T.P BON (2024) s01e01 Episode Script

I Won't Be Erased!

[bells jingle]
[chimes tinkling]
[funky adventurous music playing]
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon ♪
Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon ♪
Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Bon, Bon ♪
Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Come on ♪
[upbeat retrowave music playing]
[music fades out]
[funky adventurous music continues]
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon ♪
Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon ♪
Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Come on ♪
Come on ♪
Bon, Bon ♪
- Come on ♪
- [music fades out]
[birds twittering]
[soft fluttering]
[tranquil music playing]
The cedar tree finally died
and was cut down.
- [boy 1] Hey, Bon!
- Hmm?
- This is where you've been slacking off.
- [boy 1 humming]
Actually, I was contemplating the history
of this magnificent cedar tree.
This stump is at least four meters wide.
[boy 2] It must be close to 800 years old.
Wow. Eight hundred years old.
My grandfather was born 80 years ago,
so that means
this tree was ten times his age.
Which means that this unfortunate cedar
was born in the mid-13th century.
That's a mind-boggling long time ago.
Back then, the Mongol Empire
was extending its power globally,
both to the west and east.
While in Japan,
the Great Buddha of Kamakura was built,
and Saint Nichiren established
the Hokke sect.
- This isn't a history class!
- Ugh. Yeah, you're hurting my brain.
[man] Attention, everyone!
The groups who have finished
their observations may return to school.
- [children] Okay!
- We probably should head back too.
So then, as I was saying,
for hundreds of years,
the cedar on this hill
witnessed people's joys and sorrows,
hopes and struggles,
and all the changes
that the world went through.
It had quite a life.
That's a pretty cool tree.
[boy 2] Yeah. Impressive, right?
[Bon] Wow. Eight hundred years, huh?
[dreamy music playing]
[music fades out]
[mechanical alarm clock ringing]
[ringing continues]
- [clock clatters]
- [ringing stops]
[woman] Bon, you're gonna be
late for school!
[Bon groaning groggily]
- [bell jingles]
- [Bon grunts, groans]
[woman] Bon!
How did it get this late?
- [whimsical music playing]
- [hurried footsteps]
[grunts] Why didn't you wake me up sooner?
[woman] I tried to many times.
Pipe down. Complaining won't help.
Just drink your milk.
There's no time to eat.
Okay. Yeah.
[murmurs nervously]
And make sure to study after school.
Got it. See ya later.
[both] Have a nice day!
- Bon Namihira?
- Here.
- Furuta?
- [boy 3] Here.
- Hmm. Well, I totally bombed this one.
- [teacher] Hotta?
- [girl 1] Here!
- What's the average score?
I heard 50 points.
Yep. That's what I got.
[boy 1] Oh! Jealous.
[girl 2] You want at least
an average score.
I'm Bon Namihira.
Just as my name implies,
I've always been average at everything.
I'm not the most popular,
but I'm not the least popular.
I'm not in any clubs.
I don't take any extra lessons.
I don't have any special interests.
But the truth is, I actually like
being average at everything.
[pleasant music playing]
[boy 1] Bon, why don't you
come over and hang out?
Okay. But I have to go study first.
Our final exams are coming up, you know.
- [girl 3] Hey, Yoko!
- [all] Huh?
[Yoko gasps] Hey, Yumi!
- Going to practice?
- [Yumi] Uh-huh.
[girl 4] Yumi, let's go!
Uh. Well, I'll see you later.
- Yumiko's amazing.
- Who's that?
That's Yumi from Class 2. She's my friend.
- She's every boy's dream.
- I guess.
'Kay, see you later.
See you, Bon!
[lock clacks]
I'm back!
Welcome home.
[humming cheerily]
"There's some Prince melon for you
in the fridge."
"Please study until five o'clock."
Come on. Give me some space, Mom.
I hate it when you decide
to extend my study time.
Can't we at least talk about it first?
Hmm. Mm.
- [ticking slowly]
- Until five o'clock, huh?
[chewing, gulps]
All righty!
[sighs] Hmm.
Ah-om. Mm.
[ticking slowly]
[grumbles impatiently]
Can't you go any faster?
[ticking rapidly]
[gasps] Huh?
- [murmuring anxiously]
- [frenetic string music playing]
What the hell? What's going on?
