Tandav (2021) s01e01 Episode Script


The exit polls indicate
a landslide victory tomorrow
for the Devki Nandan
and Samar Pratap Singh led JLD
for the fourth consecutive time.
But politics, just like cricket,
is extremely unpredictable.
You'll be getting a new
government tomorrow.
But for now, all I can give
you is some soulful music.
-United we stand!
-Return our land!
-United we stand!
-Return our land!
-United we stand!
-Return our land!
-United we stand!
-Return our land!
-United we stand!
-Return our land!
-United we stand!
-Return our land!
Yes, I'm coming to college.
I'll be there in 40 minutes.
Bye. Bye.
Saleem! Ayub!
They need me back at the college.
I need to leave.
You guys stay here.
And Mother's here as well,
look after her.
Mom, I'm leaving.
I'll be back as soon as I can.
Please, be careful.
-United we stand!
-Return our land!
-United we stand!
-Return our land!
-United we stand!
-Return our land!
-United we stand!
-Return our land!
-United we stand!
-Return our land!
-United we stand!
-Return our land!
-United we stand!
-Return our land!
The citizens of this country are
shoving a stick up the government's ass.
Half of them, want a factory.
Made in India!
When the government starts building one,
the other half of these fuckers
want their lands back for agriculture!
Don't they get it?
They cannot have both!
Why are you worrying?
Here have some.
Take it.
Listen I'm no farmer.
if you utilize all the
land for your factories
what will we eat?
I need more soda.
Fuck, we're doomed.
Things are about to heat up.
Hail India, sir!
-Sir we could have managed this.
-Yes, sir.
Please don't trouble yourself.
Foreign investors are involved, Thakur.
They want to set up a factory here.
-United we stand!
-Return our land!
This land is important.
I want this crowd dispersed by evening.
Don't you wish to see our
great nation progress?
Of course, sir!
I get it.
The country's progress is important.
But, sir
I don't get your party sometimes.
Which side are you on?
At times, you fight for the farmers.
Now you're against them.
There's a thin red line
that separates the right and the wrong.
That line's called politics.
That is where we stand.
That's great!
-You'll definitely win tomorrow.
-Of course.
Congratulations in advance, sir.
Get ready.
To commit a sin.
Sir without an official order?
Count to three.
-There's your order.
Hail India, sir!
Sure, sir.
Yes, sir.
Alright, sir.
we're going to hell.
Stay away from the barricades!
I'm warning you for the last time!
Where are Imran, Ayub and Saleem?
There they are.
-United we stand!
-Return our land!
-United we stand!
-Return our land!
Stop creating a ruckus!
You're forcing us to take strict action.
Did you find them?
There they are.
-United we stand!
-Return our land!
Bash these bastards!
Fire warning shots!
-They went into the fields.
-Good for us.
Let's go.
Come on! Get those bastards!
-Motherfucker! Stop!
-Get him! Get him!
Get him!
Fucking cuntlicker!
-Stop right there, motherfucker!
-Fucking asshole!
Get him!
Get him!
Shoot those fuckers!
Fucking assholes!
-Opposition's loss, nation's gain!
-Devki Nandan once again!
-Opposition's loss, nation's gain!
-Devki Nandan once again!
I'm right outside Mr. Devki's house.
If the exit polls are to be believed,
JLD might win more than
300 seats tomorrow.
The entire nation has its
eyes transfixed at this house.
This house is where we'll soon have
the most exclusive interview of the day.
We'll be back in a short while
with Mr. Samar Pratap.
-Long Live!
-Samar Pratap Singh!
-Long Live!
-Samar Pratap Singh!
-Long Live!
-Samar Pratap Singh!
-Long Live!
-Samar Pratap Singh!
your son has surpassed you!
-Long Live!
-Samar Pratap Singh!
Yes, he has.
-Long Live!
-Samar Pratap Singh!
throughout my political career
I've committed innumerable sins.
I had to.
But I've never divided this nation.
Power in this man's hand
will be the end of
democracy as we know it.
-Long Live!
-Samar Pratap Singh!
Look at his face.
