Ten Percent (2022) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

Yes, hi, is Nick Soans around, please?
It's Daniel Bala.
Dan Bala from Nightingale Hart,
I've been trying to get hold of him.
Well, I'm Kelly Macdonald's agent so
No, I just wanted to touch base
with the Birdwoman deal.
Hello, Nightingale Hart.
Can I take a message?
Well, I mean, it's crucial.
Yeah. No, Thursday's great.
Shall we do that?
We should do that. All right.
Lunch, Benedict, Thursday.
Oh, lunch with Phoebe Waller-Bridge
on Thursday.
Er, yeah. I've read the script.
No, I think it's great. I do.
I mean, it's Russell obviously, so
-Well, yeah, exactly.
-I can move Phoebe to next week.
Er, yeah. Okay. Well, that's great.
I'll get Chloe to book and confirm.
And we'll talk all then. Yeah.
Okay. Bye, bye, bye.
-Move Phoebe Waller-Bridge?
-No, I just
Are you mad?
Yes, hi, yes.
Okay, how long is it gonna be?
Okay, I'll wait. No, I'll wait. Thanks.
He knows I'm calling. Okay, fine.
-What about Margaux Martorana?
-Margaux Martorana?
-Yeah. She's really hard to get hold of?
Yes. That's why I want to get hold of her.
She doesn't have an agent or a publicist.
-Tried reaching her on Twitter.
-Yes. And?
She's not even on Twitter.
She's a journalist, a war correspondent.
I've actually seen her on the news.
She's not Mother Teresa.
-There's gonna be a way of getting to her.
-What should I do?
I think you should find out
what that way is and get to her.
-How's that for an idea?
-So great.
Hi, Nick, how are you?
Good, thanks. Good. How are you?
I just wanted to touch base
on the Birdwoman deal.
'Cause I know Kelly is really excited.
Right. Wait, this is a joke, right?
You're joking?
Right. So wait Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Fuck, fuck, fuck!
After the break,
Kelly Macdonald will be here
revealing all about
her surprising new project.
Okay, can we please turn around?
-I'm really sorry. I hate being late.
-It's fine.
-They're digging up half of London.
-Honestly, you'll be absolutely fine.
-Sorry, do you mind if I just check?
-Okay. It's here somewhere.
-We're comin' out of VT in 30 seconds.
- Okay. Thank you.
Sorry, Kelly.
Could you just look straight ahead?
-I'm sorry.
-Thank you.
If you're ready, Kelly.
-Okay. How do they feel?
-That's great. Thanks.
- That's great, thanks.
-Right. You look fabulous.
- Right.
-Oh, God, sorry, I better turn this off.
-Hey, Dan.
-Are you in the chair?
No, I'm on set. I'm just about to go on.
Great, that's great.
Just a thought,
maybe now might not be the best time
to start talking about Birdwoman.
-No, nothing.
-Tell me.
- Twenty seconds, Kelly.
- No, it's fine, it's all good.
Fifteen seconds.
-Dan, I've got to go.
Okay, coming up back out of V
-in ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five
-Fuck. Great.
Four, three
So, let's talk about
what's next for you.
We've been hearing
these rumors about Birdwoman.
Yeah, no
Okay, and anything
that you can tell us about that?
No, I mean, yeah. The
I mean, the thing is, it's obviously
I mean, you know, it's something.
- Obviously.
Yeah. But, I don't really
-Jesus Christ.
-Too old?
-I know.
-Man, for fuck's sake.
She's so lovely.
Jay Weinstock's got this thing
about the franchise.
Their core audience is 15-year-old girls.
And Kelly's 45, she's not a girl.
-She's a girl.
-It's ridiculous.
-Okay, Kelly doesn't know yet?
-Well, no.
What can I say to her?
-I can't lie to her obviously.
-But obviously I can't tell her the truth.
- No.
Oh. Thanks, Julia.
You didn't go out specially for this,
did you?
-I thought the deal was done.
- Yes.
-Well, I mean
-Okay, so
No. It's done, it's all good.
It's just, you know, not done.
It's a franchise.
It's Birdwoman for God's sake.
-Yes, I know.
-It's Kelly Macdonald.
I'll deal with it, okay?
-We cannot
-Jesus, can you please
not have dogs in this meeting?
He likes meetings.
