The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones (2002) s01e01 Episode Script

My First Adventure

I was born July 1st, 1899.
I don't remember a whole lot about it
but I guess my parents
were pretty pleased to see me.
They decided
to name me after my father.
So I'm Henry Walton Jones, Jr.
I grew up in Princeton, New Jersey,
at an exciting time,
the very beginning
of the Twentieth Century.
I started to walk at a pretty early age.
Everyone in the house
got pretty excited about it.
- Junior!
- I'm not sure why,
but I've always wanted to see
what was out there over the next hill.
I like exploring.
Look what we have for you.
At an early age,
I met my very best friend in life.
Isn't he cute?
You know how it is
when you really like someone
the first time you ever meet them?
Well, that's how it was
with me and Indiana.
We were buddies straight up.
My dad teaches at Princeton.
He's a professor of medieval studies
and a very smart man.
He wrote a book about chivalry.
My mother adores him.
She's the sweetest, smartest,
most wonderful woman who ever lived.
I'm not crazy about school.
It's not so much
that I don't like the lessons.
I just hate sitting still the whole time.
Yeah. Come.
It's more fun with Indiana,
and I learn a whole lot more,
like how far a ball can travel,
how to beat gravity.
If that balloon hadn't sprung a leak,
Indiana would've been
the first dog on the moon.
But then I guess he would've been
pretty lonely up there all by himself.
One time, we set out
to break the land speed record.
Round about here,
I learnt something really important:
Wherever you are
and whatever you're doing,
Wherever you are
and whatever you're doing,
always keep
a sharp lookout behind you.
Hey, faster! Faster!
I'll never forget when I discovered
how electricity works.
Indiana was a great help.
One night,
Father and Mother came into my room,
and what he said changed my life.
Listen carefully, Junior.
Darling, we're going on a journey
around the world.
His new book was such a big success
that he'd gotten invitations to speak
at all kinds of schools and universities.
So, Princeton had given him
a leave of absence.
The only sad thing
was saying goodbye to Indiana.
- Bye.
- Goodbye!
Bye! Take care of Indy!
We boarded a giant steamship
that sailed across the Atlantic Ocean.
Our first stop was England
where we visited London
and then went on to Oxford
where my father had gone to university.
He said he had a surprise for me.
Some surprise.
You think your teacher's tough?
Let me tell you, she's a pussycat
compared with Miss Helen Seymour.
Tutor supreme.
Stand up straight, Henry, dear.
Young man, how old are you?
And are you anxious to learn?
Depends? On what?
On what's being taught.
You may go.
I'm sorry, it's impossible.
He's far too young.
Your son needs a governess.
I'm not a governess, I am a teacher.
You're the best there is.
That's why he needs you.
Dear Professor Jones, he is a child.
I'm used to teaching
young gentlemen twice his age.
It's quite out of the question.
I hate her. She's a witch!
Darling, listen.
Miss Seymour is very highly regarded
in academic circles.
She tutored your father
when he was at Oxford.
He thinks a great deal of her.
Then let him go with her
and we can go back home.
Which seemed pretty much
like the end of it.
Or so I thought.
And like I said,
my father was a very smart man.
I know how much
you've always wanted to travel.
It's the chance of a lifetime.
Don't say
you're going to turn your back on it.
I'm sorry, Professor Jones,
but I won't go a single mile
with that boy.
Not even to see
the Great Wall of China?
The gardens of Kyoto?
The Taj Mahal by moonlight?
Sunset over the pyramids?
It took nine days
to sail across the Mediterranean Sea.
I guess my mother and father had
quite a good time on the voyage.
I didn't get to see too much of it, though.
Miss Seymour didn't let up on me
for one bit of a minute.
Math, literature, history
It was like nothing could stop her.
Not even the ocean.
Oh, my goodness.
Heavy weather, Captain.
A bit lively, Bishop.
Hope it's not spoiling
your enjoyment of the voyage.
No, no, not at all.
We British are
a hardy island breed, what.
Well, young fellow,
how are your studies progressing?
- I learnt about mummies, sir.
- Mummies?
Yes, sir.
About how the ancient Egyptians
turned people into mummies
when they died.
How did they go about that?
Well, first, they scooped out the brain.
They took it out through the nose.
Of course, they had to break it first.
They used a metal hook
and kind of teased it out.
Excuse me.
They took a stone knife,
cut open the left side of the corpse,
reached in
and pulled out all the lower organs.
They put them in four separate jars.
