Stella Blomkvist (2017) s01e01 Episode Script

Murder at the Ministry - Part 1

Stella? It's Raggi. Is it a bad time?
- Hell yes!
What do you want?
The man on the phone is a cop named Raggi.
He calls me every time some petty criminal
needs a lawyer.
I got someone who needs a lawyer here.
- Find someone else.
It's an old friend of yours.
- Wait!
Stella? Hello?
Good boy.
Stella? Are you alright?
You can't smoke in here.
- Sure.
Who's this friend?
- Sæmi.
Sæmi fucking Jo, one of our most loyal
small criminals.
An old client.
They pay me scraps for people like him.
- He's in for a murder at the Ministry.
In the Prime Minister's office.
- What did you say? Who did he kill?
Stella you want the case or not?
- I'll be right there.
Leaving already?
Are you sober enough to drive?
Thanks for the ride.
Can I have your num
You got me something to eat?
How come you're all dressed up?
Is there a party going on?
Each Ministry has sent a representative. The
PM's assistant doesn't get murdered everyday.
This deserves an explanation.
Halla was PM Sverrir Kristjánsson's assistant. He
and his party have risen to power 5 years ago.
Taking advantage of people's disgust for the previous
government, they won the election by a landslide.
Right away they brought down the crown
and introduced the almighty dollar.
All sort of things were legalized
and several restrictions were abolished.
Relations with China became a priority.
Sverrir sealed Iceland's
biggest deal of all time
when he sold to China
the northernmost of Iceland's islands.
This brought huge changes to our society.
Corruption has now reached new levels in this already nepotistic
country where the few get everything at the expense of the most.
Anyway, back to the case.
- She was killed around 3 am.
Why is Sæmi a suspect?
- Various reasons.
He was found lying on top of her
covered in blood.
Cameras show Halla coming in by herself
at about 1 am.
She sends the guard home
and then switches off the cameras.
They're switched back on
for the morning shift
showing Sæmi in the PM's office,
covered in blood and lying on Halla's body.
Call me when you're done.
You got something on your neck.
It's not my blood.
He's screwed.
- Am I screwed?
I didn't even know her.
- What were you doing there?
You called her twice the night she died.
Have you got any plausible explanation?
Come on, Sæmi. You know how it works.
Talk to me and I'll help you out of here.
Sometimes I brought her cola.
- By "cola" he means cocaine.
Let's just call it "sugar" from now on.
So you did know her?
It was business,
we never went to the movies or such.
How did her blood end up on you?
I came by at 3 because she
needed some sugar.
I came in through the back door as usual.
Nobody was there.
I got in the room and found her like that.
I freaked out.
I was trying to reanimate her
when the guard came in and knocked me down.
Come on, Sæmi. You can do better than that.
Did she owe you money?
I didn't do it!
My client won't say anything more.
Let's suppose he was there selling sugar
that doesn't make him a murderer.
Are we questioning him or you?
- Until he's tried, he'll help in the enquiry.
You came on to her, she rejected you
so you attacked her.
"Came on to her"? You're a Mormon and
you're accusing my client of rape?
We found semen. It's being analyzed.
- He's not gonna answer your speculations.
Ask reasonable questions, Mr. Fletcher,
otherwise we're out of here.
Stella, can we talk for a minute?
Not a word until I'm back.
Edda Kristjáns.
Attorney General and PM's sister.
Word is she's the one pulling the strings.
I'm afraid you wasted your time.
- Is that so?
Edda Kristjánsdóttir, Sæmi's lawyer.
- Does he know?
Yes, he's my client.
- I'm the only lawyer he's been talking to.
Perhaps you're the one wasting your time.
- I'm sure we can reach an agreement.
I'm not looking to be paid for this case.
You're willing to work pro-bono on this?
I know you and you don't come cheap.
Who's paying the bill?
We can reach an agreement
on the fee if you like.
Thanks but no.
Sæmi is my client.
Find yourself another one.
No one will talk to my client
without my permission.
What happened?
- Nothing. We can continue.
Sæmi's record is not helping him.
I agree with the judge when he says Sæmi looks
as innocent as a German pensioner in Argentina.
in reclusion until April 19
How did Sæmi get in?
- She let him in from the back door.
What was Halla doing here that late?
- I imagine she was working.
The crime scene tells me Sæmi is innocent
and Halla wasn't killed here.
The blood stain is very small
compared to the condition of Halla's face.
A young man was arrested for the Ministry
murder. The victim is Halla Gunnarsdottir.
The man is known by the
police for some petty crimes.
A press conference has
been announced for today.
People are shocked by this crime.
They express hate and contempt for my client
and for the loss of an attractive woman.
I'm devastated.
I can't believe such thing could happen
inside my Ministry
and that one of my employees
had to suffer such a horrible death.
So boring.
Why is the PM's sister so determined
in defending the murderer of his assistant?
Police are not gonna tell me anything
that I don't already know.
