Tales from the Loop (2020) s01e01 Episode Script


Good evening.
Or good morning,
depending on where you reside.
My name is Russ Willard,
and I'm the founder
of the Mercer Center
for Experimental Physics,
which was constructed here
beneath the town
of Mercer, Ohio,
and which is referred to locally
as the Loop.
Its purpose:
to unlock and explore
the mysteries of the universe.
As a result
of our unique research,
you will see here sights that,
well, you'd say were impossible.
And yet, there they are.
Everyone in town is connected to
the Loop in one way or another.
And you will come to know
many of their tales
in time.
So, where now to begin?
this is bigger than your theories.
- It's about limits.
- Limits you ignored
with your Vagabond project.
Alma, there's a right and
a wrong way to pursue answers.
You can't just steal
a piece of the Eclipse
and think no one will notice.
I've done nothing.
- And Loretta?
- What about her?
She needs a mother.
And instead,
you're putting her in danger.
She can take care of herself.
- The same can't be said for you. -I don't
want to listen to any more of this.
Alma, I'm telling
you, put it back.
Get out of my house.
Get out of my house!
That man
why was he mad at you?
He's mad
because I took something.
- You told him you didn't.
- But I did.
You told me
that I should never steal.
- That it's wrong.
- I didn't steal it.
I, um, obtained it.
Will you give it back?
First, I need it
for an experiment.
Can I help?
No, it's too dangerous.
The thing you obtained,
is it from underground?
What do you do down there?
You wouldn't understand.
Yes, I would.
Maybe one day you will.
Wouldn't that be something?
- What?
- Us.
Working together at the Loop.
I'd like that.
You don't even know
what we'd be doing.
It doesn't matter.
We'd be together.
We would, wouldn't we?
Will you give it back?
First I need it
for an experiment.
Very good, Jerry.
Thank you.
Much improved, Betty.
There you go,
to check your work.
See me after class.
Your mother will be proud.
What are you doing?
Hit it in the eye
and it's good luck.
How would you like
to be picked on?
But it's a robot.
Ever wonder
where robots come from?
Leave me alone.
My brother says it's part
of what they do underground.
Like, they made them,
or found them.
What are you doing
out here anyway?
- These are my woods.
- No, they're not.
Well, not officially,
but what are you doing?
- Looking for someone.
- You lost?
No. She is.
I don't need your help.
You don't want to go in there.
Told you. Haunted.
Oh, nice.
I collect the good ones.
Who you looking for?
Your friend?
My mom.
I can help you find her.
If you want.
Your house was here?
- I've just never seen it.
- 'Cause it's gone now.
Your mom work underground?
So do my parents.
Maybe they know where she is.
My mom should be in her study,
but we have to be quiet.
She doesn't like being bothered.
You read my proposal.
There are a few
remaining concerns.
- Unanswered questions.
- I've considered every variable.
- It's all there in my proposal.
- Mom.
There's no doubt you've put
the work in. I'm not saying that.
- Well, then,
what are you saying? Okay. - Mom?
- Can't you see the adults are talking?
- I just
Cole, I'm with your grandfather.
- I just wanted to ask
- Cole.
I'm sorry.
- He's just a boy.
- Oh, he knows better.
So do you.
My mom
Come on.
I'll show you my room.
This is my brother.
She's looking for her mom.
Uh, did you tell Mom?
Sort of.
She get mad?
Here. You might find this neat.
When a star dies,
it doesn't always supernova.
What's that?
Oh, it's, like,
a bright explosion.
So instead, it can just vanish.
Quiet, like switching off
a light.
And all that's left
is its phantom.
Gravitational pull.
A black hole.
Hey. Where you going?
I've got to keep looking.
What's that?
Alma took it.
From where?
Down there. Underground.
What material is this?
I'm coming with you.
Your dad.
I saw his arm.
I know, it's weird.
He takes it off at night
and plugs it in the wall.
And your mom?
She's not really around.
Sounds like Alma.
Why don't you call
your mom "Mom"?
- She doesn't like it.
- Yeah.
I don't think my mom
likes being a mom, either.
That's not what I said.
- I didn't mean to make you mad.
- I'm not mad.
- You seem mad.
- Well, I'm not.
- We're going to find her.
- How do you know?
I just do. Think.
- If you were her
- I'm not.
But if you were,
where would you be right now?
What did my father say?
Mm, same thing he always says.
Try not to work too late.
Here. Come here.
Put your ear down like this.
But it's cold.
Don't be a sissy.
What is that?
I think it has something
to do with this.
And whatever
they're doing down there.
- Hi, Cole.
- Hi.
I'm looking for Alma.
Her mom.
She works here.
She disappeared.
I see. Well
Okay. Give me a second.
Hey. I've got a girl here
looking for her mom Alma.
Okay, are you sure?
I'm not sure
how to tell you this,
but it doesn't seem
like your mother works here.
That's wrong.
- I'm just trying to be helpful.
- You're lying.
- Hey.
Cole was just here
with a little girl.
He was?
I'm calling because
it's the oddest thing
she says h-her mother's name
was Alma.
- You there?
Hello? Hello?
See her?
You're going in there?
You looking for someone?
Do you know whose she is?
What happened back there?
I knew I
If I had just gone in
to check on her
Gone in where?
If I had stayed home today,
then we'd still be together.
If I had a kid,
I would never do this to them.
I'd be there for them, always.
The little boy
didn't know how to read yet.
For him, Paddle was just
a wonderful toy
he had found by chance.
Take him home
and keep him forever.
And then he made
his big mistake.
What do you think
happened to her mom?
That's my mom's.
Your mom, what's her name?
It really happened.
What did?
Thought it was a dream.
The girl.
She's me.
The girl, where is she?
- You know about her?
- Hey, answer your mother.
She was in your study.
And I told her
not to go in there,
and s-she ran off.
You know who I am?
I know
it's confusing.
Where's Alma?
She doesn't come back,
does she?
Did I do something
to make her want to go?
No, you didn't do anything.
Then why did she leave me?
Alma was conducting
an experiment.
I you
spend years
figuring out how.
Th-The science.
But we never learn why.
Turns out
not everything in life
makes sense.
You're me, right?
I know
you feel alone right now.
But it's not always
gonna be this way.
My house?
It's yours.
Cole and Jakob? They're your
My sons?
You have a home.
A family.
A whole new life.
It's all waiting for you,
I promise.
Just give it time.
As hard as this is to say
I don't think
she wanted to be a mother.
said the same thing about you.
Can you show me
where this comes from?
What is it?
The Eclipse.
The beating heart of the Loop.
Everything aboveground.
The reason that you're here now.
The Eclipse is responsible.
Alma took it for her experiment.
She wanted to see
where the Eclipse came from.
Is that where she is now?
No one knows.
You'll wonder
if this really happened.
Or if it was a dream.
One day, many years from now,
you'll hear that a little girl
is looking for her mother,
and you'll say
these same half-forgotten words.
What now?
Where do I go?
As time passes,
you'll see so much.
Things that you'd say
were impossible.
And yet, there they are.
Can we discuss this tomorrow?
Whenever you're ready.
Can't sleep?
Did you find her?
I did.
Everything's okay now.
Come here.
I do something wrong?
No, not at all.
I found this on the way home.
You collect these, right?
Is it a good one?
My mother.
She-she left me
when I was your age.
And I want you to know
I'm here, okay?
I'll always be here for you.
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