The A List (2018) s01e01 Episode Script

Here She Is at Last

[laughing and whooping]
[whooping continues]
[theme song playing]
I don't trust my eyes anymore ♪
No one sees who I see ♪
Can it be true? ♪
It's not you ♪
Who are you? ♪
Who are you? ♪
[narrator] Here they are,
on their way to what the brochure calls
"the holiday of a lifetime."
"Spend one summer on Peregrine Island,
and make memories
that will stay with you forever."
I've seen this girl before.
We all have, right?
There's always one like her.
A star that has to shine the brightest.
And now the queen surveys her subjects,
looking out for this year's
holiday romance.
And deciding who'll get
the honor of being her summer BFF.
I don't have any signal, either.
And let me guess, no Wi-Fi on this island.
I don't think so,
even though it's, like,
a human right or something.
I like your boots.
I have the same ones. [chuckles]
Not quite.
My mum said they wouldn't be practical
for running around an island.
But I said, "I might not be able to run,
but at least I'll look good
while I'm standing still."
I've got trainers in my bag, anyway.
I'm Kayleigh.
[Mags] Come on, folks.
Quick as you can, please.
[Dave] Welcome to Peregrine Island!
Camp's just at the end of that trail.
[Mags laughing] Hello. Welcome. Welcome.
How was the journey up here?
Good, good, good.
I am Mags and this is Dave.
Oh, should have brought a backpack.
[scoffs] I don't carry things.
[Mags] Mind your steps.
-[Dave] Come on. Keep up.
-[all laughing]
[Mags] Have you been on a boat before?
[laughing] Silly question, isn't it,
"Have you been on a boat before?"
Well, not everyone has been
on a boat before.
You haven't been on a boat
[Dave] Come on, guys. Almost there.
Don't worry,
you'll get used to it. [laughs]
-[Mags] Quick as you can.
-And here we are!
Base camp, sweet base camp.
That's it!
See Mags about your cabin allocations.
Shower blocks and toilets over there,
mess over there.
That's what we call the canteen.
It's actually very tidy.
And your cabins are all around you.
She put us in the same cabin.
[sarcastically] OMG, slumber party!
[upbeat music playing]
-No, that's my bunk.
-Our bunk.
You've got an amazing view.
[Mia] Smells rank.
Bet the whole place is infested.
I'm gonna have to put my hair up
so I don't get a nest of bugs in it.
What? I never wear my hair up.
I brush it 100 times
every night and every morning.
That should be okay, right?
Yeah, that'll probably
brush the spiders out.
Shake a leg, you lot! Dump your bags.
It's game time.
[door closes]
"Shake a leg"? Who talks like that?
[Dave] Right, the object of the game
is to get to know each other.
You say something about yourself,
and then throw the beanbag on.
Uh, I'll start.
I'm Dave and I invented this game.
I'm Mags and, uh, this is my first summer
on Peregrine Island.
But if you drop the beanbag
you're out. [chuckles]
-[Mags laughs]
I'm Kayleigh and I have a pet Labrador
called Biscuit.
Mia, and I hate icebreaker games.
I'm Dev and you'll have to be
quicker than that to catch me out.
I'm Alex and Oh, no. I dropped it.
Now I'm out.
I'm Brendan and, uh,
I can bench press 100 kilos.
I'm Zac, uh [clears throat]
And me and Brendan go to the same gym.
-[laughs] What? Bro, do you even lift?
I'm Harry and I hurt my hand
closing my suitcase.
I have a talent for ridiculous injuries.
[all laughing]
I used to live in Tokyo.
I really like sushi.
I learned judo when I was there.
Watch out I don't throw you.
I'm Amber, and I missed the first ferry.
Right, good game. Let's call it there.
Uh, Dev was the last man standing.
[all applauding]
Welcome, Amber.
You're just in time for dinner.
Right, that's it. Dinner, everyone!
[narrator] Here she is at last.
Amber. The golden girl.
She's been looking forward to this.
And now, it begins.
[Mia] That's right. Stay in your lane.
I've seen it before.
I've done it before.
Make a big late entrance
so everybody notices you.
That girl is gonna be drama.
They said it's unusual,
but I never lost my baby teeth.
What are you doing in my bunk?
Oh, sorry. Was this yours?
I moved your case
because I prefer to sleep by a window.
The bed I moved you to
is much less drafty.
I don't want the other bunk.
I want my one.
[chuckles] But you haven't even
unpacked yet.
It's just a bed.
What difference does it make?
They're all the same.
Whatever. If you're gonna cry about it,
just take it.
[siren blaring]
Okay, folks, so today is all about
exploring Peregrine Island.
And what better way
than by playing Capture the Flag?
-[all chuckling]
-How about not playing Capture the Flag?
Two teams. You each hide your flag
and hunt the other one.
First team to capture
their opponents' flag
and put it on that flagpole wins.
But first we need two captains.
So let's have Mia.
We'll, uh, go alphabetical,
so Amber, you pick first.
I pick Dev.
-Kayleigh, I guess.
-This is the winning team.
You're going down.
It's just a game, Kayleigh.
[indistinct chatter]
[Mia] This is amazing.
All that's missing is a waiter
with a tray of cold drinks.
What I really want is an ice lolly.
Très sophisticated.
[Kayleigh] One
[Brendan] We'll hide the flag
and squat that hill.
Gives us a clear line of sight.
What do you say, captain?
-[Kayleigh] Five, six
-I say do what you want.
I'm gonna lie in the sun
until this stupid game is over.
-[Brendan] Intruder!
-[gasps] You made me lose count.
I just came to say hi.
I'm not trying to capture your flag.
-[Mia] Who cares?
You've captured something
much better anyway.
An invitation to my party tonight.
What party?
