The 8 Show (2024) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

[man 1] I never thought
that my life would turn out like this.
[dramatic music playing]
[man 1] It's not like I expected much.
I didn't think I'd be president
or a pop star.
But still, I had dreams,
hopes, and goals for myself.
And not one of them
involved standing on a bridge,
staring down at the Han River,
ready to jump in.
[somber music playing]
[man 2] Hey, Bae Jin-su, open up!
[ominous music playing]
- [woman] Hi. Excuse me? It's just…
- [man 2] Yeah?
- [woman] My baby's trying to sleep.
- [man 2] Oh, jeez. I'm sorry, lady.
You see, a dirty rat lives here
who owes us 900 million won.
- [woman] Oh… Let's go inside now.
- [man 2] Hey!
- You said you'd pay us back!
- [woman] It's okay.
- [man 2] One loan and you'd be rich.
- [horn blares]
- [man 2] The hell?
- [gasps]
[car horn blaring]
[man 2] Huh?
- Shit, there he goes! Damn it!
- [comical music playing]
[man 2] Bae Jin-su, get back here!
Come back, you bastard!
[panting] Oh shit.
[timpani booming]
[orchestra tuning]
[man 3] Hey, guys.
Sorry, we're shooting a scene.
We've got this whole street blocked off,
so please, go around.
[man 2 sighs]
[man 3] That way.
- Thank you.
- [man 2] Shit. Where did that fucker go?
[Jin-su] I'm sick and tired
of these loan sharks.
I didn't want to borrow
from them in the first place.
- [woman 1] Sorry, but who are you?
- [man 1] That should work.
- [Jin-su] What?
- [man 2] Not with that setup.
[Jin-su] Hey,
I'm just passin' through here.
- [woman 2] Last looks in five.
- [Jin-su] Excuse me.
[man 1] Perfect.
- [woman 2] Yeah, no, it's okay.
- [Jin-su] Oh! Celebs! [chuckles]
- [woman 2] Just…
- [man 1] I can't do that.
- [man 2] Hold on.
- [man 1] What?
- [Jin-su chuckles]
- [woman 2] Are you ready?
- Come on.
- [Jin-su] I have to ask.
- Why are there always film shoots here?
- [woman 2] Oh, sure.
- [woman 1] What?
- [Jin-su] Oh, nothing.
- [chuckles]
- [woman 2] That looks good.
[Jin-su] You wanna show poverty?
Film on my street.
All I wanted was to escape this place.
[suspenseful music playing]
When will you leave this shithole?
Our pal Won-seok
trusted me with his money.
Guess how much he made. You wanna know?
He got a loan for 500 mil,
and I turned that into three billion.
He was able to retire after that.
Look, you can save
all your measly paychecks,
but where will that get you?
You'll never buy a house at that rate.
Our generation won't get rich
playing by the old rules.
You wanna make bank, invest with me.
Don't you want a piece of the pie too?
Your old pal can
make you a multi-billionaire.
- Easy. Just stick with me.
- [grunts]
[chuckles] Okay?
[somber music playing]
I guarantee it, man.
You still have a chance.
[Jin-su] That weasel told me
to gather all the cash I could.
I got a bank loan,
then borrowed more from the sharks.
- [line ringing]
- [Jin-su] Come on, pick up.
- Damn it.
- We're sorry. The caller is unavailable.
[Jin-su] All day, news rattles on
about small businesses going under.
That doesn't stop hundreds
of new shops from opening.
Your chances of winning
the lottery are one in eight million.
Yet thousands of lotto tickets
are sold every day.
Only a few people profit
from trading stocks.
But more and more keep trying.
Why, you ask?
Because we're all deluded.
We think losing's for other people.
Not us. We'll succeed, we'll win.
- You'll go bankrupt, I'll strike it rich.
- Bae Jin-su, you idiot.
[somber music playing]
We think we're the exception.
And that makes losing hurt more.
