Swallow the Sun (2009) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

Episode 1
It's the rebel army!
I don't like to gamble.
All my life, since I was a child, I was always
surrounded by gamblers, so I never gambled.
But you never know what destiny has in store.
Oh my God. Oh my God.
The game isn't over yet.
Let's go.
Wandering through the back country of Africa,
I did it for the first time in my life.
My life had become a gamble.
What are you looking at, you shithead?
You'd better put your head to the floor!
This scumbag hoodlum is begging for death!
Get up.
Hah. Look at this. The hoodlum spirit
hasn't been tempered in this one yet.
You son of a bitch!
You want to die, you bastard?
You bastard! Son of a bitch!
Scumbag thug!
- 1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..!
- Bend over!
- 13..14.16..17..23.. 24..!
- Sit down.
As of this moment, you will
begin work on the construction!
We begin the work!
You will obey all orders as you begin the work!
We obey all orders!
- They've caught them and brought them here.
- Where, where!
- Over there.
- There?
Uh huh.
- They've carted over all those gang members here.
- Oh really?
I wonder where they caught them all?
[I am a criminal. I will accept
the citizens' judgment.]
They look so scary.
They look like troublemakers.
They sure are rough looking.
Oh, you startled me.
What is there to see that you'd come out here?
No matter how much they've sinned
I felt sorry for them.
What is there to feel sorry about?
They said they've gathered the worst of the worst
criminals and sent them here to Jeju Island.
They're all trash.
What are they going to do here?
I heard they were going to lay
the road from Jeju to Seogwipo.
I suppose they're making them pay their debt
to society through manual labor.
You be careful.
- Of what?
- Of those guys
they're a bad bunch
and you never know when one of
them will escape and do something terrible.
I'm saying you shouldn't
wander around at nighttime.
Do you want to meet me at the shack tonight?
I thought you said I shouldn't
wander around at nighttime?
- If you're with me, then it's okay.
- I'm fine.
- Where have you been running around?
- I met Soon Duk.
Two motor mouths get together and gab away
does that produce food or produce rice?
Is eating the only thing in life?
Sung San ahjussi stopped by earlier.
I don't want to.
You haven't even seen him yet,
how do you know if you like him or not?
I don't want to meet him.
Then are you going to live with
your mom for the rest of your life?
Uh huh. I'm going to live with you my entire life.
Crazy girl
Get to it!
Move quickly, quickly!
Can't you move quicker?
Move quickly!
What are you doing?
Work faster!
All tools stop!
Put your heads to the ground!
Number 783! Name: Kim Il Hwan!
Do you consider what you're doing work, you bastard?!
But then, you've never produced a single
drop of sweat in your life
as you sucked the blood out of the citizens.
What can we expect from scumbags like you?
If you don't finish the work scheduled
for today, expect to work all night!
- Commence work!
- We commence work!
Emergency! Up!
Oh, damn
- Hey!
- You're not getting up?
You criminal bastard! Get up!
Get up!
Get in a straight line!
If you're all here sleeping peacefully,
the ones that can die by gunshots are not
fulfilling their duty to the President,
Park Jung Hee, who has bestowed the honor of serving him.
To straighten up your rotted out minds,
you will go into special mental
training every night from now on.
Number 380! Name: Jang Dong Chul!
Recite the pledge.
I pledge my loyalty devote my.. soul..
Get out.
- Number 337! Name: Huh Kang Jae!
- Enemy Principle 1.
Principle 1! Communism is the number one principle
and has been their formal national policy.
They adhere to the rules of the communist leadership.
Principle 3.
Principle 3. The communist government confiscates
all properties under the guise
that it is to benefit all members of the society,
and that all people will enjoy equal social
and economic status.
Get out.
Because of thugs like you, our citizens can't be
properly trained and the race has been tainted.
You are the ultimate in evil.
Get out of here bastard.
"I am a dog. I do what I am told."
- "I am a dog. I do what I am told."
- Do it right, you shithead bastards!
- On your backs!
- "On the back!"
- On your front!
- "On the front!"
Make your movements quicker, you bastard!
- Roll!
- "We roll!"
Are you okay, hyung-nim?
That son of a bitch. I'm going to kill him.
- Man Suk.
- Yes, hyung-nim.
I'm going.
I will escort you.
