Survive (2020) s01e01 Episode Script

Welcome to Life House

[serene music playing]
- JANE: Strange how people
look up to the sky, like it's heaven.
It isn't heaven they see
it's oblivion.
Cold, dark, meaningless
[echoing] meaningless
[intense music]
[breathing heavily]
- Bad dream?
- Plane crash.
- Was he there?
- I couldn't see his face.
- But it was him, right?
- It's always him.
- I couldn't sleep.
I'm gonna miss you.
- Maybe you should ask Dr. M
to get you some extras.
- Fuck, Dr. M.
Does it What does it matter?
I'm not gonna sleep at all once you leave.
- Come on.
- You can't go.
- You know you can come and visit me
when you're well.
- You're lying to me.
Don't lie to me, Jane.
- I'm not.
- You're telling me what you think
I wanna hear, that's
- You know I wouldn't do that.
You know I wouldn't, I promise.
I've never been good at lying.
I've always been proud of that,
but letting her in on my plans
would make her an accomplice
and she could never carry that.
But somewhere deep inside
she knows
the way sisters know.
Welcome to life house
- Hey, Jane.
- JANE: a home for the broken,
the tired,
the sad and the suffering.
You are a lost and forgotten,
ages 14 to 22.
Do not worry. All will be well.
See you later.
Dr. M.
Thirty-six beds with a pool, a sauna,
a private pharmacy for all your needs,
landscape grounds,
and a feelings doctor just for you,
all nestled in the woods
of Northern Oregon.
We specialize in you,
the truly fucked
- No! No!
- JANE: bipolars, and borderlines
- MAN: No!
- JANE: bulimics, and anorexics,
depressives, and suicides,
IEDs, and NSSIs
- please, Mom.
- JANE: Cup of emptiness for her,
cup of tranquility for me.
Sip and swallow your pain.
That's the good doctor way,
but did you read the fine-print
with all the warnings?
That pain you are burying
- is never going away.
- WOMAN: Heard the good news.
You must be excited?
- Yeah, thanks.
- How long has it been?
- Um, almost a year.
- WOMAN: That's a long time
to be away from home.
Sure. I get it.
- She's my mom.
She gets a little too excited
but, you know, it makes me nervous.
- Yeah, moms are a lot.
You'll be OK once you get there.
You'll see.
- Thank you.
This is who we really are
a girl with a beautiful,
but broken mind,
a boy with poison in his veins
a young man with rage in his heart
and me, a girl haunted by a ghost.
- NURSE: Keep the razor where I can see it
and don't turn to face the wall.
Just precaution. You understand?
I know you're good now.
- JANE: If I could, I'd kill myself
right here, right now.
Question isn't why, or how, or when.
It's been decided before me,
before my father, before his mother,
we're cursed.
It's in our blood.
Hey, Daddy.
It's our fate.
We're all born prisoners in our bodies
and there's only one escape
from that sentence,
but it's a lot harder than you'd think.
This disposable razor for example
this is a cutter's instrument,
an attention-getter,
lots of blood, no real damage.
that's your true enemy.
- Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
- JANE: To bleed out takes a lot longer
than you'd think.
See, I could create a scene,
like, last year's.
Lots of blood, lots of drama
- Jane?
- JANE: That was all for show.
I didn't wanna go, I wanted to be saved.
I wanted to be pitied,
martyred, understood.
Maybe just loved.
[indistinct crying]
But this time
I just wanna die.
I'm done.
[door opens]
You spend enough time at life house,
you learn everything
including the security code
to the pharmacy.
- Jane?
- Go back to sleep.
Remember when I told you
I wasn't good at lying?
Well, I might have been lying.
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