TASUKETSU -Fate of the Majority- (2024) s01e01 Episode Script


The train on track number three
is soon approaching.
-Morning, Saneatsu.
You're energetic as always, Kazuhiko.
You really hate
this intel class, don't you?
Intel? You mean, computer class, right?
I'm really not good at it.
-Yeah, you really do suck with computers.
-Shut up!
-Is Ryuta not here yet?
-He's probably tardy again.
-Stop talking and turn on your computers.
-I know, I know.
What's this?
Professor Shinozaki, there's
something weird on the screen.
Something weird?
It's just a screen saver.
Click on something and it'll go away.
Where's the love?
-It's gone.
-Hey, Sato,
-get back to your seat.
-Yes, sir!
-You're late, Ryuta!
-Hey, tardy-boy!
Shut up, straight-F boy!
-Hey! You promised not to tell anyone!
-Come on guys.
-See you guys later! Bye!
See you tomorrow.
I'm going home too.
Seriously! We're not gonna hang out today?
Today is the anniversary
of my mom's death.
Is your dad still overseas?
Yup, he just sends me money
for my living expenses.
Well, if you ever need anything,
just tell me.
We're best buds after all.
Go to hell.
-See you tomorrow then.
-See you.
Here's the place.
-This is gonna be a great night.
Here you are.
We just bought this last year.
He's not picking up.
It's really quiet today.
Maybe I'll go pick up Ryuta.
Did his parents already leave for work?
He's probably still sleeping.
Oh well.
Hey, Ryuta! What's wrong!
Are you all right!
Hello? Saneatsu?
-Thank God.
Ryuta's in trouble! He collapsed at home.
Ryuta too?
Listen, Saneatsu.
Ryuta is probably dead already.
We've been waiting for you.
Glad you're safe.
Can somebody explain to me
what the hell is going on?
I'm Yagihashi, student body president.
Let me be the one to explain.
In conclusion,
I have no idea what's going on.
-What the hell answer is that?
-Our families are all dead.
I believe that
the only people from this school
who are still alive are us.
Saneatsu Narita,
you saw the town on your way here,
didn't you?
All public institutions are unresponsive.
It's likely because everybody is dead.
Everybody in this town
Me too
I woke up this morning,
and my whole family was dead.
I don't know why this is happening,
but people all over the town are dead.
Out of all the students contacts,
we were only able to get in contact
with the ten students here.
Most likely the other students are
-Look, Professor.
-I didn't touch anything.
Is this the message that I saw yesterday?
No, the content is a little different.
What? Did you see that message too?
-I also saw it.
-Me too.
So did I.
-Did we all see it then?
Does anyone remember what it said?
It said
Oh, it disappeared.
It's not connected to the Internet.
Or rather, there's no Internet service.
-Ms. Fujishiro.
As a student council member,
I have a favor to ask of you.
It's not working.
Thank you for the food.
No gas. Water and electricity still work.
The radio works as well.
Everybody, stay at home.
Pack up any belongings you may need,
and we'll all come back here tomorrow.
Please make sure to be here.
It's for your safety.
Hopefully, we'll get answers tomorrow.
Tomorrow, huh?
I will now take roll.
I'm Saaya Fujishiro.
I'm in Year 1, Class D.
I'm Mika Kaido. I'm in Year 2, Class B.
I'm Jin Omi. Year 1, Class C.
I'm Eren Kunashiri.
I'm in Year 2, Class A.
I'm Ryohei Sudo. I'm in Year 3, Class F.
I'm Sotaro Shinozaki, Professor of
Data Processing for first-year students.
-I'm in Year 1, Class A
-Wait a sec.
Where's the student body president?
The student body president
is dead.
I have a message from him.
What do you mean he's dead! Like suicide?!
You've got to be kidding me!
At a time like this!
Watch your mouth!
The student body president has a theory
as to why this happened.
It has to do with the question
displayed on the computer.
The question
The question from two days ago
and the question from yesterday.
Both were yes-no questions.
We didn't answer anything.
But the president said
I commute to school from Saitama,
so if people are dying
because of this question,
either me or one of you will surely die.
-That's absurd!
-But maybe he's right.
If the people who answered "no" to the
question from two days ago are dead,
it all makes sense.
That would mean that everyone
who didn't see that screen died.
-Is it another question?
-Wait, something's different.
-It's not a question.
-What does it mean by trial run?
I guess we will get
a new message later tonight.
I'm getting a grasp of the situation,
but I can't process all of it.
Sir, please open the conference room!
That way, we can all see the projector.
-Okay. I'll get it ready!
-Is this for real?
Is everyone here?
Wasn't there another guy here yesterday?
He wasn't here during the day either.
Oh, that weird, scruffy guy.
Maybe he's dead.
Did you contact him?
The thing is
I couldn't find the student contact list.
I tried redialing his number,
but both calls and texts
are not going through.
You're right.
We'll give up trying to contact him.
Why does it matter?
We're the only ones alive anyway.
How can you be sure?
What if this is all just a bad prank
People don't die for a prank!
You all happen to be alive.
Nice to meet you. I'm "The Emperor".
To the one million survivors in Tokyo,
the trial run is over.
We will now take a majority vote.
A majority vote?
The character "lose"?
The rules are simple.
You are to find a blue mailbox
or a red computer in the designated area,
which changes daily,
and submit a question
with two answer choices.
Questions that include the designation
of a specific individual
or questions that have
already been accepted once
are invalid.
The first valid question received
will be selected.
The daily cut off time
will be at 11:55 p.m.
A readout will be broadcast at 11:58 p.m.