- No, you try and stick it out a little more.
- Hyung-nim.
If we both stay alive,
let's see each other again.
You bastard!
Let me live.
You think just that will change my mind?
You keep saying hoodlum mentality,
hoodlum mentality
Do you even know what that is?
A thing like loyalty doesn't exist to a thug.
He's mean and evil.
In other words, he's worse than even a dog.
So, with someone like you, he must stab you in the back
or something like that to have some satisfaction.
You picked on the wrong person.
P p please forgive me.
A thug doesn't know what that is, you bastard.
Please let me live.
Search thoroughly!
You must catch him!
Let's hurry!
Move quicker, you asses!
There he is!
You bastard!
Ah! There he is!
Stop right there you bastard!
You bastard!
You bastard!
Hurry down there and retrieve him!
We've searched every inch of the surrounding
500 meters but there's no sign of him!
They said if the body is caught in the rocks under the water,
the body won't surface to the top.
Perhaps it's time to call off the search
You son of a bitch.
Who are you to call off the search?
Even if you have to dive
underwater, find the body!
If you don't find that bastard,
don't even think about returning.
Search every inch you bastards!
Yes, sir!
Just hearing of the soldier makes me shudder.
Oh, Mi Yeon. Her father was beaten
by a soldier and died.
Innocent people are portrayed as communists and then punished
That bastard is worse than a communist!
You have no idea what he is capable of doing,
so if you see him, report him instantly.
Th..th..those rude things.
To someone who can be his mother,
to talk in such manner.
That's why I won't have
anything to do with any soldiers.
Why didn't you sell these?
It was scary with all those soldiers.
Let's just eat it ourselves.
- Should I make some abalone gruel?
- Such crazy talk
it's not any special occasion so how can we
eat such an expensive meal of abalone gruel?
Aren't you afraid of me?
Why didn't you report me?
Because I felt sorry for you.
That's the first time in my life I've heard
someone say they felt sorry for me.
"I'm afraid of you."
"I detest you."
"You're mean. You're evil."
are the only things I've heard.
Come to think of it, I guess I am to be pitied.
What are you going to do now?
The soldiers are everywhere.
I guess I have to swim and escape.
How far do you think it is to the mainland?
I've never swam there, so I don't know.
I can't swim very well.
Will you teach me?
- Where are you going?
- Uh?!
Oh, you startled me.
Why are you so startled?
Uh I couldn't sleep and I was bored,
so I was going to see Soon Duk.
Be careful when you're out.
Oh, you scared me!
Where are you going?
What does it matter to you where I'm going?
With all those dangerous men,
don't be out needlessly.
I'm going to Soon Duk's.
You put on lipstick to go see Soon Duk?
Anyway, this isn't the way to Soon Duk's house.
I'm going to the store first to get something.
- I'll take you.
- I'm fine.
Don't worry about anyone else
and just worry about yourself.
What now?
Am I just anyone to you?
If you're not, then are you
my husband or something?
I've always thought of you,
ever since I was a kid, as my bride.
That's so ridiculous. On whose agreement?
That person to whom giving the
entire world is not enough,
That person that is the reason I live today,
That person who gave me reasons to smile,
I miss that person.
That person I draw with my hot tears,
That person I cannot erase in my heart.
No matter how much I wish,
no matter how much I hope
I can't help but to keep longing.
I will throw it all away, throw all away.
Even my heart that remembers you.
I will forget it all, forget all.
That person that is painful to love.
That person I could not hold on to,
That person I should not love,
If I asked you to stay, I know that you will stay with that one word.
I will swallow the sun for you
and bury you in my crushed heart
No matter how much I hide,
no matter how much I forget,
I can only keep looking through the tears.
I will throw it all away, throw all away.
Even my heart that remembers you.
The abalone fell
I could wash it in the water
The abalone fell
I could wash it in the water
I will forget it all, forget all,
The person that is painful to love
It's enough for me alone to cry in pain,
Even if I have to swallow the sun,
My love is not possible for anyone else,
I will not let go.
I will throw it all away, throw all away,
Even my heart that remembers you.
I will forget, I will forget all for you.
The one I cannot love, the one I cannot love.
Mi Yeon.
Mi Yeon!
This girl of mine that's certain to come to ruins
Where did she take off to now?
What are you doing here?
