Suburrterna (2023) s01e01 Episode Script


Ercole, aren't you worried
about them burning city hall?
Bunch of losers.
I'm not worried about those guys.
Yeah, they were kicked out of their homes
just to set fire to Rome to watch it burn.
Enough of that. Are we celebrating or no?
- Yeah.
- Forget these assholes. Let's toast!
Ten new licenses.
Not too bad, huh?
Starting tomorrow,
we Bonatesta can sell all over Rome.
I'm glad I gave all you scumbags
a good cleanup, eh?
Or else no way this vagrant family
could've come this far.
Tomorrow, Ercole and I
can think about the next ten, eh?
- Yeah, Grandpa.
- To our family!
- To us! To us!
- To us!
What the fuck is going on?
Whoa! It's getting crazy out there!
These people are fucking nuts.
Look at 'em!
Look at this guy. What's he doing?
What are we, mice? Come on!
Come, Ercole.
What are they saying
up in city hall about all this?
What do you think?
It's a problem, Ercole.
We had to close all the stores downtown.
I've got an idea.
It still needs a bit of work,
but it's an idea.
You got an idea, huh?
What the fuck are you saying?
Your pop's a moron.
It's a miracle you're even alive.
Lucky you got this face.
Such a pretty face, my boy.
But don't get ideas.
You already got what you deserve.
I gave you 7,000 more votes.
Seven thou.
Damiano! How the fuck
did you do it, you fucker?
How the fuck was it even possible?
Okay, tell me how you did it!
That dog was a champion.
He ate one live sheep after another!
But now this is the third fight we lost!
- Explain to me how the fuck that happens!
- Victor, don't shout here.
- Don't shout.
- Don't shout.
If my dad was here,
he would've kicked you out by now!
Manfredi would've kicked your ass out!
I'll show you how it's done!
You're making a fool of yourself
as a piece of shit dog trainer!
- Put that pipe down!
- You're not good at training this dog!
- Champion?
- Provoking him is a bad idea.
You're only good at bleeding,
you stupid mutt!
Come at me,
you stupid, worthless fucking dog!
What the hell?
Back away.
What a stupid dog.
I'm sorry, Mrs. Adelaide, but Victor
shouldn't have provoked him like that.
Can you please explain to him
that he can't mess with this kind of dog
in such a way?
My nephew has a good mind. He's Anacleti.
He has my blood and my Manfredi's blood.
There's nothing someone like you
can explain to him.
You trained the dog.
You made it a loser. Admit it.
That mutt could've been a champion,
but it sucked.
No wins, no money,
and everyone's laughing at us.
- I'm working on it, Mrs. Adelaide.
- Looks like you've been messing around.
And what about that cage?
It's a filthy mess.
I cleaned it this morning.
Clean it again
instead of talking back at me.
And once you're done with that,
go buy two new dogs.
Come now, Grandma's boy. Let's go home.
There he goes!
He's going for it! Goal!
Oh my God! He scored the goal!
- He scored the goal!
- Goal! Goal!
- Fuck yeah!
- It's the last Superclásico.
The fact that he scored that goal
is amazing!
You know he'll be missed.
My man.
What a great goal.
Really. Wow, what a goal!
- I have to go now.
- Best. Huh?
Felipe, you have to come with me.
Oh, why?
The demonstration in San Giovanni's
has just become a war.
- Are you gonna put this on?
- No, no, no, later. Let's get going.
They think they can control
the people's anger using the army.
They don't get it.
The air of war, we're all breathing it in.
His Holiness requested this meeting
to figure out
how to deal with the emergency at hand.
They have been storming
San Giovanni Basilica,
and they have destroyed a crucifix
as well as a statue of the Madonna
in Via Merulana.
But this is still
the wonderful city we reside in.
This is still
the beautiful city of the pope.
If the city hall is burned to the ground,
do you think the Vatican will benefit?
We must join forces and stand together
against this advancing barbarism.
We cannot be lenient or hesitate.
Put like that, there's no doubt.
Although, as humans,
we should have some doubt.
Consider this.
Perhaps the fires
that have been burning Rome
have been set to bring something to light.
Out there are the downtrodden,
the outcasts.
Isn't it precisely those
whom our Lord has asked us to serve?
There has been a dire crisis
eating up salaries and pensions.
Are they not sending us a message?
Perhaps the time for change has arrived.
The Church.
Not just the Capitol.
It all needs to change.
My darling.
