Strong Girl Nam-soon (2023) s01e01 Episode Script

Birth of the Strong Girl

[bird screeches]
[theme music playing]
[bird screeches]
[wind blows]
[morin khuur plays]
[screeching continues]
[men yelling]
[dramatic music]
[men grunting]
[throat singing]
[horn blows]
I give you last year's champion, Baatar!
I can't hear you!
And his opponent, Tsetseg!
[crowd murmuring]
[quirky music playing]
[murmuring continues]
[man] Ready!
And fight!
[Bataar grunts]
[Bataar cackles]
[Bataar gasps]
[all gasp]
[angry yell]
[suspenseful drumroll]
[angry yell]
-[Tsetseg giggles]
[Tsetseg grunts]
[Bataar screams]
[all in unison] Tsetseg!
I wonder if Nam-soon is safe and well.
She was so young when she went missing.
I lost her.
Took her to Mongolia. It's my fault.
I shouldn't have done that, so
I did not expect that
to be the last time I saw her.
[Gi-dae] But at least you have
all of these, right?
You can look at these photos
and remember how she looked.
Photos aren't enough. I have to find her.
And so I'd really appreciate it
if you could write that article.
-She could be in Korea, right?
-[Gi-dae] Of course.
Is there anything about your daughter
that jumps out?
Anything unique or special?
[Geum-ju] She's strong.
All you have to do is find
the strongest girl in the world.
-[Nam-gil] Ms. Hwang, I have an idea.
What if we held a big strength contest
for all the girls in the world
between the ages of 12 and 15?
To draw people in,
you could offer a prize of a billion won
to the strongest girl.
With a prize like that,
everyone would want to participate.
Hey, Kim Nam-gil.
You don't make useful remarks often,
but I guess you can do it occasionally.
That's why I bother to keep you around.
A marvelous idea.
You should only accept girls
as a contest to make it easier.
I mean, it's your daughter, so we know
she'll be a Korean girl with dark hair.
That's right.
Maybe she's not in Mongolia.
She could be anywhere in the world.
Why didn't I think of that before?
As long as she's alive,
that's all that matters to me.
That's my only hope.
If she comes back,
I'll give away my wealth.
All of it, I will.
And both my kidneys as well.
I'll give everything I have
to whoever finds her for me.
God, let it be me.
You can leave.
[door opens]
Oh, Nam-soon.
[door closes]
[woman] Now for some commemorative photos
of today's winner, Tsetseg.
All right, please look this way.
[photographer] One, two, three.
[camera shutter clicks]
[Gi-dae] Is her strength a genetic trait?
[Bong-go] Yes, it runs in the family.
Specifically the women in the family.
[Gi-dae] Exactly how strong
are we talking of?
Um, no one has measured it.
And people won't dare to try
because who knows what could happen.
You'd understand
if you knew how these women are.
They're irritable, furious, and heated.
[daunting music playing]
This has been passed down
through my family for many generations.
My ancestor fought a battle
against the legendary Yi Sun-sin
-using this woldo.
Yi Sun-sin?
General Yi Sun-sin fought my ancestor
before he even became a military official.
And so it happens that
my ancestor was utterly defeated.
Yi Sun-sin won.
Of course, he did.
Well, General Yi Sun-sin
deviously used a wooden sword
while my ancestor
[heavy slam]
-used this very weapon
-[weapon thuds]
which is made of heavy iron.
Wood is much lighter material,
so it can be made long.
But this one is iron.
So it's not as long and not as swift.
That's why the devious Yi Sun-sin
was able to beat my ancestor
in their one-on-one battle.
[effort grunting]
[both exhale]
So you're saying General Yi Sun-sin
didn't use this weapon.
Just your ancestor.
Yes, that's the truth.
Do you have any proof
to support what you're saying here?
Like written history, oral tradition,
anything of the sort?
-Any proof?
-No. No proof.
Well, then?
You'll just
have to take my word for it, I'm afraid.
[slams on table]
Look deep into my eyes.
You can just feel the truth, can't you?
Yeah, sure.
