Shards of Her (2022) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

Sin Ping Police Station.
Who reported it first?
Me. It's me.
You found him first as well?
Ms. Yen and I found him.
He's still there.
Mr. Hsieh always took naps.
So we don't usually bother him
in the afternoon.
Then an hour ago,
when I was making my rounds
with Ms. Yen,
he wasn't breathing anymore.
Didn't he have a stroke?
Is it okay to leave him alone?
Although he couldn't move around
very well,
he spoke quite clearly.
So we usually only help him
get in and out of bed
or when showering.
His wife used to take care of him.
But she hurt her hand.
That's why he was transferred
to our VIP ward.
Ms. Yen.
Someone is looking for you
at the office.
- I'll get back to work first.
- Okay.
The prosecutor will be here soon.
Did you call his family?
Early this morning, Ms. Yu,
a long-term caregiver,
jumped from the rooftop of a building.
She suffered multiple fractures
and died in the hospital.
According to sources,
this long-term caregiver
was romantically involved
with the married CEO
of the nursing home…
Cleaning company.
Showing results of cleaning companies.
Ms. Lin Chen-hsi.
Congratulations on being selected
by Fision magazine
as one of the Top Ten Professional
Young Women of the Year.
Can you briefly explain
your headhunting work?
Everyone thinks
you're always recruiting people.
- Is that so?
- Indeed, like Human Resources,
we're recruiting for companies.
This job requires aggressiveness
and connections.
You must have the Three Don'ts.
Don't be afraid of embarrassment, don't
fear failure, and don't give up easily.
I heard you don't make connections
through socializing.
How do you find
the candidates you want?
I have my ways.
How do you think
a successful headhunter
can make her name?
Of course,
experience is very important too.
At the awards ceremony,
you encouraged people
to break through stereotypes.
You told them
to think outside the box.
Young people don't earn much
these days.
It's hard to be successful.
What kind of advice
would you give them?
Ms. Lin.
Ms. Lin.
Ms. Lin.
I'm sorry. What was your question?
If a fresh graduate
wants to become a headhunter,
what kind of advice
would you give them?
That's my only suggestion.
You would want to make money
to help the company's business
and set a record for yourself.
It's a win-win situation.
I'm sorry. Is it not over yet?
Spare our company's
money-earning ace.
She has a lot to do.
Let me introduce someone to you.
Thank you, Ms. Lin.
Thank you.
- What I did makes sense, right?
- Yes.
Doesn't my logic make sense?
- It does, right?
- Yes.
- You're so funny.
- Thank you.
That's what my wife always says too.
- Danny.
- Hey.
Seher, this is my cousin, Danny.
He just got back from the US.
My cousin.
You told me she's good at her job.
I didn't expect her
to be so pretty in person.
Isn't there a saying…
You can't judge a book by its cover.
Danny, you've been
in the US for too long.
- You can't use the phrase that way.
- Really?
She's beautiful and talented, okay?
My bad.
I'll get back to work.
I'm in the office. Yes.
Seher doesn't usually
interact with us.
You'll get used to it.
I'm getting a hint of jealousy.
Shouldn't I be jealous?
Danny, listen.
If the annual income
of our regular clients
is over 1.8 million dollars,
the headhunter gets a 25% commission.
Seher's clients earn
over six million dollars.
She gets a 40% commission.
That is why Seher
can buy a house
worth tens of millions of dollars.
I'm so envious.
I'm not.
All work and no friends,
I don't want that.
If you don't want it, I do.
- Go on.
- Me too.
- Go.
- Work harder.
You haven't packed yet?
I thought you agreed to go abroad.
I haven't replied yet.
They're doubling your salary.
Why not?
You're going, right?
Let's have a meal before you leave.
- Hey.
- Are you in a meeting?
I just finished working.
I texted you earlier.
I saw it.
I know you've always treated me well.
We've been together
for over three years.
But I've been very busy with work.
We're not on good terms these days.
Don't you think we--
Are you having trouble sleeping again?
Who do you want to see
from the doctors I found?
I'll make an appointment for you.
I'll think about it.
How are things at home?
It's a bit messy.
I'm looking for a cleaning service.
I'll help you.
Let's have dinner tonight.
I didn't see you, so I came in.
I was looking for a good pen.
Is this pen good?
Lend it to me.
Isn't there anything else?
Actually, I'm here to relay a message.
My cousin wants you to attend
Chuangying Group's party tonight.
He knows I don't socialize.
I think he wants to discuss
your promotion as a partner.
After all, you also know
that you're very important
to this company.