Tell me, don't you think it's about time
you left the humble abode
you share with your roommates?
Finally become an adult?
- Are you asking me not to be late?
- No.
I'm asking you
to stop dreaming of another pope.
These dreams you have
can sometimes burn you.
You're right about one thing, Fiorenzo.
You know why?
It's because we have the same dream.
It's true I dream of another pope,
less conservative than we have.
One who frees and does not enslave.
One who serves the poor, not the doctrine.
You also dream of another pope.
The pope you dream of
is reflected in your mirror every morning.
I never dream.
Rome is burning.
You summon us because you're afraid
that your friends in the majority
are burning with it.
I understand
that it can be painful to grow up,
but there's simply
no alternative, Armando.
Looks like everyone's shown up now.
What's this all about, then?
They've always been giving us
their leftover crumbs.
Now they wanna take those too, Damia.
You want a full loaf of bread,
you got to deserve it.
Don't bullshit us
about what we do or don't deserve.
Huh. Let me see if you understand.
They're no longer pushing anything.
Only clams and fish.
Explain it to 'em, huh?
- Sorry, what's he got to explain?
- Whoa! What did you say?
- Morè. Drop it.
- No, no. Say it again.
Go get our drugs back.
Listen, what you gave us
wouldn't even last us one week.
- Mmm.
- So?
Lower the price of the clams.
They're not oysters.
Know what I'm gonna do to you?
- No.
- The fuck are you laughing at?
- This bitch. She's laughing?
- Stop.
- You got it out for me?
- This has got nothing to do with you.
Punishment for stealing Ange away?
That's some imagination you got there.
Damia, it's not about that.
They said what I gave 'em is not enough.
Instead, they tried to expand.
They went to the Egyptian
to get more stuff,
but they sold it on our turf.
So then, I was thinking
I'll have the Egyptian
work directly for me,
and they can all go straight to hell.
Did you really do that?
We decided that being poor
is bullshit, Damia.
Why didn't you tell me
what you were up to?
- Why would we?
- I've always been honest with you.
Yeah, but you're not the one
who's fucking broke. It's me and him!
- We're both over this bullshit.
- Yeah, we're done.
Taking everything from us?
But did you see her face?
She's your wife's best friend.
But don't worry, Damia,
we won't get you involved.
Involved in what?
In the Nadia problem
or with the Anacletis above her ass.
We gotta put everything on the line
and get rid of 'em all.
- Go full badass.
- Ah.
So what exactly is your plan in all that?
First, we take care of Nadia.
Jump her in the gym
when she least expects it,
so we get her by surprise.
- And then?
- And then we take 'em all out. Right, Ce?
Yeah, Ce?
And then?
You know you'll be
starting a war with them?
So what?
You planning on being their best friends?
It's been 20 years, Giulia.
You know you'll probably
both end up killed.
Whatever, Damia.
Thanks for dropping by.
Go back to your cozy little house
and be a dog slave.
This is our problem.
We'll deal with it ourselves.
Ce, let's go get our guns
and go put that bitch six feet under.
The three of us used to be so close
and did everything together.
I'm fucking crazy, but I'm not
fucking scared of no-fucking-body.
Let's see if ya got the balls to do it
or if you're gonna act like a girl.
I'm as tough as a boy.
Shut your mouth and watch.
MAY 31, 1990
Jules, everybody's gonna be mad.
It's a pretty bad idea.
Cesare, stop.
You're putting me off-balance.
If you're gonna be scared, just go.
Spadi, your brother's
not gonna be mad, right?
Damia, if you're scared,
you can leave too.
What the fuck?
- Oh no, let's go!
- Let's get out of here!
Come over here! Manfredi, go get 'em!
Yeah, yeah, I'm going. Hey, get over here!
Come here, you little shits.
Hey, you with the slingshot.
Let's go. Let's go, you midget fucks.
Come on! Come on.
Little bandits.
Your kids made a gang, Nando.
One Anacleti and three Luciani.
Now all four of you is gonna have to deal
with Guerino. Right, Guerino?
He's gonna eat you kids alive.
God damn, you little rascals.
There they are.
Let's get 'em.
Rock and roll.
Oh shit, Damia!
Let's go! Fucking love you, bro.
- You know this is so fucked up!
- Nadia and the drugs are inside.
Be quick.
- The shit's in there.
- Let's go.
Get the shit!
I've got Nadia. Quick!
Come on, come on, come on!
- I'm right here.
- Huh?
I gotta get it.
What the fuck?
