Tattoo Redo (2021) s01e01 Episode Script

Who's Ready to See Some Bad Tattoos?

Oh, hey, there! What happens when the
person you love has a tattoo you hate?
You bring 'em here and we cover it up.
Mirror, mirror on the wall ♪
Said, "You look like shh" ♪
It happened ♪
[Jessimae] Behind every tragic tattoo,
there's always a ridiculous story.
Blake lost a bet.
I got it when I was 14.
I was at a friend's house
and he had a tattoo gun.
I just thought I was in love, y'all.
Lucky for them,
five of the most talented tattoo artists
in the business
are standing by to give them
a tattoo redo.
Honestly, girl, I don't know what that was
on your back before.
But clearly, these people
cannot be trusted with their own skin.
So the person that brought them in
is going to choose the cover-up.
Dun-dun-duhhhh! ♪
Oh, my God! No!
You better not mess me up, bro!
Welcome to the best day of your life!
- Please be kind.
- [laughing]
Will they love it? Will they hate it?
Grab your grandma and some popcorn.
We're gonna find out together.
- Let's do this.
- Are you guys ready to tattoo?
- We're ready!
- Whoo!
We've got three people coming in today.
They each are with a loved one,
who has a tattoo they can't stand.
And they are going to choose the cover-up.
I got a couple classy ladies
I think would be perfect for Matt,
- 'cause he's so classy.
- All right, I think I can handle that.
- [Jessimae] Lookin' crisp and classy.
- Yeah.
- We'll take care of them.
- And then, Rose,
because you're so fabulous,
I've got a couple
of really fabulous fellas.
- I'm down. I'm down for that.
- And then, Tommy.
Wait, don't tell me. You've got some
crackheads for me, huh?
[all laughing]
I have a tattoo that needs your prayers.
- I got my chain. Oh, that's my
- [Jessimae] All of it.
Well, I got my tattoo machine
- and my cross, so I'm ready.
- [Jessimae] Perfect!
- I'm ready.
- Bring it on. I'm so excited!
- Yeah! We're ready!
- [Rose] So ready!
[Jessimae] Who's ready
to see some bad tattoos?
Matty B is! Look at that cutie!
He mostly does Japanese tattoos.
They're, like, really elaborate.
I mean, really elaborate.
It's all so fancy.
One of the things I love about tattooing
is the escape.
And when I'm working on a large piece,
the whole outside world just disappears.
You escape into the tattooing.
[Jessimae] Come right this way,
because I have the perfect tattoo
for you to escape into.
What brings you in today, Shea?
Well, I brought my really great,
wonderful friend I love like a sister,
because, about 20 years ago,
she got a tattoo from a
an artist who tattooed Tupac.
So, you love Tupac?
- Yeah! Thug life!
- [laughter]
[Shea] Yeah.
I got it after Tupac had passed away.
- We're still healing.
- I'll never see him and get close to him,
go to a concert.
I can rap almost every song
that he's ever done.
I was an obsessed fan.
- Of Tupac.
- Of Tupac.
- Not the tattoo artist. It makes no sense.
- But he still touched Tupac.
She kind of allowed him to do
whatever he wanted to do
because he touched Tupac's skin.
The tattoo artist that did Tupac did this.
That's all that matters.
she has no idea what he did.
And I don't know what it is either.
- I need to see this.
- You wanna see it?
- [Shea] You should see it.
- You sure?
- Let's check it out.
- I need to see it.
- Let's do the reveal.
- Can I see your tattoo?
Oh, okay.
So, it could be a shield.
- Huh?
- We've also said it could be a half-wing,
- and I'm missing the other.
- [Matt] It could be a wing. Yeah.
[Shanequa] I don't know
what else to say.
So, what did he tell you it was?
You didn't ask. Okay, got it.
I was like, "Create something."
- That's all I said.
- Yup.
Maybe I shouldn't have said,
"Just create anything
- [Jessimae] Right.
- and I would be happy with it."
When I saw it, I should've been like,
"No, I'm not happy with that."
This is what it's like to be a woman.
We don't speak up.
