Stupid Wife (2022) s01e01 Episode Script


Keep going, Luiza.
Anyway, I want to talk about this
employer-employee relationship,
the fact that the CL
(Brazilian Labor Law)
has come to bring
together employee rights.
Um, the right to a
Christmas bonus salary
vacation and retirement rights.
And we know that it's still not enough.
Perfect! Perfect! You're perfect!
And when is this seminar coming?
Um, next week.
And everything is done already?
Well, not quite. It's still missing some
details, not much though.
Wow, it looks very good to me.
What else is missing?
You're wonderful!
Well, I want to talk more about the CLT,
about the disrespect,
aboutthe indifference
towards the workforce.
Um, but isn't this seminar next week?
Why are you working on this now?
You should enjoy your Friday.
Valentina, I have responsibilities.
I'm on a scholarship,
no one is paying for me.
Couldn't you finda more relevant
subject to talk about?
Seriously, Valentina?
Look, Valentina!
If this isn't relevant to you, it is to me.
There are lots of people starving,
and continuing to work in the slave system.
Don't you see the news?
Luiza, look, my mother is an entrepreneur.
I can say for sure, It's just employees
taking advantage of labor rights
bringing medical excuses all the time.
It sucks!
Taking advantage of labor rights?!
I can't believe you're going to graduate
from the same law school as me.
Well, I'm not the one that is saying that.
Just meet with any entrepreneur,
talk to them, and they will tell you.
It's a bunch of employees
taking them to court, for nothing.
Guys, it's getting hard for the employers.
Guys, I'm sorry, but I can't take it!
If you aren't mature enough
to listen to someone
who has a different opinion from yours
I have no maturity?
You're an asshole, Valentina!
Wow, your sister put on
quite a show, huh?
She's just completely clueless.
But I think you can teach her
common sense, Igor!
Don't you agree?
Honey, can you help me make copies?
It's hard to stay here.
Come on.
See you guys.
I was too hard on her, wasn't I?
Do you honestly believe
this nonsense you just said?
Igor, don't you know me? Of course not!
Are you nuts?
I only said that, because
I wanted to piss Luiza off.
Have you seen how hot
she is when she is angry?
Hot Careful, okay?
Careful with that sense of humor,
people may believe you think that way.
I could care less!
I'll go after Duda, okay?
Stay out of trouble, okay?
Go on!
I love you, asshole.
I love you too!
What are you doing here?
I'm waiting on Duda.
Oh, I saw her passing by with
with Igor thirty minutes ago.
Shit, what time is it?
It's almost eleven.
I'm closing the place, okay?
Come on!
Gosh, I will have to run to catch the bus.
No, Luiza, don't take a bus now.
They only pass by hourly.
Take a taxi around the corner.
It's much faster.
Be safe!
Thank you!
Pick up, Eduarda! Pick up!
Pick up, Carol! Pick up, Carol! Pick
up, Carol! Pick up, Carol! Pick up, Carol.
Did I scare you?
I didn't even notice it was you.
What are you doing here?
I was here praying, you know
that no ghosts would show up.
Apparently, it didn't work.
It's late for you to be here
by yourself. Go home.
I know.
I'm waiting for the bus, but
it's not coming for another hour.
An hour? Take a taxi!
I have an ideaget
on, I'll give you a ride.
You must be crazy to think that I
would ride on this thing with you.
Okay then.
OkayI'm coming with you.
But don't be a smart ass, please.
Won't you thank me?
What for? For putting me
in danger the entire way?
Luiza, stop being
dramatic. Nothing happened.
Drama, Valentina? We could've died!
Luiza, hold on!
What the hell do you want?
We'll get married one day!
I'm serious!
You're ridiculous, Valentina!
Ouch, what a headache.
Luiza, are you awake?
What is this?
What are you talking about?
Valentinawhat the fuck is this?
Where have you brought me to?
Luiza, we are inour bedroom.
Our bedroom?
Are you crazy? What's happening?
I should be asking you!
What is this? Is this
some kind ofreality show?
Is this aa joke?
Honey, calm down.
What the hell is this place?
Calm down, you're just confused. Breathe.