We're all being summoned.
After the recent events in Rome,
the police chief has called a meeting
to evaluate measures
regarding the riots that have erupted
over the past two days in the capital.
The city council and the mayor himself
are teetering due to the violence
I'm gonna head out first, all right?
Okay, see you over there.
resignation of the parties involved.
Where are you coming from?
I went and got the dogs
like you told me to.
Beautiful animals. Have a look.
That's not important.
Not important!
Something went down
in Ostia this morning.
They killed four of Nadia's men.
Another one's in a coma.
They opened fire in the gym.
They took a bunch of money and drugs.
It was planned.
You know who it was?
We know your sister and brother
were involved, Damia.
What's that?
- Who saw?
- Nobody saw them.
They all wore masks, trying to hide.
How we know is they argued with Nadia
and complained before that.
Mrs. Adelaide,
he was at the fish shop with us.
That means nothing.
They're always getting into arguments.
- Every day, pretty much.
- They were pissed off, Damiano.
He has nothing to do with it.
Look me in the eye, Damia.
You know nothing?
What are you saying? Damiano is family.
I'm saying our men are dead.
I'm saying a lot of shit's been stolen.
There will be bloodshed.
I know they didn't do it, Mrs. Adelaide.
They're fishermen.
They've never held a gun before.
Seems like they have.
Better talk to them.
Then you better try to figure out
what the hell they're thinking.
Or else you'll risk being
an only child yourself. Mark my words.
You tell them that too.
- Morning, Stefania.
- Morning.
What's with the emergency meeting?
With the chaos that's going on,
it's the least we can do.
Yeah, you're right.
And these?
- Linden.
- How tall will they get?
Well, I would estimate
15 to about 40 meters.
No, no. We need little trees.
The Japanese ones with the red leaves.
The linden trees are much too tall.
People have paid
15,000 euros a square meter.
We'll discuss this later.
Good morning, everyone.
- Good morning.
- Thank you for coming.
- You look relaxed.
- Why did you call us, Amedeo?
the country's a powder keg.
You've all seen the recent chaos?
135 injured yesterday.
Not counting the deaths in Ostia.
People are unhinged.
The government is about to fall,
but we're the government in Rome.
Rome has become
the epicenter in this battle.
If we don't put a stop to this,
heads and council seats will roll.
Yours, specifically.
People need their attention shifted
to something entirely different.
Let's give them something
to really dream about.
The new Colosseum.
Let's build a new stadium.
Panem et circenses,
as the Latins used to say.
Let's show everyone that we're capable
of bringing this city into the future.
Unfortunately, I'm not in a place
where I'm dealing with political
Spare us the modesty, Amedeo.
We're all up to date
on who's in charge at city hall.
Otherwise, we wouldn't be sitting here.
Instead, tell us how you're gonna be
coming up with the money? What funds?
A consortium comprised of city hall
and various private investors.
The funds are there.
They say that building anything in Rome
is an impossible task.
We can debunk that false narrative.
We're about to show everyone
that we are capable of leaving our mark.
In giving the citizens a stadium,
we'll win their votes and approval.
Ms. Murtas,
as the mayor's closest adviser,
I'm curious about what you have to say.
Well, to me, it appears to be
quite a concrete proposal.
I think it will appeal to the mayor.
And as we're the party majority group,
we can move things forward from here.
- Of course.
- Shall we vote?
Amedeo, forgive me.
I I'm compelled to say no,
but only because of the responsibility
I feel toward my 7,000 voters.
I promised consistency to them
in the election campaign,
as we're all aware.
Um, my vision for the future for this city
must be made up of concrete proposals
addressing the needs of all.
And let's face it, people nowadays,
they go to the stadium
if they have a home to go back to.
But the people who actually
do have a house right now
are completely afraid of losing it.
Those who don't have one,
well, we've seen what they've done.
They burn down the city.
And for that reason,
I'm blocking the vote for now.
I need to think it over.
Why did that asshole, Ercole,
block the vote?
Maybe it really was political.
He must be looking for a spot
in the party.
The party?
Bonatesta's only concern
is his family's interests.
He's never done anything outside of
what his grandfather has told him.
Why today?
Hmm. I don't know.
You're still sleeping with him,
aren't you?
I know that I am
the mayor's chief of staff,
and it is because of you.
But you need to stay out
of my private life, Amedeo.
- Okay?
- Mm-hmm.
- No business with pleasure.
- Understood.
We'll talk later.
We have breaking news.