- I'm learning to. I gotta do better.
- [Shea] She was young.
It's gonna be a great day for you,
especially because
you don't get to choose the cover-up.
Shea does.
- [squeals]
- Oh, my God!
[both laughing]
- Oh, my God.
- Oh, my gosh, this is gonna be so great.
You also aren't gonna see it
until it's done.
Oh, my God. [laughs]
- [Shea] Oh, my God!
- [laughing]
- Welcome to the best day of your life!
- [Shea] Oh, my God.
You trust me?
See the eyes?
In my head, I wanna say yes. [laughing]
- But I'm like, I'm not sure.
- Well, too bad.
I'm in control now.
I know.
[Jessimae] Wow, Shea.
You're a little cocky right now.
It's a lot of pressure
picking a tattoo for your BFF.
You better not mess this up, girl.
- [Matt] It's all riding on you.
- I know. And it's permanent.
- Oh, my God.
- No, you're in good hands.
- Okay.
- Good hands.
I know she'd want to cover it
with some color.
- Okay.
- Like, some reds.
- What about the imagery?
- She doesn't like roses.
No roses? 'Cause, immediately,
when you said something with red,
- the first thing I thought was roses.
- I did, too.
We do have this sort of cover-up
to contend with, which is,
- it's dark, you know, it's solid black.
- [Shea] Right.
One of the other options could be,
like, a koi fish could cover this.
- From your reaction, probably not.
- No. I know she would kill me.
- If you did that?
- Yes.
- All right. Good.
- I just know.
So you know her well then.
What do you feel about flowers?
- Is it just the roses?
- Maybe lilies, or, you know
- Lilies?
- Something like that. Yeah.
I think that a lily is
a very beautiful flower.
I think we could probably
pull off lilies in here.
The most difficult challenge
covering this tattoo
is you really need
something dark and solid
if you're even gonna attempt to cover it.
A lot of times,
once we sit down and start drawing,
some new ideas come up.
What do you think she'll feel
about something like this?
The lady head will definitely work
better than just flowers,
because the way that the hair is,
it's creating a dark spot
that would be there
if it was a cover-up or not.
[laughs] What do you think?
If she saw that shit on her back
she would [bleep] kill me.
- Okay.
- That's how I feel.
- No way.
- You don't think she'll be into it?
- No, no, no, no.
- Okay.
In that case, we'll have to stick
with the flowers, then.
Every time she looks in a mirror,
she'll think about me.
So, if she doesn't like this tattoo,
she's gonna be super pissed.
Are you familiar with gladiolus?
Just to go, like, above the lilies?
- Just kind of fill the space.
- [Matt] Mmm.
- Oh, and do these and lilies, you think?
- [Shea] Yeah.
[Matt] That's a good idea.
- Think she's gonna like it?
- I do.
- Think she's gonna love it?
- I love it,
- so I think she's gonna love it, yeah.
- All right, cool.
[Jessimae] Wow. Shea finally seems happy,
which is important.
But not as important as
what Shanequa thinks.
Too bad she doesn't get to see it
until it's done.
Lovely lady! ♪
This is so that you can't see
what's being tattooed
as it's being tattooed, so we can
maintain that element of surprise.
Only God can judge you.
Keep your head up. Thug for life.
[Jessimae] See what I did there?
Shocked you, huh?
I'm putting on the stencil,
but I have to make it match perfectly.
[Jessimae] Okay, so this is part
of the process. It's very technical.
That's a stencil. And I don't know
what it is.
Just look at it.
That's the stencil you're looking at.
Anyways, Matty has to line it up
perfectly over Shanequa's Tupac shield
so when he's tattooing, he can
make sure he's actually covering it up.
- Take it?
- It actually looks so much better on her.
- Yeah. Yeah.
- Yeah. It looks good.
- That's what you wanna hear.
- I like that part.
- It's what you wanna hear.
- Yeah.
[Shea] There's just so much pressure
behind all of this.
I never wanna be
responsible for this again.
[Jessimae] Okay, Shea sounds like
she's feeling super confident.