Get down, no humping.
I can't leave him in my office.
He gets bored.
He's a dog.
He can go out
and sit with Zoe at the reception.
-You like Zoe, don't you?
-Zoe can't stand him. She hates dogs.
Take him out and explain to her,
would you, please, Chloe?
-That's a dear, he likes you.
Yes, but
Right. Okay.
Come here.
-No, no, come here.
-Right, okay
-Bye, Mathias!
-What happened to your nose?
-Nothing. It's fine.
Okay, so, Richard's running late.
-Surely not.
-Why he insists on driving here,
or being driven here obviously.
I mean, God knows.
-Well, because he can.
-Yes. Right.
Well, before he gets here
we should discuss next Friday.
Yes, good.
He doesn't want
any sort of fuss obviously.
No, of course he doesn't.
A lifetime achievement award is pretty
much a rehearsal for our own funeral.
He's modest.
He'll hate every minute of it.
Well, let's face it, we all will.
So, that was a joke, obviously.
Um, now I believe Stella
has been hatching some sort of plan.
-Oh, goody.
So, officially,
it's six o'clock at the Dorchester,
-but we've told Richard and Diane
-Sorry, sorry, sorry.
Never attempt to drive along the Euston
Road at 9:00 in the morning. No!
It's unconscionable.
-That's why most of us take the Tube.
-Very wise.
Julia, I don't suppose there's a chance
of a cup of tea, is there?
Yes, of course.
You are a darling.
-Oh, thanks, Julia. Great.
-So, I had an email
-Well, hang on.
-What's this?
- Yes.
-No, it isn't. It is.
-Yeah, no, it's just
-Portuguese custard tart.
-They're quite nice today.
-They don't always
Really, you mustn't do this.
You'll end up killing me.
No, I won't.
Yes. So, I had an email
from Alison at the PMG.
They want a seating plan
for the table for Friday.
-Yes. So, I've done one.
Oh, right, right.
I've put you next to your wife, Charlotte,
because she's your wife.
Yes, but I thought
you might want to look at that.
Hello. Nightingale Hart.
-Richard. Do you have a minute?
-Of course.
Do you mind taking a look at something?
"Margaux Martorana."
-She's a war correspondent. French.
Yes, I see.
Eight Days.
It's about her time under siege in Syria.
I've been looking for the right project
to launch the production arm with.
Of course. You think you've found it.
It's incredible.
-She is incredible.
-Well, how exciting.
-Can't wait to read it.
Thank you. Thanks.
A Nightingale Hart production arm.
Need to think of a name!
-I've had some thoughts on that.
-Of course, you have.
Nick. Hi, it's Jonathan Nightingale.
Hope you're well.
Wonder if you might give me a call
when you get a moment?
It'd be good to clear out
this Kelly Macdonald thing.
Okay, well, speak soon. Lots of love.
-Oh. Simon.
-Ah! God, you look well.
-Oh, do I?
You've got younger. Doesn't he look great?
You look like a man
who wakes up in the morning,
looks at the world around him and says,
"You know what? This'll do just fine."
Great. I'm so sorry.
Would you just give me a second?
Come in.
Yes. Sorry if you're busy.
Who, me?
I sit in here waiting for stuff to happen.
-Simon Gould is out in reception.
-Yeah. So I gather.
-You can't do this, Dad.
-Do what?
-Ugh, um
-Don't put that face on, Jonathan, please.
This is not the 1980s anymore.
-Yes, so you keep saying.
-There comes a time
when you have to say to the Simon Goulds
of this world, "I'm sorry, Simon.
"We've done everything we can for you
over the years, but you've let us down
"every single time, without fail.
"You've made yourself and us
look foolish again and again.
"I'm really sorry.
"There's nothing more we can do for you.
This story is now at an end."
-If the name on the door means anything
-Thirty-five years ago
-Not the handshake.
I saw him in a student production
of Hamlet.
I'm gonna leave the room.
I went up to him afterwards
and I shook him
I'm sorry. That's it.
Oh, my God.
How are you?
Richard. Richard.
Oh, God! You smell good.
Isn't he stupendous?
All of a sudden,
the world's a better place.
Good to see you.
- Remember the office?
Look different?
- I do.
-No, no.
-I go back for check-ups obviously.
But so far, might have been lucky.
God knows why.
