, you'll
find out who they are.
Hey, what are we waiting for?
Peace be upon you, fourth formers.
Peace be upon you too.
Are these real men?
Peace be upon you, fourth formers!
-Peace be upon you too.
How's the line? Clear?
-All clear. Mr. Sin's on duty.
He's probably smoking right now.
Rolling out.
Then, what else
are you waiting for?
Everyone, "Njet-Steng"!
Welcome to Form 4.
It's the honeymoon year.
It's the year in between
two public examinations.
This is the year where you
are the seniors of the juniors.
To all the new fourth formers,
welcome to Kudrat!
This is the place where
real Malay men are born.
In this place, you will
all be kneaded, and molded.
To be strong and independent men
that are useful for the community.
You will go through all the steps
you see in our school motto.
Obedient, strong and firm.
You'll obey Kudrat tradition.
Be strong while embracing
the challenging tradition.
And firm enough to face the world
when you graduate from Kudrat.
I'm sure the new fourth
formers are still confused.
What are you even doing here?
Who are these fifth formers
in front of you right now?
We are this year's High Council.
And I am Kahar.
Leader of the High Council.
This year, Kudrat belongs to us.
Muhammad Aminuddin bin Mohd Jamil.
Farhan Haziq bin Mohamed.
Nor Naim bin Firdaus Ismet.
Mohammed Amir bin Shahlen.
Lastly, Azam Ayam bin Anyau.
With that, I pronounce you,
the licensed seniors.
Congratulations for
obeying Kudrat's tradition.
To the new fourth formers who are
interested to get the license.
You only need to pay RM200
to the High Council for fee.
It's a steal
..if you consider what your
friends had to go through
during their 3 junior years.
According to the ordinance of
the High Council scripture,
this ritual are supposed to end.
But, what if we end
tonight's ritual with
the manifesto of election.
If it's too difficult to
understand, we'll show you instead.
Announcing the nominees of
the High Council election.
2007 session.
From Tuah House,
Nor Naim bin Firdaus Ismet.
From Kasturi House,
no nominations.
I am a little
disappointed with my house.
But, it's okay.
From Lekir House,
Prakash a/l Krishnan.
Lastly, the nominee
from Lekiu House,
Ariz Riza bin Razi.
Let's start the High Council
election, for the 2007 session.
The nominee from Tuah House,
Nor Naim bin Firdaus Ismet.
You must earn your blessings from
the 2006 Tuah House High Council.
Ahmad Fahmi bin Sazali.
What are you waiting for?
Hey, enough.
Let's go.
Remember, there's only one rule.
No punching on the face, private
part, and other visible body parts.
It's simple.
Blessing ritual for Tuah House,
three, two, one!
Hey, take off your shirt.
Sorry, Naim.
The nominee for High Council
from Tuah House,
Come here.
Put down your legs.
They're hairless and ladylike.
Why didn't you tell me
you joined the election?
I know you wouldn't agree.
-Of course.
It's silly.
If you told me you're only joining
to become the Prefect Head,
I'll be okay. But you want
to be the High Council leader?
High Council isn't silly. It's
the people in it who are idiots.
But still, you are
friends with them.
Of course I had to.
I need their blessings.
So that I can climb up easily.
Climb what?
Do you know Harun bin Jasni?
He's my father.
In the year 1975,
he was the Head of Prefects, and
also the leader of High Council.
He had both positions.
The official and unofficial
school positions.
He was that powerful.
You can ask Mr. Sin. Most
senior teachers here know him.
His name is always mentioned.
That time, it was
Kudrat's first SBP SPM.
Also the first SBP SRP.
All the Prime Ministers awards
HKSBP belonged to Kudrat.
The discipline case during
that time was almost zero.
They all acknowledged Harun
bin Jasni's leadership.
He made the school balanced.
I want to be just like that.
I want to make this
school balanced, again.
So, Harun bin Jasni is your father?
Nor Naim bin Firdaus Ismet?
That's Fakhri's dad.
What's the matter with you?
You condemned the tradition here.
But you ended up
buying the license too.