A shootout on the Roman shoreline
has left four people dead,
with one other person currently
Hello. This is Ercole Bonatesta.
Can I speak to Santenocito?
local gymnasium
in the middle of the afternoon.
Sources close to the incident
Did you hear about Ostia?
I'm sure they did it.
My source confirmed it for me.
Everyone knows.
I told you they were surefire bets.
No new information
has been released
Some things you never forget.
I know that well.
We will be
further reporting on this
Yeah, I'll take care of it now.
I'm on my way to offer them a deal.
Yeah. Goodbye.
They made the biggest mistake
of their lives, Mrs. Adelaide.
They just realized that.
They never had a lot.
For years, money's been pouring
into Ostia. They barely got anything.
Should I care about that?
No, but this situation, I think,
could be handled
without starting a war between us.
I'm not saying that
'cause they're my family.
They never had a fucking thing.
They don't ask for much,
but I know they need more than that.
What exactly are you expecting me to do?
Show them who you are.
A leader.
Everyone knows
you can crush 'em anytime you want.
At first, I was forced to keep Angelica.
With her first marriage to my son,
she became my daughter.
Then I had to make an effort,
and I allowed her to get married to you.
Because you and your siblings are dogs.
It's a punishment for Angelica.
A dog for a husband
who works all day with other dogs.
Anyway, it's not up to me what we do.
I gotta talk with Badali and Cinaglia.
Well, you two are getting famous.
They're talking about you on the radio.
Nice job you pulled at the gym.
Look who the fuck just showed up.
What are you saying?
It was us? I don't understand.
You must not wanna leave here
in one piece.
- Hmm.
- I've been watching you both.
You hear this, Ce?
He's been watching us for a while.
Just cut the bullshit, Ercole.
They made me an offer, and, uh,
I need to figure out if there are others
who I can bring along with me.
Fuck outta here.
I'll say one thing before I leave.
- We're sort of cousins, right?
- Yeah.
But we haven't heard from you in 20 years.
So what the fuck do you have to say?
Whoever tried to pull this off
fucked up in a big way.
No offense, but if you shoot a dog,
you have to kill it.
Otherwise, it'll tear you apart.
Where the fuck you pick that up?
City hall?
- You're not picking it up, are you?
- No. You pick it up, Ce?
Yeah, no, we're not picking it up.
I remember that night.
I think you both remember it
better than I do.
The night when the Anacletis
made us all orphans.
MAY 31, 1990
Get down, Ercole!
Giulia! Damiano!
Be quiet. Don't say a word.
Starting tonight,
we Anacletis are in charge!
The Bonatestas and Luciani
don't count for shit!
Don't say a word. Keep quiet.
Spadi, come with me.
- No, I wanna go with my mother.
- No, come with me. Come on.
- Mama, what's happening?
- Shut up.
- Follow me. Don't worry. Behind this tree.
- Mrs. Agostina? Come on.
Give us back Spadino,
and we'll be on our way.
- Mama?
- Ma? Mama?
- Mama, wake up.
- Mama, open your eyes.
- Wake up, Mama.
- Mama, can you hear me?
- I'm here, Spadi. Come on.
- Mama? Wake up.
Come on, Spadi.
They'll be fine. Come on.
Nobody here has forgotten about
those motherfuckers, so
- Mmm, glad to hear that.
- Mmm.
'Cause the both of you
need to go back there
and finish up the job you started
once and for all.
Climb back up the ladder.
Hurry up before they move.
These guys are all working as a team.
The Anacletis, Cinaglia, Badali.
And why do you even fucking care?
- Yeah.
- Hmm?
Yeah, why do you care?
Cinaglia is an obstacle
to my interest in city hall.
We all have a problem with the Anacletis,
but Cinaglia is protected by Badali.
He gives him all the shit
that circulates Rome.
We can break this chain.
Let's kill every single one of 'em.
You have to do it though.
You've shown you have balls already, yeah?
We're not idiots, Ercole.
We can't mess with 'em.
One is the king of Rome,
and the other's a Mafia boss from Sicily.
He'll bring an army. We can't do anything.
What if I told you
nobody from Sicily will be coming?
What's that mean?
That means the person who made me
this offer is part of his family.
His name is Santenocito.
He's young, and he's intelligent.
He's determined to make it to the top.
So if we take Badali out,
we're doing him a favor.
And what the fuck's gonna be
in it for us, huh?
No more Anacletis.
That's all that any of us
have ever really wanted, or no?