One for the liver, one for the lungs,
one for the stomach
and one for the intestines.
They tied all the toenails
and the fingernails with string
So they wouldn't fall off.
They plugged up the nose and stuck
little bits of cloth under the eyelids.
And this is really interesting.
Sometimes they used
little onions instead.
That completed the first stage, sir,
the embalming.
Then they had to wrap the whole body
in bandages.
Didn't always work, though.
Most often the mummies leaked.
I believe that I'm wanted on the bridge.
That was an interesting speech, Junior.
Thank you, Father.
Now, eat your tripe.
We landed at Alexandria
and then made our way up the Nile river
to the ancient city of Cairo.
I had never seen anything like it.
Everything was so wonderful,
strange and exotic.
As soon as we had settled in,
my father started his lectures
at Cairo University.
Mother was busy helping him out
on the social side
with afternoon teas and things,
so I was left to the tender mercies of
the wicked witch.
From time to time,
I was able to explore things on my own
but, for the most part,
the goddess of knowledge
kept my nose stuck in a book.
- Have you finished?
- Almost.
Well, when you're done,
we'll take an expedition out
to see the monuments.
- You mean the pyramids?
- Yes.
- And the great, mysterious Sphinx.
- Oh, boy.
The Great Egyptian Sphinx
was built around 2500 BC.
why don't we have a real adventure
and climb one of those pyramids?
Why did you only give him 10 piastres?
Ten piastres are entirely sufficient
for his services, Mr Jones.
But he wanted 30.
These people expect to barter.
It is part of their nature.
You'll see. By the time we get down,
he will be perfectly content.
I don't know, Miss Seymour.
He looks pretty mad to me.
Nonsense, Mr Jones.
Now, when was that pyramid built?
Over 4,000 years old by King Cheops.
It's one of the largest constructions
ever made by man
and one of
the Seven Wonders of the World.
Very good.
Why can't we climb to the top
of the biggest pyramid?
I should be more than happy
to get to the top of this one, Mr Jones.
Now, let's get on.
Jeez, Miss Seymour,
must have been great to be a pharaoh.
Look, Miss Seymour.
Oh, my goodness!
He's taking our camels!
-Hey, wait!
Wait! Wait! Come back!
Hey, wait!
- Wait there!
- Wait a minute!
Come back!
Come back!
Wait a minute! Come back!
Come back with our camels!
Wait a minute!
Guess he wasn't too content after all.
- What on earth shall we do?
- I don't know, Miss Seymour.
- Do we have to walk?
- It's much too far.
Besides, it will be dark soon.
- What if we're attacked by bandits?
- Oh, nonsense.
Or tomb robbers?
They're supposed to be real scary.
Henry, there's absolutely nothing,
nothing to be afraid of.
Someone's coming.
- Hurrah! We're saved.
- But what if it's a tomb robber?
- Hello, Miss Seymour.
- Mr Lawrence.
What in heaven's name
are you doing here?
I've been up in Syria
looking at the crusader castles
and I thought I'd take in a bit of Egypt
before going home.
- Hello.
- Hi.
Mr Henry Jones, Jr,
of Princeton, New Jersey,
Mr T.E. Lawrence
of Jesus College, Oxford.
- How do you do, Mr Lawrence?
- Awfully well, thank you.
And please call me Ned.
I say, you're not related to
Professor Henry Jones, by any chance?
- He's my dad.
- I've read his books. They're brilliant.
What happened?
We had a slight altercation
with our guide.
Yeah, he ran off with the camels.
Yes, they do that sometimes.
Yes, but what on earth shall we do?
Well, I'd say
gather up some camel dung
and make jolly sure we don't catch cold.
Time stands still. It has no meaning.
When you open a tomb,
you let in the light,
the first light that place has seen
for three or 4,000 years.
Your feet are the first to tread that floor
since the feet of the men who made it.
You may even see their footsteps
going before you in the dust.
You are breathing the same air
as the men who laid the mummy to rest.
Wow! Sounds great.
I'd like to be an archaeologist.
Maybe you'll add a new page to history
or discover a treasure beyond price.
- And get rich.
- No, Henry.
The archaeologists don't get rich.
Archaeology doesn't steal from the past,
it opens it
so that everyone may learn
from its treasures.
But why did they have all that stuff
in the tomb with them?
They didn't need it. They were dead.
Yes, but they believed that their spirit
continued to live in the tomb
and come alive again.
- Really?
- Really.
- Really?
- Really.
Is it true?
No, Henry, it is not true.
