Taali (2023) s01e01 Episode Script

Teesri Ladai

"The man who heals the hurt,
Lifts the downtrodden from the dirt,"
"Recognize him as a sage,
A true image of God on life's stage."
"Hello, my name is Gauri."
"Yes, your very own Shree Gauri Sawant"
"Some people refer to me as a "hijra,"
while others see me as a social worker"
"Some call me dramatic.
Some call me a game changer."
"However, there is someone
in this world who calls me mother."
"This is the narrative of my journey."
"It is a story of transformation,
from abuse to appreciation."
"Allow me to take you
on this journey with me."
"You see,
this Gauri was once known as Ganesh,
"and he had one specific goal in life."
What is career aptitude test?
It means what do you want
to be when you grow up.
This is the test. Got it?
Ganya, get up.
What do you want to be when you grow up?
You want to become an inspector
like your father, correct?
NO-NO madam. I don't want to be a cop.
I want to be a mother.
I want to cook round chapatis,
do household chores,
and take care of everyone.
You know what?
- I also want to adopt a baby.
- Ganya, stop. Sit down. Sit down.
Men can never be mothers. Idiot!
You sissy.
- You sissy.
- Quiet.
Ganya, sit down.
Silence. Be quiet.
You are making so much noise.
Sachin. Sit down. Sit.
What's wrong with you guys?
You are making so much noise.
This is crazy.
Ganya, go stand outside.
Six ones are six.
Six twos are twelve.
Six threes are eighteen.
Six fours are twenty-four.
Six fives are thirty.
Why can't I be a mother?
To be a mother,
you need to have a child.
And men can't bear children.
So they can't be mothers.
Well, then I don't want
to be a man. Simple.
Your hair has grown out, Ganu.
You look like a jungle boy.
I want them to grow even longer,
until my waist.
Don't say that in front of Dada.
Is he going to eat me up?
"To whom can I pour out my soul?
Who will understand me?"
"Anxiety seeps deep within,
causing my heart to spin."
"What is that mysterious sound?
Like a sweet aroma that surrounds."
"It resembles the jingle
of bangles on my soft wrists."
"In the mirror's reflection,
a new identity I see."
"Should I marvel at my own grace
or embellish myself with a new embrace?"
"Senses elude, leaving me confused."
"Senses elude, leaving me confused."
"To whom can I pour out my soul?
Who will understand my goal?"
"Anxiety seeps deep within,
causing my heart to spin."
I have spoken to him.
Give me the best price.
You mean Vicky Baba?
No, I mean Lord Sai.
I know about Sanju Baba,
but who is Vicky Baba?
He is the boss's son.
- Whose boss?
- Our boss.
I have only one boss.
The Almighty.
- It's 40 grams.
- You are offering me the best price, right?
It's the best price.
It's 1,10,000.
- This design is rare.
- I know.
I mean it is a treasure, rarely.
You won't be able to buy it back.
Why are you selling it?
Because for a mother,
her children are the greatest treasure.
And I have 12 of them.
Why are you staring at my belly?
If I can't be Devki,
at least I can be Yashoda.
In any case, I will be a mother.
This country
needs more foster mothers.
I'll get going now.
- Send my regards to Vicky Baba.
- Sure.
Come here.
Kids, look.
I brought colas for all of you.
Take it. Here you go.
- The plane's nice, right?
- It is nice, Amma.
- Take it, Raju.
- Thank you.
Take it, amma.
You should have some too.
No, I am fasting.
- Until?
- I'll break it tomorrow evening.
So we could have celebrated tomorrow.
No, I wanted to celebrate today.
Drink it properly.
- Yes, mother. It is very tasty.
- You have some too.
You must be the only one
who celebrates before a fight.
You look at it as a fight, munna.
But I see results.
if the higher-ups pass the order
stating that we can never
be citizens of this country,
then what?
When will I meet them?
- This is nice.
- What did the lawyer say?
He said this order will either
push our country four steps ahead
or ten steps back.
I ask him a simple question,
and he replies with paragraphs. It's crazy.
I have given it my all.
Now let's see what we get in return.
What? Now do you want me
to become Ms. Universe?
Okay. If you actually
become Ms. Universe
what will be the first thing you do?
Come on.
You wretch.
You want to go to court? File a case?
You want to be a mother?
Hit her.
Get back.
Come on, kids. Get back.
You want to go to court
and destroy our values?
Who's there?
I'm coming.
Who's there?
Let me see you.
- You punks.
- Come on. Go. Go.
I am coming. Stop. I'll show you.
- You scums. Come here.
- You'll rot in hell.
Are you alright, amma?
You are fighting for our people.
And they are hounding you.
What did you think?
Our fight is not just against
the outside world.
We need to start
by cleaning things internally.
Are the kids alright?
Yes, amma
Countrymen, we'll know
in approximately 3 hours
if our country will accept
or reject this immoral demand.
What will be the consequence
of incorporating this entity
which has been limited to trains, alleys,
and markets, into our mainstream society?
How fair is it to give recognition
to this community
that is associated with crimes,
extortion and sex rackets?
Will it encourage child prostitution,
child trafficking, and drug use?
Text a 'Yes' or 'No' to 5555 to vote.
That's it for now.
With cameraman Ravindra, this is Suman.
B News.
The Delhi airport is as crowded
as a local bus station.
What's wrong with this city?
- Give me money, sister.
- Here, take this.
Take this note if you want money
or this card if you want a job.
Give me the money, sister
Tell me your name.
- Karisma.
- Hometown?
- Near Guwahati.
- I see.
- Family lineage?
- Man Kalyan.
- Group name?
- Total Dhamaal.
- Wife's name?