I don't see too many soldiers out lately.
I'm sure they gave up and called off the search.
They probably think I'm dead.
If you go to Seogwipo,
there's a boat that comes from the mainland
and I'm sure the soldiers will be on guard.
If you go to Sung San Han
Do you want to go with me?
I will find a way somehow to get
the tickets for the boat to mainland.
My lifelong goal had been to die in a cool manner.
But now I want to live.
With you.
I want to live with you for a very long time.
My mom told me to not
associate with the likes of you.
Then you associated with me,
because I was so pitiful?
I'll be going now.
I won't be able to return.
Mi Yeon!
Are you okay?
Are you hurt anywhere?
Damn you!
You rotten bastard!
What did my daughter do for you to kidnap her?
Those kinds are all alike, just like that.
You are the very lowest of the human race!
Oh, my world. How did this my baby?
Stop it. Please stop it!
He didn't do anything!
I felt sorry for him so I helped him!
Please stop. No~~!
You can't, please stop. Stop.
Enough already!
- Mi Yeon, stop that.
- Please stop
Down, you bastard!
I must have really loved you.
Sometimes for no reason,
the tears come from the ache of my heart
I still don't have
the courage to accept you.
I live day by day
in this hell that I must forget
I want to forget
I try to forget
but I keep falling
deeper into the painful abyss. Oh if only this was just a dream,
no, this is a dream.
And I can wake up from it.
That is what I hope.
I close my eyes.
When you come to mind,
I'm afraid I'll see your face so I close my eyes and send you away.
If only this was just a dream,
no, this is a dream.
And I can wake up from it. That is what I hope.
I close my eyes.
When you come to mind, I'm afraid I'll see your face so I close my eyes and send you away.
What brings you here?
Mother, I've become a policeman.
Aigoo, is that so?
I'm sure your mother is so happy.
An officer from her family.
You've made it, you've made it.
Where is Mi Yeon?
She just stays in the room and doesn't ever come out.
What? What are you doing?
Mother, I would like to marry Mi Yeon.
Mi Yeon is just like a person
that's lost her mind.
Mi Yeon not being well,
that's all okay with me.
Please give me Mi Yeon.
Here, I made some abalone gruel.
Try and eat some.
Are you going to starve yourself?
Ki Sang said he became a policeman
and that he wants to marry you.
He's a little simple but he is good hearted.
He finished high school and now that he's become a police officer,
there's no better husband material for you.
Eat at least a spoonful.
Do you want to see your mother die?
What's wrong with you.
Are you with a child?
Whose is it? What man?
Is it possibly?
Aigoo, you crazy girl.
There was no other man's seed to receive that you accepted that criminal's seed?
Aigoo. Let you and me both die.
Let's die.
Aigoo.. What are we going to do?
Aigoo, what are we going to do?
It'll be better to die
Since you can't die, this is the only way.
Don't blame me.
It's a sin for an unmarried girl to get pregnant,
but to add that the father of the baby is a criminal,
that will be the end of your life.
The world cannot know.
Not even the heavens can know.
Do you understand what I'm saying?
Mother, please tell me.
How am I your mother?
Don't say things that'll break your mother's heart.
I've searched all over Sung San Po.
I've looked everywhere but she wasn't there.
Where is Mi Yeon?
And what will you do if you know?
Oh, please!
Do policeman nowadays neglect their work and chase after girls?
- Get out of here!
- Mother.
Be patient just a little bit.
Mi Yeon. Push.
Just a little more, push. A little more.
A little more, Mi Yeon, just a little more.
A little more, a little more. Mi Yeon!
A little more, a little more. Mi Yeon!
A little more, a little more. Mi Yeon!
A little more, a little more. Mi Yeon!
Mi Yeon!
Main Translator: songbird
Timer: cute girl
Editor/QC: evanelric
Final QC: sayroo
Coordinators: sayroo, cute girl
~ Swallow the Sun ~
I don't know how you got involved with Ggot Nae Woon, but if you have a way, get out now.
Once you're involved with Ggot Nae Woon,
what you will become is obvious.
Either a thug or trash.
There's a girl I like. Bring her heart to me.
Whether you have to steal it
or take it from her, bring it.
What's he going to do with all that land?
Maybe he's trying to turn Jeju into his kingdom.
Who are you?
Next Episode