It's a picnic in the woods.
Don't tell anyone. It's very exclusive.
That's okay, so am I.
I better get back. Not supposed
to hang with "the enemy."
I won't tell Amber if you don't.
I can come to the party, too, right?
-Can I invite Zac?
-I guess.
Which means Brendan, too.
Tell them to keep it quiet.
The secret to a good party
isn't who gets invited,
it's who doesn't.
I've got their flag! Total rampage!
We're gonna win.
-No! Quick, hide it again.
Otherwise, we're gonna
have to start another game.
-Amber's got our flag, too.
[Zac] I don't know how she got past us.
[cheering in the distance]
-Thought you didn't wanna win?
-Yeah, that was before Amber got our flag.
[applauding and cheering]
[Kayleigh] Go, Mia!
[all cheering]
Come on!
Mia help me, please!
I can't get up! Please.
[Amber grunting]
[Amber groaning]
Come on!
[Amber yelps]
-[all exclaiming]
-[Dave] Oh, Amber!
Are you all right?
[yelping] Oh, my gosh.
[Brendan] She dropped her.
She dropped her.
[Mags] Are you okay, Amber?
-[Dave] That's it.
Hey, it's okay. It's okay.
Mia, apologize right now!
-Totally uncalled for!
-I didn't do anything.
-It's all right. It's all right.
-Tell them it wasn't my fault.
I'm sure it was an accident.
You let go!
It's not always about winning, Mia.
[girl] Can't believe she would do that.
-Right, come on. There we are.
-[girl] She just let go.
[Dave] Let's get you warm.
[all muttering]
[Mia] What are you looking at?
You want this bed as well now?
My shampoo leaked all over my stuff.
Mags said you could lend me
one of your outfits.
You know, as a gesture.
They don't really go,
but it's all I've got spare.
Thanks. Don't worry. I can pull this off.
Mia, I'm totally on your side, but
Amber seems really cool.
So when you're mean to her
it kind of makes it look like you're not.
[Brendan] How can you do that?
That's embarrassing.
-That's a really nice outfit.
Sorry about earlier, by the way.
You didn't deserve that.
Amber, I wanted to let you know
that me and some of the others
are having a thing, after lights out.
Picnic in the woods.
Um, it's kind of a secret,
but I wanted to invite you.
Why, so you can push her
in the water again?
Sorry, who asked you?
-And where's Kayleigh?
-[Amber] I don't know.
Why don't you go find her?
'Cause I think these seats are taken.
You know what? Forget it.
Party officially cancelled.
[shower running]
[scissors cutting]
Kayleigh, what are you doing?
I'm cutting my hair.
We've been talking about
her trying a new style.
It's gonna look amazing.
Talking when?
Kayleigh, you love your hair!
-What happened to 100 brushes?
-It's not your hair.
Kayleigh can do what she likes with it.
[Alex] Do you mind?
It's called "lights out" for a reason.
-What are you even doing?
-[Alex] Astronomy.
It's the science that proves
you're not the center of the universe.
-Where is everyone?
-I don't know.
They're probably at that top-secret party
the rest of us aren't supposed
to know about.
-You know, the one you organized?
-But I cancelled that.
-And someone else un-cancelled.
-They can't do that!
Apparently, they can.
Seeing how you're a social outcast now,
do you wanna have a look?
I'm waiting for the Perseids.
-The what?
-The Perseids.
-A meteor shower that happens every year--
-You think I'm gonna stay here
and look at a bunch of flying rocks
while everyone else is at a party?
-Well, since you weren't invited--
-I don't need an invite! It's my party.
[door closes]
[indistinct laughing and chatting]
[Mia] What is this?
Oh, hey, Mia!
Do you wanna join?
You think I don't see what you're doing?
Um toasting marshmallows?
Are you in pajamas?
Yes, I'm in pajamas!
Because someone stole my idea
for a party and made it their party!
And then didn't even invite me!
Mia, it's not my party.
It's just a bunch of friends
hanging out.
Stop pretending!
You think I can't tell
you're manipulating people?
You made Kayleigh cut off her hair!
Kayleigh has a mind of her own.
Yeah, I have a mind of my own!
I'm sorry no one told you about tonight.
Please, it wasn't accidental.
You're "totally on my side"
and you just forgot to mention it?
Amber planned this.
Mia, it's okay. If you want to join us,
we'd love to have you.
But maybe it'd be better if you go
and have a lie down for a bit first.
You're acting kind of loopy.
[indistinct chatter]
[Amber] Anyway, do you guys
want marshmallows?
[Brendan] I'm gonna take
[narrator] Ever seen two queen bees
in the same hive?
Me neither.
On Peregrine Island, there's
only ever been room for one queen.
[Amber] Mia!
[Mia] Leave me alone.
[Amber] It's beautiful up here, isn't it?
So you're following me now?
What do you want?
Maybe I want to be friends.
It's just the two of us, Amber.
You can drop the "I'm so sweet" act.
You really don't like me, do you?
You've actually been crying.
You're not very good at this, are you?
You'll never win if you let
the other person see how weak you are.
I am not weak.
I can prove it.
[Mia] Amber, stop!
This isn't funny. It's dangerous!
[Amber] See?
This is the difference between you and me.
Even when I'm the one on the edge
I'm not scared.
You are.
Stop it!
I'm not afraid of you, okay?
Fall off a cliff, see if I care!
[Mia screams]
-Help me!
-What's happened?
You have to help!
It's Amber!
We were just talking and then
and she jumped off the cliff.
Mia, you're not making sense.
We have to get help!
Amber jumped off the cliff!
[girl] Amber did what?
Are you okay?
You look like you've seen a ghost.
[theme song playing]
Who are you? ♪
Who are you? ♪
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