Don't you see
a dictator?
-Long Live!
-Samar Pratap Singh!
-Long Live!
-Samar Pratap Singh!
-Long Live!
-Samar Pratap Singh!
-Long Live!
-Samar Pratap Singh!
-Long Live!
-Samar Pratap Singh!
-Long Live!
-Samar Pratap Singh!
-Long Live!
-Samar Pratap Singh!
-Long Live!
-Samar Pratap Singh!
The Malakpur job's done, sir.
Grab a bite.
Is it vegetarian?
All your deeds are non-vegetarian
but you're a bloody vegetarian.
Hello, Dad!
-I'm cooking today!
-Did you
get the news about Malakpur?
Tiwari's boys have messed up, big time.
The fucking police shot the farmers.
The guy wasn't capable
of managing Kanpur,
you gave him the
charge of an entire state.
I had told you, the guy isn't
worthy of being a chief minister.
The party doesn't function
as per your whims and wishes.
I've buried this incident, as of now.
No one's reacting to it and
you should cancel your interview as well.
How can I cancel it now?
Everything is ready.
This isn't the first time
I'm telling you to cancel it, is it?
I had asked to wait for a couple of days.
Do it once the results are declared.
Garima has been pestering me.
Alright, do it.
But keep it short.
Keep your mouth shut about Malakpur.
At least, for another hour,
you don't even know it exists.
Have you finalized defence?
Aditi had called.
Ask her to hold her horses
for a couple of days!
You're thinking about
giving it to Raghu, right?
At the moment,
I'm not thinking about anything.
Yes, he's a better option than
Aditi, any day.
Do you really think the Indian Army is
going to salute a 34-year-old woman?
Of course, it will.
If you wish.
You won't say a word
about this in your interview.
No ministries, no portfolios,
no alliance, nothing. Not a word.
You worry too much.
We will win tomorrow.
"We will win"
and "We have won" are
two different things.
Trust me.
We've been in power for
the past three terms.
Many of my friends have
stabbed me in the back.
politics has but one rule
"The one who sits on the throne
is the king."
And the faster you learn this
the better.
Please keep this in mind, at least
for the duration of this interview.
I have a small request.
Please ask me if Aditi Mishra is
going to be the next defence minister.
Raghu Kishore!
Son of Anuradha Kishore!
The youngest defence-fucking-minister
of the biggest democracy in the world!
In the world!
Mr. Samar
if I say
that I have with me,
the son of the man, who's going to be
the prime minister yet again,
what would be your reply?
My reply would be that you tend
to beat around the bush a lot.
I'm just joking.
Seriously speaking, now is not
the right time to talk about this.
Election results are a lot like aging.
I mean, we all prepare for it.
But when it happens,
we realize we were not prepared at all.
Got you.
Clean your nose!
Did you see the crowd?
This time
there's no need to wait for the results.
Mr. Samar, rumors are that this time,
it's going to be a young cabinet.
In fact, you'll be playing a
big role in its selection.
-Samar, bro!
-This morning--
Looking sexy, yo!
Where's the supreme leader?
He's with Mr. Gopal Das.
See you.
Mr. Samar, rumors are that this time,
it's going to be a young cabinet.
And you'll be playing a
big role in its selection.
I had a word with
Ms. Aditi Mishra this morning.
Oh, really?
What did she say?
She says there's a strong possibility
of her name being considered.
Did she say that?
Not exactly,
but that's my question to you.
The party makes these decisions.
Mr. Devki Nandan decides.
But if you want my personal opinion
I think Ms. Aditi is one of
our brightest young leaders.
She's the nation's first
female fighter pilot.
I think her experience with our
defence forces will be handy.
So, she could get the defence ministry?
That's not my decision to make.
Okay. At least tell us, if you are
going to be the nation's next PM?
That's Dad's--
That's Mr. Devki Nandan's decision.
This is going to blow up!
Hail Narayan! Hail Narayan!
Sana, increase the volume.
Lord Shiva!
My Lord!
Lord Rama's follower count on
social media has been rising!
We need to step up our social media game!
What should I do?