But it is what
many of the ancient Egyptians believed.
- Then what does happen when you die?
- You know very well.
You mean, if you're good
your soul goes to heaven,
with all the angels and stuff?
- Precisely.
- But that's the Christian belief.
- Other people have different answers.
- Like what?
Well, a good Muslim will go to Paradise
which, according
to the prophet Mohammed,
is a delightful place,
especially if you're a man.
A Hindu believes in reincarnation.
Reincarnation? What's that?
It means that when the body dies,
the soul reappears in another body
and lives again
and then it moves on again,
and so on and so on.
- The same soul?
- Yes.
- But in different bodies?
- Yes.
Where do we come from?
Where do we go?
It's one of the truly great mysteries
and the spark of most great religions.
So, nearly all of them have an answer
to what happens when we die.
- Which one is true?
- No one's come back to tell us.
Mr Lawrence.
Oh, but Henry,
if you should meet a mummy one night,
you can always ask him.
Meet a mummy? And ask him?
When his spirit returns at sunset
and enters his shrivelled body,
when he rises slowly
from his dusty coffin
and creeps out into the darkness,
when he glides across the empty desert
where nothing is heard
but the cry of the jackal
And the shuffle of his bony feet
across the sand.
Shuffle, shuffle. Shuffle, shuffle.
- Wow.
- Mr Lawrence.
Then, if you should chance to meet him,
it may be he will answer your question,
but only if you return with him
to his tomb.
Mr Lawrence,
it's time we went to sleep.
By the way, I'm going upriver tomorrow
near the Valley of the Kings.
A friend of mine is working on a dig
with Howard Carter.
Would you like to come?
- Can we, Miss Seymour?
- May we.
May we?
Your father will have to
give his permission.
He will. I know he will.
May we, Father?
May we?
Use it as a journal or diary.
Write down anything
that interests or strikes you.
Thank you, Father.
- And don't neglect your studies, Junior.
- No, sir.
That's wonderful.
He wants to know
what it is you're reading.
It's a book about Napoleon.
She says I have to read it.
They're wise people, you see.
They prize knowledge above all things.
Henry, wherever you go,
whatever countries you visit,
learn the language.
It's the key that unlocks everything,
the most important thing of all.
Fancy you, Ned.
How positively delightful to see you.
May I introduce you to
Miss Helen Seymour
and Mr Henry Jones, Jr.
This is my dear friend, Rasheed Sallam.
Delightful, delightful.
Welcome to you both.
Ned, you're in luck.
We discovered a new tomb.
- A pharaoh?
- No, not a pharaoh, I'm afraid.
Still, everything is important,
as Mr Carter always says.
- Will we get to see inside of it?
- I do hope so, Mr Jones.
That would be great.
Ghaly, why are those men sitting idle?
- They are afraid.
- Afraid? Afraid of what?
They say there is a curse on the tomb.
A curse? To make people die?
Now, you know
there's no such thing as a curse.
That's what the men are saying.
Get back to work at once.
At once, Mr Ghaly.
But there could be a curse,
couldn't there?
Well, of course not.
Demetrios is going to blow up the rock.
It'll make a lovely explosion
and clear the road to the camp.
- All clear, Demetrios!
- Okay!
Pierre, make sure
you get some pictures of these seals.
Very good, Mr Carter.
We found these last month:
pottery, linen and these clay seals,
all 18th dynasty.
This one bears the name
of the king, Tutankhamen.
The boy pharaoh, Mr Carter.
How old was he?
About your age
when he became a pharaoh.
- Do you think his tomb still exists?
- I'm certain of it, Mr Lawrence.
And I believe we shall find it
with hard work and a great deal of luck.
I have an almost
superstitious conviction about it.
Not very scientific, I'm afraid.
And the tomb you found yesterday,
Mr Carter?
Also 18th dynasty
but, alas, not the king's.
- His name was Kha.
- Kha.
He seems to have been
some kind of architect or engineer.
We may know more
when we open up his tomb.
- Will you be the first ones inside of it?
- Yes.
Would you like to come along?
Jeepers creepers. Thanks.
The workers won't go in
because of the curse.
Superstition, Mr Ghaly.
It's only superstition.
Beware, it's the curse.
We must be very careful in here.
Some of these tombs are airtight.
When the artifacts that are left behind
begin to decompose,
they create poisonous gases.
In the royal tombs there are many traps
to discourage grave robbers.
But since Kha was only an architect,
I doubt that we're in much danger.
