Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures (2023) s01e01 Episode Script

The Young Jedi/Yoda's Mission

-[ship whirring]
-[lightsaber ignites, humming]
[tooka yelps]
[sniffs, grunts]
-[lightsabers hum]
-[blaster fire]
[Force rumbling]
[all cheering]
[Kai] Yeah!
[no audible dialogue]
[Nubs grunts]
[Yoda] Younglings, the time has come
for you to see more of the galaxy.
Sending you to different
faraway outpost temples, I am.
You will continue training
with your teachers.
Learn, explore, help others.
I look forward to seeing how you grow.
May the Force be with you.
Thank you, Master Yoda.
Dee, are the younglings ready
for their shuttles to planet Tenoo?
All but three, Master Zia.
[chuckles] Let me guess.
Lys, Nubs, and Kai Brightstar.
Lys, Nubs, you having as much fun as I am?
[Nubs pants]
Best idea ever, Kai.
One last chance to break our training
course record before we leave for Tenoo.
We need to get that beacon
without those droids slowing us down.
I've got an idea.
Over here, droidy droids.
-This is our chance!
Okay, now, Nubs!
[both grunt]
-[Nubs exclaims]
-Kai, we can help.
Nah, I got this.
Stay back and watch a future Jedi Master.
We're coming, Kai!
-[Kai groans]
You don't need to do
everything alone, Kai.
That's what friends are for.
I really thought I had it.
That's all right.
We'll get that beacon together.
Almost there.
-Yes! We broke our record!
[all cheering]
-[Nubs coos]
Too tight. Can't breathe.
[Lys, Kai laugh]
-Oh, thank the Force I found you.
Our shuttles to Tenoo are leaving.
Sorry we're late, Master Zia.
It's okay. Just hurry.
You'll be on the last shuttle.
I'll meet you on Tenoo with the others.
-Yes, Master Zia.
-[Nubs speaking Poobian]
[groans] Almost fixed it.
[chuckles] You okay, RJ-83?
[chirping, beeping]
-[chuckles] Shake it off, buddy.
And we're all ready to fly.
[Lys] Hey, there!
Master Zia told us this
was the last shuttle to Tenoo.
Do you know who the pilot is?
-Hmm. The pilot?
That's me.
-You're the pilot?
-But you're a kid.
Uh, you're a kid. What's your point?
-[speaking Poobian]
[chuckles] The name's Nash. Nash Durango.
This is RJ-83, my copilot.
[chirps, beeps]
-I'm Kai. Nice to meet you both.
-[RJ chirps]
-These are my best friends, Lys and Nubs.
-[Nubs coos]
Welcome to the Crimson Firehawk,
your transport to Tenoo.
Oh, watch your step.
There are a few things
I haven't had a chance to fix yet.
[speaking Poobian]
-This ship is all yours?
-[Nubs coos]
-[chuckles] Yep. All mine.
-[controls beeping]
The Crimson Firehawk was an old ship
my parents let me and RJ fix up.
They run a shuttle company on Tenoo.
People, creatures, supplies.
We transport anything and anyone
all over the galaxy.
-[Nubs exclaims]
-[Kai] Whoa.
[Lys] Wow.
All right, we're ready to make the jump
to hyperspace.
That'll get us to Tenoo fast.
This is the fun part.
RJ? Let's punch it.
-[Nubs, Kai cheer]
We have a little time
until we arrive at Tenoo.
RJ will watch the cockpit
while we hang out here.
I've got food, games.
-Whatever you want.
Help yourself. My ship is your ship.
[coos] Ooh!
That's Giggs. I'm taking her to a new home
at an animal preserve on Tenoo.
She doesn't really like people.
-Aw. A Gedonian Ground Weevil.
I read about these.
Never mind. [chuckles] She likes you.
Lys is great with creatures.
[gasps] You have hologames?
We don't play a lot
of hologames at the Temple.
What do you do at the Temple?
We train to become Jedi Knights.
Like heroes going around
saving the day or something?
Kinda, yeah.
