Super Mario World (1991) s01e01 Episode Script
Fire Sale
When I got picked to be Game Master, I
couldn't believe I was really in video land.
But ever since I got here, it's been
one exciting adventure after another.
Maybe I'll never go home.
What can I say? I'm hooked.
Super Mario, Super Mario World.
Super Mario World.
Super Mario World.
It's a block from your past.
It's Super Mario World.
You've got to move fast.
Mario and Luigi are doing what they can.
Goshi and the princess
I give a name of my pair.
Super Mario.
Super Mario World!
Super Mario World!
It's a blast from the past.
And Super Mario World, it's a blast.
The thing I love most about
my new pals, is that all these
lovely ice mirrors let me
see myself everywhere I look.
What I don't like.
about my ice palace
is that it's freezing!
I'm so cold I have ice on my feet.
I'm clean and blue, and I hate that.
I hate being cold.
I think it's hard.
I think it stinks.
I think that you better do something
about it before I love my temper!
I want to be warm.
I want heat.
I want fire.
I want it!
I want it!
I want it!
I want it!
And, most of all,
I want it now!
We are going to go to Dome City and get
Mama Fire Plan and bring her back here.
I am never going to be cold again!
I can taste it already.
Dino dogs, Bronto burgers.
Mmm, Stoneberry pie!
There won't be anything left if you
don't stop Yoshi from snack-snatching.
Yoshi, you dinner-devouring dino-brot.
Leave something for the rest of us.
Oh, sorry.
Just for that, my ravenous reptile,
you can go see Mama Fire Plant and bring
back some fireballs to start the barbecue.
Oh, cagumba, mama fire plant lives
on the other side of the river.
And I'm scared of water!
It's not so bad, Yoshi.
You can take the bridge.
You're coming up through my floor.
Well, if it isn't the
gruesome girl herself.
You're coming with me, you stupid Sprout.
Oh, yeah.
Well, take this luggage skin.
You think you're hot?
We'll see about that,
you hot, you're hot.
You'll see about that, you hot-headed,
horticultural heap.
You've been putting on weight.
Oh, Bukabumchuk, I hate water.
I can do it.
But do I have to do it now?
Put me down, you repulsive
robbing wrecked house.
Hey, snappers!
Mama fire plants in trouble.
I gotta help.
Hi coming, Mama Fire Plant!
I'm gonna blister you behind.
You're getting me all
steamed out by meaning.
You're getting me all stained up!
Aye coming.
Aye coming!
Right here!
But where's Mama Fire Plant?
Maybe we should file a
missing plant report.
Ha! Mystery solved.
There's a warp tube under this ground.
Sorry, Big Brother.
I slipped on that melting ice.
Ice? Where'd that come from?
Um, Mama fireplant was
defrosting her freezer?
Moma fireplant must have been kidnapped.
She would never allow ice in her dome.
The last time I saw ice was in Iceland.
Maybe the kidnappers took her there.
We must get her back, Mario.
It's too cold. She'll die in Iceland.
Does ice mean there's water?
No, Yoshi. Ice is frozen
water. It's solid.
Are you sure this will take us there?
Do cupa troopers have shells?
Besides, little brother,
if I wasn't sure, would I do this?
Let's go!
Next stop, Iceland!
I'm sure glad to have something
solid under my feet again.
Bung up a bus stop. This is fun!
There's another platform below us!
No worry, little brother!
I'll give you a hand up!
You've been hitting the linguine, Luigi!
Oh no! Paragumbas!
That was close, little brother.
Little brother?
Little brother?
The paragumbas!
Ah, gumba then!
Ah, gumba then!
Well, that's that.
The only problem is!
What now?
Ah, ah!
I've got him!
You said it, Big Brother!
Yeah, he'd do it for me.
In a minute!
What kept you?
Mario, pay attention!
We've got to find Mama fire plant fast!
It's so warm!
Look at all the slash!
Iceland is melting!
Oh, that means dum-de-dum-dum!
And lots of it!
If Iceland melts,
all of dinosaur world will be flooded.
Mama, fire plant will
be extinguished forever.
Wow, this is more like it!
It's more like it!
Listen, you lady-lounge, Lizard.
If you don't take me back to Dome City,
the cave people will freeze!
They can buy fireball from me.
I'll have a fire sale.
I'll be rich!
Now, let's have more heat.
Or I know one pet chirk
that's gonna end up in
the frozen food section!
Cootie pie rat!
Cootie pie wrap!
Cootie pie rat!
People be cold unless they buy
their fire from a creek
called cootie pie.
Cootie pie!
Cootie pie rat!
Cootie pie rat!
She doesn't care if you feel
like ice.
She's one bad lady and
she ain't very nice.
Cootie pie wrap.
Cootie pie wrap.
Cootie pie, cut.
Cootie pie, you're such trash.
The two things you love
are yourself and catch.
Cootie pie rap.
Cootie pie rap.
She's got me trapped.
Oh my, oh my.
I gotta get away from cootie pie.
She thinks she's got me, but I think not.
I'm gonna make this place get really hot.
Cootie pie.
Cootie pie.
Cootie Fire!
It's all
They stung my porcupine fish.
That means they won't be able
to move until it wears off.
Bigger, banger.
It's all up to me to
save Mama fire plant.
Oh, no!
Oh, water!
How about a swimming lesson?
I hate it when people try to steal back
what I've already stolen!
I'm sleepy.
Goodbye, world!
We had a hot old time.
I gotta save her!
I don't know.
All I gotta say is,
it's great to be home.
But I think the hottest
thing in Dome City
is my little dino hero.
Honey, you can't let my fun any time.
I wonder what happened to Kootie Pie.
Get me out of here!
It's crazy!
I've never been this cold in my life.
Are you listening to me?
I'm turning blue again!