For what it's worth, I wouldn't have known
if you hadn't told me.
-Don't, man. Don't, please.
-I mean it. You look in great shape.
Nothing like a bit of cancer
to concentrate the mind.
Sober for 18 months now.
That's it. It's over.
One day at a time,
my name is Simon, the whole fucking lot.
I'm very pleased to hear that.
I sit before you
I sit before you,
with no right to ask,
God knows after everything.
You'll never know the shame.
Hello, Nightingale Hart.
Oh. Hi, Kelly, yes.
No, I'm sorry, it doesn't look like
Dan's in his office at the moment.
Can I get him to call you back,
or Okay, I'll tell him.
Okay, sure, yeah. Bye.
I'm sorry, okay.
- So, what are you telling me?
I was in a hurry for the post,
and I put the wrong labels
on the wrong parcels.
-The wrong way round.
-Yeah. No.
I'm getting the picture. Okay.
So, just to be clear. Just so I know.
We've sent No, no, I've sent
Phoebe Waller-Bridge, personally,
as a good luck gift,
from me to her, on her debut feature film,
-a cake with Go Maggie Go, iced on top.
-Erm, basically, yes.
Basically, yes. Right. Okay.
I was looking after Mathias, too.
That's not my job either.
Just purely out of interest,
not like I give s flying fuck,
what did we end up sending
to Maggie Smith?
It's not fair.
He was humping my leg all the time.
Legally, that's a form of abuse.
Actually, I am actually quite curious now,
what did we end up sending her?
-Look. I mean
-Tell me it isn't true. Please
Just tell me.
-Can I help you?
-Is it possible to see Jonathan?
-Jonathan Nightingale, yes.
-You've got an appointment?
-Well, no.
Right. I'm sorry. We don't do walk-ins.
-I know.
-It's not like a hairdressers.
-You can leave a CV if you want to.
-I'm not an actress.
-If you could just say that Misha's here.
Yes. If you could just tell him that.
Right. Okay.
Nipple pasties?
-Oh, my God.
-From Agent Provocateur, yes.
-Jesus fucking Christ.
I don't need this.
-I had to look them up on Google.
-I've got a life.
-Marvin's just bought a canal boat.
-First of all
-I've had enough.
-You can't leave until I fire
-You can't. I'm leaving.
-Secondly, you're fired.
-I should have done this ages ago.
There's an order
to these things.
I'm gonna get up late, drink cider and go
all the way up the Kennet and Avon.
-Oh, my God.
I've never felt so happy.
-Right, so it's a canal.
That's disappointing.
That's great, isn't it?
No fucking assistant.
I fired her by the way, totally fired her.
The one thing that Phoebe knows
is that her agent is some fuckwit.
-That's before we get to Maggie.
-She's mad anyway.
You don't mean that. You're upset.
-I think she maybe did.
-Shut up, Ollie.
She might not actually think that.
Excuse me?
Phoebe Waller-Bridge.
She might not think you're a fuckwit.
So, her character in the film has this
fantasy where she's Margaret Thatcher.
Like, it takes over her life for a bit.
I heard it in a podcast.
So actually, the cake could end up
being a pretty cool present.
Sorry, it's just
I really love Phoebe Waller-Bridge.
-And who the hell are you?
-Um, I'm Misha.
-I mean, I'm just here.
-Yes. Evidently.
I just, um, came in to ask about jobs.
-What kind of jobs?
Don't suppose you want a job
as an assistant, do you, Misha?
Yes. I do.
I can't face it.
What can I say to her?
She's an actress, she knows how it works.
You don't know Kelly.
I can't do that to her.
If you want to be a romantic,
you are in the wrong job.
You're becoming
obsessed with this Margaux person.
That's absurd.
-God, I love this place.
-Yes, I know you do.
Anyway, I'm not trying to be a romantic.
There's more to life than
a series of one night stands
based on physical attraction
with people you're never gonna meet again.
Is there, though? Really? Are you sure?
-Simon. Simon
-Yes, yes. Hi, Simon, yes.
-Nice to see you. How are you?
-I'm terrifically well, thank you.
It's very nice to see you.
If I'm allowed to say that.
Cool. So, we're running
a bit late, I'm afraid.
-No. Not to worry.
-There's coffee, tea, water, whatever.