Then, at exactly midnight each day,
the majority of the two answer choices
will die.
The majority dies?
If no one submits a question,
it will be chosen at random
from the system.
-This is a joke!
-Even if we're lucky,
the number of survivors
will be reduced by half in a day.
In addition, a total of 65 envelopes
have been placed
in the designated areas,
where you can acquire
the magical power
of privileges and rights.
Each person can acquire
one right and one privilege.
Once acquired,
they cannot be exchanged or changed.
Please make the most of it.
Like a magical power, huh?
When the last person survives,
I will give you the right
to meet the Emperor.
The last survivor can meet
with the Emperor?
I will now announce
tomorrow's designated area.
Fujishiro will be the leader.
I'll be the deputy leader.
Sudo's the chief adviser.
Today's area is right here
in Suginami Ward.
Let's find a red computer
or a blue mailbox
and meet together again at 11:00 p.m.
We are allies.
Let's definitely survive this!
We're splitting up! Unbelievable!
I hate you all! You're all idiots!
Stupid idiots!
All the bodies are gone.
Are there really
a million survivors?
But if that was true, it's too deserted.
What did you want to talk about alone,
even stopping your mailbox search?
Since you're our new leader now,
I wanted to tell you
what I am thinking.
Let's take down the Emperor!
-Take him down?
-Surviving is meaningless if you're alone.
So for me, surviving is not my goal,
but it's a means,
a means to find the Emperor.
First of all, there is no guarantee that
there will be a survivor.
We were told that, "If the last person
survives, they can meet the Emperor."
That's "if they survive".
If we all choose the majority,
we will all die.
The fact that we can meet him means that
the Emperor is out there somewhere.
We have to find and stop him.
We need to keep in mind
that majority votes can cause problems.
So far, the Emperor has only issued
a few rules.
For example, what happens
if the majority vote splits in half?
Will it be a no-count, or will both die?
Or will there be some sort of adjustment?
The worst-case scenario is that we don't
know the extent of the invalid votes.
It's a multiple choice question
with only two answers to choose from,
so there's not that many options.
What the hell is the Emperor thinking?
Or is he not thinking?
A game where the majority loses, huh?
There's a lot we don't know.
Can I tell you something
that's been bothering me too?
As of this morning, gas, Internet,
and phone services are all out.
But electricity, water and radio services
are still working.
There must be a reason.
This morning?
-In the morning?
I was just thinking
about the morning before yesterday
Why was everybody so calm?
It's all thanks
to the student body president.
We were all called by him over the phone
and forced to gather at the school.
And he made us make phone calls.
At first, I thought "Why?"
But thanks to that,
we were able to remain calm.
I think the president
was thinking of our well-being.
Hold on, wait a minute.
How did the president,
who lives in Saitama, come to Tokyo
when the trains aren't even running?
How did he get to the school
before everyone else?
Can it be that he
he knew that the majority vote had begun?
Sa ne a tsu.
Why are you suddenly calling me
by my first name?
Relax, take it easy.
you never know when your life
is going to end.
At the very least,
you want to be close to your pals.
-Atta boy.
But I didn't think you were so smart.
In my class, I'm actually known
as a good student and a good athlete.
Although I suck at computers.
I'll leave the computer to you.
I'll go find the mailbox and the Emperor.
I'll help you find the Emperor too!
Let's do this, Saneatsu!
-I touched your hand!
Maybe we can take something from here.
It might be useful.
-Would that make me a thief?
-I got too close.
Yeah! Paper!
Let's get some receipt paper
to write down our questions.
-Why don't you open it?
-Let's wait till everyone's here.
I couldn't find the mailbox after all.
I guess there's no computers
at the school.
Finding a computer is not that easy.
Finding a mailbox might be easier.
I thought someone was on campus.
Where in the world did you get that?
I don't need to tell you a thing.
I found it on the side of the road
and borrowed it.
Wait a sec. Just now
I was right after all.
Killing is the answer!
That's the way to stop this majority vote.
Are you going to shoot me?!
-Of course.
-I refuse.
There you are!
Let's head to the entrance now!
-What's wrong?
Sudo-senpai is wandering around
with a gun!
Narita, Fujishiro, Sato! Get in!
Narita, watch out!
I won't let you, four-eyes!
Oh, I see. So you wanna die first?
No way
Damn it!
I'm not giving up.
I've narrowed down your location, Emperor!
We can't go back to the school.
I'm glad you're all okay.
Do we look okay? Kaido hasn't come back,
and no one has found the mailbox.
This is horrible!
Let's go look for it.
We still might be able to find it.
Professor, please take over
as chief adviser.
Okay, I will.
But make sure to come back here.
Damn it!
"Still might be able to find it."
What am I saying?!
Saneatsu, let's take a break.
I told my best friend to go to hell
as a joke.
I regretted it after he died
and swore to at least avenge him.
But I'm powerless.
Hey, Saneatsu. Let's take a photo.
This is a good time for a photo.
You wanna take a photo?
-Saaya, you're good at taking photos.
-I'm just average.
I look at the whole image,
then I adjust it or trim it.
My phone can't even take selfies
in the first place.
I'm not interested in that kind of stuff.
It's just unnecessary.
With everyone
Maybe we should've taken a photo
with everyone.
With everyone, huh?
I let my guard down.
Let's watch it here.
We'll meet up with the rest afterward.
It's time.
We will now take a majority vote.
What will it be What's the question?
No way This can't be happening!
Promise me one thing.
The survivor will
Defeat the Emperor. I promise.
It is now midnight.
Subtitle translation by: Mel Nishi
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