Rurouni Kenshin (1996) s01e01 Episode Script

Densetsu no Bikenshi... Ai Yue ni Tatakau Otoko

A brush against the freckles
that I hated oh so much
A small flicker, that's all,
and then I heave a little sigh.
The heavyweight love
that I once shared with you
Miraculously dissolved
with the sugar cube.
The little prick that I feel
on my bosom that has shrunken
from the little thorn
really hurts me now.
I guess I cannot trust those
silly horoscopes after all
I wonder what it would be like
if we could go further away right?
I'd be so happy
just because of that!
Memories I have are
always beautiful in my mind.
But they can't feed me:
they can't fill up my stomach.
In reality tonight was
supposed to be somber.
I really do wonder why
I just can't see how all of the tears were
streaming down his face that night.
I just can't see it anymore
Wandering Samurai
Rurouni Kenshin
140 years ago
In the chaos of the Tokugawa regime
there was an Imperialist in Kyoto
nicknamed "Battousai the Manslayer."
Amidst the bloodshed, he killed
and carved the
way to the new Meiji era.
He was the strongest.
he disappeared into thin air
as the chaos came to a close.
His whereabouts are still unknown.
Battousai the Manslayer
has become a man of legend.
The Handsome Swordsman of Legend
a man who fights for love
Wait, Battousai the Manslayer!
I finally found you!
You're much weaker-Iooking than I
expected, Battousai the Manslayer!
Prepare yourself!
Are you really the legendary manslayer?
I heard you slew three
more people last night
I am a wanderer.
Merely a wandering
swordsman, that I am.
Do you think I could
slay someone with this?
What is this?
The blade's on the wrong side.
A reverse-blade sword, it is.
A reverse-blade sword?
It cannot slay anyone.
And no evidence of it either, is there?
True, there isn't a single chip on it.
It looks as good as new.
I've proven my innocence, haven't I?
You know
Battousai has been
appearing every night
killing people on the
streets with his sword!
Wandering around at this time of
day with a sword, anyone would think
But first, it's forbidden by
Meiji law to carry a sword
Is it the real one this time?
You all are too weak!
He's strong!
He must be the legendary
manslayer with this kind of strength
That's enough, Battousai!
Oh no
It's rather reckless to fight a
real sword with a wooden one.
It's Battousai!
Don't let him escape this time!
I am Battousai!
Battousai the Manslayer
of the Kamiya Kasshin Style!
It's reckless, it is.
The Kamiya Kasshin
Style is my family's style!
He's randomly
slaying people in our name.
A courageous girl
The wound I got from Battousai
What in the world happened after
The smell of miso soup?
This, too.
Oh, don't put in that much, no don't
What are you doing?
Oh, you're up, are you?
Your sisters are very cute.
I have become good
friends with them now.
I was just borrowing your
garden for a bit to make breakfast.
Care to join us, would you?
You made this?
T-This can't be
D-Did you not like how it tastes?
You cook better than me.
The wound was treated quickly, so
it has completely closed up already.
It's rather remarkable.
But no matter how I
look, I don't see a swordsman.
He's perfect for
babysitting my grandchildren.
Then these two aren't
your sisters, Miss Kaoru?
No, they're Dr.
Gensai's granddaughters.
I've been the Kamiya School's
family doctor for thirty years now.
Since her parents passed away,
I've been her second father as well
There, that should do.
Mr. Wanderer, if you like, you
can stay here until you leave town.
Well, you did save me
And you don't look
like you can stay at an inn.
Call it a warrior's compassion.
You don't even know who I am
Is it all right?
I'm sure you have your
reasons to be a wanderer.
I see no reason to question you more.
Miss Kaoru, you're the assistant
master of this school, are you?
Kamiya Kasshin Style
The Kamiya Kasshin
Style was founded by my father.
Our ideal is not to hurt people,
but to bring out their potential.
The sword that revitalizes people.
That murderer is claiming
to study the Kasshin Style
Battousai is
tarnishing my father's ideals.
I can't let him get away!
Little Kaoru
It looks like your students are here.
Just watch.
I couldn't do it by myself
but I'll beat him with
everyone from Kamiya School.
Everyone, thanks for coming!
Well get Battousai tonight
We're going to quit as of today
My friends all belittle me lately
asking if I study the
style known for that murderer.
My mother insisted I leave the
school that sides with murderers
Even if I tell her it's not
true, she doesn't believe me.
I can't go on
We're sorry.
We were the last three
students left in this school
We're sorry.
Even if I'm all alone,
I'll protect this school
Um, I think she's crying.
No, no, I have to be cheerful!
All right!
Miss Kaoru!
What is wrong?
Miss Kaoru?
Can it be
Don't be so hasty!
Don't kill yourse
Think about what you
did for the rest of the night.
Got that?
Miss Kaoru, one question
Do you know if any
students of this school were
left-handed, with a
paralyzed right thumb?
The assailant, that is
Then you think he's
one of our students?
The Kamiya Kasshin Style strives
for a sword that revitalizes people!
There's no way a student who
practices that would slay someone!
He's Battousai the Manslayer, right?
He's a bloodthirsty murderer!
I'll risk my own life to
defeat him and clear our name!
That's the only way to
protect my father's style!
I'm sure your father
did not want you to protect his
style if it meant the loss of your life.
I'm sure what your
late father wished for was
your happiness,
Miss Kaoru, that I do.
W-What does a
wanderer like you know?
Don't speak as if you know!
I'm sure what your late
father wished for was
your happiness, I do.
Forget it!
Um, about earlier
I think I overreacted
I'm sorry.