"He that enters my tomb
I shall burn with my fire."
It's the curse.
Rasheed, break the seals.
Completely scorched.
Good lord.
- Someone's been here before us.
- Tomb robbers?
- Or the curse.
- Henry.
Well, there's only one way to find out.
My God.
Is that Kha?
That is Kha.
Holy smokes.
Why are there no artifacts?
Maybe they were stolen.
I don't think so.
The door seals were intact.
There must be another chamber.
Over here.
Open it up.
Careful. It's a sealed room, remember?
Poison gas. Everybody out! Quick!
We'll go back in the morning.
The air will be clear by then.
Put a guard on tonight, Rasheed.
Someone you can trust.
- I'll guard the tomb myself, sir.
- Good.
Better draw a gun from the armoury,
just in case.
Can I stay and guard with you tonight?
That's very brave of you, Mr Jones,
but I'll be all right.
Rasheed, where are you?
Rasheed, where are you?
Come on.
Rasheed! Rasheed!
Oh, wow!
The mummy's gone.
It climbed out of its coffin
and got Rasheed.
Calm down and don't be silly.
No, Henry, keep away.
- Poor Rasheed. What a dreadful way
- The fire didn't kill him.
There's a head wound here.
Someone attacked him.
He didn't even have time
to draw his gun.
We'll have to take him to Cairo.
There's bound to be an inquiry.
I'll go myself this afternoon.
- Hello.
- What?
Some kind of silver powder.
His leg is covered with it.
No one's been here, nothing is touched.
It doesn't make sense.
- There doesn't seem to be a motive.
- Yes, there is.
"He that enters my tomb
I shall burn with my fire."
It's the curse.
I mean, there's no motive for his death.
I can't see any reason.
Oh, God, it seems so pointless.
I know it is common,
"All that lives must die,
Passing through nature to eternity."
But he was my friend.
I shall miss him dreadfully.
You'll see him again, won't you?
- See him again?
- In heaven,
after you die.
If Kha let him go
after he rose from his coffin,
after he killed Rasheed.
Listen, Henry.
When I told you all those things
about mummies coming alive again
and walking the earth,
I'm afraid I must've
Told lies?
And I can't seem to help it.
It's something I do.
I'm not sure,
but I often tell stories,
you know, make things up
to make life seem more exciting,
more worthwhile.
- There's got to be a motive.
- Do we have to do this tonight?
Don't be frightened.
I wanted only to check the room
before anybody else gets in here.
Shouldn't we wait
for Mr Carter to get back?
No, don't worry,
but don't disturb anything.
Well, Henry,
this is what Kha really looked like.
He's beautiful.
"I was beloved of the pharaoh."
"As a reward for my great service
he gave me the precious headpiece."
That must be
the one he's wearing, Henry.
"The sacred jackal with the eyes of fire."
Can't be.
- What?
- Can't be the headpiece he's wearing.
There's no jackal with eyes of fire.
You're right.
Wait a minute, though.
Something was here.
It's been broken off. Stolen!
At last, we've got a motive.
That's probably what it looked like.
What did it mean, "eyes of fire"?
The jackal's eyes were precious stones.
That's why it was stolen
and poor Rasheed killed.
But I still don't understand
why the mummy disappeared.
A native wouldn't do it.
It would be sacrilege.
Then who?
One of the assistants? Pierre?
Or someone with a foot in both worlds,
who knew of the power of the curse
yet didn't himself believe it,
who needed money and hated Rasheed.
Mr Ghaly, Ned.
Are you going to arrest him?
We haven't got enough proof yet.
We need hard evidence.
I'd forgotten all about it.
What a fool I am.
What is it?
The powder I found on Rasheed"s body.
Photographer's flash powder.
I need your help, old lad.
I'm going to search Pierre's tent.
- Pierre will kill you.
- He's not there.
He's over there, see?
Keep your eyes skinned.
If he moves, come quick and tell me.
Holy smokes.
- Play up and play the game, eh?
- Trust me, Ned.
- Miss Seymour, have you seen Henry?
- Why, no.
- What's the matter?
- Quick! The tomb!
Get away! Help! Help! Get away!
Help! He's going to kill me!
- He's going to kill me
- That's false!
- just like he killed Rasheed!
- Coming, Henry!
- Help!
- Jesus! He's just crazy!
- I did not kill Rasheed.
- Then what are you doing here?
I was taking some photographs
to sell to the newspapers.
There is much money to be made
from such a story.
A man must live.
There was magnesium powder found
on Rasheed's body.
