Talentless Nana (2020) s01e01 Episode Script


Kill the enemies of humanity.
Save 10 million lives.
"Talentless Nana"
My name is Nanao Nakajima.
It's been six months since I left
the city to live on this desert island.
Episode 1: Talentless
Good morning.
But I'm still not fitting in.
This is an elite academy exclusive to kids
from around the world with paranormal talents.
'Sup, Normie?
Ooh, "super-kids have epic battles" manga!
If kids this talented really existed,
they'd be superheroes.
I did your homework, Moguo.
I thought I told you
to call me, "Prince of Flames"!
M-My bad "Prince of Flames."
Bullying doesn't suit you.
Nanao is a chosen one, just like us
even if he is talentless right?
Your Majesty!
You wanna settle this outside?!
Not now.
However, as an ice wielder,
the day will come when I shall
have to fight you for supremacy.
That's right.
I don't have any paranormal abilities of worth.
As you all know,
you have been brought here to this
remote island to undergo special training.
Everything you learn
will help you destroy the enemies of humanity!
This enemy, who appeared before us 50 years ago,
has hidden among us and is
a continuous threat to the human race!
There must be a reason our
teacher sounds so impassioned.
If we are to stand a chance against this
powerful enemy, your talents are needed!
Nay, they are essential!
Yeah, how many times have we heard that one?
Come on, just bring in the newbie.
Come on in.
Kyoya Onodera
I'm Kyoya Onodera.
Hey, pal, is that all you've got?
This is an elite class of super-heroes!
What's your talent?
Is there some rule that says
I have to tell you?
His talent is still private.
Even I don't know what it is.
What is this guy's deal?
100 bucks says he killed a man.
The bigger a Talented's power,
the more likely he is to hide it.
So he must be crazy-powerful.
We have another transfer, but--
Sorry I'm late!
I ran all the way.
Nice to meet you all!
I'm Nana Hiiragi!
You all have question marks on your faces,
so let's just get this out of the way.
I can read minds.
I kinda suck at reading a room.
Honored to join the class!
Hiiragi, I'll have you sit
Sitting next to a cute girl like this
makes me nervous I'll do something stupid.
Hey, Nakajima?
Do the other kids bully you?
Sorry about that!
I kinda heard you thinking that.
If I'm annoying you, feel free
to shove something in my mouth.
R-Right. You can read minds.
But they don't bully--
Hey, Nana.
Nanao is an enemy of humanity.
He's a Talentless.
At this school, isn't that fishy?
This school's supposed
to be for the Talented only.
But I thought enemies of
humanity would look more like this.
That's the standard type.
You'll probably learn about the ones
that are giant or look like people.
I rest my case! You're clearly
talking about yourself!
Show us your true form,
self-appointed leader-boy!
You're being awfully cocky
for a wimp, don't ya think?
Cut it out! You're hurting his feelings.
you're just using Nakajima as an excuse
to come over here and ask me out!
Well, the answer is no!
Where'd ya get that idea?
I heard you think it!
B-B-But I wasn't thinking about asking you out!
As friends, maybe
By the way, why did you call him,
"self-appointed leader boy?"
I see you've been doing your
research on enemies of humanity.
And I know what a nice boy you are!
Nice? Why?
I heard you.
You have a pet cat.
I can't bring her to the dorms,
but there's a cute kitty on my commute.
Would you like to be friends?
Also, what's the
"self-appointed leader boy" mean?
You two!
Sorry, sir! I couldn't stop chatting.
Listen, Hiiragi,
didn't you learn proper classroom
conduct at your last school?
Also, your voice was way too loud for chat--
Sorry, sir!
You wanted to talk to us
about selecting our class rep?
Reading minds sure comes in handy.
Just don't use it during midterms.
A class rep is sort of "leader," right?
Now, are there any volunteers?
That's elites for you!
Everyone is so wonderfully assertive.
Hands down, losers. We're battling
the enemies of humanity, you know?
Of course the most powerful person
in the class has to be it!
I concur.
It's what you call, "Nobelesse Oblige."
Eee! Class Rep!
I nominate Nanao Nakajima!
He's a very smart and studious boy.
And, more importantly, he's nice!
Sit down, Normie.
It's not Nanao's fault he's boring.
Fine. You tell me, what kind of
person is worthy to be class rep?