So you're saying this item
is from the Joseon Dynasty.
Every Wednesday, an antique appraiser
comes to our pawnshop.
You can leave the sword.
We'll speak again after the appraisal.
[man] Please!
I desperately need the money.
[man whimpering]
My wife's getting surgery tomorrow, okay?
Can I just Five million won for now?
Please! I'm begging you!
[man sobbing]
[vault clanks open]
[vault clanks close]
As long as you bring it back Wednesday,
you can take the sword with you.
Open the safe.
Open the safe right now!
[man] Unless you have a death wish.
All that General Sun-sin stuff
was a bunch of lies.
Of course, it was, you dumbass.
What? "Dumbass"?
[Geum-ju] What did you just say?
You should be kissing
my feet in gratitude.
-I just gave you five million.
-[earth rumbles]
[screams in pain]
Instead, you dumbass, really?
In third grade,
there was this boy in my class
who knew I was bad at math
and called me a dumbass.
His name was Heo Tae-yeong.
I despise anyone
who uses that word ever since.
-[screams in agony]
[gasps, squeals]
Know what? Your mouth
spilled out lies, right?
[teeth crackling]
But I guess the issue here is your brain
that came up with all that terrible stuff.
-[head rumbles]
[birds tweeting]
[Geum-ju grunts]
What's wrong?
Trouble standing?
Wait a sec. Should I put the police
here first? Or just the paramedics?
The dentist.
[lion snarls]
I'm gonna have to stop you.
-[panicked yell]
-Take this guy with you, jerk.
-[both scream]
[Bong-go] Women of this family
are born with superhuman strength.
Generation after generation
for more than five centuries.
They call it a superpower.
And it comes from
an X chromosome mutation, apparently.
They think that's where it's from.
Tell me about Ms. Hwang. How did you two
get connected and eventually get married?
Hwang Geum-ju ran
a little soup restaurant,
instead of a pawnshop then.
[Geum-ju] Gather around.
Some for you and for you.
Here you go. Here you go.
Hey, gather up.
From now until 12 noon,
you will use that cash to take cab rides.
I want you to get out of the cab
once you see 4,000 won on the fare meter.
The more cabs you ride,
the more cash you get in return.
Keep telling the cab drivers
how the soup over
at Hwang Geum-ju's Seonji Soup
is delicious.
[all in unison]
Let's go, Hwang Geum-ju's Seonji Soup!
All right now. Go.
[Bong-go] She really had
a great feel for money.
She had the Midas touch.
Everything she touched
became an instant hit.
[money thuds]
I was a bank clerk at the time.
And my job
was to go to Hwang Geum-ju's
Seonji Soup restaurant.
to collect cash.
[Geum-dong] Bong-go.
I've always been curious.
What did you really love?
Was it my sister or was it the cash, hmm?
I've always wanted to travel the world,
you know, taking photos and all that.
Working for a bank was awful.
The smell of money really made me sick.
And that's when
[gentle music playing]
[camera shutter clicking]
Let's get married. What do you say?
I need to have a daughter.
To pass on the genes, you know.
So I really need you to try.
I will, yeah.
So I was thinking.
You could quit your job
and stay home, right?
-What do you think of that?
-Oh, my gosh.
[clears throat]
I'll be the breadwinner.
You'll take care of the house.
I'll give you a life of luxury.
I'm not saying it'll be easy
or you'll never have to lift a finger.
I wouldn't lie to you.
But I'll make sure
you'll never have a reason to cry.
Your dream is to take photos, right?
That's nice. I'll support that dream.
Bong-go, my sweetie.
You print the photos.
Me? I'll print the cash.
Tonight's gonna be
so hot.
[quirky music playing]
-[muscles constrict]
[sensual music playing]
-[music stops]
-[vehicles honking, whooshing]
The bed's a bit too, um
[upbeat music playing]
[Bong-go whimpers]
[sensual music playing]
[toilet flushes]
It's not great here either.
Let's do it here.
This is as nice as it can get.
Oh, I scared you, huh?
There's something I think you should know.
Well, I'm a bit
strong, I guess.
