Quality Assurance in Another World (2024) s01e01 Episode Script

Nikola the Servant Girl

Oh, Nikola!
Good morning!
Good weather we're having today!
I'll drop by the tavern later!
Every day of my life was the
same, and very peaceful.
Are you okay?
Oh, Nikola!
I'm fine! This is nothing!
And I was fine with that
Until that day.
No way
Hoimoidragons are only supposed
to appear deep in the mountains!
What are they doing near our village?
Don't worry. I've heard
they're peaceful monsters.
They're coming this way!
They'll crush you!
I can't move
Am I going to die?
I don't want to die!
Don't move.
Everything's okay. Everything's fine.
This is a safe spot.
Don't move.
He's shaking, too.
What is this?
H-He's big and dressed strangely.
Sorry, I feel sick.
I might throw up.
Big shaking's always been a problem for me.
So what were you doing there?
No, more importantly
Who are you?
I held you really tight.
No, it's fine.
Thank you.
That was a close call.
Can I ask your name, please?
I'm Nikola. I work at the village inn.
I'm Haga.
That's a strange name.
What were you doing there?
I wanted to observe the dragons up close.
You should head back to
the village while you can.
And stay away from this place for a while.
Don't tell me the dragons are back.
What's it doing?
It's stuck and can't go any further.
I've never seen one do that before.
I get it!
Your job is to investigate
monsters' behavior!
Well, I investigate a lot. Not just monsters.
A lot?
Everything going on in this world.
Everything in the world?
Continent of Felnarc
Raging Gulf
Silver Islands
There's an island called Clayborne,
which is the small island where we live.
Wilsword Empire
Federated Kingdoms
of Stamao
of Sai
It's a backwater place far to the
south of the continent of Felnarc,
where there are five
kingdoms all jammed together
that are constantly getting in small fights.
Royal Capital
Kingdom of Bayle
The tiny village where I, Nikola, live,
is located in the Kingdom of Bayle, the
smallest and most peaceful of the kingdoms,
Luisa Village
in a place far away from anyone.
Nikola the Servant Girl
This guy who saved Nikola
You think he might be a King's Seeker?
A Seeker?
You haven't heard of them?
There's a lot of weird stuff
going on lately, right?
Like crown princes and heirs to the
throne suddenly falling ill.
And monsters acting strange, like we saw today!
And so the King has dispatched a secret
investigation force all across the kingdom.
They're supposed to be his most elite troops.
Well, he did seem to be
investigating something.
But would they really come
all the way out here?
He didn't seem very elite to me.
I hope he leaves soon.
Outsiders are scary, yeah.
You guys don't have anything
better to do today than drink?!
Nikola, can you help in the kitchen?
Yes, ma'am!
Seekers, the chosen elite
My heart's still racing.
I was scared after the dragon attacked us,
but today wasn't like every other day!
It was a different kind of day!
Making his way in the world with a sword
Guided by fate
He will save this world
A song praising an adventurer, huh?
I wonder what's going on
in the outside world.
This should be enough.
I'll make my report while I've got the time.
Day 1
Day 21
Day 31
Day 41
Day 51
I've observed Hoimoidragons ten times,
and only once were they acting odd.
It doesn't seem like a critical problem,
but I should report it just in case.
The following abnormal behaviors were seen
with the Zakan Plateau Hoimoidragons
Is that light magic?
Haga-san must be someone special.
I'm sorry!
Uh, I wanted to thank you for earlier today.
You scared me.
Sorry. You look so strong,
but you don't act like it.
No, that's not true. I'm not strong.
Here, eat this.
Thank you.
Are you an adventurer, Haga-san?
Something like that.
Are you one of the King's Seekers, maybe?
Um, yes.
That's my job title.
I knew it!
Are you alone? Do you have anyone with you?
I'm alone right now.
Maybe I shouldn't have asked that.
This is good.
I'm glad!
Um, Haga-san, would you be willing to
tell me stories about the outside world?
I haven't seen the outside world,
and neither has anyone in the village.
This village is so peaceful.
Each day is so much like every
other that it makes you laugh.
So, um I almost died today,
and it was really dangerous, but
Thanks to you, Haga-san, it was so exciting!
What? Haga-san?
I forgot what time it
was and talked too long.
I need to calm down.
Nikola-san, get back to the village.
Get back to the village,
and take everyone somewhere safe!