Matty, you better hurry up and start
tattooing before she changes her mind.
- [Shea] You can feel it?
- Yes.
- Does it hurt?
- [Shanequa] A little.
[Jessimae] Yup, tattoos will do that.
But hopefully, it'll all be worth it,
and you'll be grateful.
Like I'm grateful for this guy.
Tommy Montoya.
He does black and gray tattoos
that are so smooth,
they look like were painted on.
The hard thing about cover-ups is
that you never know what you're gonna get.
There's no set protocol
how to do a cover-up.
Sometimes, people get the wrong tattoo.
It doesn't always mean it's a bad tattoo.
It's just all in the perspective
of the person seeing it, you know.
[Jessimae] Okay,
well, Tommy, this next tattoo
is just wrong, for everyone.
What brings you in, Mimi?
He has a stupid tattoo.
We've been dating for a year.
[Cody] Mimi's been trying to help me
calm down a little bit in my life.
A lot of the time,
you're the more sensible one, I guess.
Oh, like almost every time.
I was at a friend's house
and he had a tattoo gun.
Drunk, hanging out,
"Anyone want tattoos?"
Unfortunately, after five or six rounds,
I decided to get a tattoo.
- Can we see it?
- [Cody] Yeah.
[Jessimae] Oh, that looks like
a poem from the 1800s.
- Yeah.
- [Jessimae] Written by a ghost.
- Can I guess what it says?
- [Cody] Yeah.
"Got my
hay stay
on tar."
"If you oat can in hen,
clean on them."
- See? It's not that hard.
- Perfect.
- What does that say?
- I can't read that.
- I know!
- Is that English?
That was close enough.
What does it say?
It was a cheers we always did
when we would drink.
We'd cheers to "honor."
"Get on her, stay on her,
if you can't cum in her, cum on her."
[Jessimae] You have to say it one more
time. What does the tattoo say?
[Cody] "Get on here, stay on her,
if you can't cum in her, cum on her."
- Oh, man.
- [Cody] So, that's
- [Cody] Yeah.
- It's up your alley.
- I'm like
- I don't judge anybody, but damn!
[Mimi] Like, who does that?
Seriously? That's what you're getting?
Have you asked for forgiveness
for this tat, bro?
- [Cody] That's kind what this is.
- 'Cause if not
I'm gonna be doing the Lord's work today.
You know what I mean?
It was a stupid thing
I did when I was young.
- We all have stupid
- [Tommy] We all do that.
- We all have stupid things we do.
- [Tommy] Everybody does.
But they're not tattooed on you.
- Right.
- [Cody] My bad decision is on me
- For life!
- For my life.
We're gonna take care of it.
It'll be amazing.
And I think, like, the best part about it
is you don't get to choose the cover-up.
Mimi does.
That is I
I'm definitely nervous about it,
'cause she's obviously a little bit
more feminine than I am with her tattoos.
You're worried about
the femininity, Cody?
- I mean
- Do I need to remind you what it says?
- You need more femininity.
- Exactly. It's going very rugged, to
- I don't wanna go too far the other way.
- Rugged!
- One extreme or the other.
- It's definitely manly, that's for sure.
- I'm ready. My body is ready.
- [Jessimae] Yeah?
- Ready to work with Tommy?
- Yes.
I really haven't thought about
having the power to do this,
but I'm really excited.
Don't get drunk on power.
Don't tell me what to do.
[Jessimae] Yeah!
I love me a girl in charge.
Now, get in there and you tell Tommy
how you wanna cover that trash up.
What are you thinking?
- I want it to be, like, trippy.
- Trippy?
I don't know the word.
Psychedelic? Kind of?
- Psychedelic?
- With skulls. Maybe some mushrooms.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
- [echoing] Like a mushroom high?
- [Mimi] Yeah.
- [echoing] With skulls
- Yeah?
My biggest obstacle with this tattoo is
figuring out the right design to cover it
and make it look right for his back.
You know, it's kind of on the side.
I want it to look cool, not just like
a big tattoo blasted over another one.
So, this is kind of a culmination
of what I'm thinking.