Are you kidding me?
Luiza, you're scaring me!
Calm down! Wait!
Good morning, my dear sister-in-law!
I tried calling you guys all morning,
but you don't answer, do you?
You must have had a great time in bed
What kind of joke is this?
What kind of joke is this?
What are you talking about?
I'm glad you are here!
Valentina, you
Why did you guys bring me
into this house? Is this a joke?
What theis this a fetish of yours?
This marriage is really strange.
What marriage? Who is this child?
Are you okay, son?
Don't talk about our son like that!
I'm your son!
Honey, you're confused. Calm down.
Calm down, let me help you!
Don't touch me!
Baby, it's okay.
Don't touchme!
Luiza, honey!
Luiza, wake up!
Mom, are you alright?
What are you doing here?
How are you feeling?
Is everything alright?
Where am I?
You're homeand it's alright.
It's alright.
Where are my parents?
Your wife is trying to contact them.
I don't have a wife!
No, let's start from the
beginning. Tell me what happened!
I don't know.
I can't remember anything
I woke up
I was at this house that
that I didn't recognize.
Valentina was by my side.
And after that?
Then I went downstairs
then I saw pictures of everybody
I'm not sure.
Everybody looked older.
Then a child came ina boy.
Dodo you know him?
Valentinashe said he is my son.
Luiza, I I'll have to come back here.
We need more time to
understand what's happening, okay?
I came to try to understand
I was trying to contact Luiza's parents,
but they haven't seen my calls yet.
I'm glad youwoke up.
What happened to me?
What have you done to me?
Easy, Luiza. Easy!
Calm down. It's alright.
You woke up today with
with confusion and
Valentina called for help.
How come?
You woke up in a state
of mental confusion.
I tried to call your parents too,
but they haven't seen my calls yet.
I want to see my parents!
They will end this fucking joke.
Kauan, what's happening?
Well, first of all, I need to do some
tests to understand what's going on.
Okay, but from your
experience, what could this be?
As I saidas I said, there's
nothing I can say now.
I will need to run some tests,
an electroencephalogram, an
an MRI scan of the brain,
and some blood tests.
This way, I can eliminate
or confirm any possibility.
When can we do this?
Tomorrow, everything is
scheduled at the hospital.
Guys, can you stop
talking as if I am not here?
Well, I need to go. It's time to go.
But first, if you need anything,
anything for real, anytime
I'll be available all day, just call me.
Okay? Take care. Stay calm.
I'll walk with you.
No need! I think you
guys should talk some.
It's okay! I know the way. Bye!
I want to go home!
Baby, you are already home.
I want to go home!
OkayI'll take you there.
What happened to you?
I brought you something.
Oh, thank you.
You're welcome!
I love you so much, you know?
My daughter?
Kauan is already here. He's
in the living room waiting for us.
Okay, I'm coming.
I'm scared.
So, Luiza, how are you feeling?
Feeling anxious.
Kauan, I'm sorry to interrupt, but
can you hurry up and tell us the results?
Tell us, Kauan!
What's wrong with my head?
Well, I analyzed the results
and the MRI ruled out any
possibility of a brain tumor.
The EEG did not show any seizure activity,
and the blood test didn't
show anything as well.
Andwhat does it mean?
This is the problem, Luiza. Your tests
show that you are neurologically intact.
But why can't she remember anything then?
Well, I talked to some colleagues
in psychiatry and psychology
and we're inclined to believe thatthat
Luiza suffers from dissociative amnesia.
What does that mean?
It's a type of mental disorder that
normally occurs after a patient experiences
a traumatic or stressful situation.
You end up forgetting part of your life.
In your case, you only remember
your life from when you were at school
when you were not married or a mother.
Andwhen will I recover my memory?
Unfortunately, I cannot answer
this question for you, Luiza.
But I'm referring you to a colleague,
a doctor I trust completely, OK?
Doctor, Alice.
Sorry, Kauan, but we need a deadline.
When will Luiza remember everything?
Unfortunately, I can't answer
this question, Valentina.
It can last a day, a month,
a year, or even a lifetime.
Luiza maymay never recover her memory.
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