See you later.
That hall.
Danny actually convinced you?
That's incredible.
How did he do that?
I can't believe
you got our company's ace here.
It has been a while.
How are you feeling?
She's much better now.
Let me introduce you.
That's our company's best headhunter,
This is Danny's wife.
Let me introduce you to someone.
You've already said hello to my cousin.
Go home
if you're not doing anything else.
Thank you.
Lin Chen-hsi.
Don't you remember me?
I'm your senior, Sheng-hua.
Yen Sheng-hua.
You've mistaken me for someone else.
- Let's meet and interact with the boss.
- Yes, no problem.
- Excuse me.
- I'm sorry.
- My dad drank too much, sorry.
- I'm sorry. I was drinking…
- I'm so sorry for pouring it on her.
- Miss, I'm so sorry.
- I'll help her wipe it.
- I'm sorry.
- You poured it on her.
- I'm really sorry.
- It's okay. I'll take care of it.
- Okay. It's fine.
Thank you.
- Gosh, Dad.
- Sir, be careful.
We're both so unlucky today.
I slipped after getting off the taxi.
Now, it's your turn.
The groom's dad is so drunk.
Why did they still let him
make the toasts?
Let's treat it as a favor for Chiao.
We're her only high school friends
who came.
Lin Chen-hsi.
You're inside, aren't you?
The toilet ghost is here!
What do you want?
What do you mean?
That's what we should ask you.
Why are you reading here by yourself?
That's right.
I can't concentrate
because the classroom is too noisy.
We have a math test
in the next period.
Please teach me, Math Teacher.
Me first.
- Me first.
- Me first.
No, my math problem is hard.
- Me first.
- Teach me first.
- Me first.
- Please.
- No.
- Me first.
- I always go first.
- Seriously.
- Seriously, mine is harder.
- Me first.
I'll go first.
Lin Chen-hsi.
Do you still remember me?
I'm Fang Mei-yin from Daton.
Ms. Fang, it has been a while.
After meeting you last time,
Mr. Chang kept complimenting you
for your keen eye on the industry.
You're also good
at analyzing the market.
Since we ran into each other,
then I'll get to the point.
Ms. Lin.
Are you happy with your annual salary?
Watch out. He doesn't get drunk.
No, actually I…
I just had a long talk
with Yushan's boss.
He wants us to poach Alan,
the CEO of Dongli Technology.
I want you to handle
this project with Danny.
But I've always worked independently.
What are you chatting about?
What independent work?
Alan has a finance background.
And Danny used to work
in finance in the US.
He'll be able to help you.
- Hi.
- Mr. Chen.
- Hi.
- Come and say hello.
- Mr. Chen, hi. It has been a while.
- Let's go.
It has been a while.
- How are you?
- I'm great.
- Yes.
- I'm sorry.
This is my cousin, Danny.
Hello, Mr. Chen.
It's nice to meet you.
- This is our colleague Seher.
- Hello.
Go away!
Good morning.
Why do you have Alan's schedule?
I bet you have mysophobia.
I don't think
you've given anyone a ride.
Our colleagues say
that you work alone.
You usually don't hang out
with them too.
You're such a busy woman.
Do you still have time
to go on a date with your boyfriend?
I didn't know
you even investigated me.
I'm just used to getting
to know my partner at work.
It would be easier for me
to make a move.
I'm referring to work moves.
Don't get the wrong idea.
I know you came back from the US
and your Chinese has gotten worse.
But when it comes to our candidates,
I think you should watch what you say.
Don't worry.
I'll show you my abilities.
Alan lost a project due to Dongli
Technology's former Madam's involvement.
Do you know that?
What does that have to do with this?
I heard he's very angry.
He said he'd never do business
with a woman again.
Have we met before?
- No.
- No.
Nice to meet you.
Hello, sir.
I'm Lin Chen-hsi.
People call me Seher.
Why did you come to see me?
It's very rude
to interrupt my vacation.
I'm sorry.
My assistant isn't that sensible.
I'm actually a friend of Kevin,
Nord's CFO.
Then I'll just talk to you.
Wait for me.
For the long-term caregiver
who jumped off a building,
the police investigated and found out
that she used a different account
to say that the nursing home's CEO--
Danny said you're not free.
He went to see Alan on his own.
It went well.
Why do you keep following me?
Say something.
There's more than
50% damage to the paint.
We have to change the whole thing.
Do both owners know about this?
Did anyone drink and drive?
- No. Not at all.
- Did anyone drink and drive?
My insurance will pay for it.