Jedi Knights help others
and train in the ways of the Force.
Yeah, I've heard Jedi can move things
without touching them. Is that true?
Oh, can you make this float
through the air with your fancy powers?
We can.
But using the Force takes practice,
training, and concentration.
It's not easy.
Looks like we're about to arrive at Tenoo.
Come on.
Coming out of hyperspace… now!
-[Nubs coos]
-[Kai] Ooh!
-Welcome to Tenoo!
-[RJ beeps]
My home sweet home, and now yours too.
Okay, let's get you to--
[comlink beeping]
Huh. I'm getting a call.
-Hey, Hap.
-Hey-ho, Nash.
Those pirates I told you about are back,
and they're about to rob my café.
There's no one here to stop them.
I heard you might have Jedi with you
that could help.
[speaking Poobian]
I-I was thinking you might
be full-grown Jedi.
Hey. We can still help.
You sure, Kai?
Of course. This is what we train for.
Besides, Master Yoda sent us
out here to help people.
You're right. Hap, we're on our way.
Okay. Please hurry.
[crowd gasps]
[Hap gasps] Taborr.
Didn't you steal enough from me
last time you were here?
You should be out having fun
with your friends.
What do you think we're doing now?
Being a pirate is fun.
We steal and take whatever we want.
Hurry up, Jedi.
Kublop Springs, my hometown.
-[Kai] Wow.
-[Lys] Whoa!
-[RJ chirps]
-Look at those giant trees.
[Nash] Unfortunately,
there's no time for a tour.
All right, the pirates should be
just around the corner at Hap's.
I need to stay with the ship.
Call me on this comm if you need any help.
Thanks, Nash.
We can do this together.
Looks like we have just about everything.
Oh, I'll take this hat too.
-How dare you, Taborr!
Give that stuff back, pirate!
-It's not yours.
[scoffs] Who are you?
We're Jedi.
And you need to give everyone
their stuff back.
This is my stuff now,
and I'm not giving anything back.
Pord, EB-3, take the cart back to my ship.
I'll deal with these Jedi.
[Lys, Nubs gasp]
Ooh, fancy laser sword.
It's called a lightsaber.
Nubs, stop those pirates!
[gasps, snorts]
[grunts] Table for one!
[both grunting]
Hmm. You've got some skills.
So do you.
[both grunting]
-[Pord grunts]
-[snorts, shrieks]
-We need help.
-Time to have a little more fun!
My café!
[all gasp]
I got it! [grunts]
The Force is with me.
Have fun, Jedi! [laughs]
Time to make a getaway.
[Kai straining]
I can't do this alone.
Lys, Nubs, I need your help.
-That's what friends are for.
-[all straining]
-[Force rumbling]
[Lys, Kai gasp]
[sighs] Thanks, kids.
But, uh, Taborr's still getting away
with our stuff!
There's not enough time to stop them!
Yes, there is.
We just need a little help
from our new friends.
Nash, RJ, come in!
[Taborr] Get that inside! Hurry!
[whistles, beeps]
[Pord snorts]
-[RJ chirps]
-Bringing it up, RJ.
-[EB-3] What do we do now?
-[Taborr] Stop them!
[whistles, beeping]
Nash slowed 'em down! Now, Nubs!
-[speaking Poobian]
-[Pord squeals]
-[Pord] Eh?
[Kai grunts]
No! That's mine!
It's theirs, Taborr!
And it's time you leave!
Fine. But I'll make sure you Jedi wish
you had never come out here.
-[Lys] Yay! Yeah! Whoo-hoo!
-[crowd cheering]
-Yeah! We did it!
-[Hap cheering, laughing]
[Lys] Whoo-hoo.
[Kai] That's our new temple?
[Jedi younglings chuckling]
Sorry we're late, Master Zia.
Younglings, we heard what happened.
I'm so proud of you.
Helping people is what Jedi do.
Thanks, Master Zia.
-Couldn't have done it without my friends.
-[Lys chuckles]
[Kai] And our new friends too.