"Can you find a word hidden in 'poverty'?"
"That's right. Game over."
I worked ten years at my old job
and gave that bastard my severance.
- [giggles]
- That fucking liar!
He took my money
and ran without another word.
[jaunty music playing]
I got a part-time gig.
For under 10,000 won an hour.
At least I could save on groceries
by living off expired kimbap.
I only made 78K a day.
No way I could pay off my debts
on that wage.
I owed 900 million.
[man 1] Anyone know
how to work with rebars?
[man 1] Any welders here?
[Jin-su] Ever since I was young,
my grandma would say…
"You need to learn a skill,
in order to make a living."
Finally, I'm realizing
just how right she was.
[man 1] Here, this way for woodwork.
Thank you.
- [Jin-su] She should've stressed it more.
- [man 1] Let's keep it moving.
- [Jin-su] Clearly, it didn't sink in.
- [man] Who works with plaster?
[man 2] I do.
[Jin-su] After four years at college,
I'm still just a useless,
good-for-nothing idiot.
I needed something high-paying
that required no skill whatsoever.
[man 1] We need those numbers now!
[Jin-su] Finance guys trade stocks all day
and get paid millions--
Scratch that.
Hundreds of millions per hour.
- [man 2] Look at our stock!
- Look at 'em, sittin' in skyscrapers.
Then there's me,
the one washing the windows. Hanging on.
- [man 3] Those stats.
- [man 4] Yeah, yeah.
Put a sell on it. Short it.
[wind whistling]
[Jin-su] High-rise window cleaning.
80,000 an hour.
Not a bad wage, right?
But it's also so dangerous
they had to pass a law
capping the work day at four hours.
- [wind gusts]
- Oh, fuck!
- That's a daily total of 320,000 won.
- [yelps] Oh shit, man!
Then again, four hours a day is
a long time to be hanging off a building.
Oh, get me down.
Even if I somehow had the time
to clean every window in Seoul,
it still wouldn't be enough
to pay back my loans.
It's too late for me.
[car horns blaring]
I'll be paying off the interest
for the rest of my life.
So, that's why
I decided this was my best choice.
I chose to jump.
Let's do this, Bae Jin-su!
[phone chimes]
Huh? Hmm?
One, two…
Someone's depositing
millions of won into my bank account?
They want
to buy the time that I've given up?
[ominous music playing]
Four million… And for what?
[car approaching]
[tense music playing]
[Jin-su thinks] They want me… to get in?
Hey, uh… is this like, uh…
uh, so… some kind of program
for preventing suicides?
Are you…
So, I guess Seoul is trying something new?
This car's really cool.
You know, I've seen some limos before,
but only from far away… [chuckles]
This is amazing. Thank you.
[hollow tapping]
[projector whirring softly]
[music fades]
[Jin-su thinks] What is this?
"Hello, and welcome to The 8 Show."
"This show doesn't require any skills
or previously acquired knowledge."
"All that we ask of you is
the time you were willing to throw away"?
[projector whirring]
"All necessary food and accommodations
will be provided to participants,
and the available prize money
will accumulate as time passes."
"When the allotted time is over,
the show will end itself automatically."
"In the case that any participant
expires during the process,
the show will immediately
come to an end then,
regardless of how much time may remain."
"Therefore, we ask that you pay
special attention to your safety."
"If you do not wish to participate,
please take the cab fare from
the table and exit the premises."
[thinks] There's 20 million won here.
This is insane.
"However, if you do wish
to continue with the show,
please select one of the numbered cards."
"You may then step into
and through the drapes."
Maybe this is some sort of game?
[clears throat]
[thinks] So they provide room and board.
And they'll pay me money
just to spend my time here.
And killing isn't allowed.
That means it won't be dangerous.
This looks to me like easy money.
Hello? Is this just
all for some prank show?
But they'd have me sign
somethin', a waiver… right?