Upload a new picture?
You're too naive, Lord.
Try something new.
In fact, try tweeting
something sensational.
Something scandalous!
Something like
all these students are anti-nationals!
-They say they want freedom.
What the
Come here.
Freedom was supposed to
be a cool thing, right?
Has the concept changed?
Hail Narayan! Hail Narayan!
Yes, tell me!
What's this freedom you people want?
-Freedom from
-Hunger and Poverty!
-Freedom from
-Freedom from
-Freedom from
Oh, now I get it.
You don't want freedom
"from" your country,
you want freedom "in" your country.
So, please ask them to "live"
but let us live as well.
-You cannot enter without VC's permission.
-Fuck off!
The anthem that every single one of us
takes great pride in singing,
they want us to sing it at gunpoint!
Ideally, freedom means
freedom that can be
taught in our syllabus!
That can be printed in our papers!
An ideal world,
is a world where a laborer
gets paid before his sweat has dried off.
So, you're Imran?
Yes, I am.
-Fucking terrorist!
-What are you doing?
-You cannot do this!
-Where are you taking him?
-One minute!
-How can you hit me?
-Bring him!
-Move! Move!
-Sir, you cannot do this.
-Come on!
Sir, this is illegal!
Get in! Close the door!
-Sir, please listen to me.
-Yes, we'll chat at the police station.
-Hey, what's wrong?
-Move! Move!
They have arrested Imran!
The cops have arrested Imran.
Maybe, because he was at the protest.
Which protest?
Imran's village falls under
the new Special Economic Zone.
The government has been forcing
people to sell their land.
They say it will be an expressway,
but they are setting up
some chemical factory.
The farmers have been
protesting against it.
The cops barged into the light room,
called him a terrorist,
thrashed him and dragged him out.
-How can they do that?
-They have no right!
-Was Imran a part of the protest?
-Yes, he was.
His whole family was at
the protest this morning.
-Come, let's have a look.
-Yes, let's go!
Breaking news!
Mr. Samar Pratap Singh,
in his recent interview,
has hinted at Aditi Mishra being
India's next defence minister.
Aditi Mishra is an ex-air force pilot.
And she has been India's
first female pilot.
You know, sometimes Samar
reminds me of Sanjay.
Thank God, you're not Indira!
Thank God, he isn't Sanjay either.
He'll live longer.
I wouldn't mind seeing
you in a Banarasi Saree.
What are you saying?
Have you lost your mind?
Send them in.
It's Raghu and Kailash.
Is the Malakpur situation under control?
Yeah, we've buried the case.
Kailash has been looking into it.
Hello, sir.
Bless you.
So, what have you been up to?
-Aditi Mishra.
She has been hogging the limelight.
It's only a matter of a couple of days.
Then, the stage will be all yours.
What are you doing?
Touching my feet repeatedly
won't get you two portfolios.
You may leave.
Hey, come here.
Tell your mother
that barring the two
months before the election
Devki only speaks the truth!
-You may leave.
You guys must be thinking
I'm a fool.
I'm making a huge mistake.
I'm handing over the defence ministry
to a guy who has won just
one municipal election
and that too, by 12 votes.
If he wasn't Anuradha's son
the idiot won't even be
hired for a 12,000-rupees job.
But, he does have
two qualities.
that every single one of our
ministers should possess.
A quality that our soldiers have.
If you ask them, "Any questions?"
They'll reply, "No, sir!"
And the second
you can use him anyway you want to.
That's because
he doesn't understand
the concept of revenge.
I would like to say something
with your permission, of course.
Now, I've to listen
to what you have to say.
His father
was a cobbler.
Excellent craftsman!
Very hardworking man.
Listen up!
We've oppressed you
people for generations.
Which is why
the government gave you guys
the crutches of reservation.
And then, we had to
clean our image as well.
If this wouldn't have happened
you wouldn't even be
worthy of sitting with me.
Do you understand?
He wants to talk.
Take care.
Maybe he doesn't know
that everyone understands
the concept of revenge.
What's wrong?
Shiva, they've locked Imran up.
-Hey! Hello!