[creature growls]
It's a family thing.
As for this moment, I'll be in control.
[sensual music playing]
[Bong-go] Women of this family
seem to go crazy once they turn 22.
They can't be controlled.
Maybe that is a genetic too. I don't know.
Anyway, all I know is
I got swept away and was fortunate enough
to give her a son and a daughter.
And in return for giving her a daughter,
Geum-ju bought me a luxury watch.
[man] We're all ready for the highlight
of the first birthday party, the doljabi.
Let's start the doljabi with Nam-in.
Go on, Nam-in. Grab one.
-[Bong-go] Grab one. Grab one. Doctor.
-[man] Let's see what Nam-in will grab.
He grabbed the rice cake!
A round of applause!
All right. So now, it's Nam-soon's turn.
Let's see what Nam-soon will grab.
[funky music playing]
[table rumbles]
[objects clatter]
[all gasp]
[Bong-go] Hey, look over here.
Look at Papa! Cheese!
[entrancing music playing]
That's too high.
-[camera shutter clicks]
[Bong-go] Nam-soon
was not only my daughter.
She was also my muse.
So I took her to Mongolia with me
to take photos of the stars.
I wanted to create something special
for Nam-soon, my daughter.
But then
[Bong-go] That's how it happened.
-That's how I lost Nam-soon.
[Gi-dae] Is that the reason why you
and Ms. Hwang decided to get divorced?
That was just too big of a mistake.
Couldn't be forgiven.
Where is Nam-soon?
Where on earth could she be?
[Geum-dong] Will she even remember
that her name is Nam-soon?
[sheep bleating]
Mom, Dad.
Oh, the invincible Tsetseg!
My daughter sure is strong, hmm?
Dad, Mom, why is there
so much strength in me?
I'm not sure.
We never found out
where you came from, sweetheart.
I want to understand it.
I wanna know
where I come from and who I am.
When we first found you, sweetie,
you were riding Ppappa, your horse.
You looked around
five or maybe six years old?
[Coco] Mm-hmm.
A horse is galloping this way.
-[Coco] Huh?
-[Zolzaya] Huh?
Look closely, honey.
[wind blows]
There's a child on top of that horse.
It's a little girl, right?
[Zolzaya] Look!
They're headed this way.
The girl is crying. Look.
Hey, I'll go take a look. Wait here.
[mysterious music playing]
[Zolzaya] Uh, I'll go too.
-[Zolzaya] Come here.
What's wrong, baby?
"Ppappa"? What's Ppappa anyway?
Could it be the horse's name?
-What a wonderful child.
-This is the work of destiny.
-[Tsetseg] Papa.
[Coco] This girl must be a gift from God.
[container opens]
This is what you were wearing
when you first came to us. Here.
[sentimental music playing]
[rock music playing]
[idol 1] Be careful next time.
-You always do that.
-[idol 1] No, I don't!
-Hey, don't come out.
-[door opens]
[idol 3] Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Don't touch the hair. Don't come out.
Hey, don't come out!
How come those Korean men
look as delicate as flowers, huh?
Right? I just wanna be a caretaker
and love them. They're so great!
[idol 4] We said we wouldn't get
on each other's way.
I'm Gangnam style ♪
Gangnam style ♪
I'm Gangnam style ♪
I'm Gangnam style ♪
- Gangnam style, Gangnam style ♪
-I'm Gangnam style ♪
-[Geum-ju] Gang Nam-soon!
-[Geum-dong] Nam-soon!
[Joong-gan] Gang Nam-soon!
[Bong-go] Nam-soon!
[mysterious music playing]
Gang Nam-soon.
Now I'm sure of it. I just remembered.
I'm Gang Nam-soon from Korea.
-I have to go to Korea.
You wanna go?
[Nam-soon] Don't worry.
I won't go right now.
I don't wanna put our family
in a tough situation.
I'll herd more sheep to get us more money
and I'm also gonna start learning Korean.
[Nam-soon in Korean] Giyeok.
Da, ra, ma, ba, sa,
ah, ja, cha, ka, ta, pa, ha.