A huge dragon is coming
to attack the village!
Hurry! Run!
I yelled.
Nikola I can't let you
I can't let you die now!
King's Seeker
The kings of Clayborne formed a force of adventurers
to investigate disasters occurring throughout the island.
They are known as King's Seekers.
The conditions in Southwestern Clayborne are unknown.
According to one theory, the descendants of an ancient kingdom reside there in a hidden paradise.
However, as the area is surrounded by raging seas, no one has returned from
investigating the area.
Western Sea
Get to high ground!
What's wrong, Nikola?
A dragon's going to attack the village!
My day that was different from
every other day wasn't over yet!
I don't even remember where exactly I went.
I just ran and ran, and shouted to everyone.
Is it really going to attack the village?
I've heard that dragons are peaceful!
Haga-san, did I do the right thing?
Look! A dragon!
Somebody's still out there!
Is he stupid? He'll die!
It's Haga-san!
He really is a Seeker?
No, maybe he brought the dragon!
No. Haga-san tried to save me.
And those barrels
He's been getting ready for this fight!
You can't beat that thing
all by yourself, Haga-san
What's he doing?
Shooting arrows at a dragon that size?
It's not gonna work.
What was that?
Okay, it's entered its pattern.
I get it!
The explosion makes it back away, and while
it's flinching, he shoots an arrow at it?
It's a pretty dull way to fight it.
Really dull.
So dull.
Haga-san's fighting it all by himself!
To protect the village! To protect us!
I won't lie and say he looks cool.
He's not like the heroes in
the stories and ballads.
But even so, I
This is not good.
Not good at all.
The barrels are far away from me now.
The dragon's getting
closer, little by little.
Is it immortal?
Maybe I should've known this wouldn't work.
We'll help, too!
We'll join you!
Thank you.
Let's all protect the village together!
Anyone who can use a bow, head to the front!
Stay calm!
Let's do it!
Protect the village!
It's dead.
We beat the Hoimoidragon.
We beat it? We beat it!
We really beat it!
I'm so glad you're okay!
Are you hurt, Nikola-san?
I'm fine! Thanks to you!
Yes, you seem to be fine.
Um, is this part of a Seeker's job?
Well, it's one of the things we do.
I see,
When I saw you fight that dragon by yourself,
Haga-san, I thought to myself
That if I just let myself be satisfied
with peaceful, everyday life
When something happens,
I won't be able to deal with it.
I want the power to fight back, too!
Please let me go with you, Haga-sama!
May I go with you, as your student?
Well, I
I'm sorry.
I couldn't do it.
Do what?
What do you mean?
I'm sorry.
I can't I can't help it
I'm sorry, Nikola-san.
This event has a fixed outcome.
Even if you cheat and
beat the Hoimoidragon
The story makes sure that the
village still gets wiped out!
My job was to make sure that no matter
what happens, the village gets wiped out.
"Seeker" is just what we're called in-game.
What are you saying?
My real job is
to check for bugs in
the game and report them!
I'm a debugger!
I've abandoned the quest again and again
seen you die over and over in different ways.
But this will be the last time I do that.
Suzuki-san. Namiko-san. Kuro-chan.
King's Seeker Online?
That's an AAA title!
And with full realistic VR!
I can't wait!
Five members from Nishima
Technologies, logging in.
Haga-chan's avatar is so macho!
I-Is it?
It's not as bad as Kuro-chan's.
I can feel my muscles rippling!
You'll make your reports
with these debugger stones.
They're linked to your ID,
so don't lose them.
I'm sure you understand this,
but use of debug mode is off-limits.
I've lost track of how
long we've been here.
Yeah. I feel like I'm going crazy.
Kuro-chan! I told you, no using debug mode!
What do you mean, we can't log out?
Doesn't that mean we're
trapped in this game forever?
You've filed a report, right?
It's been one year since I entered the game.
I'm a coward and a stickler for rules,
so I'm the only one who's still safe.
If I keep doing my job filing bug reports,
will I be able to get out of here someday?
I know! The fact that the Hoimoidragons
can be defeated might be a bug on its own.
I need to write down everything
about that before I forget it.
Somebody's here? An event?
No, that's impossible.
Did they come back?
Suzuki-san? Namiko-san? Kuro-chan?
But you just
You just
Burned to ash in front of me.
Nikola, are you a bug, too?
Next Episode