If you wanna
Yes, absolutely. Thank you.
Just photocopying basically is so fun.
Okay, so That's Stella.
She's the Hart part of Nightingale Hart.
Her clients are all Sirs or Dames,
sometimes both.
-We call her list the National Treasury.
Um, and that's Richard.
-As in Richard Nightingale.
He created all this
in the last century or something.
-He's lovely. He's like everyone's dad.
-But he actually is Jonathan's dad.
And this is us.
Oh, Julia. This is Misha.
Rebecca's new assistant.
Julia looks after Jonathan's needs.
Right. Okay.
-Ooh! Now, that sounds a bit sexual.
-It doesn't.
-Sorry, it's just It came out
Oh, Jonathan, this is Misha.
Rebecca's new assistant.
Kelly. Hi.
Hi, Kelly.
Kelly, hi.
Have you spoken to Kelly yet?
- No.
-No, I haven't.
-I think you need a plan.
-I know that.
-I'm quite happy to help you.
-I know that.
Don't need people to tell me.
Yes, you do.
She's just arriving in a cab outside.
-The key thing really
-Oh, Dan. Kelly
-I'm not here.
But what am I supposed to
Julia, how the fuck does this thing work?
-Weren't you
-Just help me, please.
-You have to press the
For fuck's sake.
-Okay, so, anyway.
-I didn't plan it like this.
It just happened, like it was fate.
-What were you doing here?
-I came to see you.
Out of the blue?
You should have called me first.
I was worried if I called you,
you wouldn't see me.
-You should have given me the option.
-I haven't got your number?
-Right. That's a different issue.
-I've decided.
I've done a lot of thinking.
-I want to be in this industry.
- Well, brilliant.
I've been saving up.
I've found somewhere to rent.
-Somewhere to rent?
Here? In London?
In Hackney, yes.
-Look, if it's money you want
-No. I don't want money.
Look, I'm serious. It's what I want to do.
-You don't know how this world works!
-I know I don't.
I know that. That's why I'm here.
This is impossible. This can't happen.
Surely you can see that.
-Why not?
-It's my life we're talking about here.
That's what you're talking about.
-It's my life, too.
-If you care about that at all.
-Look. Um
If it has to be other companies,
I will ask around,
I will do my best, really.
In the meantime
I don't know the combination.
It only opens on the other side.
Oh. Right.
We'll have to go right down the stairs.
-No, no.
-Oh, right.
It's out of the question,
this whole thing.
I'm really sorry.
I've already left messages. Lots of them.
-I'll leave a different one.
Hey, Dan. It's Zoe.
I've got Kelly here for you in reception.
His jacket's hanging up in his office.
I'm gonna sit here and wait
till he gets back.
Your jacket's in your office.
She's going to sit here
and wait till you get back.
Okay, bye.
Sure, sure, sure, Orlando. No, it so is.
You so have.
No, I so will.
Okay, bye.
Bye. Buh-bye. Bye.
Bye-bye-bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.
So, is that Orlando Bloom?
I shouldn't say this.
Sometimes I phone him
just to hear him say my name.
So, I think I've just seen
Kelly Macdonald.
-Kelly Macdonald.
-Kelly Macdonald?
- Yes.
-Waiting in reception.
Is that possible?
Okay, so, call me when you get this.
Dan, call me now, okay?
Because she is here. Okay?
So just, like,
just pick up and call me. Now.
Okay. Bye.
-What's happening?
-He's not picking up. So typical.
So, what?
-Kelly was going to be Birdwoman, right?
-I know, like, super-huge.
Yes. But then, they decided she's too old.
-Too old?
-I know. Like, poor Kelly.
-That's crazy!
-I know! She's so gorgeous!
Now it's like, nobody knows
what to say to her anymore.
Right. Okay.
And he's her agent.
I'm just a poor bloody assistant.
So, what are you going to do?
I think I'm just gonna
stay up here for a bit.
Right. Okay.
-It's okay. I'm not gonna jump.
I don't suppose you know
where Dan is, do you?
-Or Ollie even.
-I'm waiting for him to get back.
-Yeah. I don't know.
-I'm sorry.
I mean,
would you like a cup of tea, or something?
I'm Misha. I'm Rebecca's new assistant.
I'd love a cup of tea, Misha.
Okay. Cool.