I hate glue!
I hate cold!
It's not big!
couldn't believe I was really in video land.
But ever since I got here, it's been
one exciting adventure after another.
Maybe I'll never go home.
What can I say? I'm hooked.
Super Mario, Super Mario World.
Super Mario World.
Super Mario World.
It's a block from your past.
It's Super Mario World.
You've got to move fast.
Mario and Luigi are doing what they can.
Goshi and the princess
I give a name of my pair.
Super Mario.
Super Mario World!
Super Mario World!
It's a blast from the past.
And Super Mario World, it's a blast.
The thing I love most about
my new pals, is that all these
lovely ice mirrors let me
see myself everywhere I look.
What I don't like.
about my ice palace
is that it's freezing!
I'm so cold I have ice on my feet.
I'm clean and blue, and I hate that.
I hate being cold.
I think it's hard.
I think it stinks.
I think that you better do something
about it before I love my temper!
I want to be warm.
I want heat.
I want fire.
I want it!
I want it!
I want it!
I want it!
And, most of all,
I want it now!
We are going to go to Dome City and get
Mama Fire Plan and bring her back here.
I am never going to be cold again!
I can taste it already.
Dino dogs, Bronto burgers.
Mmm, Stoneberry pie!
There won't be anything left if you
don't stop Yoshi from snack-snatching.
Yoshi, you dinner-devouring dino-brot.
Leave something for the rest of us.
Oh, sorry.
Just for that, my ravenous reptile,
you can go see Mama Fire Plant and bring
back some fireballs to start the barbecue.
Oh, cagumba, mama fire plant lives
on the other side of the river.
And I'm scared of water!
It's not so bad, Yoshi.
You can take the bridge.
You're coming up through my floor.
Well, if it isn't the
gruesome girl herself.
You're coming with me, you stupid Sprout.
Oh, yeah.
Well, take this luggage skin.
You think you're hot?
We'll see about that,
you hot, you're hot.
You'll see about that, you hot-headed,
horticultural heap.
You've been putting on weight.
Oh, Bukabumchuk, I hate water.
I can do it.
But do I have to do it now?
Put me down, you repulsive
robbing wrecked house.
Hey, snappers!
Mama fire plants in trouble.
I gotta help.
Hi coming, Mama Fire Plant!
I'm gonna blister you behind.
You're getting me all
steamed out by meaning.
You're getting me all stained up!
Aye coming.
Aye coming!
Right here!
But where's Mama Fire Plant?
Maybe we should file a
missing plant report.
Ha! Mystery solved.
There's a warp tube under this ground.
Sorry, Big Brother.
I slipped on that melting ice.
Ice? Where'd that come from?
Um, Mama fireplant was
defrosting her freezer?
Moma fireplant must have been kidnapped.
She would never allow ice in her dome.
The last time I saw ice was in Iceland.
Maybe the kidnappers took her there.
We must get her back, Mario.
It's too cold. She'll die in Iceland.
Does ice mean there's water?
No, Yoshi. Ice is frozen
water. It's solid.
Are you sure this will take us there?
Do cupa troopers have shells?
Besides, little brother,
if I wasn't sure, would I do this?
Let's go!
Next stop, Iceland!
I'm sure glad to have something
solid under my feet again.
Bung up a bus stop. This is fun!
There's another platform below us!
No worry, little brother!
I'll give you a hand up!
You've been hitting the linguine, Luigi!
Oh no! Paragumbas!
That was close, little brother.
Little brother?
Little brother?
The paragumbas!
Ah, gumba then!
Ah, gumba then!
Well, that's that.
The only problem is!
What now?
Ah, ah!
I've got him!
You said it, Big Brother!
Yeah, he'd do it for me.
In a minute!
What kept you?
Mario, pay attention!
We've got to find Mama fire plant fast!
It's so warm!
Look at all the slash!
Iceland is melting!
Oh, that means dum-de-dum-dum!
And lots of it!
If Iceland melts,
all of dinosaur world will be flooded.
Mama, fire plant will
be extinguished forever.
Wow, this is more like it!
It's more like it!
Listen, you lady-lounge, Lizard.
If you don't take me back to Dome City,
the cave people will freeze!
They can buy fireball from me.
I'll have a fire sale.
I'll be rich!
Now, let's have more heat.
Or I know one pet chirk
that's gonna end up in
the frozen food section!
Cootie pie rat!
Cootie pie wrap!
Cootie pie rat!
People be cold unless they buy
their fire from a creek
called cootie pie.
Cootie pie!
Cootie pie rat!
Cootie pie rat!
She doesn't care if you feel
like ice.
She's one bad lady and
she ain't very nice.
Cootie pie wrap.
Cootie pie wrap.
Cootie pie, cut.
Cootie pie, you're such trash.
The two things you love
are yourself and catch.
Cootie pie rap.
Cootie pie rap.
She's got me trapped.
Oh my, oh my.
I gotta get away from cootie pie.
She thinks she's got me, but I think not.
I'm gonna make this place get really hot.
Cootie pie.
Cootie pie.
Cootie Fire!
It's all
They stung my porcupine fish.
That means they won't be able
to move until it wears off.
Bigger, banger.
It's all up to me to
save Mama fire plant.
Oh, no!
Oh, water!
How about a swimming lesson?
I hate it when people try to steal back
what I've already stolen!
I'm sleepy.
Goodbye, world!
We had a hot old time.
I gotta save her!
I don't know.
All I gotta say is,
it's great to be home.
But I think the hottest
thing in Dome City
is my little dino hero.
Honey, you can't let my fun any time.
I wonder what happened to Kootie Pie.
Get me out of here!
It's crazy!
I've never been this cold in my life.
Are you listening to me?
I'm turning blue again!
I hate glue!
I hate cold!
It's not big!