-We'll look into it.
Where are you going?
This isn't your uncle's holiday retreat.
This is a police station!
Get out!
-I want to meet the Circle Officer.
-He isn't here.
-What is this hooliganism?
-We won't move!
Who's the officer-in-charge?
Hey! Braveheart!
Keep your voice down.
We'll thrash every single one of you!
Do it!
Tell me the amount.
It's not about the money, madam.
We have orders.
We can't let him go.
They're injured.
What can I do?
Listen my uncle's land is also--
When will the in-charge be here?
He won't be coming today.
Did you have a word with Divya?
Is everything ready?
Are you sure about this?
Are you having second thoughts?
Why are you saying that?
I've never seen you this scared.
Look closely.
You'll never see me like this again.
Sir, the blue one will suit you.
Gray's better.
Let me show you some more shades.
Now that madam has said,
gray's better
Of course.
What did you tell Raghu?
"I only speak the truth."
Are you happy?
I'm not here just because
you're making Raghu a minister.
And neither am I here just because
you're going to be the prime minister
again, in a couple of days.
Do you remember?
You had planned on leaving
everything behind 30 years ago.
What if I hadn't stopped you at
the Old Delhi railway station
and if you had boarded the train?
How different would your life be?
everything that I have today
You wanted to have a word, Dad?
Yes, Anuradha wants to talk to you.
all I wish to say is that Raghu
is like a younger brother to you.
The respect that you've
granted our relationship,
even after knowing everything
I'll always be grateful to you.
Please, look after Raghu.
I love you a lot…
even if you don't believe me.
I'll take your leave, Devki.
-I'm getting late.
-Come, I'll drop you off.
Don't forget your medicine.
So, you're dating him?
Yes, I'm dating all three of them.
Do you have problem?
You didn't have the
permission to enter VNU.
Ma'am, dating is very common these days.
I didn't mean to hurt you.
When are you letting Imran out?
You are good kids.
Your parents have scraped every penny
to ensure you're here, to study.
There are 70 students outside.
And you know very well,
that none of them are kids.
never fuck with someone
who can fuck up your life.
Sorry for the language, ma'am.
What I meant was
never mess with someone,
who can mess up your life.
Hey, Chaudhary!
Our language is so beautiful!
You can threaten someone
by using respectful words.
Sorry for my language, Mr. Thakur!
Read up as many books on
law as you can tonight.
Because the court won't be
giving you time for revision.
And, lawyers aren't exactly your
best friends these days, either.
young India has such great orators!
Well said, son!
Your words
conclude our peace talk!
I love what you just said.
I especially loved your tone!
Let's move ahead.
And we'll move ahead in the same tone.
I had warned you.
Why did you talk about
Aditi in your interview?
Sorry, Dad.
She asked, I answered.
I'm your father.
I'm not the Indian public.
Stop messing with me.
Will you have a drink?
No, thanks.
You're going to be the
prime minister for the third time.
It calls for a small celebration.
Alright, I'll have some wine.
Gurpal thinks it will be a
landslide victory for us.
Of course.
Let's play some music.
Yeah, sure.
Let's play your favorite track.
Sure, play it.
Bash these bastards!
-You fucking bastards!
-Get them!
-Get them!
What the fuck!
Shut up!
This ticket!
Anuradha still had it with her.
I was about to leave
everything and go back.
She stopped me.
And today
Cheers, Dad!
Why didn't you marry Anuradha?
Please, don't tell me you did it for me.
Because, I know there's only
one thing that you love.
Your position
and the power it wields.
Are you out of your mind?
Do you really think,
we're winning because of you?
Do you understand the importance of
my contribution to this campaign?
Of course, you do
but your fragile ego
won't let you admit it.
Just one minute, Dad.
Your heart will stop.
And the postmortem reports will be clean.
What do you want?
-Run! Run!
-Get out!
-Get down, motherfucker!
Hey! Stop!
You will get nothing!
I'm sorry, Dad.
I had tried everything I could.
But your ego
your stubbornness
and your stupidity
forced me to do this.
Rest in peace, Father.
Next Episode