-Ga, na, da, ra, ma, ba, sa ♪
-Ga, na, da, ra, ma, ba, sa ♪
-Ah, ja, cha, ka, ta, pa, ha ♪
-Ah, ja, cha, ka, ta, pa, ha ♪
-Eh, hey ♪
-Eh, hey ♪
-Ah hey ah hey ah ho ho ♪
-Ah hey ah hey ah ho ho ♪
-There is so much I wish to say ♪
-There is so much I wish to say ♪
-But the song is too short ♪
-But the song is too short ♪
One, two, three
Four, five, six, seven ♪
[Bong-go] Nam-soon.
You're okay, aren't you?
["Superpowers" by ITZY playing]
[music stops]
What's up, Dad?
[Coco] You're all grown up now.
So you should go to Korea.
Now is the time
before it's too late, right?
Go to Korea, sweetheart.
Whenever I think of leaving,
I worry about you.
Well, since you're worried,
you could find a man and get married.
It'd be easier for your father
if you went there with a husband.
-[Coco] Uh-huh?
I will marry a Korean guy.
So you're going to Korea right now
to find your roots
and a delicate Korean man, right?
That's right.
I intend on finding the most innocent guy
in the whole world, Dad.
A man who is worth protecting.
I have to find him, Dad.
-In Korea.
-[Coco] In Korea.
-[vehicle horns honking]
-[Nam-gil] All right!
We will now begin the final round
of the Tenth Annual Strength Contest.
Stage One! Begin!
[alarm blares]
[whistle blows]
[Nam-gil] Three, two, one.
Very good.
Stage Two! Ready!
-[alarm blares]
-[whistle blows]
Three, two, one.
And finally, Stage Three! Ready!
-[alarm blares]
-[whistle blows]
Five, four, three, two, one.
to contestant number seven!
[Nam-gil] Amazing! You are phenomenal!
This is the first time in ten years
that anyone was able
to hold 260 pounds worth that long!
-You think she's your daughter?
-She's not.
How do you know it's not her?
I just know it.
Just looking at her is enough.
Where are you from?
I'm from Yanbian, Miss.
Your name, what is it?
Ri Hwa-ja, Miss.
Do you think we could talk
somewhere private?
Sure, but, um
I'll still get the, uh,
all of the prize money?
Come, come.
Hwa-ja. What's your blood type?
Do you know it?
Hmm, it's type B.
Type B, right.
I'm type B and Gang,
your father, is type O.
You've been living
in Yanbian for a while, haven't you?
I got there from Mongolia
when I was five, I've been told.
So you got there from Mongolia
when you were five years old?
Mm, right, yeah.
Who did you live with all these years?
Hmm, I was in an orphanage until I was 16.
Ever since 17,
I've been living alone, ma'am.
[emotional music playing]
So tell me. What do you do?
Well, I didn't study much.
And all I have is my strength.
So in Yanbian, I worked
in construction as a carrier.
You've been doing manual labor for work?
Yep, that's right.
I think, um, it seems
I'm the only one eating.
It's pretty awesome,
so I feel bad eating by myself.
Try some. It's good.
Umma unnie.
No, Nam-soon.
How old are you now?
Twenty-two, ma'am.
Go on. Keep eating.
[line dials]
Yeah, hi.
Come to Sanctus right away.
Gang, I think
we just found our daughter.
Bring Nam-in, Mom, and Geum-dong.
Tell them we're having dinner.
[editor] Is she really their daughter?
The blood type is right.
Gang Bong-go doesn't think
it's her though.
They can clear it up
with a simple DNA test, right?
Apparently, they're not accurate
with the women of this family.
Something about the X chromosome disorder.
That's off the table, I'm afraid.
[editor] This is all so weird.
How does a family like this even exist?
[scoffs, chuckles]
To be honest, I hope she's Nam-soon.
I'm exhausted, you know.
They've been holding
that Strength Competition for a while.
Find Gang Nam-soon is known
all over the world.
But she still hasn't shown up,
think about it.
I think she's dead.
But wait.
That girl today, she was strong.
Surprisingly strong.