[thinks] Whoever's doing this already
deposited six million won in my account.
And they're offering an extra 20 mil
just for showin' up.
Plus, they hired a limo
and booked this theater.
What on earth's goin' on?
[thinks] Wait, that's strange.
Why are some numbers missing? Bizarre.
I just don't know what to do.
Oh God. What if they're
organ harvesters or something?
Okay. That settles it.
And 20 million won isn't nothin'.
Oh yeah, I've gotta run.
I'm such an airhead!
I forgot about the… thing…
and I've gotta head out.
It totally slipped my mind.
I hope your show is a big hit.
Okay, good luck with it!
Thanks for havin' me.
[phone chimes]
You're really makin' it hard
to turn you down, you know,
but I really do have to get go…
Shit. But…
[thinks] A week's work
and I barely have anything to show for it.
That's my reality.
If I do walk out, nothing will change.
I'll still have my debt hanging over me.
[projector whirring]
I was ready to jump off a damn bridge.
What could be worse than the life I know?
All right. You can have my organs.
I don't care. I'm not going back
to my minimum wage life.
Fuck it, I'll do it.
What's a game show compared
to hanging off a 40-floor building?
[tense music playing]
[thinks] Three is a solid number.
[Jin-su] I was curious.
If they could afford
to send me millions and a limo,
even a stack just for showin' up,
they must have some budget.
So, then… what would the prize be?
[music intensifying]
["Mr. Lonely" by Bobby Vinton playing]
Lonely ♪
I'm Mr. Lonely ♪
I have nobody ♪
For my own… ♪
- [music speeds up]
- I am so lonely ♪
I'm Mr. Lonely ♪
Wish I had someone
To call on the phone ♪
- I'm a soldier… ♪
- [music distorts]
[music speeds up]
[sped-up music continues with static]
[music fades]
[static buzzes and fades]
[Jin-su breathing shakily]
[soft, ambient music playing]
[Jin-su gasps]
[tense, jazzy music playing]
[Jin-su] Oh, this place is fuckin' huge.
Only 24 hours?
They made this place for one measly day--
Hey. Hey!
I'm locked in.
[foreboding music playing]
A staircase?
I must be on the third floor.
There aren't any elevators.
[rattles handle]
- [beeps]
- [door unlocks]
Oh. Oh…
I was right. I'm on the third floor.
The hell?
[crickets chirping]
Man, I was expecting a nicer place.
Is this real?
Oh shit…
It's just a screen.
And these are all cameras.
Why are there so many of 'em?
- [machinery clangs and whirs]
- Jesus! What was that?
"Please hand in
all your clothes, accessories,
and all other personal items
you may possess."
"Then we request that you please
change into the uniform we have provided."
In front of all the cameras?
Ugh. I just bought 'em.
"You can keep an eye on the accumulated
prize money by checking the scoreboard."
- What scoreboard?
- [bell chimes]
"Food and shelter
will be provided for free."
"You can access the intercom
to buy anything else you may need."
- [bell chimes]
- Intercom.
"However, the price of any purchased items
will be deducted from your individual
prize money at a special rate."
[thinks] What's the special rate?
"Items that you intend to use outside
your room can be purchased in the square."
Where's that?
Oh, I see.
"All participants are required
to remain in their rooms
from midnight until 8:00 a.m."
"You are not allowed
to block the cameras."
"Violating any rule will deduct
half of the individual's prize money."
Half? That's crazy.
Shit, shit, shit, shit!
- Uh…
- [thinks] What? I only have a minute?
- Shit! Jesus. One minute?
- [urgent music playing]
Oh shit…
- [whirring]
- Huh? Shit! What… Hey…
[gasps] Wait…
Jeez. What the hell?
Hey, one sec. No…
- [beep]
- [whirring]
Ah shit…
- The fuck? Jeez…
- [music fades]
God, this place is full of surprises.
- [quirky music playing]
- What the…
The pockets are printed on?