But I'm not the only person in the camp
who uses magnesium powder.
Look, magnesium for making flares.
He will be at portside by now,
ready to go aboard a ship.
Not if I have anything to do with it.
Where is it?
Where is it?
I've hidden it and you'll never find it.
You got him!
Yes, but he hasn't got the jackal.
What is Morocco like, Father?
Very old and very mysterious,
not like any place you are used to.
It's a very different culture, son.
- Some of them still own slaves.
- Really?
Hush, dear,
you're getting overly excited.
- No, but he just said that
- Quiet, Junior.
It's time we were getting on board.
- Is it true, Miss Seymour?
- Let's go.
Is it true that some of them
really still own slaves?
- Come on, Henry, let's go.
- Where do they
- And what exactly do slaves do?
- Let's go.
My notebook.
I've lost my notebook.
My lecture for the Sultan.
Thank you, dear.
If I had really lost it, I'd
You'd have worried
the whole way to Ouezzane.
- How far is Ouezzane from Tangier?
- About 75 miles.
Now, in Tangier, we should be staying
with a friend of mine, Walter Harris.
Walter and I were students together.
Now he's correspondent
for the London Times.
In that case, he sounds
a thoroughly respectable person.
- Walter!
- Henry, my dear fellow.
Good to see you.
May I introduce my wife, Anna.
- Hello.
- Miss Helen Seymour.
- And my son, Henry Junior.
- Delighted to meet you all.
Well, this way.
I have a carriage waiting.
How was the crossing?
Not too rough, I hope.
The Mediterranean can be
awfully unreliable.
I've arranged something tomorrow
which may interest you.
Tea with the Sharifa of Jebel.
- The Sharifa of Jebel? Wasn't she
- Emily Keen. Quite right, Miss Seymour.
Emily Keen is, or I should say was,
an English woman.
- She came over here some years ago.
- And married a native.
Well, he's a bit more than a native.
The Sharif was descended
from Mohammed.
People revered him.
She's a remarkable woman.
I'm sure you'll like her.
Junior! You see what you did?
I'm sorry, Father.
Well, sorry will not make me
presentable for tea.
I can't imagine how Emily Keen could
give up England
for this less civilized country.
I think it's very romantic to give up
your country for the man you love.
This is beautiful.
A far cry from London
but it has its charms.
- Mr Harris.
- Sharifa.
May I introduce to you Professor Jones.
- We are honoured to meet you, Sharifa.
- How do you do?
Mrs Jones.
It is always pleasant
to meet Americans.
Henry Junior.
- Hello.
- Hello.
- Miss Helen Seymour.
- And, of course, a fellow countrywoman.
And you know Sheik Es-Salih,
the Sultan's emissary.
Welcome back to my humble home.
Please, come in. We will have tea.
Junior, take the lizard outside.
Yes, Father.
And try and stay out of trouble.
Yes, Father.
The Sharifa introduced
English tea to this country
and I for one am extremely grateful.
Mrs Jones,
how do you like our country?
Mrs Jones,
how do you like our country?
It is fascinating.
The religious prejudice
is a little unnerving.
I'm afraid we were victims of spitting
from a less open-minded Muslim
than our friend Mr Es-Salih, here.
There are a few zealots, I am afraid.
I'm very sorry.
If you don't mind my asking, Sharifa,
did the people object
when the Sharif married a Christian?
Yeah, they objected.
But, when we married, he told them
that if they ignored me,
they would be ignoring him.
That they could not do
because he was very powerful.
So, the Mohammedans accepted me
partly because of my husband,
but partly, I think,
because I did not try to force my views
or religion on them.
As many Europeans try to do.
Perhaps you will allow Omar
to take Henry to the garden.
They can play there.
If it would be no trouble.
- Omar.
- As you bid.
Run off some of that mischief, Junior.
- We have a long trip ahead of us.
- Yes, sir.
Okay, catch.
Good one.
What a catch! What a catch! All right.
Mr Harris and Mr Es-Salih
have a self-rule.
What are your feelings, Sharifa?
Who better to rule a country
than one of its own people.
My dear Professor Jones,
if you have the ear
of the British or the French,
please tell them that.
I do not have the ear of any government.
I am simply a professor.
Three to zero. You better score or I win.
- Do you wish me to score?
- I want to win.
- As you wish.
- Wait, wait, wait.
I want you to try and score
but you don't have to be all polite
and let me win.
As you wish.
One to three. Yeah.
You speak English pretty good.
