Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

Ruby Ring Episode 1 I'm Jeong Runa.
People say I'm a bad woman, ruthless desire personified, an evil femme fatale.
I don't care what they say because what they say doesn't affect me.
Don't you have desires? Does having desires make me evil? Are desire and ambition different? Look deep within yourself.
You just never had the opportunity.
I told you not to say anything.
The thing is Shut up.
Just don't say anything.
Runa, stop it.
Slow down.
Slow down.
Stop it, Runa.
Stop it.
Oh, no! Oh, no! This was the moment my life started going on a downward spiral.
Or perhaps it had begun before then.
My fatal ruby red desire led me on a path of self-destruction, but destruction only makes me stronger.
I won't give up my desire, dream, or love.
And I will never have any regrets.
Who would dare cast stones at me? No.
Go ahead and cast your stones at my desire and ambition.
Chuncheon Ms.
Park, I heard you dropped me.
This isn't right.
They say writers reign supreme these days, but you shouldn't play games with people.
Pardon? What are you doing here? Let's talk outside.
Let go.
I have nothing to discuss with you.
Come on.
I'll explain.
Listen, Ms.
Let go of me.
Explain yourself.
Cat got your tongue? What's the matter with you? Have you lost your mind? We could've talked about it later in private.
It pisses me off.
I was all set to be the main emcee for the upcoming show, but the writer said no, right? I told you not to be like this.
You need to control your temper.
You know I have a bad temper.
Just 0.
0001% can make or break things in this industry.
Plus, it wasn't Ms.
Park's decision alone.
During the planning meeting, people said your image wasn't right for What wrong with my image? You should've dropped the writer.
You're the producer after all.
That's enough, Runa.
Put yourself in my shoes I said, that's enough.
What am I going to do? I'm so upset.
You have to do something.
You said I had it in the bag.
Let this one go.
I have it all set up for you to be the main emcee for the second season.
Stop crying.
You're being a baby.
Trust me.
I swear.
You swear? Really? Yes.
You're going to be a reporter next week.
Once you get that done, I'll get the director to sign off on it.
Really? Truly? For real? Yes.
Really, truly, for real.
So don't just barge in anymore because you're angry.
And don't take it out on Ms.
Park either.
It will only do you harm anyway.
Are you 100% sure that I'll be the main emcee for the next program? You drive me wild.
Go get 'em, tiger.
Don't party and head straight home.
Make sure you're ready for next week, including your wardrobe.
Don't you worry.
You know me.
Hello, everyone.
Let me introduce myself.
I'm the new host, Jeong Runa.
Jeez, Soyeong.
You're making a racket.
Let's have some peace and quiet here.
Chorim, my name isn't Jeez Soyeong.
It's Ko Soyeong, okay? It's always "Jeez, Soyeong.
" Jeez, Soyeong.
Jeez, Soyeong.
You'll get it from me.
It's the dry cleaner's.
I've come to deliver these.
No one has come to pick them up.
It's $70.
$70? For dry cleaning? My goodness.
You must know our rates by now.
The receipt's right here.
I'm pressed for time.
Thank you.
Runa, that wretched thing It's not like she's a celebrity.
Of course she is.
She's on TV.
TV? A split second every once in a while How does that make her a celebrity? She'll get it from me when she gets home.
She's obsessed with clothes.
This is perfect.
I'll take this.
Just a moment, ma'am.
Ma'am? This card has been canceled.
That's odd.
I'll pay with this then.
Sorry, ma'am.
This one has been canceled as well.
Pardon? Could you please remove the dress? Do you think I'll run away? It's not that, but Please use the fitting room.
Please be careful.
It's expensive.
Even riffraffs walk in What did you just say? Riffraff? Pardon? What I meant was I'm a riffraff? You're humiliating me over a stupid dress? Who do you think you are? Don't you dare disrespect me.
How dare you? Fine.
I'll buy this, so wrap it up.
Never mind.
Please go.
What? I'm buying this.
Wrap it up.
Your cards are canceled, so just forget about it.
Wrap it up this instant! But, sir, you can't do this to us.
You said you'd sign the contract today.
We said no to another company as we were waiting for you to sign.
Hello? Sir? Sir.
What did he say? They're not signing? They keep making excuses to delay this.
They're driving me insane.
We have to get it signed this week.
You're capable and persuasive.
You should go and talk to them.
Oh, man.
My blood's boiling.
Ruby, let's go out and get something nice and cold to drink.
I can't.
I have to draft the plan for the Hoban Concert.
Who cares about that right now? You need to come with me so I can let off some steam.
But I have to do this Come on.
Let's go.
Runa Mobile Why isn't she picking up? The person you are trying to reach I'll get it.
You finish that up.