Fakhri, I just want
to survive this place.
Is it wrong for me
to do it comfortably?
Comfortably? Seriously?
Wait, how did you even
survive 3 years being here?
Why didn't you just leave?
Just move to a new school.
Fakhri, the graduation certificate
from this school worth more than
your SPM certificate.
Just say you're from Kudrat,
everyone would kill to hire you.
So, that is my main
survival strategy here.
To collect Kudrat certificates.
The more you get, the better.
After that, you
can get out of here.
But last night, all the
"Njet-Steng" and election,
all the manifesto and
everything, they're all wrong.
How could no one ever report that?
-What the hell is a jibam?
You want to jibam?
Look, jibam means to report.
Fakhri, that's the last
thing you should do here.
If you're planning to live
here peacefully, don't ever jibam!
Kahar, do you remember that 4
Kasturi kid you asked me about?
Yes, what's his name?
Fakhri. Hold on.
Here, look at this.
He's crazy, isn't he?
Do you know what's even crazier?
What is it?
-This kid
is Naim's brother.
How cool is he?
He beat up 5 boys at once.
Even you can only do 3 at most.
What did you say?
What did you just say?
-You're powerful too.
So powerful.
Fakhri, your locker has
been vibrating non stop.
"Look at this. Call me back."
Where have you been, Fakhri.
-Sorry dad, I left my phone.
Why didn't you call
me back last night?
If any of your teachers
saw the video, it's over.
Calm down, dad.
-Don't try to make me.
I know how to calm down.
But you, why are you so stubborn?
-I'm sick of saying the same thing.
I know you're a boy.
I don't understand why you
like getting in fights.
What did they do that
made you really upset?
Why do you have to
do this every time?
I'm asking you what
did they do? Tell me now!
They called you a sissy!
Hello, Fakhri?
You're busted.
You're a new fourth former.
Fakhri, right?
Have you paid for your license?
Give it to me.
If you want your phone back,
pay for the license.
Do you have a problem with that?
Do you want to punch me?
I saw the clip of you fighting.
I know you're good at fist fight.
What do you say if
I give you options?
If you want your phone back,
you must pay for the license.
you can settle with me.
You don't even have to
win, just get in the ring.
After we settle, you
can have your phone back.
I will also give you
a license for free.
What do you say?
Then, what are you planning to do?
No, I'm not planning
to do anything.
I promise my dad I won't
get into fights anymore.
I'll call him using public phones,
and tell him my phone got stolen.
Why not,
you just settle it with Kahar?
You're my only hope to
see him getting beat up.
Just forget about it.
It will save you RM200.
Do you know that the
queue is long right now?
Get inside!
If you're that great,
why are you even here?
-Are you listening?
I am.
-What is it?
I am listening, dad.
Hey, let me do it.
Miss, I would like to have
this part of the chicken.
This one.
-Which one?
This one.
You're welcome.
Move along!
You're holding up the line.
Do you want the chicken too?
What's the matter with that woman.
Naim, can you help
me with something?
I'm really sorry.
Your "Padek" still haven't arrived.
I'll try to find a new supplier.
That one can wait.
This one comes first.
I confiscated this phone
from your brother, Fakhri.
But your dad has been
calling non stop.
Help me talk to him.
Tell him that
everything is fine here.
It's true, right?
That Fakhri is your brother?
I know about that clip.
I know that Kahar took your phone.
I know Kahar.
I know he asked you to settle.
Don't entertain him.
What are you trying to prove?
What about you? Fist fighting with
your own friend in front of others.
What are you trying
to prove to them?
That you are a real man?
These people here probably
don't know who you really are.
But I,
know who you are.
Don't think I have forgotten.
Are you okay?
Naim, can you enlighten me?
What's the problem between you two?
So, how?
Come here.
Have you decided?
You can just keep the phone.
Are you serious?
Okay, if you say so.
What are you guys going to do?
Zahrin, I have a license.
Zahrin, I bought the license.
Hey, don't do this Zahrin.
What is this?
Last chance.
You're asking for it, aren't you?