Shattered (2017) s01e01 Episode Script

The Sins of Fathers

Yeah, thank you very much for that.
Ben? Your new partner's here.
Never had one of those.
Sullivan, Ben.
Uh, Lynch, Amy.
I just came over from sex offenses.
Pam Garrett.
Didn't expect to see you until tomorrow.
Ah, just bringing a few personals by.
This one mine? It is.
Welcome to Homicide, Amy.
You travel light.
I'm not much of a talker either.
Be right there.
Feel like getting a jump on tomorrow? Sure.
I didn't have anything planned for tonight.
Any issues if I clock in early? None.
We'll find time to chat later.
My door's always open.
Gentlemen? Night watchman here gave chase to the suspect, but lost him.
Amy Lynch.
Hey, Amy.
Terry Rhodes.
No one told you it's bad luck riding with this guy? My former partner.
Thanks, Terry.
" Uniforms are setting up a perimeter, and we figure the guy's inside.
We got him! There he is! Where's that coming from? Units, respond.
Who's making that call? We got guys all over this complex.
405! When we spotted this guy, he took off running.
Building block 216.
Let's take either end.
Meet in the middle, don't get shot.
Hey! Aw, he's a kid.
He's just a kid.
Just a kid just a kid Ben.
Stop! Police! Ben! Gun! - Freeze! - Shoot! No vitals.
Where's his gun? You told me to shoot.
Where's his gun? I hope he rots in hell.
Ben, why'd you tell me to shoot? He doesn't have a weapon! This is a bad shoot! Stay right there.
No! I want no part of this! He fired first.
You had no choice.
You had to shoot.
Got it? Are we clear? I can't do this.
Ben, why'd you tell me to shoot? Tell me again what happened? He fired first.
I had no choice.
Ben Why'd you tell me to shoot? Ben! It wasn't me.
For the record, Detective, state your name.
Ben Sullivan.
Detective 704.
Have you had an opportunity to speak with counsel and a union rep? Yes.
Name on his id says Tim Clark, 15.
Same M.
as the other murders, letter carved in the flesh, strangled with a garrote, 14-inch gauge.
Anarchist rantings in the note.
What did you perceive when you first arrived on the scene? We came across the victim, the suspect knocked me over, and we pursued.
Sullivan and Lynch chased him into here.
Fisher pulled a piece.
Lynch was standing there.
Double-tap to the heart.
So where was Ben when all this went down? Detective Sullivan Ben and I Entered the warehouse.
We proceeded to search for the suspect, who we believed was hiding inside, possibly armed.
The suspect in this case was fleeing, he was wanted in a series of serial murders, all of which included ritual markings of the body.
All the victims were young boys.
Ben liked Fisher for this all along.
Ex-special forces, mental health discharge.
Excuse me.
We get our guy? Well, they trip over Fisher hiding 10 feet from the crime, Fisher bolts and pulls a weapon I'd say confidence is high.
The Mayor wants to break with protocol, celebrate our heroes to the press.
The department needs some brownie points.
Look, I get that it's election year, but that's a bad idea.
I didn't exactly use those words to the Mayor.
Did you find the knife? No, but he had a gun.
When we found him He had just carved up a kid.
All but had the bloody knife in his hand.
Was lethal force necessary? He attacked, knocked me to the ground.
Just lucky that, uh, Detective Lynch, my partner, fired when she did.
Otherwise I'd be dead.
You're doing good in there, Ben.
How's my new partner doing? You know I can't answer that officially.
Unofficially, she's good.
I'm hearing S.
's inclined to clear you both.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
You up for this? It's your call.
It's my call.
They're ready.
Lynch, this is superintendent Kevin Whitehill.
Kevin, Amy Lynch.
We good? Good.
It was great work.
These things are never easy, but there's one less nutcase on the street because of you.
Just remember that.
Rock and roll.
Detectives Sullivan and Lynch discovered the body of a 15-year-old boy.
The boy had been strangled with a garrote in identical fashion to the other victims.
Now, that makes five victims in two weeks.
Greg Fisher was witnessed fleeing the scene.
Our officers pursued, and Fisher fired at them.
If it hadn't been for the swift and decisive action of detectives Sullivan and Lynch, Greg Fisher would still be out there, likely planning his next kill.
Questions? Uh, Detective Lynch! Nick Ducet.
You've had a hard night, a man is dead.
How's that feel? We're partners, and We need to protect each other out there, and that's exactly what Detective Lynch did.
So essentially you're saying your partner had to shoot? When someone pulls out a gun, all bets are off.