Almost like a shroom high,
holding a shroom, smoking it.
He's so shroom-ed out.
- [squeals]
- Yeah, this will be dope.
When he's older,
it's not just gonna be super dark, right?
'Cause I see people,
sometimes they're, like, older
and they got tattoos, like,
50 years ago, and it's like
- I can't give a 50-year guarantee.
- Yeah, no.
But it's gonna stay good for a while.
- Okay.
- How old is he?
You better hope he has
another 50 years.
He'll be like, 87.
As long as he slows down
with his motorcycle.
[Jessimae] Cody at 80?
Now there's a vision.
And speaking of vision,
I need to make sure
Cody can't see his tattoo until it's done.
There he is!
My little poet.
It's a cone of shame.
It's the Cody of Shame.
Oh, no.
We decided you're not gonna get
a cover-up, you're gonna get neutered.
You had a good run with 'em,
- but we'll take 'em.
- I tried.
- We can make 'em earrings for you.
- Yes!
No, this is actually so that
you can't see
- what's being tattooed.
- Okay.
Oh, look, you fit in there nicely.
- You look like a king.
- [Cody] Yeah.
- Like a king from a different world.
- I don't feel like a king.
[Jessimae] Here we go!
Have fun on your tattoo trip!
This is when you get nervous.
When you hear the gun.
- [Tommy] Yeah.
- Right before it touches you.
And then when you find out
your artist is legally blind.
[Cody] Feels great.
- [Mimi] Like little butterflies?
- [Cody] Yeah.
Sting like a butterfly,
float like a bee. Right?
[Jessimae] Wait, isn't it "Float like
a butterfly, sting like a bee"?
I don't know. Nothing makes sense.
Moving on from whatever that was
Ladies and gentlemen, the one,
the only, the talented Rose Hardy.
I don't claim to know a lot about tattoos,
but, like, even I can see how detailed
and perfect her designs are.
[Rose] I just wanna be authentic.
I wanna be straight up,
what you see is what you get.
That's the way that I live my life.
[Jessimae] Oh, perfect. 'Cause this next
dude could use some of that real talk.
He's walking around
with a tattoo he got for his ex.
How rude.
What is your relationship with each other?
- We've been together a year and a half.
- Oh, us?
- Yeah, almost two years. I'm rounding up.
- Almost two.
I made the first move, for sure.
I showed up and never left.
[Christopher] I can't say I'll complain,
I'm really happy.
- Good for you. I like that.
- Yes.
So, what brings you in today, Chris?
I brought Stanley here
to get this tattoo covered.
It's a tattoo of his ex-husband
and his relationship.
[music slows to a halt]
My ex-husband and I got matching tattoos.
- Ruh-roh.
- Two years-ish after we got married. Yeah.
We wanna get this little blemish
from the past covered up.
- Wow. That felt like a bit of a jab.
- [Rose] Fair enough.
- "Blemish from the past."
- A little bit. A little bit.
Just having to look at it
and know what it is
- [Jessimae] Right.
- Like, I tell people
"What's that date on your arm?"
"Justin Bieber's birthday."
I was gonna say, what is the date?
- [Stanley] September 12th, 2015.
- [Rose] Okay.
- [Stanley] Is what it says.
- That's when you met your ex?
Yeah, the day we met
and the day we got married.
- The end of days, really.
- Yes.
- [Jessimae] This is the beginning of days.
- Armageddon.
I'm excited that you're here and, for me,
the best part is that
you don't get to choose the cover-up.
- [music slows to a halt]
- Christopher does.
Wait, he's
he's the one that's gonna pick it?
What an opportunity!
[all laughing]
What are we gonna doodle on you?
- [Jessimae] How are you feeling, Stanley?
- I'm I'm
Okay. So, I'm not like
It's okay. It's fine. I don't know.
"No, it's okay."
I don't think I could hate it.
I take that back.
I could probably totally hate it.
I don't know. I trust him.
Like, hmm Do I?
[Jessimae] Oh, my God, so cute.
You think it really matters. It doesn't,
because Christopher is picking
your cover-up.