I'm not feeling well today.
I'm sorry.
Ms. Lin.
We'll take care of the rest.
Just get it serviced
at a convenient time.
Thank you.
You're really amazing.
I saw the article about you
in the magazine.
Lin Chen-hsi.
I know you're still mad at me.
If there's a chance,
can we talk on the phone?
I just want to talk to you.
My senior.
My lawyer friend told me.
He need not interfere
with your company's
gender equality mechanism launch.
The result should be in your favor.
Most people would say
that women get sexually harassed
because they wear sexy clothes
and that they should reflect
on themselves first.
No, I disagree.
That's prejudiced.
Are you working?
Do you want to eat first?
I made your favorite dishes.
Can you leave me alone for a while?
Tomorrow is your birthday.
I wanted to celebrate
with you in advance.
I told you
I don't celebrate my birthday.
I have a lot to do.
Can you do more than just work?
You were working on New Year too.
You didn't go back to your hometown.
My parents have passed away.
Why should I go back?
I really have a lot to do.
I was going to propose to you.
I already bought the ring.
Can you not do this?
You're making me feel pressured.
I know it's a strange time
to talk about marriage.
But I feel like if I don't do this,
you'd break up with me.
I don't want to lose you.
Happy birthday.
- Hello?
- Seher.
Danny said he and Alan's negotiations
broke down.
I know you're not happy
with Danny's methods.
Yushan's head
personally called me
several times today.
Yushan desperately needs
Alan's connections in the industry.
They really want Alan.
I'm counting on you for this.
I heard my cousin call you.
But it doesn't matter.
Alan thinks you're my assistant.
It seems like you're worse
than an assistant.
You can't take credit for my work.
I'll take care of him.
Do you have what it takes?
Hey, what are you saying?
What kind of attitude is that--
Good morning, sir.
When I was preparing
the documents last night,
I found out
that this is your favorite café,
so I thought I'd try my luck.
Do you need anything else?
I've already talked to your boss.
Can you give me one more chance
to talk to you?
I didn't know you could speak Korean.
You have five minutes.
Thank you, sir.
I know you've dedicated over ten years
of your life to Dongli Technology.
But it's a family business.
No matter how well you do,
the credit won't go to you.
Its heir is ready to take over now
and has contrasting beliefs
from yours.
I know that Yushan Group's business
may not be your area of expertise,
but they have a very good relationship
with Korea's financial system.
Your wife also wants
to go back to Korea.
Perhaps your experience in Yushan
can be a stepping stone for your return
to Korea's finance industry.
Aside from an annual salary and bonus,
I'll try to get stock allotment too.
I'll satisfy your requirements.
Please think it over.
- All right. Happy birthday.
- Gosh. Stop messing with me.
I'm not the birthday girl.
Why did you do this?
It's so annoying.
What are you doing?
Seher, you got ambushed by icing?
Happy birthday!
Our colleagues are all here.
It's not nice to hug me
like this at work.
What are you talking about?
Show some respect.
Please don't do this again.
Excuse me.
This isn't funny at all!
Boss is waiting for you.
I'm thinking of making Danny a partner.
Seher is very capable.
Women are more troublesome.
If she gets married in the future
and becomes pregnant…
Since Danny is here,
I'm planning to let Danny replace her.
Excuse me.
I was surprised to get your call.
I'm sorry I didn't call you before.
How do we make further arrangements?
I heard you've had a boyfriend
for a few years.
Are you thinking
of getting married soon?
What does that have to do
with working for Daton?
Here's the thing.
Mr. Chang
would like you to come to work
as a married woman.
After all,
a beautiful single woman like you
can easily bring trouble at work.
I heard that our company's ace
met with Ms. Fang from Daton.
You followed me?
Didn't I tell you?
I like to get to know my partner.
What exactly do you want?
I can keep it a secret.
It's not about what I want,
but what you're willing to do with me.
I'm not done yet.
Let go of me!
I'll call the police
if you touch me again.
Call the police?
I don't think anyone will believe you.
Lin Chen-hsi.
You're putting me
in an awkward position.
How many times do I have to tell you?
I'm already married!
I love my wife very much!
- What are you talking about?
- Can you stop harassing me?
You're really bothering me!
What exactly is wrong with you?
Can you go see a doctor?
You're at fault!
Why are you complaining first?
Why did you forget again?
Why didn't you let me sign
your contact book?
You won't listen, will you?
Do you want a beating?
Go inside!
Do you hear me?
How can you not know?
Why aren't you saying anything?
I told you so many times.
Is it fun to lie?