Whatever happens after that, happens.
I can assure you, the investigation will show that the shooting was justified.
These detectives deserve our gratitude for making our community safe again.
Thank you.
No more questions.
How are you? You're famous.
No, you looked good up there tonight.
Suits you.
So, you really You really got that guy, huh? Is that why you're here? What, do you want all the gory details? I shot him.
He died.
People die and it's nothing.
Well, then, uh I hope that it All goes well for you.
You okay? No.
Me neither.
Killing someone is the worst day of your life.
But in this job, you can't afford to show it.
I just didn't expect it to feel so bad.
I keep asking myself if we could have taken him alive.
Here's what I know Then why did you tell me to shoot? Here's what I know.
He'd just carved up a kid.
He ran from the police.
He assaulted me, and he even took a shot at us.
But that's not what happened, Ben.
He had every opportunity to give up.
You have to consider all that, then answer the question for yourself.
Don't be late on your first day.
Tragically, your son was the latest strangler victim.
Were you familiar with Greg Fisher? Please tell the folks at home what's going through your mind right now.
A mother's grief.
Just another victim of these senseless murders.
This is Nick Ducet reporting live It's his 10th.
Ben? Ben? Yeah? You okay? Did Fisher have something to do with Adam's kidnapping? Tell me.
I need to know.
Did he do something to our son? He had nothing to do with Adam.
He killed a kid around the same age.
We found him And next thing I knew, this Fisher guy was dead.
You blanked out? Is Sam back? There's a guy in my office, says he works in a youth center, says he's got new information about Fisher.
Ben and Lynch are in psych-eval, so I need you to take it.
One, two, three.
I'll take that.
You came over from sex crimes, right? It's a big leap.
First day, involved in a shooting incident? How you holding up? I have the, uh preliminary LA.
report here, and from what I can see, your career path has been nothing short of stellar.
Thing is, with a situation like this, depending on how we deal with it, it can either make or break a cop.
The way I see it My partner was on the ground, Fisher had a gun on him.
I did what I had to.
And you're okay with that? I'm fine with that.
So Fisher ran a group out of the center? Some kind of cadet group.
Young guys prepping for the military.
That didn't raise any alarm bells with you? It's not right, you blaming me for what happened.
Nobody's pointing any fingers here, all right? We just want to know what kind of connection there was between Fisher and Tim Clark.
I, uh Heard Fisher and Tim arguing in the hallway, and Fisher was being physically confrontational.
So you heard this, or you saw it? Saw it.
This one has to be especially hard for you.
I'm not here to talk about my boy.
Fair enough.
Ryan, she did the right thing.
It was dark, Fisher turned, he had a gun.
Saved my ass.
Lynch saved my ass.
Terry? I hear you caught a break in my case? This guy Murphy from the youth center saw you on TV, he comes in, said there was an argument between Fisher and Tim.
We talked to some of the kids in the group, and they said it was over a girlfriend of Tim's that Fisher didn't like.
Word is, Tim was about to leave the group, and the girlfriend had something to do with it.
Was her name Brenda Johnson? Why? That was dispatch.
Uniforms just found her body.
Pacific Park.
Same ritual markings as all the rest of Fisher's victims.
Get out of my way! My daughter! No! No! Get out of my way! Get out of my way! You don't want to see her like this.
All I want is my daughter! Baby! Baby? You don't want this picture in your head.
Okay? You don't.
I was supposed to meet her for dinner last night, but I canceled To watch the hockey.
Same as the others.
You sure? Looks that way.
I'm sorry.
Victims all seem random, no common age or gender.
All were strangled with a garrote.
There's a political or philosophical agenda, because the killer is communicating to us with a code.
Fisher was special forces, trained to kill.
His, uh, anti-government rants are well documented.
He had a history of violence, he was unemployed, powerless in a world he believed was unfair or doomed.
He had opportunity except for the last one.
Fisher couldn't have killed Brenda.
These don't fit anymore.
Look, you're jumping to conclusions.
Ben it wouldn't hurt us to stand back and be open to the possibility that this is the same killer.
Okay? Because, in the metal shop, on the night of the shooting, there was a car with a busted window.
You're trying to say that Fisher was in that shop, you know, breaking into a car at the exact same time as some other freak was killing that kid? That's a million-to-one shot, and you know it.
We don't know what we don't know.
Look, Fisher's our guy.
He killed Tim Clark and the rest of those boys.
Ben, you can't ignore everything just to suit your own theories, bro.
What are you doing, ignoring Brenda? She's got a friggin' "d" on her face! Nobody knew about those letters except for us and the killer, but you're just gonna ignore that, right? Come on, man.