Huh? Aah!
[surreal music swells]
[whimpers] Aah!
[music fading out]
[ethereal thrum]
[shakily] Uh
After all that, nothing's changed?
[grumbles in frustration]
[lock clacks]
- [pleasant music resumes]
- I'm gonna go play now!
Okay, have fun!
So, obviously, I had a nervous breakdown
from studying too hard.
I guess too much reading
can make you go crazy.
[dog barking nearby]
- [barking]
- [hurried footsteps]
- [mysterious music plays]
- [Bon] Huh?
[suspenseful music plays]
[murmurs anxiously]
[gasps] Aah!
- [dog whines]
- [Bon straining]
- [thud]
- [grunts]
[girl grunting]
[Bon groans softly]
- [faintly] Ow.
- [girl] Hmm?
[groaning softly]
- [girl breathes nervously]
- [music fades out]
Can I ask you a question?
- Have you seen Uh.
- Uh Huh?
[sighs] Just forget it.
You wouldn't know what I'm talking about.
Oh, man. I've got myself in a real pickle.
- Uh Uh
- [footsteps departing]
- You're weird, you know that?
- [dog barks]
All right. What is going on today?
Day turns into night,
night turns into day.
- [voice nearby] Hello.
- [Bon] Girl falls from the sky.
It definitely has to do
with all that studying.
- [voice nearby] Uh, excuse me.
- What?
[music stops]
- [whirring, tinkling]
- [music resumes]
[murmurs nervously]
[creature] Well, that was a bad idea.
I'm outta here.
[Bon spluttering]
[murmuring anxiously]
[breathes shakily]
This is more serious than I thought.
All this studying,
it's obviously really, really bad for you.
["String Quartet No. 13"
by Beethoven playing]
[boy humming contentedly]
This is from my dad's record collection.
It's pretty cool, don't you think?
- [music ends]
- [Bon] Sure.
[bird chirping]
The sound quality of analog records
is the best there is.
And we have a vacuum tube amplifier,
so it sounds like the orchestra
is right here in the room.
Pretty rad, huh?
[Bon, drearily] Uh-huh.
Okay. What's up with you, Bon?
Oh, sorry.
Today's just been a really strange day.
[boy] Well, what happened?
[hesitantly] Mm
Well, I know it's gonna sound pretty dumb,
and I know there's no way
this really happened, but
did the day turn into night earlier?
And have you seen any girls
- falling from the sky?
- Um.
Are you feeling okay?
[laughs exaggeratedly]
I'm kidding. Just kidding.
Oh, one last thing.
Have you run into
a flying yellow jellyfish recently?
- Huh?!
- Mm
Never mind.
Forget I said anythi [grunts]
- [boy] Hmm
- [Bon grunting]
- [grumbles] Okay, stop touching me.
- [knocks on door]
It sure is hot today.
[warbled whizzing]
- You're here early.
- [both munch]
Did you finish studying already, Bon?
Yeah. All done.
Well, you're real smart,
so you don't have to
put much time into studying.
Mama, flattery that's too detached
from reality just sounds like sarcasm.
What is that supposed to mean?
Tetsuo, you should probably focus
on your studying for finals.
You've got to study if you want
to get anywhere in life, you know.
[door creaks, closes]
Maybe I came at a bad time.
I I should go now.
No, no. Don't worry, Bon. Don't go yet.
My mom won't make me study
as long as you're here,
so please stop talking about going home.
Plus, I haven't shown today's test results
to my parents yet.
You got a zero?
Yeah, and when they see this,
I'll get in trouble for sure.
To the trash you go!
[uneasy music undulating]
- Uh
- Uh, Tetsuo, I
Oh! My test! Gotta get it!
- [murmurs anxiously]
- Tetsuo! [grunts]
[panicked whimpering]
- [Bon grunts]
- [Tetsuo whimpers]
[Bon gasps]
- [uneasy music crescendoes]
- [descending whistle]
- [splat]
- [music ends]
[breath trembling]
[horrified murmur]
[gasps, exhales shakily]
[gasping, murmuring in shock]
[distressed breathing]
- Aah!
- [zap]
[soundscape fades out]
[hurried footsteps approaching]
[warbled whiz]
[girl] Oh no. I was too late after all.