Yeah, just down here.
My agent's not returning my calls
and in the meantime,
everyone's being really weird with me.
You're the first person to act normally.
-Erm, I'm guessing you don't take sugar?
That's great.
Thank you.
It must be really tough though,
as a woman, I mean.
Yeah. What must?
I mean, Sylvester Stallone's,
like, 70 or something.
Eighty. But of course, he's a man.
Not that you're 80. Obviously.
Or what about Daniel Craig?
He's like, 50, whatever.
No one says he's too old
to be the next James Bond.
Although, he has actually
retired from that now, so
-Hi, Kelly.
Uh, how are you? I've been I was
Have a seat. Can I get you a coffee or
-What's happening with Birdwoman?
'Cause I've been worried.
It's all gone quiet.
-I was gonna call you. It's been busy.
This has nothing to do with you, okay?
They love you.
-What isn't?
-They're like, "We love Kelly,
"she's brilliant, but the truth is"
The truth is, they've decided
they wanted to go with
diversity casting after all.
-Diversity casting.
-I know.
I know. And I'm like,
"Fine. Okay. That's great."
It's wonderful actually, but it's like,
"You couldn't be honest with us?"
-'Cause that's the very least
you can expect in any kind of
Okay, who did it?
Who did it?
Who told Kelly?
Hmm? Who?
-Yep. Good morning.
Thank you.
So, I'm Misha.
-I'm Rebecca's new assistant.
-Ah. Yes, very good.
-Very much a trial thing.
-Yes, well, I'm Richard.
Welcome to Nightingale Hart.
I hope you'll be very happy here.
Thank you.
Would you like a mint?
-I always keep some about me.
-Thank you.
Just in case something good happens.
-'Cause you never know, do you?
-Yeah, I'm good. Thanks, Dad.
Hi, this is Kelly.
Leave a message after the tone.
Uh, hi. It's me again.
I know you're not returning
my messages, I get that.
But, um, I'm gonna keep calling you.
I mean, if that's okay with you.
I'm not gonna give up.
'Cause I know that if we could just
It's a treat for us
to have you in the office.
I've booked a car for 5:30 tomorrow
to take you directly
from here to the Dorchester.
-From here?
I said to Charlotte we'd go together.
-Right. Okay.
-So if you could
Fuck, is that Kelly Macdonald?
Yes, it is.
What the fuck is he doing?
-Darling girl, it's nothing.
Lovely. Thank you.
I was so sorry to hear about
this whole beastly business.
-Ah. Now.
Kelly, hi.
Lovely to see you.
Thanks so much for coming in.
-Well, Richard called me so
-Of course. Great.
I had a chat with Nick Soans
at Working Title
Yeah, I've been in touch with Nick, too.
Yes, poor chap.
He's quite beside himself.
Sorry, Dad. Do you just One minute?
There. That's better.
-Poor Dan.
-Poor Dan?
-He's such a sweetheart.
What's so hurtful is he didn't have
the honesty to tell me.
I had to find out from some intern
that makes the tea.
So, I talked with Nick
and he's talked with Jay.
He's really quite desperate
to make this thing work.
-That's if you want to meet them.
-Meet them?
-You might not want to do that.
-Why would I want to meet them?
-It's entirely up to you.
-What is there to even talk about?
Maybe it's important to say here,
this is one of the biggest things
that's ever happened to you.
And, as Richard says,
it's up to you. It's just an option.
-When do they want to meet anyway?
-That's up to you.
They really ought to be here, actually.
-I might just ask Julia.
What, now? You asked them here today?
Really. I'm very mindful, Kelly.
You don't have to stay,
obviously, of course not.
But if you were going to come in,
I didn't want to waste your time.
I did some asking around and apparently,
Margaux Martorana really is
difficult to get hold of.
-Jesus Christ, don't you start as well.
-She's famous for it.
-Well, duh.
-One thing I did manage to find out
is that she's presenting an award
at the Royal Television Society Awards.
-The RTS?
-For best factual documentary.
It hasn't been announced yet.
-That's great. We get a ticket to the RTS.
No. It's perfect. What?
-So, I checked with RTS
and the Nightingale Hart ticket
is already gone this year.
-So, uh
-What do you mean, gone?
-Well, yes.
-Yes, so, anyway
No, without telling anyone, as usual.