What ideas do you have
for Stanley's cover-up?
What do you think he'd love?
He really loves horror movies.
- Oh, he does?
- Loves them.
- I love horror.
- Loves them.
Maybe, like, a knife of some sort.
- Oh, like a dagger?
- Like, a butcher knife.
What could it be stabbing?
Oh, let's see.
What else does he like? Or hate?
What else is scary?
- Um
- Even, like, a black cat. Like [hisses]
- Like, hissing.
- Yes, I love that.
I think it'll be okay. I think that
I think that he won't do me dirty.
I like how you tried to say it
in the direction of where he is
- to let him know if it's not okay
- I was hoping my voice would project.
- Yeah.
- You're like, "I know it'll be okay."
It'll be fine, right?
Basically, you can see where the cover-up
has to work through the blade.
- [Christopher] Okay.
- [Rose] Obviously,
the black cat's gonna work
through here as well.
Maybe we can make him
- a little more frizzier?
- [cat meows]
- So, a bit more scraggly?
- Kind of like Yeah.
- Like a scruffy wild cat.
- Yeah.
- With a knife through its head.
- Feral cat. Like, "I got you."
[cat yowls]
[Jessimae] Jeez,
what did that cat ever do to you?
Why don't you pick on
a cat your own size?
[Jessimae] Fellas!
Like this one.
- [laughs]
- Really?
- [lion roars]
- [Stanley] Stop!
Look, we brought you a new house pet!
This is what my cat thinks he looks like.
[all laughing]
This is so you can't see
what's going on.
Okay. I feel like
this is the scariest part.
[Jessimae] You're not wrong about that.
Now get your arm in that lion's mouth
and get that tattoo.
Finally, everyone is tattooing.
And these three people still have no clue
what's going on their skin forever.
Ooh! Scary. I love it.
The shoulder's definitely
one of the better spots to do a tattoo.
Doesn't hurt.
[Tommy] What if she picks
something totally, like
horrible and crazy and then tells you,
like, "And I'm breaking up with you."
No, I'm just kidding, no.
I'm just playing.
I did not do that. So, don't worry.
[Cody] Good.
If I had this tattoo,
I'd be in the doghouse.
I don't even know if I'd have a wife.
I'm a Christian, bro, so what if I just
did a big old Jesus portrait on you?
Does that mean Jesus would follow me
instead of me following him?
- [Tommy] He'll have your back.
- Yeah. He got me covered.
- That looks great.
- [Rose] When you see a line drawing,
- then it takes shape and shaded in
- Yeah. When it's on there.
It's so different, yeah.
I'm a little freaked out.
A little freaked out.
It's color. He doesn't have
color in his arms right now.
So, it's a bold move.
Is this the most trust you've put
in Christopher in your relationship?
Yeah. Yeah, I would say it's up there.
If Stanley doesn't like this tattoo,
then I am back on the market.
I have such good taste.
I think that no matter what I chose,
it's gonna be better
than the Black Panther mask.
[Shea] I know Shanequa
is not the feminine girl.
She doesn't like feminine tattoos.
and I'm really scared she'll think
that she has a whole bouquet,
like, tattooed on her back.
But, I mean, I guess we shall see.
[Jessimae] Do you think
Matty has the most difficult
[Twigs] He has the most difficult tattoo,
for sure.
Matty has to blast this area,
camouflage this area,
and on top of it, on brown skin.
Which is harder than hell, because
all this color is gonna be muted down.
With Tommy's, he camouflaged it
with the mushrooms and stuff like that.
With the way he'll do the background,
it'll square it on his shoulder blade.
So, Rose is doing a straightforward
blast the [bleep] over.
- [Miryam] Yeah, she is.
- I'm talking about Pffft!
And the cool thing is that,
with the subject matter being black,
it goes right into play,
so your eye doesn't get trapped
in that dark black area.
- [Jessimae] Right.
- You don't want a really heavy black,
because your eye goes right there.
It can't move. It gets stagnated.
That's a lot of stuff to consider, like,
as far as, like, where the eye is drawn.
- Are you always thinking about that?