-She withstood the weight of 260 pounds
with just her arms, right?
So you believe that Yanbian girl
is Gang Nam-soon?
Well, anyway, how strong
are the women of that family really?
They say it can't be measured.
They won't do it.
Not even for the article.
Would boys like these
ever fight over me or something like that?
Well, I don't like war.
[neighing in approval]
Oh. Ppappa.
[Nam-soon] Hiya!
[bell rings]
Looks like you two are a couple, right?
All right, let's get going.
[Joong-gan] Let's eat.
You want me to cut that?
Uh, yeah.
Doing it myself is really taxing.
[somber music playing]
[Na-young] Please.
This way, please.
[enchanting string music playing]
This is your room.
[ominous music playing]
So, sweetie, you think
she's Nam-soon really, hmm?
I'm sure of it.
She's Nam-soon, all right.
-You should really look into it.
Come on! Hmm?
You got newspapers
to share her story to the world.
The world knows she's been missing
for more than ten years, Geum-ju, hmm?
You know that. I mean you moved
heaven and earth
to make sure they did, right?
[Joong-gan] You even bought
the newspaper company
when they said they'd stop.
My point is
anyone could use that information
from the news to pretend they're her.
What about her strength?
Can you explain that?
Not a single person was able
to carry that weight before.
You can't know it's her
based on the level of strength we saw.
-Maybe an arm-wrestle with Mom
-Her age, her blood type as well.
And the fact that she left Mongolia
when she was five?
Nam-soon has a small scar
on the sole of her left foot.
[quirky music playing]
She jumped off the rooftop
when she was four
and a tree branch scratched her foot.
I kept telling you to make sure
you took good care of her.
Why did you let her get hurt?
This is why I didn't tell you before.
I thought you might react this way.
That's right! Nam-soon loved
going up to the roof.
She always like high places, right?
That's right! Remember?
Why didn't you tell me she was hurt?
I had every right to know that.
Does it matter?
You were distracted
with the money, weren't you?
While I was busy
with the housework and the kids.
-What would have changed if I told you?
-Was it so hard?
What's the big challenge
in watching two small kids at home?
[Geum-ju] And while we're on this topic,
by the way, I told you not
to take Nam-soon to Mongolia, didn't I?
Why did you take her with you? Why?
I'm the one who's there
for Nam-soon and Nam-in, not you!
Did you ever spend time
with your children at all?
Nam-soon likes strawberries stems?
Did you know that?
Nam-in is addicted to carbs. Did you know?
Well, who doesn't know?
Why do you think he eats so much,
you can't even tell
if he's a human or a pig?
It's all because he lacks
his mother's love.
He's starved for affection.
That's why he's always eating.
He's begging for your attention.
The heck? I'm sitting
right here, you know.
[Geum-ju] Nam-soon was missing!
You didn't think
that would affect me at all?
And you spoiled your child
because all you've been doing
all these years is feeding him!
Mom, that's your fault!
Maybe I did feed him too much. Sorry.
And why does this keep
circling back to me, though?
Making me uncomfortable.
All right! Stop it!
That's enough about the past!
That's not what matters!
Right now, we should focus
on whether or not that girl is Nam-soon.
It's not important, all right?
Sit down!
Hey, you too.
God, what a racket. For god's sake.
-[Joong-gan] Oh, my head hurts.
-She's not her.
Hey, why do you keep saying
it's not her, Bong-go, huh?
Sixth sense. I'm sure of it.
Yeah, right. What sixth sense?
She's nothing like the pictures
of Nam-soon as a kid.
Because her life was hard!
[breathing heavily]
It's heartbreaking.
Nam-soon has pretty
clear eyes like yours. Come on!
[funky music playing]
[cute romantic music playing]
you still love my sister.
[both in unison]
Of course not!
"Of course not."
That's irrelevant.
I will look at her as my daughter anyway.
End of story.
[marching music playing]
My name is Gang Nam-soon. Hi.
Gang Nam-soon.
-[light switch clicks]
Where is Gangnam, anyway?