I mean, have any of you actually
seen an enemy of humanity,
let alone fought one?
No one has. Right, sir?
Correct. Even I haven't seen the real thing.
See? You deserve it, Nakajima.
I deserve what, now?
I don't even want it.
Hiiragi, read the--
You can call me Nana.
Okay, then.
Fatty, Bishie, and Nakajima
you three can duke it out.
What colorful language.
I'm surrounded by idiots.
Sounds like fun!
If I must, I must.
Bu-- I didn't
Nanao, we don't have to
give you a handicap, right?
Since birth, my upbringing was
different from everyone else's.
But it wasn't all roses.
I never learned how to make
friends or bring people together.
Aim for the top.
For someone like you, the dullest in our family,
this is your chance to shine for once.
I will, Father!
Listen well. My first
piece of advice is crucial.
No matter where you go, always
make others see you as a leader.
I've come to defeat the enemies of humanity.
I'll become your leader and keep you all safe!
Good luck tomorrow.
I'm not fighting.
I could never beat them anyway.
But you're their self-appointed leader--
Look, I don't know what
you read in my mind, but stop.
This island is so vibrant with natural wonders.
Why're you following me?
Would you please give me a tour of the island?
Everything is still so unfamiliar to me.
Seriously what's her deal?
Ohh, I didn't know this place was also free.
Our tuition, the dorm water, and utilities--
everything's covered by the state.
We get a stipend, too.
"Why do you keep following me?"
Is that what you're thinking?
Yeah. Well mostly.
You're really weird, you know?
I'd better be weird to be chosen
to come to an island like this!
Are you ever insecure?
Your life suddenly changed that day
when you got that red paper.
You got one, too?
Half a year ago, yeah.
Before I could even process my
feelings, they brought me here.
What does your talent feel like?
I just hear people's thoughts in their voices.
I can hear their fleeting thoughts,
and if I focus, I can dig up
their innermost thoughts, too.
Wow, that's amazing.
I don't think it's amazing.
I used to commute to school on a packed train.
It always sounded like
everyone was on the phone.
What do you mean?
I could hear them.
All those one-sided conversations.
It was so distracting, it drove me crazy.
I wasn't able to make a single friend.
I wanna go to the seaside!
Watch out, Nana! That rope is pretty old.
Nakajima, I know you're not talentless.
If you really were talentless, they
wouldn't have brought you to this island.
My talent is nothing noteworthy.
Why don't you reveal it to the class?
A lot of us don't
as a precaution.
A precaution?
The only ones who can beat the
enemies of humanity are gathered here.
This is a training ground for war.
So the enemies of humanity
have already infiltrated this island.
It's just a rumor, though.
You think it's bad if the
enemies know our powers?
Well, they are intelligent.
That's why I think your
powers can be quite useful.
You think the enemy is already here
to kill the heroes before they mature?
Yeah, but it's just a rumor.
But that's impossible--
What are you doing?
I'm investigating
"Seiya Kori: Ice wielder"
"Nanao Nakajima: Talentless?"
"Nana Hiiragi: Mind reader"
quite a few things.
Th-Thank you.
What happened?
It felt like a gust of wind was pushing me.
It happened so fast.
It freaked me out.
Oh, God Do you think it was the enemy?
L-Let's go back?
Hey, Nakajima, I think you
should be the class rep.
Seriously, why do you keep pushing me?
Because your mind is the purest in the class!
I sensed arrogance from the others--
probably because they're Talented.
But you're special!
And in your heart of hearts,
don't you want to be their leader?
That's why you're here! To hone your
powers and defeat the enemies.
Stop calling me a leader.
You're not my father.
Sorry. Forget I said that.
I came here to fight the enemies of humanity.
I'll train hard so that someday
I can save humanity and the world.
And I think that works for you.
In your heart of hearts, you
idolize your father, don't you?
Seriously amazing.
You really can read my mind,
whether I want you to or not.
I'm sorry.
I can just hear it. I can hear your sadness.
But you don't understand me.
Wait Actually, you kind of totally do.
I feel violated.
You feel violated?
My father forced me to come here.
So I came, desperate for his approval.
I'm not leader material.
That's why Moguo and the others make fun of me.
But back at the cliff, you saved my life,
and it wasn't for your father's approval.