- Payal.
Now tell me your child's name too.
You want me to tell you
my child's name, huh?
Take this. What a loser.
Let's go. Lousy woman.
What was that?
He was a man. He is not one of us.
He is a man.
I have been here 4 years now, Gauri.
You don't need to translate for me.
I know Hindi.
Okay then, listen to this.
I believed my reputation
couldn't be further stained,
But they targeted
innocent lives under my name.
Won't you say wow?
I don't know it that well.
Amanda, asking for money
and extorting money
from people are two different things.
These are the men
who extort money from people
at the expense of our reputation.
- You are incredible, Gauri.
- I know.
Would you be here to cover
this interview if I wasn't?
So should we start?
Why me?
There are other petitioners too.
Take their interviews as well.
But I am not covering the case.
I'm covering you. Gauri.
Everything seems logical in English.
Actually I'm glad you are sitting there.
My left side profile is better.
Look, everything about
my life is available online.
I'm tired of repeating myself.
- And I think people are too.
I am entertaining you because
you were referred by Teddy Bear.
Ask me if you have something new.
- Sure.
- Hmm.
What did your father have to say
when you were transitioning?
Now that you are petitioning
the supreme court.
How did he react?
I don't know.
Dada and I haven't seen each other
in the last 16 years.
Governments have changed.
Fashion has changed.
Now apart from male and female,
we also have emails.
The only thing that hasn't changed
is Dada.
Is there anything you'd
like to say to him now?
Now, let's listen to Laavni
from Maharashtra.
This is Laavni, right?
Yes, madam.
- Turn up the volume.
- Yes.
"I radiate charm, confidence,
and desire,"
"Set ablaze by a burning fire,"
"I radiate charm, confidence,
and desire,"
"Set ablaze by a burning fire,"
"Sparks ignite, danger surrounds,"
"Sparks ignite, danger surrounds,"
"O' My life in peril,
uncertainty abounds."
- "I see him. I see him."
- Come.
Dada. Please listen to me.
- Listen.
- Mother.
- Swati.
- Mother.
- Ganu. - Let's go home.
- Wait.
Dada, leave him.
Come on.
How is he
What kind of sick joke is this?
I was away for training
for two days and you do this.
Couldn't you choose any other song?
Please calm down.
Dada, it is not his fault.
You know I'm not
that kind of a father
who would discipline his kids
through physical punishment.
Have I ever raised my hand
or voice against you?
No, Dada.
If I don't make mistakes, why do you?
- Please calm down.
- Actually, he enjoys dancing.
- Swati.
- Sure. Do it.
But like this?
Dance to a different song.
Inside the house.
Who is stopping you?
Have as much fun as you want.
But our fun should not be
a joke for others.
Am I wrong here?
Listen to me
- Please, calm down.
- Dada
Come here. Come to me.
- Leave it.
- I won't hurt you. Come.
Come. Come here.
I don't care what you become
or don't become.
But never again dress up
as a girl.
Got it?
You won't? You won't, right?
You won't, right?
Please calm down.
Have some water.
Have some water.
Don't stress yourself.
Got it?
Listen mister,
it is not low it is quite high.
Which duty caused you
this stress, huh?
The duty of being a father.
I bought borkut for Dada.
and a packet of vermilion for mother.
Even they bring things
for me when I am upset,
then everything becomes fine. Simple!
There is only one thing
I get when I lose my temper.
Milk bar?
No. A scolding bar.
You should hide behind
your mother's veil.
No place in the world is better
than your mother's apron.
'Sad demise.
Mr. Dinkar Sawant from our colony'
So that's where your battle began?
First battle.
First fight:
For my identity.
The second for survival.
And this, the third one:
For equality.
She is here.
Stay strong. I am here.
I'll be right back.
- Gauri?
- Yeah.
- Ready to go?
- I was born ready.
Put it inside.
- Gauri ma'am. Gauri ma'am, one question.
- Gauri ma'am.
- Ms. Gauri.
- Gauri ma'am.
- This profile please.
- Thank you, ma'am.
Ms. Gauri, this is your first time in Delhi.
How do you feel?
Ask Delhi how it feels.
I have been to Delhi three times.
Twice in transit. Once for a conference.
You should have done your homework.
Ms. Gauri, how crucial is it
for transgenders to obtain legal rights?
As essential as a mother is to her child.
I'm Divya Prashant.
I would like to ask,
what if you lose today?
Because there won't be
petitions or changes after that.
It is a significant risk.
Are you not afraid?
Fear is necessary.
Everything begins with fear.
Right, dear?
Ms. Gauri, how supportive
is your community towards you?
- Most of it is.
- So not everyone.
Come on, you can come in power
if you have 40% support.
I have more than 90%.
I never scored that much in my exams.
Ms. Gauri,
looks like your childhood dream
of becoming a mother
is going to come true today?
He has done his homework.
Yes. It will be a start.
Once I become a citizen
I can be a mother too.
One last question.
After the hearing.
- Gauri ma'am One question.
- Goodbye.
Let's wrap.
Check the wire.
Let's go there
and take another sound bite. Okay?
Why are we here, Gauri?
For support.
Mother India.
From one mother to another.
Come on. Greet Her.
- Excuse me.
- Hmm?
Who is Gauri among you?
Why don't you guess?
It can't be her, right?
- So that leaves who?
- Oh, so you are Gauri.
Ma'am, can I have a word with you?
He seems more like a clown.
Stop this nonsense or next time
it will be an actual bottle of acid.
- Run!
- You scum.
- You runt.
- Stop. - Damn you.
Stop this drama right here.
Or we will kill you.
Get out of here.
You bitch.
Leave before it's too late.
Next Episode