Who's behind this shit?
What now?
That's money.
[mysterious music playing]
It went up.
[loud tick]
[mysterious music continues]
[laughs and shrieks]
[thinks] 90K. I just made 90K!
- Yes!
- That's 30,000 won a minute. Fuck, yeah!
[loud ticking]
[upbeat jazz playing]
[thinks] I can't believe
this is happening. So, let's see.
I've been here for just under an hour.
That means my hourly wage here is…
1.8 million won.
Okay, okay. I need to calm down.
Let me think here.
It said 24 hours
on the scoreboard outside.
How much do I make a day?
180 times 24…
Then tack on the zeroes… How much is that?
One sec.
Uh, so, two times 18, four times, and…
Hold up. That's over 40 million won.
Fuck! You could make that much
in a year and live pretty damn well.
Hell, yeah, Jin-su!
Yeah! Comin' on this show's
the best decision you ever made.
[breathing shakily]
What if I can only stay one day?
Ugh, it doesn't give a timeline.
If I can stay here for a couple of weeks,
I'll be able to pay off my debt.
I've gotta take a leak.
Oh, is the bathroom
out in the square? Shit.
Is this worth it?
Oh, hey, there. I just…
I need to… I need to use the toilet?
Could I just step outside
for, like, one second?
Are you there? Hey… [sighs]
Are they for real? I'm not allowed
to piss in a toilet? [scoffs]
[panting] Hey, could you at least help me
turn on the heater in here? It's…
Well, it's pretty cold in here.
I-- Did I lose you?
Hey, are you still on the line?
"You can buy things you need."
[Jin-su] Of course.
I knew there had to be a catch.
Who would give away millions of won
without some strings attached?
They want me to spend my prize money.
- Is that it?
- [picks up phone]
Hello, uh…
Could I buy… a blanket
and a hand-warming pack?
Oh! No, no, hold on. That can't…
that can't be right. Wait. Don't…
Uh… Cancel. Sorry. N. N!
No, no. There. Sorry.
You… Well, we must've had
a little misunderstanding, I guess.
Yeah, I just want one hand warmer,
and one blanket.
You charged me for a whole box, I think.
So, one hand warmer, one blanket.
That's it. Thank you.
Now, how much will that be?
One mil-- Wait. That's insane.
One point…
What the… There must be some mistake.
Uh… uh… Just give me a sec.
"At a special rate…"
Um, let me cancel the order.
Just cancel it. Let me think.
I'll call you back.
[thinks] I finally understand
the rules of this show.
I'm making 43 million won a day,
or 1.8 million an hour.
Let's figure out the special rate.
How much is a newspaper?
Just a regular daily paper from a store?
[thinks] I know that paper would've cost
1,000 won back at the convenience store.
So that's the "special rate."
Everything for sale is a hundred times
more expensive here.
Evens out my new wage.
I get it now.
I understand the point of this show.
Ha! Clever! They're testing me
to see just how far I can go
while spending as little as possible.
Whoever's behind this, they've got
no fucking clue who they're up against.
Come on. They thought I'd go…
"Oh, I'm so cold! I'll give you anything!"
[thinks] Like some whiny brat!
Hah! Please. I'm a pro at being poor.
I'd like… a pound of discarded newspapers.
And then a bunch of boxes too.
Used cardboard, okay?
Yep, that'll do. Yes, sir.
120,000, four times three is 12…
So that's four minutes of my time.
Ah, this rocks.
Ah, this is great.
[thinks] Buying this stuff was the cost
of doing business. That's okay.
All right. I barely spent anything.
I won't spend any more,
and tomorrow, I'll take home 43 million.
I'll be so rich…
I'll be so rich…
- [crickets chirping]
- [snoring]
Hello? Hello!
Please, help me.
Please, get me a plastic bottle right now.
Mm-hmm! Bottle!
Yes! Yes!