[upbeat music playing]
[wings fluttering]
-[vehicles honking]
-[sirens wailing]
[somber music playing]
My dear Nam-soon.
Starting now,
I will do better.
[doorknob clanks]
I can't believe it.
She really is Nam-soon.
My daughter Nam-soon.
[Geum-ju] Nam-soon.
Nam-soon. Nam-soon. Nam-soon.
[thrumming music playing]
[breathes heavily]
[classical music playing]
[Joong-gan] Mm.
Let's eat.
[playful music playing]
[electricity zapping]
The sound of both of my children
eating so well is just amazing.
How glorious.
[steam hisses]
[Nam-soon gasps]
Wow, khorkhog.
Is today special or something?
Your dad and I sold
all of our sheep today.
Today's the day you leave Mongolia,
isn't that right?
[Ppappa grumbling]
[Ppappa exhales]
[emotional music playing]
It's time, sweetie,
for you to say your goodbyes to him.
Ppappa waited
until you were leaving for Korea.
[Nam-soon] Ppappa.
[wind blows]
[birds calling]
[bell rings]
[uptempo music playing]
[bell rings]
["Superpowers" by ITZY playing]
[horse neighs]
[door opens]
[door closes]
We will always be here praying for you,
my sweet daughter.
[Coco] We love you so much.
Now you come back
if things ever get too hard for you there,
sweetheart. We love you.
[emotional music playing]
This will be a great help
in finding your birth mother.
[upbeat music playing]
What do you think?
Go ahead. Make her as pretty as you can.
-[spray hisses]
-[air blowing]
That one?
So cute and tiny.
Maybe the pink one? Or maybe this one?
You should make the most of life.
All of this is yours.
Let's go.
What part of it don't you understand?
No! I said no! Can't help you.
Just one more loan, okay?
Please, one loan.
No, we can't give out
another loan for you.
[Nam-gil groans] You've been here
several times this week.
You have too many outstanding loans.
-We can't. Take care now.
-[heels clacking]
-[Mr. Park] Ms. Hwang.
-Ms. Park.
Please. I need ten million won.
I'll give you
my street food vendor license.
How would you make a living without it?
What's going on?
-Give her the loan.
-Wait, Ms. Hwang!
This woman has given up everything
she had within the span of a month.
-The loan, now.
[suspenseful music playing]
[money rustling]
[door opens]
[door closes]
[thrilling music playing]
[siren wailing]
[engine starts]
[engine revs]
[tense music playing]
[money rustles]
Hey, here.
[deep inhale]
That's just the wrong street.
[engine revs]
[tires screeching]
[tires screeching]
-[exhales deeply]
-[tires screech]
[disappointed sigh]
[exhales heavily]
Step out of the vehicle.
License plate number Seoul M3490.
-Request to seize vehicle.
-[engine roars]
[thrilling music playing]
[light flickers]
[tires screech]
[motorbike engine stops]
[quirky music playing]
Who the hell are you?
Are you a cop?
Hmm. Of course not.
[squeaks, thuds]
Who is that woman?
[loud ruckus]
[cop 1] What's up, man?
-Hey, Hee-sik!
-[door closes]
[Hee-sik] Hey, I'm back.
Look who we have here.
[Seok-ho] Hwang Dae-cheol
and Min Byeong-hun. Oh, boy.
-[Dong-seok] Good job, Hee-sik.
-I'm not the one who caught them. I only
-[Sun-kyu] Sir!
We got intel of a mule.
Eleven o'clock flight from Mongolia.
We don't have much time.
Get three teams to the airport.
Yes, sir. On it.
-I'll go to the airport with Young-tak.
-Okay, let's go.
[spray hisses]
-[Hee-sik] See you later.
-[Dong-seok] Good luck.
[cheerful music playing]
[squeaks close]
Good afternoon.
[pilot] Good afternoon,
ladies and gentlemen.
This is your captain speaking.
Our aircraft is headed
for Seoul, South Korea.
-Current temperature is 18°C.
-Seat belts, please.
-And our arrival time is 10:45 p.m.
-Please fasten your seat belts.
Please enjoy the flight.