Someone else killed Brenda.
That's who we should be looking for.
The diameter of the wounds are identical.
Petechial hemorrhaging in the eyes, death by manual strangulation using a garrote.
But look at this This one here is carved in a smooth motion.
See? This one, on the other hand Has several shallow wounds.
The killer was nervous? Exactly.
Because he was new to it? You guys getting any good ideas? We're still guessing.
She put up a fight.
You find the guy, look at his hands, 'cause she left marks on him and got his D.
Excuse me.
Lunch? What, with you? Yeah.
Leaving behind D.
was sloppy.
Fisher wasn't sloppy.
Copycat? No.
The writing the letters.
Only the killer and us knew that.
So how about two people working together? Well, I mean, he's still communicating So, I don't know A protege, a son? Well, we picked this up at the Fishers' house.
What about his son? "The sins of fathers are passed down to their sons.
" The central theme is that sons are destined to follow their fathers, and, knowing that, fathers have a duty to lead their sons in a new revolution.
So like father, like son.
Hold on.
He didn't fit the profile, and he had an alibi.
Plus, Andrew Fisher's a junkie.
He's too high to be a killer.
Where are we headed? Andrew Fisher helped his father start the group.
Recruited kids like Tim Clark.
He's still his father's son.
Maybe he did the killing to keep in step.
Come on, let's go.
We'll come back later.
Get out, pig.
You killed my dad.
You killed the wrong man.
I'm gonna sue all of you for everything you got, bitch.
Everything you got, bitch.
You, your department.
Your half-a-fag boyfriend here.
Killed my dad.
What? Something to say? Oops, I slipped.
I'm coming after you! You broke my nose! Police brutality! What the hell was that? You couldn't have plucked a hair, used a glass, huh? You had to break the guy's nose? Am I shot? It's not funny.
You broke his nose.
That's not funny.
It's a little funny.
Favor? I'm looking to match the D.
found on the last victim.
This is not admissible, is it? You mean in a court of law? He's got an alibi, right? Everybody's got an alibi.
Alibi Schmalibi.
All right.
All right.
Thank you.
Amy? Can I have a word? I still have a job to do.
Don't make me fill in the blanks, Amy! It might read something like, this was your first homicide case.
You panicked under pressure, you killed the wrong guy.
Leave me alone, Nick! Hop in! Six people are dead, Detective! Care to comment? Only gets worse.
This is where you live with your boyfriend? No, not with my boyfriend.
We've been fighting a lot.
We're on the outs.
Figured I'd motel it for a while.
Thanks for the ride.
And my car should be back on the road tomorrow.
Wake up, wake up Wake up wake up to you See rolling hills rolling hills Can I get a bourbon neat, and a beer chaser, cold, please? You can't smoke in here.
Why? You're smokin' Hot.
Ben Sullivan.
Hello again.
Now, who would've figured you'd want to drink at the favorite watering hole for us lowly journalists? And I probably can't trick you into an off-the-record comment on Do you have any pot? Pot? Yeah, do you have any pot? All right, okay.
Yeah, I get it.
Yeah, arrest me.
I'm sure my fans would love that.
You're famous? I'll catch you later, Detective.
You can't smoke in here.
Protecting you Protecting me I towch the evidence into a trunk and drop it in the sea lie awake asleep awake so there I am, completely naked, and the only thing I can think to do is press myself up against the wall, right? Because the only reason that I'm bangin' this chick in the first place was her car.
That's good stuff, Harry.
That's good.
How much do I owe you? Oh, now we have a party.
Freeze! Hands where I can see them! Oh, they're right here.
That's funny, eh? What's going on? What do you think's going on? Check my pocket.
What? Check my pocket! "Detective?" Good work, rookie, you can read.
Why'd you come rushing in here in the middle of my bust? Detective, I'm sorry Look, look, don't make a play till you know what's going down.
Okay? Get out of here.
You really a cop, man? You really a douchebag? You, uh, you never paid me, man.
Yeah, I need a lift.
Do you have any idea where your car is? Your gun? Yeah.
Well, at least you've got both your shoes this time.
That's, you know good.
That's what I like about you, Terry.
You're a cup-half-full kind of guy.
Look, bearing in mind 99 that I don't want to know anything, is there anything that I need to know? No.
Andrew Fisher was in detox lockup the night of Brenda's murder.
It's a solid alibi.
What about D.
? We can't link him to Brenda or any of the other murders.
Oh, you smell like cigarettes and booze.