- [wings flutter]
- [birdsong]
Oh man, they made a fake sunrise?
[groaning softly]
- [ticking]
- [thinks] "Time is very valuable."
"Your time is money."
- Boomers love saying that kinda crap.
- [bleep]
What would the "time is money" crowd make
of this crazy thing I'm goin' through?
Because in this world,
time really, truly, without a doubt,
actually literally is money.
[woman 1] 'Scuse me!
Is everyone in their rooms?
Can everyone come out here
so we can introduce ourselves?
[Jin-su thinks] Someone's here.
[woman 1] Are we all accounted for?
Don't be shy, people, come on out.
Over here, over here!
- [laughs]
- [Jin-su thinks] Wow. Three other people.
Uh, sure.
[suspenseful jazz playing]
Hey, uh, how…
Wait, how are you walking on the water?
It's fake. This is all fake. You see?
- Look up there, that's our "sunlight."
- [projector whirring]
[5th Floor] Have you seen
the scoreboard yet? Come on, let's go see.
[gasps] Look at the time.
[Jin-su] They added more.
It was only at 24 hours yesterday.
- Uh…
- [banging]
[banging continues]
[5th Floor] Uh, hi, good morning.
- Nice to meet you.
- [man groans]
[Jin-su] How's it goin'?
[6th Floor coughs]
[4th Floor laughs]
- [scoffs]
- Hey, what do you think?
Will they keep adding hours
every day that we're in here?
[Jin-su] Oh, good question.
[woman groans] If they keep
tacking on more and more hours,
well, we might just
find ourselves trapped in here forever.
Uh… why are you dressed like…
[man] I don't think that'll be the case.
There's a limit to everything,
especially time.
They haven't given us too many rules yet.
The time must mean something.
I'm sure there are still
many rules we don't know.
[8th Floor] Oh, really?
Well, then, I guess I don't know.
[suspenseful jazz continues]
[5th Floor] So, do you think
this is everyone now?
One, two, three…
Hold on.
There should be eight of us down here.
[6th Floor] Hey, you.
[5th Floor] Hey, new friend!
What are you doing up there? Come down!
I suppose she must be a bit
on the shy side, right? Don't you think?
She could be shy, or just kinda rude…
[5th Floor] Okay, so,
I see you're on the second floor.
And you are on the eighth.
Um… third floor.
- [Jin-su] Yeah.
- Sweetie, you're on the fourth floor.
I'm fifth. He's sixth, he's seventh.
So, who's on first? Does… someone…
[man] Good morning!
Looks like I'm the last one here.
- Sorry, I tend to be on the slow side.
- [Jin-su] Hey.
- [Jin-su] Do you need a hand?
- Oh, gosh, no, I'm good.
I'm used to it. It's okay.
Oh, I'm, uh,
I'm staying on the first floor.
- My name is, uh…
- [2nd Floor] Why bother with names?
We'll never see each other again.
I'm 2nd Floor, 'kay?
That works for me. It would be
impossible to remember everyone's names.
Sorry, do any of you know where
I might happen to find a bathroom here?
- [2nd Floor] There's no pisser.
- [Jin-su] Huh?
[Jin-su grunts]
- Hmm. It's plastic.
- [suspenseful music playing]
[hollow taps]
It's all plastic.
Nothing here is real.
Oh, that's odd.
- [Jin-su] Huh?
- [4th Floor] What…
[6th Floor] Really?
- [7th Floor] Wow…
- [Jin-su] What the…
It really is fake.
Imitations that look real.
So does this mean
the bathrooms are fake too?
[7th Floor] I'm afraid so.
[Jin-su groans] That's a step too far.
[7th Floor] It seems they
must have removed the existing plumbing.
It looks somewhat functional but isn't.
And the same goes for our uniforms.
They look classy at first,
but there's no real substance.
Yeah, they could've at least
given us real pockets. Man.
It's so silly. They're just outlines.