[steward] Please fasten your seat belts.
[Hee-sik] We have no idea
how they're hiding the drugs.
They could be in someone's cookies
or in a kid's soft toy.
Anything can be drugs in disguise.
Plastic bottles, crayons,
tissues, pens, candies, anything,
even cosmetic products.
We have to check everything.
[Young-tak] Hello.
Got it.
They're checking the luggage.
[engine rumbles]
[thrilling music playing]
Here's some more wine, sir.
Have a safe flight.
Is safety what matters most?
I prefer speed.
[nervous chuckle]
[Insp. Lee] Gentlemen.
Here you go.
I'm Inspector Lee at your service.
The airplane will land in five minutes.
Great. Understood.
[radio beeping]
[man] This is the control tower.
22:45 Air Mong aircraft, anomaly detected.
The aircraft is about to land
but is not reducing speed.
[tense music playing]
[alarm wailing]
[alarms blaring]
I think the spoiler's broken.
[panicked ruckus]
[dark music playing]
[knocks on door]
[door opens]
It was a busy day.
I'm sure you're tired. Get some rest.
Oh, I'm fine.
The kid in those pictures, is it me?
Of course, it's me.
I just wanted to be sure.
Of course, yes.
Do you have photos of yourself as a kid?
Uh, I am I don't. Not anymore.
But I remember some of them.
I have them in my mind.
Do you have a driver's license, by chance?
If you don't, let's get you one.
And let's get you a car.
I'll give you everything
you've ever wanted, my daughter.
For now, let's sleep, hmm?
[Geum-ju] Here.
[Hwa-ja] Mom.
How strong was I, you know,
back when I was really small?
Come here.
The women of our family
were born with a special kind of power
for more than five centuries.
And you, my sweet daughter,
are the most special.
[Geum-ju] The most special of all.
You probably don't comprehend
how strong you really are.
Maybe you have no idea.
How, uh, how strong are we talking about?
What do you mean?
When you were five years old,
you actually flipped a car.
Yes. But that's not all.
[pilot] Ladies and gentlemen.
We will be landing soon.
Due to a defect in the plane's body,
we'll have a shaky landing.
Please stay seated
and fasten your seat belts.
Is everything all right?
[panicked screams]
[tense music playing]
[Geum-ju] You're not just super strong.
You have super speed and super jump.
[mystical music playing]
[liquid boils]
[heart thumps]
[deep breaths]
-[mystical music playing]
[indistinct chatter]
[tires screeching]
[panicked gasps]
[sirens wailing]
[men shouting]
On the right. Come on!
[man] More will make it. It's over here.
-[man 2] Are you all right?
-[man 3] Come on. Come on.
[deep exhale]
Oh, my god.
[intense music playing]
["Superpowers" by ITZY playing]
[Nam-soon] I'm here.
Let's do this!
-Are you Mongolian?
-I am a Gangnam person.
In any case, all of these are confiscated.
-[Nam-soon] Not this.
-[Hee-sik] We'll be the judge of that.
[woman] Oh, poor child.
All scammers seem nice at first.
[Nam-soon] Did she trick me?
This isn't what I wanted.
Have you eaten?
I've been looking for you all day.
[Geum-ju] My daughter is in Korea.
Not only that.
She's very close. I could feel it.
Have you managed to check out Hwa-ja?
[Na-young] It sounded like
they were plotting something.
How would you like me
to deal with the girl?
Just watch her for me.
Are you going to find my mom for me?
I always keep my promises.
[man] That detective's disguise
doesn't look convincing at all.
[Seok-ho] I know.
It's due to a lack of budget.
-[Su-chang] Move your car!
-No! You move yours!
[Dong-seok] Unless we catch the guys
at the top, this situation will continue.
[Ki-tae] It becomes
a new type of synthetic drug.
A single gram will kill you on the spot.
[Geum-ju] I have to protect
my city from crime.
[Nam-gil] Why do you take it upon yourself
to go around stirring up the ecosystem?
I have a lot to do.
If you really want to change
the world, try going here.
To get in there,
you have to be really special.
Next Episode