I should've called, but I, uh It's happening again, isn't it? The people who live inside your head? Look, I'm having trouble with the Fisher case Um maybe it's going south.
Maybe Maybe someone Someone got killed because of me.
I don't think I can go through this again.
I'm sorry.
You need help, Ben.
Lynch, what do you got? I got the list of Fisher's group.
Ran the names and made the calls.
They all have alibis and none of them have criminal records, except for one.
Blake Nolan.
Arrested with Fisher at a political rally "patriots against a one-world order.
" Nice! We haven't been able to connect the first four killings, but Tim Clark is connected to Fisher through the youth group, and Brenda's connected to Tim.
So Tim knew Fisher killed the others, thought he was going to snitch? Maybe that's what, uh Murphy saw them arguing about? But then why kill the girlfriend? Maybe Tim told her? And then this Blake character decides to keep her quiet.
She was killed the same night I shot Fisher.
Maybe he didn't know Fisher was already dead.
Or maybe he killed her out of revenge because he did.
So this is where Blake's mom lives.
So they say.
I keep his room for him, but he hasn't been here in months.
Do you know this man? I know you shot him.
The question was, do you know him? Yeah.
He liked helping kids.
And they took to him.
Who was Fisher to your son? He was like a father to Blake.
I'm a single mother.
It was tough raising a boy by myself.
I've done my best.
I've done my done my best, done my best.
Done my best.
So his real father failed him? My boy in some kind of trouble? Sons and their fathers, God and his son binary opposites.
Always riding the wheel of fortune But Satan fell off the wheel.
Are you calling my son evil? Some people view Satan as an Enemy of God.
Others, a devoted son who could only love his father.
Begs the question: Where does one sit? Who does one love? Who's protecting Blake now if God is dead? You have no right coming in here and talking like that! You'll call us if you hear from your son, yeah? One more thing.
Where is Blake's father now? What the hell was that back there? What now? Why are we stopping? Patience is a virtue.
There he is.
You were flushing him out? Yes.
Ben, let's go.
Ben, let's go.
Let me guess Let me guess, the mother was, uh, lying? That's very funny.
Will you get going, please? Where? Blake's car! Down there, turning left! You know, for a second there, I thought you were a freakin' genius.
Blake! No ammo! You gonna shoot me too? Cover the stairs! Police! I need your car! Thanks.
Hey! Back off.
Back off! Blake Back off! What does Fisher's life mean if you die here now? You didn't know him.
He always said to me, "be ready.
" He was a soldier.
And she murdered him! Look, I need to understand.
"Always be ready.
" "Always be in God mode.
" "Be responsible for your actions.
" "Never surrender on your own free will.
" That's what Fisher said, right? If you die now, the revolution dies with you.
Is that what you want, Blake? Okay then jump.
But you tell me what I should say to your mother, 'cause if you jump now you die.
You keep her out of this.
She deserves a goodbye, Blake.
So you tell me what I should tell her.
It's up to you.
It's up to you, this whole thing, however it goes down.
You take him from here.
He confessed to killing the girl.
Did he tell you why? He saw Fisher as a visionary.
He was like the rest of the boys.
Fisher filled his head full of hate, told him they were going to lead a revolution.
They were boys with no fathers looking for someone to tell them how to behave.
Unfortunately, they ran into Fisher.
You wanted to see me? I thought we were done.
I'm going to clear you, but I want to make you a proposal first.
I want you to come see me every week, so that what we say in here doesn't have to be reported out there.
Like a regular patient? We wouldn't have to call it that.
But I'll guarantee you anything we say in this room will stay in this room between you and me as if you were a regular patient.
Why do you want to do this? I know you can't always talk to your wife or to your partner.
You're under a lot of stress, Ben, I can see it And I am sensing that it has to do with more than just this case.
So? Initial thoughts? Hi.
Glad you stopped by.
I'm not exactly sure how to ask you this.
Was there a reason that you put me with Ben? Other than the fact that you are a first-rate detective, I thought you two would be good riding together.
I guess that's enough.
He's not easy.
But let me tell you this Ben was my partner for three years.
He was the best partner I ever had.
He's, uh, unorthodox Unpredictable So what you're saying is I can expect more weeks like this one? Just let me know if it gets to be too much.
How are you going to deal with your problem and a new partner all at the same time? I'm going to get help.
Well, that's a start.
I'm talking to someone outside of the job.
Did you tell them About the blackouts? We just started talking.
I will.
Trust me, El.
We're going to get through this.
If I had a rhyme for every time I thought you could be mine Aah, aah.
Aah, aah
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