Where did you learn? School?
I do not go to school.
We speak English to please the Sharifa.
Wait, you don't have to study?
- You're lucky.
- As you say.
Our country is making headway
at its own pace.
You must not judge it
by English standards.
- Are the horses ready?
- Yes, Ya Sharifa.
- Let me guess. For the Sultan?
- A small bribe.
To help ensure that my health
programs may be continued.
- You will present it, please.
- My pleasure.
Well, are we all ready?
We have many miles to go
before nightfall.
All set, I believe.
It was lovely to spend time with you.
We will do it again when you return.
- It's time for us to go now.
- Right now?
No complaining, young man.
Put your jacket on.
Will there be anyone in Ouezzane
for me to play with?
I don't know, sweetheart.
I'm afraid we haven't found many
playmates for Henry on our journeys.
Would you like Omar to travel
with you to be young Henry's playmate?
If he would like to?
You will accompany young Henry
to Quezzane
and be a good companion to him.
Prepare for your journey.
It's very peaceful outside the town.
Don't get too comfortable.
Bandits roam these parts,
ready to steal anything
from a fine horse to a gold tooth.
You've got to be on your guard.
You know, Omar,
this place looks like Egypt.
- What is Egypt?
- It's a country.
Does not every place look like this?
Switzerland's got mountains
and Russia's got snow.
I do not know snow.
It's what happens to rain
when it gets really cold.
It kind of falls out of the clouds
in little white flakes.
Does everyone in Russia catch snow?
Well, no.
They kind of let it fall on the ground
so everywhere you look,
you'll see snow.
Every place is different, see?
Here's a map.
- A map?
- Yeah.
It's like a picture of the world.
See? There's Egypt, there's Russia.
- I will never see Russia or Egypt.
- You should try.
I had a friend that rode around Egypt
on a bicycle.
I even went on an archaeological dig
with him.
I'm going to be an archaeologist
when I grow up.
- What is "argoist?"
- Archaeologist.
It's like someone
who travels around the world
looking for lost civilizations.
So, what are you going to be
when you grow up?
A slave.
No, no, no, I mean when you grow up.
A slave is born into his life.
He cannot leave it.
I had no choice
but to give him a double first.
Henry, dear, you're so quiet.
You must be very tired.
- No, I was just thinking.
- About what?
About Omar.
Indy, don't worry about your friend.
He's well-treated, well-fed and clothed.
If he were a peasant
and had to earn his own living,
life would be much harsher.
He is better off as a slave.
I do not believe anyone would trade
freedom of choice
for a roof over their head,
no matter how lovely the roof.
You are in a different culture,
Miss Seymour.
The human spirit
remains the same everywhere.
Slavery was accepted
through most ancient civilizations.
Not having slaves is
a relatively new idea.
What if Omar doesn't
want to be a slave?
Henry, that is what slavery means.
He has no choice.
The Sharifa can sell him
as she could sell
a shoe, or a necklace
or anything else that belonged to her.
- That makes him property.
- He can be stolen.
And that brings on what I think
is the true problem with slavery.
- Kidnapping.
- Kidnapping?
Bandits kidnap slaves and resell them
in what is a thriving, if illegal, trade.
Yes, nasty business. Nasty business.
Hi. Is there another brush?
May I ask you a question?
you don't need to ask my permission?
Ask anything, anytime.
- This Russia on your map
- Yes.
How do you get there?
Well, let's see.
From here
Well, let's just check the map. All right.
From here,
you could probably take a boat
through the Mediterranean sea
to the Caspian Sea
and all the way up to Russia.
- This is the ocean?
- Yeah.
You know, there's more water
than land in the world.
- Who owns the ocean?
- Why, nobody.
And the ocean
can take you everywhere?
Thank you for answer.
Omar, you don't have to
bow around me.
We're friends.
Around me, you're not a slave, okay?
Come on.
- Omar, look, there it is.
- Quezzane.
Allah has delivered us safely.
- My house awaits.
- Why are there big walls around it?
To keep the bad guys out.
- Jeepers, does it work?
- Oh, no, no, no, by no means.
Jones, how would you describe
that smell?
Well, I don't know, really.
I've always thought the city smells
like incense and dead cats.
What do you think?
Well, that's pretty disgusting.
First one there gets a lemonade.
- Go! Go!
- Careful, Junior.
- Giddy up!
- Run! Run! Faster! Run! Run!
Ah, lemonade.
Care for a lemonade, Jones?
- Here. Cheers.