-Is there anything else I can get you?
-Like what?
Like, another coffee or something?
-You can get me that fucking ticket.
-So how do I do that?
-How do I know?
Who's the one auditioning
for the job here?
Right. Yes.
-Hey, Dan.
The mighty Soans, dear boy, how are you?
I'm good, thank you.
-Thanks for coming in.
- Not at all.
-And, Jay, you know. I think.
-He sure does.
Jay, the great man himself.
Here in the flesh.
-Great to be here.
-Hi, Jay. It's me
-Great to see you.
- Hey, Jonathan.
-Hi, Jay, Jonathan Nightingale.
-Hey, Jonathan.
There's someone in here
I think you both know.
Hey, Kelly.
- Hi, there. Nice to see you.
-How are you?
- All right. Take a seat.
Hello, Jonathan's office, Julia speaking.
Yes, that's right, the ticket. Yep.
And for the party afterwards as well, yep.
And no, his home address, please.
Yes, I know, but he'd like them
to be sent to his home address.
I know. So there'll be someone there
to sign for it tomorrow morning.
Yes, there will be.
Because I'm his PA and I have
a relationship with his cleaner.
Yes, One-sixty, The Green, TW Nine,
One, NQ, that's TW
Yeah, thank you, bye.
How dare they!
- Darling girl.
I mean, how rude.
-Apart from anything else.
Well, clearly.
They didn't even have the guts to say it.
As if I'd ever think about
having work done to get a part.
-This is the trouble with Americans.
-Let's just take a breath here, shall we?
-Excuse me.
What's the point in that?
-Kelly, would you forgive me if I just
-Of course.
I do apologize.
Tracey. How are you? Good. Good.
Oh, you know, not too bad,
all things considered.
-We keep buggering on, don't we?
-Shall we step into my office?
Yes. Simon Gould.
Thank you so much for meeting him.
I'm aware of how much of a long shot
Oh, goodness.
Well, gosh! That is good news!
He'll be thrilled.
Good. Very well, thank you.
The good thing is,
you're the one in control now.
In what world am I the one in control?
You came in, heard what they had to say.
Thank God I did in the end.
Thank God for Richard.
Yes. Exactly. You're the one
making the choices.
What choices?
Jonathan, what are you talking about?
I can't remember.
Have you met Charlotte?
My wife, Charlotte?
-Yeah, I
-We met at that BAFTA party last year.
-Of course, yes.
-She's lovely.
-She is, yes, thank you.
She's quite a bit older
than you, obviously.
So, I mean
I think I just feel duty bound really,
to give you this.
What is it?
If you went to see a guy like this,
where you come out looking like
Melanie Griffith,
whatever you looked like going in.
-Wait. Are you
-Yeah, no, I'm not suggesting anything.
Um, but this guy,
it is like he has a secret power
flowing through him,
you really do come back looking
Like you.
Look. I know what the deal is, okay?
But this is a fork in the road for me.
-I'm mostly comfortable with who I am.
I know too many people who aren't.
And I know where that ends up.
-I mean, not your wife, obviously.
Okay, well, great. That's great.
Um, just to say, you know,
we'll support you
whatever you choose to do.
Forget Birdwoman, forget money,
career, awards, forget all that.
Yeah, everyone has their defining moment.
I just wanna make sure
you're holding all the cards.
Darling man, how are you?
Oh, yes, you know, not so bad.
I just bought some rather splendid looking
apples since you asked, so,
can't be all bad.
Oh, right.
As I said,
I'm very pleased for you.
Anyways, Simon, congratulations.
God bless.
Kelly, please.
It's been horrible.
-Well, you started it.
-I haven't been able to sleep.
I know. I nearly called you
at four o'clock this morning.
You should have. Why didn't you?
Felt a bit late. Or early.
I talked to Jonathan. Made him tell me.
You're not gonna do it.
I've said I'll go for a consultation.
That's all.
You don't have to, you know.
If you don't want to.
You don't have to do it.
-Will you come with me?
-Yes, of course.
- Morning.
So, the messages
I sent to you about the RTS.
Sorry, it gets away
from me a bit, I'm afraid.
Yeah. So, anyway.
Okay. What's this about?
I don't think it's appropriate
that you take the Nightingale Hart ticket
to a major awards ceremony
without consulting anyone first.