Except for the gruesome pictures of the body.
In case you're wondering about my minimalism,
I just don't wanna buy shitty furniture.
The perfect living room does exist,
I just haven't found it yet.
But now let's get to know Halla a bit better.
Pretty, long hair,
bright eyes and determined look.
Full, smiling lips.
Knockers men dream about.
Tragedy: loses her parents as a child
and is raised by her aunt in Selfoss.
Stands out in Poli-Sci.
She can draw attention.
Hired by the Ministry 18 months ago.
The other assistant, Haukur Garðarsson,
helped me with my law exams back in school.
Call me if you want info
on the Ministry case.
You don't waste time.
- Who are you?
I heard your client's in trouble.
- Yes and you're very mysterious. What do you want?
If you wanna know more,
come to Hamraborg parking lot.
Why would I go in a parking lot
in the middle of the night?
Police are urged to solve the case.
They're not gonna dig any deeper.
They'll just build a case
against your client.
I can help you.
- Alright. Shall I call you when I'm there?
This number will no longer be active.
Good evening.
I gotta give you this.
You had a more feminine voice on the phone.
- I'm only a messenger.
A couple of tips for you and your client.
- Very kind of you to help poor Sæmi.
Do you work for some charity organization?
Why don't you give this to the police?
They're the ones investigating
the case after all.
That's all I have to say.
Just read that.
The messenger's letter:
not very clear allegations about Halla
organizing the PM's private parties.
Looks like Halla filmed various orgies and kept them
inside a blue bag which she called "life insurance".
Gunna. Technologu guru
and also my landlord.
Daytime, she runs a
marketplace of cat puppets.
Nighttime, she buys all kind
of shit from the internet.
She's a compulsive shopper
with a strange obsession with cats.
But she managed to hack a technology giant
which somehow had crossed her.
Can you trace these plates for me?
It's registered to AVIS.
- Can you see who rent it?
Home Office.
- Is there a list of employees with pictures?
It's him.
Þorlákur Pálsson, driver at the Ministry.
Whose driver in particular?
- A woman named Dagbjört.
Of course the mandatory "gender ratio"
which got Sverrir reelected last year.
Thank you.
Good night.
You know anything about a blue bag?
What blue bag?
- I'm asking you.
I know nothing about that.
- What is it you know, Sæmi?
You're giving me nothing to work with.
How many times do I have to tell you?
I'm not a murderer!
Sæmi knows nothing about the bag,
let alone about Halla.
I gotta get hold of her videos.
Did you get the lab results on the semen?
Yes and no it's not Sæmi's.
- No? Whose then?
We don't know, it's not on record.
- So does the murderer.
We'll look into that.
She might have had sex earlier that day.
Did you check her apartment?
- Forensics just finished.
What did they find?
- Nothing related to the murder.
Not a blue bag by any chance?
What's that?
- A blue bag. Did it turn up?
No, we weren't the only ones there.
No blue bag then.
- No.
Good morning. Who's next?
- I am.
- Daniel Scheving.
I'm afraid the appointment has been cancelled.
- I need to see her now!
I'm very sorry.
- I crossed the whole country!
You can schedule another appointment.
- Fuck it
Hi, I have an appointment.
I represent Daniel Scheving.
He had to leave so he called me.
- She'll be right with you.
That's been the point from the very start.
Yes, we do agree.
I'm well aware of that.
Someone's coming in.
Sorry, Daniel.
We're always very busy here.
You're not Daniel.
- He had to leave so I snuck in.
Thanks for calling me last night
but I thought you'd sooner see me in person.
I've read your letter.
Perhaps you got more to tell me.
I'm listening.
These are very strong allegations.
I know nothing about it.
I'd be careful talking about
this in public though.
You know nothing, do you?
Just a small tip make sure your messenger
doesn't leave any trace that could lead to you.
Will you show my guest out, please?
I thought we could become friends.
- We'll see.
Until then, I suggest you find the videos
mentioned in the letter.
If it's any help, the blue bag is the key.
What's this bag look like?
- No one knows.
Thanks for the chat.
Gunna, I need a tracker and a blue bag.
Search through all that junk you have.
It's gotta be blue, ok?
I'll meet you on the back of
the Home Office building.
- What's this? I asked for a tracker.
It's got "Find My Friends" and a GPS.
Stella it's the XXI century. With one
of those you're basically James Bond.
It should last a couple of days in low battery mode.
- And the bag?
Don't you have anything else?
I wanna see Halla's apartment.
What for?
- So I can do your job for you.
- Yes, now.
It's better if you wait here.
No, no I go first!
Who are you? What are you doing here?
- Vacuuming.
Who are you?
- Lena.
How did you get in?
The door was locked.
I used my key.
You can't break into a place
that's been sealed off by the police!
You're the intruders,
this is my house!
Come again?
- Halla was renting. She was my niece.
She can stay then this isn't a crime scene
so you can't seal it off.