[Nash chuckles]
Aw. [laughs]
-[Nubs exclaims]
-Still too tight, Nubs.
[chuckles] Now let me show you
around your new home.
And your new friends can come too.
Really? A tour of a Jedi Temple?
-[Kai] Can't believe this is our home now.
-[Lys] It's amazing.
-[Nubs speaking Poobian]
[Kai chuckles] Yes, Nubs.
I'm sure there's food.
-[Nubs speaking Poobian]
-And, yes, you can have seconds.
-This droid's tougher than I thought!
[all grunting]
Remember, to pass the training course,
you must get by that droid
and all be on the platform together.
Timer's almost up!
Go, team! Beat that bucket of bolts!
-What? Master Zia said I could watch.
Wait! Why fight the droid
when you could go over it?
[groans, grunts]
I made it! Come on, you two.
[speaking Poobian]
[grunts, pants]
[grunts, groans]
-[screams, groans]
-[Lys] Nubs!
Can't reach you.
-Whoo-hoo! Whoa.
-[Nubs screams]
Hold on, Nubs. I'm coming!
[Kai grunts, pants]
My lightsaber! Gotta get it back!
Kai, there's no time!
Leave the lightsaber. Help Nubs!
I can do both.
[Force rumbling]
-[groans, strains]
[chuckling] Yes!
[speaking Poobian, screams]
[groans, chuckles] Oops.
-[Nubs speaking Poobian]
-[timer dings]
-Time's up!
And we failed the training.
[laughs] That was wild!
Nubs was, "Ah! Help!" And then boof!
What a mess!
-I'm sorry, Nubs.
[speaking Poobian, coos]
Come, younglings. Gather round.
We have a special guest.
[younglings gasp]
-[Nubs] Yoda!
-Whoa! No way.
-Who's the little green guy?
That's Master Yoda!
He's the greatest Jedi ever!
M-Master Yoda.
Did you see…
[chuckles] See you train, I did.
Kai, always focus on helping others
a Jedi must, not on objects.
A lightsaber can always be replaced.
Yes, Master Yoda.
Students, Master Yoda has joined us today
all the way from the other side
of the galaxy with special news.
We are invited to a festival
in the town of Kublop Springs tonight.
-[younglings cheer, chuckle]
-Honored guests we will be.
You will be performing
a special demonstration of your skills
at the festival.
Master Yoda is here
to train you and get you ready.
-[younglings gasp]
-We haven't much time.
Everyone, please follow me.
[younglings chuckle]
-Kai, Lys, and Nubs, a word, mmm?
-[Nubs grunts]
An important mission for you I have.
-A mission?
Whatever you need, Master Yoda.
Something for the festival,
you must get, hmm?
Important to the ceremony it is
and important to me. [chuckles]
-Directions are on this.
-[Lys gasps]
-May the Force be with you.
We just got a mission from Master Yoda!
-[speaking Poobian]
-All right, everyone.
To the Crimson Firehawk.
[speaking Poobian]
Oh! [grunts]
[Taborr chuckles]
It looks like the Jedi kids
are going on a mission.
If they fail, maybe they'll get sent back
to their old temple and be gone for good!
Maybe we should follow them
and steal whatever they're after.
Then they'll definitely fail.
Hey, I've got an idea.
We should follow them
and steal whatever they're after.
Then they'll definitely fail.
-That's what I--
-Pord, EB-3, to my ship!
[Pord snorting]
I bet whatever Master Yoda sent us
to get here is amazing!
Like a legendary crystal or something!
Or maybe it's a cute Argonian Ruffle bird.
-[speaks Poobian]
-Nubs! [chuckles]
Don't eat the seeds, you silly goof.
Is this it? Seeds? What a strange mission.
Well, if these are important
to Master Yoda, then they are to us too.
-Let's head home.
This was easy. We'll be back
way before the festival starts.
[chuckles] Thanks, big guy.
Okay, everyone. Buckle up and--
-[signal beeping]
-[gasps, speaking Poobian]
-[Nash] It's a distress signal.