- Cheers.
One for the ladies.
This is lovely.
Oh, thank you, dear.
Do you wish to play?
Sure. I'm just going to get
something to eat.
- I will set up goal between two benches.
- Okay.
Omar. Quick, go get Haiji.
Tell him there's a thief.
Go. Go, go, go.
Go away! Get out of here!
Who are you?
Thank you for trying
to protect my house, Indy.
Mr Harris!
I'm sorry, I didn't recognise you.
- You looked like an Arab.
- That's the idea.
Haiji, it's all right. It's only me.
There's no intruder.
Just a hungry, thirsty man,
who would like his biscuits and tea.
Omar can help you prepare it.
Why are you dressed like that?
It's easier to move around
the marketplace.
An Arab can gather more information
than a European.
Holy smokes, are you a spy?
A newspaper man is not really a spy.
No. I went to see a Grand Vizier,
a minister for the Sultan.
he had offended the Sultan,
so now his head is on a stick
in the market place.
He was unable to chat.
Jeepers. His head is on a stick?
Yes. You see,
whenever anyone displeases the Sultan,
he cuts their head off, salts it,
and then the head is displayed
to remind everyone else
not to displease the Sultan.
So, how exactly
do you displease the Sultan?
Oh, many ways.
So you mean you could just, like,
say the wrong thing?
It's always advisable to think
before you speak.
Wow. Just the head and no body, huh?
Were its eyes still open?
He stares but sees nothing.
Oh, you have a talent for this language.
Good for you.
Say, what is that stuff
on your face any ways?
It's walnut oil.
Don't worry.
It comes off with lemon juice. Here.
Will I join you for tea? Sure.
Shall we call the Sultan
Your Highness or Your Excellency?
I believe Your Highness is acceptable.
Henry. Now, don't go outside
the walls of the house.
It's not safe.
Why, Henry has no time to go exploring.
He has three chapters of Latin to study.
- I'll test you when I return.
- Yes, Miss Seymour.
- Mother.
- Yes, dear?
Be very, very careful.
You don't want to displease the Sultan.
Mr Harris says
The Sultan is very generous
with his foreign visitors.
I'm sure there's no worry
of displeasing him.
Well, enjoy yourself while we're gone.
Haji will be here if you need him.
Ladies, the professor is anxious
to give his lecture.
Shall we go?
You and Omar can go out
and play in the garden
- after you finish your studies.
- Okay.
Omar, listen.
Mr Harris says the head of a Grand
Vizier is on a stick in the marketplace.
- Let's go see it!
- American is not safe in marketplace.
I know. I'll dress up like an Arab.
Mr Harris does it. He showed me.
Even as an Arab, not safe.
Many things can happen.
Come on.
I've never seen a salted head before.
I mean, they don't do stuff like that
in New Jersey.
Because if I don't see it now,
I'm never going to get the chance see it.
Come on, don't argue.
We're just wasting time.
As you bid.
I didn't mean it like an order.
I want you to want to go.
- But I do not want to go.
- Oh, don't say that.
As you bid.
Don't say that any more.
Come on. Just
Let's go. It'll be fun, I promise.
Don't worry so much.
Marketplace, it is wise
not to look into the eyes of anyone.
I'm not going to look at anything
except a dead head, all right?
I promise.
I wonder if it's got
maggots crawling out of its eyes
or maybe vultures circling it.
Or maybe its tongue's all swelled up
and hanging out of its mouth.
You can't tell me
you don't want to see this.
- I would like to see it.
- I knew it! I knew it.
But we must be careful.
If anyone talks to you, answer only
- Allah is great. Allah is good.
- In Arabic, not English.
It is not here and it is late.
We should be to house
before parents and Mr Harris return.
- Come on, let's go.
- It is time to go back.
One quick look.
Come on, we're already here.
Don't say anything.
Could you untie my legs?
We better forget about the salted head.
Let's just get out of here.
Thanks for coming back for me.
Henry! Henry, we're back!
I'll get him.
He'll want to hear all about the Sultan.
Jones, I think the Sultan bettered
himself listening to your lecture.
- He enjoyed it.
- I think so.
- Fell asleep for a few moments.
- Yes, but only a few.
That makes it a huge success.
Fresh lemonade!
Now, that will hit the spot, what.
Henry isn't in his room.
He's probably playing with Omar.
I wouldn't be surprised
if he were hiding.
He knows a Latin exam is
on the agenda.
Well, I don't think he'd be hiding.
He'd want to hear about the Sultan.