- You have to.
It's like throwing a turd
on a white carpet.
- Wow.
- You're not seeing a Berber carpet.
- No.
- You're like, "What did Sparky do?"
- "Who didn't walk the dog?"
- Exactly.
The anticipation's building.
I'd be really nervous if I were you.
- [laughs]
- [Stanley] What do you mean? Come on.
[Rose] All right, you guys.
Oh, no.
- It's over.
- [Stanley] Yes!
And now, the really nerve-wracking part.
Yeah, right. Just waiting to see it.
[Jessimae] Ugh, you guys,
my nerves are wracked!
Christopher covered Stanley's tattoo with
a freaking cat being impaled by a dagger.
It's a very bold choice. Extremely bold.
I wonder if Stanley is
sick enough to love it.
- So, Chris. How are you feeling?
- [Christopher] Super excited.
- A little nervous.
- [Stanley] Oh, no.
But I I'm confident he's gonna like it.
I'm not confident you're confident.
- [Christopher] I mean
- I don't know if I am either.
- [Rose] I'm not.
- I'm nervous but confident.
I hope I like it. I don't know. [laughs]
- [Rose] Shall I take the bandage off?
- Yeah.
You ready?
- I cover my eyes?
- [Jessimae] Don't look.
- [Rose] Pull this off
- [Stanley] I'm not.
- [Jessimae] Let her take it all off.
- In another life, I would have loved that.
- [all laughing]
- Another life? Life is short.
- Stanley
- [Stanley] Yeah?
Kind of looks like Tucci.
- Are you ready?
- Yes!
To see your tattoo?
[Stanley] I'm walking forward.
All right. Now I'm gonna look, okay?
- It's happening.
- [Rose] Okay.
Oh, shit!
Oh, man.
Wow, dude!
- Okay, that's all right.
- Yeah!
Wow! Good job! Well, good job.
I'm telling him good job.
But good job!
It is so pretty. It is not
This is I didn't expect any of it.
- [Rose] Surprised?
- I'm surprised and happy. I really
- It's so good.
- [Jessimae] Does it give you a new vibe?
It really does. Well, it takes something
that was, in the long run not so great
Now it's empowering. I mean,
it's, like, a kitten being impaled
- [cat yowls]
- But, you know, like
But there's, like, a
there's a certain power to it.
It's exactly what I wanted.
- [Christopher] Yeah.
- [Stanley] It's something that I'm
- I'm proud to have on my arm.
- [Christopher] I've marked you for life.
- You'll remember me as a little cat.
- Yeah. As a little black cat.
- I'll name the black cat Christopher.
- [Christopher purrs]
You wanna take the cat out of the bag
- and check on your dogs?
- Let's go.
- [Jessimae] You'll never watch my animals.
- Damn, dude. No, you don't want me to.
[Jessimae] I mean, just the knife
right through the head!
[cat yowls]
- [{Mimi] Ready to be done?
- [Cody] I'm ready.
[Tommy] I'm ready to be done
and you see it, too, bro.
[Cody] Yeah, I can feel
that I'm shaking a little bit.
[Jessimae] Aww, Cody!
It's almost over, bud.
Seriously, though, I still can't get over
Cody's tattoo. Who does that?
And now he has a giant shroom tattoo?
Who does that?
Is Cody gonna trip when he sees it?
So, you wanna look at this?
- All right.
- [Cody] I'm excited.
Let's unveil this masterpiece.
- Damn, I missed a spot.
- [Jessimae] Oh!
Just kidding.
Okay, kid Cody.
Are you ready to see your tattoo?
[Cody] I'm so ready.
[Jessimae] Go up to the mirror
and take a look.
Oh, wow.
Wow, that is awesome.
- Yes!
- So much better than what was there.
[Tommy] And he has your same hairdo, look.
[Cody] He's got some dreads up there?
[Tommy] Some shroom dreads.
[Tommy] And then you got a little trippy,
psychedelic little background.
[Cody] I can't see any of what was there.
Thank God!
People always looked at me
in a disgusted look
because of the fact that
I had "cum" on my shoulder.