You did it without thinking right?
You don't know when to quit. Just go away!
Why'd she have to storm in and ruin everything?
One of the kids at school
forgot his lunch today.
And I'm sure you were a good class rep
and shared your lunch with him.
Yeah! Of course I did, Father.
Good boy, Nanao.
That's right. For your birthday this year
Here to annoy me after hours?
This is the boys' dorm, you know?
You left this in the cafeteria.
I noticed on the way back.
Sorry I keep bugging you.
Good night.
It's almost bedtime.
Did she go out looking for this just for me?
So, Nakajima's out of the running, eh?
It would seem so.
I want a clean fight, boys.
Don't overdo it.
If we indeed fought all-out,
this fight would be to the death.
Just the way I like it!
How about we make this
an old fashioned punch-out?
The first to fall down loses.
Get to it, boys!
--Kick his ass!
--You've got this!
Oh, now you've done it.
E-Easy, boys! Don't use your powers!
Final Fire!
"Leader"? What a waste of time.
This is all a joke.
Dang it!
Congratulations on being elected leader.
Son of a--!
Okay, calm down.
I guess Nana didn't care who our leader was.
Look. I'm one of the true Talented ones.
And you subject me to weak
slapping matches like this?
Don't frickin' insult me!
Yikes. I got carried away!
I wasn't able to make a single friend.
Aim for the top.
You will be a leader!
Become a leader?
I couldn't care less!
Sorry The watch I should've thanked you.
Nakajima How?
I have the power to neutralize
other people's powers.
That's all I've got.
Th-That's an amazing talent!
--You saved us, Nanao!
--Thanks, for real!
I knew I was right. You're the only
one who can bring the class together.
I'm the leader I still can't believe it.
You were born to lead. I think a leader
needs to be more than a good fighter.
I really owe you one, Nana.
I was lying to myself.
I'm scared of my father.
But you're right. I do idolize him.
I know you can grow up to be like him, Nakajima.
Call me Nanao. We're friends, Nana.
By the way, just to clarify,
you have the ability to neutralize any
power that's directed at you, correct?
That's the gist of it.
I don't think my talent extends
to the psyche like yours does.
Is that really all you can do?
Well, yeah. I was pretty useless at home.
It's not unusual for the Talented to not
realize the potential of their own talents.
Especially with you. You should really start to
bloom, now that you're around your own kind.
I'm going to have to harness my talents
to serve humanity in the coming battle.
Can you neutralize things
that touch your body, too?
You may be right!
So, if I don't want you reading
my mind, should I just touch you?
Sorry! I wasn't coming on to you!
I meant, like, holding hands!
For the first time ever
I can't hear your voice.
It's so surreal!
I don't have to eavesdrop on your
inner-voice or talk back to it either.
She's probably had a tough time, too.
Say, Nana.
Try to guess what I'm thinking right now.
Without using my talent?
Can you guess?
Oh, I know.
I'm so glad we're friends, Nana.
"Why do I have to be killed by her right now?"
Was I right?
Want to know how I "sensed" you
were an outcast the first day we met?
You were pretending to read a book.
You weren't even turning the pages.
It was clear you cared how
the class perceived you.
Wh-What is she saying?
I "sensed" that you were kind
because of the cat scratch on your neck.
An oversized, expensive watch
on your wrist: obviously a gift.
Even though you keep it immaculate,
you forgot it in the cafeteria.
You clearly had mixed feelings about it.
There was a rift between you and the
gift-giver. I deduced it was your father.
You yelled at me for reading your mind
just like I wanted you to.
What the hell?
I-I thought you could read minds
It was a lie?
A talentless human mixed in a school full
of the Talented suspicious, right?
B-But why'd you go to such extreme?
Oh, God You're an enemy of humanity.
No. It is you who are the
true enemies of humanity.
Especially you. You were on track
to becoming the enemy commander.
It was nothing personal.
I didn't mean to trigger your past trauma.
I just needed to know how far your talent goes.
Some of your kind can shoot
fireballs, teleport instantly--
you're monsters with limitless possibilities
but would you die if pushed off a cliff?
This is the question that consumed my mind.
For the sake of humanity,
I ask that you please die.
Nanao Nakajima
Potential kill count:
1 million+
Next episode: Time Traveler
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