Yes, yes you got any ID
so I know who you are?
Raggi is harmless unless
you're wrapped in bacon.
Are you a cop too?
- No, I'm a lawyer.
Did you know Halla well?
- Of course.
I raised her after her parents died.
Did you remain in contact?
- We used to see each other a couple of times a month.
She was still playing with Barbie?
- She collected those.
Her parents used to bring her one back
every time they went abroad.
Until they
Well they're reunited now.
Yes pretty little Barbie.
Auntie doesn't seem to know Halla that well.
I'm glad they caught the
monster who killed her.
Did they?
- Wasn't it him?
Ok, we're good.
You shouldn't stay here anyway.
There's an investigation going on.
I thought you got the murderer.
I hope we did.
- She doesn't seem so sure.
Of course not, she's a lawyer.
She's paid to raise doubt.
- Thanks, Raggi.
The trap is set,
let's wait for someone to walk into it.
I'll try to speed things up
poking her colleagues.
We can't give up now.
- Haukur! It's so nice to see you!
You know her?
- Yes, you are Stella?
Haukur helped me with an exam a couple of year ago.
- Is that right?
What was that about?
- Some law stuff
Haukur is really good at that.
Prime Minister, how are you?
- You don't have to answer.
What are you doing here?
- My job. And you?
Why don't you show your friend out, Haukur?
There's a lot of tension.
- The situation is not easy.
You got a minute?
I actually came to see you.
Get in here.
It's terrible and you defend that man?
Has he confessed?
- He says he didn't do it.
He was on top of her covered in blood.
- Innocent until proved guilty, isn't it?
But I'm here to talk about the victim.
Halla? What's to say, it's all
I still can't believe it.
- But you were both PM's assistants.
Weren't you in contact all the time?
- Not really we only talked work.
We had different duties.
- Was she good at her job?
Off the record?
The PM was thinking of replacing her.
- Why?
She liked private parties.
I don't wanna
I don't wanna speak ill
of a dead person but
she was always jacked up
when she got out of the bathroom.
I'm not pointing fingers but
I don't think it was from milk and coffee.
Say Edda Kristjáns, your boss' sister,
tried to take the case away from me.
I know nothing abut that.
Now you're the only assistant left,
can you get me an appointment with him?
I don't know he's very busy.
I'll try.
Where was he the night of the murder?
- The PM?
Home, by himself.
Hand on his mouth he's lying.
- I gotta go now.
Good luck.
All roads seem to lead to Sverrir.
His crew is being very tight.
Hello, bait!
Tolli, are you free?
Cab driver Tolli helps me
until I have my own car.
He's an old client,
I helped him with an insurance settlement.
My bait is in the middle of nowhere.
I hope this isn't a hole in the water.
I can't go any further.
- Thanks, put it on the tab.
No problem, Stella.
Nice place these boy
can really cheer you up.
Johnny. Straight.
- What?
Johnny. Black Label.
Well some things never stop amazing me.
Wait a second Porn Valdi!
He got his nickname when he was importing
strippers for his only-men erotic club.
He's got his hands into all kinds of stuff
but he never got arrested.
He tried to improve his image by doing "confidential
jobs" for his best buddy, PM Sverrir Kristiánsson.
I wouldn't be shocked to learn
he's involved in the murder.
Am I speaking with the
PM's friends and family?
I'm at the bar.
I just wanted to say hi.
What do you want?
- Thanks for finding my bag.
I don't know what you mean.
- Stop fucking around.
You or one of yours broke into Halla's
apartment. Are you covering for your brother?
Stop following me or you'll regret it.
Threatening someone is a felony.
I know the law.
- Why were you with Valdi?
He and your brother are buddies, aren't they?
You're a smart woman
but it's time you realize you got
yourself into something way bigger than you.
Don't think you can use this case
for your own profit.
It's out of your reach.
- That went for Halla too?
What's the meaning of Edda and Valdi's
meeting in respect to this big case?
- Good evening.
We got a call about some suspicious activities.
- Yes, someone broke in.
You live here?
- Yes. Who called you? Gunna?
Gunna who?
- From upstairs.
Yes, it was Gunna.
We'll take you to the station for the report.
Can't we do it here?
- It's better over there.
Is Raggi on duty tonight?
- Yes.
Let's go get this over with.
- Ok.
Aren't we going the wrong direction?
We forgot about the cellphone!
Give it to me!
Stay calm now!
Have you ever touched a woman before?
We stop for a bite.
So where's the blue bag?
- What bag?
Don't try me, bitch where is it?
Ok, ok, I'll tell you!
Drive to Borgarvegur take the first on the
right at the roundabout and get out at Spöngin.
Then keep driving up your mom's ass.
You're very funny.
- I can go on all night.
You lost something?
You're not going anywhere.
What's on your face?
- Fuck you! Go get her!
Did you see which way she went?
Let's just get out of here.
Next Episode