And I'm so glad that it's gone, and
the dirty looks can finally be over with.
- She did good.
- Yay.
Mimi! Are you excited that
the "cum" poem is gone?
- I'm happy.
- You are?
- I'm a happy bitch.
- Oh, wow.
- She's a happy bitch.
- Yeah.
Okay, well, I mean,
I guess our work here is done.
I love it. The skulls and the mushrooms,
and all of it is very much my style,
and I'm surprised, considering
we've only been together a year.
She actually does know
know me quite a bit.
- Sometimes I pay attention.
- I love it.
- You love it? Love me.
- I love it.
You've got something here.
- Is there something in his hair?
- Share it.
[all laughing]
This one.
We have about one minute left.
[Jessimae] Ugh! Matty B, hurry up!
I know you're a perfectionist,
but the suspense is killing me!
[Matt] The machine is down.
[Jessimae] Okay, not gonna lie.
I'm pretty worried about this one.
Shanequa didn't want a tattoo
that was too feminine.
And now she has a giant bouquet
of flowers on her back.
- High five. Come on.
- Yo.
[Jessimae] Are we trying
to piss Shanequa off?
I don't know
if I wanna see that side of her.
Was there any point in today
where you wereworried
about what this would mean
for your relationship and your friendship,
if this turned out to be something
that you absolutely did not want?
This is like one of those,
you fall back
- and pray your friend is there
- Is gonna catch you, yeah.
- This was having faith and trust.
- [Jessimae] Are you gonna catch her?
I think so.
[all laughing]
- Are you ready to see it?
- I am ready to see it.
Matt, do you wanna start the reveal?
- Let's do it.
- Let's do it.
- Okay.
- All right.
All right, all right.
- [Matt] Here we go.
- Here we go.
Don't peek at all over your shoulder.
- I can't.
- [Jessimae] I know it's exciting.
I'm rooting for both of you.
Yes, yes.
We are good.
I don't see anything from here.
I look normal still.
So, Miss lovely Shanequa
- Okay.
- Wanna walk up to the mirror
- and I'll show you from behind?
- Let's do it!
[Shea] They are flowers
It is different.
Is it lilies?
Well, there's a lily in there.
[Jessimae] Tell me
what you're really feeling.
Well, with the l
Give me a second.
With the lilies, um
[Jessimae] It's okay, girl.
Uh, my great-grandmother,
that was her nickname.
So, that kind of, um
She was my favorite person.
That kind of has another different meaning
for me to see that on my back.
And I know, um I would buy her lilies
a lot, and stuff like that,
and even though she'd prefer roses,
I just thought
I liked to get her lilies
'cause her name was Lily, so
[Shanequa] Coming from a tattoo
that didn't mean anything
- to a tattoo that means everything
- [Jessimae] Right.
I really like it. I do.
Honestly, girl, I don't know
what that was on your back before.
- I cannot see your original tattoo.
- [Shanequa] I don't see it at all.
[Shea] No, it's gone.
- [Shanequa] Not at all.
- [Jessimae] Not even the darkness.
It's a totally new tattoo.
- Do you like it?
- [Shanequa] Yes.
And, like I said, it does mean
more to me with the lilies.
- Give me a hug. [laughs]
- [sobs]
Did you know the meaning behind the lily?
Actually, no. Actually,
- the lilies are my favorite flower.
- [Shanequa] Oh.
And I thought it would look really
beautiful on your skin. It was instinct.
It was instinct.
That is really
You did a bomb-ass job.
- Thank you. I'm glad you like it.
- He's really good. Yeah.
- It's amazing.
- You wanna walk with your friend,
who's still your best friend
- and celebrate your new tattoo?
- Yes.
Can we walk with you?
- Yes, you can walk with me. Yes.
- I feel joyous in this moment.
- I was concerned.
- We can fall, like
[Jessimae] Thank you.
[Jessimae] Aww, you guys! What a journey.
Tears were cried. Blood was shed.
Lives were literally changed.
But don't be sad. There are plenty more
disasters where these came from.
Come on. Let's binge this together.
Next Episode