We need help! Somebody hurry. We--
Whoever that is, they're in trouble.
We gotta help!
But what about the mission
from Master Yoda?
Master Yoda said Jedi should always
focus on helping others.
We could help them
then get back to the festival in time.
Okay, they're close by. Follow me.
They should be right around here.
-[chuckles] That was me calling for help.
You fell for my trick
and left your ship all alone.
Now I can take whatever I want,
especially this bag of-- [stammers]
W-Whatever this is!
Can't wait to see
how much I can get for it.
See you moof-milkers later.
-We gotta get back to the Firehawk!
-[RJ chirps]
-[chirps, beeps]
-[scoffs] They're gone!
My poor Firehawk.
What did those mean pirates do to you?
Now RJ and I have to fix you up
before we can fly.
While you two work on the Firehawk,
Lys, Nubs, and I will figure out
where Taborr went
and get those seeds back.
Says here there's a place nearby
called Yarrum Tower.
I've heard of it.
It's where pirates hang out
and sell their stolen stuff.
It's too far to walk,
but I've got something else
that'll get you there fast.
This is the best!
Whoo! [laughs]
There it is! Yarrum Tower!
[pirate] Seeds?
You wanna sell worthless seeds?
Seeds that I stole from Jedi!
So they must be worth something.
You won't get anything for these.
And you call yourself a pirate.
Aren't you cute?
Hey! I'm not cute--
[sighs] Come on.
Let's go back to our ship.
[scoffs] Kids.
-There's Taborr!
[Taborr] Worthless seeds.
What does that old pirate know?
Let's get outta here.
-[Nubs grunts]
Wonder if this is all stolen stuff.
[whispering] I found the seeds.
-[exclaims, speaking Poobian]
-[chuckles] Uh…
-[droid honks]
-[honking continues]
Maybe no one heard that?
[Taborr chuckles]
Oh, we heard it.
Give that back.
I stole it fair and square.
This belongs to Master Yoda!
Not anymore.
-Get those seeds!
-[both shout]
-Lys, catch!
-[groans, grunts]
Give up, pirates!
We won't let you take our seeds!
[chuckles] Oh, yeah?
[grunts] Your turn, Nubs!
[squeals, snorts]
[screams, exclaims]
Get back here, you furry furball!
-[groans, grunts]
-Hey, where'd everyone go?
-Go, go!
I'll hold off Taborr.
[both grunting]
Jedi are so frustrating!
-[both grunt]
-So are pirates!
[both grunting]
[Force rumbling]
Nash, you made it!
-RJ and I fixed the ship!
Figured I'd come help.
And it looks like I'm just in time.
Jump aboard.
-[Lys] Nubs!
-[screams, whimpers]
[screaming, whimpering]
Hold on, Nubs! I'm coming!
[yelps] My lightsaber!
It's mine now! [laughs]
-[Nubs screaming]
-Gotta get it back.
-[speaking Poobian]
[Force rumbling]
[groans, grunts]
-[speaking Poobian]
-Way to go, Kai!
Now hurry! There's too many of them!
Just leave your saber.
[Taborr groans]
[sighs, panting]
-[speaking Poobian, coos]
Of course, buddy. Let's get outta here.
-[RJ beeps]
-Master Yoda! Here.
Just in time you are.
-So, what's with the seeds?
These are rare sparkle-fire seeds.
A symbol of friendship between the Jedi
and the people of the galaxy.
They celebrate the promise
of young ones who, like these seeds,
will grow up strong and bright.
It is time.
[all gasping]
[Kai] Wow.
-[upbeat music playing]
-[people chattering]
Master Yoda, I have something to tell you.
I-- I lost my lightsaber on the mission.
Some Jedi I am.
Hmm. I heard.
A selfless choice you made, Kai.
You helped others.
That is the way of the Jedi.
Something for you, I have.
This was my training lightsaber
when I was your age.
Yours now, it is.
Thank you, Master Yoda.
Mmm. Proud of you, I am, Kai Brightstar.
A great Jedi you will one day be.
Next Episode