There, I apologized!
You're still up, right?
You could at least answer me and
I wish I at least asked
that wanderer his name
With just his left arm
Nothing less from our master Gohei.
Uh I mean our teacher, Battousai.
Is our teacher, Battousai,
going to kill some more tonight?
It's almost time to quit.
Then finally
That's right.
I'll make sure she has her fill of
the curse from this paralyzed thumb!
Hang on!
So, who wants to bleed next?
Stand back, Kaoru.
Mr. Kamiya!
Hiruma, why did you
do what is forbidden?
The essence of the Kasshin
Style is to never hurt others!
I'm sick of learning
swordsmanship from you!
A sword is a tool meant to cut people.
This blade wants to drink more blood
Including yours!
I'm sure you will not be able to
hold a sword again with that thumb.
W-Why you!
You are expelled.
I will never allow you to
set foot in this school again!
I remember
The man whose right
thumb was crushed
Here it is!
Expelled eleven years ago
Gohei Hiruma
So it was you after all!
Oh, you finally remembered me?
I've been in hell for eleven
years hoping this day would come
The day that I can throw the
Kamiya Kasshin Style into the abyss!
So disgracing my father's name with all
the street slaughters was your revenge.
Now, I feel more like thanking your dad.
I wanted to show him, too
The killer swordsmanship that I built
with only my left hand for eleven years
My father's
My father's Kasshin Style
will not lose to the likes of you!
I can't feel that at all!
My revenge will be complete
when I kill you and destroy the school.
I'll make sure you go to hell slowly
after making you crawl on the ground.
How about it?
Do your swords want
to taste some blood first?
Let me do it.
Me too!
Swords exist to save people.
That's funny!
Then why don't you
start by saving your own life?
Well, what's wrong?
Nishiwaki, what is it?
H-He's strong
Remove that hand, if you will.
I remember you from yesterday
So I should have
defeated you back then.
Y-You can't!
You can't possibly beat him!
I see.
Another fool talking about
swords bringing out one's potential?
A sword is a weapon.
Swordsmanship is learning how to kill.
That is the truth.
What Miss Kaoru says
is play-talk that only those who
have never stained their hands can say.
However, I prefer Miss Kaoru's
play-talk more than the truth, I do.
I wish
that in the world to come, her
play-talk shall become the truth.
Get him!
He should get a slow painful death!
Stand back!
I don't wish to hurt anyone.
No one'll get hurt.
Only one casualty
and that's you!
H-He got four, or was it
five guys in one swing
It's witchcraft!
He's just so incredibly fast
He predicts their
movement, and gets them!
Red hair
A cross-shaped scar on his cheek
This guy
I forgot to mention one thing.
The swordsmanship of
Battousai the Manslayer
is neither Kamiya Kasshin,
nor whatever original style you use.
He uses the Hiten Mitsurugi
Style, an ultrasonic killer style
that is sure to slay anyone unless
used with a sword like such as this.
Then you're the real Manslayer?
We only need one
Battousai in this world.
I am the only one worthy of that name.
If I defeat you, I am
assured to be the strongest man.
I guess I have no choice
Die, Battousai!
Over here!
I have no regrets or
attachments to the name Battousai
but I can't give it
away to someone like you.
Of course, with those fingers, you will
never be able to swing a sword again.
I can't believe this
They're all just knocked out.
None of 'em are dead
Go to the police and tell them
what this man has been doing.
I am sorry, Miss Kaoru, I am.
I didn't mean to hide it from you.
It's just
I didn't want to tell
you if it was not necessary.
Well, take care
You idiot!
Are you just going to walk away?
How do you expect me to
rebuild the Kasshin Style without you?
Can't you at least help me out a little?
I told you that I don't care
about other people's pasts!
However, now that
this incident is over
everything will be for naught
if the real Battousai stayed here
I'm not saying that I
want Battousai to stay.
I want you, the wanderer, to sta
If you insist on going away
at least tell me your name.
Not the name of
the legendary manslayer
Your real name.
Kenshin Himura.
So why don't you be on
your way now, Kenshin?
I'm a little tired of wandering
Though I don't know
when I'll wander away again
I'm a bad cook.
You're better than I am.
And I might
accidentally peek into the bath
That's all right.
If you do
You idiot!
I thought you were going to dodge it!
Y-You are pretty
powerful, yes you are
Now stop moving around so much.
l-It hurts.
And so, a new boarder
started living at the Kamiya School.
When seeing those
eyes of yours with that gleam
my heart skipped a
beat that lazy afternoon.
My whole body felt nervous and very stiff
as if you were
testing my love for you.
Feeling the point from
the air and from you
I shivered all over
from my love for you.
A crunch on the sand,
I bite down the grit.
I aim at your will
as the day turns to night.
I am hoping soon you
will use your delicious lips
and let me have some of
that good wine that's over there.
When they are united
under the bright full moon
a man and a woman
will find true eternity.
Passionate lady, ah gimme your love.
Mysterious lady, I need your love.
The lonely eyes you show
once in a great little while
I can't tell if it's the truth or just a lie.
Honestly lady, ah gimme your love.
Now feel it coming lady,
I need your love.
I'm always thrown right around by
all the things you always do.
The fervor of passionate love
crazily dances within my heart.
Now that Kenshin
has become a boarder
our Kamiya School
is off to a new beginning!
But why?
Why aren't there any
students knocking on our door?
Just then, a bratty little
pickpocket crossed our path
leading us to another big incident!
Next episode of Rurouni Kenshin
The Bratty SamuraiWhy Don't You Become My Student?
Please look forward to it!
Next Episode