I guess I'm gonna have to
do another rewind.
[creature] What? Again?
Ream, you've been warned
not to overuse it.
Yeah, I know.
But what other choice do I have?
[creature grumbles] Unbelievable.
[door creaks, closes]
- [zap]
- I can't believe I just killed Tetsuo!
I did it! I just killed him!
- Oh my. What is going on, Bon?
- [crying hysterically]
[sobs]I killed him!
- Aah!
- [soundscape distorting]
- [whizzing]
- [Bon gasps]
[distorted wailing]
[distorted audio fades out]
[Bon, shakily] Huh?
[Tetsuo munching]
- [Bon gasps]
- [chewing]
Aah! It's a ghost!
[suspenseful music playing]
The body The body
The body is gone!
Is Is that really you?
What are you talking about?
- [grunts]
- [Tetsuo] What's going on with you today?
Well, I thought you
- [mother laughs]
- [Tetsuo chuckling]
[mother] Tetsuo fell off the balcony?
What a crazy thing to say.
[Tetsuo] We've been right here
in my room this entire time.
- [Bon] Uh. Really?
- [Tetsuo] Yeah. Are you sure you're okay?
[mother] He must be having
a nervous breakdown.
Maybe you shouldn't study
too much, Tetsuo.
I'm beginning to wonder,
is it possible
I am starting to lose my mind?
[faint high-pitched thrum]
[grunts] Huh?
What is this?
It looks like some kind of vehicle.
Is it a rocket?
No, it can't be.
But whatever it is, it sure looks cool.
- [whirring]
- Whoa. What's going on?
- [whir builds]
- What's that weird noise?
- [clank]
- [Bon gasps]
[murmurs nervously]
[steady whirring]
[screams through gritted teeth]
[grunts, sighs]
[cicadas chirping]
Whoa. That was scary.
Shouldn't the tree stump be right here?
[softly] Huh?
[panicked] Huh?
Where's the town?
It's not there!
A nervous breakdown
doesn't even begin to describe
the crazy things happening to me today.
This is totally,
incredibly out of the ordinary.
Okay, something's not right.
Calm down.
I know you can figure this out, Bon.
Relax your brain
and a rational explanation
will just pop into your head.
It's not working!
Hold on.
If this was caused by that machine,
then that machine should be able
to undo what it did, right?
Hey. Where'd it go?
[mysterious music playing]
[chuckles anxiously] Okay, then.
I'm not scared.
I'm perfectly in control
of what's happening.
[suppressed whimpering]
Aah! No!
Wah! Wah! Wah! Wah-ha!
[grass rustles]
[crickets chirping]
[dull chime]
- [breeze gusting]
- [leaves rustling]
- No, no, no, no, no, no
- [woman screams]
[grumbles] I've had enough.
Bring it on. I'm ready for anything.
- [woman shrieks]
- [man 1 murmuring in panic]
No! Please! Don't
- [man 2 grunts]
- [man 1 groans]
[Bon gasps]
- [thrum]
- [gasps]
[man 2 grumbles]
[chuckles menacingly]
Nice doin' business. Pleasure's all mine.
Would you look at that?
Another strangely dressed kid.
- [man 2 grunting]
- [Bon yelping]
[grunts, murmurs]
[chuckles menacingly]
[Ream] Time Lock on!
[Bon whimpers]
[crickets chirping]
[murmuring dazedly]
Uh Huh?
Guh! Wait! Who are you?
Just come with me.
[Bon pants, groans]
What a pain.
Do you have any idea
how hard it was to track you down?
- Huh?
- [creature] Give us back our Time Boat.
[Bon] Time Boat?
The thing you rode here on!
[Bon pants]
I had to get one of our spare boats
from headquarters
to come here and chase you down.
[creature] Yeah. And you can thank me,
'cause I'm the one who found you.
[Time Boat whirs]
- [Ream] Hop on!
- [Bon] Wait, what?
- [Time Boat whooshes]
- [Bon] Wah-ah!
Okay, we should be safe up here.
- [dreamy music playing]
- Wow.
- Thanks for saving me.
- [creature scoffs] Save your thanks.
A decision on how to deal with you
hasn't been made yet.
Deal with me?
Am I in trouble or something?
Forget about it. We gotta let things
calm down. We'll talk about it later.