No one will believe you.
Don't think you can get away
by looking innocent.
I'll sue her!
What just happened?
Don't you remember anything?
Excuse me.
What happened to my girlfriend?
She's crazy.
She smashed my rearview mirror
and scared my son to death.
Aside from the damage,
I'm going to sue her
for emotional distress!
Sit down. Stop it.
For some reason,
Ms. Lin attacked Mr. Yang's car.
Other residents saw it,
but she said she doesn't remember.
She doesn't remember anything.
Thank you.
What exactly happened?
Why did you settle with them?
He abused his child.
You could've called the police.
Why did you do that?
I didn't do that.
Something's wrong with you.
Let's see a doctor, okay?
I want to jump ship to Daton.
It's very important to me.
Can we get married?
I have to get married to work there.
Let's talk about marriage later.
Let's see a doctor first, okay?
You don't believe me.
Don't you want to marry me anymore?
It's not that.
But you're sick.
I'm not sick!
Forget it. I won't force you.
Stop it, Lin Chen-hsi!
- Go. Go and tell her
- I'll call her first.
- that her mom is looking for her.
- Calm down.
I'm Lin Chen-hsi's mom.
My name is Chiu Wan-fen.
My parents have passed away.
Why should I go back?
I just called Ms. Lin,
but she didn't pick up.
Can you contact her for me?
Do you know my daughter?
Do you know Lin Chen-hsi?
I checked everywhere before I found out
that she lives here.
Where is she?
Mrs. Lin.
Don't get worked up, okay?
- I'll take care of this. I'm sorry.
- Okay.
I called her every day,
but she's not answering my calls.
My house in Yilan
is about to be auctioned off.
She doesn't even care
whether I live or die.
She doesn't even care
whether I live or die.
Mrs. Lin.
Are you hungry?
I'll take you to dinner, okay?
How long
have you been dating Lin Chen-hsi?
Do you know why
she didn't come to visit me in Yilan?
She's very busy with work.
Don't lie to me.
In this house,
I'm the only one left.
I miss Chen-hsi very much.
But I hate her a lot too.
Why is she so mean to me?
Hey, free trial.
You're welcome to visit.
Free trial. You're welcome to visit.
Free trial. You're welcome to visit.
- Hey, free trial.
- That Economics major's parents died.
She has three or four jobs a day.
- Hello.
- Hello.
I'm Lin Chen-hsi.
You will be managing…
I think Fanguang Technology
can give you everything you want.
Do you have any thoughts or questions
on the job transfer?
Is Seher your English name?
I read a novel recently.
The female lead's name is also Seher.
In Turkish,
Seher means Chen-hsi, dawn.
This is for you.
Thank you for finding me a job.
Didn't we already agree
on the details?
I'll marry my boyfriend.
Don't worry about that.
I'm really sorry.
Mr. Chang had a change of heart.
Ms. Lin.
Maybe we'll get a chance
to work together in the future.
I want to treat you to a meal.
Don't come near me.
I think you've misunderstood me.
Treat it as an apology.
Lin Chen-hsi.
I'm talking to you!
What's going on?
What's wrong with you today?
No one will believe me anyway.
How would I know
if you didn't tell me?
Where did you get this?
Your mom came to see you
today from Yilan.
I gave her a ride home.
She insisted
that I bring you the uniform.
Do you know how your mom is living?
She's alive.
Why did you say she was dead?
Who are you to question me?
Who do you think you are?
I don't need you.
Every time we fight,
you say you didn't need me.
Please tell me what I should do, okay?
Let's break up.
I don't want to see you.
Here's an update on the long-term
caregiver Ms. Yu's suicide.
Social workers are devastated
by this new accident.
Her close friend said
that Mr. Tseng is a sex offender.
On one hand, he constantly threatened
Ms. Yu with violence to stop her
from breaking up with him.
On the other hand,
after the matter was revealed,
he sued her along with his wife
and kept saying that she broke--
I know you need to pay the amortization
for the house you just bought.
I think you really need Daton's offer.
My cousin invited me
to dinner with Mr. Chang tomorrow.
Do you want to come to the office now?
Let's think of a way to help you.
If you don't come,
you're on your own.
Why are you doing this to me?
Answer the phone.
Lin Chen-hsi.
Are you up?
Did you dream
of the car accident again?
You were unconscious
in the hospital for a long time.
You just got home recently.
Lin Chen-hsi?
Actually, after your accident,
we visited you at the hospital.
I'm so glad you're okay.
Don't come near me.
Subtitle translation by: Coleen Chua
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