Hello? Yu Gilja Spicy Chicken.
Mom, did you cancel all my cards? Yeah, so? Come on.
This is so embarrassing.
I'm being humiliated at a department store because of you.
Being humiliated because of me? Anyway, this is urgent.
Either reactivate my cards or wire $1,000 to my bank account.
I need it right away.
Good grief.
You can't be serious.
What do you take me for? I barely got by last month because of your credit card bills.
Stop your nonsense and hurry back home.
I need to set you straight.
Please, mom.
This is really urgent.
You're getting more clothes, aren't you? What's the matter with you? I'm hanging up.
Who was it? Runa? She threw a tantrum because she found out I canceled her credit cards.
$1,000? Good grief.
I don't know who she takes after.
It must be urgent.
Send her the money.
She said she needed new clothes to do a TV report on buckwheat noodles.
But you know how she is.
Didn't you see all the clothes the dry cleaner's dropped off? She has a mountain of clothes.
She's bought so much for her supposed TV reporting gig.
She spends more than she makes.
But don't celebrities these days get free clothes through stylists? You don't say.
She bought several outfits for the Soyang Dam report.
But on TV, she was in huge rain boots and totally covered up in a raincoat.
She'll be the death of me.
I'd love nothing more than for her to get married.
Runa will find a great husband.
She has a knack for using men.
Pardon? The person you are trying to reach Oh, my goodness.
Hey there.
It's me.
Don't you remember me? Was it Hyeyeong? Oh Hyeyeong? It's been so long.
Good to see you.
Why? You left your phone here, didn't you? The head of the team's been looking for you.
Really? Ms.
Jeong, you're back.
Come with me.
Where to? The executives are in a meeting and want a status report.
But Ms.
Seo has to do it Didn't Ms.
Seo go to Juni? Yes, but So you need to do it.
Hyeryeon, the report's printed, right? Yes.
Oh, no.
The report.
Our new director will introduce himself.
I'm Bae Gyeongmin.
Nice to meet you.
The chairman told me the Chuncheon branch has such strong fundamentals that I will have to learn from you.
And I'm ready to do just that.
I'm still young and inexperienced, so I ask you for your guidance.
Good job.
We'll start with Marketing Team 1's presentation.
We will first report on where things stand right now.
Juni has been delaying the signing of the deal we have to close today, so I sent Ms.
Seo there to get it done in person.
As for the Hoban Concert planning, Ms.
Jeong Ruby will provide you a detailed update.
Jeong, what's keeping you? Right.
Are you okay? Oh, no.
Here's the receipt.
Thank you.
Come again.
Soyeong, let's take a break.
Ow, my neck.
Let's have the watermelon we got earlier.
Man, I'm tired.
Did Runa call again? I guess she gave up.
Runa never gives up.
That good-for-nothing Runa will be the death of me.
She's always been such a troublemaker.
Why can't she be more like Ruby? Gilja, cut Ruby some slack.
Despite it all, she can be so affectionate.
I find Runa more endearing than straitlaced Ruby.
Endearing? Give me a break.
You've had it so tough, Gilja, raising those twins on your own.
When you go to heaven, my brother will thank you a million times over.
Enough already.
You're responsible for half of my woes.
Me? Are you serious? You're an old maid massaging chicken thighs all day.
How can I not be worried? My goodness.
You also massage chicken thighs all day just like me.
Good heavens.
Then let's order only roosters.
Wouldn't it be better to massage male rather than female thighs? We're all single ladies here.
You're too much.
Why haven't the girls called? Yes, Ms.
Why the formality? Workday is over.
I'm still at work.
I'm heading out now.
What happened with the Juni deal? Who am I? Seo Jinhui, right? Of course I made them sign.
Come on out.
Let's have a drink.
Oh, my goodness.
Hello? Anyone here? Hello? Is anyone here? Hello? Is anyone here? Let go.
Let go of me.
Help! What the? Did I startle you? What do you think you're doing? I could ask you the same question.
I asked you first.
I'm in the restroom.
What are you doing in the ladies' room? I heard a scream.
You shrieked.
Long time no see.
You haven't changed.
I knew you worked here.
Excuse me.
What are you doing? All set.
You look nice.
Jeong Ruby, do you want to have coffee? Do you still like espresso? Isn't Bae Gyeongmin still attractive? I asked him to play so that we can see if he's still good.
Jinhui, I should get going.
Gyeongmin's now the director of our company.
You will have to see him daily.
You're still a heartthrob, Director Bae.
You're the one who said we should keep work and play separate.
So you're saying this is play, right? Yes, Jinhui.
It's been a long time.
It's been too long.
This is like a college reunion.
Jinhui, I think I should go.
It was a long day.
I'm tired.
I'm sorry, Director Bae.