Will you at least tell me
where we are? [gasps softly]
[Ream] The time is the Kamakura period.
More precisely, it's the summer
of the third year of the Koan era.
This is your neighborhood.
It was called Musashi Province
at the time.
- [Bon] Kamakura period?
- [horse neighs]
I can't believe it.
[Ream] These troops
are on their way to Hakata
to prepare for the arrival
of the Mongol fleet.
If only they had backed off,
but they just had to
behead the Mongol envoys.
Anyway, the shogunate is very busy
with strengthening defenses in Kyushu.
But the actual battle won't begin
until next summer.
Wow. A samurai drama in real time.
It sure is. But more importantly,
we have to get that boat you rode off on.
[Ream] Do you see the spot
where you landed?
I think it was somewhere around here.
- Be more specific!
- [Bon grunts]
We have to get within 100 meters
to be able to locate it.
If we were back in the 21st century,
I would be able to tell.
It was right next to
this big, old tree stump.
[Ream] Oh, I know where that is.
Wait! Wah-ah-ah!
[descending whir]
This sapling is that cedar tree?
[creature] Yeah. That's how trees work.
Then that means
I got to see this same tree
growing near my house 800 years later.
Come on out now.
[Bon] Whoa-ho-ho!
[Time Boat whirs]
That thing knows
how to hide in the ground?
[Ream] It has an automatic
hide-and-seek function.
It's to ensure
that its secret doesn't get out.
[creature] It must have
momentarily malfunctioned,
which is why you were able to find it.
Topachack's cap wrench is all black,
and it looks like it's loose.
That explains
why the reverse time flow was leaking.
[creature] Inspect and maintain.
- Important words.
- Oh, shush.
[creature] It affected you too, right?
- Your night and day got mixed up.
- Oh!
It was near your house
that it malfunctioned.
It makes total sense that I lost control
and got thrown off the boat earlier.
Then, of course, the planned arrival time
and destination got messed up too.
[creature] So then she was forced
to do a rewind.
And she really shouldn't
rely on that too much.
I don't understand a thing
you two are talking about.
Wait. Who the hell are you guys, anyway?
Oh, right. Where are my manners?
- [fanfare music plays]
- Apologies.
I'm Ream Stream of Time Patrol.
I'm Buyoyon.
What? Did you say Time Patrol?
Does that mean you two
are time-travelers traveling through time?
Something like that.
Time Television Surveillance Network,
created with the purpose of saving lives.
We travel through time
and across the globe
to save people from unfortunate deaths.
Wow. That is so cool.
There's one exception.
We can't help
historically relevant people.
Let's say, we go back to the Roman period
and save Julius Caesar
from being assassinated.
Doing this would significantly change
the course of history.
- [Buyoyon] Indeed.
- Uh!
That's why agents aren't dispatched
until after a thorough investigation
has been made.
- All right.
- [Bon] Uh.
It's fixed.
You can ride back on the spare one, okay?
Don't worry. It's set on autopilot.
[Time Boats whirring]
[music fades out]
[Time Boats whirring]
[jaunty music playing]
This is just crazy.
Honestly, even in my wildest dreams,
I never thought an organization
like Time Patrol existed.
I'm not surprised.
They're very strict about keeping
the existence of Time Patrol a secret.
We activate this Forgetter device
as soon as we reach
the destination timeline.
It affects the memory center
in the brains of people in the vicinity,
selectively blocking their memories.
In other words,
there isn't a single person who's seen,
heard, or remembered any of my actions.
- But I remember you.
- Yeah, we know! And that's a problem!
When I finally managed
to locate our last target,
Tetsuo Shiraishi, he was already dead.
All sorts of things were going wrong.
[Bon] Uh
Plus, it was a sudden accident.
So I had no time
to activate the Forgetter. [gasps softly]
So what did they say?
The Time Navigation Law must be observed.
- [Ream] Then that means
- [man] Yes.
Headquarters have decided
to erase Bon Namihira.
Hmm? You're gonna erase me?
What does that mean?
Let's see.
Another way to put it would be
What he means is,
they're gonna disappear you
like you were never even here.
Guh! "Disappear"?
They want you to kill me?
Oh, please, Bon.
We don't ever kill people.
[sighs] Oh, man. You really had me scared.