I'd really like to be
at that event this year.
I don't know what gives you the idea
I'm going to that event.
This is all theoretical.
-It's not theoretical.
-I'm putting that to one side.
I wasn't aware that I needed
your permission to run my life.
I happen to know
that you've taken the ticket.
You're accusing me of lying.
There are some advantages to having
a new assistant
who's keen to prove herself.
Well Well, if she's so keen
to prove herself,
perhaps you should encourage her
to work on her diplomacy skills first.
What's that supposed to mean?
I think it's not great
having junior assistants
running around telling key clients
they're too old for major film roles.
From where I'm standing,
that's not good for anyone.
My mother was an actress
when she was younger.
-No way.
-She was in a few things,
but she never really made it.
-Oh. Oh, no. So, what about your dad?
-My dad?
No, he's I mean, he's
Misha, this isn't gonna work out.
It was really nice knowing you.
-You too.
-And maybe we'll meet again.
Yeah, maybe.
The phone charger I lent you.
-Sorry. It's just, you know.
-I'll miss you, Misha.
-Sad face.
-Me too.
-Tell me I'm doing the right thing.
-I mean
No, don't do that. Just tell me.
-Dan, it's really important.
-You're doing the right thing.
-Am I?
-Lots of people do this, don't they?
Okay. Thank you.
"But beyond that, over the years,
"and through good times
and bad times, for me,
"for all of us at Nightingale Hart,
"and I know for many of us
in the room tonight,
"Richard has just been there.
"A fixed point in an uncertain world,
"a touchstone of decency and fairness,
"the place you go to when you
most need a place to go.
"We're lucky to know him
and have him in our lives.
"So, Richard,
congratulations, this is your night.
"But more than that,
more than anything, thank you."
I mean, I don't know. What do you think?
-Too much?
-No, it's fine.
Oh, hi.
Uh, Jonathan Nightingale?
-Yes. Sure, yes.
-I'll take that. Thanks.
-Sorry, rubbish writing.
-No worries.
-Okay, that's great. Bye.
-Cheers, bye.
-You're still here?
Of course I am.
-Wow. Cool make up.
-Wasn't for me.
I knew you wouldn't do it.
Listen. I've been thinking.
How would you feel about being my agent?
I don't know. I'll think about it.
-Where are we going now?
-I don't know. Who cares?
Come on.
Beep, beep.
Hello, Nightingale Hart.
Sorry, he's in a meeting.
-Oh. Hi.
-Your front door was open.
You're not answering your phone.
-I turned it off.
I'm packing, I'm going back to Edinburgh.
-But what about me?
You passed the audition.
I mean, there's a hell of a lot to do.
Oh. Uh
Sorry, it's just, I really want this.
Thank you.
I'm not gonna let you down.
No. You're not.
-Where is everybody?
-Julia, it'll be fine. Relax.
I said 6:00 in the email.
-Here's Jonathan anyway.
-And Charlotte.
-Yes, and Charlotte. Yes, Charlotte.
Yes, hi, yes.
Hello, Charlotte.
-You look fabulous.
Hello, Julia.
-Hello, yes, you look fabulous.
-Everything okay?
-Yes, fine. I've got the champagne.
-No sign of Dad yet then?
No, of course not. See?
-I told you, it'd be fun.
-He's probably stuck in traffic.
-Yes. At Nightingale Hart's expense.
-Well, it is his night after all.
Hey, funsters.
-Oh, hey.
-Sorry if we're a bit late.
-You're fine.
-Hi, Charlotte. You look fabulous.
-Yes, she does.
-No sign of Richard then?
-No, not yet.
-Probably stuck in traffic.
-We've done that.
As I say, it is his night,
but even by his standards
-That's a hint. Here we go.
Hi, Mum. How's it going?
-We could open the champagne.
-Steaming by the time he gets here.
- Yes.
What? No.
Mum, are you okay?
Where are you now?
Okay. Yeah, okay. Right. You stay there.
I'm coming, okay?
Yeah. I'll be there as soon as I can.
You just stay there, Mum. Mum?
Yeah. Yeah.
I'm coming, okay?
Just leave your phone on.
Yeah, I'll be there.
Uh So, he's had a heart attack.
-Oh, God.
No. Where is he?
Uh, no, no. He's dead.
Next Episode