Haiji, go and check
the house and grounds.
- What is it, Harris?
- Henry!
Mr Harris! Mr Harris! Mr Harris.
The boy is not in house.
They must sneak out.
Bring my hat and cane.
I think I know where they've gone.
I'm afraid I made something
I saw in the marketplace this morning
a little too compelling to ignore,
and he was fascinated.
Are you saying
they went alone to the marketplace?
- My hat. I'm going with you.
- No, I'd better go alone.
He's my son. I'm going with you.
I know the people. I'll ask.
Has he seen him?
- What was he saying?
- We can waste no time.
Damn it, man! Tell me what he said.
Don't tell me I'm not coming, Harris.
I am going with you.
You don't speak the language,
you don't know the land.
You'd slow me down.
Every minute counts.
Trust me, it's better that you stay here.
Then I'll go to the Sultan,
ask him for help.
No, don't alert the Sultan.
Henry, word travels fast.
If the kidnappers got wind of it,
the boys could be in trouble.
They'd sooner destroy the evidence
than get caught.
Oh, my God!
Are you saying that they might
Mrs Jones
I showed Indy how to use the make-up.
I put the idea in his head.
I will never forgive myself
if I do not return your son to you.
Please, bring him back.
- This is all my fault. I got us into this.
- Be quiet! Don't let them hear you.
Maybe if I tell them I'm American,
they'll let us go.
They would rather kill you
so that you will not cause them trouble.
Kill me? That's not good.
We must hope
a good and kind master buys us.
I can't be a slave.
I'm supposed to be studying Latin.
A slave does not need to know Latin.
- Maybe someone will rescue us.
- No one knows where we are.
We'll have to escape.
Wake up. Wake up. Wake up.
We're being rescued.
- Why does he care about my teeth?
- Because we have been stolen.
- What are they going to do with us?
- Sell us.
- So, we're We're not rescued?
- We are still slaves to be sold.
We should pray now for a kind master.
I'm not gonna to get to see
my mother and father again, will I?
Omar, tell me the truth.
I was sold into slavery when I was born.
I never knew my mother or my father.
I never got to say goodbye.
Have you any idea how worried
and heartsick your parents really are?
Mr Harris.
Are you here to take me to my parents?
First, I want you to promise me
you will never do anything
as foolish as this again!
I promise.
- It's real good to see you.
- I don't doubt that.
That's a wonderful disguise.
Look at you.
You know,
you really have quite a flare for this.
How did you know where to find me?
This is the only place left in the country
where slaves can still be sold.
Come on. We mustn't keep your parents
waiting any longer.
What about Omar?
No, no, it's too risky.
We're both in disguise.
- We have to get out of here.
- No.
He could have left me in Quezzane.
He came back for me.
Indy, Omar is a slave.
Wherever he is a slave
will make no difference.
He's my friend. I won't leave him.
I paid 400 rial for you.
I only have 100 left.
- That's not enough to buy Omar!
- We have to try.
Omar, it's Mr Harris. We're free.
Is that true? Mr Harris?
You're going back to the Sharifa.
That's where you belong.
Yes, Mr Harris.
I am forever in your debt.
That's quite all right.
Hang on, Indy! Run, Omar, run!
- Well done, Harris.
- Think nothing of it, dear boy.
Thank you.
Oh, dear!
Welcome back.
Was the Sultan pleased
with your lecture, Professor Jones?
- Absolutely thrilled.
- Thank you for asking.
And did you all have a good journey?
It was a journey which proved
to be educational for everyone.
And Omar, did you serve
as a good companion to young Henry?
Yes. Yes, he did. Didn't he, Father?
He did everything I asked him to.
- Isn't that right, Father?
- Yes. Yes, that's true.
Omar followed Junior's every whim.
Very good.
Omar, go inside
and help with the cleaning.
Yes, Mistress.
Omar, wait.
Let me show you all the flowers
that have bloomed since your last visit.
Maybe there'll be
another salted head someday.
I hope you get to be an archaeologist.
I hope you get
Well, I hope I see you again.
Maybe I could show you the mountains
of Switzerland or New Jersey.
Or the ocean.
Yeah, the ocean. That'd be good.
Indy, you have given me
dreams to dream.
It is not my place to see or to go,
like you.
But now, at least I have dreams.
- Take this.
- It is your map.
No, I'll just
- I'll make another one.
- Thank you.
I must go back to my duties.
- Indy
- No. No, Omar.
Friends shake hands.
Next Episode