Oh, it's the worst.
I didn't know where to put my key.
I had no pockets, so I thought maybe…
sticking it in my boxers
was the best choice for now.
Yeah, that works.
But, uh, what do we do without toilets?
Yesterday, you know,
I figured we'd just be here for a day.
So I bought those waste bags
that campers and truckers use.
- Ah…
- You just do your business and go.
- [Jin-su] I see.
- What?
- Yeah.
- Where do you put it when you're done?
You leave it in your room?
Well, we can't take anything
we buy in our rooms outside,
so I guess so.
So that means we'll just
be buying them each day.
Plus, they all cost way more than normal.
[7th Floor] Or we might not have
to follow that course of action.
There is another way.
"Items to be used outside the room
can be purchased in the square
via the intercom in the common area."
"A special rate will still apply."
Rule book, second paragraph,
somewhere on the fourth page.
Are you sure we should buy stuff together?
What if it's even more expensive
in the square? What's the rate?
I'm not sure.
We know that the rate in our rooms
is multiplied by a hundred,
which means the showrunners don't
want us to access too many resources.
Anything we buy in our rooms
has to stay there, or we'll be penalized.
And there's a big delivery chute here.
Therefore, I'm going to assume
they want us to buy things together.
Well, maybe we should buy something, then.
- It'll be like a test.
- Do we have to?
I… I'm kind of scared.
There's no place to see
our scores down here.
So, what if we pay a ton,
but we don't realize it?
That's a good point.
How about we all take a vote on it?
It's only fair. What do you think?
Why waste time doing a damn vote?
Let's just try it.
- [4th Floor] Oh…
- [sighs]
Marlboro Reds, down to the square.
- A lighter, too.
- What the hell?
- The fuck you think you're doing, dude?
- What? We were gonna buy shit anyway.
[Jin-su] Oh…
- [clink]
- [1st Floor] Oh! Did you guys see that?
The time just went down. Look up.
As soon as we got the pack,
the scoreboard blinked, and it changed.
How much did it go down?
It… was 30 minutes, now it's 28.
That means in the square,
we purchase items with time itself,
not money, like in our rooms.
How much do a pack of Marlboros
and lighter--
[Jin-su] Five thousand.
Marlboro Reds are 4,500 won,
a lighter is 500 won, so 5,000.
Yeah… 5,000 won equals two minutes.
A minute's worth 2,500.
Does that mean it's a better
idea to buy things together?
Since if we'd have bought that in
our rooms, we'd have paid half a million?
- Right.
- You think this affected our money too?
[4th Floor squeals]
The prize money's the same!
- Hey, wait--
- All of my money's still up there!
- [1st Floor] When did she go?
- [Jin-su] When did you run up the stairs?
[4th Floor] I ran up when he bought stuff
without any sort of plan.
So, I just wanted to make sure.
It's fine, though.
I got scared for nothing.
Then, using the shared chute,
we can buy everything we need.
And when the time runs out?
We have 35 hours on the clock.
If we blow it all on shopping sprees,
it'll go too fast and the show'll be over.
[7th Floor] Yeah, that's correct.
We don't know when they'll give us
more time, or how it's gonna happen.
But when I look around and see the size
of this place, and the prize money…
all the money they poured here…
I doubt they built all this
just to kick us out after a day or two.
[2nd Floor] Rich people hate spending
money, though. They're all fucking stingy.
The longer they keep the show running,
the bigger the prize pot will get.
[Jin-su] That's true, but…
the uber-rich can make a profit
in their sleep.
Their money makes money for 'em.
I mean, I've heard of oil tycoons
spending a fortune
just to rake their names
into the desert sand.
They're that rich.
They shell out hundreds of billions
to visit space like it's nothing.
The amount they're spending on this show
could be pocket change.
Shit. My ass is too poor
to think that way.
First off, I think we should sit down
as a group, and discuss what to buy.