Time travel must be kept secret
and protected at all costs.
Bad people could easily
take over the entire world
if they had access to its powers.
[chuckles] Well, yeah.
Nobody would want that to happen.
Unfortunately, you finding out about
this secret has put us in a real bind.
And to fix it, we just need to make it
as if you never existed.
If we go back in time
and prevent your parents from marrying,
you'll never be born.
And if you were never born,
then you'd never know about Time Patrol.
Guh! But you just said
you never kill people!
And now that's exactly
what you're going to do to me!
There's a difference.
This way, it's like you never existed
in the first place.
What are you talking about?
I'm here with you right now, aren't I?
Do I have to draw you a diagram?
If we alter the present
by going back in time
- [man] Don't waste your breath.
- Uh.
There's no point
in trying to convince him.
Ream, can I count on you to do it?
- Yes. I'll take full responsibility.
- [Bon murmurs]
[man] This cylinder contains
all the data on the Namihiras.
- [Time Boat whirs]
- I'm on it.
[gasps] No!
[Ream whimpers]
- Stop it!
- [Buyoyon] What are you doing?
- Let go of me!
- I won't be erased!
- [Ream screams]
- [Bon] Aah!
[both screaming]
[Bon gasps]
- [dramatic music playing]
- [Bon garbles]
What is this place?
I'll help you
if you promise not to erase me.
I don't need your help!
- [screams]
- [Bon gasps]
Isn't that thing
a Futabasaurus?
[murmurs nervously, pants]
- [Ream screams]
- [Bon grunts]
[dramatic music continues]
[breathing heavily]
- [zapping]
- [growls]
[Time Boat whirs]
Are you all right, Ream?
- I'm sorry.
- [man] I'm glad I made it in time.
Headquarters wants us
to hurry up and execu
I won't let you!
[Buyoyon] Whoa! Knock it off!
[Bon straining]
- Calm down! Get a hold of yourself!
- [Bon grunts]
- No way! Aah!
- [weapon cocks, zaps]
[Bon, echoing] I won't
be erased!
[birds calling, chirping softly]
[groans wearily]
[birds calling, chirping softly]
A dream?
[Ream] And to fix it, we just need
to make it as if you never existed.
- [Bon gasps]
- Understand?
Oop! Doh!
- [hurried footsteps]
- It wasn't a dream.
[dramatic music playing]
I'm going to disappear.
Dad! Mom!
I'm going to be erased!
[grunts, panting]
[murmuring nervously]
[grunts, gasps]
Mom, you're here!
Well, good to see you too.
What's got you so flustered?
I was worried.
Huh? What about?
Oh, look at you. Your hair got all wet.
Was it raining outside?
Huh? Uh
[mother] What have you been up to?
Now go get changed or you'll catch a cold.
[Bon sighs]
It's fine that you went out to play,
but did you study until 5:00
like I asked you to?
- Yeah.
- [mother] Really? I'm impressed.
Well, how about steak for dinner tonight?
[Bon] Yeah, sounds good.
[bubbling continues]
[breathing anxiously]
Where'd you go?
- Calm down. You don't need to shout.
- [gasps]
- Huh?
- You're acting even kookier than usual.
- Uh. [whimpers]
- [mother] Huh?
Seriously, are you okay, Bon?
Maybe we should try
a little less playing outside
and a little more studying for the next
- [zap]
- [Bon gasps]
[somber music playing]
- [bubbling intensifying]
- [pot lid rattles]
[whimpers] Mo Mom?
- [Time Boats whir]
- [murmurs anxiously]
Sorry to intrude like this.
Bon Namihira,
after taking a closer look
into your future,
we found that you're relevant to history.
[Buyoyon] Yeah, unfortunately.
The course of history would change
if we erased you.
So that means, to have the existence
of Time Patrol remain a secret
[Buyoyon] We've been left
with no other choice
but to have you join us
as our newest agent.
- [flatly] Woo-hoo.
- [Bon] Wait. What?
[bubbling violently]
[steam hissing]
[Bon] I'm relevant to history?
[kettle whistling intensely]
I'll be joining
[whistling intensifying]
[music swells]
- [whistling stops]
- [Bon] Time Patrol?!
["Tears in the Sky" by Lena Leon playing]
[music fades out]
Next Episode