I need to go.
Jeong Ruby.
You're so diligent.
You do that at least once a week.
I'm a maiden.
I need to take care of myself.
What did I tell you? The man you were set up with last year wasn't a bad catch.
But he was a widower.
I'm only marrying a first-timer.
I've never been married.
Even first-timers these days are said to be open to divorcees and single mothers.
You shouldn't be so picky.
If the man's decent, that's good enough.
Why don't you introduce me to a real man then? My goodness.
Why would I do that? I'm just as desperate for a man too.
Pardon? Say, I wonder why the girls are out late and haven't called yet.
Maybe they're partying because it's Friday.
What do you know about partying? I've been young once too.
Wow, my sister, who would've known? I never took you for the partying type.
You didn't know? Do you want one of these too? Don't laugh.
You'll get wrinkles.
Thank you.
- How many did you order? - One.
Thank you.
Take it easy and relax.
- It's cold, isn't it? - Yeah.
It's very cold, so look what I got for you.
This side.
And now this side.
They're pretty.
Wow, fruit.
Why's Gyeongmin so late? Chuncheon's quite far away.
It's bit of a drive.
Why didn't you give him a position in Seoul? Why'd you send him all the way to Chuncheon? I was going to, but he insisted on Chuncheon.
So have you been looking for a bride for Gyeongmin? Yes, mother.
I've been asking around.
We need to get him married for me to have some peace of mind.
That must be him.
- I'm home.
- Gyeongmin.
Come here, my adorable son.
Have you had dinner? Yes, grandma.
She's been waiting for you all day.
Yes, I have.
So how's work? Do you like it? Yes.
Give me a few minutes, grandma.
I'm sweaty.
I'll be back after a shower.
Stay with me for a bit.
It won't take long.
Goodness me.
When will you give up on your unrequited love? My love isn't unrequited.
A Christmas present.
Do you know how hard it was for me to knit this? You knitted it yourself? Is this a leash to keep me from running away? That goes without saying.
You're mine now forever and ever.
Why are you being so uncool? Uncool? Let's talk about that once we've taken this all the way.
I'm done here.
I'm not done yet though.
Shut up and just come with me.
I don't think so.
I thought you'd have a better eye for girls.
I'm sorry, but you're not my style, so get lost.
What? What do you take me for? This really pisses me off.
You're a real nut job, aren't you? Nut job? You can't pull a fast one on me.
Come on.
Let's go.
Let go.
Don't make me hurt you.
Runa! Let go of me.
Runa! Thank goodness.
Call the cops.
This guy's a real psycho.
What? Psycho? Stop it.
Who are you anyway? Get out of the way.
I'm Runa's older sister.
Runa? Your name's Runa? Wow.
You even lied about your name.
You're done for.
Really? What will you do to me? What's the matter with you? Get out of the way.
Why should I? This is my sister.
Then will you settle her debt? I spent $700 on her at a department store and another $500 at a club.
Did I ever ask you to? Did I take your card and use it? You did it because you wanted to.
So I did.
What did I tell you? That I'd pay for your clothes and booze if you'd spend the night with me.
I don't care if you're her sister.
Mind your own business or you'll get hurt.
What do you think you're doing? Come on.
Come on.
Hey you dirtbag! Run! Stop! My dress.
What's going on? What's the matter? Runa.
What if he's dead? Aunt Chorim was awesome.
Did you see anyone follow us home? What is it? What's going on? Something terrible could've happened.
It's a scary world out there these days.
Jeong Runa! Jeong Ruby! Jeong Runa! Jeong Ruby! What was that? Who was the guy? Aunt Chorim, um It just happened.
Runa, is it guy trouble again? No, mom.
He was just some psycho pervert.
You tell us what happened.
It was just an unfortunate incident.
Don't worry, mom.
What was this unfortunate incident? Be honest and come clean with me.
Being beautiful isn't a crime, is it? It wasn't my fault.
That horrible man chased after me.
Right, Ruby? You always drag her into your problems.
Ow, mom.
But it's true.
That awful man said he liked me and wouldn't leave me alone.
I didn't do anything wrong.
It's your fault for giving me my perfect genes.
The things you say What's this? What is it? How did you get this? I canceled your cards.
How'd you pay for it? Who is it? Open up, Oh Hyeyeong! Oh Hyeyeong? Mom, no.
Don't open the gate.
Ruby, let's start over.
Too much time has passed to start over.
There's no such thing called love.
Love's just a front for business dealings.
Wait a minute.
Do you have feelings for me? This is a work of art.
I've never seen anything like this.
This is bad.
This is really bad.
You can't just keep avoiding me.
Don't disrespect me like this.
I think I might have to resign.
I think I might have to resign.
See you next time
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