- Only the essentials, okay?
- [5th Floor] Okay.
[Jin-su] We decided
to figure out what to buy.
That turned out
to be easier said than done.
So, my room's got this really dry air,
so maybe we can get some toner and lotion?
[Jin-su] A necessity to one person…
I never wear that crap, though.
[Jin-su] …just seems silly
to someone else.
We should all get some pillows,
since we all need them for sleeping.
[Jin-su] One person's core essential…
I already bought one.
How could you sleep last night?
We should add pens and paper to the list,
since we can all use those.
Hmm? Why? None of us are in school.
[Jin-su] …is totally useless to another.
I need to get sanitary pads.
[Jin-su] We put our brains together
to hash it out.
Eight Homo sapiens,
wielding our collective brainpower
honed by millions of years of evolution.
After much debate,
we bought eight plastic buckets,
eight rolls of toilet paper,
four packs of pads,
four garbage bags, two types each,
and, of course, four packs of cigarettes.
For the good of the smokers.
So then… these are our toilets?
- Yeah.
- [Jin-su retches]
- [Jin-su sighs]
- [farting]
Jeez. All that fuckin' talk
just to get a place to shit.
[4th Floor] You guys, when do you think
they'll give us some food?
I'm starving to death over here, for real.
[5th Floor sighs] Yeah, same here.
I didn't even have dinner last night.
I'm so hungry.
They told us they'd
provide food and drinks and stuff.
What's taking so long?
What? Why haven't you eaten anything?
They brought me lots of food.
Where was it?
Hmm… The chute thing in my room.
[bell chimes]
It brought me a whole feast.
There were all these meal kits,
and some waters.
So you got multiple meals? Just how many?
12 lunchboxes and 12 water bottles.
Wait, 12 of each?
Did you eat 'em all? All 12 meal kits?
Well, each meal
was a little bit different,
so I just tried a bite of each one
and saved the rest.
And used the water to wash up.
- Huh?
- [sighs]
Well, I felt grimy after such a long day.
But there was just enough
in those bottles to wash up with.
[4th Floor] What the hell?
Hey, wait a sec. Hey.
They gave you 12 of everything.
That clearly wasn't all meant
for one single person to use.
How could you just keep
all that for yourself?
Wouldn't you?
[Jin-su sighs] Of course not. No.
Come on. Use some common sense.
If they gave me 12 of somethin',
I'd know to share it with the others.
That does make sense. I see your point.
[suspenseful music playing]
[6th Floor laughing]
Give her a break, 'kay?
Uh, she just made a mistake.
It was all delivered to her room,
and it was our first day.
She must've thought
we all got the same delivery.
8th Floor,
if you share what you have left,
that would be the nice thing to do, yeah?
"Hmm?" What are you saying?
[thinks] Why is she stalling?
She's making me anxious.
[2nd Floor] What's up? So, you're a hog?
You wanna keep it all and stuff your face
while the rest of us starve?
- Hmm?
- Yeah!
What do you have to be so selfish for?
It's not very nice.
Stop playing games with us, Princess.
Oh. It's not like I'm gonna eat it all.
I don't want it.
[thinks] Oh, what now?
Why is she takin' that off?
I only eat one meal a day anyway.
I'll keep one.
Help yourself to all the rest, okay?
I don't care much for food.
But I was thinking about the rules…
Don't we have to keep things in our rooms?
We can't bring room stuff out here.
So, I'd share with you all if I could.
- How, though?
- [clapping]
- [6th Floor laughs]
- [5th Floor] All right, all right.
- Get dressed now. That's enough of that.
- Hmm.
[7th Floor] She very well
could've thought we all had food.
And now we can share whatever's left,
so it's no big deal.
Since we're not allowed
to leave our rooms with any items,
and they seem to be giving
everything to the 8th floor,
I think they want us to use
the chutes to distribute food.
What do you mean?
[7th Floor] Look.