Ostia is yours.
And over in city hall,
I'll have your backs.
Hmm? You'll be showered with gold.
Let me know soon, hmm?
Have a nice day.
I knew Bonatesta
was only meddling in politics
because of his family.
Who the fuck even knows, Damia?
I mean, can we trust this guy?
Hey, Ce, we already took the first step.
Did you hear?
He's got more planned for us.
- What's it like over there, Damia?
- The fuck did Adelaide say now?
That old lady is pissed off.
We took so much shit from them,
they don't have anything to push anymore.
She's thinking it over.
She doesn't know what to do yet.
Should we maybe talk to her though?
Talk to her?
Are you out of your fucking mind?
We came this far, bro.
Let's go all the way. Bonatesta is right.
What do we got to lose?
We'll take 'em all on.
We can't be fighting a war with them.
Yeah? We have to get even
with those scumbags once and for all.
We'll make Ma and Pop happy.
What do we do, Damia?
What are you asking him for?
He's sitting pretty at the Anacletis'.
He even made one into his wife, this guy!
He showed up for us before, remember?
What do we do?
I'll take a few fish for the kids
if you don't mind.
- We're weaning them.
- Uh-huh.
Shut up.
You know Angelica is my wife.
And now she's one of us.
Put this in there.
Tell me again why you're putting yourself
in Cinaglia's way.
He came up with a plan
I didn't particularly like, so I
Ah, fuck that!
We have all these licenses, thanks to him.
He gives us all support.
Give me that.
You're wasting half the thing.
It's political stuff.
No point in explaining it.
You gotta decide things through me.
Call Cinaglia.
Tell him that you messed up.
- No.
- You telling me no?
I've got better things to do.
The Vatican's waiting for me.
I have a cardinal friend.
What are you thinking, Ercole?
I'm doing things my way for once.
See you around.
I just spoke with Cinaglia.
Your brother and sister would be dead
if it was up to me, you know.
But he doesn't want any more deaths,
and he's in charge.
There's gonna be a meeting tonight.
You Lucianis and Cinaglia
will be there with Badali.
And they'll give 'em something
after the meeting.
What about you?
Me? Oh, the Lucianis are gonna give us
all our money back.
We Anacletis, we better be paid back.
And we'll be expanding our turf in Ostia.
Thank you, Mrs. Adelaide.
They really are shitheads,
but they don't deserve to die.
Well, now we know
what Cinaglia's plans are.
A stadium.
So infrastructure, transport
A ton of money.
Thank you, Felipe.
The slush fund is Badali's.
We knew that it was here in the Vatican.
Nascari was keeping an eye on it all,
waiting for an opportunity.
But now we figured out
his precious opportunity. The stadium.
Did Cinaglia give a timeframe?
It's probably started already.
I'm not surprised.
The money has been here for a while,
but Cinaglia's made his move,
making it clear why Nascari does not want
the majority in city hall to fall.
A criminal conspiracy that's acted upon
through a cardinal of the Curia.
A criminal I intend to remove.
"I'm no fucking saint," either,
as my family would say.
I've been through war, Ercole.
Allies can sometimes be the lesser evil.
You know what this ally says?
That I moved things forward.
This morning, I blocked Cinaglia's motion.
For now, all proposals for the stadium
won't be received by council.
And I will handle
Nascari and Badali's money.
They'll call us when it's done.
How long do you expect this to take them?
Not long.
The Lucianis won't even have time
to get out of their cars.
While we're enjoying dinner,
they will all be extinguished.
Between us and the Anacletis,
how many men did we send over there?
I have always wondered if I was right
to allow you to marry Damiano.
You never thanked me. Not even once.
They're almost done eating.
Will you put them to bed?
Damia, you better not
keep them waiting.
This opportunity comes only once.
Go make your family listen.
I will, Mrs. Adelaide.
You gotta think of your children.
Do right by them, yeah?
At the end of the day, he's a good man.
Being with dogs, he's learned to obey.
Let's go, let's go, let's go!
Step on it!
This dude.
You still ain't done with the dogs, man?
He's working hard, huh?
- Hey, bro, think I heard something.
- Yeah, man. I'm gonna look.
Hey, go check and see what's going on.
Over here.
Somebody got in!
Angelica, your babies! Get them to safety!
Thank you, Adelaide.
Who is this?
You have to come now, Spadi.
Get on a plane.
Everybody's dead, Spadi. Grandma's dead.
Who was it?
Next Episode