See how it's structured?
The chutes in our rooms
must all feed into each other.
[2nd Floor] Wait a sec.
There's only eight of us here.
Why'd she get 12?
[thinks] She's right. I wonder
what that means. Why doesn't it match up?
[1st Floor] So, that means…
if you each take two meals
and water bottles, then I'll get none.
- Since I'm the first floor.
- Then how will we make sure it's fair?
What would stop the top four floors
from each taking three meals,
leaving the rest of us with nothing
down on the bottom floors?
[Jin-su] Floor 8 will send things
down to 7, who'll send to 6, then 5,
to 4, to me, to 2,
and finally to the first floor.
This system creates a hierarchy,
separating the top from the bottom.
The lower the floor you're on,
the worse off you are.
[7th Floor] First, let's go and check
if we can send things down
from room to room.
We can figure out
how to split things up after that.
8th Floor, if it's not too much trouble,
could you go up and try to send
the rest of the food down the chute?
I might as well.
It's not like I have
anywhere else to throw it out.
- [7th Floor] Hey, one more thing.
- [8th Floor] Hmm?
Could we come?
Do you mind if we all go up with you
so we can all check out the chute
together, to see how it works?
All of you?
Since it's the first day.
I'd like to learn the ropes.
Just for future reference, you know?
- Huh…
- [4th Floor] I agree.
We wanna trust you, but you gotta admit,
it would be
a lot to ask of us to take your word.
This way, we can all see for ourselves
how many meals and bottles there are.
Uh, yeah, but I think, you know,
that maybe we shouldn't
barge into her room.
It's not like we're at our home,
in our apartments.
We use those rooms
as our bathrooms too, and, you know…
I've got nothing to hide.
Let's all go look.
[pensive music playing]
[7th Floor] If you think about it,
they're a scary bunch, right?
- [Jin-su] Who?
- [7th Floor] Whoever designed this place.
We have a rule book of sorts, sure,
but it doesn't explain the show,
nor what we're actually doing here.
They omitted all the important details.
It feels scarier not to have
any clue of what to expect here.
- [Jin-su] Let me.
- [1st Floor] Don't worry about me.
[Jin-su] I don't mind. It's a long way up.
- [1st Floor] Thanks for this.
- [Jin-su] Sure.
[4th Floor] 3rd Floor,
you're so thoughtful.
[5th Floor and 4th Floor panting]
[5th Floor] Oh. She's right.
- This is really kind of you.
- [Jin-su] Yeah?
And you were spot-on earlier
about the cigarette prices.
- How did you know the exact cost?
- [Jin-su] Uh…
I used to work at a convenience store.
I still remember
the prices of most things we sold.
- If you're ever curious, just ask. I can…
- [4th Floor] Oh.
Oh my, let me help you out.
- [Jin-su] Sure.
- [1st Floor] It's okay.
[2nd Floor] What the hell?
[tense music playing]
[Jin-su] What's up? What is it?
[tense music builds]
I don't believe it.
[4th Floor] Why is your room so huge?
8th Floor,
you even have a bathtub in here?
You mean you don't?
I bought the candles
this morning. Nice, huh?
[Jin-su] Not only was her room massive…
- [bleep]
- [Jin-su] No way…
How much did that just increase?
It went up by hundreds of thousands
all in one go.
But how did it…
How come? My God.
I just get 50 grand.
You make that much?
- That means…
- [4th Floor] Don't you?
I only make ten thousand.
A minute.
[Jin-su thinks] So that means each floor
pays a higher rate as you go up.
Uh, this is some fucked-up shit. God damn.
Hmm? What?
[Jin-su] 8th Floor was beyond compare.
Her hourly rate
was worth more than any of ours.
She was playing for half a billion a day.
- [giggles]
- Oh, shit…
[dramatic music playing]
[dramatic music continues]
[ominous music playing]
[comic music playing]
[tense music playing]
Next Episode